Arsene Wenger has been called every name under the sun since we were beaten in the Carling Cup Final and for the performances that followed, as have some of our players.
Reading around the blog world, many fans want Wengers head on the block, some want the board sacked, some even want both and I’m not here to say they are right or wrong, it’s their opinion.
One thing is for sure though; something needs to change before the beginning of next season.
You may of course not think that though, you may just be one of those fans who just thinks that Arsene Wenger is God and no matter what he does, who he buys or plays, or even if we were to get beat every week and end up being relegated, you’d still worship the ground he walks on.
Well, that isn’t me, I’m an Arsenal Fan, not an Arsene Wenger fan, albeit I have great respect for what he has done for our club in the past but right now he is undoing all the greatness he has done. I, like many of us here on Highbury House, supported Arsenal a long time before Wenger came along and we’ll support them for a long time after his has gone.
I can understand Arsene Wenger buying players like Denilson, Bendtner, Diaby and Almunia to name just a few but what I cannot understand for love nor money is having bought them and seeing them play so badly so often, he keeps them and plays them ahead of others who have so much more potential. Some who have ended up leaving, not that I blame them, I would if I thought that a player of their standard was preventing me from having my chance.
I was listening to Charlie Nicholas the other day and I think he came up with a really good idea.
He agrees that something needs to change at the club, some freshness, new ideas and just a little something to stop the rot.
Wenger has already suggested a man who he would like to see replace him when he finally retires from his current job.

Dragan Stojković – born in Niš, SFR Yugoslavia is that man.
Back in 1994, Stojković signed for Japanese J-League team Nagoya Grampus Eight, the side that was then managed by Arsene Wenger. The player, a 5’ 9” attacking midfielder/striker stayed there for seven years until he hung up his boots in 2001. He was pretty hot property in the footballing world and played for sides such as Red Star Belgrade and Marseille and represented his country eighty-four times, so as a footballer, he’s been there.
Stojković is still regarded as one of the best players in the history of Yugoslavian and Serbian football.
His managerial career is a short but interesting one, he’s managed only one side and that’s Grampus Eight – the club he played for and obviously loved and it was Wenger who took him there as a player.
It’s highly likely that Stojković adopted Wengers playing philosophy and no doubt he also followed him in the way he coaches but every man has his ‘own way’ regardless of the role model they follow.
What Charlie Nicholas is suggesting is to bring Stojković to Arsenal in the summer, not to replace Pat Rice or anyone else but to work alongside the current Arsenal coaches and let them bounce their ideas around. Maybe Stojković can be the one to suggest to Wenger that Diaby, Bendtner, Denilson and Almunia need to go. Maybe we could swap them with a couple of Grampus Eight wizzy wingers.
I jest re the swap but Wenger (just like most men) is stubborn, the more he hears/reads the media tell him he’s getting it wrong he’ll stick to his guns – if he were to have a few ideas offered to him from a man who he respects like Stojković, he may just listen…
Of course, Stojković may not want to manage Arsenal one day, in which case ignore the above 😉
Have a good day all, it’s going to be a long fortnight!!
its a very good post and its a very good idea..
but it wont happen..
all ideas have to be wengers
he truly belives these players deserve to win the title..
its all thats wrong in the club
they dont deserve anything they need to work to get it if they do get it then we reward them
id bring him in as number 2
let wenger show him the ropes and let him inject the new ideas
Thing is jj, like i suggest, wenger won’t listen to many, if any but, someone he obviously respects could just get him to see the light..
if Pat Rice is going, i’d still rather see an Arsenal man in there and for me that has to be Bouldy…
Stojk could just slot in alongside wenger until he finally hangs up his boots…
problem with bouldy is that anyone whos been heavily involved in the club for last 15 years will be heavily influenced by wenger..
just another yes man
we need someone from outside the circle who can inject something new and not keep with the same policy all the time
I was reading about Stojk, he was in the technical area when the ref blew for a foul, the ball bounced by him and he volleyed a shot from where he stood and it went in the goal – massive applause from all the fans, but a red card for Stojk 🙂
Stojkovic has been named by Wenger as the person he would like to take over Arsenal when he has gone.[9] Arsène Wenger also mentioned that he would love Stojković to be his successor at Arsenal, stating “Our ideas are the same and we both strive for perfect football,” [10] After the successful 2010 season, Stojković was awarded the J. League Manager of the Year.
so they both strive for perfect football so they?
Well, given that nothing is perfect. and given AW has failed compared to the other top three in recent years, he should forget that idea
Forget this bloke. If he takes Wenger’s advice and he thinks like him, he’s a plonker
We don’t need another AW
amband – i have to totally disagree with you, wenger plays the right football, he just doesn’t get the right players at the moment…
if he solves the latter we would be head and shoulders ahead of the others….
what if hes an AW of 96-05
would you take him then
wengers only gained his piss-off-ability cos he refuses to be ruthless anymore..
sticking by shit players refusal to adress problem positions..
the wenger of the first 10 years would have sorted it
jj, i hope we will always have an Arsenal man in the management team, maybe wenger wouldn’t listen to Bouldy but Wenger wont be here forever, the next man would probably listen…
Morning all nice post rico,
somthing to think about, I have a soft spot for Mick Mc Carthy i like the way he talks but he looks down,i would like to see him in a job that would give him his bounce back, maybe not every bodys choice but just an idea.
instead of thinking about the club he thinks about the players to much these days
he knows almunias shit he knows denilson shit but he hasnt got rid of them cos he wants them to win a trophy with the rest of the lads..
only thing is they are a couple of the reasons we dont win a trophy..
start being ruthless start acting like a big club manager and kick em in the nuts,
if they aint good enough to win trophies then get rid and replace with someone who is..
theres plenty of arsenal men still around rico
weve had the same staff for 20 years..
Morning Steve, thanks..
I don’t dislike MM but i don’t think he’s the man for us but that doesn’t mean i’m right of course.
I’d hoped that Adams would have done better in management but its hard to tell how he’s progressing really, cash strapped Pompey isn’t the best job to judge him on….
If i had been Manager Saturday, Almunia would have been off straight after his gaff i would have humiliated him with Lehman, and not even looked in his direction when he came off, that would have stirred the boys to play
But i meant sat in the dugout jj, personally i would always rather see an arsenal number 2 alongside a great manager….
obviously, i’d rather an arsenal man was our manager but apart from bouldy who is there? Bergkamp could still yet come home of course, he’s learning at the right place….
