So Wenger is going nowhere!

He has the unequivocal backing of Stan and his merry men for the foreseeable future!
Reports suggest that despite our battering by AC Milan and Sunderland, the Frenchman is safe in his role and when the summer transfer window opens he is to be given £55 million to spend of making our squad stronger.
I wonder if the board looked a little deeper into our crisis before telling the manager that he won’t be losing his £7 million for a while yet?
Obviously not, the continual defeats/draws with the neighbours, the regular hidings from the Mancs seems to not matter, let alone the dire displays that has seen us drop points to the sides fighting to stay in this league.
There we have it, the board see what Wenger is not doing to be fine and dandy which to me suggests they lack the passion we all hoped they had.
Back to the £55 million, is that really a huge amount of money? Is it enough to really make a difference?
Well, if names like Mario Goetze, Lukas Podolski, Eden Hazard and Matias Suarez are truly on Wengers shopping list and of course assuming this is all true, that kind of money won’t get many on his shopping list will it?
Does that amount include any funds the manager can raise by selling of some of the deadwood or will that be an addition to the sum quoted?
Will Wenger be ‘instructed’ to spend all the money available to him? If not, there is no guarantee he will change his ways and buy experienced players like the ones named is there?
Or is it all just spin in any case….
Meanwhile, old Gooner George Graham, the man who knew who not to concede goals has spoken out:
Yes, Arsenal are in crisis. It has been slipping away for the last couple of years.
They’ve not been replacing those players who left four or five years ago.
They’re lacking leaders and the quality of the players they’re bringing in is just not up to the standard if you want to win the Premier League.
They’re playing Tottenham next week. Believe me if they lose that one, the fans will be upset.
Yes George, we will be upset, we already are!!
Next weekends fixture is massive, it always has been and always will be but this weekend it will matter more, we need to get ourselves back on track.
On track for what exactly you may think, well we have to get 4th place and we need to start winning again.
Would be a bit of a bonus if would could start on Sunday wouldn’t it?
Wenger when asked about the FA Cup & CL losses:
People are always asking the same question, but the first trophy is to finish in the top four and that is still possible for us, I believe that is vital for us, so let’s focus on that.
The financial trophy, and that’s exactly why Wenger has the ‘Unequivocal Backing’ of this current board…..
Have a good day all…
Morning all….
it hurts to see my team not at least collecting a single trophy but i have not yet lost faith in Arsene.If next season we continue as now then i will support the chorus to change the manager
Thanks old timer, i’m sure you will find a nice rose tinted spectacled site one day….
close the door behind you, theres a good chap….
Morning Rico & all
Did anyone really expect AW to leave a 7 mill quid job?
Good on you LM….
morning alan, thought the board my show a bit of ambition….
They do have ambition Rico, Profit, which has nought to do with winning matches
Morning all.good read rico.guess we’ll have to wait and see then.but as you say if we are targetting the Götze/Hazard calibre players that cash will only be enough for maybe 2 players which isn’t enough-not by a long shot.
Give me English or experienced EPL player. I can live without Hazard. How many goals has Hazard scored this season and career?
55 million,plus funds from Arshavin,Rosicky,Squillaci,Chamakh,Bendtner,Walcott…..that must give us about 85 million!!!!!
If RVP goes,try about 130 million.
Hi Kt, Scott..
Yes alan, money…. sadly..
Tbh, no matter how much AW gets, not sure he’d spend it all hence my comment about will the board direct him too – if they do then all well and good but….
Got to go out for a couple of hours, back later….
Morning Rico. It doesn’t matter who Wenger does or doesn’t buy. Without any defensive stability and with our same old, same old predictability, we won’t win enough games in this PL to be challenging. The ethos needs to change as much as the playing staff and the club needs Kroenke to inject a sense of ambition and urgency. If Wenger is going to stay (and it looks like the only way he will go is to resign, as I doubt he will get sacked yet) then he has to make massive changes to the whole of his gameplan I think. Can he do this? Doubtful, in my opinion, as the problems we now face have not appeared overnight. We have all seen the lack of investment and the crazy team selections and shapes that he has played over the past few years as one of the main reasons for the team’s decline. Couple this with selling our best players, not replacing them with quality and his stubborn, almost bloody-minded insistence on not strengthening the squad when he has had the chance plus his bizarre proclamations about our financial position as some sort of justification for his stance and I ask, what is going to change? Kroenke should tell him to leave the finances to those who deal in such matters and concern himself solely with winning matches. To do this he will have to overcome many of his “principles” and there is zero evidence that he can or will do so as far as I can see. Times have and are changing and Arsenal have to move on and embrace today’s football. They have an amazing base from which to do so, but hasn’t Arsene’s day passed?
Alan we need a hazard/götze player asap.we are dire in terms of creativity right now which has led to us playing crab football.
AW should collect the £55m and also raise more money from players sale. people like Arshavin, Squillaci, Djouru, Diabi, Walcot, Bendtner, Denilson, Park and all those little chaps on loan except for Rio Miayachi. at least we can be able to raise up to £30m from these players sale.
Hi “K”
I would be nice to get successful players who are used to playing alongside each other for continuity. I think Hazard is overrated. Goetz is supposed to be very good
Arsene Wenger has lost the PLOT. I think it’s high time to get a replacement. There are a lot of DEADWOODS in the team &
badly needs a MAJOR SHAKEUP. AFC needs to get back to the
BIG LEAGUE ,ie, winning trophies & be a powerhouse again.
It’s sad to hear Arsene saying Top 4 is a “trophy”. Who is he kidding?
Long suffering Arsenal Fan in Perth
If i had to pick id pick Götze too Alan since he is what we need the most at the moment.Hazard imo is not overrated,maybe overhyped but under the right management he could be a world beater.
Wenger should be sacked for calling 4th place a trophy.has he no shame at all?
