Good morning Gooners,

‘Do that Robin and you’ll end up at The Etihad Stadium, go straight on for the old Toilet’…..
The future of RvP took a bit of a turn yesterday as Manchester’s equivalent of The Metro decided to write a story about our captain leaving the training camp in Germany in order to go and have a chat with Fergie about a move to the old toilet.
Well, if this turns to be true and he moves, then the man is a liar through and through!
As we all know, Arsene Wenger and Arsenal have already shown that and there is little to suggest that they have stopped yet so it’s clear to me that the only thing this man wants is a larger pay packet because right now, I’m not convinced that Manchester United will be winning many trophies next season.
I’d say our squad is looking just a little bit stronger than theirs at the moment and finally we could actually stop the rot against that lot.
Six points next season I reckon!!
Seriously, that’s what signing players like we have so far mean, we just need two, maybe three more.
One who we have signed isn’t ready to sit back and take it easy as he starts a new life in a different league, no, he’s ready to hit the ground running and make a huge impact in our team once he is ready.
That’s what you get from a German International isn’t it, attitude, application and determination, just what we need.
I am now two weeks into training and it is not easy when you come back to your club after a European Championship or World Cup, I need some more weeks and then you will see the real Podolski.
It has been very good so far. This is a big club with a great coach and I am very proud to be an Arsenal player. I am looking forward to the first match of the season against Sunderland.
The other side of the player is something we seldom see from those who move on from Arsenal. It seems that once they leave us, they spend the next five to tens years of their life trying to justify their decision. Sad really isn’t it, most fans soon forget them until of course they return to our ground and then we like to give them hell, but what do they expect? Flowers and Chocolates?
Look at Anelka, he left us yonks ago but he still feels the need to mention us every now and again, mainly with regret of leaving I know but he still feels the need to think about us. Do we think about him? No, no do I.
Then of course there is Ashley Cole and Nasri, actually, I won’t even bother….
Lukas Podolski doesn’t leave his old club with any bitterness, nor does he feel the need to turn the knife into the back of a club which allowed him to take a different step in his career.
Ahead of Sunday’s friendly against his old club he had this to say:
I’m back home, in my city, and looking forward to the match, this is my first match for Arsenal and I am very happy. I hope I can score against Cologne, it is not easy but we want to win the match and then look ahead to the game against Sunderland.
I started my career in Cologne when I was 10 and then I was in the first team when I was 17 or 18 years old. It was a great time; they have great fans, a great stadium and it is a great club.
Now they are in the second division, so it is not easy but I hope they will go back up to the first division.
Nice guy eh…..
That’s it for today and not too much gossip for a change………
Can’t leave it there though, not without wishing a special Highbury House regular a very Happy Birthday…
You know who you are Lee ….. 🙂
Have a good one all…..
21 today!! Morning all…
Good Morning Lee and All…
Happy Birthday Lee, have a wonderful day and a lovely weekend when it gets here 🙂
ALEX FERGUSON has blasted Arsenal over his attempts to sign Robin van Persie.
The United boss says the Gunners are keeping him in the dark after he made a bid for the Dutch striker.
Fergie said: “It’s difficult to know why they are operating in this way. We’ve been trying our best but there’s been no progress.
“You know we’ve made a bid but Arsenal have been trying to negotiate with other clubs.
“They are not giving anything away. I’ve not got a gut feeling about this one. We have not had any breakthrough.”
Interesting that Barca won’t deny the Song rumours….
Double that number and you are still way off 😉
Err wtf has it got to do with that prick what we are up to? He’s our fucking player!!
I still want Juve to be his destination!!
Actually, what I’d really like is RvP to say you’ve shown intent I’m going to show loyalty!! I can dream it is my buffday!
Makes you laugh really, if this was the other way around, that red nose twurp would be very angry…
Why should we tell Fergie anything, he’s offered £15M and its been turned down, either up the offer or go away….
You and me both re Juve
Wouldn’t write that idea off just yet Lee….
Many happy returns Lee.
Thanks Adam.
Morning Adam…
A lot of the RvP misinformation came from the Manchester Evening News yesterday, which was repeated and twisted by every blog on newsnow. There was no foundation to their story, alleging he was on a flight to meet Fergie in Manchester, when everyone knew he was in Gothenbourg!
As you say, its simple. They offer £15M, we say nearer £25M. Take it or leave it. Red Nose seems surprised that AFC have grown balls at last. Jog on.
Fergies just used to people rolling over and having their tummies tickled.
It’s quite simple if you want the player then convince your debt laden Americans to do a deal with our American that due to Usmanov’s presence can’t lay his debt on our club and cough up .
Hi Nick & potter
Press garbage again…
I think we have a couple of things going on with van Persie. One is his total hypocrisy and the release of his notorious ” message to the fans”. It’s clear to everyone that he wants more money. That’s it. It says little for his character that he used us as a smokescreen to try and get it. The second is Ferguson’s pathetic drunken bleatings. He sounds more like Mankini every day. He claims the Man Utd have made a bid and that it has been rejected then goes on to say that he doesn’t understand what Arsenal are playing at. Does he mean that he affronted by the word NO? Is his brain so pickled that he can’t quite work that out? Then, he lets us know that Arsenal are negotiating with other clubs over the player. Well, so bloody what? What has it got to do with the old git if they are? If he wants van Persie, then pay what Arsenal want. Don’t go bleating about it to the papers that you are so fond of banning from your training ground if they don’t tow your particular line. His sense of entitlement is disgusting. As if ever club must obligingly bend over when this drunken old red-nosed dog comes calling. He has already been blown out by Moura who said Utd were boring and he doesn’t like the look of our transfer business and wants to weaken us. Fine. Pay the bloody money. Get the Glazers to divert some of the money that was going into their pockets and it has been alleged, into yours and pay Arsenal the £25-30 million they want. If you don’t want to do that then do us all a favour and shut the f..k up. Go and stuff a pie down Rooney’s throat, drink another bottle of whiskey and shut up!
Twitter has a lot to answer for , It’s the fastest medium for eronious rumour to spread.
Go Adam, go Adam…. 😉
Well said….
Once their IPO is out of the way, I expect we’ll hear nothing more from the red-nosed one. He’s just after publicity to help make his last big payday a success. Why else would he be making public statements? Why else would the club suddenly change their policy of not signing players over 26?
Can’t stand Piers Morgan myself but his goading of Fergie on Twitter is excellent.