I understand what your saying rico but time for change me thinks, an outsider that no one knows that well, with his own ideas makes players realise they may not be in his future plans. a bit to much nepatism at Arsenal, i think thats the right word
having a number 2 who has no influence doesnt mean anything anyway, no matter who he is..we need someone whos actually going to say ‘hang on a minute, no..’ instead of putting his hand up everytime to go the toilet…
doesnt matter if hes arsenal or not he just needs to be good..
bergkamp will never happen he wont fly…
‘Mick McCarthy’ lol you must be joking along with Greame Souness, Bryan Robson he must be the worse manager in the world – what has he achieved?? LOL anyway moving on from the totally ridiculous…..
I am a massive Wenger fan, and the way he has transformed the club in terms of wealth and football is amazing, he has set the mark for other coaches – when the new ruling from UEFA come in teams like Man City and Chelski will be fuc*$d. But totally agree things need to freshen up at Arsenal – time for Squilaci, Diaby, Denilson, Bendtner, Almunia, Rosicky, to go onto other things and we need big players in players for the future – like Eden Hazard, Gary Cahill, Pepe Reina, Mascherano, just a few ideas, but there are a lot of players out there that can be purchased, we need a goal;keeper, centre back, andother holding midfielder, another winger and striker. Many names will be thrown in the hat but Wengers arrogance because he wishes to say the words ‘i told you so’ if this young Arsenal team pull off the what seems impossible and wins the league will jeapordise everything he has done – he needs to swallow his pride make around £50-£70 million worth of signings the football is light years ahead of anything else in the league so add that to 4 or 5 class footballers – get rid of the drift wood and glory years are again with the Arsenal and this time for a long time !!
And as for managers replacing him – think it will be another 5 years before we need to worry about that !!
It’s no use playing the right football without the right players, I agree.
have you notice they don’t go for goal instictively? have to notice the don’t shoot enough and they over elaborate? This is learned behaviour. AW told them this
You could get the world’s finest players, and AW will say “OK I do it this way” and it would still be a shambles
Steve – i understand where you are coming from too but i don’t think the fans would take to someone like MM and as soon things went wrong, it would be a nightmare again….
I like your way of thinking re Almunia, i’d be inclined to agree if we didn’t just have an old man as back up, if Mad Jens then fluffs it, where does wenger go next…
I’m really hoping Chesney is back after this break…
If he’s around that long Swanny, I sure hope he changes his ways, I want him to, thats for sure….
good comment swanny..
dont think we need a keeper anymore but cb, cm, pacey tricky winger and hitman are top of the list..
Swanny, You must be up the swanny if you think Wenger would do half of that, He believes in profit and not results for years he’s been hell bent on not spending and he wont change, he’ll stick with his babies.
A new Manager who dosn’t give a shit about profits a man who wants results and looks to improve the team a man who bangs on the Boardroom door demanding funds for quality players to win things, if you think Wenger will change after all these years you realy are up the swanny.
amband – i am not sure that is quite fact, we don’t know if wenger trains the shooting out of them – i think its more like we don’t have the strikers with the abilty or confidence to shoot from distance – RvP does and Walcott will when he gets in on goal.
That takes us back to the definate need of a proper striker, a goal scorer who will shoot on sight..
Henry did it, no one convinced him not to shoot, nor Dennis….
Steve, what Swanny is saying though is right, thats what we need, the question is and always will be, has wenger got the balls to change his approach and bring in the players we need….
You guys see the article saying Bob Wilson revealed we made a huge bid for Reina back in the summer??
rico, you know the same as me we will still be watching the two d’s next season and every shit player we have, enough of that. New Blood a must.
What was it rico £200,000
I am not up the swanny Steve lol I am just stating that ‘if’ Wenger can drop the stubborness and see what over 60,000 fans see every weekend plus the millions more watching that changes need to be made.
The players mind sets are fine – they are all super confident of their abilities (look at Bendter for an example – useless but he thinks he is the best striker in Europe) – and Wenger has installed that posisitve thinking throughout the squad – he just needs to take a step back swallow his pride and say yes i was wrong we should have made key signings in summer or January – there is still plenty of time for youngsters to come through – and he has un earthed probably the best English star since Paul Gascoigne in Jack Wilshere – future Engalnd captain without a doubt – Ramsey is now getting games – I understand the youth policy and I agree with it to a certain degree but not to the extent where they are not living up to expectations and winning silverwear – there is enough games through the season to buy 4 players and still nurture the youngsters. But if he cannot swallow his stupid pride then the unthinkable may happen and Mr Wenger maybe asked to leave – but then who do you replace him with???
a huge bid or a huge bid by AW’s standards…
we didnt get him so it cant have been that big…
I hope not Steve, i really hope not, they have had their day, along with many more…..
Liverpool wouldn’t sell apparently but according to reports Renia asked to join us…..
Whether those reports are true or not though is anyones guess, i suspect they are not 😉
Swanny, your spot on with your last comment but your whole basis is reliant on a very big “IF”….. When has wenger shown us the slightest inkling that he will admit to being wrong or buying the players we need, he hasn’t hence for me the “IF” is a no chance which is very sad…!
‘But if he cannot swallow his stupid pride then the unthinkable may happen and Mr Wenger maybe asked to leave – but then who do you replace him with???’
Swanny – spot on, it’s not as if he even needs to say anything about being wrong, just get on and buy four players, he’s in the best posistion now too, he can just say that now with the sale of property etc etc our loans are down and we have money available…
Morning WATH,
surely he has to wake up one day and see we cannot win things with some of the rubbish he has bought….
Also think the players mind sets are crap, it’s due to wenger telling them they so great they think purely walking onto the pitch means they gonna win…! Doesn’t work that way at all. He keeps going on about this team deserves to win, thats utter crap, a team must earn a trophy and graft for it not expect it as a right and playing pretty football doesnt mean you deserve anything it means you have to also show up and win games against teams that just wanna compete and put in a shift cos they not as technically gifted as our team yet they the ones that normally beat us, every picture tells a story really.
