Well guys, I don’t know if you have seen the headlines in the last couple of days but if you have you would have seen that England is about to head into the real winter time and snow has been forecast.
The areas predicted to be hit are London and the South East.
Thursday is when the temperatures are due to drop dramatically and should be well below zero overnight and snow, coupled with freezing temperatures could very well hit the football programme…

However, we all know here in the UK that things can change overnight and despite the weather warnings, we are just as likely to have rain, fog and warm temperatures, so I doubt we will see the sights as above for a few weeks yet.. Thankfully!
I have my snow broom out though, just in case – don’t want to be unable to get to the television at 5.30pm on Saturday. 😉
Yesterday we talked about Diaby and whether or not his days should be numbered with us and it was clear from the comments that he’s a player who divides fans opinion which brings me to another who has over the years done the same. Ok, he’s never played for us but no doubt many fans wish he had have done.
Yesterday David Beckham signed off from his five-year stint with LA Galaxy and he’s free to sign for whichever club he wishes to but at 36 years old, not many sides would take such a risk, not many sides would be able to afford his wages to be honest.
Right now he is fit, healthy and still helping to set up goals as he did for Landon Donovan, in LA’s 1-0 victory over the Houston Dynamo in the MLS Cup final. Nice way to sign off eh?
Having been allowed to keep fit with us before, maybe he should return the favour and sign on for the remainder of the season, what do you reckon – Beckham and Henry for five months, what could that do for Arsenal? Sell shirts……. 😉
One man who could do well for us is Lukas Podolski, he really could make a difference and if Wenger is really interested in this player then he needs to get off his butt and sort this out.
That lot down the road are struggling with the reported £17M price for Lardy asked by Citeh so they are supposedly looking further afield. Well, Germany actually and it seems they are interested in signing the striker that we fans believe would take the pressure off of Robin van Persie.
Citeh themselves are also reported to be interested in the German but, why would he go there? He loves playing and joining them would just mean time on the bench and would you rather play under a manager who is about to be up in court or would you rather be coached by one of the best?
Yes Arsene, that’s you, now go and get Podolski in Jan, make us all very happy and with it, reassure your captain that Arsenal is the best place for him to be. He knows it, just make sure he doesn’t forget it!!
Few stories to pass on, Chelsea are interested in Gary Cahill – well some guessed that already and having seen their dire defence in action at the weekend, they need him.
Apparently, two of our scouts were in Germany at the weekend watching Goetze score the winner in the 1-0 win over Bayern Munich in the Bundesliga and reports suggest that Ivan Gazidis and Richard Law will discuss our interest in Goetze with Dortmund officials this week, well more like later today or tomorrow.
Yeah right but if we are to believe Wenger has £50M to spend in January, anything could happen…..
Have a good day all…..
Morning all…
Morning HH… Goetze & Poldoski that’ll do for me!
Morning Lee, would that use up the £50M, or a bit to spare?
Hmmmmmmmmmm Podolsky or Goetze? Truth be told it’s hard to choose…..why not both;)
TT you stole my thunder…
Heh Lee great minds think alike……;)
Morning TT, but we can get both with £50…
Then make sure we ship out those we are paying for on loan…
Wishful thinking imho…. also if song keeps stalling sell the fucker and buy m’vila!
Podolski is not that good. He has a very good left foot – but that’s about it. He doesn’t support the defence enough, and his technical skills aren’t that great either.
Besides that, he didn’t make it at Bayern and everyone in Germany thinks he won’t be able to make anywhere else than in Köln.
If there is a chance to buy Götze – Arsene has to take it. He is the greatest talent in German football since Lothar Matttheus 🙂 But I don’t think Arsenal will be able to sign him. He will go to Bayern someday I guess. His skills are absolutley phanomenal – Prince Poldi is not compareble to him at all.
Err we need more than £50 rico hate to break it to you…..multiply that with 1000000 🙂
TT’s on the ball this morning Rico!! 😉
And there was me being all hopeful TT 😉
£30M for Goteze, how much is Podolski??
Lee, you and TT usually are…..
Now where is Stanley, he’s in the know 😉
Welcome Ben…
Are you sure re Podolski??
