Well it’s not is it?
I have to say a little sorry today too – yesterday I wrote a post about the players we are being linked to, the players rumoured to be leaving, all as if this season was finished…
Then, Rocastle popped on and put me straight – he was right to do so too!
We sit second in the Premier League, we still have a chance of springing a surprise on the united side of Manchester, so why aren’t we focussing on that instead of the transfer window?
There are eighteen other sides in this who would love to be where we are right now in the league so maybe it’s time to think only about the next game, and that’s Blackpool on Sunday!
But, at this point I am going to suggest that Wenger needs to say sorry too – had he ventured into the transfer windows will a little more conviction over the last few years we possibly wouldn’t be sat in second place right now, we’d probably be on the verge of securing the Premier League title by now, if we hadn’t done already.
So come on Arsene, do yourself proud, admit that you have got it wrong sometimes and try give us some faith back in you and our club.

Anyway, back to our campaign, on paper we should beat Blackpool at the weekend, Ian Holloway has them playing the kind of football to give us a real chance of scoring a few goals. In fact Ian Holloway is one of the most refreshing managers in the Premier League right now – his side came up to the Premier League this season but not once has Holloway tried to change his philosophy on how to play the game. In fact Blackpool are similar to us, they score plenty, but sadly leak plenty too, so Sunday should be an absolute cracker of a game. Like I suggested yesterday, I think we may just nick it 7-6 😉
After Blackpool we face Liverpool at The Emirates – they have a few injury problems, Johnson and Agger are out for the long-term and Stevie Gerrard is also struggling with his fitness. They don’t have Torres but they do have a guy who will be desperate to prove his value, Andy Carroll. We’ll worry about that another day though.
Right now, let’s try and get behind the team, the boss and all that is Arsenal Football Club.
Despite how you feel, most of us have followed Arsenal through thick and thin, through the good times and the bad – things seem very much the latter at the moment but as said, we are still in with a chance of winning the most prestige trophy in England, the Premier League and let’s just hope that all our bad results, our blips and lack of focus have gone.
Let’s get behind The Arsenal for the next eight games, you never know they may just surprise us all yet…..
Then, we’ll look to the summer transfer window and all the in’s and out’s we hope for…. 😉
That’s it from me for today, have a good one……
Morning all…
Admitting that mistakes have been made and eating a modicum of humble pie does not sit well with him. The fact that we are second and mathmatically still in it should be enough to get the fans behind the team. It is however the frustation of knowing it could have been so different had a few things been done in another way.
BTW any news on this rumoured announcement.?
Hi Potter..
I heard nothing – is this the player rumour you are referring to? If so, I think that may have been an April fool….
Sitting second for the last however long should also be enough to motivate the team, but it doesn’t…..
If it’s this one
Sport.co.uk understands that #Arsenal will make a statement in the coming days which will relate to future of the club at boardroom level.
Sport UK are full of manure….
Morning Gooners, Hi Rico. Had a lot of catching up [reading] to do last night, some really good posts from yourself, Oliver and Stevie P.
We are still in a fantastic position and the Mancs have it all to do, so why do i feel so despondant???
Morning Rico
I am ever the optimist and believe that the Blackburn game could be the title winner rather than the end of our season.
It is probably the biggest kick in the bollocks this team have had so far this season and we have head plenty of them already the past two months.
These Players must know now that they are playing for their futures not only at the Arsenal but if they want to get a decent team when we unload them this summer.
The only thing I see fucking up the plan is the fake we have as goalkeeper.
Statistically you are wrong about us leaking goals as since the introduction of Chesney we have become more solid and we actually have the third best defence in the Prem.
The Mancscum result was perfect last night as it leaves the Chavs with a sniff of beating them and those old legs MUST be tiring at the moment.
Their best player this past month is also banned at last albeit only for two matches but that will help.
I believe the Mancscum will lose at least two of their remaining matches and draw a couple too.
It really will be up to us if this happens and in the old fashioned Arsenal way it will go to the wire.
I still think we need to change a few things next season but let’s get this one finished first.
It was also a boost to our fans seeing those Spud muppets get trounced by Real. We the fans need a lift far more than the players and this was a shot in the arm for me so I guess it did the same for other Gooners who believed the hype that those tossers had a chance in the CL.
