Joachim Low the leading candidate to replace Arsene Wenger at Arsenal…

With Arsenal stuck in what is looking increasingly like a lost season, manager Arsene Wenger may finally be out the door. The most successful manager in the history of the club has been much maligned in recent years, and the Gunners’ disappointing 2017-18 campaign is looking like it could be his last. Wenger’s contract with the […]

Has Steve Bould stepped up? Arsene Wenger does it again, it’s what he does when things get tough…

Morning all. I should have known we were heading for an unexpected victory in the San Siro because no sooner as I tried to copy the starting eleven onto Highbury House, the site crashed. Out it went for the entire match, probably in shock. I jest of course, it happens sometimes. Just as Arsenal winning. […]

If he’s ‘ITK’, Arsene Wenger really is going. Laugh quietly because we’ve got to play yet…

Morning all. Of course I’m thrilled they’re out, what Arsenal Fan wouldn’t? When a Totts fans lets you know they’re sat in a pub with a beer in hand, in front of a roaring fire watching Arsenal get beat by Brighton on television, it’s kind of good seeing them get their cheesy grin wiped off […]

Josh Kroenke confirms the board will make the decision as they see fit. They need to make it now.

Morning all. Yesterday was the first time in a long time that under Arsene Wenger, we lost to a club promoted from the Championship the previous summer. That was in 2006 when Neil Warnock conjured up a 1-0 victory over us which caused a bit of a shock. Losing to Brighton though came as no surprise, […]

The Vultures are circling. Can Arsenal board afford to ignore the pressure which is building by the day?

Morning all. A bit like Arsene Wenger, we fans plough on regardless. There’s nothing new to discuss, other than the pressure which is really building on the Frenchman. The vultures, who have been circling for around ten years or so are ramping up their campaign to get Arsene Wenger replaced as Arsenal manager. So many […]

The Mirror leak board turnaround and player revolt…

Morning all. The Press Conference dished up a few odd responses from Arsene Wenger yesterday but despite being prepared to write scathing comments about him and his teams performance on Sunday, they didn’t push him, not far enough anyway. Arsene Wenger doesn’t seem to be accountable to anyone at the club, nor does he appear […]

Arsenal picked manager who loves ‘organisation and hard work off the ball.’ Does Arsene Wenger though?

Morning all. A break from the men and youth today because another team within the club need a mention and that’s the ladies, although nowadays they are called Arsenal Women. It wasn’t that long ago when they were winning nearly everything there was on offer. The women’s team only started up in 1997 and have […]

Speculation or early warning for Wenger? Poll…

Morning all. I guess it was inevitable really so it’s no great surprise to read the headlines on the back pages which suggest Arsenal and Arsene Wenger are likely to part company in the summer. Unlike many of us though, this suggestion in the newspapers seems to have suddenly come about following our toothless performance […]

Arsene Wenger sows seed of doubt. Henry wants the job, give it to him?

Morning all. Just a few weeks ago, Arsene Wenger was quite adamant that he’d be Arsenal manager next season, the final of his two year contract signed last summer. Yesterday though, after the 3-0 mauling by Man City, when asked again whether or not he’d be Arsenal manager next season, his reply was simply ‘who […]

Arsenal record in League Cup Finals is dismal. Still, we’ve got hope but that’s all.

A post from AllezKev this morning. OK, first the bad news. Arsenal do not have a good record in League Cup finals. On the seven occasions we’ve got there, only twice have we left Wembley with a winners medal and the trophy but the last time that happened was back in 1993. Yeah, yeah, yeah, […]