It is the money.
The club have and are still showing INTENT.
Three world class players – one international who was top scorer in his league, a 100 cap and 40 odd cap international for countries ranked in FIFA’s top 2, and an international who was the player of the year in Germany reportedly on his way.
As has been said. Our squad more than matches theirs now; and hopefully we can get two more world class players to follow them.
It is all about the money.
I also admire him for donating £1,000 to charity each time a gold medal winner sings the National Anthem….
GB of course 😉
SYG. A shame but certainly true.
Fergie should use his ref nd see if it will work for him this time
Has to be Syg and I still wouldn’t write off Mankini offering him enough to secure a move but it sounds like it’s the old toilet he prefers….
Reports suggest it’s £20 million for Rvp but £25m for Fergie….
Morning Adam, Rico and all. I was in the curry house last night and had the owner (ManU) and the waiter (L’pool) both gloating and saying that Sky sports had reported that he’d agreed terms..
For years that old scumbag bullied every club in the PL with Utd’s spending power that was a huge part in their success and now he is moaning about what other clubs are spending?
Good Morning All,
Lee — Happy Birthday!
Listening to Auld Whisky Nose’s has really cheered me up. It’s like old times with Arsene getting under his skin. Sir Anal’s plaintive bleetings are music to my ears. He is clearly a man under great pressure and clearly it is getting to him. It is unusual for him to show it so publicly.
The transfer market is beginning to heat up. The next two and one half weeks will be most interesting and possibly highly amusing.
I bet that Utd fans wish they had an Usmanov waiting in the wings.
This is by John Cross, isn’t he very pro Afc and seems to report a little more truth than most….
SS’s only repeat what’s in the papers, until deadline day and then they get very excited with all the snippets they get fed…
… I’ve said it before – if I was Gazidis I’d be a right mercenary twat – Van Persie would be seeing his contract out and all the deadwood would be minus a squad number …
We are Arsenal, not Wigan …. and that is no disrespect to the latter.
…or I’d offer him to Chelsea in p/x for Torres
Yes, many happy returns Lee.
Happy birthday to you,
squashed tomatoes and stew,
bread and butter in the gutter,
Happy birthday to you
Morning Syg & CG
good point there, about time AW started to get one over Fergie again, the last time was Aaron Ramsey….
I think we will be heavily involved in the remaining weeks, a few going and arriving hopefully..
I bet he does Adam, thank goodness AU is holding out for our club…
Trouble is RvP does seems to favour OT, regardless of who we try and sell him to, the player has the final say. Mind you, he’d probably stay then….
Welcome Johns and Mjc
The player NEVER has the final say; that’s what I couldn’t understand with Fabregas.
They are under contract, Rico and Gazidis is obviously “more than” clued up on contractual law.
If the club desires’ it, Van Persie should be made to run his contract down … The upshot is that we get a £25M player at sensible wages for another season…without having to offer a silly signing on fee with bloated £130k per week wages for the next 4 years.
…and what if he gets a cruiciate ligament injury in April …? What’s his chances of whoring himself out for a £200K per week deal then … at 30?
Arsenal are in the driving seat; not Van Persie …. unless of course the club just want the money.
… Just in from Spain… Catalan-based the 4th biggest football broadsheet in Spain…. ARSENAL ARE AFTER CHRISTIAN TELLO as a make weight in the deal to get Alex Song out of the door.
minutes old
Unless RvP does a complete U-turn and shows real contrition, he will be sold. However, only after making a clear statement to the player and the purchasing club by doing it on Arsenal’s terms and on Arsenal’s schedule.
Rico — I agree that we will continue to be active in the market. I think we will get one more, possibly two, first squad players and one promising prospect. A diamond in the rough for Le Professeur to polish and develop.
that rough diamond may well be the 20yo Christian Tello, CanadianG
Good absolutely disgusted by Fergie and his comments.he knows the mancs are in trouble financially;even the Chevrolet deal is under scrutiny.they have been rejected by hazard/moura which is new to him.he expects the club to roll over…f**k you red nose.i hope thats what Gazidis told him.I just remembered just how much I hate the oldie.he is now using the media to unsettle our preparations while deflecting away attention from their own problems.he knows we are getting stronger and he doesn’t like it.
I’m sure they do Syg, we would prefer to sell to Juve, but RvP is reported to have said he doesn’t want to go there.
The club can hold the player to his contract, but in RvP’s case that would mean we lose out on any money. Tbh I would rather we stood firm and make him stay for his final year…
morning all…HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE!!!!…..21 today? 😕
CG – i honestly believe it will be at least two, maybe 3/4 depending on who goes….
Syg, where does that kid play?? (i don’t mean barca 😉 )
all with you Rico on that one,make him stay just gives the club more power….i bet next season no club will be messing with us and the players also know we are firm.
Hi kt, can’t stand the man either, despite all he has achieved. His comments are bitterness I suspect becuase we leaked the news about him making a bid in the first place..
Morning bondex…
Got to pop out for a while so catch up later, bit of a busy day today….
First things first with RVP, no matter what happens, he should be stripped of captaincy, we can’t have a want away captain again……
I’m guessing TV5 is next out the door as no doubt he will be next in line as captain!
L’equipe are reporting that M’Vila has been “dropped” from the French squad to play Uruguay on the 15th… maybe to do with the fiasco at the Euro’s … It’s the first I have heard his name in the proper papers for days…
I went into my local Porsche dealer yesterday. I saw a lovely used Cayman sitting there with a price tag of £30,000. I approached salesman and said “I’ll give you 15 grand for it”. He looked at me a little strangely and said, quite politely ” But the price is £30 thousand sir”. “Yes”, I said ” But I want to pay £15 thousand”. “Oh, I see, you can’t afford the asking price”. ” How dare you, of course I can, but I want to pay £15 thousand”. “Are you feeling alright sir? Had a few this morning have we? Would you like an ambulance?”
At that point I tuned to the other customers and bellowed. ” I don’t know what they think they’re doing here, I think they must be negotiating with other customers”
Two large men moved toward me.
“Don’t you know who I am?” I screamed. “I always get what I want”
“That was in the old days sir, not now”
With that I was thrown out.
