Category Archives: Daily Bits and Bobs

Fergie showing Wenger the way and Djourou desperate to shut the critics up…..

How much does it naff you lot off?? Premier League Champions, Champions League runners-up but still Fergie isn’t happy. He’s signed a new goal keeper who is reported to be the next best in Spain, he’s nicked Phil Jones from under the nose of Liverpool, he’s in talks with Ashley Young, with a deal reported […]

Defender signs because another leaves, Winger is definitely on his way in IF his Father gets his wish..…

Last week we heard that George Brislen-Hall had been told he can find football elsewhere but  then, yesterday, Young Guns confirmed that he hasn’t left, in fact he’s signed a one year extension to his contract and this was all made possible because of the departure of actor come footballer, Tom Cruise. Strange that one…. […]

Time for change! After all, it's as good as a rest isn't it??

While everybody is talking about transfer windows and the latest comings and goings, I thought I would fast forward and think about the start of the new season. Looking back over last season and analysing some of the pitfalls we encountered, I thought about how we had self destructed and how our season changed almost […]

He’s the next Jack Wilshere and he’s ready to play, don’t mess this one up Arsene, please ……

I feel like I have written this name so so many times in the last twelve months, in fact probably longer, so much so I am now at the point of pleading with Arsene Wenger. 😉 I truly believe Henri Lansbury is one player Arsenal Football Club cannot afford to let go this summer. He’s […]