Morning all,
It’s another no news day, so bear with me……

He wasn’t alone with this method of training, poor guys in such heat….
However, just around the corner…..

Mmmmm, glad all hands are above water…..

My woofa could do with one of those, not the ice of course, just a nice cool off during these lovely warm temperatures. Mind you, so could we all I suspect….
In the absence of any real news, it’s another day for gossip from the Sunday newspapers:
Ashley Williams, he’s back in the news again and being linked with a moved to London, well, to us of course. With Vermaelen out for at least three months, allegedly, surely Arsene Wenger wouldn’t risk of starting the new season with who we have. He and the other coaching staff clearly worked very hard towards the end of the season, tightening up what had been a leaky defence. One injury to either Merts or Kos and we’d be in the mire.
We have to sign a defender surely, or a defensive style midfielder who can slot back into defence should things go pear-shaped.
Will it be Ashley Williams? Who knows but despite being handed the captains armband for Swansea, he’s loving all the links to us…
Luiz Gustavo is again among the Arsenal stories as his current club look to have a bit of a clear-out, he is one up for grabs. His main position is defensive midfield, but he can also cover as an emergency defender.
In other headline stealing news, Manure have upped their bid for Cesc Fabregas. Will it be enough to tempt Barcelona, will a high salary offer be enough to tempt Cesc to reignite his on-field partnership with RvP? Not that they played together (that doesn’t sound right somehow) that much as the old badger spent most of that time in the treatment room….
Or does the shirt switching at Arsenal tell us that Cesc has already agreed to return to Arsenal?
After all, his old number 4 is free now……..
Play under Wenger or Moyes, which would you prefer?
In other gossip, The Daily Mail reckon we are going to re-ignite our interest in Higuain as other clubs won’t pay Real Madrid asking price.

It’s a hard life playing football…….
That’s your lot for today, have a good one all….
Morning Rico. A topical post.
Rumours, rumours eh? Sky and the hysterically ghastly Jim White seem convinced that Cesc cannot resist the opportunity to play for David “Botox” Moyes and now believes that football violence is the way forward. Moyes successful career as a winner has finally convinced him to embrace Manchester and the chance for his son to learn how to use automatic weapons and grenades at a young age was just too much to turn down. After all, who would want to live in a dump like Barcelona when Manchester beckons?
Morning Adam and all…
I’m not convinced Cesc would go there, I wouldn’t want to…
Anyway,there is a number 4 shirt waiting for his arrival in London
Curiouser and curiouser that one eh?
Oh, and good luck to Lee Westwood today, it’s Englands turn in the golf…
And the cricket with a nice cloud cover 😉
Who is Lee Westwood?
It is, haven’t seen what shirt number Diaby has been given..
Morning rico, morning Hot Pants.
It’s the coveted number 0 Rico.
Morning Micko. Good aren’t they?
It’s the continuing saga of If’s , buts and maybe’s.
Morning Micko, Potter…
It is indeed, but soon……
Your a lucky man Adam, not many men get away with red leathers.
Another day of gossip rico, when are we gonna start splashing the cash.
Got a text from Arsenal yesterday re the Emirates Cup, now that’s proper silverware, don’t care what anyone says.
Morning Potter. Yes, very soon. 🙂
Barca paid £35mil for El Capitan and allegedly we have first refusal AND a 50% cut on any future transfer – Manure would have to pay over £70mil for Barca to get their money back and we’d get £35mil for nothing!
Micko. Wait until you see the white satin ruffle shirt that go with them. 🙂
Good morning Mr Red Spandex and Lady Rico… lol 😛
Hi to all HHers too,
For my first post this morning my moniker is ‘AWout’, so here we go…
What kind of headline is this? It was training they were doing not that AW was not playing one of the best midfielders in the country…
Wow, it was hard to come up with that… Good post by the way Rico. I never thought fleet street or Caught offside could come short on fabricating transfer rumours but hey there is a first time …
It seems breaking news on a few sites is that Napoli have agreed £35M with Unreal for GonHig. If true, it will be good for everyone including us in that, we can now concentrate on bringing in Suarez or Wooney before it is too late.
Morning Micko and Potter…
I reckon it will happen soon Micko, I really do..
I have to go off out for an hour or so this morning, catch up in a short while….
Dereck Chisora won a vacant WBO title last night… that was quiet…
Later Rico…
Any one have an idea of how high the temperature in Japan is?
Morning All
Arsen wenger shld do something reasonable abt trasfer issue.
Morning Rico & All,
At the moment we are quids in,on transfers and wages,
no change really.
We have about 6 weeks to get our super duper signings,
as promised.
In protest,
I stopped my season tickets renewal,
after being mugged for the last few seasons,
I have to admit,now I feel less cynical towards
our masters of spin.
My question to the season ticket holders is,
Do you feel mugged again,
or are we really ready to spend.
