We all know that Ivan Gazidis met the AST last night, I wasn’t there so can only report what I have read.
Usmanov will not be welcome on the board because he could upset the stability which is currently in place.
Robin van Persie – Well I think we all know about that by now.
Contracts – Gazidis admitted they were difficult but the club is ‘getting there’.
On the clubs poor PR, Gazidis agreed it’s not great, but we’re misrepresented.
In relation to our current wage structure – he said it’s not stupid, it’s different; we need to increase revenue in a responsible way to pay for the players we want; we need to be as efficient as possible, and that can be improved.
FFP was talked about and it seems that Gazidis believes that all will change if the new rules are adhered to.
Begs the question, what if they don’t??
On the subject of potential transfers, well I haven’t really found an answer to that question so if any of you have, please help out. All I could see around the reports is that Gazidis said recently that the club had learned from last summer and we will be looking to be challenging in all competitions:
That is what this summer is about and that is what we are focused on for next year.
We have a good team, we have a good young core of players and we need everybody involved to have belief so that we can push forward into next year and make a run at the Premier League trophy and for the Champions League.
That though was from his interview a couple of days ago.
Oh well, doesn’t really tell us anything as usual, no doubt we’ll be looking, question is, will we be buying….
Mark Hughes is going to make an attempt to sign Olivier Giroud, he’s believe to have just a £12.8m release clause in his contract and QPR bosses hope they can land their man. Well, they won’t if Gazidis gets in their first!
Lewis Holtby, a German International midfielder who is currently with Schalke is reported to have said:
It would be a massive move to Arsenal,because they were always my favourite.
What are we as a club doing about that? Probably nothing. Although he has been with his current club for several seasons, the last two has seen him sent out on loan, a few regulars on here have seen him play and rate him quite highly…..
Time will tell I guess and there’s plenty of it yet…

That’s it for another day, have a good one….
Groundhog summer here we go…….
Morning all….
GM – I am leaning towards it being that way too 🙁
I must say I never knew for sure that Fabregas had refused to play.
Obviously it was suspected,but to have it confirmed was very disappointing.
We have to trust in FFP,and pray it works.
If not,then who knows where the future lies?
A comprehensive report from last night..
Rumour #2134….Chelsea in for Falcao…..they couldn’t be,could they???
As Kt has said many times, can anyone see the likes of Barcelona or Real Madrid being hoofted out of Europe if they breach the rules, or Man Utd, or Citeh…
No is the answer, on paper FFP looks good, in practice, who will have the balls to enforce it?
If we as a club are soley relying on others being restricted/punished, we are in a pickle….. All clubs have time still to sort thei finances out and this summer they will still be spending big, meanwhile, we’ll drift away from the top of the game imho
yes they could Scott….
As far as I know, Holtby signed a pre-contract to join us in January
Welcome nine-o – where did you read that please?
Is that man out of his mind? because if we don’t have Usmonov who is willing to supply us with the lolly needed to buy top class players we have no hope of keeping up with the other 3 richest. For example if we don’t finish in at least 4th one season we will then lose our top players and sink further down the league with no stability whatsoever and the demise of my beloved Arsenal. Then we’ll be saying Oh how it used to be!. This can be avoided in this 3 richest clubs society.
Come to think of it we have the cash but the board have no intention of splashing it but one man has every intention and that man’s name is Usmanov and if the other man can’t see what could happen to our beloved Gooners then he must be out of his football mind…..
Goona – looks like the only way AU will get to have a say is by making Stan the right offer, I’d welcome that tomorrow, actually, make that today…
If the squad we have right now is what we start next season with, i really dread what could happen
“Lewis Holtby, a German International midfielder…
…What are we as a club doing about that? Probably nothing.”
If “probably nothing” then that is probably because Wenger doesn’t want him. And the last two seasons on loan could suggest what?…
Morning peeps!!
i think to ignore Usmanov is a foolish act… especially before the the FFP kicks in.. just hope some how usmanov can force his way in… question is how??
Big Al, he’s meant to be pretty darn good and has this year been called up for his country, not bad for his age. Could be all sorts of reasons why he’s been on loan, not just because he can’t get into the Schalke side –
Hi Matty – he has to get his 30% first, then he can make his move if that his intention…
I read the same thing as Nine-O around a month so….can’t remember where though.
I do,however,remember the author being absolutely adamant about it.
He cant be far from that now surely?
I swear i read that that he was trying to purchase some of the AST shares??
Jeeze this is despressing at the least!
