Morning all.
Rumours surrounding the clubs ownership are gathering place with headlines in the back pages which suggest Stan Kroenke has made Alisher Usmanov yet another offer for his shares in Arsenal. The big guy is seen by many Arsenal fans around the internet world to be our only saviour, the man to shake our club up and get it back to where we believe it should be. However, the only excited fans about this latest news is of course those on the the blue side of Merseyside. They are already believing, some celebrating the expected arrival of Usmanov at their club.
Back in 2011, Usmanov was quoted as saying:
“I’m not going to sell my stake. I love Arsenal, that’s why I’m a shareholder.”
Whether his stance remains the same today, six years on and after continually being frozen out by the American remains to be seen. Anyway, until anything changes and we see what difference it makes, if any, I’m not fussed. Although if Kroenke does succeed with his offer and the club continues on it’s a downward spiral, then we’d be ripe for a massive takeover bid from someone else. Perhaps someone who’ll finally tell Arsene Wenger that his time is up.
Anyway, it looks like Mesut Ozil is a gonner. Not right now of course as he can’t but come January, it’s looking highly likely that he’ll be sold. Great player but one who’s in the wrong club. I’d imagine a better manager would build his team around such a talented player but that simply hasn’t happened and I don’t blame the guy for wanting out of the club. No doubt it’ll be a similar story for Alexis Sanchez. The only difference between the two is one is getting playing time, the other has been dumped on the naughty step as not for one minute do I believe he’s injured. Oh, and one works his socks off while the other watches on whilst he does only now he’s doing so from the sidelines instead of on the pitch.

Alexandre Lacazette he been talking to the official Arsenal website and he says that playing alongside Alexis was a factor behind his move to us:
That’s also one of the reasons why I wanted to come to Arsenal – to play with players of [Alexis’] calibre. Just seeing him in training, I like the way he plays and his mental attitude. His approach makes me want to play alongside him – hopefully for many years.”
Well unless Alexis changes his mind, the two of them playing alongside each other will be for months rather than years. Then what, will our new striker get itchy feet?
Both and any other of our players are now away with their international team-mates. Lacazette has recently joked that he’s going to try and persuade Antoine Griezmann to join him at Arsenal which would be great if their was an element of truth behind his words and it’s not beyond the realms of possibility considering Atletico Madrid have got Costa back at the club. Mind you, the thought of having to part with the kind of money it would take to get him would bring Wenger out in hives.
Anyway, fingers crossed our boys all return in good health, we’ve got a lot of fixtures ahead and a tasty trip to The Etihad to face this seasons favourites for the league title. Sergio Aguero could be missing for that game which is good news, annoyingly though, Pep has such a strong squad, they probably won’t miss him…
See you in the comments, if there are any…. 😉
Disappointed that the headline was recycled ,it would be in the club’s interest to have clarity unlike our government whose cabinet reminds us of Dr Doolittle’s push me pull you.
Mind you with a name like that perhaps he is the nearest thing we have to Stanley Kroenke.
It’s unfair on the paying fans not to know what the manifesto is likely to be and we can’t go through another will he won’t he situation wuth Wenger.This latest contract should have come with the caveat that part of the two years were to be used to find his replacement as coach and to get a confirmation of whether they are readying a seat in the boardroom on his managerial retirement..
It’s not cheap being a football supporter , and to reflect the change in society a new look at how fans are treated with ticketing would be a good idea . However throughout the game those very people come a long way down the list of priorities. The very thought of ( insert name’s ) army has long gone with a lot of the past’s tribalism. Premier league Football is no longer a passion , it’s an occasional day out to fit in with Sky , BT , Amazon , Netflicks or whoever flashes their knickers at the football authorities . They now are all important the income from fans is a mere incidental.
Thank`s El Rico.
Let`s pray that Alisher keeps to his word as he is/was the only hope of getting rid of Kroenke.
Even so, even now with 30% of the club he is powerless, which I find disgracefull when knobs like Chips and `arris have a say with next to nothin ? shares.
Our club is on the road to footballing ruin and if Kroenke does remove Usmanov that will imo be the final nail in Arsenal`s coffin, it will be a case of RIP Arsenal.