Morning all, Rico I am past 2nd guesssing what is going on in wengers brain these days, as said time and time again for a manager that knows what is needed to win the league and the kind of players he then goes and carries on with ones clearly lacking and yet carries on “bigging” them up… It’s not gonna happen as they are clearly not good enough yet half of that means he’s wrong as they are the players he’s backed for so many seasons now so we back to ego again.
He only has to make 4 signings as a one off – just once !! I am sure these players will be in their early 20’s and hopefully they will already be established players he can then work with this already young squad – continue to make money – but the bonus is we WILL win trophies – then he can recover from open wallet surgery over the next 10 years with this young squad developing into the best squad he has had to work with – just every now and then he will need to dip into the tranfer kitty and spend on another player – but its all about a one off season spend up – make us the team we promise so much to be – then he has even more time to develop youngsters without the fans and journalists questioning him about the lack of ambition and trophies – it will take just one season Arsene – this one is over fingers crossed we do win th eleague – but even if we do – next season a spend up in the summer and Arsenal FC are sorted for years to come !!!
Suppose that is what keeps going around in my head, he’s won the league, he’s won the FA Cup, he’s got to the CL Final and CC Final, gone the whole season unbeaten…..
Why the heck did he not strive for more rather than just let the best go and replace them with so much rubbish, in fact, in some cases he didn’t replace them at all….
I know the stadium held us up for a season or two but now, there is no excuse, hasn’t been for a couple of years….
Three would do me right now swanny, CH, CM and a striker… Any more would be a bonus, bring through a couple of the reserves, and ship out the rubbish….
Swanny, you have some good views, if ever you fancy writing an article for HH, please let me know 🙂
I apologise Swanny, i get heated at the thought of Wengers stubbeness, I shouldnt take it out on good Supporters like your good self, Wenger will not back track, yeh i know he has been brilliant for us and i appreciate that fact, but his priorities realy means a move to the boardroom and not as Manager, Arsenal need a hungry Manager. And a position at the Arsenal could give a new man the confidence to believe that trophies are closer than at any job his had before. Any player that is not upto the task, and he would have no qualms in letting that player go, Wenger feels responsible for these players and keeps giving them chances they dont deserve.We have seen over and over their frailties but Wenger wont act, coupled with cheap buys he makes, has worn my patience a bit thin.
Swanny, if we do happen to win the league this season which I very much doubt the problem then is mr ego will come out with your comemnt from earlier “i told you so” he will say this squad is the best ever yet again (plainly laughable) and he’ll say he doesn’t need to strengthen at all as has been proved by winning the league. We all know and can see 3 serious buys will make this team/squad the real deal and yet he refuses to go adn get us what we desperately need….!
Steve, don’t you think the stigma of wenger being upstairs would be like having the axe man waiting to chop your head off for a new manager…? I think having wenger upstairs is a bad move as well, to much pressure on any new man.
I think Djorou has been a revelation, and Kos I think will turn into a brilliant defender – he handles Barca brilliantly at home and did well in Nou Camp – ok he messed up against Birmingham but overall I am very impressed by him – and Verm hopefully will be back – just need another CB again Cahill i would like to see a solid CB – honestly can any Arsenal fan when we go 1-0 up think thats it the game is over – like we did in the Adams, Bould era? I dont think so – I can see Arsenal conceding in every game at the moment – I do not know what is wrong – individually I think Arsenals centre backs are very good – but collectively they are not working well together – Clichy is very good going forward but he plays a lot of strikers onside – and he seems to be the week link at the back – Sagna in my eyes is the best RB in the world – solid in defenc and brilliant going forward. So I think a new LB is needed too – as Gibbs again has promise but he is not up to standard as yet. Song is my favourite Arsenal player – so underated but I think he is so consistent – but he needs resting from time to time and Denilson could not even clean his boots – we need another DCM Wilshere Fab Ramsey Nasri all players that can play in offensive C Mid so there we are fine – wingers Walcott, Arshevin, agsin Nasri – I think we are light on the wings too I think abother tricky winger is needed I have already said Eden Hazard but there are others. And finally a striker – I would love to see Arsenal get a full season out of RVP but is highly unlikely – and the back up of (best striker in world football) Bendtner and Chama is not brilliant we need someone who can score the ugly goals too – I hope Chama may have been that person and he may grow into it – but I want a proven goalscorer – already established – like a Villa, Torres, Suarez, someone with credentials and like I said once that has been done we will be fine – I think Chesney will grow into a brilliant keeper and reserve keepers are not bad – but please get rid of Almunia – just think he is a bad person to have around always looks so miserable – and that bleeds through the team – trust in keeper into confident defenders into calm midfielders into chances for confident strikers – SIMPLES !!!
I completely agree WATH but i dont believe the board would worry, the profits would still be covered, and as i see it that is their priority
wenger will have too much influence..
the new man needs to have the club to himself theres no point getting a new guy cos wenger will have final word on everything anyway..
The board would crap their pants with any new man and anything that wasn’t in their way of thinking would always be reffered to “Arsene would you of done that?” Nope him upstairs def NOT a good move, when he goes its a clean sweep lhe goes completely. The board for me are making things “ripe” for a takeover simple as that, they don’t take dividends they are merely not spending money to make the club look even more profitable than it is already and yet there is no reason for profit when the club needs to invest in assets on the pitch. Look at what the effect on the chavs Luiz has had and Suarez at the dippers….! Not huge money but decent money and you get what you pay for and of course the bonus of new blood the fans get a lift the club the players !! wenger knows this WHY has he turned a blind eye to it..?
the board and aw will leave at same time
agree with wath..
new board new manager we wont have much choice
I dont think Wenger will leave before the stadium is paid for outright, this has been what he has been about, modernising the whole structure of the Arsenal. I suspect that winning things is not his priorities, winning cups has become secondary, ticket prices going up with hardly any success makes me think, he feels his time is nearing the end and he wants the legacy of leaveing Arsenal with a debt free Football club.
as soon as we get bought we’ll be back in debt though..
the whole things just a big waste of time if its not about trophies
Off with Wengers head then 😉 🙂
‘Lehmann isn’t fit enough to solve keeper crisis’ Wenger.
Why the heck have we got him then???