How are we sure next season is going to be a massive season for us? Trasfer window is open now we need to put in the here to prepared for upcoming season.thanks
🙁 sums it up…
He isn’t Matty, just a couple of hundred shares i think…
🙁 indeed Lee…
make you think why the heck do you wanna folk out loads of a season ticket when they aint investing in the squad!! make me mad…
Scott – last summer one blog was adament that we had sign Suarez… 🙁
i wouldn’t Matty…
Morning you glum bunch! As well as transfers coming in it would be nice to know what is being done to get rid of all the dross within the squad?! Get rid, free up cash and squad places for potential signings, the thought of denilson, bendy or squill donning a canon on the cheast next season sends shivers up and down or are these out new signings? 😉
Morning all. At last Gazidis has given us something concrete to talk about. I thought the most interesting point was the FFP situation. He seems to suggest that, although Platini introduced it ( probably as a way of promoting himself as a good guy), the reason it could have teeth is that clubs throughout Europe are being ground down beneath the heels of either the Sheikh or the oligarch. It seems to me that we have a multi-tiered structure now with clubs like Chelsea, Man City, PSG and the other artificially supported clubs on top of the pile with their unlimited financial clout while, now on the second rung are Barcelona, Real Madrid and Man Utd and perhaps Bayern and a few others. Seems to me we are in the third tier. So, what MU, Barca and RM have been doing to other clubs for donkeys years is now being done to them and this is a seismic shift of power that they simply cannot afford to let happen. Factor in the dire Spanish economy and the general level of austerity throughout Europe and perhaps FFP simply has to work. Who knows?
😆 Lewis – IG didn’t give us too much hope in the transfer department…
you not a ticket holder rico ?
Yeah but the down fall is if i dont and sell it i will be in a wheel chair before getting back again! they got me by the family jewells im afraid 😛
Matty. I assume you mean the family jewels?
Morning Adam, do you get the impression that we as a club are just sitting back, waiting for those around us to collapse and then make our move to the top?
No Matty, and if I had been, i wouldn’t be now…
Good read.the only concrete thing Gazidis said for me was how we are changing our wage structure to accomodate special talents.its ridiculous that diaby can earn 60k a week and rvp 70k a week.am glad they’ll finally change that.
Good point Adam.its certain that the likes of Bayern are jealous of the petrodollars.they don’t like it one bit;the likes of Hoeness,Moratti have been major driving forces behind the FFP.maybe the likes of barca have seen it would be easier to get rid of their debts in the hope that the chavs/city find it more difficult to do so making them top dogs again.
rico says:
June 7, 2012 at 9:47 am
Welcome nine-o – where did you read that please?
Rico-Holtby signing pre-contract in January is no news, it was well covered and reported.
Morning all, how you peeling Adam?
Hi Kt, agree there, they should also look to the lower end of the scale, and stop paying young kids a lot when they have proved very little…
Wonder if FFP was behind Pep quitting Barca….
Morning all nice report Rico,
FFP rules in my mind is a load of cobblers, its a way for the Arsenal Executives to explain why we are not spending. For years now Arsenal have been a penny pinching Organisation who will sell our most expensive players at a profit and invest a little of the returns on not so good players while they build up vast amounts of money to invest in other projects not associated to the football side. I believe that they realised just how profitable selling the old Highbury site was and are now investing the money elsewhere. Arsenal football club it has to be said is punching way above its weight, we have invested very little in the first team and i am at a loss to understand how we are still a top 4 club, if i didn’t know better i would say that 15 years in the top flight has only been acheived by skull duggery. Supporters see Arsenal football club as squeeky clean and the old heierachy like old Etonians but i can not believe that we keep in the top 4 for all this time because we are supposedly run right. I honestly believe that we are getting help to maintain our position in this league. Any long term supporter must ask themselves that over the years we have seen the Dennilsons Bentners Squillaki’s and i dont know how many more Bad players and we have played them over and over again even though the supporters have screamed out that they are rubbish Arshaven being played for 2 years while returning absolutly nothing Yet we still keep making the top 4 spots i don’t believe its good Managing from Wenger because his tactics are rubbish his substitutions are also questionable even most of the signings are questionable but still the Arsenal record top 4. This only makes me think more that some of that money we make as profit goes to pay off our helping hands, because i can’t believe our teams have been good enough to get the positions we finnish with every year. This window will end like so many windows in the past with a woefull amount of new additions and again we will blossom throughout the next season, I smell a rat and i have for some time.
Hi Rico. Not necessarily. I think that, while Arsene is in control, we are locked into a certain way of doing things but after he goes everything will change.