Let’s help these players until the end of the season by giving them some help off the pitch too. We might not like all of them and we may even hate some of them but let’s keep things together us and them and see what happens.
hi kev, good to see you back, thanks re the posts…
you feel that way because of the last few showings, ever since the CC final we have been poor..
If only Kos has put that ball in row z…….
Wise words chap! 4 nw th@s all we can do, get behind our team & pray 4 a miracle, so lets ntot fight amongst each as Gunners but be United like Manchester. The players also need 2 change their attitude as well & show us th@ our support means something 2 them as well.
Hi El Tel, good to see you…
I heard there was all sorts of goings on at the weekend, H/T war of words in the dressing room, the same at FT and fighting between fans…
Add to that Wenger’s comments after the game it is clear that something is wrong – if it turns out that the BB display is what it takes for this bunch of players to wake up and win all our games then good.
But, it shouldn’t take a game like that, what is the difference in that display and some of the previous we have seen when everything was just dead on the pitch?
As for the leaking of goals, i agree we have been better under chesney and my comment is based on now have Almunia in goal and Squilli in defence..
A recipe for disater…
I’ll tell ya what Rico, did you see Fergie last night, going out to the Manc fans and showing his appreciation of their support at the end of the game. It’s only a little thing and in the ‘Grand scheme’ shouldn’t mean F all, but i bet those fans loved the fact he took the trouble. Now when did Le Genius last ‘Work’ the fans the same way?? You know the ‘We’re all in this together’ nonsense that does mean a lot to us fans. There just seems to be something missing between the fans and the club…
Qudzy, ‘wise words old gal’ if you please 😉 😉
If the players could show more passion a lot of the ‘fighting’ wouldn’t be going on i’m sure, they are spineless right now and they need to get a grip..
BB was the final straw maybe, as for the manager… has he the motivation skills required?? We’ll see on Sunday…
I didn’t watch last night kev, but the appreciation to the fans is often something i moan about, our players and manager can’t wait to get off the pitch, especially when we don’t win..
One of the few players who always applauds the fans at the end is Theo, win lose or draw, he’s always there….I’m sure there are a few others but he stands out..
As for Wenger, he’s down the tunnel quicker than a rat up a drain pipe!
Morning Rico/Kev, there’s talk of Dein coming back…. Good post Rico btw!;)
😉 even
Absolutely Rico, he should take a leaf out of George Graham’s book, now he knew how to build that ‘Us against the world’ mindset and he included us fans into the mix. I sometimes get the feeling that Arsene treats us fans with distain and maybe contempt, as if we’re not allowed to criticise ‘The Great Arsene’. This of course transfers itself to the players who don’t ‘Show-out’ to us. Instead they’re busy dancing or waving to Auntie Mavis. Agree re: Theo, Jack is a good lad as well, maybe it’s a British thing?
Morning Lee, thanks 😉
Do we want DD back??
Hi Lee, man i hope your right about Dein…. All i want to hear is that Hill-Wood has retired and that Kroenke has sold-up [what is the point of Silent Sam????}
He did kev, remember the ‘so called’ rollocking he gave the players after the manure brawl – all done for the media and the players struggled not to laugh during their ‘telling off’ – GG was smirking too if i remember right……
He was a bit more clever than wenger, thats for sure…
Who do you want Stan to sell his shares to then kev, the big russian guy?
Rico, i’m not sure George was any smarter, it’s more a case of respect. And it’s not as if it’s a ‘French thing’ because Thierry, Big Pat, Petit, they all ‘Played to the Gallery’, but then there was more of a British influence in the dressing room and they learned from TA, Razor and co
Rico, Ursmanov gets a bad press from many Arse fans and blogs, and i don’t know why??? At least he goes to the games, Stans been to about 3…. What do you and others think out there, come on Lee…
And yes, i’d love DD back, he might be a bit of a spiv, but he was ‘Our spiv’. He worked the FA, went to all the Stiff & Youth games, was the drive behind our signing of players, he was/is a fan, doing what we’d all love to do… What is Hill-Wood? A Luddite, Kroenke, the Invisible man,and who the hell is Chips Keswick, where did he come from???
kev – agree re the learning, henry said in his recent i/v that the first thing he wanted to do was learn about arsenal and its history etc..
he said that adams, keown, parlour etc all let him knew what it meant to be playing for the club and he loved what he learned..
who is there now in our squad to tell all the newbies this??