You think Arshavin will be on his toes in Jan??
Yep, i don’t get why he’s not playing and not even from the bench. If he doesn’t feature tomorrow that will speak volumes. Maybe Wenger didn’t like him telling the press that Wenger is untouchable….
A quality players career has gone down the pan with us imho….
Good post Rico but as always just because Arsene has 50m doesn’t mean he’ll spend it….well in my dreams he does 🙂 Goetze would be amazing but they won’t sell him yet. We need some more unknown names on the mix, after all that is his speciality
Yes – I’m sure about Poldi – 17 Million would be a waste of money.
The greatest players in Germany (besides the Bayern stars) are at the moment Götze and Reus – if Arsenal could get one of them it would be awesome. I believe there is a chance with Reus, but not with Götze. Although Rummenige (Vice-Pres Bayern Munich) already said they have a strong interest in Götze and espcially in Reus (he doesn’t say that very often and usually those players will go to Bayern).
I think both players won’t be availible in January though. Mönchengladbach have their best season since ages – spotted currently on the 2nd place (and all just because of one outstanding player 😉 ). Dortmund are 3rd and only 3 points behind Bayern – they are back in the title race..
Agreed Rico, Aarshavin failed because Wenger has always played him out of position. This imo is because of his obsession with Fabregas, which was ultimately misguided unfortunately.
Morning Sam – you know i’m an old cynic, i don’t think there is £50 for him and i cetainly don’t think he would spend £30 on one player but like you say, we can hope that one day he will 😉
I don’t care who he gets as long as they can do what they are supposed to, like create goals, and score goals 🙂
You clearly follow the german league Ben?
Reus has been talked about here too, mind you we talk about them all 😉
Money talks though and if we really want either, the right price could get the player if he is ready to move…
Got to pop off for an hour, back in a bit….
Hi guys, Mario goetze you say? Nah, he won’t be joining us. You know why? Cause he wants to stay in germany close to his parents(he’s still 19) and won’t be leaving their shores any time soon and besides that gum chewing,red faced bastard wants him! And we all know”whatever jojo wants….jojo gets. Afternoon rico.
Hi Rico
AW cold have a billion but it’s unlikely he’d spend a shilling unless forced
” quote ”
” And we all know”whatever jojo wants….jojo gets. Afternoon rico.”
……and I think he still lives with his folks or was that “marko marin? Hmmm, well he won’t be joining us and I don’t get why you lot are getting excited over another kid, we need a 25/26 year old “type signing. Not another “nashit” who ll wanna leave us after 2 seasons. Granero is that man. He’s young,spanish and great with the ladies*wink* and most of all he’s what we need right now not mario goatee! Don’t get me wrong he’s a wonderful player. I ll take him with my eyes closed but we ve been burnt so many times during the past seasons that I don’t trust “wonder kids” anymore.
Hi alan, I think he ll sign. He’s got to keep robin happy. Ain’t no way our captain ll sign a new contract without assurance. He ll sign alan. Relax.
Hi Goonster
Well, let’s hope we get someone of good talent. We will need it when RvP has his seasonal injury
I get sick & tired of listening to that Northern git Steve Berry & George Galloway on ” Talksport ” always making charges of ” racism ” against whites
There..I said it!
I’m agree with Ben. Pobolsky has a strong shot with his left foot but is not a remarcable player. Reus and Goetze are the best players in Bundesliga apart Bayern team. Of course Bayer run for them. Is every year is the same. Of course there are others players in a diffrent level. I usually follow the Bundesliga and the are others interesting players. A few from others countries. However, Bayern d0n’t paya a lot for a player. Always has a plafond. In that sense, Ozil was transfer for Madrid for instance. But Newer was transfer for Bayern.
The neighbours are now in the 3rd place. Parker is their leader. For me, they have good chanches this year… ok, I know I’m dreaming. I really hope so 🙂
Racism against white? How’s that?
Hi Rico,
well I’m from Germany and besides that a big gunner fan 🙂
Arsene is obviously looking at the German League (Mertesacker and all the rumours about german players) and I think the best signing with a reasonable price and fair chances of signing him is Reus. He has a buyout clause with 18 Million € for next summer (and says he always chooses the Gunners on the PS3 :D). But I’m pretty sure Mönchengladbach won’t sell him in January.