Hi K
Well, I’m glad you said good management. Can we trust AW to let Eden play his game, or do it AW’s way?
Ah! Here we go!
Arsenal runs a self substaining business and Arsene has been faithful to copem with huge transfer kitty. Leave Arsene alone he is not our problem, we are not as rich like the clubs with god fathers. This is a fact!!
Im going off topic abit but dig anyone watch Barca v valencia match yesterday?Messi scored 4 and assisted the other in a 5-1 win.Cesc looked so happy and must feel very proud of himself for abandoning our sinking ship.
I’m sorry but 55 million? I’m sure we had 60 million 2 seasons ago then last summer we sold Fab and Nasri for around 50 million. Something is definitely up at Arsenal, worrying times!
Alan i think Arsene is fantastic at nurturing talent but i don’t think he encourages individualism in players.i think he tones them down to be team players which helps but sometimes you need that exceptional player to express himself as he likes.speaking of which if Ronaldo had joined us i doubt he would’ve developed into the player he is today.
Morning Gooners.
Morning Rico, another good post madam.
I was on an American blog early hours this morning.
They seem to view Kroenke as a speculator in real estate, and that’s all.
Quite worrying, as he has invested virtually nix in the Rapids MLS team.
At the moment he’s involved in trying to buy another basketball team, that has a lot of land to redevelop.
So he won’t be worrying about us….
Not as long as 60,000 are turning up each week.
He’s not a football/soccer fan.
He’s a ‘bottom-line’ fan.
We are fecked, big time……
Other than that, Happy Days everyone… 🙁
How many here actually feel that achieving 4th will be possible? With the current squad and our season and a half of shocking form, I’d say we will be lucky to even get that.
Is any one on here going along to the AST meeting tonight with the club, that I’ve seen reported somewhere else? If so, can someone please ask IG, why he took a substantial bonus out of the club last year for doing sweet FA?
Add the fact we still have to play the scum, Liverpool, City, Newcastle and Chelsea. Mightbe lucky to even get Europa League next year.
Transfer Kitty. $55.0
Bendtner. $5.0
Rosicky. $0
Fabianski. $4.0
Arshavin. $8.0
Squillaci. $0
Chamakh. $6.0
Park. $2.0
Diaby. $5.0
Denilson. $3.0
Vela. $7.0
Total. $95.0
Realistic team of who would come without Champions league
Gourcuff. $20.0
Matias Suarez. $8.0
Baines. $12.0
Podolski. $16.0
Kalou. $0
New CB and GK. $20.0
Total. $76.0
Szczesny. New GK. Martinez
Sagna. Coquelin. Jenkinson
Mertesacker. Vermaelan. Koscielny. Djourou. New CB
Baines. Santos. Gibbs
Suarez. Wilshere. Song
Gourcuff. Ramsay. Arteta
Gervinho. Walcott. Oxlade Chamberlain. Miyachi
Van Persie. Podolski. Kalou
G’Day Rico
Great post.
Can you see Arsenal getting one over Hotshite on Sunday?
Arsene/Arsenal are forever playing in one style. That I believe is what’s ailing the gunners. Moreover it’s happily passing to one another. I don’t know. If the passing fever is not modified/alterded to factor in shooting ,then Wenger has really lost the plot.
When you look at the possession stats,the gunners have higher %then other teams. But goals win matches. The other team may have 10% possession and three shots,two of which end in goals. The problem is the gunners may have ten shots but only one goals. The reason is because the other team defends defend em masse. That’s why it’s harder to score .
You look at past matches involving red faced.He concedes possession and hits on the break when there are acres of space for Rooney and company. Not only that They have the luxury of time which is denied to the gunners.
Until Wenger gets this right,the gunners will continue to lose.Be warned. Spurs will use these hit and run and score on Sunday. If Wenger plays the same way you can bet your house,the gunners will lose.Redknapp may even attack brazenly like a tsunami wave the shocked the gunners in the CC afew seasons ago.
If we don’t finish 4th id rather we’re not in Europe at all.
Its quite frustrating Mohd.S’land had 1 shot on target but won 2 nil.Milan had 5 shots on target and won 4 nil.its mind boggling that we never seem to change tactics to cope with teams employing this tactic.
bugger the AST. You think they’d wake up to being board fodder
That £55m looks a lot less when you remember Wenger has said that wages for new signings have to come from that same pot.
The chances of having a proper clear out are also severely compromised by the ridiculous wages we have these sub-standard players on. What sane manager would want to pay Bendtner £54k a week?
Fourth place is also gone already in my view bearing in mind recent performances. AW couldn’t lift his team last season to maintain an automatic CL spot and Ii don’t think he will this time.
Still, we can always cheer the lads running round the Emirates pitch with RVP holding aloft a copy of the balance sheet.
it seems as though even some of the AST are getting restless…
Rico, sorry for posting another sites web address, but the points the writer makes are relevant to all AFC supporters alike.
Its the same for the past two or maybe three seasons(don’t want to remember) knockout of Europe then knockout of FA cup. C’mon is chasing 4th place the best we can do???
I know AW is careful with the money but where are we goin with that for the past few seasons..
Lets start buying and less procratinating and maybe we will not have quality players taken from under our nose this summer.
Always a Gunner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday’s result was not a disaster ! The FA Cup has no worth to a business like AFC and consequently Wenger has no interest in winning it.
What’s all this talk of transfer kitty ? Are they renewing the season tickets early this year ? £50, £100m, blimey what sought of disaster could IG and Gramaldi conjure with those sums of money – a whole team of Chamakh’s and Squillacci’s.
There is nothing the AST can do about it
If as most of us believe RVP is off in the summer, what sort of transfer fee can we expect to see for him? £25/30mill. As that money will no doubt not be invested back into the team, I would rather see us be strong for once and say no to allowing him to leave and keep him for one more year. His goals would be more valuable than the money.
