If reports are to be believed, it would seem Usmanov may have reached or attained the 30% shareholding necessary to get his nose in the door..

I’m not 100% sure exactly what attaining that percentage will automatically entitle him to but the one thing will be access to the clubs accounts which could really rattle a few feathers.
He’ll be able to see exactly what has been going on for the last 5/7 years and will get to see where all the money has gone to. He’ll know for sure “IF” there ever was and/or still is millions for player purchases or if the board during that time have just paid off all the debts…
It could also mean that we could find out for definite whether the board has been telling lies or not, as to exactly where the money has gone…! Or of course, we could find out that the entire choice not to spend is, and has been, down to our manager.
I’m again not 100% on what happens next in relation to a take-over, it may not even be in Usmanov’s mind to take that next step.
However, if that should be in his plans, my understanding is that he would have to announce his intentions to the OF-EX market and then he’d have six months to actually make an offer for the remaining shares…! All of course which will be valued at the highest price that he has had to pay for any shares during the previous 12 months…?
Before any of that though, he would have to pass the Premier League Owners’ and Directors’ Test, in order to determine whether Usmanov is deemed to be a ‘Fit and Proper Person’.
Assuming he passes, then he will no doubt be banging loudly on the door to the boardroom for a seat, so far Kroenke has always denied him that privilege….
As I said at the beginning, I am not sure if what I have heard is 100% true but if it is, the next 24/48 hours will no doubt make things a lot clearer…
Oh, and don’t shoot the messenger, not unless you come back and apologise after this news is confirmed. 😉
Lets hope this is true…………. Let the games begin I say and lets truly see if Stan has the ambition to want our club and to invest in it properly or is he purely here to make a quick buck….!
Hiya W.A.T.H. Have you caught Goonie yet???
Must put him on a leash.
Did I read that Usmanov has passed the 30% mark???
Goody then. That would open up a can of worms maybe. And by force the others have to offer him a seat on the board of directors then. Maybe he will whack quite a few bums.
Should force PHW to do community service around the area of Scum lane.
Speaking of Community service…….is Goonie on a 24/7 community service?? How come he never writes when he is off??
I’ve been chasing Priscilla all afternoon Dev, no luck in catching the little tyke though…..
PHW can just kindly piss off far far away in my view…! toss pot..! Closely followed by GazidspinDr…..!
That was quick Rico. Good post……however as you said we must wait and see the outcome.
Hopefully having two billionaires will be of benefit only to Arsenal on the pitch.
every one is afraid of change….be it good or bad. Hopefully our one will be a good one for the benefit of the club.
And as you said Rico…..we cannot bash your head since we are all in the same boat as you are in…..floating in the dark. All this is just speculation and what us supporters are thinking. We do not think about money or profit. We think only about winning and winning with charm and style.
Dev, There can be only one mate, can’t see two seeing eye to eye especially as it seems Stan wants nothing to do with Usmanov although is that him keeping the peace with PHW and the other knobs until he boots them out and then makes a pact with AU….???
Afternoon – i so hope this is true, but don’t shoot me if its wrong 😉
I have no reason to doubt what i heard though….
devil, if this news is factual, we’ll find out tomorrow as AU will have to announce his purchase, i am hoping its true because we could then find out a lot more of what is going on and has been going on, can’t see AU keeping things quiet….
I’m not sure I agree with the last part of your following comment “Assuming he passes, then he will no doubt be banging loudly on the door to the boardroom for a seat, so far Kroenke has always denied him that privilege…” it’s not just Silent Stan that does not want this, but it’s the whole of the AFC board and old guard that have been bitterly against this as well, see Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith’s critiscm of them as well and this seems to back this up.
I don’t usually post on any of the AFC forums, but I’ve been a life long fan of the club and genuinely don’t like many others the way in which the AFC board and old guard are taking us.
If the two of them stay there and no one buys the club outright than that is only good for Arsenal. Booting out the rest like PHW will only benefit AFC. Maybe bringing back DD as CEO. Wouldnt be bad for us either.
Still dont worry Rico. No one will bash your head. There will be some gladiators standing in the way between yourself and those who want to do so. 😉
Maybe Usmanov will convince Abramovich to sell the chavs and buy the shares from Kroenke???
Now that would be monstrous. Would have the spuds pissing in from their ears.
If this is true we may well be seeing the beginning of the end for Wenger at the club.
If there has been plenty of money to spend and he choose not to spend it and thus seriously weeken our team then he must go.
If on the other hand Usmanov shows that there is fuck all to spend then Wenger has been party to a cover up with the board and must go.
Either way I don’t care. I want both the yank and wenger out so I hope and pray this is really true and Usmanov has started the final chapter in a takeover.
Rico. Was this tomorrow’s post by any chance?
Did i put my foot in it..?
Hi Andy, i understand what you are saying, but as the major shareholder, the decision to allow AU a seat on the board surely lies with Stan?
He has made it clear he doesn’t want help from AU in any way, and even turned down the offer of money to sign new players…
May I say, i am glad you decided to make HH your first blog to post on, hope your comment is not the last…
Most of us here are pretty unhappy with all that is going on and the direction we are going in….
I hate to rain on your parade guys but even if he has hit 30% of shares he wont get to have a say on things because it will then go down to a vote of boardroom members (if i remember correctly) if he is allowed onto the board because Kroenke owns 67% he basically says what happens, if he is against it and can persuade the rest of the boards votes against it he wont get on the board………….if you have 2 people on 30% or more what goes on in the club decisions goes to the majority shareholder and there is not a damn thing Usmanov can do about it…………i dont trust the guy anyway, he might pump more money into Arsenal but at what cost down the line.
I rather things stay as they are and we are self sustaining as soon as someone like Usmanov start putting money in i am damn sure there will be hell to pay for it later on.
As the April deadline for board stability approaches , we may well see the changes in the boardroom. According to the plus market site 82 shares have changed hands since Christmas.
devilgunner – Usmanov is more wealthier than Abramovich, according to both the times and Forbes annual rich lists, and so why would or should he want to do that? Just playing devils advocate and apologise if what you wrote is meant as a joke and I’ve got the wrong end!!
TT….the first part I agree with….If there has been plenty of money to spend and he choose not to spend it and thus seriously weeken our team then he must go.
However on the latter its impossible. When you sign a contract you also sign an agreement that you can never go against the vision of the club and its directors. So if he is covering for them then he is simply doing his job.
Personally there are things that I will never forgive AW for. Like the 2-8 thrashing or the fact that he has one of the longest lists of coming second in cups. But we have to be open minded and not blame him for everything.
devil – i can’t see the two working together in all honesty, only because stan has rejected AU’s help in the past – AU is wealthy and if reports are right about him soon to be selling his FB shares then that is going to be worth an awful lot of money, he will be able to afford to buy Stan outright several times over…
Should that be his objective, we will soon see just how much OUR club means to Stan, and whether its just a money making project or not….
