An extract from David Winner “Brilliant Orange”. The current generation of Dutch footballers are polite, intelligent, modest, ironic, ‘ideal sons-in-law’. They aspire to being great artists. Yet the genuinely greatest Dutch football artists – the stars of the Total Football era in the 1970s – had a very different agenda. They were only trying to […]
But for the moment, we have to deal with the reality of our current situation; many of us thought the squad that opened the season up at Newcastle did not have enough experience and depth to challenge for major honours this season. That squad from last week has been further decimated by injury and suspension. […]
Well it’s not is it?? Whatever Arsene Wenger does these days, it simply isn’t going to be good enough for his many critics and among those critics are a sizeable number of Arsenal fans. Those fans and that’s what they are despite the fact that I disagree with them, have made up their minds about […]
The saying that it never rains but it pours is an apt description of our opening start to the season! I’m just a normal guy and no expert in the way that football decisions are dealt out but over the last few seasons, I have noticed a lot more decisions going against us than for […]
The latest story doing the rounds relates to our young Spanish defender Ignasi Miquel; suggestion is that Owen Coyle wants him on loan for a season… Great news for the newly crowned Euro Cup winner and it could be great news for us… Every man and his dog know that a high percentage of Arsenal […]
Before I discuss last nights events, permit me to wish our erstwhile former midfielder-cum-right back, jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none all the best in his new gig at Galatasaray S.K. I know Eboue is not everybody’s cup of tea; indeed, some of his theatrics and histrionics irritated me to no end. With it all, however, I always saw a […]
Well that’s it then, Senor Cesc Fabregas has passed his medical, kissed the badge, posed for the photos in front of that tawdry Barcelona Badge, said the right PR comments and is now probably house-hunting in the posh suburbs of the Catalan capital. He was the captain of Arsenal for four years, the leader on […]
As Captain of course ? 😉 As with all teams from time to time, Arsenal now need to pick their new captain. AFC.Com have confirmed that Cesc Fabregas will move to Barcelona as long as he passes his medical. Thank goodness this saga has come to an end and I wish him well. We will […]
They Stay The Same……. Amidst the backdrop of an unsettled squad, more speculation over player departures than arrivals, and a critical impending Champions League qualification tie, we arrived at the proverbial “scene of the crime” to kick the 2011-12 campaign off. For a team looking to put things right after the disappointing end to the […]
I’m sure every football fan in England, barring Arsenal fans of course, probably expect us to suffer the first of many losses today and actually, I suspect that a few Arsenal fans feel we won’t get all three points in the bag away from home. Well, not this one. All the news in the sporting […]
Tongue in cheek of course, for those of you old enough, you remember this guy? For those of you not old enough to remember him, Desperate Dan is a wild west character from British comic The Dandy. He first appeared in December 1937. He is apparently the world’s strongest man, able to lift a cow […]
It seems the long draw out Cesc Fabregas to Barcelona saga could finally come to an end today as reports suggest we have agreed to accept just under £36 Million for our Spanish midfielder. There are mixed reports about add-ons included in the deal and for the next five years Fabregas will pay Arsenal just […]