While I sympathize with your attitude regards RvP, it could be counter-productive holding onto him if;
a.) he is not professional, sulks, and does not play to his full abilities
b.) he has many friends on the team and a bad attitude could be poisonous to team morale
c.) the club could spend 20-25 million pounds very productively for the new season
Morning all,
Looks like the RvP circus has finally rolled into town, shame its come to this, really hoped he would stay, there’s gonna be load of shite flying about the next couple of weeks now.
Happy Birthday Lee, surprised you’ve made it this far.
Just because Wenger has been quiet doesn’t mean he likes Fergie.he hates him maybe more than we do.Fergie expected us to roll over and let us tickle our belly but we have refused.its now going to get bloody and it will carry on to our league encounters next season.
Do anybody feel the board may have already spent the RVP money? And what ever we get for him will not be reinvested?
CA, I think you could rule out A & B, but there’s a lot to be said for C.
good one Adam…..wish we actually did throw him out…. 😀
Happy birthday lee.its really sad we couldn’t have a good week to discuss our prospects for next season.we never seem to get a break 🙁
Hi faithfuls i think AW should put his foot down and make rvp see out his contract if OT is the only available destination, we need to put an end to this crap, seems its only arsenal that falls prey to this strong arm tactics among all the big clubs or aren’t we a big club anymore? We need to stop selling key players to direct rivals that should become a club policy so if rvp cant seal a move to juve or say wigan then he must wait till the next summer then leave as a free agent
IG, just tell the drunk jock to fuck off! SIMPLES!
Hiya CanadianG. I get your point – totally. And you are dead right in what you say.
However if it was ME, I would be a mercenary twat.
The difference is my Canadian mate, is that Wenger is one of the world’s best football manager’s and tacticians and is on millions per annum to make those decisions; and I am not….
….But I can swing a baseball bat in anger a lot better than Wenger can.
If it were ME, he’d be playing is contract out with NIL sulking !
Paul, please don’t scare me….
ESP. Come on kidda, less of the negativity … it’s been a great week so far !!!!!!!!!
Rvp never had the intention to sign a contract in the 1st place did he?
Adam, have you been reading AW’s autobiography again, put it down.
Paul, isn’t Giroud supposedly RvP’S replacement, didn’t Grimaldi say as much earlier in the summer.
Micko — You may well be right, but none of us here know him well enough to say for sure; Arsene will. I am sure you were as surprised as I was by his public statement about his differences with the club.
KTR7 — Don’t let Sir Anal’s antics upset you. Take pleasure in his obvious discomfort. He has missed out on Eden Hazard and now Lucas Moura. He is desperate for a marquee signing to inject some energy and life into a team that is dependent on geriatrics like Giggs and Scholes. Sit back and enjoy the psychological warfare and street theatre between Auld Whisky Nose and our good Sir Arsene. We haven’t seen the likes of this a few years. Ferguson is magnanimous to people and teams that DON’T threaten him or his team. He is worried about Arsenal and has reverted to type.
Nice one again CanadianG…
minutes old from Portugal’s biggest football paper …. Gregory Van der Weil
Rico, Its our present predicament as a selling club thats got the old red nose cocky and speaking publicly about a player under contract, if citeh can help themselves to arsenal players, why can’t i? Sure this won’t happen pre-emirate times
Good One! That made me chuckle, but that is why calmer heads like Arsene are running the club. Your methods, while cathartic and understandable, would cost us dearly.
I’m sure they would …
Reading between the lines on TUTTOSPORT in Italy, Juventus are making a fast move for Fernando Llorente, as they believe that we may be in for him as a replacement for Van Persie ….???
KTR7 was spot on. And really we need to revert to type to see the goodtimes again
Rvp must pay 4 being proud,..he should have learnt frm arsene wenger,…pride is synonymous to falling,…so we should teach him a lesson jst like mancini did 2 tevez,
Lee, 21…..?
More like 19….
Dunno how he does it, but I want a pint of it…..
On Piers Morgan…..the guy should have offered £1000.00 for any athlete representing GB who actually knows the national anthem.
Isn’t it like your cricket team….full of imports??
You can hardly expect them to know the words 🙂
Aaaahhhhhh,Robin,it’s been so long since I read your name
Fergie…..shut the hell up!!!
Mankini……shut the F**K up!!!
I know you haven’t said anything for a while,but that’s for next time!!
Anyone who has had,does have or will ever have anything to do with Barcelona……..SILENCE!!!
Anyone wIth a connection to Spuds….DITTO!!!
Podolski……keep it coming.
Giroud…….let’s hear it.
Cazorla….speak…….words of wisdom,champ.
Evening all from down under.
Goodmorning all, happy birthday Lee, a ManU fan accosted me this morning,
I’m happy to announce he sounded frustrated, that used to be us a season ago, better days are indeed here.
10mins ago
Afternoon AKB’s.
What a great post, nice one Rico & afternoon to you.
So, the ogre of Manchester has once again turned his attention to our beloved Gunners…
That is excellent news!
As Canuck has already suggested, it tells us all, that Arsenal are back in business and regarded as a threat by the Manc duopoly….
We should be delighted.
I know I am. 🙂
at eur. 40M Javi Martinez won’t be joining us. Even Barcelona are baulking at the price tag…
Maybe why Barcelona are looking at Song, with Christian Tello to come to us as the makeweight?
Hiya kev. As stated, at the moment our squad is looking more than capable of usurping the Manchester clubs …
Forgive me Lee……happy birthday mate.
SYG, an interesting piece by John Cross.
I suspect that RVP’s advisors are becoming a tad twitchy at the possibility of them losing their mega commission, and may have generated the rumours in the Manc rag.
Once AW gets to work on RVP, and turns his attention away from £ and back onto football, then we might see a change in heart from Robin…
RVP in 12 months time, is no use to Ferguson.
Also he cannot be sure of getting him when he’s a Bosman…
This saga has a long way to go.
Classic post Adam, think I’ll try the Ferguson method next time I’m in a restaurant…
We now most definitely have the class,but we can still do with a it of depth in one or two positions,but it’s looking great for the coming season.
I’m having a few bob on us to win the league.
SYG, what do you know about Tello?
It all comes down to Wenger wanting RVP or not,imo.
I’ve changed my mind aout 100 times on this situation,and probably will 100 times more before its over,but thats today’s thought!!
SYG, retain RVP, and imho the squad as it is, is quite capable of making a very serious challenge for the EPL…
I think AW knows this, hence his determination to keep Robin…
Seems as if the criticism from AU, the worrying drop in season ticket renewals and general attacks on his ambition, have galvanised Kroneke into loosening the purse strings?!
