Morning all,
Football seems miles away right now, it has since the news broke yesterday afternoon about how a soldier was brutally murdered by two black males in South East London. Going about his day peacefully and proudly wearing his Help for Heroes t-shirt one minute, he was savagely attacked just 200 yards from his barracks the next.
A truly shocking and horrific day for that young man and his family. May he Rest in Peace and I pray that somehow his loved ones find a way through this….
Makes all of this seem insignificant….
Over the next couple of months before pre-season season kicks off, the whole footballing world will be full of transfer gossip, all of which I’ll try and round up each morning.
This morning it’s all about captain Thomas Vermaelen. The gossip pages say he is ready to quit in search of regular football with both Manchester United and Barcelona possible destinations. Valued at just £5 million, if he is to quit, I’m sure he’ll soon get snapped up.
What happened to a bit of competition, do players not like having to work hard for their place in the side? No, I don’t think they like it one bit, well tough, it seems that Arsene Wenger has learned to drop players. Now we need a better squad to allow him to drop more if needed.
And this summer is supposed to be ‘the one’, the one which see’s us sign a few classy players, the one which finally see’s us go from good to bloody good, maybe even trophy good.. We’ll see, we’ll hope…
According to Arsenal blog Gunnerstowwn, the club are going to break the current transfer record twice.
Anyway, back to the defence.
Back to March when we travelled across town to face a team which has forever been lost in our shadow. That day, luck was on their side and by that I mean, our defending gifted them two quick goals and an easy three points.
Some believe the loss to Bayern Munich sparked change, maybe it did as far as players being dropped, but for me, it was at WHL the change really took place and that change was so much for the better………
During the remaining eleven fixtures, we conceded just five goals. The previous eleven matches in all competitions had seen us concede twelve goals.
That is a huge difference.
Whatever, whoever sorted that out, I don’t really care do you? As long as that same kind of statistic stays with us from the start through to the finish of next season.
A solid defence, including the keeper will earn the team points. As long as they don’t concede, it’s up to those further up the pitch to take their chances and score us goals and to be fair, they did ok. Of course a top quality striker added to the squad in the next few weeks will make a huge difference.
Which takes me to Olivier Giroud and his comments:
It’s 16 years in a row we’ve succeeded to qualify for the Champions League. We knew it was really important. For me it will be the second season in the Champions League.
When you play in the Champions League, you always improve yourself and it’s better for competition.
We are competitors and want to play in the top games. I really enjoy playing against big clubs like Bayern Munich. I would like to go further next year.
We all want that don’t we?
Well, I’d rather we won a domestic trophy ahead of the big one but I wouldn’t complain I guess…..
Finally, a bit of fun.

Lazy so-and-so, I’m sure those cars would get clean a lot quicker if Aaron pulled his weight! Apparently the three are yet to jet off on their holibobs, preferring to stay at the club and participate in an experiment to assess the best conditions for cleaning a car.
Thanks to Citroen of course…..
That’s it for another day…..
Morning all.
Vermaelen to stay, for me anyway.
Ramsey deserves a rest 🙂
Morning all,
Nice post!
Ramsey is the capito of the car wash firm…
Morning all ,glad that you posted your respects to the poor young man brutally murdered on our streets in broad daylight.I am sure all who post on this site will agree with your thoughts .Unfortunately there are things I would like to say regarding this incident but this forum is not the place to discuss the ramifications of the incident.Just boost the coffers of the help for heroes if you can.Back to lighter issues,regarding Vermaelen,I have no idea what has turned what looked to be a future Arsenal legend into a nervous wreck every time he pulled an Arsenal shirt on. Perhaps he couldnt deal with the captaincy,but his performances this season have been dire.If he does go to Man U I have a bad feeling that he will suddenly return to the form of a couple of seasons ago .If Wenger is ready to let him go he surely must have someone in mind to replace him.Ashley Williams ?
Y the hell is arsene staring to do business wit our biggest rivals utd..I wouldn’t mind him selling even to spurs cos they don stand a chance of finishing above us..but tis is a matter of pride and dominance in the league..arsene pls look for business options outside England
Morning Ginge, Morning Scott, Morning Rico….
As I’ve said before – if you think about things too hard, it would drive you round the twist.
Arsene pls reconsider your selling options too..cheers man..
Vermalien was good when he was at his best but not nearly as good as we hyped him up to be. If we sell him and get a good replacement, someone in the mold of Shako or Hummels even we would be better off.
I offered my thoughts on the tragic situation over night your time.
It is becoming a sad world.
That’s why Arsenal is my little piece on sanctuary, my place to forget all the shit, and that is why i retain a positive outlook on them no matter the situation.
Until Vermaelen is tried as a DM, i will not give up on him.
TT, at his best, he was every bit as good as we made out, imo.
He was awesome.
Why are people talking about replacements when we’re meant to keep our players and add quality to key positions? Arsenal fans are addicted to sales
Morning all. I add my support to Rico’s words. I think I hear where you are coming from Jay and I feel similar. We in this country have been on a very slippery slope for years now and are beyond the point of no return. I believe we are actually well past it. Yet we have a Prime Minister that is seemingly oblivious to what we see around us day in day out. This is a man who, in the midst of the worst financial recession in living memory when so many good people are struggling, is transfixed upon the cause of gay marriage. He leads a government of old Etonian mult-millionaires, in the richest cabinet since Waterloo, who have not the slightest idea what life for so many people in this country is really like. Most of them have never had a job in their life and have no idea what being poor or struggling is really like. These are the people directly responsible for the multi-racial ghetto nightmare that exist in our cities today. Will there be any meaningful action or just more stupid rhetoric from the ex-Bullingdon club toffs that have somehow found themselves running our country?
