Category Archives: Daily Bits and Bobs

Hat-trick hero, Defensive problem revealed and Gazidis sends out the wrong message!

Thomas Vermaelen is living proof that a quality player will settle in to a new club quickly so why is the big German having problems? Mertesacker is a big strong centre half, he plays for his country, not any old country either, it’s Germany, a tough side. He came from a tough German league too, […]

Sir Alex Speaks, Bring Back 3pm on a Saturday….

Fergie has been talking about the fixture’s and how the so-called ‘top sides’ have theirs moved around just to suit television showing. It shows itself quite clearly because when you see the fixture lists come out now, they can pick and choose whenever they want the top teams on television. You get some ridiculous situations […]

Defence is Solid say’s Arsene Wenger and He’s One of The Best Managers in the World……..

So says Owen Coyle ahead of our battle with Bolton tomorrow. In fact, the criticism Arsene has received is absolutely ridiculous. He is one of the best managers in world football. Always has been. Always will be. The nature of the league we are in, with its global coverage, is that everybody has an opinion […]