Good Morning Gooners/AKB’s/Doomers/Fashionistas/Mick
Great post Rico…
Ah, the great shirt No.4 mystery???
I think I have the answer boss….
Wenger is saving it for Toral…. 😉
According to Wath, Monday is when ‘It’s all gonna happen’, the Arsenal transfer machine will spring into action and astound us with a raft of major signings…
Or not, as the case may be…. 🙄
Hi Kev. Monday it is. I can’t wait myself. 🙂
Have you finished with those red Spandex strides I loaned you?
Tbh Adam, they have become very much part of my persona.
My passengers gasp in amazement, when I leap out of my cab to help them with their luggage, wearing the red spandex…
It’s even hit the front page of the Taxi News…
And the Old Compton Street Express…
AK, your doing a good fleet street impersonation on me… I said “from” monday… the next 2 weeks is when it’ll all happen and then we have the great ceremony of you handing over the fiver to Rico..!
Fred, I’ll let you know where I stand on my St’s come Sep 2nd…! I a still in patient mode no great worry just yet.
Oh and morning All,
I am seriously considering making an investment in a pair of my own Adam…
Mind you, your leather strides have opened my eyes to many other possibilities…
Morning Wath, ah my mistake then…
Two more weeks of bugger all then, ho hum….
Good Morning to the Lady of the House and fellow Gooners in residence.
Adam ‘Hot Pants’ Adamant, that has a good ring to it.
Kev – You not working working today so you can afford to pay Rico that fiver?
It keeps you busy at work mate you can concentrate properly 😉
Adam, Have you though about a nice pair of chaps…? You and Kev down Compton street could be a raving site…!
Wath. Kev and I have taken lunch in Patisserie Valerie on Old Compton Street just a couple months ago. We, of course, wore our matching red trousers and cut dashing figures I believe.
W.A.T.H – London would never be the same again. I take it that Kev would be wearing Adam’s red spandex strides?
Kev. In that case, consider them yours. 🙂
CG. When you come to London we will present you with your own pair.
Morning tsgh, re 10.03 then there were two…….
Kev, they’re probably gasping at the sight of your two Adam’s apples mate, you ever thought of that.
Think wath’s words were lost in translation, might have something to do with his crate of GG arriving on Monday.
Hope Yaya has broad shoulders, he’s gonna need ’em.
Good Morning Lady, Sir, Gentlemen and Ladies.
Ahhhhh!!!! Those red trousers. One can never have enough of them.
Regarding zero Adam. I am of the opinion that although zero is a digit it is also the absence of number.
So you cannot say its the coveted number zero.
Adam the Sydney Mardi Gras needs a spokesperson, and you have been voted most wanted 🙂
Morning guys……another wonderful day of GOLF ahead.
Seems the only sport we can break 100 in 🙂
Morning Devil. Is it classed as a value in any branch of Science?
Scott. I accept without hesitation. Does it mean I will have to adopt the interrogative lift at the end of every sentence? 🙂
Adam, don’t feel too special, Kylie Minogue was first choice but had a prior engagement 🙂
zero is a concept mate. It is the absence of any number, be it 1 or more or -1 or less.
All football teams start the league season on equal footing….that is zero points. meaning that they have NO points. Unless old ‘Arry mismanages the funds and manages to create a situation where a team starts less equal to the rest…………that is with -7 points. In which case ‘ole twitchy would have left by then.
Kylie Minogue could stick her flake in my 99 anytime she likes.
would you have enjoyed it Micko???? 😉
But if I am discussing constituent parts to a material then a value of zero to a certain component is as informative as a positive numerical value and is therefore of vital and positive significance. 🙂
True Adam. Zero is vital to our lives. But there is a continuous discussion about whether zero is a number or not by the mathematical community, and until the ball shifts from one way to another we are left in limbo with zero proofs for and zero proofs against since all arguments cannot be proved.
Devil. I fully accept that stance. 🙂
It does seem to be an ideal number for Diaby though. Poor sod.
Take the present situation……..imagine for a second that Rico and Kev are playing tennis, except that instead of the ball they are racketing a fiver between them. The fiver is on zero ground at the moment, that is on the net. It is not on Rico’s side and neither it is on Kev’s side.
The moment it touches the ground twice it will have a numerical value to either player.
As such in the present it has no monetary value to either Rico or Kev. 😉
Ahhhh. Diaby would fully merit the number zero. But would that make him Nobo Dy, our new signing???
Adam – Unlike you, I don’t posses la bella figura to carry off wearing red spandex or red leather. Some people should not wear spandex, I am one. I have had my sense of beauty and appreciation of the female form savaged by women, that should know better, wearing spandex outfits that reveal more about them than I ever wanted to know. Therefor, I must respectfully decline your offer.
Truly and truly I say to you that in November we are going to sign a new player. And another in December.
