Morning you bunch of fine folk…
So Arsene Wenger was somewhere other than in front of a microphone yesterday when our press conference was due and the naughty mischief makers will no doubt be setting to work on a mind blowing heading to ensure their newspapers gets sold….
Reality is, he may have man flu, migraine or maybe he’s suffering a high temperature together with an increased pulse rate having read yesterday post which suggested he sent some money on proper footballers…
Maybe though he just thought, ‘I can’t be bothered to answer the same old s**t again’……
Anyway, Steve Bould stepped up to the plate in the absence of the manager and delivered all the team news before we travel to, and face a tough trip to West Brom tomorrow…
A ‘must win game’ we all shout….
Every game is a must win game, not just the one’s which could see us clinch a Champions League spot. Doh!!
So – Theo and Jack are pencilled in for next week, but if that doesn’t quite work out then the following week it will be. Good news though really, they are on their way back and neither injury is more serious than the cynics amongst us predicted.
Other than Diaby and Ryo, that’s our injury list done.
But, players don’t have to be injured to miss out on playing.
Vermaelen and Szczesny are living proof of that, and that’s our captain and number one keeper none the less!
Our old boy David Seaman is far from convinced that Szczesny will get his place in the side back any day soon. In fact he’s been impressed by the way Fabianski has come back into the side and played so well….
I don’t know if Szczesny will win back his No1 spot. It’s quite interesting with Fabianski doing really well.
He’s worked really hard since his injury and he looks totally different goalkeeper. But it’s great to have that competition.
Szczesny versus Fabianski is hardly the right kind of competition our club needs, we need a a keeper who is batter than both them in the squad, only then will either of them reach the heights that they believe they can reach.
But right now, Fabianski is definitely the better of the two but as long as he remains in goal, let’s see how he fares at the end of the season.
That’s about it really and as much as I want to, I won’t mention it, it’s not nice to laugh at someone else’s misfortune….

Is it?
That’s another day done, have a good one all…..
On this day, the 4th of April 1993.A Tony Adams header won the F.A. Cup semi-final against Spurs.
Just saying……..
Donkey won the Derby
😆 Potter, he sure did.
And what a fine donkey he was…..
Is that Oz with Bale in that pic Rico?
Good morning house, Hahahaha… Rico that picture might have just gotten us a top four place… Like you said no names please. I read somewhere that Wenger has lost his voice. I wonder who he screamed at- Gervinho, Ramsey, Vermaelen, Kroenke, Gazidas, Law, Adam, Rico, SP,SYG,Gambon Pedro… Take your pick but i suspect it’s all of the above.
😆 Adam, I hope not….
Nice one Jeff. I reckon it’s all of the above too..
Apparently Bale hasn’t torn his ligaments as there are none in that ankle… According to AVB…
How refreashing to hear a new voice that is close to the team,
talk about our play and player’s.
Sounding much more convincing to me anyway.
Merrygoround of keepers this summer,
if what we read is true.
Bould or Seaman fred?
Someone said Totts have to play Chelsea this weekend but their fixture in the DM show them to be playing City this weekend..
“Everybody has realised that clean sheets win games a lot of the time,”
What he really means is:
‘That stubborn old buffoon who insists on attacking play rather then our defensive side to the game has finally let me back on the training pitch and do what I do best’..
If manure bought de monkey/donkey Shrek and donkey would make formidable partnership, but who would the princess be, Thiago the ladyboy perhaps?
Morning all
On this day
1972 Leicester City 0-0 Arsenal
Morning everyone !
‘Are we there yet’ Wavy ….
They’ve got Everton this weekend…
We can’t afford to draw this weekend Syg…
Need a draw there really Lee, or an Everton win, but they are too close to us for comfort…
I thought they had City this weekend 😉
Did Bould really say that ?
Why can’t people be wise and shut up , he should have kept that side quiet.
Now Messieurs Wenger will hear that and send him back to the ice bucket of the training pitch .
Wenger will go back to his attacking play again and 4th position is at risk.
If Bould said that then he is not as wise as i thought he was and shouldn’t be the assistant manager.
Radio 1.