Scott, me as well, but at the moment I’m erring on a stay by RVP
AK,maybe Stans spending to bolster the clubs profile,and with it,the share prices…..make the big Russki pay!!!
Old Fergie…boots on the other foot this…….
what go’s around comes around..reminds me of the Rooney saga couple of seasons ago.
Fergie seems a bit desparate don’t you think…needs a big signing……….. PRONTO
I hope Cross is right.F**k Man U 😎 lets meet on the pitch next season.
Wale, that is good news.
What goes around, comes around, and we might, just might, be seeing the beginnings of a Liverpoolesque slump for ManUre as Ferguson’s powers begin to wane…
Nothing is forever….
I’m with you on that Kev re: Van Persie, but our Man in Havana (sorry Canada) put over some valid points at 10:46am.
I know literally nothing about Tello.
Out of the B Team – 17 appearances in La liga last season and a few goals …
Fergie under pressure……lovely.
Mancinis constant whining shows he is as well.
Di Matteo can’t manage and will prove it.
I can’t even name Spuds manager…have they even got one 🙂
They won’t be good enough anyway.
Wenger wold be the manager in the best space atm,and is sitting back smoking his pipe.
Hi Kt.
The SP on Tello if you please?
Cheers SYG. Off to watch. 😉
Tello’s got a lovely burst of speed,and plenty of skill to go with it.
He’d be a first team regular in most clubs already.
Thank you for the link to John Cross’s article. A very good read that discusses all the issues that you and I have been dancing around this morning. An insightful and balanced article that covers all the major points.
Now all we can do is sit back and see how this all plays out. With our purchases to date and the distinct possibility of more to come; for once our usual summer transfer saga is not a painful and stressful event. I haven’t been this relaxed since before the first major saga in 2005?? with Patrick Vieira. I am optimistic and looking forward to new season. Our team is in there with a good chance. Bring on the new season!
He (John Cross) doesn’t seem a bad journalist when it comes to matters of the Arsenal…
That clip was versus CE L’Hospitalet in the cup…
Afternoon all. Not been on for a while as been on my hols. For me the RVP situation is like a game of poker and fans will be split by what they feel should happen. I hope Rico is right and he decides to sign up again but if he doesn’t I fall in the camp of having him with us next year regardless. My justification for this would be that I genuinely believe that our current squad + the new additions and with RVP is stronger than theirs and should make us serious title challengers. The down side to this is losing some money if he walks away on a free next year and that if he doesn’t want to be with us he will sulk and not give his all. We just don’t know how he will react if he is still with us but I would be prepared to call bluff here and would expect him to give his all for us next year if he is still with us.
The worst scenario for me is to let Utd have him for £20m. With him we could be stronger title challengers than them. If he goes to them we have probably made them stronger than us. Is that worth £20m? The simple fact is that a player of his ability is £20m to a club outside the EPL but you need to add another £10m to this if you sell to a direct rival to compensate for the fact that you are making them more likely title contenders while reducing your own chances. They will not pay £30m for him and it wouldn’t make sense for them to do so for a 29yr old with a bad injury record and one yr left on his contract. That is why Utd is a bad idea all round because there is no middle ground where either club can feel happy. It is not worth them paying over the odds to adequately compensate us for significantly strengthening a main rival while £20m doesn’t even come close to compensating us for how much it would strengthen them.
A title rival has to pay over the odds to secure a player of this calibre where an overseas team is less of a bitter pill to swallow so you can accept less. If Utd paid £30m their fans will feel we have had them over while if we sell for £20m and they win the title I will feel the club bent over and allowed them to rape us. In a reverse situation they wouldn’t sell him to us as Fergie would consider that no money is worth strengthening a rival so much. That is why his supposed dismay at us is laughable and hypocritical. I remember when Liverpool were after Heinze and Fergie said that in no way would they sell to Liverpool, and lets face it the transfer of Heinze pales in magnitude to what RVP would mean. If we sell to Utd for even £20m a part of me would die and you know, just like the Cesc situation, we would have to endure sniggers and jibes about how we were bullied into doing what they wanted.
Lets play our hand and keep him. Fergie played his poker game with Rooney and won. We may yet still win and he may sign on even after the transfer window has closed. If he doesn’t and we lose out on £20m so be it. That is far more preferable than literally handing the title to a rival, and if he goes there in a year then it is out of our control and far easier to swallow than just bending over and letting them have their way now.
Very pacy winger and lovely skill as Scott put it.he has promise but i don’t want a player with Barca DNA at our club.
Mundo Deportivo have picked up on the Van Persie story … just in
usain bolt wants to play for Manure..he is prctically begging red nose..word of advice rednose,leave rvp alone take UB
GoonerB. Sound post mate. It makes sense.
Thing is so does CanadianG’s post at 10:46am.
Me personally, I’d say run his contract down. We get a £25M striker for one season on steady wages….
…..He can leave like Gallas and Wiltord did on a Bosman…
French squad v’s Uruguay on the 15th…. Dumb time to have an international !!!
Goalkeepers : Lloris (Lyon), Mandanda (Marseille) Defenders : Clichy (Manchester City / ENG), Debuchy (Lille), Evra (Manchester United / ENG), and Jallet Sakho (PSG), Koscielny (Arsenal / ENG), Varane ( Real Madrid / ESP), Yanga-Mbiwa (Montpellier) Media : Capua (Toulouse), Gonalons (Lyon), Martin and Mavuba (Lille), Matuidi (PSG), Valbuena (Marseille) Forwards : Benzema (Real Madrid / ESP), Briand and Gomis (Lyon), Giroud (Arsenal / ENG), Payet (Lille), Ribery (Bayern Munich / GER)
Good summation. One point of disagreement, “Fergie played his poker game with Rooney and won.” I’m not so sure on that. He may have won short term, but he has set a precedent that he can be held to ransom. That will come back to haunt him, but that is definitely NOT something we have to trouble ourselves about.
Talking of Man Utd… just in
Portugal’s top paper are running this article … Eur. 40M – Witsel, who has been bid for by the Russian’s Anxhi…
Ferguson wants him … apparently
KT,I reckon the Tello situation is different.
He’s had his chance and hasn’t cracked it,where as when we get a kid,we make them a top footballer,and Barca come calling.
I wouldn’t mind him coming in.
Or Affellay.