RvP getting close to 30. He will need to make the final decision in his playing future. That’s stating the bleedin obvious I suppose
here is some of my own anyalysis:
almunia- out
djourou- out (3m)
squillachi- out
diaby- out (4-5m)
arsahvin- out (6-7m)
rosicky- out (3m)
ramsay- loan
park- out (2m)
chamak- out (6-7m)
walcott- out (15m)
bartley- loan
frimpong- loan
lansbury- loan
campbell- loan
vito- out (1m)
mayachi- loan
nikki b- out (6-7m)
denielson- out (2m)
17 players:
strikers: 11+ 1
mids:1111+ 2
wingers:11+ 2
wing backs:1111
def:111+ 2
gk: 2
neymar- 40m (Chamak+ nikki b)
hazard- 30m (walcott+ rosicky)
hoilet- free (denielson)
mvilla- 20m (diaby+ vito)
moltalivo- free (arshavin+ park)
bartley- free
samba- 10m (djouru+ squillachi)
plus we have almunias wages to rener RVP contract.
sagna samba vremy santos
wilsahre(h) mvilla
gerviniho RVP/Neymar hazard
442 we will be next to unbetable.
sagna mert kozzer santos
AOC(h) mavilla moltalivo hazard
RVP neymar
arteta, hoilet(h), gibbs(h), jenkinson(h), bartley(h), vela, song(h), flappy, coquelin. these are our bench and FA cup squad.
and our 8 home grown players will be:
Can we get away from the Wenger has to go debate?
Everyone that says it then goes on to admit the board will keep him,so its pointless.
Run with the fact he will almost definitely be staying,then come up with realistic suggestions as to how he can improve the side.
I’m off to bed,so enjoy guys…..give me something good and productive to read tomorrow.
Hi all and welcome to those joining HH, sorry for the delay but all first comments go into moderation..
Hi gnarley, good to see you again – hope all is well, and no, i can’t see us winning on sunday 🙁
Terry,you just raised the bar….great post.
Aw has had like a thousand times to change the squad bt has he done it? No then why do we keep up with him…let him go
Not at home right no and the internet connection is rubbish! 🙁
AndyP, no probs re the link, not at all…..
they won’t buy talent as they earn no money from them
If you don’t like the post Scott, you write one 😉
Heading home now so back shortly…..
Unequivocal, that’s a big word for this time of the day.
Afternoon people,
…Terry I lost u,hope u understood what u meant + loads of spelling mistakes,anyway…
Wenger stays it looks like,well why not,I mean there isn’t any1 better to step in,unless we take some1 from previous players…
Regarding the transfer activity…I personally hope for clearout first early on in summer,regardless of how much we get for the likes of diaby,Walcott,nick b,vela,Arshavin Chamakh,Park Squilaci and the rest…
Now RvP: if he stays then give him like 120-135K a week,if he goes spark a bidding war and get max money(I know it sounds bad,but that’s what it is all about in arsenal)…
Now new transfers/incoming players: this is tricky,knowing Wenger I won’t be surprised if we sign another teenager upcoming talent…also how realistic it is to expect him to spend a lot of that supposed transfer budget(if there is one)…ideally I see us getting one maybe two strikers Suarez(Mathias)and Giroud( if RvP,nick b and park/chamakh goes)…Ryo back from Bolton,Jack back from injury and then hope,but just hope for Goetze,I personally don’t like hazard as he is slightly(some 8-10mil)overpriced and big time overhyped…hopefully get Verthongen and maybe Hoilett…that’s it,oh and maybe Shakiri…
Now if we did get this kind of activity then Wenger should be happy,he would have young team(none of my mentioned players apart from Goetze are expensive),full of talent pace trickery creativity and hunger for trophies and success I would think on the long term we would have tremendous return both money and trophy wise…
But as always,this is what I think,not Wenger… =)
Afternoon guys and gals…
I had to look it up Micko 😉
Tlailaxu, i thought i read shiqiri had agreed a pre contract move to Bayern in the summer for 12 million, if we’re talking about the same fella that is.
Micko really…then they are getting one he’ll of a player in him…but u know precontract doesn’t mean much these days
Rico, check your in-box…..
Offski to Ashford to look at some shoes, eek… 😉
Hi AK, check yours 😉
Good afternoon guys and chicks of the Gunners faith.
Good post Rico. I guess you should challenge everyone who blogs here to contribute his or her opinion at least once a year by writing an article. In that way everyone can stand to be shot at. We might like the article. Then again we might not.
At least once a year. Not much to ask is it.
So at the moment it seems unnecessary to comment about AW. Unbelievable as it may seem the board have given him the dreaded vote of confidence. Except that at the EMS its not dreaded. So either they all (board+AW) know something about each other that we do not (100% right I feel), or else they are giving him enough rope to hang himself with and are waiting for the supporters to do something (in which case they are showing everyone they do not have balls)
And so it seems superfluous to speculate about players since we do know how AW operates. That will mean that JD will stay, Chamack will stay, Rosicky will stay, but RVP who can fetch a lot of money will go and be the sacrificial lamb like the others.
Thanks devil, good afternoon to you too….
Surely if the board are giving AW enough rope to hang himself, they should have seen enough by now?
I agree, they have no balls, and nor do they care about results on the pitch as long as we secure 4th spot…
Money, that’s all they care about…
Not parting with it seems to me a the top of their agenda….
A board that sanctions a signing for shirt sales only says it all….
I agree Rico….but if money is what they all care about then why not try to win a few things seeing that this gets more money, better sponsorships and more shirt sales and the fans will contribute more?????
Thats something i really don’t understand devil, you are spot on – a winning team raises more money for the exact reasons you give, to win the PL alone makes money, successful sides become wealthy sides for many more reasons other than finishing 4th and signing Ju Park….
Why can’t they see that….