That was a joke Andy P. 😆
Anything to have a dig at the shit up the road.
But even if he is richer than imagine what would the scum do if we are owned by two billionaires who are willing to make the club the best in the world.
It matters not a bit if Usmanov won’t be invited to join the board, infact I hope he stays well clear of the shower of clowns that “yes” everything the yank does(or does not do more likely).
What will make the difference is that he will now have full and absalute acsess to the accounts. Thats where we need him right now and the sooner the better.
Usmanov will not hesitate IMHO to exspose the manager and board if he thinks it will further his takeover and why would the yank not sell out if his investment is going to turn out a loss?
After all the welth of Kronke is a small change to AU….
devilgunner you can be damn sure if there is no money for players and never was then that decision was OKed by Wenger.
He has an unhealty power on boardroom level and is guilty, with the rest of the board, for a coverup to con season tickets holders first of all out of their money by stating money was there for players if indeed that is the case.
Hi TT – i’m not sure this would spell the end of Wenger, it could be a new beginning for him. If he has been under financial restraints then those chains will be set free…
If however it’s all down to him that we don’t spend, then yes, you could be right imho…
AK, stop worrying 🙂 🙂
Hi all.its good Usmanov can now have full access of our accounts,thats all we need for now.expose those dinasours upstairs ;>
Maverick, wouldn’t you rather a bit of both?
AU guy who appears to be a fan, someone who attends the games and wants to invest money in the club – there is nothing to suggest that he wants to take the club along the Etihad path, just somewhere in between maybe….
I hope your right rico.
Usmanov is the only person who has offered to invest money into the club and the board stuck two fingers up at him.
Only last summer he was quoted as saying ” I don’t want to be on the board of a trophyless club”
He won’t be happy coming 4th every year, there’ll be a couple of board members looking over their shoulders right now.
Bring it on.
I wrote about this a couple of days ago: http://angryofislington.com/2012/02/10/alisher-usmanov-and-his-30-arsenal-shareholding/
I’d be surprised if Usmanov has reached 30% already, but it’s possible. I think you are vastly over-estimating the effect of it though. It won’t get him any closer to being on the Board, and it may not actually get him anything.
devil – your 4.58, thank you 🙂
Hi Kt, i think thats what we all want from this, the truth….
Unless they manage to gag him up also 🙁
potter – good, and i pray that IG and PHW atre two of those changes, then in the same month we may just start to se what AU really wants to do….
@rico, definitely i am sick and tired of struggling for 4th when a few decent signings could literally see us destroy the league. Something like Podolski, Hazard and Pastore…………..BUT at the same time i am kinda concerned about Usmanov, don’t get me wrong i am not overly happy about Kroenke either because he seems to passive and seems to just like making money on his investment rather than helping us along.
Usmanov on the other hand though, there is something about him (other than the criminal connections supposedly) that just seems off……..i feel that he could help the club give us a boost with his money and we would be grateful but a few years later realising we have sold our soul to the devil and he has his claws in our club but there is nothing we can do about it……but some people are saying the same about Kroenke so i dont know what to think. All i can say is that i feel more comfortable with Kroenke he seems a bit more honest to me………but at the same time has done nothing really for us.
So in my mind i am weighing up:
Dishonest + Money = mmmmmnnnnn uncomfortable
More Honest + Our situation now = Sick of it
See what i mean?
Dexter, the two letter FO may not register with your pea brain mind, but shut the door as you leave!
This may even wake kroenke from his deep sleep, there again…..
i hope so too, how stan just refused him the money to help out i never know, unless of course the club do have millions and its wengers choice not to spend it?
Arteta has some sick stats;yesterday he completed 116 passes,76 more than any S’land player,at a 94% accuracy.this season he has an average passing of 80.8 passes a game only bettered by xavi,x.alonso and pirlo in Europe.he is proving to be quite a buy.
Going on from that Micko, if Stan has nothing to hide from our second major shareholder, why keep him so far away from the boardroom/club…
theres a kipper in the air 😉
I am in 2 minds i keep on thinking to myself Arsenal is a club with morals and scruples, the owner we have got right now as much as he is fitting into that model is someone that means well but seemingly is not doing much (unless there is stuff going on behind the scenes that is going to make us obscenely wealthy……..remember he has connections with Fox tv etc if we get something done with them that could be worth mega millions……..imagine fox sports on our shirt as a sponsor lol)
Or usmanov who will give us more money but would maybe change our status and make the clubs moral status take a dive (not saying this will happen) but there is something really dirty and dishonest about Usmanov that i feel will tarnish our club…….but we will get results.
Maverick – i can see why you worry, just look at all we afc fans said about Roman but to this day he has never been proved to be corrupt – and the same with AU, in fact the case against him was proved to be unfounded and fabricated…
All i hope for and i am sure everyone does, is the best for our club and right now its not looking the best and hast been in a while…
like you say, aiming for 4th spot means very little to us fans….
I’m with Maverick on this one.Usmanov may be the man to really push us to the next level but something seems off about him that i can’t put a finger on :/ …
Rico, probably because Stan is there for financial reasons, Usmanov would want to come in for footballing ones, spend some of the profits and rip the transfer policy to pieces..
Stan would be sweating more than a hippo in a power shower.
Regardless guys, Sports and America are BIG business, i have got a feeling that even though Stan has been ‘Silent’ i think he has been upto something that very well would mean we wont need Usmanov we would be creating money by the truckload……….as i say Stan has huge connections with media over there and also sports media and Fox sports we could find that he is slowly getting a package together so when renaming rights and shirt sponsors come through again we could have a bidding war.
Also he could very well be working to get us exclusive rights to be televised on americas networks that could be worth 100’s of millions to us alone.
As much as he seems silent he has definite business acumen and he saw something in Arsenal that he wanted to market to the masses over there………and we have been told we will be doing tours there also, me thinks he is up to something BIG and all of us fans will be quite surprised and might even be laughing in the face of other football teams and with no debt could suddenly be able to spend hundreds of millions each season if we wished……………..i know its all dreams at the moment but i dont think it is impossible.
Maverick, have the club already not sold us down the river with lining their pockets to raise the share price to sell the the yank who has for nearly 12 months remained invisible and has said nothing about plans or vision for the club, keeping the status quo for the 12 months after his buyout of the board members means come April we have no idea what he plans to do nor do we know if he will rape the club of it’s profits or give himself a dividend etc etc… all we do know is he borrowed to buy us, he wants a return… he hasnt invested sweet fa in the club to buy players at all so how is he any better than Usmanov who has 8 times more money and wants to invest and make us stronger.
