Wojciech Tomasz Szczesny – who is looking more and more likely to start the new season with the number shirt and gloves cannot be trusted and here is the proof:

Whilst all our other players are captured doing a bit of wight training, poor old Chesney is restricted to just a ‘pole’ 😉
Wonder if that’s got anything to do with a previous incident in the gym when he ended up fracturing both his wrists…..
Ok, you know I jest, I’m sure there is some logic behind this excercise but I’m just a bit fed up with writing doom and gloom about Arsenal….
One bit of news that broke yesterday which I was so pleased about was Wes Brown and O’Shea had been signed by Sunderland, I was so worried that Wenger might go and pick up another couple of Manure rejects like he did with Silvestre, jeez, that would have just about finished me off…
However, there is one other from ‘up there’ who I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see Wenger nab and that’s Owen Hargreaves, yes, I know I have said about this before.
He’s been touting himself on youtube, showing he’s fit and ready to play again so I won’t be surprised to see him secured on a pay as you play deal – wouldn’t be a bad one either, would it??
However, a bit of bad news and that surrounds Jonathon Woodgate, he has now left that scum bunch down the road and is looking for a new club….
Yep, you know what I am thinking don’t you – please Arsene NO, do not go there!!
Oh and amidst all the Nasri speculation – not one club has made a bid for him so all this paper talk about the Mancs offering £20 Million is utter poppycock – so stop reading the red tops right now guys!!!
Finally, today is the day we are meant to hear about our second signing of the summer, well second if you don’t count the Barca kids 😉
Wonder just how many will follow…….
Have a good one all……
Hey rico!!
Morning shrek, you were speedy there 🙂
yes today is my last day on leaves .Will resume work from tomorrow.
Who is the greedy guy now?
Not so good then shrek, hope you had a good break…
If Paddy wants to put money first, let him get on with it, there are better ex players who we need – Keown for one…
Scesszny is Polish no wonder he can only train with a pole whereas team mates are lifting some weights. Good one though.
Why is so difficult for us to complete a deal whereas the likes of even Sunderland can complete theirs within a day? This for me is the biggest puzzle of the same magnitude like how to stop Messi
Hi Ken
Sunderland have been busy, but we don’t need who they have bought – kick him, thats the way to stop messi 😉
Hehe you’ve got a way of knocking me off! Thaz a good one Rico.
Sunderland’s ambitions lie possibly in reaching the top 10 and hopefully qualifying for the UEFA cup.Thats why they are clear about their targets . And they don’t have teams unsettling their best players . Personally I think Arsene is waiting possibly because he wants the Cesc & Nasri saga sorted out so that he can move on to sign the players he may have already identified as replacements .
Hi Loyal, just hoping it makes a few smile this morning during a stressful time as a gooner 🙂
You guys seen the story about Adebayor??
yes rico!! serves him right
I don’t think he’s been treated the best though, if they terminate his contract he’ll be available for free 🙂
He’s still a git though….. 😉
Any ideas who this new sighing is?? Hopefully a defender, though probably not. You can always dream…………..
I would love Adebayor back.. He’s been greedy yes, but who isn’t now a days? He’s the type of player we need in attack!
Also. Are we presenting Gervinho today?
Gervinho corkgunner…..
Morning ADK,
suggestion is he will be announced today, i hope it’s two though….
good post…….
Everyone says de gea is gonna be great .while everyone forgets what scezeny has already done in his first season……next season he will be upthere wiht the best in europe…..
The Mata rumours are gathering pace…
morning rico.
Who are you hoping fore besides gervinho?
Are you a little too optimistic arsenal fan? 😉
Although I would be absolutely ecstatic if we bought Mata, I just cannot see it happening because of the high price 🙁
Although if we sell Cesc, it may be true…
Morning AF, Ches has still a way to go yet imho but with a better defence in front of him he’d be more confident…
ADK, Cahill 😉 but i have a feeling it will be Chamberlain…
Serves him right for that celebaration stint he pulled on gooners when he scored against us.
Wenger i hear still has thoughts on shay given..old prof is losing it.
Scezsny(hope i got the spelling right this time)will do fine as no.1,vitto 2nd choice and fabianski standby incase naughty wilshere decides to hop off with the two to the pub and forget their way back.
If i were les proffesor,i’d let nasri go,then wallop them man sissies and manures(whichever will land him)
Gervinho AND Cahill at once? That would make my day rico!