Agee Scott ,give him another year before we dump him.
Adam, i certainly do not mean to make light of the situation, but were you just describing your government or the Arsenal board of directors?
Nice post but i only wanted to comment on the incident that happened yesterday in my neck of woods. It was very horrific but you didn’t need to state 2 black males did you?? Yes they were black men but if you had just left it at 2 men , i think it would have been fair. All im saying is , there was no need to emphasize colour here. As a blackman myself with black kids i feel very upset that this incident happened and more so that it was men of my kind!! We need to do better for our image as black people!!
Morning all,
I wouldn’t mind either. If we keep TV then we have 3 experienced CB’s that know our set up. Promote a youngster and use Sagna if we’re thread bare and he stays at Arsenal.
If he goes that’s fine too. We would need to get someone to share the role of Merts more than replacing TV. A bit more pace in that new man would be great too.
Spot on Adam part of the problem is the options is the lack of options to challenge morons that run our country.
Carlos, somehow, i doubt these two scumbags were of our kind mate….do not take it to heart.
We should be more worried that a human being, ANY human being is capable of such atrocities.
Scott. 🙂
As you might remember, I am a Highbury boy born and bred and I have been watching this country go down the toilet for years now. What I see around me on a daily basis is more than upsetting yet I feel constrained in my right to free speech, a value that cost the lives of so many from all over the world.
Scott Yes he was good, often very good but he is not as good organiser as BFG and he is not as good recovery defender as Kozzer, who is flourishing next to the BFG.
They complement each other far better than Verm and Kozzer or Verm and BFG.
He fell out of favor after the spuds game, or around that time, and I would not be surprised it was partly down to Bould’s assessment of the best pairing. A lot of defenders quality’s are down to how well he works in a pair.
We tended to build him up as the Verminator. Some of that reputation was build at a cost to defending. Loved him when he tore up the field but to be honest it did cost us at times.
Carlos the fact that these killers were black is irrelevant,their pictures were posted on all news channels.No one in their right mind would say that it is a black problem .It is a Religion motivated issue by misguided lunatics ,theire group also is made up of various colours and creed.
Also we need to take into consideration what he wants to do. If he wants to stay and fight for a starting berth then I’m all for it. If however he assesses that he would have a better chance somewhere else then I would respect that… long as we replace with equal or better.
Primarily Carlos , please don’t get sidetracked on the race issue , I doubt it was an intentional slur probably just repeating what has been said in the media .
As for Vermaelen unless something has gone on in the club that we are not aware of , the fee of £ 5 million seems incredibly fanciful, we paid £12 million for him and that kind of reduction just doesn’t seem Arsenal like. He was reportedly upset by the selling of RVP but he needs to be convinced that there is a future at The Arsenal for him.
I think it’s an attempt to whip up a story as the silly season begins.
So, back to the football and the relentless tedium that is the transfer window. Just where did the figure of £5m for TV come from? Seems a bit low to me. Perhaps it was that well-respected journal The Metro or another pillar of truth like or (speak the name gently and with admiration) The Bleacher Report.
Similar things are happening down under guys…i mean, the majority being asked to bend over and cop it for the minority groups.
TT, that is why i’d love to see him tried up the pitch.
We must keep in mind the fact that our overall side started defending better as a unit, and this helped make Merts and Kozzer look better than previously.
I am positive if TV5 was playing over the last few months, he would seemingly be in better form.
Or perhaps it was that other bastion of straightforwardness Nic Clegg? What a guy?
Guys I bumped into rvp and vermaelen before. They were shopping in selfridges bond street. This is before rvp pissed off to Manu. It’s clear his departure has affected vermaelen’s mental state and this shows in his performances. Arsenal should always come first so in our best interests TV should be sold on. His heart is just not in it anymore. You can see his passion is gone.
Let’s file it with the other 99% of transfer rumours that turn out to be garbage….
Ah, it was apparently that paragon of verisimilitude The Sun.
In my book that makes it 100%.
The Kosher currant bun…
Vermaelen was a victim of the Zonal marking tactic .Once Wenger realised it was a waste of time Kosser and BFG had established themselves as our first choice pairing.I think if and when he is recalled he will look more comfortable
Adam the Sun always prints the truth ,well they claim to
Carlos says:
May 23, 2013 at 10:13 am
I was wondering who would be the first to say this.
The answer is yes she did. And she had the balls to say it.
Or is it only white people that can be racist?
Somebody mrentioned the ‘suppression of free speech in this country’ yesterday evening. They were bang on.
Morning all,
Is this the same Vermaelen who wanted to sign for life 12 months ago……5 million they can dream on.
“…..I have been watching this country go down the toilet for years now. What I see around me on a daily basis is more than upsetting yet I feel constrained in my right to free speech, a value that cost the lives of so many from all over the world”.
I could not agree more Adam.
As you know, I am a Highbury boy too. I heard some idiots on the Bash Britain Corporation trying to find reasons for what happened and point the finger at us, it makes me want to vomit.We are so wet and weak no wonder we have become a dustbin. These people are worse than animals. Taking off someones head, Jesus, how will his family ever get over that.These nutters have not evolved, they are a thousand years behind us.
