Morning Gooners,
Well the miracle has happened, we have hit the top four.
I can tell you that has definitely put a few noses out of joint as according to so many, Arsenal football club were destined to be at the foot of the table at the halfway stage of the season!
Who said that?
Yes even hardened Arsenal supporters had said that after our poor start to the season and whilst I know there is still a long way to go, at least the rumbles have quietened about a change of management for the time being. As we all know though in this fickle world of football, you are only as good as your last game.
Our last game against Everton was pivotal if we were to get in the top four before the halfway stage and to now be there is in all honesty a credit to Wenger and the boys.
Pundits, Media, Papers and even ex Players and fans predicted sad times ahead and suggested a change in Manager, some even a change of Manager and owners but did they panic, did they jump ship did they run and hide?
No, they fought together to get us out of the mess we found ourselves in.
Many supporters would be quick to say that the position we were in was for one reason or another, right down to the way the club was being run and maybe they had a point but as far as I know these people are still in the positions they were in and that means they had faith in one another to get through that particular bad spell we were in.
All teams have bad spells and we are no different but nothing has really changed, we are still a club who have not won anything for quite sometime, we are a club that is hovering round the top of the league and in other words, we are still a nearly club.
Nearly won the Champions League nearly won the Carling Cup, nearly won the League.
We nearly brought this player, that player and we nearly got rid of some as well, almost but not quite but can you see what I mean?
Its time for the nearly part of Arsenal to turn positive, buy the player(s) we are after without hesitation and sell another with no trepidation.
The players we have in the squad now understand what is expected of them, those that are awaiting their chance, should by now know that when called on to do their duty, that the moment is then, not in two years time.
If they cannot grasp that chance and perform like their life is at stake, they should be replaced with someone who wants it more. In turn they revert to nearly men, Arsenal is not a charity or benefit office, it’s a thriving business and to stay a jump ahead it needs top personnel. Nobody should expect a meal ticket, if they don’t fit in, if they don’t want to work, move on.
Half of our problems are contracts, we sign players and give them good contracts in order to secure their future with us but its a huge gamble on a youngster. We believe he may have what it takes to make the grade and so the club take that gamble.
When that gamble pays off and he turns out a first teamer, we have a fairly cheap player but for every good one there is probably two or three that don’t make the grade and we are paying wages to a lost cause for the length of the signed contract.
That has a huge drain on the finances and whether this balances out over the seasons I don’t really know, or is this system is better than buying a player in with the experience that is required? I don’t know that either.
What I do know is that many supporters believe we are maybe two or three players short of a winning team and if I speak the truth I don’t know the answer to that either.
I ‘m not sure Wenger knows that either but if he should buy in the January window perhaps we will and then just maybe the nearly men will become Champions.
Do I really believe we can win the league?
With the right signings I am as certain we can, in fact as certain as I am that we won’t win the Carling Cup this season. 😉
We need points and we need to win against the leaders, if its done right we can become the Champions.
From seventeenth to fourth in less than half a season isn’t bad is it?
Continue that form and I believe we can still win the League, and in style.
Written by Steve Palmer
Arsenal gossip:
Chamakh is thinking of leaving according to The Daily Mail:
I am 27 and I need to play. I cannot stay like this forever. I won’t leave in January but I will take an important decision in June.

I was surprised by the offers I got last summer but my priority was to stay at Arsenal. A return to France? If so, it will be to Bordeaux.
Personally, I hope he goes in January but unless Wenger is prepared to replace him, I think we are stuck with him for the season…
Morning all,
Good post Steve, and I was one who wanted the board out and I still do, and that view will be even stronger if we don’t continue to build in jan.
Stan has to give Wenger money to spend next month on a striker and versatile defender.
Yes we are playing better but our squad is seriously weakened without Jack, Sagna, Jenkinson, Santos and Gibbs. Up front, we seem to have just RvP who can score.
If we buy those two players in Jan, we have every chance to win the PL, if we don’t, I can’t see us coping over the next few months…..
On and off this morning, have a few things to do annoyingly….