So otherwise real great players that will help Arsenal won’t be availible in Germany in Jan and Podolski won’t help the Gunners! He will feel homesick within 3 days. I think he can’t even speek english…
There have been rumours about Papiss Demba Cissé last summer – I guess they will warm up and I think that would be a great option! He is an awesome striker. Since he arrived in Germany he scored 36 goals in 61 matches at a club that would be compariable to norwich or Wigan. I think he would be a great signing (though no one really knows him outside of Germany).
yeah you are JM….and its a nightmare get out of it. The spuds finishing in top 4? What’s next? Tony pulis getting a mohican?
Hi ben so what do you think about our chances with goezte? I think its pretty slim. What is your view?
yes, Reus is also a fantastic player. Demba Cissé is french I think, but born or originate from Senegal. He plays in Freibourg. AW know him sure. Another interesting player.
Afternoon guys….
Hi Goonster
At Talksport, people like Galloway, Berry, Cullimore are always on about ” racism ” It hasn’t stopped since the Evra incident, and Terry compounded it
With no prima facie that I can see, they have virtually convicted Terry & Saurez
Bloody disgaceful
Afternoon rico….how’s the woofie? Mine’s almost dying yet not! Think I ll sell him to a chinese guy down my street. He ll make a tasty dish during the chinese new year. What do you think?
I had a feeling you might be Ben 😉
If ever you want to write a post on your views, feel free to email me 🙂
Hi DG, goonster, alan and JM
what i think goonster, is that you are trying to wind me up but you have failed…..
so you are in china today then, where will you be tomorrow?
Crazy isn’t it alan. Well fuck it am gonna say it anyway. I don’t think terry is racist. That c**t evra got what he deserved. Wish he got banned too. What a tool.
Hahahahahaha rico you smartypants. Ok you got me.
Hi goonster,
I think very very little chances and nearly no chances of signing him in January. He won’t go to the likes of City for sure. I guess the only chances of signing him will be in the next summer. Bayern won’t need him yet (Ribery, Robben and maybe Reus..). If he will stay in Dortmund till the end of next season, he will be targeted by all the big clubs for sure. He is just phenomenal and his progress will continue. He was last year one of the top 3 players in Germany, he confirmed his status this year as well and he is just 19 years old!
That’s it ben. By the time the euro kicks off, he ll be twice his current worth now. So that automatic rules us out. Good.
What about Reus Ben, is he happy in Germany or do you think the PL temps him?
So goonster, are you in China today? 😉
Stan in China….
More like a Chinese takeaway…. 🙂
Hey besides rico…I never said am in china! I said a Chinese guy down my street. There are tons of them everywhere. Geez, wonder where they come from.
Hi Rico. Great post.
Reus…. I’d have him in a flash.
A goalscoring m/f.
Good call Ben, guten tag.
Gotta go back to work.
Hi ya kev…nah am in my trawler heading to the north sea.
Hi AK, how are things in the City, mind out for Goonster on Oxford Street 😉 He’ll been coming out of a takeaway with chips 😉
Good goonster, i love chinese food…..
Nah rico I don’t do chips, chicks, I do. Besides am fat and I need to cut down on the intake if you know what I mean.
Diaby’s back ladies and gentlemen…..am so happy. Look out folks. He’s a man on a mission. So exited.
🙁 goonster, what is your fav dish where you live??
Deep joy re Diaby…..
Shame Rosicky is out though…..
Yeah rico…..shame of TR7 but hey abou is back. Its a win win situation no? And apparently wenger has ruled out signing goetze. Good. Best decision ever. Now go get me granero.
Afternoon all,
So the big freeze is about to hit london this weekend, thanks for the warning rico, just the bare essentials it is then.
Wooly hat – check
Gloves – check
Deluxe willy warmer – check
Long johns – check
Arsenal win – check
David beckham – no thanks.
Boo!! How is everyone? I have a loooot to catch up on. The Germs sound like a real good deal.