If the Tello story has any credence, how many left sided attack-minded players do we need?
The kid looks very Theo Walcott-ish
Doesn’t red nose remember how bitter he was when Heinze wanted to move to Liverpool?…sod off…
Thanks Southyorkshire and Canadian. There are parts of me that agree with you Canadian Gooner about not having a poisonous atmosphere within the squad from a player that wants out. We are damned if we do and damned if we don’t. Having weighed it all up I will feel terrible if he went to Utd unless it is for stupid money which they will not pay. That is why I would rule them out as an option even if it means sacrificing potential funds. We take a chance if we keep him regarding what his attitude will be but he also takes a chance if he plays for us next year without a new contract being signed. Who is going to blink first?
Apart from the statement (which I still feel he may have not written himself or been aware of its full content before making it public) RVP’s attitude on the pitch has always been good. I still feel he has enough professional pride to not start sulking and to not intentionally play badly for us. With the statement I can accept someone making a mistake that is too late to take back even if I am not happy about how he did it. If he did start to sulk then at least we know where our anger should be focussed, and i would rather be angry at one player than the whole club and its heirarchy. The latter tends to divide fans more and make them more disillusioned, which I feel seeps through into the season in general, whereby you see the frustration carried over onto other players and the manager. I feel that if the fans knew that AW and the board tried their best and didn’t just sell out for once that we would unite behind the team more this season which could make a big difference to those players that want to play for us compared to the poisonous divisions and arguments that were all too evident last year. Lets reunite the club and its fans and if one player tries to upset the party then it will be far easier for us all to deal with.
Yo guys. I think we’re well-equipped up to. We should only be looking for a replacement if RVP goes (looks likely).
A DM for me needs to be priority. Sahin is a luxury.
Keeping him at the club sends out a statement – one of intent.
Let’s get Sahin in and follow that with more of the same. Top international footballers from within FIFA’s top ranked countries.
A good wife is a necessity, Pele.
A good looking wife who does everything you say is a luxury.
Both do the job, but the second is a bit special.
Lol @ you analogy SYG. I would definitely love Sahin, only after M’Vila/Capoue though.
Capoue kills two birds with one stone as he can also play CB. I tell you who’d be perfect; Udinese’s Mauricio Isla. He can play both FB positions and DM. He was awesome against us in the qualifiers last season :k:
He can certainly read the game. Deep lying means he doesn’t stray out of position. He can also take corners and penalties, something which would come in handy.
GoonerB — Well put. It all hinges on how Robin will, or more precisely, how Arsene thinks Robin will react to being held to his current contract, if Robin still refuses to sign a new one.
SYG — Thanks for the compliment earlier. ‘Our Man In Havana’ is one of my favourite movies. However, I’m not sure if that’s a sly reference to the Alec Guinness character’s reports to British Intelligence being a complete fantasy.
Rico — You may be right about the three or four more players. They may even include M’Villa that you covet.
Anyway, thank you all and have a good afternoon. I’m of to catch our women vs. Japan for the bronze medal in the football. Hopefully we don’t get the Norwegian referee again.
juventus have just bough Mauricio Isla for eur. 18.8M
Not disagreeing there SYG. At home against packed defences, i’d almost be tempted to play him and Arteta as the double pivot.
It’s a tad risky away from home though.
Our Man in Havana is a cracking film…
I have a mate who lives over in Malaga who tips me off re: tunnelling contracts …. I nickname him that !
interesting … if it’s true
greetings gooners.
strange times indeed. can’t remember the last time i heard red-nose use the word “hopeful”. MY hope is that all this hype is aw turning the mind games on them in a summer that will change the balance of power for seasons to come. too optimistic? nasri me.
The Mancs have suddenly lost their threat, shows that they only rode,
On other teams lack of depth, this season would be a very interesting one
as everyone appears to be bolstering up for the up coming season,
there won’t be a walk over or small team, I’m only glad we are ready for what’s coming.
I have seen Tello a few times, mostly as a sub. Guardiola seemed to believe in him. He is a tall (for a Spaniard), lean winger. His main attribute is his speed. From a standing start he is as quick as I’ve seen. Interesting player though he is, I would have thought our need in defence far outweighs that for Tello.
Afternoon all. Have we disposed of any of the drek at the club yet?
Nope, nothing moving Rocky.
Hi everybody
Fergie is not interested in RVP, he just doesn’t want to have Arsenal as another team to worry about for the next season.
We are stronger all a sudden he can smell that Wenger is getting serious and he will rather make us weak than compete with us , Man city and Chelsea.
That is why he is using mind games by speaking to the press to unsettle RVP.
I know Wenger will like to sell at the right price but not to Fergie.
Fergie is spoilt and he should just grow up and sell some of his players if he wants to buy RVP .
RVP will be embarrassed now we are stronger with Carzola he really doesn’t have any excuse.
Footballers are just £^%&*^(&(&)
12 mins ago
Good Morning all and to you Rico.
If RVP had kept silent we would have remained as we did always, stagnant and selling our BEST, which IMHO was very very bad. When he finally threw tantrum like he did plus AU’s letter to the Board some called for his head but this tantrum spurred Management to take action.
As we all have seen this achieved the desired result of the new faces-Podi Giroud Cazorla and more to come- therefore be not dismayed or throw him off the train because he scores when he wants to with all the twists and turns.
Rico August 3, 10:05
In principle, “RVP has only said what most of us have been saying on here for ages so he has done little wrong in my eyes.”
Btw, Lee happy B-Day. Enjoy and best of luck.
Happy birthday, Lee! 21 today, eh?? Have a fab one. 🙂 🙂
If we are getting rid of Robin, I just hope it’s done sooner rather than later; that way we can still buy. If he feels silly and unwanted now, he only has himself to blame.
The players we have bought were nothing to do with R$VP and his outburst or statement, the sooner he leaves the better to be honest and if that means 12-15 million from Juve fine take it and get rid of the poison in the squad.
Happy Birthday Lee and many more of them
hiya pals, i ve been kinda too busy to blog. so what’s new? i see fergusnose is about to pop his nut. what a cnut. anyway i finally have one over you dweebs. hey lee, how about a pint for yours truly? AK, get off my case and where the hell is W.A.T.H?
Good Afternoon Fine Folk.
Happy Birthday Lee. Hope you do not yet feel the weight of the years that have piled on your body.