Chamberlain, i’m not at all excited about…
Last season, Chamberlain played 36 matches in the championship, scored 9 goals and made 9 assists.. Not exactly impressive is it?
I don’t mind if we get Chamberlain, he’s going to be really good BUT, that is only if we sort out the players we definately need aswell..
Cahill and Gervinho would certainly make my day too…..
Gervinho is home,now off to cahill
What happenedt to samba?
Mata or vidal will be perfect
chezeny will certainly improve next season…..he is very weak when a penalty is taken…..but who knows…..
i dont get why we would pay what will be quite a lot for a teanager in chamberlain, when it looks like Gervinho is in the bag and we are after Mata (god i hope thats true) …..
get a defender or 2 in though
Gervinho isn’t officially signed yet? I thought he had a medical a few days ago? Wouldn’t they do they paperwork while he’s there?
Do you think mata and gervinho are same types of players…..
deise, u a waterford man?
Does anyone have a link saying that Gervinho is signed? I won’t believe anything until I read it at arsenal.com…
Hi Rico this Mata dude. Is he any good?
ADK, but he is a proper winger 🙂
Hi Ruskin and DeiseGooner…
Gervinho has not yet signed, few ‘issues’ being sorted out but expect to see afc.com announce him as ours later…
goonerstan, here’s a link to mata
He’s the most valuable player in the valencia squad.. Check out his statistics..
I know rico, We’ve been missing those 😀
Carl Jenkinson is worth 44.000£ 😉
Hi Stan, I don’t know much about him but to be honest unless we sign him, i’m not going to bother to find out 😉 😉
For a long time I am enjoying the discussion going on here. Very positive and purposeful. Thi is definately a good site and other bloggers should learn from Rico on how we can remain positive despite all that is going on or happening with our a great club. I am somehow very very positive that this coming season we will have a very strong squad and injuries will for once give us a break. If the Gervinho deal is done. we keep hold of THEOVANSRIGAS force intact and additional bodies (2) at the back, then we are good to go and yes bring on Messi once again and as Rico says kick him (stop him)
Ken, I would rather be negative now, and be positively surprised, than the other way around 😉
Thanks ken but it’s not always like this here, we do rant and rave about how wenger is time wasting – he should have the signings in by now…. oh and how the board need to get with 2011 😉
Morning all.good read rico.i would be over the moon if we signed Mata.he is a gem of a player.
Morning Kt, can you see us getting him though??
Theovanasrigas will be broken up pretty soon. I can’t be arsed though so glad nasri is leaving I hate that puppy face bastard. If I ever see him in a dark alley…..let’s just say he will suffer a career threatening injury….what a turd
Gervinho and Mata are completely different players.Mata is a quick version of nasri but not as flashy.he is a better passer but nasri is better at dribbling.Gervinho is what we hope walcott can do on the wing consistently.he is very good at dribbling and is very fast. better passer but nasri is better at dribbling.Gervinho is what we hope walcott can do on the wing consistently.he is very good at dribbling and is very fast.
Rico that i don’t know but it seems we have activated his release clause.Mata has missed just 9 league games in the past 3 seasons.
I am indeed cork, just up the road from ya boy 🙂
I was hoping to see the large forheaded one in the arsenal kit while eating my sugar puffs but then when i thought about it, it was probobly good i didnt, might spit them all over my tv……man hes got a large bonce. Good player though. And our other dodgy haircut player (Sagna) is the man, so fingers crossed
Here we go….. I think wenger leaving now would be terrible for the club. He is very close to both cesc and nasri, having turned them both into stars. If he went it could cause even more instability and uncertainty. Remember what alot of liverpool fans thought of rafa. He was proven to be doing good with a bad lot. At asenal our current team is built around a certain game that wenger has put in place. Another manager would struggle to be as effective with our players,tactics because of our set up. If we improve in defence both at the back and as a team, if we are more productive at converting chances, we’ll be the best in england.
I hear you EIE….. Give him this window….
I read that too Kt, trouble is whether to believe it – look what is going on with all the rumours, i believe little that i read these days….
Im gonna ask a question i’ve always thought about when reading these blogs….Hoe many of you are supposed to be working right now????
Hola, hope everyone is fine any new signing to shout about. Rico great post as usual
Not me cork 😉
Howdy Erick, thanks re the post, something to make us smile 🙂
thanks kt,
anyone think miyachi could be a 1st teamer…..?
af, not yet, but i hope he gets his visa and gets a loan in the PL or Championship…
Norwich want Lansbury …… 🙁
Does Mancini even have actual targets or does he listen to the media who other clubs are after then he bids?they just seem to sign the players without any real plan.