Hey, rico! 🙂 How are ya? Goonster, careful, we’ll get the RSPCA to go after you. 😀
Why do you want Granero so much? He’ll only want to go back to Spain one day…..
Micko you are a legend. I care less for the rest bar the arsenal win. You guys in the UK had this coming…*tongue out*
😆 Micko, size smmall for the WW i take it
Howdy agag, you been holidaying again 😉
Did you bump into Stanley… 😉
Hey AGAG….now my day is brightened so long tuesday blues(is there anything like tuesday blues) AGAG is in the house. RSPCA? Pssss I ve got a few friends over there. They ve got nothing on me.
Guten Tag allezkev 😀
as I said above – Signing Reus would be way more realistic then signing Götze and Reus is a way better player than Podolski.
Reus’s buy out clause for the next summer is 18 Million €! This is nothing compared to what english clubs pay for english players (best example Carroll or Henderson). He scored 10 goals last season and already 10 goals this season. Gladbach totally relies on him, he saved them from relegation last year. Singing him in January won’t be easy but maybe possible. I’m sure though he will leave Gladbach in summer!
as this article (http://www.express.de/moenchengladbach/raketen–fieber-20-mio–arsenal-jagt-reus,3286,11111300.html) says he always plays with Arsenal in FIFA12 on PS3 😀
hi all dear gooners wherever you are. Hi rico.
goonster agree with what you said about Diaby. Diaby’s been through hell and I’m really glad he recovered. I don’t how can you criticise a player when he never had the opportunity to finish a season without injury. Last season in most of his games he was consistent and we should condemn him for one mistake [newcastle] that he committed.
So Reus is a possibility, but does Wenger think the same way as we all do, I strongly suspect not – sadly if he buys it will be a much cheaper option…. 🙁
Hey, Micko. Woolly hat season again, eh??
rico, yep. I’m knackered. 🙁 I saw cops cuffinng a someone and throwing him into a car. I was sooo sure it was goonster. 😀
I read some arsenal bloggers saying that we have as many points this season as we had this stage last season. Is that right?
Hi ya osi….long time. Where have you been mate?
Hi agag, yeah brass monkeys over here, you know christmas is just around the corner when the radio stations start playing slade songs.
Definitely me agag….I went to see a peep show without a ticket in phuket. Wow now that rhymes….ticket and phuket!
Hi Osi..
agag 😆 re goonster, you must need another holiday then….
Micko, you only need your “Beer coat” when it’s freezing!!
Lee, i wear my beer coat all year round ! It never comes off.
I thought that was ‘Last Christmas’ Micko….
Tsk tsk, goonster. But definitely in character. 😉 Micko, lol.
Really great comments, Ben. Go get writing for rico. 😀
rico, you’d have loved Langkawi. Very picturesque and chilled out and lovely. AK, where are you?? I remembered you and Lee when I was having all those curries.
Good man Micko, it’s like the ready-brek glow but invisible! A must for the discerning drunk come summer or winter!! 😉
Ben, some interesting stuff, i must admit i’m a bit ignorant of players in other leagues, i tend to only concentrate on the EPL, french is all greek to me so make sure you keep us posted with the latest on the arsenal targets that were supposedly after.
AGAG, he was last on a rank outside St Pancras….
Did you just call me an alcoholic lee ?
yeah goonter, it’s been busy for me so i didn’t have time to come for chat.
stop it agag 😉
i wonder if Song had his beer coat on when he went walk abouts in the snow last year….
No Micko, someone that has the same “pastimes” as me….nothing wrong with that!! 😉
Have to say our poor relations up the road are starting to become a bit of an irritant, could be a fight to the finish, more reason to add a bit of quality to the team in january.
Lee, any port in a storm.
rico, it was wonderful. 😉 I still remember that Song story. 🙂
AK works too hard, Lee. He should go on more tea breaks. 😉
Micko, our poor relations are always an irritant. 😀
Agree re the neighbours Micko, we could do with Parker and Lardy getting injured or a couple of red cards, and i bet Arry adds a couple in Jan, if he’s not in prison 😉
I bet it was agag, I have to wait until Spring next year for a trip to the coast 🙁
rico, it’s been a while since you’ve been off. 🙁 Go have a quick break. 🙂
rico, i believe kev has a home in southend-on-sea if you would like a weekend away.