If you do not believe me go to the official website and see for yourself.
Devil, I should be so lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky.
A fine example Devil.
But what if I am having a cup of tea and a cream bun with Kev in Old Compton Street and I say to him “Kev, I cannot help but admire the glossy sheen that your red Spandex trousers are exhibiting. Is that as a result of the inclusion of a small percentage of Lurex in their manufacture? ”
Kev, while pouring me a fresh cup, says, “No Adam. These are pure Spandex and have zero Lurex in them. The gloss that you so admire is achieved by me lubricating them externally with a small dab of Vaseline”.
Thus, the zero value becomes a positive component.
Zero is the chance Kev has of getting a fiver from Rico 🙂
Where’s mine Adam? The next HHCC should be a hoot….red strides, white ruffled shirts and Kroenke-weaves!!
One of my father-in-law’s good friends is a football scout good some good material for our next meeting!!
CG. Having seen Carol Vooderman thus attired I do know what you mean. 🙂
In saying zero divided by zero is zero…………..Mathematicians normally do not assign a value to this, whereas computers and calculators sometimes assign NaN, which means “not a number.” Moreover, non-zero positive or negative numbers when divided by zero are either assigned no value, or a value of unsigned infinity, positive infinity, or negative infinity.
Can Diaby divide himself by himself????
My answer is yes.
Lee. Hi mate. Are you in Spain?
Is there any good news to be had?
Adam enjoying a “cream bun” down old compton street… I really don’t want to comment any further…!
Devil. I am now out of my depth and bow to your superior knowledge in this area. 🙂
Wath. There is always a spare set at the table. 🙂
Decil, you have baffled Adam with bullshit and won….congrats 🙂
Adam, most of us were gone 20 posts back 🙂
DG – Zero (0) is a valid number representing a known or measurable value for a parameter. This is entirely different than a null or unknown value where the parameter in question has not been or can’t currently be assertained or measured.
0 – The number of times I have circum-navigated the world
. – Missing or unknown value for the number of times you have circum-navigated the world. This could be zero or a number greater than zero, but as I haven’t measured it or been informed of it, it is null data.
Awww come on Adam. Surely you are well learned in this matter.
Scott, did I baffle Adam with bullshit???? I mean ZERO BULLLSHIT???
since Bullshit might have some value to certain people then you have shown that also zero can have a value.
Since at the moment we are discussing the numerical value of zero (or whether it has a value or not) then it means that we are discussing nothing, zilch, nought……………!!!!!!
Scott. Arsenal in the transfer window is often a no-news area isn’t it? While awaiting the explosion of new top signings we need to amuse ourselves while watching the cricket. 🙂 Devil has lost me with his fuzzy logic.
Adam, Scott has emailed me and want’s this info to remain between us but I just had to share, he has asked me to put in a good word as he is envious and upset you have not invited him to sit at the table with you Kev and “cream buns”
and if we end up arguing about zero, and really quarrel then Rico would surely have a fit. I mean, how many people in this world have managed to argue about NOTHING (zero)
An almost full squad available in the ‘House’
Rocky is the Dhabi of the house; his one appearance is worth 20 post 🙂
Rico will be Stan no doubt… protecting and defending her fiver no doubt.
Afternoon all…
Devil, i have no idea what you said, but you said it well 🙂
Wath, please advise Adam that no invite was forthcoming as his presence was simply expected.
Adam, i keep asking this, but what is Cricket??
Wath. Scott knows that he is always welcome to join Kev and I for cream buns, providing he is suitably attired of course.
bdw……..Cheers Adam. I really enjoyed that little discussion about nothing. 🙂
Time to read Sean his bedtime story.
“There once was a prick named Stan……”
No wonder the little man has trouble sleeping 🙂
Back soon.
Me too.
Scott being a Welsh Aussie, he prefers camouflage cargo shorts with Haile Selassie inspired string vest…. ‘AR16 till I die tattoo’ on full display…
One day I will join you and Kev for cream buns.
What attire should be suitable for such an occasion?
Can I wear nothing (zero)?
Devil. Do you really need to ask? 🙂
Adam, see Scott has lost the plot know he reading young Sean nasty stories about little pricks…! You have ruined him…!
Dev, wearing nothing down old compton street………… Oh dear is all I am going to say…!
Rico leaves and the tone of the conversation just plummets…!
Thank you Adam. I actually have them on now as I rank at Waterloo…
They are attracting admiring glances…
all the other drivers are all asking me where I got them…
Canuck, I was wondering, do you wear spandex when you are on patrol with the RCMP? 😉
“And Stan lived happily ever after on his ranch with all the Gooners money”.
The end 🙂
Koscielny limps out of training and Szczesny is ruled out with back injury but Dickie Law is still on spring break I wonder…
😀 Scott… that will traumatise the lil man…
Nah Ginge, he knows the score.