Just read that AFC are after Tello as a nakeshift for Song. My advise??? Steer clear iof him. He is not a big game player and never will be. Too one dimensional.
HI AGAG, i was gonna loose sleep over you cause of the disaster then i remembered you rejected me and i slept soundly. just kidding how are ya? how’s the family? good to see you in one piece. sorry about manila. need a hug? am right open!
I fully agree, vernat. Why would the other players want to be captained by yet another wantaway and one who has made it abundantly clear that he doesn’t really think much of them??
Hiya, Dev. 🙂 Howdy? I don’t really think Song wants to leave though. Must be his agent…
goonster, you do make me laugh. How are you? 😀 😀 I am well; my house is fine; but a lot of people are homeless and hungry because of the floods. 🙁 🙁
As for Cazorla… for once, you were right. 😆
Hiya Agag. Would you help those who are homeless and hungry???
Hello Agag, how’s things buddy?
Stan, where you been?
Of course, dev. 🙂 I have already made plans about that.
Other than the fact that it has started raining again, I am well, AK. 🙂 And you? Busy as ever??
am good lil mama, kev am tired. i wanna go home.
Hiya Coach, so your not a fan of Tello, hmm.
KT wasn’t too impressed either. That DNA rubbish.
You tired from all the skirt-chasing, goonie?? I thought you liked NC? 😉 Go look for airfares on sale. I’m sure your mama would love to see you.
Then you shuld be able to help Goonie. He is homeless and hungry…(for a skirt).
hiya Kev. incredible mate but at the same minute we mentioned Goonie and Skirt in the same sentence….at 4.38 pm. 😆
Tello is worse than Theo. Too one dimensional and only one route for him. A one trick pony who does the same thing over and over again with no end result. Even Barca fans want him out of their team.
I really hate those Barcelona players. Cesc is the only fella there I’m bothered to watch. And that’s cos he has Arsenal in him. 🙂
Tired Stan.??
What you been getting up to?
Agag i’m good thanx.
Not busy, just ticking over.
So there’s a lot of homeless people eh?
Hopefully the UN will help.
Don’t the Yanks have bases in the Phillipines?
Surely they will help out?!
Coach, not sure we need ‘another’ winger…
devil am done chasing skirts. i ve seen the light. am now a moslem. my name…….ibn said al khalifa. pretty cool huh? AGAG mama will die of grief if i suddenly reappear in arnhem. am better off here where i ll cause her no more pain.
Afternoon everyone…
We signed anyone?? 😉
Ryo, Gerv, Ox, Santi even, can all play left wing.
When SYG first mentioned him I was hoping for a def/mid.
Coach, I reckon Barca agents are trying to flog us one of their rejects because Bullshitalona are skint.
Stan, you been on the burbon?
Did I just read Theo is wanted by Fergie?? 🙄
burbon AK? no way. am for real brother. i ve seen the light. morning rico, miss me? hey where’s bondex?
No, the Yanks closed the last of their naval and air bases here in 1991. 🙂 We’re a pretty resilient lot, not to worry. 😉
Dev, that was me re: skirt chasing. Goonie, you have a bit of a reputation her. Haha.
It seems the summer signings have really given everyone a lift. Even Arteta is excited.
If he want’s to go let him if the money is right. No point in keeping a unhappy player that is going to poison the dressing room.
He will loose his idol status at the club and never get the same adulation at utd. His wanting to move is getting increasingly more embarrassing for him especially when we have bought 3 class players and his sole motive in his own words was he did not belive we had the ambition.
Manure need him far more than we do as they will be going into the season with Rooney as the only top rated striker and prone to dips in form.
Replace RvP with a new striker and given that RvP would be the only other signing apart from Kagawa we will enter the new season with a stronger squad than them.
Hi Agag. Relieved you are ok. Mrs Adam sends her regards too.
Hi Rico, Goonie, Kev and you other guys too.
Agag nice to hear from mate. Hope you and love ones are ok.
Seriously, goonster?? You’ve converted?
rico, Theo’s cousin, it seems. 😀 Howdy?
TT, I want him sold to Juve though, not United.
AGAG,only till i get rania to my pad then am back to being me. she’s really particular about not hooking up with “infidels”(which you guys are by the way). christ i hope she dont read HH though. hey adam, did you finally visit me motherland? oooh i miss my town so bad.
Agag nice to hear from you mate. Hope you and the love ones are ok. God’s speedy recovery for your country.
Thanks, Adam and Mrs. Adam, the floodwaters stopped six inches short of my doorstep, thank God. 🙂 Outside, the water was knee high.
Hiya, Nashua. 🙂
Hi Adam…
Hi Goonie. Yes I did go to Holland but only to Amsterdam and Hilversulm this time. When are you going home then?
Hi agag, sounds like the Walcott that was at Reading I think…
Haven’t been able to get on here this afternoon, couldn’t access, anyone else had probs??
Rico. Hello.
adam, i wish i could leave today. hey nasher, how’s it going?
Why am I not surprised, goonster?? Tut tut. 😀 😀
I did for a bit, rico. But that was sorted out soon enough.
AGAG, a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do……
Lucky you agag… 😉
Adam, you will be pleased to know I am struggling to put together my new shiny toy, a rowing machine 🙂
Has Lee gone for the day??
I am very fortunate, I know. Were you also a rower, rico?? 🙂
where is W.A.T.H rico? i owe him a punch.
Rico, the more you swear at it the faster it will go together, it works for me.
Howdy agag, hope the cupboards are stocked up with pot noodles, kev swears by them.
A rum punch !
Hiya, Micko. 🙂 All sorts of noodle variants, not to worry. 😀
WATH is off taking inventory of his GG bottles. He hoards the stuff, you know. 😀
micko, you read my mind.
Stan, you do know if become a muslim you’ll have to give up the drink, might be worth a re-think.
Would you like me to erect it for you Rico?
They all miss you in Arnhem Stan. The bar staff at The Tulip said it’s never been so quiet.
of course RVP’s decision not to sign prompted wenger or the board to act and buy players and if we still add more to Carzola i guess they know that RVP is leaving for sure, which will be sad.
imagine our team with Podolski , Giroud, and RVP in our line up
WAOOOOOO the other teams will all be very afraid
scratch that micko, i really got to give up “binge drinking”……… way. no skirt is worth the aggravation. adam, they do dont they.poor folks, i miss them too.
😆 Micko – that has indeed worked, it’s all together.