Ha ha Kt, that’s a good question…
Corkgunner, we love this club so much that we juggle between work and the club
Seems they are having a clearout too, Given, Ade and Michael Johnson are three on their way out….
Citeh have sold their stadium name – 12 million a year over ten year deal….
Morning folks,
On the Gervinho/Mata thing.. Gervinho on the right and Mata on the left; if that’s true (and it’s as close to a sane scenario as I’ve heard this window)looks like Wenger is going to improve our width.
All ifs, buts, and maybes, but… if he is going to improve the width and place less reliance on our intricate passing through the middle,which is how we get stuffed every time, he’s gonna need something more waiting to knock in the resulting cross than RVP (with Theo as back-up).
He’s gonna need someone who can use his head and maybe offer us an old-fashioned Joe Baker style bustler down the middle… someone with a little more end-product and a little less front than Bendtner… kinda like Benzema perhaps?
Oh God! If wishes were horses, beggars would ride, and Arsenal would have a defence to build from…
Maybe next week 😆
I don’t understand why we never got Given. We should have bought him from newcastle a few years back. We needed (and still need) an epl experienced backup gk. Shay would fit that bill. Surely we could have got a swap + money for clichy? seems he wants out of city too…..
Anyways, what about michael johnson? he looked good a few years back. anyone know much about him
Hi mike,
if’s and but’s are so frustrating aren’t they, was hoping afc.com would announce Gervinho today, don’t know why they haven’t unless there is a problem of course…
i’m trying to be patient and wait calmly…. it’s not working though 😉
Can’t see AW getting a keeper cork, although i think he should – have’t heard anything about Fabianski’s injury and have yet to see him in any training pictures – if he is not recovered before the season starts, wengers hand may be forced….
Re Johnson – i’m surpised they are letting him go but i guess they can’t keep everyone and he had a nsty injury a year or so ago….
Hi Rico,
Yeah, I do agree, but then… I’ve been frustrated since puberty. 😆
Only thing that gives this Mata thing legs is the rumour about Motta… You know what a lazy bunch of bastards our tabloid press are… someone probably said Mata, and next thing you know, some cloth-eared hack is out on the trail of Motta, with the entire press corps following. 😆
😆 mike, you are probably right about Motta…
I reckon they were all in the bar chewing over the next days “healine grabbing Arsenal crisis” one choked on his prawn sarnie another said whats the Matta and they all gasped pen in hands and off they went the next “breaking news” was born……….!
It’s a shame they ALL didn’t choke on said prawn sarnie….!
I’m off for bit guys, back later….
Hi WATH, was just about to head to sainsbuys 🙂
Don’t forget my country slices and chocci digestives please….! 😉
I forgotten them already 😉
Back in a bit 🙂
Ryo is featured in the official site, clear indication that we are considering him
Ryo is featured in the official site, clear indication that we are considering selling thousands of jerseys in japan
Spot on there CG, we ain’t even applied for a work permit for him yet…!
Well i do try my best to stay as cynical as possible.
Well cynical and pessamistic prob means less of a let down come Sep 1st if we’ve been useless in the transfer market again so less pain to go through. Maybe we want him to sparkle pre-season before applying for a specail talents visia…? Surely to god if Denilson can get one anyone can..?????
Ade was told to report to training on July 9th while the rest of the squad departed for the USA on 8th…couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.
Everyone we have already met mata’s release cause look up Graham hunter’s twitter I think it’s bumbergraham and the guy sounds like he is in the know.
According to YoungGuns, Miyaichi,Frimpong and Bartley are going on the Far East tour…
Maybe Wenger is gonna have a look at Bartley before he spends on another centre-half?
Afternoon gooners, btw…
Also possibles for the tour are Henderson, Aneke and Ozyakup…
Bloody shame about Lansbury, if it’s true, if only he’d had a 10th of the opportunities of that waste of space Denilson has had, then maybe Wenger would have had a half decent m/f on his hands.
Another Scholar bites the dust……
I thought that Botelho had earned his work permit this summer? Either he has, but Wenger doesn’t think he’s up to the required standard [whatever that is?] or he hasn’t and i’m talking nonsense…
Over to you Wath…..!
Man City, £12million a year ground naming right’s….
Or another way to circumvent the FFP..?