Sean keeps asking how hard should he train?
Why, i reply.
Well, if i am going to play for Arsenal, it doesn’t matter how good or bad i am, beause i will get the same wage.
Switched on kid 🙂
Kev – I never wear spandex. The chances of me going on patrol with the RCMP is zero (0).
Nearly official…..the family tour of England, Ireland, Belgium and France is in April 2014.
Even the boss lady is visiting travel agents 🙂
CG, it is a very durable fabric.
Well, so i hear.
Scott, Arsenal don’t play in Ireland Belgium or France…! 😉
Scott – You’re supposed to tell fairytales to Sean, not to us.
awww come on WATH. The conversation did not plummet. We did not say anything at all since we spoke about nothing. 😉
What’s all the fuss Rico would ask you. It was all about nothing. 😛
Kozzer limps out of training.
Red alert.
AW to call on WATH/Kev for the remaining centre back spot.
Things are changing Scott… if Rico has her way AW will be gone by 2nd September… that policy will be changed by big TA06 and Robson when they replace AW of course..
Afternoon all…
Kev, you had me worried for a minute, had to read your comment twice to be sure of what you were doing at Waterloo 😳
Idi Amin Mach II is available at a cut-price deal from the abyss to marshal the defence and DM positions of course…
Saw this on and had to let you guys see it.. I dunno where the guy got everything he wrote from.
Daymee says: July 20, 2013 at 4:43 pm
The only way Rooney will not be an Arsenal player this summer is if he stays at MU. Arsenal have something in place and there have been talks between the player and Arsenal. Of course you don’t have to believe this but Arsenal are very well ahead of Chelsea in the race for Rooney. We conduct our business with class and you won’t hear us talking about what we do.
Everything you’ve been reading in the newspapers are just PR stunts, making MU look big and strong. It’s all image-shows. Same with RM. They have tried and still trying to get us back into the Higuain deal, but we have told them we will not look back until they go back to the price that was agreed (23M GBP). That was the agreement and they allowed us to talk with the player and his father based on that agreement. They jacked up the price the moment they knew we wereafter 2 strikers. Using Napoli and a swap-dealto L’pool for Suarez will not work.
Everything is set guys. As soon as Rooney rocks the boat and asks to be allowed to leave, he will be an Arsenal player. Mark my words he will not go to Chelsea. This is strengthened by the fact that MU owe Arsenal12M of the RVP fee. This is also related to Arsenal keeping a top secret of having 100% signed Fabregas as an Arsenal player. Arsenalknew MU would bid for Cesc but if word came out that Cesc was already an Arsenal player, they will block the Rooney move.
MU and RM are both scared of the financial power of Arsenal this summer and since we don’t really show our hands, no one knows how deep our pockets are and how far we can go. Most are still in shock how we are ready to pay Rooney’s 250K/week wages, butI tell you a lot have been cleared off the wagebill to make room for his signing. From Day1 it was always about getting in Rooney and Higuain before RM threw their spanner in the Higuain deal. Arsenal quickly turned to Suarez(who is a far better player than Higuain anyway). RM are trying all they can to stop us from getting Suarez, because Higuain has made it very clear he wants to leave. So they will be left with an unhappy player on their hands, given they allowed Arsenal to talk to him and agree terms.
Very funny situation, but the key is Suarez. It is almost done and very soon some major news will come out. This is a big victory over RM the big bully.
What do you think guys?
I hope it’s true
I am heading over on a scouting mission :).
Nah, the boss has family in Ireland, she wants to see that towery thing in Paris, and Belgium is the home of beer……and i adore Belgian beer.
Rico, you little tinker…. 😛
Ts, I don’t want AW to go by Sept 2nd….
😆 re the golf Scott…
Sorry Kev 😉
Aussies 3 down….
Gtid – all sounds great but……
Grid. A very Arsenal-centric view, but it would be very nice if true.
Shrek, Cesc and Suarez?????
Maybe Flamoney on a free for the DM.
Williams for 10 million.
Oh dear oh dear.
What will RVP say???
Just kidding lady…
Gtid I smell Malaga gooner all over it… 🙂
there goes the fiver to country lane,
there goes the fiiiiverrrrrr to country lane,
there goes the fiver with the next plane,
I drove the cab with hardly any gain!!!!
Afternoon all
a) Bernard (20 yeard old -Santos player)
Porto – 16 millions
Arsenal . 24 millions
however, the Banc BMC has a percentage of the deal and prefers negotiate with Porto.
In Premier League it’s forbidden a player share his value whit more then one entitity; the Banc BMC can deal with Porto and then sell him with a more big offer in the future.
b) will be a shame for us if Fabregas choose MU. Each yrar the same thing.
Phew Ts …
Ha ha Devil, that’s good…
JM – surely he wouldn’t go there…..
JM. Another positive post mate.
