I look at most things in football through my Arsenal tinted spectacles and I am I suppose, as biased as any other football fan.

Fans of other clubs may think that the Press and Media give their club a hard time. Well I know from years of experience that Arsenal definitely are given a hard time and are the easy target of every lazy sports writer and sports media scumbag who wants a cheap headline.

But why is this the case???

It’s historical and as in many cases concerning Arsenal, can be traced back to the 1930’s. In those days it was lucky Arsenal, because the majority of football writers were tactically ignorant and could not work out the tactics Arsenal were employing. Northern journalists hated the Gunners during the 1930’s because they broke the dominance and the cosy cartel of the Northern and Midlands clubs in Division One.

Southern journalists hated Arsenal out of jealousy. Prior to Chelsea’s recent financially doped success, only 3 League Championships had been won by London clubs other than Arsenal. Portsmouth picked up two titles in the 1950’s, but Arsenal were the only consistent challengers from the south of Birmingham to the Northerners dominance and the belief that it was their birthright to win the League.

Later on it became boring Arsenal, even though the Gunners employed the ‘tactics of the day’ the same as most other clubs. It was easy for lazy and poorly educated football writers to hang the boring tag onto Arsenal. 65+ years of dislike and jealousy had driven this anti-Arsenal agenda.

Then along came Arsene Wenger and with the changes he brought, suddenly Arsenal were popular…

Cue consternation in football circles!

But the Media soon found other ways to make snide remarks and stick the knife in. The constant references to Arsenal’s red cards is a good example. Were Arsenal the only club to have players sent off? It certainly seemed that way considering the Media hysteria it generated. It made you wonder if it was borne out of that age-old anti-Arsenal feeling handed down through the generations?

Television and radio cannot escape scrutiny or criticism, the BBC has a clear Northern bias. They’ll feel very at home when they’ve relocated up there.

Good riddance I say!

ITV are irrelevant.

Commercial radio is a parody but they also stir the pot so it’s best we just ignore them…

The InterNet has seen the birth of a whole host of websites that claim to be ‘in the know’. Whilst in truth they are full of garbage and just provide lazy journalists with an easy story. All the same, these sites generate a lot of interest from fans and they enjoy winding-us-up…

Journalists spend a lot of time reading ‘our blogs’, picking up on the fans disquiet and turning it on us with inflammatory articles. Beware the occasional blogger with the controversal comment! It might just be Harry Harris… πŸ˜‰

I cannot leave the anti-Arsenal theme without a quick word about our referees. There is a clear case of double-standards among our referees when dealing with Arsenal. Let us not forget that before these guys [and gals] picked up a whistle, they were also football fans, with the same likes and dislikes as the rest of us.

And most of them are Northerners!!!

Who was it that said, that Ferguson not only had the best players but that he had the best referees…

Many a true word spoken in jest. Or was it jest?

Written by allezkev