Well well, the Premier League has grown a pair after handing out a massive ten point deduction to Everton FC after the club was found guilty of breaching profitability and sustainability regulations after reporting a loss of £372million over three-years – £122million more than the £250million permitted. Championship clubs Leicester City and Leeds, together with Burnley, are reportedTo have confirmed their intention to sue Everton for a total of £300million after the club were found guilty of breaching financial fair play rules. According to MailSport, senior figures at the three clubs held talks this afternoon to reaffirm their plans to sue after the Premier League confirmed Everton’s guilty verdict and 10-point deduction, the biggest in the competition’s history.

This is big news isn’t it? Man City owners and board members must be quacking 8n their boots having previously been charged with over 100 financial related breaches and possibly Chelsea too after the vast amount of money the club has spent since Todd Bohley took control of the club, plus, if the the PL digs deep, they might even find something untoward from the Roman Abramovich era.

Arsenal seem to be ok as far a finances go but the FA have slapped a misconduct charge on Mikel Arteta for the comments he made after the Newcastle match. The FA statement reads:

Mikel Arteta has been charged with a breach of FA Rule E3.1 following comments that he made in media interviews after Arsenal’s Premier League game against Newcastle United on Saturday, November 4. It’s alleged that his comments constitute misconduct as they are insulting towards match officials and/or detrimental to the game and/or bring the game into disrepute.

Mikel Arteta has until Tuesday to respond to this charge. I’ve no idea what kind of penalty he’ll receive if found guilty but I reckon the proverbial book will be thrown his way. A big fine and a touch line ban I suspect. Arsenal as a club could yet be in trouble too as according to The Telegraph “Tregulatory action will be taken against clubs if they support managers who criticise referees” – and as we know, the club publicly announced their support of Mikel Arteta by releasing an official statement.

If only the attention to detail within an investigation of financial breaching and post match interviews by managers was given to one of the major problems within the game. For far too long and far too often, those who officiate matches have been making mistakes. Yet nothing is being done about it. We have Dermot Gallagher on Sky Spirts giving his review on a Monday morning but after that, there’s nothing. The big carpet comes out and the glaringly obvious mistakes are quickly brushed under it. The occasional referee will be given a Championship match to officiate the weekend after his cockup but what hood does that do long term? None. Plus, why should he be deemed ok for the Championship? Send him off to Sunday League football, then he might think a bit harder about his job and how he can improve.

Mikel Arteta will be expected to keep quiet and behave himself in future though…

As for Everton and their ten point deduction, I read they’re likely to appeal. Successfully or not only time will tell but if their ten point deduction sticks, City could end up in League One if a few of the charges against stick…

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