Scott, Show the Mrs a pic… thats as good as it gets with that towery thing in Paris, Belgium not my fav place, it’s a toilet, you can get plenty of their beers in London, as the the green country Micko will be happy to show you round the Guiness factory 😉
Thanks Rico.
I was LMFAO while I was typing it.
Did you see our little discussion earlier on? We argued about nothing.
Scott – I’m sure spandex is very durable. A few years ago yoga became all the rage which resulted in tight fitting spandex yoga pants catching on as casual wear. If you are trim and fit, they are very flattering. However, if you are overage, unfit &/or overweight; they aren’t flattering at all and leave little to the imagination. The same can be said of bicycle wear. To stretch to the limits it is being asked and forced too without catastrophic failure is testament to spandex’s durability.
Enough of spandex. I have zero (0) interest in any further talk of or about spandex.
I do really hope so..but what Lady Rico?
Good day all gunnersphere
Have we signed anyone yet? Be back, Let me go thru the comments
So Wath, i may as well watch a home game on the tele then lol.
Nah, that is the plan at this stage.
What actually happens is another thing 🙂
CG……… spandex extendible or stretchable????
year not yrar
Mate the only thing you need to do in the flesh is the footie… Tell the Mrs the towery thing she can get a key ring of in London it’s all about the footie Scott lol
Go on make yourself popular 😀
Well there ya go, Wath you was right mate.
We’re gonna sign Rooney, Cesc, Suarez, Higuain, throw in a couple of Brazillians, blimey even JM will have to be happy…
devil, I got lost with it all from earlier 😉
Gtid, but until anything is official, it’s all rumour but I hold great hope for this summer, I really do….
Emma – in short, no.
Hiya AK.
you forgot a couple of Maltesers packets when announcing the signings.
Ginge, I see that our U21’s got a bit roughed-up and rolled-over at Borehamwood yesterday.
Only Crowley, apparently, came out of the game with any credit….
Just a bad day at the office!
Rico – You’re very adept at coming up with catchy banner headlines to get readers on the hook. When I read today’s I thought Oh No! what’s up now, is Wilshere off?
Can you believe this??? He is so big headed ……….
NICKLAS Bendtner’s stuttering career has hit another setback with the striker believing Arsenal are pricing him out of a move.
The Danish forward – who spent the 2011-12 season on loan to Sunderland – has returned to the Emirates after spending last season on loan to Serie A giants Juventus.
He has been keen to leave the Gunners for some time after a very public fall out with the club but says he is going to struggle to find a club to match both Arsenal’s £6.5m valuation and his wage demands.
Several Sunday newspapers report that Bendtner is now ready to threaten to STAY at Arsenal for the remaining year of his contract and leave for free next summer – unless the Gunners drop their asking price.
The 25-year-old Danish international is on more than £75,000 per week at the moment and will find it hard to get a club prepared to pay him that sort of money given he has failed to enhance his reputation in recent seasons.
In order to attract potential buyers, he is likely to need Arsenal to give him away for a very modest sum and so far the North London side have shown reluctance to do so.
Bendtner blew hot and cold during his stay at Sunderland, scoring eight goals in 25 starts and three substitute appearances for the Black Cats.
But that was infinitely better than he managed on loan at Juventus last season where he made just two starts (seven sub) and failed to score.
Hiya Coach. I tend to prefer a Cadbury’s Flake if I’m honest ami. 😉
It’s going to be a long anxious wait this summer. Hope things begin to move now since most players that took part in the confederation cup will be back this week
cds reporting Higuain to Napoli. cds is as worst as dailyfail, express, metro we have here. At least we will see
Oops not again Kos and Scesny with minor injuries according to John cross
Cesc to Manure. I doubt that will happen. He just unfollowed Judas on twitter yesterday after Judas post match comment
Thank you Cg, I do try through these quiet times….
Just a bit of fun really….
I am surprised I haven’t been reprimanded for some of the content yet today….
From the mouth of that great Zimbabwe international;
“Liverpool favourite Bruce Grobbelaar believes that the Reds should allow Chelsea and Arsenal target Luis Suarez to leave the club.
The Gunners lead the race for the Uruguayan and the Zimbabwean believes that the Merseyside outfit should sell him and allow Daniel Sturridge to lead the line.”
Arrogant son of a b…… isn’t he devil
They are not the same without the Mr Whippy though Kev…
Both set to miss tomorrows match emma…
I think Grobbelaar is right, but with his history, he’s probably got £20 on him leaving Liverpool…
dg – I very much doubt if Bendtner is on £75,000, think he is on £52,000 his jersey number. If he is sensible enough and wanting to play football he should sit with arsenal and negotiate on cancelling his contract just like andre santos
DG – If he carries through with that threat he likely wont be playing for Denmark in the World Cup. The Denmark coach has been quoted as saying he should bite the bullet, take a pay cut and find a club to play for regularly or he will be putting his career in jeopardy. Also, what reputable team would want to sign him after such a display of defiance & greed and not having played for a whole season?