Maybe a verstaile defender on loan? Whether we need another full back permanently I doubt Wenger will see it that way. For some reason I’m confident that we’ll buy big on say Goetze to keep RVP happy or is this just wishful thinking?
Contracts on our ‘lesser’ players is definitely an issue-mind you if we take a slight hit on the transfer fee we should still surely be able to shift them!
people still kicking arsenal and hate the fact that its going in right direction inspite of their efforts to bring down club
Morning you guys and chicks of the gunners’ faith.
Good points Steve. Like Rico I still want some of the board out. I think that a chairman and CEO should also be at the training grounds and the stadium to gee up the players, they should be the first to face the flak and protect the manager and players. Ijn AFC case it is the manager who protects everyone and that is wrong.
Incidentally I still think that playing with four centrhalves we are more solid at the moment. Ok we have to scrape but better solid and win than open and risk. I still want Vertonghen and Cahill. That would be 18 to 20 million. And get a striker and a winger. Reus and Podolski/Remi would be good. The money is there, deadwood is there, sell the deadwood and get new players who want to play.
Not me steve, I always said we would be top 4 by december, it was the others………………
Morning all,
Teams above us are dropping points, points will be dropped tonight of that i’m certain, we are clawing our way back, we have players nearing fitness, and we are sitting in fourth place, i remember a post of mine a couple of months back where i predicted forth position, i was labled delusional, i said in that post, that i would be happy with that, but i lied, top spot is the place i want us to finnish, i know you probably won’t believe we can do it, but with players returning and a bit of luck, i believe we can, Chammys remark about not leaving in January has not pleased me, i was hoping for a striker for the new year, i believe this is a must for our continued success, but i don’t believe everything i read.
Morning Gooners.
4 month ago an injury ravaged Arsenal travelled to Manchester and suffered it’s most embarrising defeat in my living memory and memory of every other Gooner on this planet.
Now a much changed Arsenal both in terms of personnel, mental strength and a will not to lose, will make that same trip to Manchester to play a much better opponant.
At the end of that game we will really know where we stand among our rivals and what this squad of players can achive.
Morning Micko,
A man after my own heart.
Good post Steve, definitely nicely surprised about where we are in the league and I will admir I was one of them who never thought it possible. I am not 100% sure still that the owners and manager are the future but time will tell. Has Wenger learnt his lesson and will he but top talent, we will see but I fear not. For me Chamakh is another player that he won’t admit he got wrong..
hi all happy times for gooners as Spuds loose. A draw between Chelsea and City would make my day. I’m dreaming the title already, I mean contending for the title.
Morning AK &GS,
GS remember Chammy came on a free, granted not been electric for us but did have a good six months, maybe your right he hasn’t been what we had hoped for, but i reckon that when he does finally leave, we will make money on him, at the end of the day mate it is a business after all
Morning guys, great to see the hot scums lose last night. Now all we need is for them to have a mini slump and we ll overtake them.
Chamack on a free but with a value on his sale will mean that the player to come in his place will be free as well. So in that regard Wenger was not mistaken to sign him. The problem I see is whether he wants to go back to Bordeaux and they are willing to pay for him. I mean you have a player who leaves you on a free and then you take him back and pay for him. That is a bit ridiculous for me. So I hope that PSG or MArseille or Lyon come in for him and raise his value.
However, personally, I would still like him to succeed at Arsenal.
Good Points AK, Play against the best see what your up against like it, An important thing you said we met Utd with an injury ravaged side , we are better equipped now and i’m looking forward to it.
Exactly AK and Steve. Playing shitty will see how far we have come. Fortunately for us that 2-8 drubbing meant that things have been taken more seriously than ever before. I have a feeling this year that we will not be unravelling as usual come April and May. But we will be there or thereabouts at the finish.
Yeh see where your coming from DG never thought of that
Hi all.good read steve.
Morning Stan Spuds lose and the sun’s shining happy days
Hi KT bout time i read one of yours mate
Who are we rooting for in the fossil fuel derby tonight?…it will certainly be an emotional night for city fans on their first return to stamford bridge since they were chav fans 😉 😉 😉
Busy throughout the day guys….will pop in and out throughout the day hi DG kev steve….see ya fellas
In due time steve.