Hi Rico, great news if it’s true, I as I’m sure many fans have, been hoping for Usmanov to find out for the fans exactly what’s been going on. No more lies and half truths and maybe even finally some accountability!
Maverick, i see where you are coming from, none of us know what AU would do should he take ownership, but, one of his buddies is David Dein, possibly the man who was behind his investment in the first place and we cannot doubt DD’s love for our club…
Only when/if he were to buy us out would we find out…..
Maybe and just maybe, if he gets passed the 30% it will bring the best out of Stan…
In truth, I don’t like any of them but to keep up with the rest, we need someone who is prepared to invest rather than make money – but at the same time, not do a Leeds on us….
Tough call….
Maverick, who gets into a sponsorship bidding war for a team that always sells its prized assets and has only a decent team on the pitch….? The yank may have decent contacts but the russian has more and far more clout financially to make things happen…!
That’s my view too Micko – he wants us to overcome the likes of Cithe and the others and to date there is no evidence he;’s in this for anything other than football… If he wanted to make money he would have sold up to Stan – but then i doubt Stan would have been able to afford to buy his shares….
AU is hanging around for a reason…
Rico, 5.37;
Sounds like someone, has just been playing, with Daddy’s ipad…?!
Hi Sam, HH has had a few trying to come on that think differently, sadly fro them they used the ‘c’ word so they aren’t here 😉
imho, it can only be good for afc…..
Anything to get rid of the current freeloaders on the board and that spin Dr Gazidis the overpaid tosspot…!
People owning and running the club with ambition and who actually give a shit about the fans and proper old skool fans as well…! Not pampering to the tourists and the jcl’s…!
Maverick i like your optimism re; Kroenke.
You put forward some really plausable arguments and theories.
But Krienke has been to see Arsenal about 3 times since he began his involvement with us.
That doesn’t strike me as the actions of an Arsenal enthusiast..?!
Wath – Gazidis makes my skin crawl!
Maverick, when was the last time you remember Stan coming out with a statement to the Arsenal fans or seeing him at a game ?
He’s not really going out of his way to endear himself to us is he.
Just be nice to hear something from him on his future for the club every now and again, don’t think that’s too much to ask.
To be honest, I think everyone should be wary of both SK & AU, until we know what their ultimate agenda is, which too some extent we know already from AU, ie investing money into the club to take it forward and be more competitive. I’m sure that I’m not alone in wanting the likes of IG to be replaced by bringing back DD into the fold, even though that will I’m sure ruffle a few of the old guards feathers, but maybe that is what is needed?
Rico, going back to the point of your original post, I would be glad if AU has reached the 30% mark, just so he can look at the accounts and give all of the true AFC supporters a true account whether via his advisors or directly of what the clubs finances actually look like after taking into account the repayment of the new stadium debt – because we certainly don’t get that from the current AFC board.
@micko i totally agree it is disheartening, but i think Kroenke is like that with most of his ventures he doesnt get involved too much with appearances etc, but he is a businessman so what he is likely doing is behind the scenes stuff like creating colaborations etc, like maybe he is trying to get things together so Arsenal advertises his american sports teams and his teams Advertise arsenal.
I find his ‘hands off’ approach annoying too as i mentioned earlier i am sick of being in this position BUT it is widely known that Kroenke when it comes to business matters is mostly on the ball and obviously he would want to raise the profile of his investments……..so maybe his stance is (not saying its right) i buy and own i wont touch but just focus on making more money whilst i leave the rest for the employees to run as they see fit as long as i dont lose money meantime. I also want to know his plans and see that he actually gives a damn but unfortunately he is probably not going to announce them because if he does people will try to poach in on them…………as much as i dont like his approach to things all i know is that the guy aint dumb and i reckon he is upto something, i just damn well hope its good.
Anyway, i’m just a simple man, two posts in one day is just too much.
Be careful what you wish for
Agree guys, Stan could do a lot more to convince us and the squad, a one off appearance in the changing room hardly does that does it??
Spot on Andy, let’s have some truth, so many of us blame Wenger, some the board, and of course many blame both – think its about time we knew a bit more after all, it’s us fans who line their pockets….
I hear you Maverick, we’ll soon find out if you have a good nose for these things……….enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Nighty Micko, have a good one….
why goonermichael??
If AU came in, bought Stan out, bought back David Dein, looked after the club, gave Wenger money and DD sorted out the signings like he used too…
Where is the problem??
No-one wants him to treat the club badly or do a Leeds on us, but its not so good watching Stan rip us off either….
As i said earlier, i didn’t and don’t really want any of them but that is how football has gone, so we need the one who will truly do right by OUR club….
Yeah i can sure read some good ideas on here about money~making. Tbh i do think we’ve done quite well in that area already. Not seen a lot of it invested in the team to date.
Why should i believe that that policy is going to change?
Whether the club makes 10 times as much as it does now…
Slightly off topic, but what do you guys think of Henry taking the place of Pat Rice when he retires? I think that would be awesome (not sure if Wenger has thought of this seen he has said he might bring him back) because he gets the team really pumped up i think the team could do with him here permanantly with wenger.
Maverick, i think i’m right in saying at one of his soccer clubs in the US, he walked in, sacked the whole management and started afresh just a month or two ago,. if he wants to be involved – he would….
I don’t think it will change either AK, SS wants one thing imho and thats to many money at our expense….
Back shortly, just getting a bite to eat…
Getting the team pumped up only works in the short term Maverick. TH with AW simply would not give fresh ideas. We need different mind set and a clear vision of what goes on in the club.
GoonerMichael…..careful what we wish for???? All we wish for is transparency and a cup or two every season. And a better attitude from the club towards us supporters, especially those who invest a lot of money supporting the team. Not much to ask is it???
the 30% is very unlikely to let him view the accounts in full, its only an FAPL rule and it was designed with the view that anyone with 30% of shares would already be part of the board or at least on their side. Also Stock Market rules would have precedent over FAPL rules and the SM would see Usmanov as a rival to the AFC board and their rules would not allow AU to view the books, especially as it would give him unfair advantage if he was to launch a buyout attempt.
Couple of other points on AU, if he was allowed to view the accounts there is still no way of knowing if anything he would say about them would be the truth or just a means of helping his attempt to get fans support for his buyout of Kroenke.
Secondly AU never offered to put money into the club, well not in the way some of you clearly think he did, he merely offered to underwrite a share issue, which in fact was an attempt by him to increase his share percentage without the hassle of getting people to sell their shares to him – as then just like now, many shareholders do not want to sell to him, as is evident by him having to always pay over the odds for any shares he acquires.
Exactly devil, we don’t ask for too much do we….
eduardo, do you not believe that AU would love to spill the beans as much as we’d want him too 😉
re the money he offered for players, are you sure??