Wenger accepts that another season without a trophy could be deemed a crisis, but says the critics who are queuing up to knock his side must start looking at the bigger picture.
“It depends what you call a crisis,” said the Frenchman when asked whether he considered his side to be in one.
“At the moment I get many lessons from many people who have managed zero clubs and zero games and zero European games.”
Arsene Wenger Quotes of the week
“Every time we lose a game we have a crisis. Our job is about winning and playing well
“We will get criticism but I feel that it is a bit hard on the team.
“At the moment I get many lessons from many people who have managed zero clubs and zero games and zero European games.
…yes mate. But at least they are honest lessons without a hint of arrogance. We usually criticize Manure supporters for their arrogance, but seeing that you are on their same level we can criticize you on the same level.
Whatever you do MR Wenger, even if you win the champions cup 5 years running we supporters will never forget these last 5 seasons especially 2011/12.
That is why I said that they know something that we do not. Why always 4th place?? Why not 3rd or at least 2nd?? We cannot compete with Shitty for money but we can compete with the scum and Manure on money seeing that their squads are not much better off than ours were in the last few seasons.
So that begs the question…..why always aim at 4th and not for 3rd at least??? There is something fishy why its always 4th.
I read those comments from him earlier – beggars belief really…..
I’m sure the club would say they aim for top spot devil, sadly the squad we have doesn’t reflect that so called aim..
Buy a real leader would be the first signing in the summer if i were Wenger…
There is something going on, and i think it comes in the name of Usmanov…
Fido needs a run, back shortly…..
Devil,4th means extra games,that equals extra tv coverage,matchdays and so on…again…it’s money all over…
Enjoy Rico…..I am off to prepare for training. Will be back in about 4 to 5 hours.
Afternoon people.
In a nutshell, why the heck will Kroneke want to sack a CEO who si at least Top10 of his calibre in the world and can gaurantee to generate at least £20 milliion per annum gross profit for teh next years.
SOrry, my connection is bad.
£20 milillion gross profits for teh next 3 years…….
Afternoon Rico, DevilGunner, Steve Palmer, Tlailaxu, Scott from Ox, Micko and all you Gooners.
After the defeat at Sunderland and the way that we were beaten, I fear a right thumping from the Spuds. Wenger’s after match response to his views of the defeat, totally went against what I actually saw. Lots of tippy tappy passing, the odd ball played in either too early or too late, and seeing Sunderland and especially Larsson, winning every 2nd loose ball. Funny how Larsson was one of the players that Wenger let go, he wasn’t good enough……
£50m including wages, is not a big kitty, when you think of how many players we need to strengthen the squad. And I cannot see anyone in their right mind, paying the kind of fee that Arsenal’s money grabbing Board will expect for players of the calibre of Bendtner, Sqilarsie, Mannone, Alluminium, all players that would struggle at any other Prem Club.
Still, this is Arsenal as it has become, with ex players, ex Managers, opposing old players all echoing our sentiments, that the Club has fallen so far behind the likes of United etc, and are not a patch on the calibre of player that is needed to win the Premier league.
I believe that some of the players, ie; TV, Csezny, The Ox, Frimpong, RVP, and a few of the players that are out on loan at West Ham, Rangers, Bolton etc are good enough, but they need a new Coach with a fresh approach, and one who believes in having a spine in the team, and a good defence.
Afternoon guys and gals..
Merlin, did you get my email??
Hi Marinello, couldn’t agree more with your comment, new manager, fresh ideas and a bit more motivation…..
Afternoon Rico.
Just replied to your emaill.
Hi Merlin – just got it thanks – it’s all the tables i am struggling with, can’t get them to come out the way you have done them 🙁
Think i have sussed it Merlin 🙂
No I haven’t – it won’t work 🙁
So is nothing going to change at our club then? If so, who will be the architect of that change if the only people Wenger might listen to need to have his experience in management? Crazy rubbish he is spouting now. It is almost as if he thinks everything is ok.
A little more ambition will go a long way. Surely our Board can see that? We need an overhaul. And our players have to pick themselves up, no one else will. No point hiding behind youth and naivete now.
Hello, all! 🙂
Rico, just send you another email.
AK, I’m sure you’ll have fun!! 🙂 😀
Hi Adam & agag
I think we are in for a horrid three months 🙁
Hello, Adam and Merlin. rico, I know. But it is high time we were competitive in the market again. Let’s get in some experience and true (not merely hopeful) quality.
I got to pop off again, got to feed someones dogs – back shortly….
I can’t see this summer being any different really agag, not unless stan grows some …..
AU comes in 😉
back shortly
hi agag, we will.
Wenger is an obsessive winner and a sore loser.
He is also completely intransigent, Merlin. 😉 We wait and see. I know our season’s all but ended, but I really cannot wait for the season to end. Then let’s get buying!!
I’m back, and bloomin cold 🙁
That happens learly every February agag…
‘Can’t wait for this seasnon to end’
Nor can I and doesn’t that speak volumes….
Just as I’m about to sign off. 😉 It is a testament to how our standards are so far fallen… Sigh.
Rock bottom agag – now you go and get some sleep… Nighty Night ..
Hey agag, did i miss ya, damn, i wanted to give ya a shopping report…..
Evening Gooners.
Evening Rico.
Evening AK, get your shoes 🙂
Grandad be careful in those heels………..! you know Grandma gets the hump when you parade up n down the hall in them and her tights….!
Evening to you Wath, happy with all Mr Wenger has to say then??
Wath… 😎
No shoes Rico, a cardigan, in the sales, very nice and a couple of pullovers. Us old ‘uns have to keep warm y’ know.
Nice AK, got to look after the old bones 😉
I see that GG has suggested that Wenger should sell both RVP and Theo, but also to invest in some quality replacements….
Hmmm, i reckon PHW, when he read those comments thought, “Yes George i agree, but only with the first bit of your suggestion. Us, Arsenal, investing in quality players,don’t be preposterous”, and so it goes on and on and on….