I’m fine agag, the weather is rubbish here now so it wouldn’t be a good time to go, once the warmer days arrive in march/april going to find a part of england to explore, well, the beaches 🙂
🙂 Micko, best i start being nice to him……
Afternoon all.have you got my post rico?
KT!!!! 😉 What have you been up to??
rico, sounds like a plan. 🙂 And go convince AK to cede his home for bit. 😉
Afternoon Kt, no, just checked and nothing in the HH email box 🙁
I’ll sneak in when he goes to London next spring agag 😉 Don’t tell him though…..
Agag. Tea break. 🙂
Rico, Ben should be our Bundesliga spy.
Mick. There’s nuffink wrong with Southend mate.
I can see agag now with a stick of candyfloss & a plate of jellied eels. Just don’t go in the water…
Hi Kev, I’d take a dip 😉
I have asked Ben, I don’t know if he saw my invatation though 🙁
You got snow in the city yet 😉
Rico your welcome anytime…
Lee, where’s Mr Happy? 🙂
I’m packing my wetsuit and suitcase right now Kev, when are you back 😉
I did hear that the temp’ was gonna drop on Thurs.
Mind you, i might have read that on here Rico. 🙂
Dec 18th. Then i’m gonna put my feet up for a couple of weeks and do bugger all.
You know, just like Mick.
Kev, a little bit of hard work never killed nobody but why take the risk !
Did you get a ticket for tomorrow night, I miss the night games, the last one was barca last year and what a cracker that was.
🙂 kev, haven’t heard the update on the snow ….
see you on the 19th 😉
from http://www.eurosport.com spuddies again…
Can Tottenham Hotspur really win the Premier League? Harry Redknapp wants us to believe they can.
In his post-match interview after last night’s win against Aston Villa, the Spurs boss claimed: “If we keep up the form we’re in at the moment we’ll win the league.”
This, of course, is rubbish. If everybody maintains their form Spurs will come second behind City.
But it was a measure of the feelgood factor at White Hart Lane, following eight wins from nine games, that the manager felt emboldened to make such a claim.
Actually, he has done this before – in July 2010 then again several months later.
Of course, Spurs didn’t win the title last season, and they won’t do it this time.
Yet I don’t blame Redknapp for talking up his side’s prospects. It represents a refreshing blast of carefree positivity in a league full of caution and backside-covering.
Too many modern managers indulge in ‘expectation management’, to slip momentarily into loathsome business-speak.
To wit, if you predict a mid-table finish and actually finish sixth, that can easily be painted as a success.
If you say you’re going to win the league and only finish fourth, you risk looking a bit silly.
Redknapp himself was a leading culprit in his first season at Spurs, when he wouldn’t shut up about relegation even as his side cruised towards eighth place.
But the doom-and-gloom approach only works if your club’s board and fanbase is peopled exclusively by idiots.
You’ll note the key word there is ‘exclusively’. And, in Daniel Levy, Redknapp appears to have a fairly sensible chairman with whom he works well.
Even the supporters know a Tottenham league title is highly unlikely. The bookies rate them at 40/1, and you won’t find too many punters snapping them up at those odds.
Manchester City continue to blast relentlessly to glory, and should they slip up United are poised to take advantage. When you’ve won 12 league titles in 19 seasons, you don’t tend to get fazed by a five-point deficit around the back end of November.
But whatever the table says, the point Redknapp wants to make is that there is no glass ceiling for his side.
They might not have the money of City or Chelsea, or the pedigree of United, but there is no reason why they should not finish above any or all of them. All they have to do is keep winning football matches.
In recent years, outsiders have crept into the Premier League title race before fading from contention.
Leeds in 1999/00, Newcastle in 2001/02, Aston Villa in 2008/09; you might even include Arsenal in 2009/10.
That, experience tells us, is what happens. Teams overachieve, they force their way into the frame, then they step meekly aside when the occasion demands it, allowing the big boys to take control.
When the title race reaches the final furlong, the real quality shines through. Or so the theory goes.