But usmanov is only the 258th richest person in the world, he hasn’t got enough money 😉
I didn’t realise that he owns a huge mansion in surrey… Preparing to move there maybe??
I think we need a ‘DD’ kind of figure but for me, never go back….
Rico/Kev that’s the point i think WATH/Will made in an earlier post, the majority of this squad dont fully comprehend the “playing for the red & white shirt” they play for a pay packet!!
Rico, isn’t Urmanov richer than Abramovitch???
Anyway Gooners, i’m off to Rye Market. See ya all later.
They are spot on too Lee….
Not according to the internet kev, but i don’t know how true that is, someone suggested he was the 30th richest man in the world, today i read 258th 😮
enjoy your market 😉
we were suppose to beat Blackburn last week, what makes you think we’ll beat Blackpool away this weekend?
I have lost complete faith in this team, so many needless points dropped this season. i cannot see how Arsenal can win the leauge this season. If Wenger is going to stay then he must have a clear out, get rid of Diaby, Almunia, Bendtner, Denilson, Vela, Eboue, Rosicky, Sqalacchi and replace them with provern Quality players, we may then have a chance of winning a trophy. Agree Wenger should come out and apologise to the fans and admit his way was wrong.
Mornin, The Uzbek shrek is richer than the chav mafia Rico, this yrs rich list uzmanov replaced abramovitch in the top 3 ruski’s…….
Hi WATH, thanks for clearing that one up 😉
So he’s fit to take us over then…??
Whats the point in either taking us over if they gonna do nothing…? We need to know what the plan is…???
Noone invests abillion without wanting a return…? Noone…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There lies the problem for me…!
Just got me thinking today after all the rumours going around…
I don’t want either of them either, when it happens we need something new all round…..
Gotta to be off for a bit, catch up later….
Ok leave me here all alone I’ll talk to myself then….
Me johnny no mates 🙂
The best we fans can do is not to put further unnecessary pressure on the team, for they are too fragile. It has proven they cannot strive under-pressure.
It would be good to see the players just go out and enjoy the remaining games of the season. Simply freely expressing themselves. Who Knows?
BearMan, it would be good as fans to see one thing…. Effort….! I can handle any result if I see the team putting in 100% I ask for no more than that and it seems most of us are the same and thats why I think ppl are so annoyed because they can see plain as day there isn’t 100% from quite a few players and yes also correct they are extremely fragile sensative creatures..!
I wactched the Madrid vs Puds highlights again yesterday and noticed what we missed in Adebayor – The areal threat he has.
But when i saw his celebrations i then remembered how his arrogance slowly creped in at Arsenal and all the fans collectively started losing any affection for him .Then he made a mistake by peddling himself to AC Milan.
So i don’t miss Adebayor but i think we missed the arial threat he provides.
So my question is why didn’t Wenger stick to Chamarch ?
He was a direct replacement to what Adebayor gave us.
Wenger dropped him as soon as RVP came back and the rythm we had was distrupted.
When he wanted to bring Charmach back, he has already lost his confidence and we were in trouble now we are finding it hard to score againts negative teams.
So yesy I support Wenger and yes I think the players can win the league because 2nd is not a fluke (but I am still amazed) but Wenger made too many changes this season which seems like he didn’t but he did.
Those guys need to just find their rhythm which Wenger has tampered with by making the first team too obvious and leaving the other players dejected for being in a 2nd team.
So if Wenger can mix it up again , then the boys will find their rhythm.
For me , RVP and Charmach should start all games to the end of the season and Arshavin to feed them from the left and let Fabregas control the midfield right at the centre, I leave the rest of the headache to Wenger
morning all…nobody about, it seems. not that much is happening at the moment.
Morning Oliver, I nodded off to sleep talking to myself…!
hi wath…little to talk about at the moment. i am encouraged by the apparent lack of chatter from our players, regarding how we can still we it…we do have a chance, but the time for talk has passed…better to keep quiet, hunker down and get ready to take care of business on sunday.
The best thing this lot can do is go shut themselves away and have a good hard look in the mirror…!
Hi Gooners. where’s everyone?