Morning Lee – you trying to suggest Adam is a carrot 😉
He’s been peeling unwell, no? 😉
AW should concentrate on matters on the field not on the pie prices etc.
just a thought…
Lewis Holtby, a German International midfielder who is currently with Schalke is reported to have said:
It would be a massive move to Arsenal,because they were always my favourite.
That’s to alert all clubs he’s available, nothing more. Standard line from a player to squeeze more quids out of clubs himself and his ” Mr 10%”
Thanks for reply to my 9.54am post.
I hope you didn’t take my reply as a ‘dig’ at your post, I was actually attempting to see things from Wenger’s viewpoint, not my own.
Your post is fine.
There was a time when i actually liked holtby but not anymore.he seems to have gone off the boil.he isn’t even a sure starter at schalke anymore.
Interesting post Steve.
Alan,he was asked by a journo mate,he wasn’t mouthing off,tough it’s still a bog standard response.
Where have you been hiding?
Thought you’d been blown away in the storm the other day.
Morning all,
Ivan Gazidas does have the gift of the gab doesn’t he, all mouth and no action.
😆 Lee – see, too many carrots…
Lee. I am on the road to full recovery thank you very much.
Morning Steve – lasagne season and this last one being the most odd…. i know your views are that a rat is sniffing around and tbh, i can see why..
Adam – then surely there is one answer? Surely for the sake of the football club, we need changes and IG made it quite clear that its all about AW…
What does Merlin call AW? “Snake-oil salesman”…..he’s got the wrong man!!!
Lee – agree, Wenger is the manager, his job is to sort things on the pitch, no poke his nose it to what is going on off of it…
alan, how can you be so cynical 😉
Big Al – I didn’t take it as a dig honest, just a question as to why Holtby has not been playing at Schalke 😉
AW’s autonomy would’t be permitted at any other club, would it?
Glad to hear it Adam.
Is there much difference between any of them Lee?
Morning Micko, thanks goodness you didn’t say all mouth and trousers 😉
No it wouldn’t and imho, at any other top club, he would have been sacked by now
Is Holtby in the Germans Euro squad?
kt’s your man for that Scott…
Manolo Preciado has suffered a heart attack and died 🙁
Jermaine Defoes’ father has died too, he has obvioulsy travelled back from the euros 🙁
He’s not Scott, has played twice for Germany but not at the euros…
He was due to be unveiled as new Villarreal manager on Friday,only 54yrs old………… 🙁
Shocking news Lee, just shocking – puts our moaning into perspective….
Poor Defoes’ family too…
Massively Rico…… lets all be half full!!!
Never catch me moaning.
Thanks Rico.
I haven’t seen Holtby play at all,and opinions seem split.
Some reckon he’s a gun,some say he’s Peter good,ut not good enough,or not it enough.
Who knows….Wenger may not even have thought about him.
Pretty good…Pretty good…..
Is it my,my IPad or IPads in general…they’re a bloody pain to post with.
I thought it would be easier than using the phone,but no.
Holtby isn’t in the squad scott.he has been off the boil for a while now.
Scott, are you sure you didn’t mean the next Peter Osgood, that’s how i read it.
I’m on the left of the picture as we speak Lee 😉
I doubt Wenger is looking at him Scott, otherwise he wouldn’t feel the need to beg 😉
Micko, you quite sure 😉
Wouldn’t it be great to have jack and diaby fit for the start of the season! 2 new signings right there.
Isn’t that an Irish saying? “Top of the moaning, to you”
Lewis don’t you start with that…… 😉
Hmm nonsence upon fools,holtby is gud n as a club wenger doing noting about it fire wenger very stingy and fool or sign 11 players including holtby and yang mbiwa down gunners inbecides.
Sry lee, Got a feeling that where this transfer window is headed.
Rico,I’m pretty sure Holtby wasn’t throwing his name around,he was asked about the PL by a journo and named Arsenal and Everton as his two favourite clubs in England.
From there,blogs and forums around the world lit up.
Lewis – Jack yes, Diaby, can I get back to you on that one 😉
Don’t know Scott – if Hazard is anything to go by…. answers on a postcard 😉
Defoes father was just 49 years old….
Lee says:
June 7, 2012 at 11:44 am
Isn’t that an Irish saying? “Top of the moaning, to you”
and French, I think?
In this current economic climate isnt it comforting to know that you can earn a 7 figure a year salary, stand in front of some of your supporter and investor base, whilst openly being happy to be labelled incompetent in the delivery of one of your key responsibilities, and yet keep your cosy job and the 7 figure salary that goes with it !!