Maverick – TH taking over from Rice, not for me personally, he’ll just be another yes man, we need an assistant who will be able to speak, not just sit like a cardboard cut out…
Keown or Adams for me 🙂
Whilst I share most fans desire for Arsenal to be better run, I don’t get why this event provides any particular cause for optimism. Getting 30% of the shares will make no real change to the power structure at all. It doesn’t matter what value the rules would dictate for an Usmamov take-over bid if Kroenke doesn’t want to sell. Finally, I don’t understand why anyone has formed the view that Usmanov would be a better owner than Kroenke anyway. Having your PR company write pieces for the papers is easy, what guarantee of any particular action if you were in control. Not saying he wouldn’t be a good owner. Just don’t get the blind faith bit!
I am off for today. It was enjoyable to have two posts. Is it a first madame???
Righto….I am skedaddling into dream land after sowing the magic beans which will turn into a tree that goes high up to the castle on the clouds where magic dwells.
Not sure that i’ve ever met an ethical billionaire…?
Does one even exist???
Do you ever become a billionaire without stitching up others???
Is Stan ethical?
If not, then why the wringing of hands???
Oh I forgot…..good night all.
See ya AK. hope all are ok.
Maverick – Steve Bould has already been lined up for that role, not just paper talk last week either.
Good night habib.
Hope you are all well.
Nighty Nigh devil, i think its a second 😉
AK – i love your last comment about billionaires…. 🙂
Andy, if that is correct, and i don’t doubt that you are accurate mate.
Then where does that leave Banfield as i’m sure that he’s with the 1st team these days?
Well Rico you get fans coming on and commenting in threatening tones about Ursmanov, as if he is the AntiChrist and then commenting on Stan as if he is some big cuddly American, desperate to help us Arsenal fans realise our dreams.
Interesting post rico.
of course there is nothing to stop Kroenke selling his shares to the Russian, hough the general concensus of opinion is that he is in it for the long haul.
our net spend in the Summer was 4 millon, which says a lot to me
if kroenke is like Randy lerner heaven help us all.
One either believes there is money available and Wenger won’t spend it, or his hands are tied but I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle and the biggst drain is average squad players and potentially good players on too high a wage.
Andy – i read that Bould had been offered the role but declined it because he didn’t want to be another yes man, then, AW persuaded Rice to stay another season….
Again, only what i read so don’t know if its factual…
Banfiled AK, another yes man but as long a sWenger stays, its more likely he will be Rices replacement with Bould taking over the reserves….
Cheers Dev take it easy mate…
eduardo…. do you not think AU at least making an offer to put his own money into the club showed us all the fact stan said no way meaning he doesnt want to put any money into the club what ever way the offer comes wrapped…! it highlighted Stan isn’t there to invest he’s there to take out all he can, why buy in the first place if your not going to make money and he isn’t flush enough to use us as a play thing…!
I know AK, i’m sure neither are perfect, but it’s all about who is best for OUR club…
And right now i can’t see it being Stan….
Kelsey, If Stan is in it for the long haul cant see how people have that opinion from the fact he’s never said a word but if he is then we’re in shit as he will want a return, he borrowed the money to buy our shares in the first place so get ready for Man U part 2 coming our way….! He will want a return on his investment make no bones about that so where will it come from…?
I’ve yet to meet an American businessman, whose gone into anything, without the sole single aim of exploiting it.
Anyone who thinks that Stan is Arsenal’s version of Father Christmas, probably believes in fairies.
Hi kelsey..
interesting subject if it turns out to be true and form where it came from, i think it will be….
did you see our net spending over the last few seasons? It kind of showed we proritise selling rather than buying and there has to be a reason…
AW imho can no longer go on about his youth policy because his last minute summer signings blew that out of the water….
If AU wants in and Stan sells, us cynics about Stan will be proved right….
Wath, more ST price increases for a start…… he’ll rob the fans left right and centre….
AK, neither have I, just look at what happened at Liverpool….
Like we ain’t getting robbed left right and centre anyway at the moment while the board get a free ride
AK, re your earlier – Dexter has been here before, maybe he just has a touchscreen phone 😉
phil, sorry – i missed your 5.29, sorry – and welcome – what makes you think he won’t want to step up his interest in our club?
There are 62217 shares issued in the club, Stan has 62% plus. A rough estimate gives him 37330 He bought them at prices up to £10,000 each . The recent share purchases have reached at a peak £ 16000. Not a bad haul should the offer from Usmanov come in.
potter – did you read the link in phils comment at 5.29?? maybe i raised my hopes a bit too much…. 🙁
However, if that is the amount that AU would have to pay for the shares and IF Stan is out to only make money, he’s going to make a busting lot already should he decide to sell up….
That will speak volumes….
All it will get him is the right to see the books. Which possibly may give him the option of making things uncomfortable for Stan . As I have said before, this summer is likely to be more interesting for the unrest upstairs than for what happens on the pitches of Europe.
The thing is Rico it’s not about Au getting on the board thats not going to happen if the major shareholder ( Stan ) doesnt want him…!
It will give him more power over the accounts although depending on what side of the law you sit that also seems to be an issue as to exactly what he’s allowed to view BUT getting 30% would give him the leverage to ask a few pertinent questions that’s for sure. Stan don’t have money to pay 16k a share and Au does thats obvious. The big question is what deals were undertaken when the original buyout came into place and what falls away after the 12 month period is up…?
AK – you’re correct, NB is with the 1st team.
Rico, from what I understand that was last year – but this time it’s different and AW needs to and is being pressed by both shareholders and fans alike too freshen up his backroom staff and it’s believed that the appointment of SB as his No2 may go someway and help appease both.
There is huge uncertainty about what may happen now.Kroenke was the lesser of two evils as far as the Board were concerned.His interest is purely financial and if the financial results are OK he will leave things alone.Usmanov is a very different kettle of fish,probably far more ambitious for the club on the playing side than Kroenke and quite akin to Abramovich in that he will change things.I think the key player is David Dein.If he is involved I believe he will ensure the club tries to combine sensible financial management with some more spectacular activity in the transfer market;but we would be a lot more like Chelsea.Wenger would be safe if Usmanov comes and Dein fronts his interests but should the russian take a strong personal interest Wenger may walk as it has become his personal fiefdom.I think we are doomed with Kroenke in charge,he is an awful owner.We represent just part of a stable of sporting interests as far as he is concerned.
Usmanov must want to get a Board seat if he has upped his share in the Club beyond 30% and I don’t think he will be a quiet Board member.The culture on that Board will be anathema to him. I think we may be in for a wild ride!!
Potter just on selling his shares in May/June Stan would make a good 150 million quid…!
Gives him a few bob to buy another baseball team…! Gazidis can run it for him…!
That could be a good start – as you say potter, stan could get twitchy and restless..