Footballing side !………………..I`d take another 31 abysmal wins like Sunday ! hahaha…….after watching the Mansour City game at Chavs I was treated to a cure for insomnia. I suppose Brighton`s ten man defence against The Arse was a contradiction of the normal rumours of what goes on in Brighton, luckily we had our Chilean Penetrator ! hahaha
No idea what we will do with out him ?………………I`m not Pep, but it was so obvious to me that playerss like Alexis are the key to unlocking these sides, everyt time he had the ball he mostly ran positively at Brighton and when players this it takes more than one to try and stop him which releases space for others !…………need more players who are fast and take on opponents for this………Iwobi does it to an extent aswell .
Probably the quietest match I`ve been to, really need to ( and this is the club Im talking about ) sort something out to get the loud gooners all together in one section !…………….even if it means something stupid like putting a questionaire out to fans to nask…….” have you got a big GOB or are you as quiete as a mouse ?” ………………………..obviously I`m one of the gobby ones ! hahaha
Sorry the headline disappointed you Potter but I guess my point was, he made that bold statement back then but will he stand by it now. If he loves Arsenal, then he perhaps should..
I think the headline is spot on in what you are getting across, Rico………………………….should be a reminder of what people are promising and to stick by them, I for one am sick of people promising then going back on their words……………….no bigger culprit of this than Mr Wenger !.
Wenger’s promises have been empty haven’t they Lc. I’ve lost count of how many times he’s tried to fool us..
What I’d love to see is Usmanov make a counter offer, it’s not like he can’t afford to..
I find it hard to believe that Kroenke would try to own Arsenal outright and then burn it down and ruin it. But , then again, in today’s world perception is mightier than fact so perhaps he is going to destroy the club just because he can.
The problem with recycling quotes is that they frequently lose their context.
For example if Usmanov were to say those words now, he would, under stock market rules be obliged to not sell for 6 months (I think it’s 6 months anyway). That would put an end to all of the other stories floating around.jamesw
Frequently Wengers quotes to the press during transfer negotiations are used against him. However during negotiations you would be incompetent to actually tell the truth at times.
That’s how I feel too Adam. He’s a shrewd businessman, one who would know that if the club declines, his share value would seriously drop…
The counter offer is what I`m hoping for, it would certainly give me a lift !.
Not saying Kroenke wants to destroy the club, Adam, that would be a ridiculous statement, he is quite happy for the club to be run self sufficient and make money whilst it is all hunky dory with sponsors and TV deals etc`, but us not being competitive is what is a nail in the coffin for me, too many rich clubs to arrogantly expect us to only win trophies, it`s about being in the mix for them, if we are not then we might as well like my dog and roll over and be submissive……………………..the conspiracy theories are that Kroenke wants us to back up his LA Rams plans etc`, as long as we sre in the EPL making money he can spend his profits on septic tank Rams instead of blighty players here, he has always said he is not in it for the trophies !………….honestly cant think of someone I hate more than The Syrup…………………..obviously I`m not including the Spuds as that goes without saying …hahaha
It’s all about the money for Kroenke. Spend what we make and stay in the top half. That’ll keep his investment ticking over until the next TV deal or league restructure.
Afternoon All
Yeah Adam, Kroenke is no fool, he’ll maintain the status quo, turn a healthy profit, but we’ll never win the EPL or CL under his stewardship.
Of course I could be wrong and I hope I am, but all I can go on is the evidence before me concerning his record as an owner and none of his American franchises, the sports closest to his heart, do anything other than average.
Morning all. I too had my hopes up reading the heading, Doh!!
Oh dear. This is a friend on another forums take on it:-
Oh dearie me. We are doomed to be the plaything of a pratt who cares nothing for the club, its history, or its supporters, and absolutely nothing can be done.
Agree there Kev !…………………..but what a scary thought because I cant ever see him selling and that means no EPL trophy in my lifetime !……………………..and you wonder why I`m so desperate for him to be wiped from the face of this Earth !………………..the man is responsible for most of my depression as an Arsenal fan, which seeps over to my personal life as is the same for most on here, so why on Earth would I want him to have a long and fruitfull life ?…………..I`ll wish him a great life if he fcuks off ! hahaha
Some have the double whammy of both Wenger and Kroenke for their depression !
Anyone have the treble depression of Wenger, Kroenke and Gazidis ? hahaha
And I`ve not even added Chips and `arris ! hahaha
At the end of the day, the fans will vote with their feet.