I think I would be pretty smug in that comfort zone to.
Don’t suppose he has to worry about the recession Ryan, highest paid manager in the PL, just for securing the club CL each season…
Nice job eh 😉
Hi Scott, I’ve been around. Luckily the storm had little effect here
I was more referring to IG, Rico. In reference to last summers transfer dealings he said something along the lines that they had learnt from their mistakes and then went on to say something about you can call us incompetent but dont say we don’t care.
All aboard the Arsenal gravy train………. FFS!
He claims we have learned from last season but so far I have seen nothing that asserts that. We haven’t signed anyone and our star player hasn’t signed a new contract.
Seems like deja vu all over again..
We missed the worst of it too Alan.
Guys,Stan and the board obviously love what Ivan and Arsene are doing.
Like it or not,that’s what matters as things stand.
They are all as bad Ryan 😉
We haven’t signed anyone???????
I don’t count podolski, so long as Robin has not signed a new contract, Podolski may as well be an already bought replacement Scott
Did IG not say that most of what is going on at the club is the Wenger way?
Lsg – and now nothing will happen if we are looking at players who are at the euros..
Like you, until RvP confirms he’s staying, Podolski is his replacement 🙁
yes Rico, however, the board is ultimately responsible
He’s a signing LSG,replacement or not.
I hope he’s not a replacement,more because if RVP goes,it’d mean they’re sitting on the cash.
Exactly Alan,and the sooner everyone realises the board is responsible for all decisions,or those making them,then the sooner blame will be distributed correctly by everyone.
Yep, its unfortunate Rico.
it seems very unlikely now.
but one player who’s not going to the euros but I think would be a good addition is Belhanda. we lacked a real playmaker like him last season.
yes i know alan, and it seems that since the day IG walked in three and a half years ago he has been told what to do by wenger, and dare i suggest stan has done the same.
just where stan wants to take this club we don’t know but right now it seems that answer is – wherever Wenger wants to take it..
As Adam suggested earlier, until their is change in that philosophy, nothing will change
I was quite confident he’d stay Lsg but as most said here yesterday, had he agreed to do so, surely the club would have announced it, they know that right now that is one of the things we are all desperate to hear…
Many on here want M’Villa signed up, myself included. Is there anyone with an informed opinion as to whether he is better than our young French DM LeCoq?
Don’t know Lewis – he’s certainly bigger and stronger and the 1st choice for Blanc – hoping he makes the euros and we will all get chance to see just what this guy is like…
Love to see him and Coq fighting it out for a place… Or playing alongside eachother, not many would get passed those two i bet…
I havnt watched much of MVilla but what iv seen of him he looks strong and his passing looks good. the plus with him is that he is pretty much a fixture in Frances starting XI.
Coq still has time to develop though and he seems quite versatile. I really hope he gets more playing time this coming season and id like to see us still sign MVilla and Belhanda
Certainly looks big and strong but so does Alex Song 😉
Rather see Coq learning from M’Vila…
M’vila had 300+ long passes in the league last season.he also rarely picks up stupid bookings like song.
Another plus then Kt.
Song does annoy me when he makes those silly tackles in dangerous areas which result in a free kick and a booking….
Especially as we are not known for our mastering of set-pieces….
He is a very clean tackler rico.he also makes lots of interceptions.he is like Busquets with power of Yaya T.a very good player with lots of potential.
youd think the fact that he is all that and French would have Wenger salivating wildly. perhaps he doesnt think we need that sort of midfielder?
i dunno, only time will tell.
it is ridiculous though how many players we are being linked with. now its Lewis Holtby haha so random
Just hope Wenger thinks the same Kt and the stories about him signing are true, sounds just what we need – suggestion is that Yaya could leave Citeh, so they could very well be interested in M’Vila….
Wenger is reported to have said that our DM’s are too attacking Lsg so that can only give hope that he is looking to sign a proper DM this summer.
Whether that will be M’Vila or not remains to be seen, fingers crossed as that is the kind of signing fans want to see….
Not some cheaper alternative who does half a job…
M’Vila has also said he wants to play under a french coach… 😉
What i like most about m’vila is that he can play as a CM/DM.he makes almost as many passes as Arteta and as i’ve mentioned above 300+ long passes which shows he has vision.a very clean tackler;i think he was cautioned twice/thrice last season and makes so many interceptions.he has potential to make yaya toure esque surging runs consistently too.if we sign him it will be a major coup.