Well sorry to dampen your optimism WATH ! but as soon as we beat Blackpool (God willing ) they will all start mouthing off on Twitter like pack of clustered wave making swallow birds ;
We are still in the race ,
We can still catch Man utd ,
We are focused ,
Bring on Liverpool
We have to win all our games now
We have being recharged
We were never in doubt of our abilities.
The Boss trusts us to do well
And so on and on and on and on they will all go like school girls in the school bus with their blackberries .
Then Liverpool comes and then we ………………………………
I left it open ended for the palyers to write their own stories .
Oliver, you are so right, actions speak louder than words and our players spend far too much time bragging about what they’re going to do, instead of doing it AND then talking about it…
Howdy all.Legendary quote ‘stay on your feet’…wilkins.
SD………….. now you’ve just pissed me off again…. I’m off to get a GG, allo AK where you vanish too…?
Wilkins=Uncle Festa….! Uncle Festa prob doesnt talk as much shit abt football either.
Hi Wath, been in London working mate, ugh. How’s things amigo.
KT, what’s the SP on Mario Gavranovic then???
I’m fine AK, it’s just a little quiet but such is life. Working mate thats awful 😉
Kev, that working will interfere with your social life!!
I’m afraid i can’t avoid it Wath me o’ china.
Plenty of stories about new signings next summer, unfortunately all the players involved seem to be aged 15….
Social life Lee… ha ha mate, it interferes with my gardening [ and my curries…]
FA uphold Rooneys 2 game ban. So he won’t be playing in the FA Cup Semi-Final, shame…..
I like your optimism, rico. 🙂 I must admit, it hasn’t been any fun rehashing how rubbish AFC has been since the CC finals… 🙁
Oh, and poor Shrek… 😀 😀
Kev, a mate of mine has a club level season ticket…lucky git!! He said after the Blackburn game , there was young ladies with pdq machines asking people to renew their season tickets!! Now that is a fcking liberty!!!
Got to say, that despite my antipathy for ManUre’ you have to admire the way they go about their business. Why Arse are fannying about, they don’t ‘mouth-off’ but do their talking on the pitch. Wish our players would just keep their gobs firmly closed and focus on the job instead.
How’s the retail therapy going agag?
Boo, how is everyone….?
Lee, that isn’t a good sign mate… Are we really that skint???
We won’t beat blackpool…am serious about it.
Hey, AK. Howdy? Been on hols? Oh, our players have to stop tweeting their apologies… They just have to go win some.
The retail therapy is going according to plan, AK. 😉 I still need a few more sessions though.
Hey, Lee. rico, been out gardening??
KT, we will beat Blackpool, I promise…
agag, i have, painting the fence, then ran out of cuprinol so had to go and buy some more…. 🙁
AK am still not sure about Gavranovic but he looks decent so far.he would be a shrewd buy.
Pleased about Rooney, shame they didn’t give him another match on top for the ‘wing and a prayer’ appeal…
Rico just wait and see.it will be billed as ‘Game of the season’ at the end of it and a ‘Great advert for the league’.best case scenario is a high scoring draw.
Work agag. I drive, so it means i’m out of the loop. Yeah don’t apologise, just get angry and make sure it doesn’t happen again [whatever the balls-up was].
Im so jealous of madrid/barca right now.they are playing with lots of pace,poise and technique-things we used to excel at but now we seem one paced especially when theo is out.
A right ray of sunshine you are, KT. 🙂 I certainly hope we win against Blackpool. It would be beyond depressing if we draw or heaven forbid, lose…
rico, I had to google “cuprinol”. Busy girl. Well, there’s really not much to say about our team that we haven’t already said before… Might as well grow ’em potatoes, eh?
Cheers KT.
Agag, you would have loved Rye Market…..
afternoon all…still pretty quiet, which is good…just focus on the task at hand for sunday…
hi rico, hi agag…
Thought you went off for sum sea and sun, AK. All our players talk about the great atmosphere in the dressing room, how they communicate, blah blah blah… It doesn’t translate on the pitch though does it? That’s what frustrates me.
Hi evening all, I don’t know where to start and with what to start with! But God I don’t like this club to be taken over by a Rich Foreigner. Takeover it not a solution giving this club back to fans is.
AK, Rye Market sounds like somewhere they sell raw materials for… vodka… Haha. I’m sure I’d love it. 😀
Hello, oliver. Howdy?
hi agag…all right, thanks…the off-season will be upon us before we know it…
Hi oliver.
hiya k…
Rico i really hope we win at the weekend.i was preparing a post but the team ripped apart my motivation to finish it.a win would probably help me finish it up.
