Category Archives: Daily Bits and Bobs

Kolasinac future concerns. Wenger and his ‘Jack of all trades’ needs to stop…

Morning all. There’s nothing like a week of sun, sand, sea and… (Stop it now) claret to recharge the batteries. Mind you, my week was nothing like that as Dorset is hardly the South of France is it, but it was lovely regardless. In any case, France would mean thinking about the French and in […]

Wilshere shines. More Media rubbish. ‘Let’s be ‘avin you’ up next…..

Morning all. The media clearly dislike Arsenal FC and will criticise the club at any given opportunity and they’ll lie, just because they think they can get away with it. The latest in the Mirror stinks of desperation, they want readers and they’ve lied in order to get them. Chelsea had a packed stadium last […]