I think that what Bendtner needs before anything else is a dose of humility.
emma – i honestly don’t believe that football comes at the top of priorities for Bendtner, he needs money to pay all his fines…. 😉
He’d have accepted a deal by now if he really wanted to be playing the game….
Rico – Only 20, he must have fallen on hard times.
Rico – It was reported just a few days ago that Bendtner had recently paid the highest price for an apartment in Denmark.
I am off now my great friends.
It was very enjoyable today.
Time to spend the afternoon with the missus and the little one.
Will see you tomorrow.
Hope you all have a lovely evening.
rico 1:23 re Bendtner 😆
friendly game: Rio Ave 3 Newcastle 1
I was thinking of something more painful Adam..
I think he did din’t he Cg?
Another reason Nik probably wants so much money….
Enjoy the rest of your day Devil… ’til tomorrow…
Adam – Yes! Bendtner does need a very large dose of humility, but the world’s greatest striker is about the only one that can’t see that. Go figure.
Lets be honest here, Bendtner is just an out and out cnut…!
Good day everyone.
rico 1:05 Is Sanogo a zero signing?
WATH, isn’t there a ban on coconut?
That’s more like it Wath, my money was on Lee though 😉
emma meant in addition Ch, we all know Yaya is in the door….
Ok ok. This is almost a picture post rico. Gossip becoming less?
I’m off. Have a great day fellow Gooners.
Keep the Faith!
I often post pictures..
Sleep well Cg…..
Go on Rico. You know you want to. 🙂
Not when there’s much to be said.
No Adam….. 😉
You obviously haven’t been following HH that long Ch..
Started following the day I first sent you an email.
CH, there is a ban on anyone saying the word “correctly” doesn’t mean you can’t imply it or say it in a variation of ways to get the point across regarding such a tosspot like Bendtner..!
Exactly Ch..
I hear u WATH.
In santorini.
Bendtner is almost a waste of a human being.
He is a waste of good clean air CH…..!
At last some good news, Higuain has flown into England, bad news is he’s not signing for us, Real Madrid are playing a friendly against Bournemouth later !
Ah, but has Dick Law had Sunday lunch with ‘Arry Micko and then off to watch Higuain?
Maybe he’d have sorted the Cesar deal out too over a nice bottle of red….
Air that could be used to inflate tyres to at least transport decent beings.
Talking about tactics, what do you all think is JW’s best position?
Well, it would be triffic for Dick Law and Order to give journalists a low down on the Cesar deal from the back seat of his car.
Joe Root – well bowled 🙂
You’re on your own rico…:(
5 down, Root again 🙂
I reckon take it steady with Jack for the first few games…
I don’t mind, I’m a big girl, I can cope with being on my own Ch 😉
6 down, come on England 🙂
Imo, he could form, with AR16, our double pivot.
Big woman, u mean.
Just a figure of speech 🙄
Depends on who we sign over the next few weeks
Boo!! 🙂 WE’ve been busy today, I see, even if our club hasn’t. 😛
Hello, all!
Boo to you agag 🙂
CH (does the C mean California?) don’t mess with Rico, that’s the best advice that I can give you…
I have met her and she frightened the life outta me…
Hiya, rico. 🙂 What Jack is doing looks painful. 😉
Hiya, Kev. I see you’ve gone all Mr. Fancy Pants as well. 😀
Hello, C Hills. 🙂
I thought that would have been a ‘d’ for dreaming Kev 😉
I’m not that scary …. Am I? 😉
rico, you’re scary when you’re binning people and giving them a lecture. 😀
Hi Agag. How’s the saving going? 🙂
Not too bad, Kev. 🙂 No silly purchases. And you? I hope you’ve been avoiding the shops.
Ah but they start it agag 😉
I agree, rico. 🙂 It never ceases to amaze me that trolls would bother to log in only to say pathetic things. 😉
Where’s Scott, I fancy chatting about cricket…. 😀
No Agag, I have been very disciplined and sensible with my spending….
Bloody boring isn’t it..? 🙂
Hi Kev and Agag. Na, C isn’t for California. A friend of mine just got creative with my middle name.
I don’t mind scary people.
rico, Arsene may not buy a DM.
keyboard warriors agag, makes them feel good, same with those who just think it’s fun to wind fans up.. buffoons, all of them…
Ch, but he might, neither of us know do we..?
Cricket is great Kev, bad decision just given again Agar but, they won’t get the runs needed anyway 😉
Yea, poor us. Maybe that’s why I’m trying to work with what we already have…rico
Hi Agag and Kev. I have been weak again and bought yet another pair of shoes. And still no new signings.