But the whole notion of a ‘title race’ is, frankly, a load of guff. You play 38 matches, and at the end you add up your points – that’s it. When and how they come is immaterial.
Redknapp wants to instil a sense at Tottenham that the upper echelons of the table are their territory.
At some point you cross the Rubicon, gaining the self-belief to feel like you belong here. City and Chelsea both have it, yet several years ago they didn’t.
For City, the end of last season was that moment – finishing third, and more importantly winning the FA Cup, forcing United’s fans to remove the ’35 years’ banner from Old Trafford marking the time since City’s last trophy.
A small, parochial issue maybe, but it signified City’s arrival as a genuine force – still more so as they knocked United out en route to the final.
Spurs are on the brink – they finished in the top four and had a good Champions League run, but couldn’t maintain their league position.
Now, with Arsenal, Liverpool and Chelsea all labouring, Tottenham have the perfect opportunity not just to return to the top four, but to make people feel like it wasn’t a fluke.
Spurs have an excellent squad, particularly in a midfield that outshines any in the division barring City’s. They now have, in Scott Parker, a disciplined dynamo to complement the lavish talents of Luka Modric, Rafael van der Vaart, Gareth Bale and Aaron Lennon.
Redknapp loves to bleat about injuries reducing his personnel to “the bare bones” but in reality Spurs have the squad depth to cope with a spring injury crisis.
However, the biggest obstacle to the club’s progress could be Redknapp himself.
Happily, he has returned from heart surgery without his absence affecting Tottenham’s form, but another issue looms in the New Year.
On January 23, he and Milan Mandaric go on trial relating to allegations of cheating the public revenue.
Redknapp denies any wrongdoing, but whatever the outcome it surely counts as a major distraction.
Spurs face ‘title rivals’ Manchester City the day before the trial begins, and it would take an extraordinary feat of mental strength for Redknapp to have his attention focused entirely on the game.
Whatever the future holds, Redknapp’s vibrant Tottenham side are a force for good in the Premier League.
The club’s motto states: ‘To Dare Is To Do’. Reality is not quite that simple, but by daring to tip his side for the title, Redknapp has at least given them a chance of doing it.
hi good people…..any news?
Mick. I had a bit of luck. My lad came up with a spare, so Adam will have to get the bus to the railway station tomorrow night.
Agree mate, you can’t beat the night games.
Gotta say, i think the atmosphere at the Grove has improved this season.
Rico, i do hope the bad weather stays up north for the next 4 weeks. I don’t mind if JJ gets snowed in as long as i’m alright. 🙂
Great now twitchy reckons they can win the league….what is the world coming to? Are you having a laugh? Hahahahahaha. Spuds to win the title? That’s like saying a t-rex ll one day trudge through times square!
Hi JM, Arry does have a good sense of humour doesn’t he… 🙂
Hey Stan. How’s things on the trawler today?
😆 Kev, i can understand why you hope for that….
AK my man, couldn’t be better. Am having a ball. Forget about it.
Yeah, i just about got home last year.
Felt like Scott of the Antartic last December.
Rico arry is on a cheap weed. More like the one WATH and lee smokes. Deluded twat.
Rico my post is ready but it looks my email has some problems.im sorting it out and then i’ll send you my post.
Righto, gotta do a bit more.
See ya on the 19th Rico. Don’t forget your dingey… 🙂
Hahahaha kev I ll bet your butt was quite frozen. Now that ll be a glorious sight. Kev on ice. Hahahahaha.
😆 Kev, it’s already pack, and my snow boots…..
goonster – if they get a couple of injuries, or a bad loss, things can change quickly, just as they did for us….
Thanks Kt, hope you manage to sort it….
LJW reckons they won’t even finish above us. He even took a bet! What a legend! I love him more.
Arsenal.com, Wenger says they are not after anyone in Jan…..why am I not surprised…. 🙁
yes, I just read http://www.Arsenal.com.
ok, i’m watching the second half of CSKA- Lille (0-1)
I saw that too goonster, he’s a card is our jack….
Sam, don’t believe him, when does Wenger speak honestly about transfers? He said in the summer he may get one more, he then signed 4 in 48 hours……
he won’t share his intentions…..