Bale out for weeks …. there is a text in to debate whether Spurs’ season is over ….
Wenger say’s to Steve,
were out of europe,
you sort out that game in germany,
while I try to zip this thing up.
Sound’s like it,to me.
Rico – nearly, not much longer.
Saw the Seaman interview. He wasn’t too enthusiastic about Szesney, I thought. All is obviously not well there. I wonder what has changed, apart from a loss of form. Bob Wilson loved the former no1 so where has the boy lost the plot. Poor coaching, too much arrogance, not enough application? Or is it just too much social networking?
Clearly he has upset the main man, big time!
Thought provoking post, by the way.
A must-win Rico. 1-0.
The Germany game was more like us been efficient in all the areas of the pitch.
Had we had the 2004 Henry we would have converted the other chances we had.
We scare the living day light out of the Bayerns, now the other Champions League teams know that Bayern is not that invincible .
Thanks to Arsenal, it is a good consolation and I like it , we exposed them and they are not going to win the Champions League this year.
My point is , in big games a good team has to be efficient in all areas, attack and defend well in equal measures.
SD – only the first sentence, I added the second bit 😉
all seamans know’s is fishing questions.
Not sure if he has a coaching badge yet.
Bob Wilson is just a really nice guy Wavy. He loves Arsenal, but just isn’t the ruthless type……
If Lehmann was GK-coach, Szcsny’s arse would be littered with his footprints
AVB reckons just two weeks Syg… I’d take a 1-0 right now that’s for sure…
And Totts aren’t a one man team I suppose, unlike us last season….
Tottenham rely on Bale just as much, if not even more than we did with Van Persie last season. Their fans know it and more importantly so does the team and AVB. They all know they’ll fall apart without him in the line up.
That shouldn’t bother us, we should continue with our form; however ……
Thanks Wavy, I try 😉
fred, he’d know a good keeper when he see’s one though surely, he was one of the best in his prime…
I know Rico , i was reacting to tha first sentence alone.
Once bitten , twice shy. He (Bould) should know better.
Naturally old people don’t like to be wrong , when they are gracious enough to admit they are wrong, the last thing you want to do is rub it in their faces.
Couldn’t agree more Syg…
Defend as we have been doing of late and we should just about be ok, go back to how we were and just can’t see us getting the results we need…
Off to do some cardio … back in 80 mins
hello all
good post Rico – i did think chez was starting to get a bit ahead of himself and this setback won’t do his head any harm at all – We are putting a lot of stock in Fabianski now and the club is working hard talking him up, as we have done so many times with so many players who have not actually proved anything. Arsenal’s favourite word for years now = potential
I have started using that word (Potential) in my conversations as well.
The Wenger effect
I get what you are saying SD, you have a point….
SD – 🙂
Go steady Syg…
Thanks Oz, I think had Fabianski been fitter earlier in the season, Ches would have been rested before he was
agree Rico, all this Fab is a new man, Fab is this, Fab is that, he could equally be one key error away from back to square one. Lets hope not
It takes more than a few games to convince me!
Remember when Fab had to cover for Alumnia and we had a goal keeping crisis because Fab was calamitous in every game and we had no back up keeper.
Fab is doing well at the moment and he is keeping a steady head.If he makes the back four play better, maybe that is what is missing from Scezney’s game.
I will say Fab should continue but it might just be the case of , it is time for him to shine and it is a coincidence that he is between the sticks when our defenders are playing well.
He looks calm.
Agree oz, let’s see how he does against Everton an Manure…
was just reading up on the Bale, Lennon and Defoe injuries, amazing slice of luck for Wenger again – so much of their attacking impetus comes from those three – massive weekend for them as well Everton no easy game
me too Keith
SD – I agree he should continue, its just reading some of comments anyone would think he’s god’s gift to goalkeeping, no wonder our guys loose the plot so often
No no OZ Gunner, no one is carried away here, we are just counting our blessings of us just conceding 1 goal in 3 games and scoring 8.
Even if it is Gervinho keeping, it is fine by me 😀
Szczesny is 22 years old.
Sorry, but if any of you bagging him don’t think that is relevant, then you really know little about keeping.