AK I think Wenger hasn’t been convinced by Botelho.
Yeah, i agree KT, Botelho had a lot of problems when he first came over, likewise Wellington..
Of course it’s another way to circumvent the FFP rules…… It’s the first of many things they and their like will be up to and nothing will be done and yet we must just get on and worry about us not what others are doing.
bartley ain’t the answer AK he’ll make 5th choice maybe BUT if wenger starts that crap about great squad having faith cant buy to kill players then he has well and truly lost it….! It’s all well and good being linked with midfielders and forwards BUT we need him to start from the back thats the priority surely..?
If Lansbury don’t get a proper chance then it’s really a sad indictment that denilson has been given so much game time and Lansbury gets shipped out….! Amazing which one peope are looking to buy though and the other we cant get rid off…?!?!?!
I know we’re talking about different people and personalities, but when you look at how well Miyaichi has done at Feyenoord and how the Dutch have looked after him, it makes you wonder why Arsenal bother loaning players to Spanish clubs…
Would Lansbury be leaving if Wenger had assured him that he’d have chances in the first team???
I don’t think so…
Good point Wath re: Denilson, it’s just Wenger trying to justify wasting £3.4million on a pile of crap…
I don’t think landsbury has the talent level of the likes of Wilshere but that doesn’t mean he can’t be useful.every successful club has that sort of player in its ranks.if he doesn’t get a chance it will be very sad.
good morning!
I’ve noticed that there are no new players …
While Fulham is already in the new round of the League we play in Europe and 20 days, we still have no team. players, training, ensemble, group, etc …
AW is obvious that Fabregas wants to go in exvcursão Malásya it out below …
Hardgreaves? We now want jogadoresde crutches?
Why not attack Nani?
KT not many Wilshere’s around mate and the one thing our side is crying out for are players who will give sweat and blood for the shirt, Lansbury is that kind of player and 100% committed a little like Parlour I know has been the comparison but isn’t that we have lacked for a few years. Piss poor if Wenger lets him go without ever giving him a chance also goes against everything wenger said last year when Henri signed a new contract…!
Spot on KT, different types of players, but Lansbury was one of our ‘own lads’, so he’s easily discarded…
Wath, i thought Bartley did very well in a struggling Sheffield Utd team and really looked good for Glasgow Rangers… I’m not saying DON’T buy a centre-half, but maybe we have a good one in place already? Get shot of Squillaci, job done…
I watched a lot of him at Rangers and he goes walkabouts a bit to much for me………. BUT he’s still very young and with someone next to him to learn he could be proper in a year or two it’s why I would let him go on loan again for a full season and let him learn then he comes back nearly the finished article…. Offer him to Bolton as part of the Cahill deal and Miguel as well for that matter…! would do them both the world of good…!
And people wonder how the mancs dominate the league with the likes of fletcher and carrick in midfield…you need such players.
Got the feeling that Wenger is gonna go into next season with Gibbs at left-back…
If that happens AK we are in deep s**t.Gibbs will probably get injured 15 minutes into our first PL game at St.James park. injured 15 minutes into our first PL game at St.James park.
As much as I think Gibbs will be good he isnt ready yet and if he starts the season we could be asking for trouble, thing is it maybe just what the boy needs the big doubt is all these niggling injuries he gets or is that just growing “pains”…?
It’s Friday.. No news. We leave for Asia soon. I really believed things were going to be different this year. I really thought Wenger was going to be “active” and sign some big players.
Right now I don’t care about Gervinho or romurs regarding any attacking players. Sure it would be nice to add some flair up front, but everyone knows we need defenders. Thats plural by the way. Not just one big signing, but 2 or 3 quality players that provide enough depth on the bench to allow us to rotate, rest, and recover our back line… which in turn should help us avoid the injuries we’ve seen in recent years. Or at least provide a fall back if one should occur.
So far, all we’ve done is sign some kid and lost a starter.
Well said Doc……….! Seems we never learn…..!
“romurs”? I meant “rumors”
God I need to stop leaving comments from an iPad.
Afternoon guys…..
Afternoon Rico…and Gooners
It’s quiet on here and in the transfer market.
Still, i’ve done most of my weeding.
Dug up some spuds yesterday, delicious….
Wenger to stay only he can get the best out of our players now!! Please sign a defender and two more quality players and we will be up there with the rest of em!! Oh and the racing post has made us favourites to sign kevin doyle!!!!