KT, we will 😛
Hi oliver, i got your email thank you..
agag, still a few more panels to go 🙁 ‘google cuprinol’ 😆
Hi osi…
kev, a year ago i stayed in a little cottage just down the road from Rye market, had to move the car so it could get in, how annoying…
two words
david dein…
nice uplifting post rico…
it wouldnt do wenger any harm to admitt his mistakes but as far as the rest of the season is concerned im not expecting any miracles…
Hi jj.Dein won’t come back in the current set up.
We are facing the prospect of 4 El Grand Classicos in 4 weeks…i can’t wait!!!
Hi jj, i took notice from Rocastle, he was right too, we are second and until we are out of it, lets give the lazy good for nothing crop our support 😉
if he buys ninas shares or dannys and teams up with usmanov or stan hes in..
or if usmanov buys ninas shares or dannys and takes dein back then hes in…
fuck gazidis hes done naff all for the club except taken on a whole heap of staff whove managed to do naff all as well..
i bet their getting good wages as well…they can pack their bags and go with denilson and the others…
weve supported them all year rico..
whats going to be the difference now…
we supprted them going into the cc final..
didnt do naff all did it..
im just sitting back quiet to see what happens..
KT – I didn’t realise Blackpool v Arsenal was classed as an El Classico 😆
Haha rico.it will be a pleasure to watch madrid vs barca 4 times in the next couple of weeks.
JJ having watched barca maul shaktar i came up with an observation;none of barca’s goals were scored by a forward.their 5 goals came about through late midfield runners-llegada-who are very difficult to track.alves especially posed them no end of problems in the entire game by running on the blind side of the shaktar defense which also made me wish our fullbacks would contribute more offensively.this tactic can be very effective against teams that park the bus.
Theo and Song may be out of the weekend’s clash against Blackpool-Guardian.
we are nowhere near barcas standard
barca have a team full of catalans and have the heartbeart and desire of a team that works hard for the club they love..they are accompannied by superstars and it makes a good mixture
we have a team full of mercenaries..no gooners and surrounded by over paid no hopers…
KT, if you had to choose just one team to follow and watch, who would it be?
Only one….
Rico are you playing mind games with me?…
No KT, I am just asking…
this is getting silly now..
apparently weve signed this charlton kid..
first it was jon torel..then it was this 15 year old german defender, now jenkinson??
how many kids have we got already???
so why are we buying more is our academy that empty arsene ffs stop it with the babies sign some proper players..
wasting money on kids when weve got enough already..
because i am interested, thats all….
theres no point boasting about your academy when you have to buy players to put in it..
jj, and we wonder why the fans are unhappy….
weve become the chelsea and citeh of the under 19s..
Where will Wenger be when this latest lot are ready to play? In fact, where will they be….
JJ leave Arsenal out of the picture at the moment.i was asking about the tactic.
I can understand why we are signing this one.we have very few upcoming RBs.
‘we have a team full of mercenaries..no gooners and surrounded by over paid no hopers…’
pretty much sums them up jj…..
i will not buy a superstar cos it will kill my kid
so i wonder who’s place jenkinson is taking??
point is, ANY SIGNING kills another play so if your going to make one make it a PROPER ONE and not a future prospect..
here, look everyone, ive replaced a kid with…another kid..
im getting bored now…
Rico thats not a fair question.its like asking you to have 1 pair of shoes or 1 handbag.i would get bored of following 1 team only even if its Barcelona.
kerrea gilbert
if they aint good enough then buy someone who is not someone whos played a handful of reserve games for a lower league club who prob of the same standard…
Coquelin is a CM jj.the rest are crap.
anyone heard the rumour that lille have offered us hazard but want him back on loan?/
whats the point in paying 20+mil for a player and not being able to use him for another year??
😆 KT, good answer…
Hi, JJ and bye JJ. 😉 I’m off. Good night, kids! rico, have a tall, cool drink after all of today’s exertions. KT, you have shoes-handbags issues, too? I commiserate. 😀
Night agag, rest well 🙂
our academy is great as we produced Wilshere, Gibbs and others like Chuck ankeky, afobe are on their way. The idea about the academy is not that it has to produce all or even half of the first team it’s good if it produces a few world class players for the club so that the team can be built around it. I’m sure that we can do that in a few years.