I do not understand this line of thinking.
Does anyone here deny the fact that keepers hit their peak in their late 20’s???
Is it Szczesnys fault he was thrust into the top spot a few years too early??
He will learn from every single adversity he goes through and come out a better keeper.
How old is Fabianski?
Has he ever looked better?
How old was Jennings when he hit his peak?
Did any of them look a class above Szczesny at 22????
I really do not understand why Gooners expect a player, any player, to be world class simply because he is playing for Arsenal.
There, i left it open for everyone to change tack and ask why Wenger isn’t buying world class, experienced players.
Morning all!!
Notice i didn’t even mention these crappy balls 🙂
Oz, why is it a slice of luck for Wenger when Spuds lack of squad depth kills them again?
When it happens to Arsenal, it is not luck, it is bad management.
As a red headed dumb arse once said, “please explain” lol
Spuds played Bale too much, we you are spent you start taking things for granted , losing concentration and making irrational decisions.
Bale landed badly on his foot but I bet those ankles were already weak from playing week in week out and internationals etc.
Fergie is wise , he is resting RVP and i suspect some of his old injuries was creeping back and Fergie didn’t want to risk losing him for 8 months, so he is resting him.
Wenger is wise now as well, rested Wilshere and Walcot before he would have brought them early.
Podolski is super rested as well and we are even playing better without them .So they get more time to heal properly.
Spuds, one man team definitely. Everton will tear them apart.
I have said for quite a while Fabianski is potentially world class, if he gets his head right.
I have never based this opinion on 3-4 games, as i openly said this 12,18 even 24 months ago.
He still has a lot to prove, but he has had a very good start in this stint.
We should all be hoping it continues, rather than wondering out loud when it will stop.
on radio 1 now….. bale
Calm down Scott OZ (12.55)
We expect player in Arsenal to be world class because we are a big team . Our current situation or squad might not represent that notion but some of us have and will always have high expectations for our club.
We once had not long ago had 15 world class players in our team and Gilberto was a squad player (happy to be on the bench) and he went on to become the captain of Brazil.
So there you go , It is in our making to expect every Arsenal player to be a world class player. That might not be the case now but it is no excuse to lower our standards.
Afternoon All,
Scott you have indeed gone on about Flappy being decent if he gets his head sorted it’s still early days but he’s def beter than the nervous wreck we’ve seen before. You his agent by any chance..?
It is tinnie tempah playing on Radio 1 South?
Scott – Blame seaman, he started it 😉
I have a sneaky feeling this Ches/Fabianski thing is more about Fabianski staying…
last chance to show he’s good enough maybe?
You just got up Wath?
SD, you miss my point….there had to be one.
Simply….do NOT blame a player for not being good enough for Arsenal.
Do not blame a YOUNG player for not being experienced enough.
Hi Rico.
I wonder if Szczesny will ever cost us a CL final??
Did Seaman ever make a mistake 🙂
I am on a commission deal Wath lol.
Early days…definitely mate.
I hope in 12 months we are all saying we have a world class keeper, and a top rate back up who will end up world class.
I am pretty confident that will be the case, and hopeful we keep them both.
Sorry Rico….i wasn’t singling you out there….. It was aimed at Seaman 🙂
Been up hours Rico, Had someone on the dog n bone though… my ear nearly fell off she spoke so much 😉
🙂 Scott..
Seaman made a few mistakes, but he won us games too, many of them….
But Ches is young, he needs someone to push him, someone to help him. His career can be a good or as bad as he wants. It’s down to him imho…
I didn’t take it personally Scott, honest 🙂
I bet the poor woman couldn’t get a word in edgeways Wath 😉
SD – wasn’t talking about us guys mate. more the club and press singing the praises of the unproven commodity again mate
You could be right Rico but she was hanging on my every word 😀
We all know keepers very rarely are the real deal early 20’s but then again keep your head down work hard and stop telling everyone how great you are…!