Paddy style that reads Kt 😉
Bang up for the signing of M’Villa then! I do rate
LeCoq pretty highly as well, shame he got injured last season. When it was a choice between him or frimpong, I’d god with him every time, superior technically and his passing was pretty good too.
Lewis – I always thought Coq would get impatient and look to take his chance elsewhere – was really glad when he signed a new contract and was prepared to fight for his place..
Yeah fair play to him Rico. Was impressed at how seemlessly he slotted into RB, sign of an intelligent player.
He played left back too didn’t he Lewis? Just before he got injured
I may have got that wrong 😉
So Arsenal are going to change their wage structure, everyone on here is suffering from the Arsenal Disease of premature entitlement, we have the fourth largest wage budget in the league we cant compete with the transfers that Utd, Chelsea or City can pay why the hell should we be winning the league.
And why is the only executive who actually speaks to fans being castigated for doing his job he cant tell you the inside story.
And before anyone says I am pro board and pro manager damn right i am, rather have Gazidis than Gill, or Cook or Bruce buck. And Arsene over any of the other managers, We need to spend we can all agree on that but come on lets have some reality in this discussion, no one on here has a positive alternative except to get Ursmanov in and as for managers give me a break.
Sorry just so negative on here today
Arsenal youth prospect Oğuzhan Özyakup is reported to be in Turkey and set to undergo a medical tomorrow at Maslak Acıbadem hospital before joining Beşiktaş football club according to Turkish sports media outlet, SporX.
Beşiktaş confirmed that they had entered into formal negotiations with Arsenal youth Oğuzhan Özyakup earlier this week.
The club had released a statement on the Turkish Stock Exchange (KAP) reading, “Negotiations with Arsenal FC over Oğuzhan Özyakup have begun.”
Turkish media agency DHA, reported an agreement of €700,000 had already been reached, with a 25% sell-on fee clause included in the deal. Özyakup would receive €600,000 per season should the move be completed.
The Turkish Under-21 midfielder is the product of the AZ Alkmaar academy and Arsenal FC academies. Özyakup signed for Arsenal on schoolboy forms on 1 September 2008 from AZ Alkmaar.
Özyakup played a major role in Arsenal’s Under-18s side that won the Premier Academy League title in 2009 and captained the Dutch side to the final of the 2009 Under-17 European Championships before switching allegiances to the Turkish national team.
The 19 year old midfielder, has a year left on his contract however, has only made two first-team appearances for the Gunners.
We are not negaitve vernat, just having a moaning day 😉 😉
Until we see some money invested, i’ll probably stay believing that nothing will be any different…
I was shocked when that news broke the other day Kt….
Got to pop off, back in an hour or so….
Afternoon people.
“Wenger works in a mysterious way like he walks on water, turns water into wine and turns pig ears into silk purses……” so said Gazidis in my interpretation of:
“We have a good team, we have a good young core of players and we need everybody involved to have belief so that we can push forward into next year and make a run at the Premier League trophy and for the Champions League.”
That positive enough?
It’s a start needs work though Merlin.
Vernat, we always have a good team; and the proof is that from 17th in September 2011 to 3rd in May 2012.
The greatets frustration is that 2007/08 title was within our grasp..for want of two buys – a forward and a centre-back.
– Van Persie on his annual vacation at Colney Medical Centre;
– Walcott out injured with his torublesome shoulder sockets
– Kolo and Eboue going to ANC in Feb.
Broken promise in Euro2010″..I am going with a cheque book…and had identified 2 or 3 targets….”…ontl to sign no one and declaring there is “no one who can strengthened the squad and not value for money…”
How about after he got a shellacking at Stakeholder Meeting where he was grilled and unahppily let slipped he was appraoched by Real..and then declared ‘Give me two years and we will win a piece of silverware..”….half truth as that f**king bunch of french poodles, pretty boys and bottlers lost to BRUM in that Tin Cup.
How about summer 2010 for want of a difference of 1-mil and he refused to sign Schwarzer?
How about summer 2011 for want fo 3-mil or 4-mil more and he refused to sign Cahill..only to keep dross like Squillaci?
How about summer 2011 where Van Persie was literally begging him to sign his good mate Van de Vaart……
How about summer 2011 when he acknowledged he needed to buy “premiership experience”..only for a 50-mil panicky buy on 31-Aug at 13:59:59?
How about this summer 2012 acknowledging we need to buy experience..perhaps “premiership experience”?
Look like we all got wait for August 31, 23:59:59 all over again for another round fo 50-mil panicky buys then?