Rico I get your earlier point
jj, i think hoyte and eastmond could soon be gone, i don’t understand why he played Nordveit there, sent him on loan then let him go for free…..
Then, pay for another…
hi agag
bye agag 😉
thats just it rico
Crazy days in the world of Arsenal……
I’m done in for the day guys, catch you tomorrow, enjoy the rest of your evening…..
Nighty night…..
Rico its very rewarding to watch other leagues.i have been a follower of özil for almost 4 years now and i’ll get his jersey but many fans had not heard of him prior to the worldcup.Shearer looked like a mug for suggesting that no German would make the England team a game which England got a hiding.its good to pick up the remote and watch other leagues.am currently enjoying watching Borussia Dortmund in Germany.am also learning so much about football in the former Soviet union countries and their up coming stars by just watching the Bundesliga as most players from those countries end up playing there.
jj, i think part of it is that not every kid we sign is expected to make the first team. i think every kid is expected to be developed to a certain standard – with the arsenal-brand label attached – and many are expected to be sold on for profit…i am pretty sure i have heard the term “self sustaining” used in reference to our setup, and running a youth academy which can supply some players for the first team and sell others for a profit, while having a steady stream of younger incoming players sounds self sustaining to me…
that is not to say i personally agree with this approach – i think it overlooks many of our present issues – but i suspect that may be at least some of the rationale behind the constant purchases of kid players.
nite rico…
the rational of constant kid purchases no longer washes when youve got the money we have and its our first team in need of repair not our reserves..
no one cares anymore about a player who may come good or may make a profit in 5 years time..
we want players to win us trophies its that constant obessession with profit at this club thats holding us back…
jj, i am not disagreeing with some of what you are saying. i do think we need to be self-sufficient, and this is one of the chosen means. but it appears to be part of a strategy where player development and self-sustainment are emphasized over tangible (i.e. winning things) success.
again, i don’t have a problem with running a strong youth setup, with a proverbial conveyor belt of players to supplement the first team squad, or be sold for profit…but this approach does not adequately address the here and now…i am concerned that this season may be our best opportunity to win things in the past few – perhaps next few – years.
weve got a strong youth set up already weve got 16 players out on loan..
we have over 60 players on our books
and we feel the need to add more to the academy??
theres no problem in self sustaining
especially when self sustaining makes you 52 mil profit in one year..
but if you make 52 mil and spend 51mil of it you still make profit so why the need for more kids to make you more profit in the future when youve got the kind of money for established players and still make profit now??
based on recent player acquisitions, it would seem we do. perhaps that is part of the “conveyor belt” strategy – keep the pipeline flowing into the academy, and add the nearly-finished players to the first team squad and sell of the rest…
again, i think we need ready-made quality, experience, track-record-of-recent-success players in several squad positions, but our current emphasis appears to be on youth. i think our club are not doing a good job of balancing these competing demands at the moment, but as i have no input into it, there isn’t much i can do about it…
i would surmise that the club probably does not view 1 million as adequate profit…i cannot speak for them, only give an opinion as to what i think is happening…but recent actions seem to show that youth purchases and development have priority over all other player issues…
the club can explain this long term strategy far better than i can…
which is the problem..
spend what you make..
dont spend a bit of what you make on making more in 10 years time..
its fine if your strengthening the team every year as well but when your not and your just buying kids from around the world it takes the piss..
lack of ambition and lack of respect for your fanbase..
European League. Just watching F.C. Porto. Falcao it’s fantastic!
Like I have told you before: Spaniash and Portugueses teams are superior of others ones. And Barga draw in Kiev..
Probably Benfica, Vila Real and Porto will be in the next round
Yo Rico, just read that Eto’s had a burglary at his family home and his wife has urged him to leave Italy…..he’d do for starters!!! 🙂
Anyone else bored with this season?
Hi Lee, he sure would but how much would he cost and what would his wage bill be??
Mind you, would London not be worse 😉
Dunno what he’d cost tbh….what an addition he’d be!straight swap with nb
Lee, don’t start getting my hopes up so early in the morning, if we only sell two players this summer i hope it’s nik and almunia….
mind you, i hope its a few more than two 😉
New Post up now guys…