Back to football.
TV is a quality player and has simply had a loss of form. As we all know, form is temporary, class is permanent and he is a valuable member of the squad. He can cover a couple of positions and you need players like him. Depth of squad is important to be successful. Unfortunately, players have all the power and if they want to leave it is difficult to keep them.But I think he will stay.
Morning SYG. I have to agree and think it may have been my frustrated “free speech” comment last night.
Be careful though or WYG aka Giles from Braintree, will be taking you to task for plain speaking. 🙂
Jay says:
May 23, 2013 at 10:20 am
Religion, race = basically the same thing
intolerance of others who are different of have different beliefs.
Totally agree Kevin ,I was born and bred in Islington.I couldnt wait to get away from the scum taking over my area.I just didnt feel safe living in an area that was going down the dustpipe.I a afraid the P.C. brigade have killed any hopes of repairing the damage that they have caused
Hiya Adam. I knew someone had said it.
Fair play to you. You were spot on.
The majority of us would love to live in “perfect harmony”, just like the words in the “I’d like to teach the world to sing” Coke advert of the early seventies, but life, unfortunately isn’t like that.
The reality of life is plastered all over the sky news headlines everday.
Jay and KJ. I am out of Liverpool Road myself but from where I live I have to drive through the war-zone known as Hackney, to get to the Emirates. There are some charmers over that way I can tell you. It’s like Escape From New York, except cyclists are the law and lights on bikes are outlawed and smoking dope in the street is mandatory.
Good Morning to the Lady of the House and fellow Gooners in residence.
As much as we all support, but frequently berate, complain, lament, whine, swear, etc. about our beloved Arsenal; a tragic event such as yesterday’s attack snaps things back into perspective. We as a species don’t seem to learn from our mistakes.
Carlos – No colour, creed, ethnicity, race, or religion has a monopoly on brutality, extremism, hate and stupidity. You only have to look at history to see that we are all capable of horrors such as yesterday. If you, or anyone else for that matter, want to show that you abhor such senseless acts; speek out against them and do something positive for your community and neighborhood. If we can work on what we have in common and breakdown the barriers that separate us, maybe we can avoid further tragedies like yesterday’s.
Talking of Braintree…..
Arsenal should always think of adding more quality players to ve depth in team and not selling first team player every year, and hope to win something.
SYG Seikhs,and Hindus come from the same race as the terrorists I havent any recollection of attacks on us by them.
In the quiet Essex hamlet of Braintree?
Morning all..
Sorry if that term ‘black men’ offended, I didn’t intend it too…
Highbury House is a broad church and the stronger for it I believe.
Sanogo has passed his medical, according to reports….
I’m surprised….
If Vemaaelen isn’t willing to fight for his position and is detered by some honest competition for a spot on the roster, then it is time he left. However, I hope he stays and regains his mojo.
Has he been allocated Diaby’s old treatment table Rico?
It was a fact Rico that you stated ,Dont join the P. C .brigade.I am sure that if they were white you would have stated that.
Let’s hope Yaya was just pong through growing pains, because he could be a ripper.
That’s exactly my view Cg..
🙂 Adam, not yet as Diaby is still sat on it….
Actually Jay, yes I would, you are right…
Jay says:
May 23, 2013 at 10:55 am
Seikhs and Hindu’s are generally Indian. I know this as one of my best mates is one.
You’ll be saying that I am the same race as Slobodan Milošević next…
“I am afraid the P.C. brigade have killed any hopes of repairing the damage that they have caused.”
Spot on. Too many do-gooders and this PC nonsense has a lot to answer for. Bring back discipline, not just in schools but in society.
Fair play to Rico for her tribute in the post and the excellent wording. Rico simply reported what it is, she did not hide behind the PC veil. We may disagree on certain football related things but I applaud and respect Ricos moral standards. Highbury House and its residents should take a bow.
There have been some unsavoury incidents recently. We have Bardsley rolling around in £50 notes, drunk out of his box; the pigs head incident at Stoke and then the the excrement smeared in the Crystal Palace changing room before the Brighton play off. Players have so much power in the game, we even get that idiot in the Players Union piping up against Di Canio for daring to go public on the players sticking to fingers up at the fans. Well we fans need to know what our players are up to, they are living off the backs of us after all.
Rico, anyone who knows how you handle certain situations knows fully well you are more respectful than anyone here….do not take it to heart.
Should i be offended that you said two black males, as i too am a male?
No, of course not.
Indian and Pakistan are in Asia, but so is China and Japan….
I am a European, but I never state that… I am English.
Let’s not turn Highbury House into a debate about Race & Religion please..
Back to football is possibly the best way to go…..
Scott. Is a “ripper” good then? I only know of Jack The Ripper and The Yorkshire Ripper. Neither had what we are looking for in a striker.
Thanks Kj & Scott…
One website is reporting TV could join JV down the road, they are the best of buddies….
Yes Adam, it is.
Were they not good finishers then?? 🙂
Rico, i notice he colour you used to highlight that post.
Sorry……i really couldn’t help it 🙂 🙂
Scott 🙂
I am off to the jolly West End for pasta and garlic. Speak later, about football I hope.
“Thanks Kj & Scott…”
Welcome Rico, keep up the good work.