I’m convinced, rico that those who talk “big” in blogs are small personalities in real life. Regular folk wouldn’t be so unnecessarily aggressive. 😉
Adam, what did you get? 🙂
I agree Agag. It’s all about endowment.
Well I prefer to wait and see, I still believe we will make a few top class signings…
Agag. As I am a rugged, manly kinda guy, who is still in touch with his feminine side, I bought a couple of pairs of Yuketens. Have you heard of them?
Spot on agag….
Are we talking about the same thing, Adam? 😛
I’ll have a ‘d’ please Bob 😉
Agag. In a Freudian sense, yes. 🙂
I’m optimistic about our summer purchases, too, rico. It’s only a matter of time before we get Suarez in. 😉
What are Yuketens, Adam? They sound Japanese/American Indian. 😀
A “d” Rico?
rico, I’m lost @ your 5:03. 🙁
I had a feeling, Adam. 😛
Made in Maine Agag. Shoes for real men who wrestle bears yet appreciate the finer things like Guerlain L’heure Bleu, Mrs Adam’s favourite parfum.
Yes Adam, you left a ‘d’ off of ‘heard’, so I added it 😉
I am believer too but, like I’ve implied before, Arsene no longer favours a man destroyer in front of his defenders.
Just testing Rico. I drop the odd one in occasionally. 🙂
My 3rd wife was a man-destroyer.
I hope you got a good deal on them, Adam. 🙂 And that they don’t clash with your red pants. You should have got Mrs Adam something, too. 😛 Guerlain, I like! Are there bears in Maine? I always just think “lobster” when anyone says “Maine”.
But that has got us nowhere Ch, maybe the old stubborn one will change his view…
Nicely wriggled out of Adam 😉
Was? Adam?
Leopard. Spots. Need I add to that?
A reasonable deal on the Yuketens Agag.
Yes, Mrs Adam likes the traditional fragrances like Shalimar and of course Chanel No 5, although I bought her a limited edition Hermes called Rose. It is quite wonderful and brings out the beast in me. 🙂
CH. Yes, in the past tense. I have moved on since then. Though recounting that period is very painful for me.
No wonder you’ve become a beast. What doesn’t kill you and all that. Sorry to hear that though.
Thank you.
C Hills, Adam has a checkered past. Lots of marriages and divorces. The current Mrs Adam sorted him out. 😀
I tend to like white florals and orange blossomy scents. I never understood the appeal of “indolic” scents and have happily steered clear of those ridiculously priced niche brands.
You’re hardly welcome. 😀
Agag. I know what you mean. Different fragrances suit different women. Skin types and personality as well I suppose. It is an area that has always interested me. 🙂
Oh, I see agag. Parfum freak also?
Oh, I see agag. Parfum queen¿ also?
9 wickets down, where is Scott????
Adam, try not to let things get you down mate.
Failed marriages are a part of life, but you are a sensitive soul and I guess these things leave an emotional scar….
Be strong my friend…..
Sorry agag, I meant to say queen. :>
Cheers Kev. I’d be happier if you and I could hook up soon. Down Old Compton Street perhaps.
One more Adam 🙂
Anytime mate. I know that Rocky wants to join us as well…
Having nightmares Kev 😉
Off for a bit now….
The Cava is on ice Rico. 🙂
No, C Hills. 🙂 🙂 Not at all. 😉
Adam, there are a good number of perfume blogs, I was surprised. boisdejasmin is a good one. 😉
What’s in Old Compton St.?
It is in Soho Agag. Kev and I sometimes meet down there.
Agag, I forgot visiting perfume blogs is as normal as drinking water…:)
I am off, my friends. Happy Sunday! 🙂 🙂
C Hills, haha. I was looking for reviews of a certain perfume, and I realized there are so many perfume blogs. 😀
Later agag.
I know you didn’t purchase anyone…
See you Agag.
Eau de Bow sends me crazy!
one more for Totts from Holland
When are the team arriving home?
Lee. Where are you mate?
There’s Frazer!
In Murcia Adam….well a little village called Corvera 10mins outside the city.
Lee. Monitoring the North London power swing. 🙂
Wish you a great holiday mate.
As long as that ginger mac wearing prick is in charge we’ll be fine!
Thought it was hot in Essex, it’s roasting here!!
Cheers brudder….I’ll creep on here as much as possible…..well waiting for the quadruple signings that are on the cusp of happening!!!!!
Arsenal Rumours 12765
21 Jul 2013 06:36:39
Fabregas, Suarez will be Arsenal
players before the transfer window closes. I will then reveal myself to you all. It’s a done deal. You can come and say hello to me at the Emirates cup.
Believable(14) Unbelievable(20)
And when they don’t sign, you don’t have to reveal yourself. How convenient.
Keep your chap in your trousers and stop making things up!
Is it you Malaga gooner?
I can’t stop laughing 😛
TS. Nor can I.