Will, I know your still reading HH bout time you resurfaced, i miss you mate.
Look forward to it mate
KT, i would like the Chav’s to win tonight got to get closer to the rag heads
Morning all…good post SP!!
Well that result certainly rounded the weekend off nicely!! 😆
Yeah Will, if you are reading poke your nose in mate!
Not that it makes much difference to their squad but anyone close to a ban??
Morning Lee, always nice to hear from you mate.
AK, how was the ruby last night?
Might be after tonight Lee. could be a good game hard and tough for 90 mins bruses and pulls and strains all round
Me too Steve. Would like to see the chavs winning even if it means going back to fifth, for the simple reason that I want to preserve the invincibles tag. However I can visualize Aguero and Dzeko giving Terry the runaround. Terry is a has been and if the chavs want to do better then they have to dump him. Like Cappello should also do.
Fingers crossed Steve!!! Soften em up for our visit!
Plus yellows and around two reds for the shitty oil diggers
I watched the chav’s manager on the touchline the other week, reminded me of Basil Faulty, he showed the passion that Wenger shows dont be supprised of an upset tonight i have a funny feeling City will start to tumble.
catch you all later
Afternoon Gooners.
Sorry i didn’t get back StevieP.
I actually read your poat after i had commented.
A great read, as per usual. And you should definately feel vindicated mate, because you never lost your faith.
Oh and Mick as well [ i think :-). ]
The question i always ask myself is, would Gazides have done as much business as he actually did on DD, if it hadn’t been for the 8~2…???
Was that result the club/AW needed to shake off their apathy?
DG. If we sell Chamakh for £8-£10m, then that constitutes a great piece of business.
Lee, i was too hungover to do anything mate.
I stayed indoors and went to bed early.
Mick would say ‘lightweight’.
And i couldn’t disagree.
The Stokie result sent me to bed chuckling though.
Mancini is a safety~first manager.
In other words he’s Italian.
I suspect that whatever the result this evening, that he will be very wary of Arsenal’s visit.
The Carling Cup tie proved that against a confident Arsenal team, that his bunch of mercenaries are vunerable.
I am quite relaxed about our visit to Wastelands.
If we don’t get a draw then i will be very suprised.
Oh, btw. Calm down Stan. 🙂
I like your positivity AK my old fruit!!!
when you back out to the shires AK?
Good point about looking beyond a top-four finish and having a crack at the title Steve.
Our expectation level is rising with each victory.
Not sure if there’s enough goals in this team to be able to sustain a title challenge.
What Gazides does in January to rectify that problem could be crucial to those hopes we secretly harbour [ harbor, for Oliver]..
But the quiet approach to our chances is the one we need to contiue to see. Leave the boasting to the others.
Maybe the influence of our new players is rubbing off on Wenger as well. Actions speak louder than words etc.
Next Monday Lee. Then i go into hibernation for a couple of weeks.
How long you got off mate?
29th and 30th what game(s) are you going to over the festive?
As it stands StevieP. If Arsenal finished in the top three above the Chavs & Scum, then to my mind that would constitute progress. And certainly progress beyond our wildest dreams only 7/8 weeks ago.
Winning a trophy would be fantastic, but this team is still recovering from it’s terrible start and will probably be playing catch-up all season.
Not sure mate. Might have to be a visit to the pub.
Boxing Day is a no no.
Might try to get some tickets for the Leeds game.
That’s if they’re not all sold~out already.
How’s things mate? All ok?
Yeah all ok (well as far as can be expected!)
Afternoon guys and gals…
Kev, a bird never learned to fly on one wing ! pints only in my round no halves allowed, I’m sure wath would back me up on that one !
I certainly would Micko!
Who mentioned pints, they are taller than me 🙂
It wasn’t the pints Mick.
Lee grows it. He knows it.
Rico, are you a half~pint? 🙂
Seems so, AK!!
Off to work you go…hi ho hi ho!! 😆
Hi all
The board is the problem, but they own the club and can’t be removed
With my bucket and spade I guess… 🙁
I thought it was more like ‘follow the yellow brick road’ this time of year…
ha ha ha!!