The Doncaster attendance, where the club were unable to massage the figures, was the true indicator of where we could be heading.
Hobart, if that’s really the case, why did the club offer £90 odd million for Lemar on deadline day?
I heard that even if Alisher decides to sell his shares, there are plenty of other people, who have Arsenal’s best interest’s at heart, who can and would outbid the Kroenk, so given the relationship between them, I don’t see why he would sell to the Kroenk, given he could get more money, and keep the shares out of Kroenk’s grubby hands – both favourable outcomes for him.
The Spuds must love the Kroenk (Syrup o’ Spuds), as it is obvious that he is in it purely for the money, and has no feelings towards our club at all, a real shame that he should have this privileged position, when it is a complete dream for many millions around the would, who actually love the club, I am surprised that they don’t have a statue of him, complete with revolving syrup, at their new stadium, as he has achieved what no other spud could, for a long time.
Rico, in truth the club offered £30m for Lemar as Sanchez was on his bike for £60m
And why wait until the final day?
Why? Because Wenger was running the show, and who was responsible for that?
The owner of Tottenham is no different to Kroenke
Hahaha………………………….nice comment gmv8………………….and hope you`re right about someone other than Kroenke buying AU`s shares !
If he takes over and denies funds and does all the awful stuff that is claimed and this impacts negatively on the club, then the fans will need to get it together a bit more than is evidently the case right now.
Stop going. Simply don’t go. Swallow the costs and let the ST places remain empty, confident in the idea that you are sacrificing money for the greater good. Home games, playing to 20,000 crowds of bored tourists will attract attention from the press around the world for sure. As the deathly hush settles over the mausoleum it will be all anybody will talk about. I imagine results will suffer and very few players will want to come to play for a club in crisis, because that is what it will be. But the message will be clear. See what Kroenke does then with his investment. The message to the fans should be, stop bleating and moaning about what a bastard he is and act.
Won’t happen though will it?
Blimey, it’s happened again! The section I had copied and pasted, didn’t print. Sorry about that.
I’ll give the gist of it now.
*Krankie has bid £525 million (£28, 000 per share), to buy out Usmanov’s 30.4% stake in the goon show. If successful it would give Krankie 97% of the shares and he could squeeze out minority shareholders and turn Arsenal FC into a privately owned business.
Krankie already has Usmanov frozen out, with no seat on the board and his investment iced up.
Perhaps he is hoping his rival will be so pissed off, that he will walk away with his money.
This would remove any legal requirement for the publication of the clubs accounts, or for any AGM’s, and give him the right to register the club in Delaware, based under his ‘KSC umbrella’, meaning he could do what he likes with the business.
A Consortium of longstanding Arsenal supporters, found ‘heavyweight financial backing’ and bid for the club three times in the last year. The most recent being in June at £32, 000 per share.
In June they also tried to offer the olive branch option of buying out Usmanov, but that was dependant upon a seat on the board, and working with Krankie to create a more unified environment around the club.
Krankie refused, turning down all three presentations.*
Why us? Why are we lumbered with this arsehole? Will it ever end?
If only as fans we could rule with our heads instead of hearts, Adam……………………. I moan my head of all the time on line, but when at the game only possitive support will do !…………..we`re suckers ! hahaha
gmv8, I hope you are right.
I get that Kev but if Kroenke was only about making money, wouldn’t he told Wenger to sell Alexis and pocket the money?
LC. Hearts or heads, if the fans believe that Kroenke is stopping our way to a more successful future then why don’t they act?
If I remember right, when Kronke first bought shares in the Arsenal it was because he thought/knew that there was a huge tv/online market that was going to be exploited by the EPL. At no point did he show any or much interest in the soccer! He was only ever in it for the cash returns on his investment. That is possibly why old Etonian Pete did want him in around the club. He probably saw him as a bit of a leech. And old PW was probably right. When they, the old board sold out and emptied their lockers they had no idea how things would pan out, but they were all okay. They’d all cashed out! Quids and quids in the bank care of Kronke and his Wallmart billions. We will not see the back of him or his family until such time as the EPL franchise is in major decline. That may be sooner than we all think, it may depend on the nature of ‘our’ Brexit. And the ‘new’ European and world employment laws plus how we deal with immigration, etc etc. My point being when the world becomes a different place and our part in it in all terms, is in decline then and only then will we see the rats running for their homes and thei personal counting houses.