Let me not respond to what the arrogant one has said Rico…….! It would contain foul language…!
Hi Agirlgunner, Rico, Kev, W.A.T.H and all. I have to admit that I am gonna need to think seriously about season ticket renewals this year. I am an Islington boy born and bred and Arsenal are culturally imbedded in my heart but it’s going to cost me £2700 plus for my wife and I this summer and I don’t think I fancy another emotional kicking. My other two family members that we sit with have stopped going and aren’t going to renew. Still, I guess the club will have someone lined up to take the tickets.
Wath – the words – French and Knob spring to mind!!
Adam, Am with you mate my two will cost me roughly 2200 depending on how much they put em up of course…. following the AST thing on twitter is very interesting…..!!
It’s in our blood Adam but the club takes the piss out of fans loyalty cos they know they can and they abuse the love and the passion we have for the club BUT enough is enough when we get fuck all loyalty in return and no investment in “OUR” asset…!
Wath, got a link to the AST twitter?
AK, what can the AST really do?
Adam, that’s sad, but understanding.
Believe me, going to football is habit forming.
Once you break that habit, it’s damned hard for football clubs to get you back on a regular basis.
You basically find other things to do on match days.
Those short sighted idiots, on the Board, take the fans for granted at their peril…..
AK follow it on LG pedro is doing it…..
W.A.T.H. My money goes to keep PHW in Taylor’s 1963 Vintage Port and Cuban cigars. For a week anyway. But, in these hard times, disposable income for a working man is tight. Thank God Arsene keeps such a close eye on the finances.
Evening Adam, the club need to be very careful because that list of ladies and gents who are on the waiting list will be getting shorter and shorter – if things don’t get better, or the club show no ambition in the summer, the empty seats will soon remain just that….
Rico, what can any of us do tbh….
I suppose they can impress on the club, the strength of feeling of the fans to whatever topic of the day is on the agenda?
The AST can give the club some ideas on PR, at the end of the day the club still need to be seen to be listening, even if they aren’t!
Cheers Wath.
I think you’ll find the old goat is a cognac man Adam so your keeping him topped up for about half a game mate….!
Yeh least we can thank Arsene for being so frugal with our money..!!/LeGrove
Just for you AK 😛
doesn’t make happy reading….
Le Grove @LeGrove
£25mill of dross at club. That’s wages. We cant shift them.
I think the shitteth could hit the fanneth Rico……………
Le Grove @LeGrove
Player sales are our only profit.
Good Wath – that’s just what OUR club needs, big time – nothing will change otherwise…..
Who is saying this stuff on the Twitter feed? Is it members of AST?
Le Grove @LeGrove
Wenger bypasses rule on reinvesting by giving crap players more money. Terrible.
Adam – Its Pedro or Geoff from Le Grove, they will be at the AST meeting…
So, in fact, even with an entirely manageable stadium debt, CL for 16 years and well over £3 million coming through the gate every home game Arsenal ‘s only profit comes from player sales? So, once they stop we’ll be essentially running insolvently then. Hard to believe.
Le Grove @LeGrove
We get £14mill from short sponsor / manufacture. Liverpool £40mill
There ya go Adaam…
Le Grove@LeGroveReply
· Open
1 in 4 took a new season ticket when offered last year.
Or put another 3 out of 4 turned down the offer of a ss tkt.
Seems like the self-sustaining model is a mite top heavy then.
It’s shocking Adam, but, if that is the case, why didn’t Wenger spend the monet from Cesc and Nasri??
£57 million if reports are true, then, add the Clichy fee too….
Wenger just won’t spend it IF all that’s being reported is factual….
AK, we are fecked under Stan and Wenger….
I just can’t see it Rico. Obviously some heated debate going on but it doesn’t add up to me. I thought the stadium debt was way down to just over 100 million quid now but they seem to say it is 220. If we have all this dross on the books that cost a fortune because of Wenger’s generosity and that we can’t get rid of them because of their contracts then doesn’t this rather put a dent in Arsene the great financial pragmatist? In fact, doesn’t it all add up to financial mismanagement?
back real soon, i’m hungry 😉
And I am back…….and with some good news it seems.
Defender Kyle Bartley could return to Arsenal as early as next week after his loan club Rangers entered administration, according to Radio Clyde.
The 20 year old centre-back is currently in his second temporary stint at Ibrox, where he won a Scottish League winners’ medal last season, but the prospects of him repeating the feat this time around are increasingly remote after Rangers were deducted ten points for their financial troubles
DG. It seems we won’t be able to afford his wages at this rate.
Evening all, we’re trying to spend art-work? (Rico 7:27)
The proverbial is gonna hit the fan! Thank fuck!!
Some good questions being asked and wenger isn’t coming out looking very good in any of this….!! Nor Stan with the fact he would not match AU with investment or rights issue…!
Evening Lee, back in a bit looking at all this AST stuff 😉
Seems to me, if the figures are to be believed, that we are skint, well the club, the Directors and commercial dept are rolling in cash.
Sounds like an effin feck up to me.
The club is being run by commedians.
Hi Lee….
Hiya AK. What do you mean???? Skint????
Broke… Devil!!
I guess it’s in the club’s interest to suggest we are skint. Then they can put the season ticket prices up again and perhaps give Wenger a pay rise. Seems we really were better off at Highbury. Must be a bit of paranoid reporting there.
That I know W.H.A.T. But on what are the money going??? I mean the money we got from all the transfers the past 6 seasons. The gate money etc. Where has it all gone???
Try the LG link Devil, it’s worth reading.
Rico has tomorrow’s post… 😉
Hi AK….shopping for rthymn & blues!!!! 😉
Devil i think it’s gone into the pockets of the Directors…
I know where £7 million went in the last 12 months.