Ho ho ho….. 😉
Good post Steve,
A lot is still down to us getting stuffed by the mancs, would mr stubborn bought 5 experienced players if it wasn’t for 8-2……?
This team could be as good as it want’s IF and only IF wenger bought the right players in and he went a long way in addressing many of our problems with the players he got in. He got rid of some of the deadwood… still plenty to go and we all know who they are and I think 2/3 qulaity additions we’ll be a s good as anyone in any competition simple as that. The thing is will wenger finish the puzzle or will he leave us short yet again from a January sales…??
I am with Micko 100% only pints especially if it’s vodka and lemonade……….
Hi Wath – best he gets on and finishes the puzzle, two players in jan, two more in the summer…
Simples 🙂
Chris Foy…..the new Arsenal legend. 😆
Infact I have been told that Stoke are going to write to the FA to tell them that they would like to have him as a referee if possible every match. However the FA told them that this was impossible. They gave them the option of having him during the odd numbered games, that is, the 15th, 17th etc.
Just heard that Redknapp used the F word for the first time in his life….even he himself was amazed.
They should of never let 2 metre Peter go…. 😆
Redknapp and “F” word……. Must be “Fiddle” then DG…???
Hi DG,
Merry Christmas Arry, from Mr Foy and his officials 🙂
Didn’t know twitchy was a musician, WATH! 😉
He plays a merry tune Lee…..
Great news about Santos so we def need Vertonghen now….!
Wenger mustn’t start with that we have players to cope and cover shit as it’s been proved last few years that doesnt work, square pegs round holes etc etc get a proper left back or at least someone who comfy at left back that doesn’t make us weaker in the middle which is what playing TV at left back does to us.
2 metre Lee, nearly as tall as me then 😉
What is the santos news Wath
Just read it, three bloody months out 🙁
Yep, definately need wenger to dip into his shallow pockets now… That’s horrid news…
Tv can cover the odd game but he’s our best centre half so keep him there….. Gibbs can’t be relied upon so we need Vertonghen surely least then he replaces squilli as well and for me JD..Do we drop the reserve left back into the mix…? Miguel looks decent there as well although do we risk him against shitty…!?!?!?
Ain’t if just typical with us and f’kin injuries………
It was a shite decision to play him in the first place…..or was that decision taken out of AW’s hands due to a player not being CL registered?? My old man was waffling about it…..
Agree there Wath, said back in the summer we shouldn’t be relying on TV for cover,then he bought santos and we are still relying on Tv….
What is the lesser of two evils, JD at RB or Miquel at LB, surely it has to be the latter….
But Miquel was the only option Lee and he had to come on in any case so we should have started him…
But, your dad is prob right, the reserve ‘proper’ left back wouldn’t have been registered…
The young swiss kid is the reserve left back isn’t he …???? Martin Angha..??
Yeah that’s him, and he wasn’t CL registered…apparently!
Thought he was a RB Wath?
Seems Angha plays centre half George Brislen-Hall is a diminutive left back….. well so was Kenny Sansom but not many got past him and our Nige was hardly big was he…….!
Well i’d rather Miguel over JD anyday of the week and least then Kos can play right back which makes me feel miles better.
Martin Angha could be thrown into the spotlight against Everton, we hear, as a replacement for the injured Santos. Can’t see it myself. Johan Djourou, Per Mertesacke, Koscielny, Thomas Vermaelen: that’s my back-four.
The other strange thing is Angha is a right back or centre back. I remember he came on as a sub against Stevenage and everyone was saying how similar he looks to Marouane Chamakh. He only had about 15 minutes or so to show what he could do, so I couldn’t really form a judgement on him.
But Arsene Wenger is not going to throw a 17-year-old into the fray unless he has no option. Angha wasn’t even registered for the Champions League and it’s a bit disturbing to hear the management forgot that and got as far as the airport for the Olypiacos away trip before realising their mistake. Are they going senile?
just found that…
Miguel did pretty well against Johnson in the CC game !!