Now just need to buy a house which will fit it, then again we need a new shed so that’s where it will go…
Adam, this is where your erecting prowess will come in handy 😉
adam, what the hell are you doing talking about “erection” to sweet innocent rico for? dude you re nasty!
Thanks Stan but I think you’ll find that Rico started it some days ago.
SD, a little while back HH had a picture up of the 3 of them in the new kit before RvP came out with his statement, it would be a pretty awesome front line wouldn’t it, still not impossible but looking unlikely.
😆 goonster, but Adam is in fact right, it’s all my fault……
Thank you, sweet innocent Rico.
Adam, she has history, poor ole Mertesacker was singled out last season, something along the lines of ‘who’s a big boy then’
Many Happy returns of the day, you know who you are (Lee)
Some racy talk going on in here, eh? “Racy” rico. Alliterative. 😛
Laters gooners, over and out.
Hello, SSP! Where have you been??
Hi Agag, Fishing, but now the season is nearing a start its time to see how my mate Venger is doing, hope you well 🙂
Hmmmm did I read correctly, Rico game Adam an erection thats lasted days….? Mind boggling…!
Happy Birthday Lee am sure by now your lunch has turned into an afternoon/evening celebration…. Enjoy mate and here’s to many more..!
Cheers Micko, am sure your off to celebrate the gold in the Boxing..!
Hey Steve, great to see you back, fishing is back-breaking 😉
Me agag 😳
Hi Wath & Bye Micko, great win in the boxing, for both GB and Ireland 🙂
SSP, AW hasn’t had a bad summer, imho. 😉
Hi, WATH and bye WATH. 🙂 I am in need of relief goods. Send a crate of GG over, please. 😀
Back in 20 mins, i’m hungry 🙂
Bottled water on it’s way AGAG, pleased to hear your safe and sound and managed to keep the waters out..!
Woooowww, that pot noodle was delicious, chicken flavour.
Now i’m on the rum punch.
Stan, don’t you go threatening my Grandson Wath.
He’s only 14 years old and wears short trousers.
Adam, 6.03; that could worth a watch……
Thanx 4 the support Grandad…! 😉
I am recovered now Wath, though I still have a stiff back.
Kev. I made the offer but whether Rico will accept it is a different matter. You know these country girls.
They like em big in the Country Adam… Must be all that fresh air…!
That’s better, nice Dhal soup 🙂
What offer Adam?? 🙂
Hi wath.according to Gnarby Diaby has impressed him the most in Germany 😎
Gnabry has an appointment with Specsavers in the morning 🙂
finally i got your attention you sniveling little weasel……now who’s laughing? where the heck have you been comprade? thought you said we weren’t going to sign carzola? men i outta smash that grin outta your face if not for your grand dad…..hi sir steve.
Well thankfully Stanley your not a tipster as your cant tip shit out of a bucket your entitled to get one in a million right…! Law of averages 😛
KT, how you fella, all good I trust…. Diaby probably does look good in training….. Wonder if we’ll ever see that transferred into matchday action…???????
but why do you find it hard to believe maam, i ve been saying it for years. diaby when fit is a class act. he’s the most skillful player in our squad. yet you, sir sp, kev, wath and lee knock him all the time. here’s hoping he has a cracking season and therefore rubbing all your noses in dung…..especially wath’s!
W.A.T.H, one these days i ll show why my city council placed me on community service.
Same old goonster, if/when diaby is fit for a season, and that season shows him to be the class player that you and Wenger think he is, i’ll eat humble pie.
Until that day…. 😆 😆
no maam, no pie…….D.U.N.G!!!
am pretty sure young gnabry is learning a thing or two from the master. cant wait for the new season. so much penned up exitement. men, am creaming all over. come you fucking gunners!!!!!!! come on.
Stanley is in a state of delusion again…… !! You really must stay off the meths Stanley..!
Rico. What are they putting in the water down there? The garden shed I offered to erect for you. 🙂
Lets hope Gnabry doesn’t learn “how to stay fit” the Diaby way……
one of these days wath, one of these days…..adam stop creeping me out! jeez.
Ok goonie, no probs, I know I’m safe…..
😆 Adam..
What are you talking about Goonie?
Isn’t he German Wath? He’ll be made of more steel than Diaby 😉
Gnabry is a rod of iron Rico.
that’s it adam, am calling you out…..jeez stop already. you creeping me out. stop saying that kinda stuff to sweet innocent rico. you ll corrupt her you old windbag.
Yes Rico he’s German, lets hope at 17 we don’t push him to hard how ever talented although he seems pretty stocky for a youngster…!
One of these days Stanley you’ll not stain something 😉
I actually laughed out loud at your last post Stan.
gnabry is really special but the kid am waiting for is olson. men that boy is going to be a world beater pretty soon. just hope he ll be patient enough……
Just watched the 800 metres, my goodness, what a race that was and a new WR…… Incredible…..
why you little shrimp, you re doing on purpose aint ya? rico i think adam deserves to be on the gold medal podium.
is gambon still in the slammer? why let him out please. you lot are a bunch of meaners.
Naughty Adam 😉
Wath – agree there, no matter how he is built, let’s not do a ‘Jack’ on him, nor any of the others who are looking good….
Off for a strawberry laden evening. Night everyone.
he ll be alright maam, that kid is one tough cookie. hopefully we ll see him in the cup competitions. cant wait. am dying of anticipation here guys. God help me.
night adam.
Enjoy Adam, I’ll be there in ten with the creme fraiche 🙂 🙂
Not sure if I have spelt that right….
Him, Aneke, Eisfield, Yennaris, and maybe one or two more goonster, we have a few who look like they aren’t far away…
Now though, we still need AA, Nik, Squilli, Chamakh, Fabianski and Park OUT and 2/3 more in
yes maam and chuba akpom too. that kid looks a handful. that’s why i dont want this niang fella. we still have afobe, who bagged a hatrick on his debut for bolton. the academy is finally churning it out real talent. just hope they all make it with us.
i was really hoping squill and chamakh would have been off by now. what’s holding up their deals. get them off the wage bill already.
Night Adam enjoy mate…. black pepper and balsamic…!
Don’t forget Jack Jebb…! Stanley you do make me laugh fella…! 😀
Calm down Stan
W.A.T.H, what did you do to my 8;04?
hi ya kev, you had better put W.A.T.H on a leash cause he’s about to get smackdown!!!
lnatSey, I make you right on all those youngsters.