Like every body else I cannot see a happy outcome to the problem of a near unaccountable owner will last. I do know that unless his investment become seriously damaged, financially, we will never be rid of him or his kind. He needs to invest his billions in his home country so he can help to ‘make America great again’!
Fcuk tan and take your syrup with you! Oh, and take houseboy Wenger with you.
No idea, Adam, ………………..I dont know of any individual who wants Kroenke at the club………..does anyone else know of any fans who do ?……………everyone wants him gone and not to put the Wenger/Kroenke debate back on, but most I know want Kroenke gone more than Wenger as they know Wenger is only short term !…………………I suppose the only way Kroenke will get the messge is if we carryu on the same path of no Title win and eventually crowds will get fewer and fewer……… a few more CL less years will help and in some weird way the longer Wenger stays and keeps us disappointed will also help, so maybe we need Wenger to stay on and help !………………………….I can visualige Lee trying to slit his wrists on that last idea ! hahaha
Good question Adam.
Kev is right Rico , we only offered 90 million for Lemar because we were relying on Alexis going for 60 . Once that fell through the Lemar thing didn’t happen. The club could have gone for Lemar much earlier at a much lower price and with both he and Lacazette joining maybe Sanchez might have wanted to stay however as always with The Arsenal it’s all smoke , mirrors and conjecture . It would have been interesting had Monaco snatched our hands off and we had to cough up and Sanchex had stayed.
Didn’t , in front of Pete.
Fcuk off Stan, in the last para.
Just in case you were wondering?
It’s not like a Union membership where the shop steward can call ‘everybody out’. How on earth would you get ALL the fans and tourists to stay away? You can’t, no way. We’d be fools to even think thats possible.
We are stuck with him, unlike Wenger who will be gone before long. Then, if and when Krankie croaks it, his family will take over and carry on the same way.
Those barstewards who sold the club out are to blame, they must have known he would be a terrible owner.
In a way, LCM is right, we would do better losing all our games, all our decent players, and going downhill. Then, and only then, would that prik decide to drop the club like a hot potato.
Yes Potter, but that wasn’t down to Kroenke. It was Wenger who should have gone for Lemar much earlier in the summer and long before Monaco sold the players they did..
I’m not a huge fan of Kroenke, but as I keep saying, only once Wenger is gone will we see if he’s a bad as it’s been suggested.
Had Wenger not been given the extra two years and we’d managed to get Allegri or someone of his kind, I wonder if this debate would be going on… I’m not convinced it would be and I reckon Alexis would have signed a new deal by now.
That’s true Rico, but up till now Kroenke has had to be accountable, AGM and all that malarkey, and anyway, as Adam rightly says, it’s up to the fans themselves, but who is going to spend a couple of grand on a ticket and not go or not sell their ticket?
There’s plenty of people who’ll pick up any available tickets for EPL games, even though the club is dishonest about the attendances the ‘tickets sold’ tell their own story, the coffers are full, the club is in rude health, all whilst being also rans in the EPL and CL.
That is a business success story,
Rico, that is a great point about Allegri, if Stan had got the Italian and bid au revoir to Arsene then we’d be in a different frame of mind right now.
Maybe Allegri was unavailable, but as with Guardiola, I think that Max was get’able.
But Stan played it safe, played the percentage game as he always seems to do, and we are where we are, just doing enough.
That’s the worrying thing Kev but as Adam and others believe, Kroenke won’t want to ruin what’s he got surely? Mid table won’t get him much…
Could it be Allegri wanted one more year at Juve Kev? Because I’m convinced Wenger won’t see his second year…
If usmanov was to counter offer it would be in effect a counter,counter offer.reports indicate that he’d already offered syrup 1.5 billion during summer & indeed if stories are to be believed another offer north of 2 billion was put forward to syrup by a 3rd party,as yet unknown ,Arsenal fan consortium. & still was rebuffed by would appear he wants to gain full control.hopefully to make afc an even more attractive proposition to guess for what it’s worth is he’s looking close to 3 billion.yes 3 billion b4 he’ll take the dosh & do a runner.this figure by the way co relates to the cost of building his new super stadium for his beloved Rams in inglenook LA
Given Kronke’s seeming indifference to success and how to get it, I’m sure Allegri would not even be on the ‘interview’ list. Far too good, far too much potential and plenty to prove. Also, when and if he took charge he would certainly have a ‘shopping list’ I’m sure he could have whom he wanted so long as he balanced the books! The club probably would not be any better off and neither would he. I just can’t see a man of his obvious ability accepting the Arsenal job on those terms. Quid pro quo wouldn’t cut it with a top top manager.