Some people need to grow up… maybe do some charity work in Soho 🙂
Holla Ginge.
Night agag, Hi Lee, hope you are having a bit of relaxation time, you all deserve it….
Mg forgot Cesar Ts, he’s meant to be announced today/tomorrow 😉
People need to get a grip I thought it was common knowledge…..
Rooney – Done deal
Suarez – Done deal
Higuain – Done deal
Cesar – Done deal
Fallaini – Done Deal
Gustavo – Done deal
Sakho – Done deal
Ginter – Done deal
Ok right if any of you are gonna moan about that lot change teams…! You heard it here first………….
Yes Malaga Gooner emailed me this confidential info…! Do not tell anyone else..!
Wath, Higuain is going to Napoli.. 😉
holla CH
WATH, Udday hussein will flog you if both Suarez and Rooney are not announced by midnight BST…
Mg says J.Cesar is discussing a pay cut before he joins…
Perez 1, Arsenal 0 thus far… lets see if Hig is a proper Argentine by joining Naples…
Why can’t humans hibernate? This transfer window makes my head spin.
Ts – I read that too about Cesar 😉
Ch, feel free to give it a go 😉
I’m off folks, off to watch Law and Order – I like Bradley the gooner…
Have a good one all, nighty night….
Looking for someone to show me how to. Figure you could give me a hand rico?
night Rico…
the chavs looked very good against Malaysia XI; 4-1 win
night all…
Oh, and don’t worry folks… AW has Ramsey earmarked as cover for the CB’s if we fail to sign anyone and injuries pile up. 😉
What midnight Ts…. Night Rico am sure you enjoyed the cricket…!
Night All…..
Arsenal will start the season, with what we have…
Our new signings are=
Miserable git 😛
I think someone getting really worried about parting with a fiver lol 😀
Ha ha, no way Jose, my money is safe mate.
Mathieu Flamini No.4…
Darren Bent still up for grabs… 😉
Don’t have nightmares… 😛
Night Wath
Morning all…
I loved the cricket Wath…
Froome did awfully well too to win his bicycle race, just a shame Westwood couldn’t win The Open to make it a great weekend…
And this morning Kate Middleton heads off into hospital to have the next Royal baby…
Morning all
Froome would soon test positive for a banned substance. :p
Morning Rico. I am really excited about the Royal baby.
Will they call it Brittney or Jason?
Morning all,
I reckon we can claim froome. He stayed up the road from me, went to the same university and his Fiancee is South Africa 😉
For one continues the tradition of all top cyclists in looking like he is incredibly ill. I have a friend who has gone the same way. One of the fittest people in England who looks awful.
It must be the drugs.
Froome. Sorry. Bloody spellcheck.
Morning all,
Brad I think the whole continent is claiming Froome. lol
I doubt that Ch..
Morning Adam, I was thinking something more traditional 😉
🙂 Bradster.
Adam, I often wonder how some of the marathon runners make a mile let alone 26….
Albert or Victoria?
Western Africa can’t do that Ts, we’re all black.
Adam, you should add marathon runners to that list.
There must be some weird chemical reactions in their bodies. In training for the London to Edinburgh ride in the near future, my friend did London to Hull and back last week. That’s 400 miles. When I saw him yesterday his eyes were sunken back, his face drawn and haggard and his body seems to have shrunk. I told him that, despite the incredible feat of endurance he just completed, it wasn’t doing him any good as he looked like he was barely clinging to life. He laughed and I thought his eyeballs would fall out.
rico, didn’t he just win the tour de farce?
I couldn’t ride a bicycle even if my life depended on it, Adam.
Not quite ‘that’ traditional I hope Adam – not that it’s any of my business … 😉
I don’t get your point Ch,I know he just won the the Tour de France, I’d have to had been on Mars not to know that…
I used to be a daily cyclist and would use the bike to get from A to B and visit business colleagues and places but I never fancied cycling to Edinburgh I must admit. Then, one day, I came off on some damp leaves and hit the ground, elbow first, with a sickening impact.
It left its mark, so I bought a car and became a git.
😳 testing
So Rafa has money and only bought Abiol. That leaves him looking at Liverpool and Chelsea as teams for him to raid. (Players that he knows). So I reckon we’ll see him offer for Torres rather than Higuain, Reina and Skertel and perhaps Mata as Jose won’t sell to us.
45m for all four I reckon and good business.
I had to read that twice Bradster, then I remembered that Rafa isn’t the Liverpool or Chelsea manager any more… 😉
Being on Mars doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be cut-off from what’s happening on earth. Anyway, I was trying to refer to something one of the dopers, Armstrong I think, said.
While my mates were learning how to ride two-legged machines, I was playing football both on the pitch and on a console, Adam.
Ah, well I didn’t listen to a word that cheating git said….
Anyway, new post going up…