Just Ditherer gives me the heebie jeebies……..
Me too wath, Kos at RB and Miquel at LB ….
Leave TV to do what TV does best….
Lee 😆
Senile – I think they are sometimes…..
Rico, if Wenger isn’t going to play Miquel against Everton at home, then i can’t see him playing at Wastelands.
Lee has got it right about our back~four this weekend. It picks itself.
Wath is also right, with Santos out forr 3 months, that’s the end of March, Ivan Tightwad Gazides better get his arse in gear and sign Vertonghen
Another 20 odd 1~0 wins will do me.
Rico. You put me into moderation…..
I didn’t mean about half~pint…honest… 🙂
He’s one of TV’s best mates? Well get tapping TV….
Nice thing is, Angha is a big boy for his age 😉
Hi AK, not sure what happened there 🙁 Tbh, if he wasn’t going to play Miquel in a dead rubber in greece then, no chance against Citeh….
Shame really as moving TV really upsets the balance….
that’s because you were getting all shortist AK!!
Evening guy’s and Girls
Thanks for your coments, easy to write somthing we all want to hear.
JD for me looks like a zombie, he stares, and he hesitates for a long time before he picks the wrong option, and above all he scares the shit out of me, i hope and pray that no one gets injured, keep him in his coffin and away from the green green grass.
Don’t mention the “test pilot for airfix”…..
Wonder is Wenger see’s it the same way Lee, surely he has got to realise that we are in dire need of JV now…..
Yeah Rico, and hi to you [ how rude of me ].
I know it’s easy to be an expert in hindsight, but we all had misgivings about Santos playing in that game.
It just seemed and was an unnecessary risk.
Hi Steve,
JD frightens the heck out of me too….
Now now Lee, that’s heightism 😉
Lee… :-). :-). 🙂
We didn’t need Tv or Santos playing in that game AK, he rested so so many, an extra two wouldn’t have made much difference…
If thats true about Santos we will have to keep him away from the canteen for a couple of months.
And KFC 🙂
Hi guys……did I hear you fellas say santos is out? For how long?
Hi goonster – three months 🙁
At least……
Three months! Lord give me strength. I knew it. I knew something like this was gonna happen. When ll wenger learn. We had nothing to lose playing that game with reserves and youth. But nooooo he had to take santos and vermaelin with him to athens. Now what do we do? Gibbs is so unreliable. His injury record is almost as bad as diaby’s! Men we are fucked.
JV in january goonster is a must…..
Men,am so angry. I ve not been this angry since he bought shitvestre. He does like shooting himself on the foot don’t he?
Not on this side of judgment day maam. Did you listen to his press conference? We ll be lucky to get new additions. The on way we ll buy is if we sell! The deadwoods plus arshavin should fetch uS a whooping 40m. Hopefully we get gotze JV and maybe a striker. But I doubt it.
I was surprised he played in greece, only because we have Gibbs out, crazy decision but as AK said earlier, hindsight is all too easy….
Just saw wenger rule out moving for gourcuff. Fishy, watch out guys. He may be on his way. Arteta anybody?
goonster, said it before, and will again – don’t believe a word wenger says about transfers, just look back on all his comments in the past and see what has actually happened in comparison….
he said a few days before DD in the summer that we would not be signing anyone, look what happened….
You said it rico…..the only way we keep robin is by showing ambition. And showing ambition means buying top class players. I think wenger and the board know this. They had better move fast or we lose robin. Gourcuff anyone?
they won’t risk losing rvp goonster, but summer will see that happen, jan is more about what the team need and right now i don’t care if we spend a tenner on a striker as long as he scores goals…
gourcuff – no thanks, not for me….
Rico I won’t take gourcuff either but he’s class. I ll rather gourcuff than gotze. Yoann is 25 with experience of playing in the highest level. He won’t be looking to leave three years down the line. He ll probably end his career with us while in gotze, I smell another nashit! I may be wrong but please experience over youth. We ve got enough youth players to buy more. Besides spending 30 odd million on a german kid is ludicrous.
Hi Rico… in the post bag.