Jordan Wynter is another good ‘un..
How’s it going Wath?
Everything on track mate?
Morning all.
Though I’ve been an advocate of Podolski,I must say,I’m becoming even more excited at the prospect of having Cazorla running around in the Arsenal shirt.
It’s as much to do with the type of player he is as it is the obvious class the guy possesses.
Creativity has been lacking in the final third of late,and this guy brings it in bucket loads.
I’d like one more top class signing…a DM…then a few squad players.
I really think we can challenge this season,and am excited that it’s all about to start.
Stan, you ok, you lunatic 😉 .
Gotta stop watching that WWE wrestling mate.
Especially the women’s bouts….
i ve only seen him play once AK, is he any good? what about our barca imports? toral harper and bellerin. christ, we have some real talent popping up soon.
goonie – looks like Niang is off to Milan, so no need to worry…
Jebb is going to be a real star Wath…
hahhahahahah, how do you know i watch them ladies throw each other about moaning. men that is the life…..afternoon scott.
Hi Scott,
My hope is for a DM and a defensive player like Vdw, one who can play across the back…. A GK would be ideal, but can’t see that happening to be honest…
good mama bear we dont need him….we ve got campbell and afobe!
I read that Wellington Silva could be joining Real Betis on loan, to play with Joel Campbell. Interesting?
Could herald a long term deal between the clubs if all goes well.
I’m offski.
See ya Stan, Rico, Wath, might see ya lata Scott.
Hi Kev, looking forward to some fresh sea air yet???
vdw is shit take it from me……i watch all ajax games last season. he was always caught out of position. we need better, better yet give yenarris a chance. the kid has a big heart, most of all he’s a gooner.
All good AK, you ok mate, been busy..?
Not me Stan re your 8.04….! Mama bear playing around me thinks 😉
night kev….
Its hard to believe that a week on Saturday, we start the PL campaign all over again….
Whoever we get needs to accept he won’t be first choice. my preference would be micah richards but i’d settle for Vdw….
W.A.T.H, I know what you can do. The Force is strong in you…!
Night Kev, catch up tomorrow…
Don’t blame me Wath 😆
well am so glad you re not wenger rico cause that ll be a massive mistake. yenaris over that prick anyday. he ll be too expensive too. fuck him, we dont need him.
I’m offski too guys, need to walk Fido now it’s cool etc etc so catch up tomorrow…
Stay safe all
Nighty night…..
goonie 🙄
dont roll your eyes at me young lady………..
Lord God give me strength….W.A.T.H, you nincompoop stop fiddling with my comments…..argghhhhh. that’s it am heading to legrove!
Rico,or M’Villa……
I still think he’s in Wengers thoughts,but since nobody,aka Spuds,are in for him,we are just playing it cool and waiting for the price to drop.
Off to work…..catch you all later on.
Night Rico, I’ll need all my powers to keep Stanley from the dark side..!
Cheers Scott have a good day at work.
I don’t think buying another defender should be top priority. The team should should emphasize more on defending as unit, put more pressure on opposing and show more discipline. You can have FB attacking and no one covering his position.(first post)
Wath, a nicompoop????
Hmm, never really saw him as one of those….
Is that right Stan, VdW is pants…
Gotta say, i’d not have any worries with Yennaris at right-back.
I actually think he is tatically more astute than Jenkinson and I like Jenks.
We have some great young players coming on stream, why waste money when we already have the talent at the club?
Wath, glad to hear that your ok.
Lee must be on holiday now.
Alright for some…
Probably some old re-cycled news, but Stan’s favourite rumour blog ‘Clean Sheets All Round’ have brought up Arsenal’s ‘interest’ in Fernando Llorente again…
I suppose it’s a possible go’er, but I can’t say that it ever really convinced me that it was anything other that an agent generated rumour.
How about a different spin on the Alex Song to Bullshitalona with Tello coming the other way + £15m.
£15m is okay, but drop Tello from the deal and give us David Villa instead….
That works for me!
I like the attacking players, don’t get me wrong…but we can only have so many on the pitch at any given time. Defense is what will keep us from losing games and we need strengthening in that department. Our LB situation isn’t peachy as we cannot count on Gibbs or Santos to combat any opposing player with one ounce of strength. Sagna was like our Deion Sanders…sorry for the Dallas Cowboys reference, but Deion was a shutdown cornerback much the same way Sagna was a shutdown right back. Clichy had it for one season, but Sagna has always been a rock…he was missed more than Fabregas last season for me…more than Nasri for sure.
So we have no true depth at RB…Djourou gets deadfooted far too often and we lose the wingback dimension when he plays. We need world class backs if we want to play a world class game…otherwise, they’d better just sit back and defend. I really don’t trust Santos. Jenkinson had his moments of good and bad. I think he’ll come around…he can at least kick the ball out of bounds when getting outmuscled.
PerMerty? Still waiting for his height to really matter…all that’s mattered is his clumsiness and lack of pace. Sure he is smarter than the average bear and reads the game well some say; so i say he should coach. Balotelli, Tevez, Adebayor, et al. would eat him for lunch. Koz is way better IMHO.
Someone replied to me a couple of days ago that I should be the correspondent for Silent Stan from America…thing is that he is even more silent over here…he is definitely Mr. LoPro. His Rockes won a couple championships, I believe as did his Avalanche. But he will never splash the cash. MLB is anit-salary cap the same way EuroFooty is…so all Arsenal fans should know he will never throw cash…EVER. If he doesn’t do it for his American franchises, why would he do it for The Arsenal? He bought us for his portfolio.
Oh yeah…so who for LB? RB backup? DM? Song obviously isn’t the answer to our DM woes as neither is Diaby. We need steel, not brass. Oh yeah…if anyone is sad Song might be leaving, I take full responsibility. I bought an Arsenal shirt with Song’s name on it earlier this summer when I purchased an RVP jersey. I broke my tradition of not buying jerseys with players’ names on the back…I was dumb. It’s all about the club! All about the Arsenal.
Hope I didn’t wake any of you on the big isle. Go USA! Peace and good evening! Time for me to get off my behind and get the kids’ furniture out of their rooms! Redoing the boy’s room in Cars and Spidey with a little bit of Madagascar. I also bought a Dallas Cowboys Gnome for him today…and my Arsenal Scarf from Islington is going over his bed!
Morning all……
New Post up….