So how does a debt free club help the average supporter? It’s a privately owned business and the debt is not our concern
it doesnt..
but when have the club ever cared about its supporters..??
unless they have lots of money…
Its only my view JJ but Wenger has done everything to make sure that Money keeps flowing in his priority for years has been to qualify for Champions League, top four spots earn around thirty Mill looking at the fact we have Qualified every year since it started amounts to quite a few Sheckles.
W.A.T.H says
” Steve, don’t you think the stigma of wenger being upstairs would be like having the axe man waiting to chop your head off for a new manager…? I think having wenger upstairs is a bad move as well, to much pressure on any new man.”
moneys always been the priority since the move to the emirates..
but now its got beyond stupid that we still dont spend any which tells everyone everything they need to know about the future..
“Qualified every year since it started amounts to quite a few Sheckles.”
Shekels LOL
Now you are getting close. Have a look at the board LOL
I know you dont want to hear this but Arsenal football club is a buisness, and in it for the money, they dont look at it like a supporter, we want to win and get cups, just the money for them.
quote JonJon
it doesnt..
but when have the club ever cared about its supporters..??
yes we know that. My point is people say how wonderful it is Wenger keeps the company in the black, the inference being it’s good for supporters.
It really doesn’t matter a fig
unless they have lots of money…
Steve, noway will the stadium be paid off with wenger around is on a 20yr bond….! A debt free club has already been achieved in reality we just have a mortgage on our “house” thats all.
Steve has it spot on
I’m no shareholder, nor am I a board member and I don’t get invited to listen into whats going on upstairs at our club so i’m going going to try and understand exactly how much money we have…
I am not stupid either, none of us are and we know there is some money available. Not one sensible fan wants us to go off in the summer and buy three players who cost the club £30M each, that would be crazy and send us into the red I am sure.
All I keep banging on about is three players who play with heart, passion and committment – they don’t have to be world class, they just have to be good honest footballers who will put their body on the line for OUR club…
Not a Denilson or a Diaby kind of player…..
JJ you hit it right on the head when you said a takeover, what a prospect for a wealthy Arab, at a cost of buying the club and a thriveing buisness, with an extra investment of a couple of hundred mill they could be on the end of a very special club with a very succesfull future.
and thats why i think wenger will have no choice to spend the cash wath this summer
we know we have it..
we are finally on a strong financial footing
it needs to be used or wengers a donut and its time to go…
cos this philosophy of dont kill denilson is starting to really get on my tits..
Just a quick question. Will a number two (who ever it is) have the authority to tell Wenger he needs to do A, B and C?
Problem is Steve they don’t take a dividend as shareholders so the fact they making the club as profitable as possible can only mean they wanna sell out and then cream it on their share prices…! Your right Steve it is a business and one that needs to be run sensibly but assets in the bank are not the same as assets on the pitch that bring returns in other areas which they have lost sight of, the other side of that is, a debt thats controlled and is managed well isn’t a problem for any business but uncontrolled unpayable debt is a huge problem yet noone is asking for that or even saying thats the route to take all we asking is spend the profits and small debt in the short term is fine if it puts assets on the pitch which win trophies and generate income from prize money and sponsors clamouring to “invest” in the club and the brand due to success…! hardly difficult to grasp is it.
I can see within five years another tier on top of the sixty thousand seats already there and supporters jumping over one another to get them.
Hi Will, not if he’s a yes man…. also depends who appoints him, if its wenger then his job description would state “don’t disagree with the manager” 😉
I don’t think its about telling Wenger what to do, we humans don’t like being told do we…
The idea in the post is to get someone who Wenger respects to work with him, plant the seed of thought to Wenger rather than dictating…
Pat Rice is Mr Arsenal but he’s not a respected football manager who has been there and got the t-shirt on his own merit…
Wath, a number 2 will still not have the authority to challenge Wenger. No, we need a Strong Gazidis who can say to the manager, I am your boss and I am not happy. We need to change A, B and C.
That’s exactly what we need Will but Gazidis was wengers choice as well if you believe the rumours so who is there that tells wenger off or holds him responsible and accountable for poor results or performances..? there doesn’t seem to be anyone…!
Will Morning,
A no 2 is there only as a person to sware with, when things dont go well, Pat has been there for ever do you think he has actually told Wenger his wrong at any time, no me neither
Back in a bit guys….
Performance on the pitch has nothing to do with Gazidis. Not the CEO’s concern
The results are in the accounts, not with wins on the pitch with this private company
That’s the problem Wath, there is no one at the club who holds the manager responsible.
I agree that we need fresh blood on the training ground, as you say, someone with fresh ideas and someone Wenger can bounce ideas off but we really need a chairman who holds the manager accountable.
JonJon says:
March 21, 2011 at 11:38 am
as soon as we get bought we’ll be back in debt though..
the whole things just a big waste of time if its not about trophies
they get their money returned quickly via gate takings, tv rights, sponsorship
The problem is Amband it is exactly Gazidis concer, what happens on the pitch impacts off the pitchas well, he is there to hold people responsible for their jobs and that includes wenger. Its always been a plc a private little boys club and it always will be unless they sell lock stocka nd barrel and thats what I feel is gonna happen. Half the old dodderers are in a time warp anyway just a shame Arsenal men who are younger cannot come in and take over from the oldskool and carry on as custodians but with a sense of the future and a grasp of the present.
yeah amband but that money will go into paying off debts and not into the team..
back at the start again..
they aint gunna buy the club for how many millions out right, they going to get a loan and then use the clubs money to pay it back…
sound familiar???
well one things for sure..
if the club dont find the balance this summer then im afraid the emirates in a few years time will be full of empty seats that has been paid for..
it wont bother the board cos they are greedy but it will look fucking stupid having a 60k stadia that only 40k come to watch..
the rest turn up when they want
I think we look at the board of directors, and think they care the same as us about if we win or lose, where i think in all honesty they are not that bothered, as long as the seats are all filled.
with a very young squad of players some who have only just started breaking into the squad, look at the wages these youngsters are earning, most of these players are not earning much more than 50,000 now look at players like Rooney Ronaldo Torres Terry Ferdinand, now i dont know for definite but these players are around the Hundred thou mark or more, now you see why our board like our youngsters.
Yet Steve add all those wages together and the gross wage bill is nearly as high as the chavs and the mancs so exactly what is the point in paying 10 x 50k per week instead of 3/4 quality additions at 100k per week..?