Saw some Lee, but i’ve upped my taste since i got to know agag, now i’d like a pair made at Lobb’s…. 😉
Got a couple of nice pullovers and a cardy in the sales, a bit of a bargain tbh… 🙂
and pathetic salary increases for average to shit players instead of buying new players with funds available….
Adam, your such an old cynic sometimes… 😛
Michellin Starred restaurants, fine wines,cognacs,cohibas,5 star accommodation and turning left on 747’s….there’s a start!
That’s it Lee, i want a bit of what Adam enjoys…. 😉
AK, you didn’t see AW looking for players in the sales did you?
Le Grove@LeGroveReply
· Open
More fans in Nigeria than in the whole of the UK. Many of them Grovers!
Does that mean that Stan is gonna relocate us to Lagos?
That is great news Devil, no Squlli 🙂
Hi Lee – good to see you….
No Lee, i didn’t go into Pound Land…. 😀
I am offski mates. A bit tired today.
I hope that when I wake up I will not read that we are so skint that we have done a Rangers and applied for administration.
cu tomorrow guys and chicks
Kev. That was before I bought my season tickets. I am strictly a KFC man these days. This AST meeting seems to herald a new low or perhaps it’s all doom. It seems like the only way out is Usmanov now. Stan seems like. Dud and Wenger has bled the finances dry to pay Denilson, Bendtner, Almunia and the rest ridiculous wages.
Night Dev, evening Rico!
We ain’t skint Dev it’s the fact wenger has wasted loads of money on shit players salaries and they putting away money for not qualifying for the CL…!
AK – how the heck do i convert all that is going on into a post – it’s all a bit too complex for me 🙁
Feel free anyone 😉
But, LG will run tonights goings on, I’d rather leave it to them 😉
Goodnight Coach.
KFC is good, now and again….
But seriously, all this shit is worrying Adam.
That’s unless the club are lying again…
But at least we know where we stand.
And remember, the Scum have all this shit to get thru.
He who larfs last etc!
Well i suppose you slip in the odd fact boss, like wages @ £130million per annum. VFM or not.
Then £25 million pa wasted on players we can’t get rid of, that’s if i understood it correctly?!
Night devil
AK, the scum won’t be worrying, the tax payers will pay for their new stadium….
You are right Kev. I am worried. I used to eat in the Wolsely but now I just stand outside and lick the window.
Just a fleeting visit guys/gals be good all, wish you a good night!!!!
Blimey, i feel giving up after that last lot of tweets, what a joke, our club is turning into Fred Karno’s Army….. 🙁
Cheers Lee, good seeing ya fella…. b Strong…!
Wenger fucked up the Mata deal as he decides what we offer and we always offer low….! Fuckin says it all…! Shame he don’t decide to take a lower fuckin salary eh….!
He was told he was in charge when Dein left hence he was allowed to choose his boss……….. laughable…..!
See ya Lee, take care mate….
Adam, 😆
So it’s the bus for you my fine fellow…. 🙂
I’d be here all night trying to write that AK – and you know it’s Corrie night 😉
Seriously, Pedro has been there and seen it all unfold, and tbh, i’d rather read his than my half coked attempt 😉
But are these just other people’s opinions or is there a factual basis for them?
Lee – re your 8.13 – don’t forget PHW’s big fat cigars….
Le Grove@LeGroveReply
· Open
AST reckon Josh Kroenke is being groomed to takeover
WTF does that mean?
Is gonna move over here???
Corrie? Even that is more realistic than the way our club is run. Yes Kev, the BMW will have to go. I might become a rickshaw driver or get a job stuffing Foie Gras into Usmanov’s mouth all day.
Nighty Lee, take care….
Blimey Adam, what about the Sun on Sunday, aren’t they looking for some quality journo’s??? 😉
Gotta say tbh, that you come across as more Telegraph than News Corp.
Adam – i don’t know, that’s why i wouldn’t want to write about it – as far as i know it’s an AST meeting, I don’t know for sure how much access to the clubs finances etc they have – But, what is being reported is making sense and not too far away from what so many fans think is happening…
The Islington Gazzette would do for me… 😉
Le Grove @LeGrove
Nina booted from board for having a Starbucks with Usmanov people
It’s a shame that this didn’t come after the end of the month, when the club have to reveal the finances of the club as per Stock Market rules, or so i’m led to believe.
They are announcing the finances on friday or monday apparently and al the gossip and talk tonight was based on the finances and questions about tickets that gazidis wanted feedback on…! Also questions were asked as AST meet with gazidis and are meeting with the club twice this week.
Thanks Kev. The football journos I have met are a sorry bunch of drunks. I am pleased I write about things that are relatively frivolous. Strikes me though that Kroenke must realise that profitability Is directly linked to a winning team and if not then why not take the profit and run. I feel a bit low where Arsenal are concerned though and this AST thing hasn’t helped.
Can’t wait for The Sun on Sunday, out this coming weekend 🙂
Adam, 😆 re corrie…
Stan is flying in this week for the meeting on friday, deep joy eh….
Wonder if Stan will bother to watch the game?
I doubt it Kev. Wenger has told him about the special offer they have on tea bags at Costco. Perhaps Josh will pick some up on his way to the bank.
He’s flying in for the board meeting AK no word on if he staying for Sunday, if he has any intelligent advisors they’d tell him to give it a swerve the way we playing….!
Hahaha. What a feckin larf we are becoming.
There ya go, we’re trapped by our support…
And those runts know it..!
Corrie anyone? 😀
…I didn’t get it guys,where are u getting this info of fucked up finances of the club?is this for real or just guesses and rumours?
Stan, stay to watch us play – no flippin way – bet usmanov will be in the stand though, and Dein…..
So true . The AST guys are just like us except they have sprung for a share or two. The comments aren’t too far from the stuff we put out really. Everyone is frustrated and wants their opinion heard I guess. Goodnight all. I have a cuppa and a slice of toast and jam in my hand while listening to some music. Love to all Gooners and sleep soundly.