Amazing how Mr Inconsistent Walcott comes up with me must be more consistent…. same kind of thing… keep your trap shut Theo and pull your finger out on the pitch..!
three of their key players injured at the business end of the season and thats not a lucky break for Wenger Scott? Do we recall despite us doing all in our power to throw it away last season they still managed to commit suicide, not at little fortunate either? I also don’t recall our injuries being related to bad team management mate? Poor selection of live stock maybe and sticking with them to long maybe, but you could hardly put any of the 3 spuds players in the leagues of Rosicky and Diaby and Co could you?
Seaman, like all goalkeepers made mistakes. The difference is with goalkeepers is that they are the last line of defence.
Seaman tended to do all the bread and butter stuff well such as taking crosses, making decisions to come or go, play it out or boot it into the stands, long throw, short throw etc….
Almunia was terrible, and the more he knew he was under pressure the worse he got ….. Fabianski’s head is or hopefully was always the problem but for completely different reasons to Szcny.
Szcny possesses an arrogance – “who else is better than me here?” He has just had a wake up call….
Sczny & Vermaelen both dropped. Both played versus BOTH Bradford & Blackburn.
Gervais and Coquelin are the other two who played in BOTH those games.
Spot on Wath about the players, shut up and work harder…
£100k a week Walcott, what a joke…
A for the phone call 🙂
Afternoon all Nice one Rico.
Don’t believe a word, Czezesney on his way out, Not a chance, Wengers slapped his hand that’s all, The lad has gotten too cocky and he has a loose lip but he’ll be back in, Flappy is doing alright but we all know he is an accident waiting to happen. O i wish we could offload both and buy a goalkeeper no one special just a goalkeeper.
I am not having a go Scott – let me explain. I have always considered Wenger a lucky guy. Look at where he came from, the fact that Dein dared even promote him in the first place was amazing – the way the whole thing has unfolded to put him king of the castle, i have never seen anything like this before. He’s untouchable in a very unsteady world of football managers. He’s got away with plenty and like last season has had luck well and truly on his side, when things looked to be sliding away. Even the FIFA change of ruling to give him his top 4 trophies every year. He lived for years under the guise of “oh yes but we’re just kids and one day” the press supported this for years as well. I actually don’t rate the guy anywhere close to many on here but do acknowledge he did some great things along the way – its just those are memories only now and we can’t keep hoping the old Wenger will be reborn. This one is stubborn, arrogant and still believes his way is best, just like he believes his purchases are best, even against huge evidence proving otherwise. Some people are born fortunate, other are not, he certainly was. He was destined for the back blocks of football till Dein arrived in Japan and i truly believe this Wenger would not last a season at any of the worlds big ambitious clubs. There is nothing wrong with being born lucky either BTW
agree WATH – earn your money and shut your trap should be the message to this lot now
Off out with the woofa, back later….
agree 100% sp1
When I was a kid, the big team in England were Leeds. They were a hard, aggressive, grinding side with both skillful, elegant and clinical players.. they were a good mix
I was at a charity do a few years ago with Norman Hunter as one of the guest speakers ….”I always get asked which player would have made us better?” he said smiling. “I replied Peter Shilton, Pat Jennings, Gordon Banks, Ray Clemence ….”
It was a directed “dig” at Gary Sprake.
Sprake was a big athletic goalkeeper who was as handy as a professional boxer as he was a footballer… check out him flooring Bobby Gould with a vicious left hook on YouTube ….
He was also a player who lifted the lid on Leeds trying to dictate the results of their matches at the business end of the season – Don Revie in particular …. He was sent to Coventry for it with only Jack Charlton ever speaking to him again ….
Sprake was the butt of jokes – careless hands etc… making major gaffes …. however what must be noted is that he helped that Leeds side win more games than he ever got credit for …. It is just that the majority of gaffes were in high profile televised games …. And back then the televised games were either Match of the Day or the Big Match … three a week at the most …
Seaman made ‘as bigger’ gaffes, but they are overshadowed as 95% of every game he played in for Arsenal has been televised… Seaman is probably the best keeper we’ve ever had ..
The best save I’ve ever seen from a keeper was Fabianski versus Wigan in the League Cup….