Keep saying. Sell, Nik B, Denilson, Squil, Almunia and Diaby and you could get an estimate of £170k a week off of the wage bill.
That could get us two top class players and then we could use the profits we brag about yearly to get the other two players we need.
so we have a new ground the supporters didn’t need which is required to be paid off too.
ARSENE WENGER admits Arsenal are suffering from nerves after seeing their Quadruple bid destroyed.
The Gunners have crashed out of the Champions League and FA Cup and lost in the Carling Cup final.
They have also drawn their last two league games to slip five points behind Manchester United with a game in hand.
Boss Wenger said: “You cannot go out of the Champions League like we did and have no doubt. It’s a massive blow.
“We had four targets and suddenly we have only one. So the pressure increases.
“But this team wants to do well and I’m so desperate to help them get what they deserve because their attitude from the first day of the season has been absolutely spot-on.
“That’s why I think they deserve to be rewarded and I’m confident they will.”
I dont think thats right WATH, our wage bill must be much less, our lads are not all on 50k most are less not many Chavs under 50 its all saveings
Add rosicky to that list as well Will and your looking at 200k a week easy off the wage bill.
Amband, the move was right in most aspects BUT the increased revenue/profits need to be put into buying the players we need not sitting in the bank looking great on the balance sheet…!
they wish to profit from our young players buy low or on free transfer, and if he is any good sell for a ferw million in a couple of years
That is better economics than buying Rooney Terry Messi Carrol, Bent etc, you will get no profit from them
Wenger and the board know this
Steve, go check out the finances mate we are third in the wages list and only a few mill less than the chavs, doesnt that say everything….! reward failure..! Nope not all on 50k but we have a really big pro squad and they earn decent money. trim the squad and keep the good ones sell the rest and get in more quality.
There you go Wath, that is two and a half players paid for.
Will, as said previously that “deserve” word is utter bollox…..! what he should be saying is we need to roll our sleeves up and fight for the last trophy that we can win and then we would of deserved it but noone deserves anything at all you gotta want it and fight for it…! these words from wenger sum up everything thats wrong with the club and the crap fall apart mentality…!
I’m all for that WATH,
I totally agree with you Will, think we all do here but hand on heart can’t see it happening mate and thats what pisses us all off as we have basically been saying the exact same thing for the last 3/4 seasons.
W A T H says
” Amband, the move was right in most aspects BUT the increased revenue/profits need to be put into buying the players we need not sitting in the bank looking great on the balance sheet…!”
not as far as the company is concerned. They are required by law to maximise the profits for the shareholders, and they are the board
They want money going into their pockets, not into expensive players
It would be different if it were a not for profit
we go round in circle dont we..
heres a rumour
ashley young has just bought a house in herts..
spurs or us??
or neither.. lol
They are not required by law at all amband they do not pay out dividends at all so your slightly wrong. no shareholders in AFC get a dividend. The whole thing about money in their pockets will only apply if they sell….. The web becomes all the more interesting when you know the shareprice will increase the more profitable the club looks so is that why they won’t spend…????? The flip side is why pay so many players wages they dont deserve which aslo impacts on the finances and the bank statements
JJ, Young is a self confessed Arsenal fan and his mum n dad are from the Herts area……. 😉 his brother is on our youth books eh…!
wish bendtner would buy one in Libya!
A business run at a huge profit with room for commercial growth and absolutely no debt will sell at a huge gain.
and kev heard he had a 12mil clause??
mmmmmmm??? 😉
JJ, Kev… what Kev, Keegan…? 😉
Bendtner won’t be able to ski in Libya Will, I reckon more chance we could sent him to Tibet… plenty snow there…!
I honestly don’t care where he goes. As long as he is not playing for my club next season.
Am with you on that one Will, he must also make sure he starts a local side and can take D&D with him, the waiter, rosicky, squidgy and maybe ebooie as well.
Will, can see it now, ex Arsenal 11 beaten by Tibetan Monk 11……….. 😉 Almunia lobbed in last minute from half way line as he was having a walk round the edge of his pen box
morning all…i think arsene is still here for a while and think stojkovic or anyone else taking over is unlikely…we’ll see how this season pans out – if it ends as i expect (while hoping for much better), than i do not foresee many changes at this moment in time…more of the same i would say – additions to the squad coming from our youth team, almunia quietly moved on, and at least one big-name player sold. if it is cesc, it will hopefully break the team’s over-reliance on him…and may also herald a (hopefully pragmatic) shift in tactics…we’ll see…still nine games remaining, but i now hear chelsea’s footsteps loudly.
Hi Oliver, the chavs are right in there with a chance and cannot be ruled out at all…!. My fear is we finish 4th….!
I do not think is a good solution. One thing is to see the matches on television and in another continent; another is to be involved in the environment. On the other hand, is more of the some. Just something that differentiates, allows the exchange of ideas and opinions was interesting. Having pressed the same view, is to help reinforce that we’re right. Always right.
I believe and I suggested last week, Domingos, coach of Braga. A young coach, European, already accustomed to face different schools of football. The school Spain / Portugal today is perhaps best school in Europe. Mourinho, Guardiola .. Real Madrid, Barcelona, Vila Real, Porto, Benfica, Braga … are all trained by coaches and Spanish or Portuguese, are in the final quarter of the two European competitions (apart being Spain the World Champions and be coached by a Spaniard ). Some justification there be.
I would bet on young players hungry for wins and titles. The names that have focused, are good players, but expensive and that have won titles. I think it is the best solution.
Good points JM……!
WATH says
“They are not required by law at all amband they do not pay out dividends at all so your slightly wrong. no shareholders in AFC get a dividend.”
They must at law maximise profit for the shareholders/owners. They must. What the owners do with their dosh is their business. After servicing debt, they reap what’s left.
Where do you think this private company gets it’s profit? What happens to the profits that come in after every game?
As the CEO, Gazidiz doe what he is told. A CEO does not tell the coach how to coach the side of get results. Not in this case anyway
In fact I know of no club, or rugby as well, for that matter that allow the CEO to advise the coach to shape up or else
It’s not the CEO’s place
Amband, no one is saying that Gazidis should be telling Wenger how to train but Arsenal need someone above the manager to remind him of the reason the club exists.