Tlailaxu – its from the AST meeting, Pedro from Le Grove is there and commenting on Twitter….
Have a read tomorrow, you’ll get the true picture….
Bartley to return….
Another good one Tlai…!/DarrenArsenal1
Ppl that were there discussing the finances and things already discussed with the club and things the club have asked for feedback on…!
Nighty Adam – enjoy you toast and jam and of course, your cuppa…. Rest well yourself…..
Cheers Adam sweet dreams hope they not nightmares after all this info…!
See ya Adam.
Keep up the good work….
Great news AK, bloody great, i’d play him before Djourou or Squilli…..
Wath – i thought what was being said was ‘fact’ – have i got all that wrong?
See, i’m rubbish really 😉
Yep its facts Rico………… you then have a few different interpretations i suppose but the numbers quoted are facts….
71 paid pro’s on the wage bill….. thats outrageous and we can’t even get a decent 11 on the pitch who give a shit………….. Not sure to laugh or cry…!
Deep joy then Wath….
I’m off to cry in my cuppa, what a fekcin joke OUR club has become, can it get any worse before it gets better….
Nighty all, another night of disturbed sleep looms…
Be safe and take care all …..
Well that’s really made my evening….
Think i’ll go on ACLF and start an argument, eh Rico… 😉
Nighty night Boss….
AK…that’s not bad I say,just wondering if Wenger will be stubborn enough not to play him and put squillaci on with crutches in his hands…
I guess this week might turn out very messy for certain individuals within our club…if it does I hope they pay full price:the likes of PHW Gazidis Wenger,last one probably would require an interpreter for ‘full price’…until tomorrow guys…I have this bad feeling…
AK you behave, don’t go upsetting the ones that “know”……….
Enjoy that cuppa Rico, could be interesting to see how the wenger loves spin those numbers and figures 2moro…! Shows how he’s spend the transfer funds… or rather where he hasn’t…! Watch teh club deny the 60mil in the bank can’t be spent and isn’t being put aside to cover champions league short fall….!
Yeah Wath, ‘they know’ alright, they know how far up their own arse they are…
I didnt say exactly what they knew did I 😉
Cheers mate…. night all….!
I just guessed, because i know you so well…. 😉
Goodnight mate…
Oh and goodnight Dune…
Arsène Wenger has only £55 million to spend this summer to strengthen Arsenal’s underperforming squad
Arsène Wenger will have only £55 million with which to reconstruct his Arsenal squad in the close season, and much less if they fail to qualify for the next Champions League campaign.
Money worries: Arsene Wenger will have little cash to play with this summer unless he can persuade some of the club’s overpaid underachievers to move on Photo: PRESS ASSOCIATION
By Matt Scott
9:26PM GMT 20 Feb 2012
That is the message from Arsenal’s small shareholders, who shed light on the financial constraints Wenger must operate under as he strains to guide his team into the top four.
The north London club declared in their accounts last November that their cash reserves stood at £160 million. Although this might suggest they are thriving, much of those funds were spoken for before the season.
A detailed breakdown by the Arsenal Supporters’ Trust (AST) ahead of the football club’s release of interim accounts later this week reveals that about two-thirds of what the club holds at the bank is to meet unavoidable costs.
Prepaid season-ticket money accounts for £65 million but disappears over the course of the season as Arsenal service their £125 million-plus player-wage bill.
Tax demands drain another £13 million. A further £36 million is ring-fenced to repay future debts on the Emirates Stadium and to pay operating costs on ongoing property developments near the ground.
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The departures of Cesc Fábregas, Gaël Clichy, Samir Nasri and others produced net summer transfer income of about £4 million after Mikel Arteta, Gervinho and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain were brought in.
The £55 million Wenger has available must cover the fees for any new signings as well as their wages. More revenues might flow if players can be moved on.
But as Wenger found last summer in his abortive attempts to find buyers for players such as Denilson, Nicklas Bendtner and Abou Diaby, the lavish salaries earned by Arsenal squad players makes underachievers difficult to move on.
There is also the pressing concern – reinforced by Sunday’s north London derby which starts with Tottenham 10 points clear of their rivals – that Arsenal might not qualify for next season’s Champions League. That, the AST estimates, would cost Arsenal about £45 million in prize money and match-day and media income.
Few other leading managers would operate under such constraints, but they arise as a result of Wenger’s decision to pay his fringe players wages commensurate to those of Gareth Bale or Luka Modric.
“The wage bill of £130 million is sizeable and in the view of the AST there is clear inefficiency in wage spend evidenced by poor performances on the pitch and the number of players the club have either on loan (ie can’t be sold) or deemed not good enough to play in the first team,” the AST commented.
The precariousness of Arsenal’s self-sustaining model was displayed at an AST meeting last night. Several fans who own executive seats threatened to withhold their season-ticket renewals until the club “shows some ambition”.
If such disgruntled voices become more widespread and begin to vote with their feet, Arsenal’s ability to meet their financial obligations will be under greater threat.
Simon Hill, the AST’s financial analyst, said: “The great irony of Financial Fair Play is Arsenal run the club as break-even and fail to qualify for the Champions League and suffer
a £40 million to £50 million drop in revenue and can’t quickly lose players, they’ll be the first club to fail to meet FFP.”
By Jeremy Wilson
7:30AM GMT 20 Feb 2012
Saturday’s 2-0 FA Cup defeat against Sunderland has effectively condemned Arsenal to another trophy-less season, but the message from Kroenke is that the club must now remain unified and focused on securing a 16th consecutive top-four finish.
The Arsenal directors will hold a regular board meeting on Thursday, with Kroenke and Wenger both due to attend.
Recent disappointments are certain to be addressed but also the club’s longer-term plans and the imminent release of their half-yearly accounts.