In a manly kinda way though….don’t want folks thinking otherwise.
I have your email now Kt, thank you 🙂
Spot on rico….he ll sign a couple of players but not the ones currently linked to us. I won’t begrudge him though. He’s done it before with average players. Am just exited abou is back. He’s LANS. Come you fucking gunners. Come the fuck on!
Lille 0-2
I just hope he gets granero though…..hmmmm and maybe a cheeky bid for torres and mata. Who knows? A guy can dream,no?
Jm you sure do watch a whole lot of games….wow
Hiya guys and Chicks. Back from a hectic and a bloody full day.
Good write up Rico. But honestly I do not think that we will sign Beckham and Henry. I think both are past it. And they will need to adapt to the speed of the Premier League again. Plus AW will need to change the formation simply for them. Neither are suited to 4-3-3, although I suspect that Henry might play the lone striker.
Goonster, you commented on AK on ice. You should try to go on ice……when the heat is on. I’ll bet all the ice around you melts when you see a Thai girl. But just a question. Does it also melt when Thai girls see you, or does hell freeze all over? 😆
BDW Rico…..I enjoyed your email.
DG my man…..where have you been all day mate? Missed your wise cracks.
Chill Stanley 😉
Hi DG, i don’t see us signing either but i have to write about something 😉 I would have loved Beckham to have signed for us though when he left Real Madrid, I love the guy…..
You need to go and rest after a busy day, maybe a nice cup of Coffea arabica 😉 (thankyou google)
🙂 re the email, there are plenty more sporting tales to tell, maybe one day 😉
Jeez, there are too many smileys in my last comment….
Did agag leave us for the day??
Hi goonster/DG.
of course goonster. The tv-sport broadcast football everyday and I must be on-line for be a real AW scout
Final score: CSKA 0 Lille 2 Lille is very strong team.
Off for a quick dinner, back shortly …..
JM, you really need to make an application to AFC.com…..
Hi KT.
Goonster……I was running around teaching others how to caress a ball. Unlike you who wacks it everytime one is near touching distance.
Hey kt….long time fella. DG don’t blame me I went to arry’s school of technical football.
For you Goonster…….to sing at Christmas.
Thai girls here
Thai girls there
Thai girls everywhere
Oh what fun to ride and sing
With Thai girls in the sun.
At least I hope this gives you fine memories…..if they are real that is!!!!
DG you old goat. I love all girls not just thai ones. Especially Brazilian girls.
Have you ever been to a brazilian Carnival Webster????
Have I DG? Twice! Got me some hot brazilian loving. The best time ever.
goonster – are you really for real 😉
Then I presume you dressed up for it didn’t ya?? Or maybe you did not need it. ho ho ho ho ho.
😆 😆
Very funny DG…..I did dress up. It was a great time.
By any chance. Did you have a pink costume??? 😆 😆
Rico what are doing up this late? Run along now maam. Xfactor is on.
steady goonster, x-factor is a saturday as you well know….
And Webster changes the argument once more. That means you have been well and truly whacked. lol
Battle is over for today Goonster.
Manure are loosing mate. and shitty are drawing.
U c any game??
Pink? No way my man. We wore green. We would be me and my brother.
Without WayneRooney United have very little attacking spark
Cavani makes it 1-0 for Napoli.
Indeed DG 😉
Manure losing, if it stays that way will they finish second?
And what about Citeh?
FC Basel are winning 2-0 and that means they are near Manure. It all depends on the last game.
Shitty are loosing and this puts them in 3rd place
No mate I hate manure rico can attest to that…..am home watching the lord of the rings trilogy. just can’t get enough of it. Rico what about east enders? It should be on then.
Benfica wins… it’s stronger and more balanced than MU…
You watching the LOTR trilogy??? Blimey I never thought you were so well educated. Have you read the books?? A great piece of the art of writing mate. You should read them. JRR Tolkien is awesome.
I’d love Citeh to get knocked out DG but on the other hand, the more they are playing, the more injuries they may pick up etc… its a tough one….
So manure lost then? Good!
Spoken like a true Englishman goonster, only they would know Eastenders is on now 😛
oh bother….rico am not English!