Here is something all you hard workers will enjoy. No wonder they get into debt.
How English football clubs and their owners avoid UK taxation
Arsenal on Twitter @UntoldArsenal
Untold Arsenal on Facebook here
By Tony Attwood
A while ago the excellent Swiss Ramble covered Bolton. Bolton, (generally known as Notlob in these august columns), a team symbolic of all that was previously wrong with football: rotational fouling, rotational time wasting, and the snarling antediluvian himself: the Fat Slug.
But such days are gone, and this season the backwards reaching club has actually clambered up the league until new leadership – thus revealing once again that some managers can actually make it, and some are a useless bunch of old dodos.
It was the assault on the august columns by Notlobian supporters, who while obviously not sharing my sense of humour (nothing wrong there; how boring it would be if there was only once sense of humour in the multi-verse) actually failed to understand some of the basics of human interaction – that we all have different points of view, that this is a biased pro-Arsenal, pro-Wenger site, and other complex issues like that.
yes that is what the board does. They will remind AW of his filures, so long as his failures aren’t theirs too
Boo, afternoon…..
Will, and thats to win trophies…. Not put money in the Arsenal Bank….
Rico, not necessarily
If winning trophies means ruing the business model by buying expensive players, they won’t do it
Trophies are bonuses
Interesting. Check the link
It is a bit like Notts County. The fans owned the club, a bunch of unknown wealthy investors came along and said they would make the club an EPL outfit within a few years, as long as the fans GIVE the rich men the shares. For nothing. Oh and they didn’t want to say who they were either.
amband says:
March 21, 2011 at 1:48 pm
They must at law maximise profit for the shareholders/owners. They must. What the owners do with their dosh is their business. After servicing debt, they reap what’s left.
Where do you think this private company gets it’s profit? What happens to the profits that come in after every game?
They do not need to make a profit at all when the shareholders do not benefit from a dividend what so ever…! Once the debts are serviced the funds are sitting in the bank. Go check for yourself, they do not get any benefit from profits at all and that you can check anywhere you like so to say they are in it for the profits is actually not true or correct. Its why I say they are making the club ripe for a take over so they then can make money off their shares theat they will sell. You also forget we are not a publically traded company we’re a privately traded company and there is a huge difference.
The CEO should ask wenger whast going on as he then reports to the board as and why wenger has lost the plot…!?!?!? If wenger cant answer to the CEO who does he answer to he is only a manager employed by teh club and should answer to a CEO on performances.
Amband, have too disagree with you.
Winning trophies means more world wide exposure, my people buying Arsenal merchandise and sponsors willing to part with more money to reach said people.
How much of Henry’s wages came from the fans buying the Henry shirt?
But like you said earlier WATH, if it is to believed that Wenger got Gazidis the job then he’s not going to rollock Wenger when we fail to win trophies…
He’s going to want to keep his nice little job on a massive wage every year…
Wher as, a club like the Chavs, results start going against them and the manager is out….
Afternoon all.good read.there is some good debate here.all that needs to be said has been said here.
amband, we are a football club not Waitrose, the reason clubs play football is to win trophies, nothing more, nothing less…..
Rico, I have gone to great lengths to explain the private owner angle
The supporters want to win trophies, the owners too, so long as it doesn’t ruin the business model that profits
They are happy where they are, and a trophy is a bonus
Ownership of Arsenal F.C.
I know amband, i’m just not convinced by it….
Don’t always trust Wikki amband, anyone can edit it….
Will says:
March 21, 2011 at 2:23 pm
Amband, have too disagree with you.
Winning trophies means more world wide exposure, my people buying Arsenal merchandise and sponsors willing to part with more money to reach said people.
How much of Henry’s wages came from the fans buying the Henry shirt?
I totally agree, but if the business model is interrupted to pay a lot of money for the finest players, they won’t do it
They are a well known brand and the brand is well exposed, trophies or not
There is a lot of publicity being in the top four are really a shit website.they have already started making formations to accomodate cesc in the barca lineup.irrespective of what anyone says cesc is Arsenal captain and player till the end of the season at least and they should respect that.
Hi KT, they are saying we going to bid for Cahill too, yawnnnnnnnnnn 🙂
amband – you are well informed on the way AFC are run, you been sneaking into the boardroom 😉
No Not at all. I wish! But the company that runs arsenal is not the football club. Arsenal plc is divided up intoi a proprety company that runs Ashburton Grove, the football club, and other seperate entities
The football club is the minor entity, even though football it what it’s about.
There are legal and tax reasons for all this
We all must remember that it is the company behind Arsenal that runs the show
Football is what we see. It is what we don’t see, the non football side that is important as it keeps everything going
Te most important thing the company has is a little piece of paper held at companies House, called a written constitution. IT, is the company
Aren’t we forgetting something. AW is not the coach of firsts Boro Primorac is the actual hands on football coach
Some people think the manager is the coach. Not true!
Maybe Boro Primorac is the guy to ask about what Wenger does there
Its all a bit too much for me amband, all i wish they woul do is spend some money a get some better footballers, but obviously not breaking us along the way….
I think it’s widely know that Primorac is the ‘coach’, but he coaches wengers way….
AW teams had a blueprint consisting of power,pace and technique.we should build on that by getting rid of deadwood in the squad.someone like denilson has neither of the above and thats why he looks so out of place.
At least if Wenger goes Primorac will possibly go too 😉
they are paid a dividend twice a year
Wenger is different. He is a member of salaried staff
I think we all agree on that KT, i’ll actually be glad when the season is over now and look forward to seeing what wenger does in the summer – if anything of course….
Rico, you will be fine. It’s private wealth for shareholders and will never affect the supporters
There is an alternative. Go into the red, run it at a loss like Man U, and the owners won’t pay tax. When you run at a loss you don’t pay tax
Rico surely he must see it by now?denilson has been getting subbed earlier and earlier with each game.even denilson once in a while hits a forward pass.Wenger is a legend and i wouldn’t want to see his tenure on a sour note.3 players Arsene,thats all we ask for.the cash is there and if we sell some deadwood we have more free cash.just do it Aw.
Boo! rico, ah, I think I might like Stojkovic. He looks like he knows how to lounge. 😆
Some really good discussion in here. I haven’t the head for financial stuff though. 🙁
Hey, KT. Howdy?