They will show profits of about £55 million. It has been made clear to Wenger that the money is available to enhance or overhaul the squad this summer.
Although Wenger and chief executive Ivan Gazidis run Arsenal on a day-to-day basis, Kroenke remains closely involved with key decisions and is acutely aware of the unrest among supporters.
Contrary to popular perception, he has regularly visited the Emirates since becoming majority owner last April and has attended every monthly board meeting. He has also watched several matches this season, including the win against Chelsea and the defeat by Liverpool.
The consistent message on Wenger from Kroenke and the rest of the board is that his position is not contingent on finishing in the top four. Wenger, though, acknowledged that it would be a “disaster” for the club to lose their Champions League status and has said that he would only consider his position if he personally felt that he had underachieved.
Arsenal are well aware that Wenger would be a leading candidate to manage Real Madrid should Jose Mourinho leave this summer. Club sources have privately dismissed suggestions that there are plans to invite the Frenchman into a boardroom position at the Emirates in the close season.
Wenger, 63 this year, has consistently said that he intends to honour a contract that expires in 2014. On Saturday, he indicated that he wants to oversee an Arsenal revival.
“We have what it takes at the club [to rebuild in the summer] and we will add what it takes,” Wenger said. Arsenal still believe they can attract top players this summer – with Lukas Podolski, Mario Gotze and Eden Hazard among their targets – but they know that Champions League qualification is critical to that aim.
They also face major challenges – and decisions – over existing players, with Robin van Persie, Theo Walcott, Andrei Arshavin and Tomas Rosicky all approaching the end of their contracts.
Wenger retains hope that Jack Wilshere and Abou Diaby will play again this season. “We have what it takes at the club when everybody is available because we had many missing and big, big players, too,” Wenger said. “We are in mid-February and Wilshere has played zero games, Diaby has played zero games and [Per] Mertesacker is out for the rest of the season. Santos is out for three months.
“That would be difficult for any club in the world to deal with. It’s hard enough to lose one or two players and we have lost too many. But at the moment I believe we are not making plans for next season. We are making plans for the next game.”
That game, against rivals Tottenham Hotspur, is arguably the most important north London derby in Wenger’s 16-year reign at Arsenal.
Wenger likened finishing in the top-four this season to winning a trophy. “Our main target now is to focus on the championship,” he said. “People are always asking the same question, but the first trophy is to finish in the top four. That is vital for us. Let’s win our next home game and we will be fine.
“A week ago, we won at Sunderland in the championship and that is our main target. Then we lost at AC Milan and then again here. That’s basically down to the fact that we had to give a lot on Wednesday night and then we had to travel again. That is difficult for any team in the world.
“We put a lot of spirit into this game against Sunderland and if we keep that spirit and recover a bit physically, then we can win that next game.”
Wenger has had his differences with Martin O’Neill, but the Sunderland manager yesterday offered a resounding endorsement.
“You are talking about a bright and intelligent man,” O’Neill said. “His judgment and record stands the highest scrutiny. They have qualified every year for the Champions League and he could do that again.
“I only know Wenger from a distance, but what he has achieved has been fantastic. When he chooses to leave, he will be a major, major loss.
“He has had a disappointing week and expectations have been high, but eventually you win a game or two and the pressure passes on to the next manager.”
The above is from the Daily Telegraph.
Five points for Arsenal board to consider as Stan Kroenke prepares to jet in for talks with Arsene Wenger
Arsenal’s failed season will be top of the agenda when the club’s board meets. Jeremy Wilson lists what should be the key talking points…
Food for thought: Stan Kroenke (left) is due to fly into London Photo: PA
11:00PM GMT 19 Feb 2012
1. Constructive support for Arsene Wenger
George Graham was right when he observed that Arsene Wenger remains very powerful at Arsenal. In one sense that is a good thing, but the danger at Arsenal has been of almost blind support for their manager.
Wenger sometimes needs pushing over the line when it comes to spending big money and he should also be encouraged to evolve and freshen up his coaching team.
2. Overhaul the wage structure
It is bizarre to hear stories of Arsenal being reluctant to push the boat out in salaries for players of established quality, yet so generously reward unproven or average squad players.
This has drained the club of resources on players who they no longer need and are struggling to sell – such as Nicklas Bendtner, Manuel Almunia and Sebastien Squillaci – while struggling to compete on wages for genuine stars. The wage structure should be more closely aligned to performance.
3. Strengthen squad with established quality
The Arsenal model is not completely wrong – it has just been pushed too far to an extreme. The club are right to focus heavily on recruiting potential stars but they must better balance the squad with players of proven quality.
Spurs have shown that adding players like Scott Parker, Rafael van der Vaart, William Gallas and Brad Friedel does not detract from young players but actually helps them
4. Improve commercial revenues
This is perhaps the key focus for Stan Kroenke and Ivan Gazidis. While Arsenal remain among the leading clubs for generating matchday revenue, they lag behind Manchester United on their commercial deals. The good news is that many of their main deals are up for renewal over the next few years and so there is real scope to grow.
The club must also continue to expand overseas and, in that regard, they are planning trips to China, South Korea, Hong Kong and Nigeria this summer
5. Get the feel-good factor back
The hike in ticket prices last season could not have been worse timed and caused significant unrest among fans. It has left supporters feeling like they are taking for granted; that they pay among the highest prices in the world and yet the club do not use the money to adequately invest in the squad.
Ticket-prices are an important element of the club’s income but a relatively small reduction could be priceless in improving the matchday mood inside the Emirates
Goodnight Gooners.
Sleep well. If you can!
An American view on Arsenal and Kroenke.
Rico,I wasn’t having a go at your article last night…..just the typical responses.
Hello all.
Morning all…
I’ll forgive you then Scott 😉 😉
The responses are bound to be right now Scott, all is going badly wrong and today will be no different on the new post – last nights events will not make fans any happier…..
Hi all