I suspect the TV to Spurs is just mischief making for a headline. Like I said, TV should stay and fight for his place, much needed in the squad and I think he will.
Football is bigger than all of us.
Arsenal unites us all, regardless of who we are.
Enjoy Adam….
“” as i too am a male? “”
You sure about that Scott ? The rumours aren’t true then ?
Tsk Tsk Scott 😉
Potter, i am not sure, but the Sun said so 🙂
Rico, sorry lol.
The perfect combination Adam, enjoy…
It looks like Madrid are having to offload before they buy.
They would like Isco, but not at the £30M price quoted. They want Bale but have offered a rake of players in exchange, including Higuain and Di Maria
Kj, IF the TV story is true, it would suggest he’s not got the stomach for a fight. If he can’t fight for his own place in the side, he isn’t going to fight for the club either…
I’d say sell him, IF that story is true…
Syg, I bet Isco follows his manager….
Another Young Gun opts for regular football in the lower divisions;
‘If’ it is true about TV not wanting to fight I agree but you know my views on the media, they make up so much rubbish I tend to ignore most of it!
This is my whole point about Player power. They sign these long contracts to get a good deal, demand more when they are playing well or when another club taps up their agent, but when they get dropped they cry like babies, demanding to leave. But if other clubs wont match their wages, they refuse to leave taking their obscene wages for doing nothing. I actually think he is a decent sort, so I expect him to stay and fight.
I read that last night CG.
At 19 if he was going to make it, he would possibly have a squad number or have been loaned out….
To be dropped as captain is a major kick in the bollocks…. to be dropped from the team is even worse …. however our form improved with him out of the side ……
Maybe if we have a proper pre-season, rather than the bullshit one we had last pre-season, maybe he could integrate back into the side – a side which puts not conceding first and foremost ….
If he’s got some length on his contract, he should stay.
According to the Italian press Man City are negotiating with Napoli re: Cavani
Guys, if this story was about a player “linked” with Arsenal, we would all be howling it down, so why take heed just because it is about one of our players?
How many rumours come true?
Barcelona have offered Eur. 22M for Neymar and had it knocked back by Santos….
I wonder if we make a bid?
Syg, i was thinking exactly the same thing an hour or so back.
Wenger has named the guy in the past as a player he would love to sign if money was no object.
If you read through the Spanish papers one thing jumps out at you … Both Madrid and Barcelona want the big players, but both want to sell first or to offer peanuts …. I could do Neymar and Fabregas, or Benzema and Isco….. for The Arsenal…
…Any of those combinations would send the Arsenal blogosphere into meltdown…
Hold back on re-newing those season tickets Gooners.
Jovetic and Higuain going elsewhere it seems…
There’s a shock….not!
My Fiver looks safe as houses….
Afternoon Gooners.
Afternoon Rico…
Kev, don’t listen to the rumours mate….
I ignore it too Kj, but we have to talk about something 😉
Afternoon Ak, how could you 😉
My £5 is the one safe, you just watch this space….
On the buses have reported that we’ve bid for Reg Varney and Blakey….
What does Olive think to that??
Everton are set to appoint Porto coach Vitor Pereira as their new manager after agreeing terms on a two-year-deal.
There won’t be many British managers left in the PL at this rate…
There won’t be many Brits in England full stop.
That’s a very good point Scott….
A list of the 99 players Sir Anal Fergusmoan bought as manager of ManUre. Some great players, but he too had his share of duds and dross.
We seem to have swung from tragedy to farce today. I think it’s time to totter off to bed. Good Afternoon &/or Evening fellow Gooners. Keep the Faith!
Night Dg, sleep well…
Later CG.
It hits at the heart of the English mate…..
There are a good few duffers on that Fergie list…
Wonder if Wenger has a list of all his signings…..
Rico 12:33
True. Be boring if the stories stopped!
Exactly Kj and blogs like HH would shut down….
Now I am going watch this wonderful summer of change you have been telling us about unfold. The one you are quite sure will make all fans positive once again….
Wayne Rooney
Arsenal 16/1
Leighton Baines
Arsenal 20/1
Christian Benteke
Arsenal 9/1
Gonzalo Higuain
Arsenal 6/1
Robert Lewandowski
Arsenal 33/1
Martin Skrtel
Arsenal 20/1
Asmir Begovic
Arsenal 9/1
Christian Eriksen
Arsenal 33/1
Julio Cesar
Arsenal 2/1
Xabi Alonso
Arsenal 12/1
Victor Valdes
Arsenal 9/1
Cesc Fabregas
Arsenal 14/1
David Villa
Arsenal 100/30
Edinson Cavani
Arsenal 40/1
Micah Richards
Arsenal 8/1
Angel di Maria
Arsenal 12/1
Ashley Williams
Arsenal 1/1
Arsenal 25/1
James McCarthy
Arsenal 7/1
Marouane Fellaini
Arsenal 16/1
Nicolas Anelka
Arsenal 25/1
Sam Byram
Arsenal 9/1
Samir Nasri
Arsenal 25/1
Thomas Ince
Arsenal 16/1
Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Arsenal 66/1
coutesy of skybet
Tom Ince, and James McCarthy would be two good additions…
Ince on the left wing instead of Gervinho is a great change..
Ashley Williams looks a cert… 😉
Neymar and Paulinho aren’t in the betting. We could do with a couple of “real” Brazilians.