Consistency and a good head for 90 mins is always the key… and mastering that is what counts
Thanks Sp, I don’t think he is either, just been taught a lesson, same as TV…
I sincerly hope that Fabianski becomes the top quality goalkeeper we need…
But there a downside…
That is, we’ll have to listen to Scott go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on ad infinitum… 😉
There’s more chance of rocking horse shit coming alive AK 🙂
The trouble with Wenger is he believes in youth, he knows that youngsters need time to grow Physically and mentally he knows that most youngsters learn from their mistakes, and most do, but in an ordinary youngster who is searching for work and scratching a living he learns the hard way, Where a youngster who drives a nice fast car and lives in a nice pad and who has more money than sense thinks he’s made it and he knows best. Czezesney.
Sir Stevo, ha ha ha….. 😀
StevieP = Mettre le doigt dessus
Is that good Syg 🙂
That’s Wenger saying that you’re spot on re: youngsters
Got me ticket and got me seat on the coach for the trip to the Hawthorns tomorrow.
Always enjoy a junket to the West of Bromich…
1-0 to the Gunners, and it’ll a happy ride down the M6/M1.
good for you allez!
sp1 – does not help when the same person is trying to convince these overpaid loose cannons that “they are so much better than they realise” ppfftt 🙂
That’s Management for you Oz You have to boost them, but keep them hungry. 🙂
You have a safe drive AK we know you will sing your heart out.
Arsenal Press Conference.
“The trouble is Arsene you believe too much in youth, you must know that youngsters need time to grow physically and mentally,” stated StevieP with a very serious look mapped on his face.
“Va te faire foutre, vous troubler causant cul,” snapped Wenger. “J’ai été dans la gestion du football depuis que vous étiez un spermatozoïde.”
“What’s all that supposed to mean?” asked StevieP
Sir Peter Hill-Wood who was stood at the back of the conference room knew that when Arsene was being put under pressure, he reverted back to his native language. He’d also noted the same when he had complained about the service whilst on one of his jollies down in Brick Lane. Foreigners always mixed their language in front of the English, especially when cursing at them.
“You have never spent half a day in management,” translated Wenger.
“I’ve never shagged Kylie Minogue,” replied StevieP, “But I’m sure I’d know what to do if I ever came across it.”
“Paysan!” said Wenger under his breath.
AllezKev chipped in his two penneth trying to change the subject, “I sincerely hope that Fabianski becomes the top quality goalkeeper we need.”
“There’s more chance of rocking horse shit coming alive,” snapped StevieP
“what did he say, Arsene?” Asked Olivier Giroud who was sat to his left in his Arsenal hoodie and matching Nike cap.
“Il ya plus de chance d’un cheval à bascule en prenant une merde,” Wenger replied. “Il est un fauteur de troubles.”Il veut avoir des relations sexuelles avec Kylie Minogue.”
StevieP sat back and watched as Giroud chucked out a grin.
Whilst the conversation moved to and fro Sir Peter knew that StevieP had a point and that Arsene did not like to be contradicted. IT WAS INDEED TIME FOR A CHANGE. Tomorrow he would wear a black silk thong and a matching top hat.
QUALITY SYG, I dont know what you do Syg but your wasted there mate, top knotch 🙂
Lovely image in last para. So old etonian!………….”fag………….”
PHW needs his thong seeing to!
90% of the crowd on here Stevie are top rank ….. i
Ditto (i think that’s French) 🙂
Catch you all later things to do 🙂
me too off to bed – night gooner town
Afternoon all, have we signed anyone??
Kev – re your 2.31, Scott does that anyway 😉
Remember last season ‘I told you we’d get 3rd’ …. 🙂
Bale only out till April 21st. Poor do! Still got kt all to do, Arsenal that is. We can only win ALL our games.
Let’s hope that’s an ‘Arsenal 21st April’ Wavy 😉
He still misses 3 PL fixtures doesn’t he?
Just checked, it’s two PL fixtures, maybe one if he is fit for their game on the 21st… 🙁
Ankles are anyone’s guess. 21st is a panic statement.
Afternoon all,
re goalkeepers gaffes.