Andy Powers, I think the only way SB would go against what he said last season is if A) wenger gives his word he’ll accpet input or B) Wenger the board are willing to look at SB as a long term replacement for wenger..? The fact that the board ownership issue is in the background would leave things for the future in doubt as you can promise if your not also running the club in 2 years so maybe SB has been told by wenger things in the backroom will be changing ?!?!?!
Wath, but what if AU just reads and sits on what he reads, we will know no more than we do now….
Why would he sit on it Rico, it’s in his interests to get the fans onside… If there is stuff to come out you can bet he will make it open to the fans to know…! propaganda to show where the money has gone and to see if they have lied about funds…?
If he says nothing then it would show wenger hasnt spent….?
Andy, i’d love Bould to take over from Rice, or Adams/Keown, like i have said here many times, we need the arsenal back in arsenal and the best way to do that is by having those around who know what it means to play for our club……………
thundertinygooner – welcome…
AU wont automatically get a place on the board, i think all he weill get for definate is a peep at the books and thats a good place to start….
Fair comment Wath and DD would want Wenger to be cleared too, they are after all very good friends 😉
But, what if Wenger is the one to blame, what if he really has refused to spend what is available??
Then we also need to know that truth as well Rico….!
WATH AU did not offer to put any of his own money into the club as some sort of gift as many try to make it sound like, he offered to underwrite a share issue, and it was the share issue that would put the money into the club, so in fact all shareholders who took up the option to buy more shares would put in the money, SK, AU and all small shareholders would have been putting in their money if they took up the option,
AU was looking to increase his share % by underwriting the issue, this means if any existing shareholder did not take up the option of buying the extra shares AU would have bought them, so in reality it was a cunning plan by AU to increase his % and put extra burden of expence on SK to buy up his allowed extra shares just for SK to stay at the same % as he started with.
Exactly – so if AU says nothing, we are back to square one?
Do the DD lovers realise that he is no longer part of AU’s Red and White holdings, long gone from them too.
eduardo, do you think it will take Red & White long to get DD back on board if that’s whats needed…. I think not, R&W knew DD was a problem with the board so they parted company, cosmetic only I would imagine and then yhe board still would not chat with Au and sells to Stan so if stans sells watch AU bring DD back on board so there is a close link to wenger….!
Make no mistake DD isn’t the saint he is amde out to be by some but he’s sure as shit 50 times better than the mug we got running us now who does sweet FA…!
I think we all do know that about DD eduardo, imho he left R&W in order to give AU a better chance of getting into thye club – DD and AW are best of buddies, and i wouldn’t be at all surprised to see DD back….
I’d say if AU says nothing Rico the buck would be squarely at Wengers door……! If Stan wants to sell and does sell then AU says here’s money to spend Arsene and DD will do the buying for you…. All you have to concern yourself with is a list of players you want ones you want sold and you just do what you do best… manage the team we’ll do the rest…!
If AW doesnt like that idea then it really is time for him to move on…!
everyone seems to be blaming IG for lack of signings and that by bringing back DD it will all change, the problem IG has is AW is not looking to get players signed, he is the one not willing to spend the funds given to him, last summer when CLichy was sold IG asked AW to give him a list of what left backs he would like as GC’s replacement and AW told him he did not need a left back as we had Gibbs and Traore. IG encouraged him to bring in a more experienced left back and AW said no need. Then a few days before Man U game AW decides to accept QPR bid for Traore, and tells IG he wants Santos, once IG was given the name he got that deal agreed within 48 hours,
Also guys David Dein himself has many times admitted he never once made a signing or even proposed as signing over AW’s head, every player signed was the wish of AW, not DD. And in fact DD once over ruled a signing AW really wanted, the return of Anelka, Dein would not allow it under any circumstances.
IG is fed up with AW’s refusal to name targets and also how AW back tracks on targets, like last summer Gotze and Hazard and M’Villa were targets, but when IG discussed targets for Jan with AW he did not want to bid for any of them three in Jan, and now only really still keen on Hazard in the summer.
So tell me how will Dein change Wenger’s stubborness
oh yes and by the way if DD loves Arsenal so much and is so close to Wenger surely he would have as a friend and a Gooner already done everything he can to talk Wenger into buying better players, so why would it change if DD was to become CEO again
eduardo, FWIW your analogy in your post of 9.20 is absolutely spot on.
Wath, totally agree and thats all we want to know at the end of the day, is it Stan to blame, is it Wenger, or is it both… If and ok, its a big IF AU has bought the shares, we’ll soon find out…
And yes, if it is AW, and he doesn’t want to spend money if AU does buy out Stan, then so be it…..
He’ll be a gonner…..
How is it that you know all that for sure eduardo…?????
Thing is you don’t, it’s either your opinion of it’s heresay and the truth is very few people know who is to blame but the fact that IG sits on his arse and doesnt hold wenger accountable leads me to think he’s a pussy…! As CEO he holds the manager accountable does he not..? The board lacks ambition and fails to show intent time and again and for years now has just ripped the fans off while lining their own pockets. IG earns a huge salary gets a massive bonus and yet for what…?.
As said DD isnt the be all and end off but I cant stand Gazidis he’s a spin doctor full of shit…! Just my opinion of course…! I could also be way off the mark and very wrong and he’s absolutely brilliant its all down to Stan and wenger not letting him be a proper CEO…!
that is the whole point of what is being said.
if what you suggest is fact, then that will finally be exposed and likewise, if its not ( and i am not suggesting that you are not right) then that will be exposed too..
At the moment we get stories from IG, and differing ones from AW – do any of us really know what is factual??
DD – well for him to have a cat in hells chance of coming back then AU would have to buy out Stan and until that happens, we are all guessing what he could do in the future.
I’d rather we signed on Karen Brady and sacked Gazidis 🙂
eduardo, re your 9.20
Au also said he’s match pound for pound any investment that Stan made and yes it was a share issue but AU was still saying that it would mean investment from both men into the club that they are major shareholders in…! Stan didn’t want to know…! Why would that be… due to him not wanting to invest full stop…! There are many ways to look at it mate but bottom line is Stan has sat back and not come out with his ambitions for the club no vision of where he wants to take the club and how… he said at the AGM what am I doing here…? well to reassure the fans is a start you twit…? seems he ain’t got a clue and wait til he wants a return on his shareholding i wonder how we’ll end up paying for that…?!?!?!?
didn’t stan give a very long interview a few days after the AGM giving his vision for Arsenal, did he not say he wants Arsenal to be winning trophies and that he is totally behind the self sustaining model, and that he was not taking money out of the club, that the money made is for use by the manager. That he sees AW as one of the world’s best managers. Funny how this is so over looked by those wanting to know his vision for the club.