Tom Ince? That would be like signing Shaun Wright Phillips …. Both the Guv’nor (aka big time Charlie) and Ian Wright Wright Wright get to much room for their bullshit quotes in the press already, without their kids playing for us… Paul Ince has already said that his kid is easily worth £25M …..
Each to their own Syg, I’d love to see Ince in our colours…
As for Wrighty and Ince, well at least they have been there and done it …. Unlike some of the idiots who have a view in the media….
Hi SYG… howdy?
Night Cg and Scott
Neymar is on £125k equivalent allegedly… do you rememver that last summer we briefly discussed that the Neymar to Barca will be a no-go…
SYG I thought you might be open to read this…
Afternoon All,
Tommy V…5Million to the Manc’s
Jeremy Wilson – 29 April 2013
Arsene Wenger promised that he will not allow Alex Ferguson to sign any more players from Arsenal as he reflected on Robin van Persie’s return to the Emirates.
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger feels the signs were there as early as last summer that Alex Ferguson would call time on his Manchester United resign this season.
Has wenger covered himself again?
“Now I am going watch this wonderful summer of change you have been telling us about unfold. The one you are quite sure will make all fans positive once again….”
I have been positive as you know, I based my views on the financial aspects and the success of the marvelous stadium project that has been ignored by too many. It was a success and I am proud of it. I am no AKB, believe me, he has made loads of mistakes not least this ridiculous socialist wage policy. I just based my optimism on the financial aspects, having studied it all, that was why.
There already appears a lot more positivity and buzz around. There is no excuse now to not spend money nor do I believe there will be any excuses. They know, we know.
And if the signings don’t come, I will admit I was wrong and join you. I cant say fairer than that Rico. We all want the same thing, the division between the fans needs to stop. After all, we are all very lucky to support such a great club and institution. There is no other like it. So lets give positivity a try and talk about our potential signings.starting with Cesc. 🙂
Good Afternoon Rico.
Good post.
Two sickoes?? that’s right. Two sickoes on the taxpayer. And all in the name of religion.
Is there capital punishment in England? I think not. but I hope that the Goverment introduces it. For your own sake. And dont get me started on accepting everyone for the sake of diversity.
Yes I accept others………..but only if they accept my views and respect me.
What did this soldier deserve to merit such a cruel end to his life? Without being surrounded by his loved ones.
I feel for his family.
That’s off my chest then.
I still feel that Rooney will come to the Ems. And maybe TommyV will go there plus money for him. So watch this space.
According the Italian websites Higuain is sealed and packed by Juve with Vidal going the other way.
Hi fred, Devi and Ts..
AW likes to talk fred, we all know that. I wish he wouldn’t but then some people wish I wouldn’t 😉
There will always be divide Kj, but I shall welcome you to our ‘realism’ club once the 2nd of September has passed 😉
Likewise, should AW/IG make the right signings, then I shall join you in the world of all things positive……. 😉
Devil – AW said he will never a player to manure again (cough)
I stand by the ‘if it’s in the newspapers’ it isn’t going to happen…
Hiya Ginge – you okay my mate?
Conspiracy theories?
If I had a meat cleaver in my hand in the middle of town and someone had just had their head lopped off with a meat cleaver a few metres away I’d be looking at 40 years in HMP, regardless of Youtube doctoring and what or what I didn’t actually say.
It would be nice if everyone could get on in life, but unfortunately life doesn’t work like that.
very well buddy… it would be funny if it wasn’t scary… but verytrue buddy…
As I said months ago…. some british forces are in Mali without regular tax payers being away… next bet deployment to Mali with a call for all ex- riverside officers with certain background and training… 😉
Hi Lady Rico… you are still waving your summer shopping list around? lol
being away……….. being aware
Emmanuel Frimpong underwent surgery to his right knee on Wednesday night following an injury sustained in Fulham’s Premier League match at Swansea City on Sunday…. that is Rico’s £3m pounds down as no sale can be arranged …
Le Grove are banging on the Neymar to Arsenal drum ….
Not at all Ts….
Afternoon All,
Some very good comments on here today and I think it’s nice that everyone on here can have an opinion about a great many things yet we are all on the same page when it comes to what went on yesterday, it’s a sad reflection that most of what we think isn’t said as it’s just not allowed for fear of upsetting those that cannot be upset…! What a sad state of affairs that is………..!
As for TV, yes it’s merely stories but amazing how no one is really that upset about it due to how he has played this year…? Would it really be a loss, yes he was a very solid player in his first season but not been the same since his long injury..! Can he not be easily replaced…?
It’s so sad to see AK worrying about that fiver he going to lose….!
Dev I’m with you mate… TV plus cash for Rooney….!
SYG, what drum would that be for Neymar… the I have a dodgy barnet drum…?
SYG, Tom Ince is the real deal mate and take it from me the fella is very grounded and not charlie big bollox at all, he is also an Arsenal fan much to his Dads disgust…!
Ts, Says Frimpong out for 8 weeks… gets him fit just in time for Aug 31st sale…. 😀
Afternoon all!
i’m not surprising about Vermaelen.
He wants to play for Belgium in the world cup and that it’s only possible if he plays with regularity.
João Moutinho goes to Monaco and more…
JM, if Moutinho goes to Monaco that will upset AVB…..!
As you say TV wants/needs first team football for the World Cup next year, So if he goes to the mancs does that mean they worse than us that we selling them a squad player..?