I would prefer Gourcouff to Gotze. First he can play as a second striker or central midfielder. Secondly he has experience and will stay on like DB10 did. Infact I can even go on to say that he will have the same effect as him.
Regarding the defence I feel that AW should look to add Cahill and Vertonghen. If Gibbs keeps on breaking down I can assure you we would need both. And with Santos out till March then we do need one and FAST. If possible on 1st January not on the 31st January.
A lot of whispers going around that Kalou is a done deal to arsenal in january and he’s not playing in the african nations cup………hardly sets the pulse racing does it.
Reus goonster, he’s the one apparently 😉
Hi DG, thanks 😉
Cahill and Vertonghen – l like that idea and reports are suggesting we are back in for Cahill 🙂
Kalou, thanks for that nes Micko, you sure know how to cheer us up 😉 😉
Ka who? No way! Why do we always go chelsea rejects? If we wanna shop at west london blue why not get torres? Kalou? That guy can’t hit a barn door besides he ll bugger off to the ACON every two years. Just like gervinho song and chamakh. No thank you micko but if do get him then its all your fault!
Oh crap, again with the cahil thing? Let it go mama bear. Its not gonna happen. Sheeesh you ll think you ll get the hint by now. No cahill JV or any other CB for years to come. We ve got tons of them like wenger ll say. And don’t forget, he sees song as a CB!
Don’t shoot the messenger goonster but if we do sign him you have my permission to slap me around the face with a wet fish !
Shitty start with Mario Balotelli over Edin Dzeko and James Milner instead of Na$ri
That means he will try to contain them and play with 5 across the middle to try and stifle them. He is Italian and that means safety first tactics. A point is better than nothing.
I ll do worse micko….I throw you and him off the cliffs of dover!
No Richards either so its Mata vs Zabaleta. I think that Mancini is more worried about us than about the chavs. Make no mistake about it.
goonster, you won’t catch us…..
off for dinner…..
What about the chavs line up DG? Any notable absentee?
The title? It depends of our performance next two games. Two victories and we will be fight for it; one or two defeat and forget it.
With Santos out until March (at least…) and whithout Sagna Jenkinson,Gibbs,wilshere, Diaby (?) on december, January and February (for some of them) and more gervinho,chamack and Fripong, we need a central forward, a midfield player and a versatile defender (preference if he can plays like a full back). Three questions: a) After Afican Cup we can’t think that the players are fit for playing again in the League and the LC. Playing an African Cup is very hard to the players in all levels. So, even they come back on February, they must rest one-two weeks b) If you go to the market on January what we do with so many players in March/april, when we can be only in the League? c) If we go to the market on January, we must loan or sell players. Everybody is agree who must be loan/sell but with 8-9 players out, how can we manage this? In January, we must give to UEFA another sheet of register names; if we go to the market, without be in Carling Cup,we must loan players. If not, the subs now the have no chance to play again. Also, we must think in buy players preparing for playing in all the competitions.
For the moment, let’s hope win next two games, then the two Cristmas matches, hope nobody is injury until January and then look forward
Romeu starts for the chavs instead of Lampard who is on the bench
together with Torres. Drogba starts and the rest is the same. Balotelli to give Terry a torrid time
Hi JM. That is why with all respects to African footballers I would not have any of them in my team. Look at SAF, how many african footballers does he buy???? If they go galivanting on a safari in the middle of the season then I am sorry……I will not sign any of them.
You said it DG….we ve got enough africans already. Don’t need more. I ll rather an eastern European….serbia if you don’t mind. They ve got some young players coming up. I ll rather we get a few than chase more african players.
What is the score guys…
Roma 1 Juventua 0
Told you mates……Balotelli versus Terry is a no brainer. He will give him such a great runaround that he will feel dizzy for a week or two.
the chavs will go on to get a hiding unless they start imposing themselves. shitty 1-0 up
Hi JM, good comment, let’s beat Citeh and go from there 🙂
I’m heading off now guys, enjoy tonights game… 😉
Nighty all – stay safe…
Hopefully city ll get a few red cards…and make the job easier for us.