Wath IG is no more full of spin than DD ever has been, every CEO dealing with the media is full of spin, I laugh at this notion that IG or AFC as a whole, do spin or media stuff any different than any other FAPL club – its a real laugh that PHW gets slagged for not being good at speeches but IG gets slagged cos he is
There will be chages to the board this summer, and AW will have less allies on it then, the likes of PHW, Friar and the Carrs see AW as not only the best manager AFC has ever had, but also as a friend, the new guys will not see him that way, and AW will have to up his game or go
I don’t seem to remember seeing Stan saying to much about vision for the future eduardo….. he came out with support of wenger, as you would obviously, he said the sustaining model is the way to go and we want to be successful…! Hardly the stuff that gets the blood racing as a fan when we want to hear a bit more ambition than that…! his words were via a yank magazine as well and at the AGM he said very very little.
IG for me is a weasel !! you obviously think he’s ok I don’t yep spin i can handle i am not so gullible as to think they not all at it but when you hear the same crap over and over and see no action it’s a bit much. PHW is a fossil and should be put out to pasture IG is just smarmy and never answers a question directly, he’d be a great politician..!
As for spinning the media thats fine but don’t spin the fans and thats the problem eduardo we have become secondary…!
eduardo, all i recall Stan saying is about how good wenger is as manager – i’ll google it now and see if i can find the interview where he gave his long-term thoughts/vision on our club…
i honestly dont recall reading anything like that….
gervinho missed the penalty and Zambia won the CAN
Jm, did it go to penalties…?
And Gervinho missed his…? Oh yippee that’s his confidence shot to pieces…!
Bloomin heck, it’s 10.30pm here in the UK, and i need my beauty sleep – big time 😉
Been a great few hours and so nice to debate without being insulting – thanks guys/gals….
What will be, will be I guess, all I hope for is that whatever comes out of this, if we soon hear that it is true, is in the best interest of Arsenal FC, the very reason we are all here…..
And that is truly all that matters…
Thanks guys/gals
Nighty Night to you all, have a good night…….
Night Rico, have a good one…! Am off to make a cuppa and watch a bit of tv before off to uncle ned….!
Chat 2moro and stay warm….!
eduardo, been good chatting…. 2b continued………….!
Usmanov looks shady
Thanks wath, you too, have a good eveining…
eduardo, you come back soon i hope…
no more shady that stan alan 😉
I’m gone, nighty all…..
It must be his glasses ABMP 😉
WATH spin from IG is no different in any way to the spin we used to get from DD, the only difference is we are not winning trophies now so fans are upset by it, but ignored DD’s cos of a few tin cups, its double standards
What exactly do you want Stan to say, he said he wants the club to win trophies and he wants to be here a long time and with a successful team on the pitch, I just don’t get what all this need some of you seem to have to be told what you want to hear is, yet when IG says the sort of stuff you seem to want from SK, its blasted as spin, again double standards, in fact its worse, its precious
I ask one question, do most of you want us to be some billionaires play thing, ala city or chelsea, I for one do not, I fully support the self sustaing model, only change I would like to it is, for the actual money we do have to be spent by the manager to give us a bit better team/squad
Looking forward to coming back soon, goodnight guys
eduardo, you have me confused as a DD lover amd that I am not….. never in a million years…!
Gazidis says the kind of things gullible fans wants to hear but he seems very lacking in taking the club forward, he’s supposed to hold the manager accountable is he not…? so why then does he say only the fans can get rid of Wenger…?
Am i right in thinking your opinion is that IG is doing a good job and wenger is the problem…? So you think it’s all solely down to wenger not spending and the board are fine..?
As for Stan having bought our club and being the institution that is was….. I say was as we’ve sold our soul so for me we used to be but no longer are…….. Stan should surely be reassuring the fan base that the club is in good hands, what are his plans for the short term (he touched on that as below but nowhere near enough info or intent shown or spoken) and the next five to ten years.. he ruled out saying “not” going to put the club into debt he would not answer the question on dividends and he refused to comment on investment, he merely spouted the party line we’ve heard from the board for the last five years…! Gazidis does the same thing and tells us there is money to buy we’re on a great financial footing bla bla bla…! Assets should be on the pitch not in the bank…!
I’m off…. look forward to continuing this 2moro……
You may be suprsed to hear I have been called an AKB for many a year but I think Gazidis is doing as good a job as is possible with wenger, Ivan can not sack the manager, only the board can do that, and yes if the fans kick up enough then of course like with at any other club the manager is more likely to be sacked.
Wenger had very little money for about three or four years, but in the last two he has had lots available but he believes that it would be wrong in a europe wide or world wide recession to over spend on players, he is very much and has always been into value for money and resale value on transfers(right from day one here)
Wenger is totally in charge of football matters, as is the case for nearly all managers in the FAPL, he decides who comes, who goes, who gets new contract, who is in the first team squad and who is on his coaching staff and what is done at training sessions, so yes Wenger has more to be blamed for than the board or ivan,
Wenger is afraid to make a £30M or £40M signing in case it flops and he has wasted that amount of money, he is happy to sign a £10M-£15M player if he can get the man he wants at that, cos if it fails no one will really condemn him for that sort of fee wasted, I think Wenger does not trust himself to get it right with a massive signing, he would be far too scared that it would turn out like Torres at Chelsea, that would kill Wenger.
where the board are mostly to be blamed is that they revear him far too much, just like Wenger is far too loyal to his players, the board are far too loyal to wenger and trust his judgement far too much.
It was Wenger’s idea to pay the middle ranking players in the squad close to what our top earners get, and this stops massive wages going to the likes of RVP, and also means the likes of Almunia and Denilson can not get a new club cos others won’t pay them what they are now on
Wenger also keeps young players who plainly have no chance of making it at Arsenal, for far too long and same goes for older ones who are not good enough.
I have one share! But I’m not selling ever, I’m off to Milan Tuesday, I know people that know stan, verdict? useless berk like all his franchises ie Rams are crap, he will turn us into the shit old spuds, stan & his old mate ivan the numpty without arsene heaven help us relegation for the first time in a century will beckon!, alisher? Our saviour!
Just a question mate.
Have you ever heard of Alex Fynn?
Have you based all your arguments around the interview Fynn gave to LeGrove?
Yes that’s two questions i know.
Do you know that Juan Mata was virtually signed & sealed, but that Gazides fcuked it up?
Do you think that Dein would have fcuked it up?
I don’t.
Dein was the man behind the arrivals of Bergkamp, Platt, Overmars, Petit, Reyes, Campbell, Pires, plus quite a few more.
Why didn’t Wenger stop all this terribly irresponsible spending?
After all he has total control, so you say, or Alex Fynn says, or someone out there says?