AW said if he had money Neymar would be the player he would buy… AW, however, failed to take up the Brazil job when he was offer the opportunity to work with Neymar…
In my view… Neymar is not Fat Ronaldo or Romario or Zico either…. he is just Gerv without a forehead who scores goals for Brazil… Gerv also scores goals for Ivory Coast… lol
😀 WATH… you wheeler dealer…
So Monaco have money to buy Moutinho?Hollande and the FFF are looking for 200M euros from the new owner…?
Hi Wath, he’s going to lose that fiver to me… 🙂
I’d be happy with that TV and cash for Wooney….
Ts, AW say’s a lot of things, most of which fail to resemble the truth 😉
last news: Moutinho and James Rodriguez, both from Porto, in the road to Monaco by 70 millions euros.
Monaco wants also Falcao….
the only problem is Monaco must change his headquarter to France.
Higuain close Juventus
Isco: first goal for the new season of Real Madrid
MI5 admit they knew about fanatics who ‘slaughtered soldier’: Police raid house in Lincolnshire village as friends say British-born suspect became ‘obsessed with radical Islam as schoolboy’ … you can’t make it up….
‘Underwear bomber’ was working for the CIABomber involved in plot to attack US-bound jet was working as an informer with Saudi intelligence and the CIA, it has emerged
You know AW iz de bezt…AW es le meilleur.
You’ll battle with that fiver Rico you know what Grandad is like when it comes to his sheckles…!
Ts, Falcao or Cavani……..? if you were the one making the choice..?
One of those fuckers went to Marshalls Park school in Romford….right near where I used to live!
Reg Varney for me.
He’ll just add some K.A.T to a poor tourist… 😉
Just the price to settle for Higuain isn’t it JM??
So no Jovetic, no Higuain and no chance of getting Falcao or Cavani so who are we going to sign I wonder….?
What about this Bonny fella, is he any good?
I’ll get it Wath, don’t your fear 😉
What does the ‘K’ stand for??
Ah, I sussed it I think 😉
But we already have our wolf in the box… Sanogo… cheap and cheerful with a low mileage on the clock with all his injuries…
We should sign WATHs fella Yilmaz… and he and Eboue get along fine so he shoukd be a gooner… lol
Kev added tax….
Exactly why we need to sign a proper proven goal scorer. Campbell better not be the one expected to play the part either…
🙂 Lee.
Please don’t let it be another “Groundhog summer…”
Yilmaz n Rooney Ts……………… 😉
Lee, I have a feeling they looking even bigger that Higuain n Jovetic….! thats why unless we could of got them for what we thought was good value they are actually NOT the targets…!
Just a feeling…!
Rico, that Bony def knows where the goal is and he’s big strong and quick but can he cut it in the Prem Lge…?
What about Carlton Cole?
AW can’t afford it to be, not imho…
Thats always the question asked of an overseas player Wath, could Falcao or Reg Varney??
Look at some of the players who have come to the PL with a reputation only to flop…
It’s a tough job for AW but at least if he signs someone we all know about and has a reputation, he can’t be slated if it goes wrong.
Not sure I’d want the name ‘Bony’ on the back of my shirt though 😉
Keep up Adam, I think he’s retired… Nice lunch?
Very good thank you Rico. Afterwards I went and bought some cheese in Neal’s Yard and some crusty bread too. I normally bake it myself as you know. I was a student of the cheating Paul Hollywood but am disillusioned that he left his wife for an American strumpet. I want a strumpet too.
You’ve had enough strumpet Adam behave………….
Least he ain’t William Bony………..
Blimey, i’ve been giving it some serious K.A.T. today.
Wish I was a £1 behind Wath. Then I could retire.
I can never have enough Wath. Hence my nickname.
Should that ‘s’ not be a ‘c’ Adam 😉
Paul Hollywood is every older lady’s ideal man you know, but I’m sure that’s only because of his bread making skills. I like the way he turns over his cuffs….
Every older lady’s ideal man……………. That speaking from personal choice there Rico…? 😀
AK if I was only a quid in front of you I’d of retired in my teens
Will you be having roast chicken and parsnips with you crusty bread Adam? Or would that be too much for one plate of food?
🙂 Wath.. Is he a big guy??
Only going by what I am told Rico 😛
Rico. I am not that crude. But when Paul kneads his dough, looks up with those big eyes and his voice threatens to break I realise that he knows as much about baking as my idol Sue Perkins. I have a thing for Sue and often dream that I am rolling in zero zero flour with her and Carol V, who is wearing a pair of those skin tight white leggings that are so abhorrent.
Roast parsnips are my wife’s speciality Rico. She can make a whole meal out of them.
Adam, your a deviant !! Do you have those erotic thoughts while wearing those red spandex strides..?
Wath. Hands up mate. You got me there. ‘Tis ruined I am.
Hi Ak, I bet you are loving this weather 🙂
I thought Adam told you Wath ….
Crumpet I meant Adam 🙄
Are you suggesting Paul is a fraud, how could you 🙁
Hi Rico, yes it’s very warm out, just had some delicious cheese on crusty toast. But no strumpet sadly…
When you was a teenager did you say Wath.
What, back in the 1950’s… 😀
Hi Adam. Yes I can clearly visualize you rolling around with Carol V…
Think I better move on…
We have had rain, wind and hailstones Ak, everyone wants to find a nice cabbie on a day like today 😉
Anyone know anything about Leon Goretzka, 18, m/f, plays for VfL Bochum?