Hey kev, busy afternoon for me too 🙁
Had the nebie pots too, wonderful aren’t they, nice bit of mint 🙂
I reckon Gervinho has done a runner 😉
Yeah fantastic, got some onions as well as pots, but that’s all this year. Got very sandy soil down here. Good for drainage, but not much goodness in it…
Rico, i did hear that Wenger has avoided announcing Gervinho, so as to avoid a Press Conference.
And we all know what that would mean… Nothing about Gervinho and a lot about Cesc and Nasri.
Questions Wenger doesn’t want to answer…
We didn’t grow any onions this year – but the runners and frenchies are doing well, shame the same can’t be said of our frenchies 😉
Or, his he waiting for another to be signed 😉
Hi Lotty, i wouldn’t mind Doyle, in place of Nikki….
But yes, defenders please Mr W….
I suppose, as much as i’d love to have Benzema at AFC.. It simply isn’t going to happen.. Benzema would want to start every game and so would RVP.
But Doyle would be happy to be part of the squad…
Ditto kev re Doyle, defenders signed now, thats what we need as a priority….
Same usual crap from Wenger.he is saying he’ll work long nights…haven’t we heard that before?
Great…we’ll sign 1 or 2 players.that means Gervinho will be our only signing.
We’ll fight to keep cesc and nasri-AW.
Pity AW didn’t fight to keep Lansbury…
Kev, if Henry and Bergkamp could start together, why can’t RvP and Benzema?
True, but they had Vieira/Gilberto/Edu behind them…
Has Lansbury definately gone??? 🙁 🙁
Hi Kt and Will….
Speculation over the future of Fabregas seems to have no end. According to British newspaper “Metro”, Barcelona is now proposing the inclusion of Arsenal in the business Abidal, to lower the price of the Spanish international.
Maxwell can also be included in business since Barca want to take advantage of the fact that Arsenal have no valid options to the left side of defense, after the departure of Clichy for the City.
Arsenal remains adamant not to sell their captain for at least 50 million euros, according to British press.
Cesc Fabregas, however, has said that Arsenal will not play in the season ahead.
Don’t get me wrong Will, i’d love Benzema at AFC, and if he joins us, i’ll be made up…
It’s just, i’m kinda trying to think the way AW is thinking [if that makes sense]
Kev, they can still start together and they would scare the hell out of any defence.
Hi Rico and the HH crew.
I am stunned by Wengers comments!!
Will, your hired…lol
Hi JM, we should just sell him….
Rico, do you think AW is getting his excuses in early…?
Does the way that Wenger thinks make any kind of sense kev??
It used to…..
Midfield and attack of
Nasri Jack Cesc Theo
Doesn’t that just show the enormous arrogance of Barcelona.
Thinking that they can palm us off with a couple of their ‘has-beens’ like Abidal and/or Maxwell.
That, after they tried to claim that Toral-Harper and Bellerin should be part of the deal.
Barca are classless
Rico, i’m still hopefull that AW will suprise us.
But as time goes by i just the feeling that Wath will be telling us on Sept 1st, “I told you so”…
Kev, I will be the one saying “I told you so”
They are just so pigheaded!!
I can’t see it anymore kev, not after todays comments – not unless he’s fibbing again…..
I think Wath will be right sadly….
That line-up will do for me Will…
Maybe Ramsey in place of Cesc unfortunately…
Maybe Mata/or Gervinho in place of Nasri unfortunately…
But that attack does it for me…
We ALL hope that that is the case Will…
Reports suggest we have upped Nasri’s wage to 110k a week, now we’ll see if he is about money only…..
Will – I hope so too……
Rico, i’m still gonna give Wenger till the end of the Summer Window.
We’re up one minute, down the next. It’s a roller-coaster as usual.
I hope Will is going to be smiling come Sept !st…
I’m sure Wath wants to be proved wrong, that way we’re all winners.
We all [or most of us] suspect the worst, but there’s still a long way to go before the window closes.
Is that right Rico?
Is Stan in town???
I am too kev, but if he mucks up i cannot support him as our manager anymore…..
Its breaking on NN kev that we have upped the anti 😉
Yeah, just seen it, on our favourite source of sauce…
If it’s true then we’ll really see if Nasri is ‘the man’ or not.
Absolutely kev and if still wants to go, then that suggests he should….
We need fighters, not whimps!
I don’t think Barca have any intention of signing Cesc. They are just fed up with us hanging around their playground andpinching their kids for small compensation fees. they are just doing whatever they can to upset us.