After 6 yrs with no silverware, streams of contradictory statements on the capability of the club to finance player purchases, and particularly the hike in season ticket prices, it’s not surprising that fans want a clear picture about transfer process and improvements to the squad. AU gleaning this information seems to be the only way it’s going to happen.
I don’t buy the whole self-sustaining argument I’m afraid. Large companies borrow to capitalise and invest in their business. Arsenal did this moving to Emirates Stadium. Why is it inconceivable then to borrow and invest in the squad to bring about success? That’s what every other club does. No company runs on a cash basis, it’s absurd.
If the club is to be run as a business then there should be a strong focus on the results and outcomes on the pitch, not just financial results. What major company would endure 13+ yrs of helmsman ship with no change, especially with 6+ yrs of not achieving key results or meeting market expectations.
Ask Mr Gazidis, he and Arsene are accountable to the fans after all.
I don’t read le grove, have not in years, had my comments removed too many times to bother with them, as all I was doing was pointing out flaws in their arguements and mistakes of fact, and I do not know alex flynn, although I have seen the name mentioned on some Arsenal blogs, but have no idea of his claims.
as for the mata deal, its bull that IG fecked it up, Mata was never virtually signed and sealed, arsenal met the buyout clause and on time, but the buyout clause only meant valencia had to give mata a pay rise,(which they did) it was not a clear cut buyout clause. Chelsea was on the deal all the time we were on it too, and mata wanted to go there(probably due to much higher wages).
Lets see spending under IG – Vermaelen, Koscielny, AOC, Arteta, Mertesacker, Santos, Gervinho – you see IG can get good deals done too, Dein done nothing different than IG does now, and that is go after the players Wenger asks for.
man i want usamanov to take over. we will be spending big money in the transfer market instead of selling our best players. go gooners
Reading these comments from the outside….I say this because i am relatively ignorant to the ACTUAL facts re: club politics….its clear that nobody can categorically say who is at fault in all things Arsenal,nor can anyone be certain,and i mean 100% certain,who is behind the lack of spending,nor the reasoning behind it.
To me,the board is negligent in its duties by either allowing Wenger to NOT buy,or by denying the opportunity to buy and not having the balls to admit this.
Oh,and Le Grove….the biggest pack of incestuous arseholes on the face of the planet.
Their catchphrase is…..where its ok to agree,actually,its necessary.
Morning guys and gals,
this post will stay up for a while as i have to out shortly, will post a new one later today… Also, if there is truth to what i heard and this – the we could hear more later….
Did you know that Danny Fiszman offered all his hares to various members of his family but they didn’t want them and the only reason he sold to Kroenke was to stop Usmanov getting a bigger footholding at our club.
As stated above Kroenke didn’t actually pay for the shares, i’s a bit complicated but he gave a sort of guarantee lik an I.O.U.
I would rather Usmanov be on the Board rather than Kroenke. The reason being Kroenke is only interested in making money rather than spending and if it is to be believed he has his own problems with his franchises in the States to be bothered with Arsenal. He has actually never put his hand in his pocket to give money towards players. Anyway it’s Kroenke’s wife who holds all the money. At least Usmanov wanted to clear Arsenal’s debts.
Just read a very,very interesting article on Usmanov.
If true,and he takes over,I will change clubs.
I stress,if true.
Morning all, afternoon to the Oz contingent………….
That the one from the telegraph a few years back Scott…?
It was posted by a Goomer on facebook and was written in 2007 by a Craig Murray….all i can tell you,but very worrying.
That Goomer doubles as a Gooner on match day.
Thats the one Scott, That story was doing the rounds for years and then got taken apart by various sources, It came to light as R&W were trying to make a run on Arsenal shares….!
End of the day since the board jumped ship and lined their pockets we as fans are now left in the lurch as any rich business could in theory come along and buy our Club, does that me we don’t support The Arsenal cos the owner is someone we don’t like…?
Football has become a business and has been for many many years, Owners and fans are miles apart and we’ll never have an Arsenal owner like we would all prefer we just have to hope for the best of the worst case scenario and all in all the owners of any team don’t care about the fans anymore we’re customers and all they want is profit..!
Wath,I agree as far as them wanting profits is concerned.
I guess that’s why I’m amazed people are surprised at Stan wanting that.
Lets throw the hat around lol.
I think with Stan the problem is he isn’t investing on the playing side to boost the offfield profits that warrants him taking anything out mate, then we all thinking well what if he saddles us with debt and uses the club for security ala mancs….. then we f’ked….! Commercial deals are so important the next year or so and we need a competitive squad that looks like they can win things to get decent sponsors on board and that helps the finances big time.
If only there was a multi billionaire Arsenal fan who would buy the club and put it into a trust owned by the fans….. hmmmm and then my dream ends….. 😀
Andy Powers post 4.53pm yesterday is 100% correct, it is not the decision of Kroenke not to have Usmanov on the board.
This all started years ago with the fall out between Danny Fizman and David Dein…. the boardroom was split, which eventually led to Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith selling up (to Usamanov I believe) Fizman sold his shares to Kroenke to stop David Dein getting back into the club.
Peter Hill-wood took the side of Fizman and so it became Kroenke as the major shareholder.
Remember just 2 years ago the board put a block on the selling of shares by anyone in the club, this was due to Danny Fizman’s ill health, he has since passed away, but the major factor was that they did this to stop Usmanov and David Dein gaining control.
Basically our club has been a pawn in a personal vendetta for the last 6 years. And the club has gone backwards.
We all know that the best thing for the club is for Usmanov and Red & White holdings (David Dein) to be in control.
Wenger has been blamed for a hell of a lot of us going backwards, with his refusal to spend money that the board have continually told us is there, however Wenger has still produced good, entertaining football throughout, we have failed to win any trophies mainly due to the lack of one or two experienced players not being bought…. this is not Wenger’s fault.
Arsene Wenger identified players he wanted in the club to make the difference and yes the board said the money for transfers were there, BUT and this is the crucial factor, they were not prepared to pay the wage demands of the player’s that Wenger identified and so Wenger has had to look elsewhere, at players of lesser quality and experience who Wenger can develop, this is what the the chief exec Ivan Gazidis (employed by Fizman) calls sustainable growth, without breaking the bank.
The board have also cut back on training schools and the scouting network, both of which were once the envy of most clubs throughout the world, our soccer schools are now way down the pecking order, and coaches are asked to go and scout in their spare time, also with UEFA coaching badges having new gradings, the club have refused the money to send our younger coaches on these UEFA courses to gain them, despite being told numerous times that if they haven’t got them, they will not be able to run the soccer schools, so we are missing out on any talent coming through from the local area (up to 1hr travel time which is the rule) to the training centre’s (players in the past such as Jack Wilshere) so there again Wenger has to buy youth from elsewhere as they are not coming through the ranks from under 9’s upwards anymore.
