I was talking to an old pal of mine the other day, hadn’t seen him for in ages. We used to play golf together and he was a right card in those day’s, once he started you would be in stitches for ages but although I’d known him for years, we never really got on the subject of football.

I bumped into him again recently and it wasn’t long before he asked me what  i’m doing these days…

We chatted, I told him all about my current exploits and I included that I’d taken up blogging!

He looked me in the eye and asked if that is the thing they do on them computer things…

He’s a tad older than me and after a snigger I told him that computers have been around a while by now – he told me he’d never used one, let alone owned one!

That was that conversation killed 😉

He asked me about the blogging and what was the point of it?

So I explained how it allowed people from all over the world to communicate with one another about subjects that they are all interested in and when he said he could do that with his neighbour over the fence, again I chuckled but he did go on to say he and his friend next door often chatted football stuff and went on to tell a story about his neighbours son….

He was a keen football follower who had recently lost a bit of interest in the game and was talking about taking up another hobby. Shocked by that I asked him why..

He’d become worried that the top teams had put a load of foreigners in charge of their clubs, people that know very little about English football. These people were mega rich and probably only have got involved to launder dodgy money!!

He went on to say that his neighbours son supported a club that couldn’t afford to spend thousands on players and all of his football mates had started to think they were wasting their time. The club he supported never bought superstars, so he thought his club was going down the pan.

He also said that he wanted a change in management from top to bottom and what’s the point of supporting when you know they can’t win.

At this point and with bells ringing I asked him which team he supported.

Now you know what I am going to say don’t you?

Oh, he also said that his neighbours son had given up on this coming season, he was not going to bother with them until next year, maybe after a year out he’d feel better and maybe go back to watching them again.

Well I thought about that for a while and it sounded a bit like us. We’ve not won anything for a while and supporters are starting with the I hate Wenger bit , also a few are whinging about our players, our directors how they are cheating us with their inflated prices. How they cheat us out of top quality players, how a half time snack can cost an arm and a leg and how some are even loaning out their season tickets to their mates so they can get some money back.

They in the meantime can have some time out and they’ll probably return after we have won something!

They are the worst ones because as soon as we have won something, they will be shouting from the rooftops, ‘I have been a season ticket holder for years and love em’

What a load of crap that is.

You are an Arsenal supporter when you support through the hard times, the bad times, the embarrassing times and the winning times. You don’t turn it on and off like a switch, that’s not support! If you can’t be bothered to go, then give your ticket up and let a real supporter have it.

No matter what is going on right now, we are still Arsenal and just because we don’t win each and every season, it doesn’t mean we stop supporting does it? We may whinge and moan a bit but we all love our club don’t we?

For those that can take the heartbreak of not winning year after year and still support with a passion, you have my admiration because you, yes you, are a true supporter….

Oh, and by the way, that neighbours son was a Tottingham fan, fickle eh?? Ha ha.

Written by Steve Palmer

Benfica later and here is the nineteen man squad in Portugal:

Arsenal squad: (in alphabetical order)

Van Persie

Who doesn’t know their alphabet then?  😉

Enjoy the match guys……