Hi potter, if that is the case, they are treating Fabregas like an idiot….
city named their stadium to ethihad which is a arabic word for united……..the manure fans will be laughing out in glee……
I have a question.
How can Man City sell naming rights to a building they don’t own?
Because they rent it I guess Will?
It’s the same as when you rent a house, you become the ‘owner’ of that house while you are signed up to a contract.
So I can sell the name of my house even though I don’t own it? What is the actual owners of the house don’t like the name?
If you sign a contract and have the owners permission – and to fair Will, whoever Citeh pay the rent to will not object as they no doubt will get a bigger cut…
Again, it’s life Will.. Doesn’t seem right but that’s the way it is….
Seems the game is now for the rich.
That is what we have been saying Will, everything they do is legal, we may not like it or agree with it but it’s legal…
Ok, we own our stadium but we still gave it a name to take money, the fact that the deal wasn’t the best matters not, we still sold out to the Emirates didn’t we?
I just loved Highbury……
Yeah but I can’t see how you can sell the name of something you don’t own. You may rent something but renting is not owning no matter how you want to spin in.
You rent a house, doesn’t mean you can make major changes to it.
evening all
Evening, how are you today?
hi rsd, hows you??
Will, it does, as long as you have the landords permission, you’ll have to just trust me on that and that’s because ‘i know’ 🙂
I hope their landlord has principles and says no.
He’s the man from Delmonte, he has already said yes……
I’m off for the day guys, catch you all tomorrow 🙂
Have a good one …..
The only things Wenger failed to mention in his i/v were short backlift and mental strength.he is probably saving them for his i/vs in Asia.
Rigsby, “Do one Arab, do one!!! Lol, Will 🙂
It does seem that Man City can do what they like because everyone has a price.
So can manure, chelski and others…
Sadly this is true and the naming rights is just a way around the fair play rules.
Naming rights = loose change down the back of sofa…
I hated Chelsea for buying the league and I will hate Man City for doing it and let’s be honest, since the “golden team”, Fergie has not really brought anyone through the ranks and he has spent stupidly big.
It is just a pissing match between owners wallets now and no longer a game.
so, about Lansbury? Fabregas? Nasri? Gervinho? Cahil? Samba? Benzema? Schaktar players? Denilson? Bendtner? Almunia? Mata? Daiby? ,,,, the point of the situation it’s the same since last month?
On the end of summer window, we can be out of the CL, on the tail of the League, fans disappoint,….
Only signing 1 or 2 players. Gibs ready to replace Clichy. I’m gutted. I was hoping for 2 defenders and 1 or 2 other players. Still, Gibbs may be an improvement, may even turn out to be great. we can hope anyway. Any chance AW will see how his players perform in Asia and then dip back into the Transfer market later?
Hey, now i can do a smiley face…Cheers JJ. 🙂
Morning 🙂
Morning Rico 🙂
According to Y.Guns it’s now looking as if Bartley will miss the Far East tour…
Another AFC Kid bites the dust…
I bet Squillaci is on the plane….
Morning kev
Any idea why?? Injured or off 🙁
I just read he is going kev 😉
JS never said the reason Rico. Doesn’t look good for Bartley if he isn’t injured.
Another day of Arsenal bashing in the scumbag Press in the offing..?
I can’t wait. All these journos, they all know what’s right for us don’t they?
Maybe the Board should sack Wenger and give his job to Des Kelly or Oliver Holt, as they’re such experts in all things Arsenal and football in general.
Where’s my sick-bag???
Good news Rico 🙂
Have you heard of a French journo called David Ranc [no not rank].
Apparantly he’s about to publish a book on Arsenal…
Another one to add to my growing collection…
Frimpong, Ryo and Bartley 🙂
Bothello and Wellington off on loan again!
Your new post is up in a moment kev 😉
Not heard of him, hope is he pro afc, you’ll be slitting your wrists by the end if he’s not 😉 😉
😛 Cheers Boss:lol:
See you on todays post kev
New one up and jj has questions to answer about showing you the smiley way 🙂
Re: Bartley… In JS’s post he says KB is going, then in a comment later on he says he’s not going… 🙁
If Wenger really feels that we can go through another season with the existing mob ( less Cliche) and not give away silly goals – especially at corners/set pieces with no top defenders being added to the squad in the summer ( forget Jenkins) then I know he has truly lost it!!!
wenger knows he had made a mistake n i think he wil be wise d time or never