Now we also knew what kind of rats were Cesc and Nasri…but why the f**k can’t Gazidis be upfront with fnas in summer 2011, rather than summer 2012 to indulge in a bit of character assasination now?
DO I trust one slimy bald snake-oil salesmand and the otehr Gallic snake-oil salesman?
I don’t.
When Gazidis said the sun rises in the East, I will look West to check it out.
Read again what those American marketing assholes are saying.
It meant nuts and promsies nothing, all vapors and nothing solid in promises and commitments.
All deniable, no substances and no promises..like Wenegr alweays saying palyers are “interesting”…but never submititng in a bid.
Face it people, Wenger will stay on to see out his Youth Project to the bitter end.
Kroenke and Gazidis will always love Arsene Wenger to have a “job for life” as long as he churns out profits every FY without fail..else he is out.
WHat has winning trophies and titles got to do with Kroenke who is getting profits every year to protect his 750-mil investment..and all thanks to Arsene Wenger, his tight-fist, cost cutting CEO of Arsenal Professional Footballer Production Inc?
Mush as I hate to sya it, Arsenal FC has no other choice but to grate its teeth and pray hard that within 2 years, Wenger will fulfil hsi “promise” to build a 3rd TEAM from this core group of youngsters, that bunch of Wenger Wunderkind that will start winning titles and trophies from 2014/15 onwards….
I cna’t see any other manager for teh enxt 2 years that is able to turn allround this bunch of Wenger Wunderkind into a domineering premeirship team within 2 years…..plus of course, seasoned with 2 or 3 astute buys as catalyst..like what Eric Cantona was to Fergie Fledgings.
In a nutshell, Arsene Wenger is desperately searching for his “Eric Cantona”, a leader and a catalyst that will transform this bunch of losers into a title-winning team.
“My message to our fans is that we are doing everything in our power to make sure that Arsenal can challenge for trophies next year.” said Mr. Gazidis.
“But I would say that an even bigger overriding priority is to make sure that we get the right pieces in place.”
‘We are doing everyhting in our power” comment si qualified by “…an even bigger priority is to make sure that we get the right pieces in place.”
Meaning…”we can’t spend as we cna’t find the right player to strengthen our squad in the right place…andn they are no better thna the players we have in our squad…”
Meaning..’ yes, we doing everything in our power, but the players we wanted like Messi, Ronaldo, Benzema, Gotze, Hazard, Yaya Toure, et al simply do not want to join Arsenal.”
Meaning, Wenger is still looking for the “right peices” at the right prices, and of course, French-speaking.
English-speaking? Please don’t bother to apply.
Arsenal are pressing ahead with a plan to restructure their wage bill after chief executive Ivan Gazidis admitted the existing model is inefficient.
And Gazidis hopes the move will allow manager Arsene Wenger to compete for the world’s top talent.
The Gunners’ current top earner is Robin van Persie – who earns a basic wage of £70,000-per-week.
New structure: Gazidis (left) hopes to free up funds for Wenger
But in contrast, fringe players Manuel Almunia, Abou Diaby and Marouane Chamakh among others are not far behind with weekly wages of between £50,000-£60,000-per-week.
Sportsmail exclusively revealed in March how the club would embark on a summer clear out in a bid to slash their wage bill by £23million.
And speaking at an Arsenal Supporters Trust meeting, Gazidis confirmed the clubs intention to reshape the club’s salary structure.
‘We have inefficiency of spending in our squad – but we are moving towards as efficient a model as possible,’ said Gazidis.
‘Our wage structure has been based around a flatter salary structure – that is part of a team ethos the manager develops, it’s about interaction between players – not superstars.
‘But we have looked at this carefully and we have to make adjustments for top talent. They are earning a lot of money and I don’t think that will slow down. We have to adjust our model.’
Top earner: Van Persie nets £70-000-a-week
Meanwhile, Gazidis has placed further doubt on Alisher Usmanov’s attempts to land a place on the Gunners board.
The Uzbeki billionaire, who is already a minority shareholder, wants a seat on the club’s top table – and has promised a massive cash injection if owner Stan Kroenke agrees his place on the board.
But Gazidis said: ‘I don’t think whether it’s Mr Usmanov or anyone else out there that we should pump money into the football club.
Cash promise: Usmanov (left)
‘We don’t think that is healthy or for the good of the game When I arrived three-and-a-half years ago there had been a lot of change of the board and some degree of conflict.