!n 1995 I was in Paris for the Cup winners Cup Final which we had won in 1994 by beating Parma 1-0..The score was 1-1 in extra time and heading for a Penalty shoot out. With seconds remaining the old spud player Nayim lobbed Seaman from 40 yards and we lost 2-1.
I can tell you it was a bloody long journey home and it was made even worse seeing the gloating spuds doing the Seaman wave for avery long time.
I have never forgotten that fealing and have never forgiven Seaman for that howler.
“Tottenham HOPE he will be back for the Manchester City game”
1. the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best: to give up hope.
2. a particular instance of this feeling: the hope of winning.
3.grounds for this feeling in a particular instance: There is little or no hope of his recovery.
4.a person or thing in which expectations are centered: The medicine was her last hope.
Well I hope he won’t be Syg – even if he is, can’t see City losing that one, especially if they are still in with a mathematical chance of the PL title…
I HOPE we get shut of all the dross
I HOPE we win the treble in 2013/14
I HOPE we retire Diaby and buy a real world class midfielder
I HOPE I get the £21M prize draw tonight
I HOPE that Bale is out for the season and that Chelsea slip up and we win all the rest of our games
Not one of his better moments Rick….
😆 – don’t we all?
Interesting – Spurs v Everton
Is Youssouf Mulumbu missing tomorrow then?
Just seen, he’s suspended..
Afternoon Rico and all.
Afternoon Adam..
Lovely sunny evening here. Bit nippy though.
Just going back an hour or so, we HOPE thet the only hope the spuds have is…………wait for it…………………..NO HOPE….boom, boom!
Sorry all.
Darn cold here, no sun, just cloud……
Dinner calls me, back shortly…
Make the most of a dry weekend here in England, the rain is set to return on Monday 🙁
Evening anyone…..
Well, if you lot think it’s far more important to go out on a Friday night, drink copious amounts of fine beer and wine, eat wonderful food with friends, family and loved ones than it is to be here on HH having a moan about all things Arsenal then so be it…….!!
I’m off to do the same 😛 😛
Have a fab night all, catch up tomorrow for another day of will we, won’t we win…..
Night all…..
Hi Rico, The clouds are speeding across the sky here in a southerly direction. We have gone from bright blue to dark grey. The temperature is going up and the rain is going to come down. I love Norfolk.
Wavy your like this,
I was in the bookers earlier,
2 geezers come in and asked the girl behind the ramp,
can you give us a price that the spuds don’t win another this season.
Laughing to much to ask what price they got.
Good morning all….except Rico and Kev, you cheeky bastards 🙂
I have to get on here and brag when i am right, because it NEVER happens at home lol.
Seriously though, i havemnever said Fabianski will be a world class keeper, i have always said he would be if he gets his head sorted.
So far, so good, but still a hell of a lot to prove to all of us.
On and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on…. 😀
And on a bit more 🙂
How goes it Kev?
Any unsuspesting tourists being fleeced lol?
How is business?
Sean is devastated….his first game has been called off due to rain!!
Kev, what’s all this shit about Scott being right… It is a known fact he is ALWAYS wrong…..!
Rain…. rain whats all that about don’t you only get snow down there in Wanganui Scott….?
Gee Wath, talk about insults.
You Welsh bastards are all the same 🙂
What is wrong with you… we’re all jocks FFS…. 😀
See you can’t get away from the sheep association Scott lol
Hey Wath, Digger, how you guys doing…
Off 2 watch some tv and then some kip… have a good day Scott..!
Camden is rocking tonight, or it was when I was last there..
Going to bed already, you poor old soul Wath… 😛
Scott, it was busy today. Now I’m having a few amber necters…
Tomorrow I will see the good guys get 3 pts at West Brom.
Can’t you read you geriatric… said off to watch tv then kip tc will last at least 2/3 hours Grandad…! 😛
Camden always rocking AK depends what on………….
Same trip Kev and enjoy mate, don’t forget boing boing…..
Hey Wath, when are you gonna join the Curry Club for an evenings entertainment?
You simply cannot continue to try and avoid us…
There is a beer with your name on it bruv… 😉
Morning all…
Have a great day Kev, three points for the good guys I hope…
New Post up…