Sorry amband your wrong they are not paid a dividend at all….! very common knowledge my friend and one of thier big defence arguments when they are told they in it for the money…! Thet DO NOT get a dividend….!
amband, i don’t think any of us want that but, i fear its for one day not so far away sadly….
Howdy agag.
KT, i think he sees it – to be fair, he hasn’t played that much this season i don’t think, not in comparrison to last and i’ve suggested all along, had Frimpong stayed injury free, i’m not sure we would have seen much of Denilson at all….
Our club doesn’t pay out dividends at all.
Hey agag, hows you, i thought you might like him, maybe a tad too old ?? 😉
My head is not for all the backroom stuff either, i’m a ‘on the pitch’ kind of a gal 🙂
Its such a shame that the w.brom game ended as it did.AA scored a fine goal but no one is talking about it due to the shambles we witnessed.
W.A.T.H says:
March 21, 2011 at 3:30 pm
Sorry amband your wrong they are not paid a dividend at all….! very common knowledge my friend and one of thier big defence arguments when they are told they in it for the money…! Thet DO NOT get a dividend….!
May I suggest you phone companies House and ask!
He looks scary, rico. 😉 Haha.
I don’t like finance thingies. You earn, pay for pet stuff, fund some frivolities, save the rest. That’s it for me.
There was an earthquake while I was at work earlier. My building was swaying from side to side… We’re waiting for a big one I think. 🙁
I’m good, KT. And you? I think Deni’s time is up. And not to soon, it must be said.
what happens is, the company gets the dividend. They don’t get paid directly and the company pays them
Remember the company is a legally different identity. Best phone companies house for a full explanation
K-TR7 says:
March 21, 2011 at 3:36 pm
Our club doesn’t pay out dividends at all.
someone is getting something
Good point KT, it was a great goal, super control and deadly finish, shame he didn’t have the application to do it earlier in the game…
Sheeeet agag, i’m real sorry to hear that, i hope it comes to nothing 🙁 🙁
Actually, is it not time we all pulled the plug on the share/board/dividend stuff??
reality is we have money and wenger needs to spend some of it in the summer, he can add to what ever he already has by selling off some of the dead wood…
Selling that alone should make him £20M, that would get us a bloomin good CH or Striker…..
Good call Rico!!!
Oh agag…it seems finances only interest you when it comes to adding handbags and shoes in your closets…and denilson of course.also 5th dates.its not actually that hard to understand if you’re interested.
Hi Lee, which bit 😉 😉
Fourteen of our players called up for international duty, not Diaby, Denilson or Almunia though 😉 😉
How does Rosicky keep getting into the Czech side??
Agag lets hope there is no earthquake in your area…
well the fact that we need 3 players is a given…;)
They are shite nowadays 2004 they were pretty damn good with Nedved,köller,Baros,Poborsky,cech,janukalovski and rosicky all at the peak of their careers.i was actually sad for them that they didn’t bag the Euros in 04.
I hope so, rico. 🙂 KT, you’re awful. 😉 Hey, Lee.
I guess they have emulated Rosicky’s career KT….
Lee, I’m quite happy with our keepers, well Chesney with Fabianski as No2..
And, at a push we could be ok with Frimpong as the cover for Song with Eastmond.
We need two CH’s and a Striker first and foremost and we need to get Ryo and Wellington a Visa asap….
Rico i personally don’t think Eastmond will make it with us.he has shown me nothing to prove he’ll make it.
I’m unsure too KT, he’s a bit lightweight, i’m hoping his loan at Milwall will harden him up a bit but i’m not sure he’s even playing…
Frimpong is a different kettle of fish though, he may not be big but he’s strong…
amband I have not had a dividend since 1981 so I really dont need to call anyone….! As said its the one thing the uzbek has asked to be changed that the shareholders get a dividend and they refused. Arsenal shareholders do not get a dividend simple as that so your profit argument is very valid as to where does the money go but it does not go to shareholders as a dividend which is why I’ve said my opinion is the directors all have “jobs” within the club that maybe pay a very handsome salary ??? who knows but my opinion as stated before is the club are ripe for a takeover and hence they make and keep as much of the profits as possible after paying off the debts which they have now done all bar the 260million bond which is basically a mortgage for the “house”.
14, well 12 (Vela and Landsbury are include). Like I said before, our players are playing two matches a week since August/September. Is nice hear this but more two matches to most of the players when the others teams has only a few called up for international games. The consequences are inevitable.
And I hope no aditional injuries…
Agag am hurt…not only because of your harsh words but implying that am like those phillipine soap operas that truly describe the word awful!the women spend 90% of the time crying while prince charming is always in a villa in manilla…tut tut…
JET, Eastmond, Wellington and Randall… None played for their loan club in the last game…
What is the point on them being where they are???
Phillipine soaps>Denilson.
Rico Frimpong is definitely 1st team material.all he needs to do is to improve his passing and he’ll be an absolute beast for us.
The board should just spend for some quality. Is that too much to ask? As it is my second favorite Spanish player’s gave me the blues. Pfft.
Aww, KT. Who knew your feelings were so easily injured? 😉 There are no villas in Manila though. The best ones are in Bali. 😉 And I wouldn’t insult you with a comparison to Pinoy soaps. I reserve that for Almunia and D&D. 😀
Rico, eastmond, another thats on the “togo” list in June……. not good enough…!
Hey KT, greetings madam AGAG 😛
WATH, i’d like to be able to afford a mortgage for that amount… Actually, i’d just like to own the house that had that mortgage 😆
Frimpong was a tank. Easily better thatn what we have, and he’s still learning. 🙂
AGAG, so do you have a villa in Bali…? 🙂 I’m looking for a holiday home to rent. . . . .
How much do you think these players would go for individually in today’s market?
Almunia: £
Squil: £
Rosicky: £
Denilson: £
Diaby: £
Nik B: £
Total: £
Eastmond is not from Togo WATH 😉
Thats fine by me, he can go, handcuffed to Denilson 🙂
That’s “Mlle.” pour toi, Monsieur WATH. 😉
Will….. See below….!