‘Since then we have worked hard to ensure the board is unified and has a common purpose. In terms of any further additions to the board it is important we don’t disturb unity and don’t create conflict.’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2155604/Ivan-Gazidis-proceed-plan-restructure-Arsenal-wage-help-Arsene-Wenger-transfer-market.html#ixzz1x7hBGI8Z
For the last 7 years, whose fault is that that we ended up with such a “flat” and rigid salary scale that we can’t attract marquee players and instead turned into a bona fide feeder club to marquee clubs like Barca, Real, CHelski and worse, Abu DHabi City now..and may be Russis, Qatar and China as well.
Is it a coincidence that our downfall to a 2nd tier EUropean club began with the elaving fo David Dein and promoting Arsene Wenegr to take control of the entire running of Arsenal FC from buying players in its Sales & Marketign Department to managing a football club., unchecked and completely with dictatorial power…like Nick Leeson, unchecked at Baring Bank and was a star rainmaker and therefore left alone?
Where is Baring Bank now?
And where is Arsenal FC in term of European Football stature? A 2nd tier European club, a “fallen giant” living in past glories like 1953 to 1970?
Must we Arsenal fans endure another trophyless Dark Age from 2006 to 2023?
Afternoon all…..
Those two had to be your comments Merlin 😉
vernat – you are right, we do have the basis of a good side, just needs 3/4 additions to make it so so much better,….
Or alternatively the period up to last year when the club paid back 240 million of its 390 million pound debt meant that we could not spend as we wanted or needed to. I don’t buy the Arsene as Stalin theory not even a little bit, does he identify players to buy yes he does, does he do the deals no he does not, Remember this is the same club who let martin keown go over 150 a week and then bought him back later on for 2.3 million. I also don’t buy the David Dein as great redeemer shtick either, he made his choice and pocketed 75 million from it, as well as being the only director who took any money out of the club.
The issue is that the truth will probably be between the extremes of opinion the being the club should spend and buy or the club is not spending. If we dont buy players before the deadline and make a creditable challenge next year then, it is time to make a change and bring in a new manager and board members with expertise in Association football not business, until then lets wait and see who we get and judge come September 1st and then in May
good afternoon
Any more new sign?
Israeli midfielder Yossi Benayoun, who last season was on loan from Chelsea to Arsenal, could continue his career at Ajax, according to reports the Dutch press.
The Club of Amsterdam is interested in signing a player of 32 years, which does not enter into Chelsea’s plans for the new season, nor will it, it seems, remain at Arsenal. “I hope soon have news about my future,” wrote a player in the social network Twitter, reacting to the news about the alleged interest of Ajax.
vernat – i truly believe that if we don’t sign players this summer, and if we lose theo and rvp – wenger will be booed at every fixture and most fans, home and away who don’t have rose tinted spectacles, will be calling for him to be sacked…
And – I think he knows that too, he didn’t like the ‘you don’t know what you’re doing’ chants he was on the end of, he won’t want that again, so i just hope he’s prepared to make sure that doesn’t happen..
Rico he has 32 years of experience lets hope that the board have let the leash off and he can get who he wants. One thing i am fairly sure off it will be like vermaleen and Kosileny someone we havent really heard of but will prove to be a good player.
32 years of experience maybe vernat, but more importantly, 5/6 years of sheer stubborness….
Maybe Rico or maybe that was simply what he could do and was allowed to do, we aren’t in possession of the facts will be an interesting book to read if he ever writes it
I blame them all vernat – each plays their own part, whether that be not allowing spending, or knowing you have money and choosing not to spend….
Or of course, there is no money, but telling the fans every transfer window there is…
So should sand there and go sorry guys we are skint not going to sign anyone and just carry on? Not saying money but paying a transfer is one thing paying wages and agents fees is a different issue, would not be surprised if some of the deals we have been alleged to lose out on were down to not paying the agents fees
vernat – not quite as extreme as that but maybe just a bit more honesty and less false hopes – don’t we all deserve that?
I think that had Stan or IG on his behalf just came out and told it as it really is, we would all understand and be more patient.
But as i said, its the ‘i’m taking my cheques book to the euros’ kind of comment and then we sign nobody that narks…
Just have a peep back at some of the comments we have heard from the club, either the manager or gazidis and their words are just empty promises….
Dinner calls, back in a short while….
We have a situation where we are in the middle of a transfer window and we have a european competition, many clubs us included would or could be embarrased if a player you have just paid 20 or 30 million for goes and breaks his leg before even kicking a ball for the club, where by tying up a large amount of their transfer funds, why take the chance on buying that player, when you can wait till after the contest and know you have a new player to start the new season with.