1.1 t half time pretty good game, company on a yellow, Chavs not doing to bad, but in all honesty city look good. At the moment it could go either way
Balotelli with the first for city early goal, Merelles with the equaliser bit of needle second half kicked off
Sturredge yellow card
Come on clattenburg book kompany one more time so he ll miss our game.
hi ya steve…looks like mancini has one eye on our game. Seems he rested a few player. Like DG said I think he fears us more than the chavs.
both teams a bit cagey
Company lucky should have been booked again for a foul ref gives nothing
Am not watching steve….following it via twitter. Who looks more likely to take the lead.
Hopefully he win eh steve? Him and yaya I hope then a few knocks to keep silva and aguero out against us…..that would be a glorious day.
Hope AW is watching wit attention the game. They have the front line ahead. The gap is if in one team is enough quality for playing in te 2/3 of the field and win the battle of the midfield. This is our advantage in the Carling Cup game. The problem is the counterattack. With so good, faster and quality players in front. and with more space for playing this is poison…
It’s why we lost Carling cup game. At the end, we are not lower.
clichy sent off!
Clichey sent off, one out for Sunday
Roma 1 Juventus 1
City down to ten men half hour to go
Clichy off? Hallelujah
still looks like it could go either way Stan
Kolo coming on for aguero
Hope its Kompany or Aguero to get a red also.
Even with ten men steve? Are you sure the chavs won’t do them?
chelski pressing
He’s trying to close the game out steve….kolo for aguero sounds a he ll be contented with a draw. What a muppet
City struggling
Any injury to report? Hopefully?
one of them games Stan still could go either way
From what you ve seen can we take them?
Lampard coming on for Remires
I still want a draw. I want us to be the team that beats them. Its only right.
Sorry Mereles
De jong coming on for silva
Game set match….chavs to win. Lampard to score the winning goal.
Can we take ’em guys? Come on say something.
Drogba yellow
city getting untidy now
pe3nalty chelsea
lampard goal 2.1 chelski
chelsea two changes 6 mins left deko coming on
Told ya….
Decko on lescott off
Still no one responds…steve can we take them? Sheesh answer me dammit!
city is nervous…
their going like the clappers fucking good game mickel on for fuck nos
Oh bother..
90 mins up and still playing
plus 4 mins
That’s it am going home…
all over were still the invinci bles fucking good game
🙂 🙂 🙂 lol 😆
🙂 🙂 🙂 lol 😆
🙂 🙂 🙂 lol 😆
😀 😀 😀 redface 😳
😀 😀 😀 redface 😳
😀 😀 😀 redface 😳
wer back into 5th but who gives a shit 3 pts closer to the rag heads and were still the invicibles well played chelski
dedicated to the original INVINCIBLES…….THE ONE AND ONLY. Toure and Clichy included.
Just poured myself another treble vodka an i am celebrating COYG
DG you slimy bastard…..hahahahahahaha good night guys
Thats the bolox DG ha ha ha
Nte Stan
The score maybe worst for us. City would like to forget this defeat in next game… or not… his mentallity would be down and not credit in theirs performances…
Wait for Sunday
One game at a time JM
Nte nte all blinding night
Good honest blog Steve. Just at Euston awaiting a train. I honestly think that all we do is paper over the cracks defensively. Its like being involved in a car crash, but escaping with a bumper scrape, and then feeling relief at that.
We really need to sell the also rans, for whatever we can get, therefore reducing the wage bill and freeing up money to buy some quality players, with a top up from the board.
The problem is in defence, they all look shakey, non confident and never really attack a ball at set pieces.
Anyway rant over.
But again, good blog Steve.
Great result for the Invincibles.
Wonder how this result will affect Mancini and Shittie psychologically???
Mancini must feel under huge pressure to succeed with the Arabs looking over his shoulder.
This result coming so close on the back of CL elimination.
All those old doubts will come flooding into the psyche of Mancini, his players and the Shittie fans.
Could be a good time to play them?
They will be nervous and Mancini will be cautious.
Morning Lee.
Night AK!
Morning Lee
Night AK
morning Rico….
New Postie up…
Bit wet and windy this morning Lee 🙁