Almunia: £1.50
Squil: £5.00
Rosicky: £20.00
Denilson: £2.50
Diaby: £3.00
Nik B: £15.00
Total: £47.00
I’m not Parker and your not Penelope AGAG….! 😉
Almunia: £1M
Squil: £1M
Rosicky: £4M
Denilson: £4M
Diaby: £6M – only because he plays for France
Nik B: £8M
From the Sport – Catalan newspaper:
New season without a trophy can dictate farewell to Arsenal Cesc Fabregas, who will accept to release the player for 50 million euros. According to the Catalan daily Sport, Spanish midfielder could return to Barcelona.
Of the four fronts which started the season, Arsenal have said goodbye to three: Champions League, FA Cup and English League Cup. Remains open the title race in the Premier League, where the Gunners are in second place five points behind leaders Manchester United but with a game in hand.
In the sporting context of a mixed reality joins financial struggle, the manager of the London club is considering realize significant cash inflow to the transfer of Fabregas.
According to Sport, 50 million will be the amount required to begin talks with Barcelona, which offered 35 million, more than five goals in last summer
13:15 – 03/21/2011
Is the cost of not won enought games at the CL and not go through in this competition… many million out!!!
£50 Million – they can have him JM…..
Training bib>Denilson.
JM, think in all honesty if barca had offered a properprice for him in the summer we would of maybe accepted then as well but what they offered was pathetic. 45million pounds is a fair price and one i’d settel for although as said many times before the problem is then would the manager/club re-invest in players ???? Big problem.
So £24m? That should get a top class midfielder in and pay for his wages.
Hi sailor.If cesc leaves our the D’s will be in our top 3 players with most appearances.clichy is first of course agag.invite him to your villa…beware though WATH and his hot WAG will follow.
How mush do we owe now? I think it is around £135m. Take away the Cesc £45m and that is only £90m left.
What do you guys think the board would do with that money?
KT, AGAG is my hot WAG 😉
It’s actually quite embarrassing to note that d&d have that many games under their belts, imagine if diaby had not been injured for 3/4 of his time there…!
I don’t like croc or python or ostrich, WATH.
You’re taking a trip, GG Man? There are a zillion rentals there. Hmmmm. Maybe, Lovina, Ubud, Umalas, Canggu for some peace and quiet. You seem to me more a Seminyak, Nusa Dua, Sanur, Kuta type of person though. That’s where the drinks are. 🙂 Or have you been?
KT, the bib protests! Haha.
I don’t trust Wenger’s judgment in anything. I want him out and I don’t want him moving upstairs either. I don’t believe Wenger would have won anything were it not for the defence George Graham left him. Yes, there was the Invincibles, but by then Arsenal were riding the crest of a wave.
Ever since we have seen the REAL Arsene Wenger, and he’s nowhere near as good a coach as we all thought he was. Sack him and let’s not waste any more time. Gus Hiddink would take the job, Arsenal should go for him.
No way will barca offer 50mil for cesc.he has been shit the 4 times he has played against them.barca aren’t desperate for him with xavi playing so well.their fans even think he is overrated and most say they wouldn’t pay a dime over 25mil.barca have also been linked to pastore of palermo and alexis sanchez of Udinese.they also have the impressive duo of jonathan dos santos and Thiago Alcantara coming through.they’ll not pay 50mil since they don’t have to.
I’d rather a big strong CH before a midfielder…
KT – but why is he rubbish against them?? Its because his heart is with them no doubt, rather than us….
£50 Million English Pounds, i’d sell him… But Wenger won’t replace him as we have Rambo….
If cesc goes, we change formation and Nasri plays more centrally.
Rico they won’t splash 50mil.barca will at most offer 38mil.
Nope never been AGAG, thinking of your neck of the woods or Bali but want a bit of inside info on where to go, I like peace and quiet with fun and noise a taxi ride away, can drink anytime any place so never want that on my doorstep at all. Long as the GG in the fridge then I’m sorted 😉
You have a point there James…..!
Think we’d be lucky to get 40million for Cesc….
Maybe Cesc needs to stay one more year have a great year and then we sell him for 50mil 😉
Will i have been thinking of how to accomodate nasri centrally too.with cesc in the side he does the playmaking too high up the tight games when he is marked out our game suffers.he is also easily dispossessed because he doesn’t have tight control like nasri/jack in tight areas.i would suggest nasri to play as a 2nd forward behind rvp to give us directness.let jack be our primary playmaker deeper.if we buy another direct winger we’ll have loads of pace and directness out wide and penetration in the middle with nasri and rvp.let nasri loose in the middle similar to messi for barca.
What would we give for kàkà at his prime.his direct running and vision scared the crap out of the best defenders.imagine kàkà behind rvp…OMG!
KT, then we hold all the cards again with Cesc, If Torres is valued at £50, Cecs is worth more – Barca will not get their man this summer….
WATH – spooky, couldn’t agree more and i still maintain he’ll be another Michael Owen by then… Crocked !
Off to get dinner guys, back in a bit….
I’ve just seen a suggestion;wear black snoods to the Emirates to piss Wenger and FIFA off.
That’s funnt KT………….. Good call though on both counts 🙂
You little rebel KT 🙂
I don’t think we need to sell Cesc and he is still one of the best passers in the game but it would be nice if we had the players available to switch tactics and formations during a game.
Will to be honest i wouldn’t want to lose cesc’s exceptional passing.lets hope ramsey/jack can develop passing close to his.
Rico am preparing a post that will be ready will discuss our current predicament but from a different angle.
KT, is it a secret…?
No wath.its just a normal post.
Ok, look forward to reading it KT…..!
KT, i look forward to it too… Thanks..
I’m off for the day folks, catch up tomorrow…
Be good, night night….
Cheers Rico 😉 ni nite
Don’t wait too much guys.
I’m off too, chat 2moro KT…!
Some of the players who spoke out, just this year’s contract? Fabregas seems to me a good price. I wonder about their physical ability at the moment. I will not be mistaken if I say that was fit to play 50% of the time (or less …).
Returning to the league: only depend on us. AW should bother to join the “bathhouse” (ridiculous goals of the Carling Cup and the latter with the WBA shows little dialogue), and study their opponents and create a spirit of victory. If we won the league (our main goal of the season!), we gave a great joy to the fans, opened up the possibility of investment and probably start their CL later. There are more reasons but these are not sufficient in itself to force us to have this obsession?
Morning All
New Post up….