Steve, that’s the nature of the beast, you can’t wrap the players up in cotton wool, if we leave it till after the championships we’ll get outbid by every tom, dick and sheikh mansour.
Evening Micko, Anybody they want they will get Micko
Evening fine folk….
the way i see it we have spent on the pod time to recoup some dosh from sales before we venture into more. Knowing our lot they are fretting already
Steve –
Our squad is full of international players, how many do we have at the euros, any one of them could break their leg or suffer serious injury and we would still be snookered…
Don’t forget, if a Wenger target picks up an injury, he fits the criteria of a signing even more 😉
Just why Wenger needs to tell gazidis to get to work Micko, that rich lot in manchester will go for anyone AW is interested in… I have the same view on him as Adam….
but buying a player with a broken leg comes a sight cheaper 🙂
not if he is called aquillani he doesn’t 🙂
Exactly Steve – except Messi 😉
Nte Nte all 🙂
Well,I’m glad now that I went to bed early last night.
All that negativity would’ve broken my resolve.
Merlin,can you name our manager??
Just asking because I’ve never seen you actually call him by name.
C’mon guys,how can you all be so down so often?
I’d want to hang Myself if I felt that way all the time,especially over football.
Smile,it won’t kill you 🙂
Is that why Arsenal invented smileys,they’ve forgotten what a real one looks like??
Nighty Steve, sleep well…
‘especially over football’ Scott, its not any old football, its Arsenal…
It hurts some of us….
I’m done for the day, night all….
Catch you tomorrow….
Hi Scott, do we have a football manager?
I can name the CEO of Arsenal Professional Footballesr Production Inc. He is an Alsatian from Duttlenheim, a smooth snake-oil salesman who happened to be a superb football coach in the 90s and early-2000s. He is called Arsene Wenger.
Goodbight all.
Lol Merlin,I know you really love our man Arsene.
Rico,being hurt and having passion are a different thing to stressing every single day over it.
When we look at REAL problems,REAL issue,such as forum members losing loved ones,players dying on the pitch,everyone remarks that it Puts things into perspective.
Where does that perspective go when speaking day to day about the club,that’s all I’m saying.
If football,and more to the point,Asenal didn’t mean a hell of a lot to me,do you think I’d be othered sitting up til all ours watching them play,or even sit up discussing them with you guys?
If I didn’t care,I’d wake up and see the results each Monday morning.
Maybe me living half way around the world changes my views,I concede that 100%.
Maybe I need to understand it a bit more,but it goes both ways.
I’m even thinking of writing my first post on this topic.
It would be shot down by some,but hey,it will give them something else to moan about :)…
Sleep well,fellow Gooners.
You will all love this one.
Rumour doing the rounds is Jack is not natured,but failed a drug test,and he story is about to break.
Aaaggghhhh,the rumour mill…gotta love it.
Good Morning Fine Folk.
Missed you yesterday. But had lots of things to do and any spare time I have goes to the little prince now that footy is done for this season.
This is my take on signings.
I think it will be one of M’Vila, Biglia or Capoue.
Lewis Holtby
Nick Powell.
Lewis Holtby will come to us I feel. While Nick Powell is the type of Walcott, Ox, Ramsey signing. Someone who AW can mould into a first team player and have a good sell on fee later on in this life or the next 😉
Plus he comes with a packet of nappies donated generously by Crewe. 😆
Morning devil and all,
I thought fergie was the fav to sign Powell?
Newcastle want Kalou 🙂
Modric to Man Utd – £25 million
Morning Lady.
Has Modric gone to Manure already????
Not yet devil, but its all over the papers 🙂
Kranjcar is going also…….if Modric leaves that is two quality players. Watch them dismantle now.
Or spend the money wisely devil 🙁
They have got to be careful with the money now. They are not guaranteed that with different players they will be in the CL next year. So it depends if there is turmoil or not. Then there is the added bonus of Redknapp’s contract situation. Seems as if Levy does not want to extend it and some of the spuds fans do not want him either. So its a bit of a muddle right there at the moment.
And we think we have problems 😉
hmmmmmmmm. But our problems are lack of cups only.
Mind you, as I usually say, there are some people who even if the world’s most beautiful woman was standing naked in front of them they will still complain. So even if we win the CL, there will be some who will still moan.
But the spuds will moan more. 😉
My glass is half full today, maybe thats because it’s Friday and Fridays are signing days 🙂
Let them moan i say, and we can all enjoy it…
New Post up