I have all of this information on very good authority from various sources inside the club and a lot of it was backed up by Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith, in her statements of criticism of the way the club is currently being run..
Stuart….. Lady Nina and Fizman sold to Kronke, DD sold his shares to Usmanov but the crux of what your saying is spot on…. The bif fall-out was between DD and DF and the whole thing from there started to go pear shaped…!
I would like to ask Eduardo if he could clarify where his statements come from.The way he writes suggests that he actually knows what is going on. As opposed to most of us that read between lines form opinions and make educated guesses.
Afternoon guys and gals….
Potter, you heard any more on the “April” anniversary and what we reckon will be “shake up time”…? All quiet from my side not even a whisper….!
Afternoon Boss………… how’s you…?
Afternoon Wath, not bad thanks, you?
Just wondering whether to pop a fresh post up 😉
Potter, 12.47;
Smoke and mirrors mate.
No as I said earlier , When the shares transferred one of the clauses was that the board would remain in situe for 1 year. The year comes at the start of the new tax year in April. As I said in previous posts , all my information comes from reading between the lines from articles written by people nearer the club than me. In this case I believe it was Tim Stillman a.k.a. Little Dutch of Vital Arsenal and Arseblog fame..
Afternoon Rico
Aftrenoon Gooners
Afternoon Grandson.
It’s still bubbling nicely…
I heard via a friend who knows a reliable person close to the club Potter but the news and whispers have been very quiet, last snippet was things would prob only change at the end of the season…!
All fine here boss, Afternoon Grandad hope your keeping yourself nice and warm…!
Is there any news for a nice new post Boss…? 😉
All pretty quiet today with not much news at all knocking about…!
This sums up and clarifies the situation.
Afternoon AK and potter
Wath, not really, other than SS of Sunderland 😉
Someone posted that link yesterday afternoon Potter, very good article…. Does anyone know “IF” AU actually has to announce if and when he reaches the 30% shareholding or can he just keep buying shares and say nothing until he wants to..?
Surely he has to ‘declare’ his share purchase Wath??
Afternoon all, for all of you that forget its valentines day tomorow
They not at liberty to announce individual purchases Rico, they do have to announce certain percentages of shareholdings though as I understand just not 100% on what those amounts are…! Afternoon SP
Hi Steve,
would you re-post that on the new post please, i have just put one up…
New Postie up 🙂
The the paps soon get hold of the deal details Wath, not much escapes our fine gutter press 😉
Well well,I held myself from commenting on this article till I went through all of others comments,have to say it’s really interesting and also confusing all’facts and oppinions from different sources but…all in all I only want one thing,is being competitive and having that reflected in clubs active trading in players Market and also philosophy on the pitch,so far we are in between all I’ve mentioned…
I don’t know if DD or IG is better and who is the lesser evil between Alisher and Stan,though supported this club for last 7 years I never went lengths to investigate all that,I am merely a single guy who loves this club and wants it to be successful,and what I think is missing is Ambition,there seems to be this self sustaining business model and bla bla,which sounds like utopia,it is amazing that we moved to new stadium and all,but at the end of the day I just want to win trophies… And I don’t care who is owner,CEO or Pope in our club,those will never be saints none are and none were,but we simply need people with ambition to be successful on the pitch,and the only ambition it seems our directors have is the balance of their bank accounts…again I might be wrong,this is just my opinion…
Best news this season.
Hopefully 2012/13 will be the year for us.
When Usmanov/Dein where interested in Arsenal I have always wanted them running the show.
Thanks for clarification W.A.T.H on who Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith sold out to, as that was the only thing I was unsure of hence the (i believe) after the statement.
I made that assumption based on speaking to her after she left, although I didn’t directly ask her who she sold to.
Though everything else I wrote, As I said has come from reliable sources inside the club.
My father worked at the club for many years during the 60’s and 70’s and we as a family have held season tickets from the 1940’s until I made a decision in 2006 that because I received a letter from the club regarding me as ‘dear supporter number xxxxxx’ instead of the usual dear Mr Toman, I felt I was no longer regarded as a person, but as a mere number.
Notably this change came about after DD left the club as well and in my opinion, it was then the club changed drastically from the inside out.
I still know many people who work within the club and without naming names and putting them into a position, I have had conversations with 2 or 3 of them as recent as December 30th 2011.
I was told by them then, that there would only be the one player incoming in January from Dortmund, which came to pass.
I was also then told about the coaching and scouting situation, and who is pulling the strings inside the club, and by the sounds of things, all is not rosy from within.
Again with Ivan Gazidis making his recent announcement with regard to sustainability and not being able to compete in the transfer market, it only confirmed exactly what I was told in December from my sources.
I am in no way AKB, though I do believe with proper direction and support from above, he is still the best manager for the job
He didn’t let us down when he had strong direction and support from above in DD, we attracted top class footballers then and we won trophies galore, even though the situation was relatively the same in the transfer market as it is now, albeit different teams offering more money than we could.
My personal opinion is that the board are totally to blame for the last 6 years, Yes Wenger’s tactics and tam selection does have something to do with it of course, and at times he totally baffles me, but again a workman can only work with the tools he is given.
If DD and AU did get control of the board and gave Wenger the direction and support he needs to get the players he wants, and he then fails to deliver, then I am sure that same board would not wait as long as the current one has, to get rid and replace, the only reason the current board haven’t got rid of Wenger, is because deep down they know they are at fault.
Stuart, Can you copy and paste your comment onto the new post that’s gone up….? Your comment deserves further discussion and most of the others are now chatting on the new post…! I cannot unfortunately move your comment you have to copy and paste…!
Thanks for that Mr Toman , it puts a bit more flesh on the bones . As you may have gleaned from my previous posts I have been more upset with the late Mr Fiszman and the current spineless board members than those of either Wenger or for that matter Gazidis, I sincerely hope that the story I gleaned from Tim Stillman bears fruit and that the last members of the old guard are swept away and the two billionaires start to do the decent thing and realise that they have to talk to each other for the benefit of all , the club , the manager and of course the forgotten fans.
W.A.T.H – re: announcements regarding shares owned etc, I know that if AU has hit the 30% threshold, this will need to be reported to the LSE / Offex exchange by way of a regulatory announcement, which is then available for all too see.
i also give my backing for mr usmanov to atless have a say for the fans !!
I have to concur le grove is a w@nker I use to post comments there and found only the ones you agree with them they publish …. Say one world out of line and your opinion is not posted. A place where you can have an opinion lol
I would welcome him if he become the owner rather then the no ball Silent Stan, Arsenal is going no where with him. Arsenal don’t need big money transfer like ManC,ManU,Chealsea, our current financial status is good enough but I just want to Usmanov to clear up the stadium debt is Good Enough for us to Challenge for Trophy.