Or, Serge Aurier, 20, f/b, plays for Toulouse?
Ak, from wikki
In 1999, Goretzka started his career with Werner SV Bochum. He stayed with the WSV before making the move to the VfL Bochum in 2001. On 15 November 2010, Goretzka made his debut for the German under-16 national team against Northern Ireland in Göttingen.
On 24 August 2011, Goretzka made his debut for the German under-17 national team against Turkey in Kelsterbach. Goretzka subsequently captained the German under-17 national team during the 2012 UEFA European Under-17 Football Championship qualifying round and the 2012 UEFA European Under-17 Football Championship.
On 30 July 2012, Goretzka was awarded with the 2012 under-17 Fritz Walter Medal in gold. On 4 August 2012, Goretzka made his professional debut for the VfL Bochum in the 2. Bundesliga against Dynamo Dresden in the rewirpowerSTADION.] On 14 August 2012, Goretzka made his debut for the German under-19 national team against Scotland in Falkirk.
Serge Aurier (born 24 December 1992) is an Ivorian footballer who currently plays for French club Toulouse in Ligue 1.
He plays as a right back and made his professional debut on 13 January 2009 in a Coupe de la Ligue match against Lorient.
Aurier’s younger brother, Christopher, plays for his former club Lens] He also holds French citizenship.
I’m off to get dinner….
Grandad AK you won’t forget when I was born, it was the year of your 50th birthday..!
Adam kept that one quiet Rico, i am saddened he is keeping secrets from me..!
Good evening Lady and Gentlemen.
Serge Aurier is a very good full back. He is more of the defending type than an attacking one. Unlike Corchia and Janmaat. All three are good prospects with Corchia being 22, Janmaat the same age and Aurier slightly younger. Aurier is the more stockier of the 3. A typical Winterburn player.
If I had to prefer I would go for Corchia.
Goretzka is another good prospect and there are various players like him in Germany. Mlapa, Volland, Knasmuller etc are all future good footballering krauts.
Evening devil and all…
Don’t take it to heart Wath 😉
Evening lady.
I would like to think that AFC will sign a new centreback if TommyV is going to be sold. With all his poor performances last season he is still an international and if he buckles down he will surely become a force again.
I’m just reading about one who could tick every ‘Arsene Wenger’ box Devil….
Adil Rami (French pronunciation: [a.dil ʁa.mi] ; Arabic: عادل رامي; born 27 December 1985) is a French international footballer of Moroccan origin who plays for Spanish club Valencia CF in La Liga.
He plays in central defence for the club and is known for his physical strength, free kicks, and imposing height standing at 6 ft 3 in (1.90 m).
Valencia say he is leaving this summer, £8 million…..
The Bleacher Report have done a piece on him…..
Rami is a good player. But he has always played for 2nd tier in the top level, that is not for the best ones like Barca, etc. You might say neither Kozzer did, but Kozzer is a one off. you cannot expect such a good turnover every signing.
By 2nd tier I do not mean 2nd division. but clubs who are always in the top 7 but never winning.
He doesn’t float my boat evil Devil, we should be looking for a defender better than Merts, and already established/good as Kos….
The best thing AW would do is to sign a good enough and old keeper to keep the ship afloat and sound footing. Have four centrebacks or to be exact two pairs which can alternate with the fullbacks. Ideally it would be Gibbs, Merte, Kozzer, Jenks. and the other four would be Monreal, TommyV, Williams, Corchia.
And also get a bloody DM.
Good evening all,
Not the best evening i’ve had, bad job interview and the bird got sacked …too clingy 6 weeks in phhhheww!
Back to the footy, We won’t be spending big.We should try our best to han g onto what we have, aside from the junk we all known is being let go…
If Sanogo comes in and we sign a few 2nd raters unheard of for resale purposes , we shouldn’t grumble as we have to patiently wait for the Uzbek to line up Walmarts coffers…
TV5 and Sagna won’t be gooners this September, thats for sure , Goners morelike..
(You can see how optimistic i am today lol)
Yes devil, then add a goal scorer and winger and we are done 😉
Oui Lady.
but at least make us solid at the back. That is important.
I am off now my friends.
Short hops today I know.
but at least I managed to squeeze in a little bit.
cu and good nite.
Evening George.. Hope the interview went better than you think and they come calling…..
I’m waiting for AU anyway….
Night Devil….
I’m off for the day too folks, been a long one…
Night George and all, stay safe
Fabregas – PSg?
JM, that news is gonna tip wath right over the egde, his Fabregas home shirt will be up on ebay first thing in the morning !
I am sending the Cesc shirt round to you via DHL Micko as an early Xmas present mate… Don’t say I don’t look after ya..!
Carlton Cole
Kenwyne Jones
Two metre Peter
Kevin Phillips….
Good Morning Lady and Gentlemen
Seems as if either Sanogo is a thick planked head or else he likes to joke…………..
The French site has reported that Yaya Sanogo passed his Arsenal medical yesterday and has returned to Auxerre to rejoin training.
The first home-grown player to leave Auxerre for a big European club since Bacary Sagna and Younes Kaboul in 2007, it seems as if Sanogo is highly regarded at his club and will be sorely missed despite not playing much recently.
Speaking about the player, Raphael Guerreiro said [I have made a ‘best guess’ using Google translate in some places]
He loved Adebayor. He will follow his path.