There’s far too much fog around the Arsenal business arrangements for any of us to clearly see or even envision the future.
Meerkat. Everybody must look to themselves if they’re unhappy about things. I never envisaged a Union-type situation. Each to his own I say
Afternoon Rico and All
Adams right,we gave up years ago. sold..yet loads of empty seats.
Some are making the costly effort,but who wants
to take the big hit..
Its like your own Lottery Numbers..Can you afford
not do them..Catch twenty two nightmare,for some.
Who reads the New York Times on here?
Sure Stanley ain’t reading the The Daily Mirror
everyday..Is He?
Gazidis got a £919,000 bonus for last seasons efforts of helping us make £30M in the Transfer Window !…………… he could curse Wenger for not accepting £60M for Alexis !
Usmanov not in talks to sell!
No Adam, I was being facetious in comparing us to a Union.
However, it would take some sort of serious,organised demo’s, to even scratch the surface of someone as thick-skinned as Krankie.
Even Wenger withstood torrents of abuse last year, and still signed a new contract.
Neither he nor Krankie have the decency to put the club and its fans first, so really, what can be done?
I`m an atheist, but………………………..praise the lord ! hahaha
Meerkat. All I will say is that the club is nothing without the fans. In the end they do have a voice. If you look at the attendances this season and at the wretched atmosphere I would say that things are changing. Probably not quick enough though. 🙂
Good for him Kev. Really pleased he’s not selling..
Evening guys…
Was going to post the Usminov statement. Good for him. It’s not like he’s short of cash, although I can understand he may be short of a football club to run. Anyway, for now he remains the check and balance that we, the supporters need, to prevent Stanley Cronky moving our club to the states or whatever mad cap scheme he may have been planning to asset strip the Arsenal!
I think we may be in for a very long and wildly tempestuous times.
Why Wavy? Wenger will soon be gone, a new manager will arrive and the mood will change…
We are where we are. Unless governments expropriate football moguls assets without compensation, there’s no going back.
It should never have been allowed to happen.
Fans could not buy out Krankie, the club is said to have a market valuation of £2bn.
Meerkat, I’ve no idea what your last comment means, sorry…
Night all.
Things in Catalonia are getting worse with reports that the Spanish Government is sending in the army.
1936 revisited?
I think Kroenke is a cheap state. If he can get away with an adequate and not too expensive or top notch manager, when Arsene departs, then that is probably his chosen option. We are more likely to employ Tommy Longshott than Max Allegri or his ilk. The former will almost certainly be good enough to keep us ticking along in the EPL but never offering us much hope of mixing with the elite clubs. Despite that, the money will continue to roll in and Kroneke’s cash cow will continue to deliver.
‘Will no one rid us of this man?’
Another Catalonian blood bath is brewing by the look of it Kev. What atrocities are the Castillians going to wreak on the region this time round?
What is going on this world of ours? Where has ‘peace and love,’ disappeared to?
rico. It means we are stuck with Stan unless laws change re foreign ownership. Plus, fans could never come up with enough cash to convince him to sell. He’s like the Glaziers, greedy money men, who don’t give a toss about the club.
Wavy, I’m not sure that there has ever been a peaceful golden age, not even here in the UK, but it’s funny as I’ve just been watching a superb documentary series on the Vietnam war, which I remember oh so well when growing up in the 1960’s even if it’s significance then passed me by as at the time I was more interested in raking the streets with my mates, Fireball XL5, Space Patrol and collecting American Civil War cards.
There’s so much conjecture about Stan, people talking about him in a factual manner….I find that super odd. If he didn’t give a toss why would he let us have a massive wage bill surely he’d want that trimmed??
I really don’t like the man (that I’ve obviously never met) but he’s a super successful businessman so respect where it’s due no?
Meerkat, I’d love a new ambitious owner but then as I keep saying, until Wenger goes we don’t know what Kroenke is really about. It could just turn out that he is someone who cares about the club, he could be ambitious and want us to win things but all the time he keeps Wenger on the payroll he won’t…
Agree Lee.
New post is up now.