Let’s hope it is simply the path which led him to Arsenal and not the path which resulted in him being a hateful, lazy moron who has wasted his talents.
WTF! First it’s Diaby, now it’s Adebayor. I hope for his sake that both statements were jokes………..otherwise he is thicker than Wooney.
Morning Lee, Devil and all..
Benteke wants to quit Villa – go get him Arsene….
Sanogo is just covering all his options 😉
the next thing he will likely say then is…………..
………..he wants to follow in TA06 life examples.
……… known in the same way as Joey Barton
etc etc
hmmmmmmmmmm!!!! we wait and see
Ashley Williams has agreed terms to join Arsenal from Swansea City this summer, Goal can reveal.
Arsene Wenger has prioritised signing the central defender and is hopeful that an offer between £8 million and £10m can close the deal after reaching a basic agreement with the player.
It is understood that Arsenal have agreed a three-year contract with Williams’ camp that is worth £60,000-a-week.
Preliminary negotiations have taken place between Arsenal and Swansea on a fee for the Wales captain, with the Londoners confident of completing the signing in the next two weeks.
As revealed by Goal, Arsenal stepped up their interest in Williams in April and moved in to pole position to capture him ahead of Liverpool after holding two rounds of talks with the player’s representatives.
The 28-year-old’s desire to move to an elite club had not been dependent upon the guarantee of Champions League football, which Arsene Wenger’s team secured on the final day of the season.
The Gunners are poised to start the bidding at around the £8m mark and, although Swansea are likely to hold out for a fee closer to £12m, it is not expected that the final cost will be much beyond £10m.
Wenger is a big admirer of Williams, who he believes has the calibre and battle-hardened Premier League experience to beef up a defence that had been found wanting at times last season.
Olivier Giroud may just be one of the few people connected with Arsenal, besides long suffering supporter ADAM who will be sad to see Sebastien Squillaci leave the club.
Arsenal fans can breathe a sigh of relief, Sebastien Squillaci is 100 per cent leaving the club this summer.
The ‘squid’ as he is not so affectionately known, played just one first team game for the Gunners this season – a 2-1 loss to Olympiakos.
Indeed the 32-year-old Frenchman only even made the bench in the Premier League two times, both an unused substitute.
His contract is due to expire at the end of June, and fans worrying that Arsene Wenger would make one of his bemusing decisions as when he offered Johan Djourou a new contract last March, can put those fears to one side.
One player who will certainly miss him, by the sounds of it is Olivier Giroud – who posted on Facebook confirmation of the defender’s impending departure.
Squillaci’s compatriot said he would miss his ‘friend’ which is fair enough really, but we don’t expect Arsenal fans to share the same grief.
It is also presumed that ADAM has gone into hiding after the latest news confirming the Squid’s departure and the only thing he has taken with him is his PC. Rumour has it that he has flown to OZ where he has rented a mud hut to stay away from public glare while he removes the tattoo he has across his chest and to grieve alone.
Where will the SQUID head as a free agent? Who knows, may be Tottenham will offer him a chance to stay in London as they did William Gallas… 😉
A friend of mine believes we should be signing someone better than him Devil. I quite like Williams though…
I really feel for this lad……………..
Arsenal midfielder Emmanuel Frimpong is expected to be sidelined for two months, after he underwent knee surgery on Wednesday.
The Ghana international was forced to have the operation following an injury he sustained while on loan to Fulham and in the final Premier League game of the season, against Swansea City.
“I had surgery yesterday night and am expected to be out for 8 weeks. It saddens me that I couldnt go play for Ghana in the world cup qualifiers next month but I wish the coach and the players good luck for the matches. Hope we get maximum points. From the game also wanna thank everyone at Fulham for their support but also is a great feeling to be back at Arsenal. Have a good day,” Frimpong tweeted.
This is the third time the 21-year-old has gone under the knife for a knee problem since 2010. The midfielder featured just twice in all competitions for Arsenal this season.
The same feelings I still have for Muamba.
I would have liked to see a DM made up of these two lads. They would have crushed everyone in sight 😉
better?? yes whom????
I also like Williams.
When Kozzer signed there were many who scoffed at him.
Would they still argue that AW should have signed better now???
Morning Rico and Devil. Seb Squill never really got a chance at the club. I for one will miss his equine good looks. We will miss him but it’s no good locking the stable door after the horse has bolted.
Apparently Citeh offered us 5 million for Squillaci.
“Why get a player for nothing when we can piss more money down the drain” is the official statement released by the club.
Morning all
Williams Devil but I like him….
Morning Adam, the mere mention of carrots and here you are…
Morning Scott…
that was a question regarding who can we sign better than Williams.
If they come with better experience at EP level, with a good price tag (10mill) and tried and tested then so be it. But I do not think we can get any better.
Adam, I here Coolmore have put on a counter offer for Squill…..Citeh miss out on him 🙂
Williams would be great business IMO.
Top class Striker up for grabs, he’s scored 12 in 3….
I can’t remember the answer he gave to that devil, he was having a bit of a rant that day 😉
I think so too Scott..
Sanchez Watt looks to be the next one out the door, Colchester, who have already signed Eastmond, want him….
Is it Kenneth Williams?
Any Williams will do Lee 🙂
Andy I think…..
One out of every three American weighs more than the other two…. just a thought!
New post up….
That’s staggering Lee….