1-1 berbytoff 🙁
I didn’t realise that goonster, sorry, where you from then, i keep asking and you never tell me 🙁 🙁
The game is still on! Thought JM said manure lost.
0-3 Basileia.
no goonster, it has a long way to go yet….
Am dutch, from arnhem
Dennis & Robin’s world goonster – nice….
So who’s exited diaby is back? I know I am.
i’m glad he’s back because we need everyone fit but as far as his game goes, his return doesn’t make me think ‘wow’ unlike the return of jack when it arrives……..
goonster, you don’t have to tell all that, especially if it’s still raw… you want me to delete it?
Well it does make me go “wow” rico. Abou ll come good and all you doubters ll eat your words. My intuition hasn’t let me down yet. I was right about kozzer and I know am right about diaby and santos! Wait for it rico.
I hope you are right goonster, i want them all to come good but….
Santos, well i am less than convinced, great going forward, but a dodgy defender to say the least…..
Am excited goonster.also i love LOTR.I have watched it a couple of times myself.
Sorry rico…..you may. I didn’t mean to upset you.
Didn’t upset me goonster but maybe you… its gone anyway….
I have to go now, things to be doing before I’m a Celeb….
You all take care, hope both Mancs lose and catch up tomorrow….
Nighty guys and gals…….
@ rico – i didn’t get an invitation.. maybe you could send it again?
Santos is still adapting rico besides I ll take an attacking LB than one that barely ventures forward. He’s a potent force against deep lying teams. He ll only get better defensively. Diaby ll have an “RVP” kinda revival. This is his team now. With fabregas and nashit gone, its his time. A year from now he ll be the best in his position. He’s one of my favorite arsenal players. Can’t wait to see him in action.
MU goal for Berbatov was off-side… another one
goonster ok. Maybe we were neighbours along time ago…
Hi Ben, it was in my comment earlier, about if you ever would like to write about your views on arsenal and german football??
If you would like to, please email me Highbury.House14@gmail.com 🙂
goonsetr, i want a LB who can defend…..
Same old lucky man utd then JM
Tomorrow all… nighty night….
Neighbors? JM? How’s that?
Mostly of Dutch community came from Portugal
Diaby can be immense.he like walcott struggled with tiki taka but am sure he’ll flourish in the new style of play.
You are? When did your family migrate to Portugal? Yeah KT I share your view. He ll flourish in that hole behind the striker. That box to box role was made for him. The tiki taka short changed a whole lot of players. Him and walcott especially.
Are you there JM?
I agree goonster.if he can get a run of games he can be absolutely devastating behind rvp.i remember chamakh saying he was really surprised by how good diaby is in training.even theo said he is our most skillful player in a team with rvp and had nasri.Laurent Blanc has also said diaby is nailed on for the euros fitness permitting.
No, all my familly are Portuguese but the roots from part of my familly are and since the XVI century who is and who didn’t it was be complicate.
I saw that interview KT. Chamakh was stunned. Abou tore them apart in training. With his stride and strength he ll be a beast pretty soon. JM sorry mate thought you migrated after the world war.
The question now remains KT…..who do we drop for him? Who misses out? Ramsey looks the obvious choice but wenger has surprised me in the past.
City may be out of the CL 😮
What a problem to have KT…..6 fit mid fielders for only three roles. Wenger must be beaming from ear to ear. City out? Not good for the rest of the PL for now their strangle hold ll be tightened. City ll now concentrate on winning the league.
goonster says:
November 22, 2011 at 1:21 pm
Crazy isn’t it alan. Well fuck it am gonna say it anyway. I don’t think terry is racist. That c**t evra got what he deserved. Wish he got banned too. What a tool.
yes Goonster it is crazy. This sort of thing sees natural justice thrown to the shitouse
Not sure that Mancini has seen the CL as a priority.
Man City have not won the League since 1967~68.
Coincidently that season they took the title from ManUre.
I’m sure they would love to repeat the trick in 2012.
As long as ManUre don’t upstage them again, as they did in 1968, by winning the European Cup!!!
Stan, so you’re on a Dutch trawler… 🙂
Nice one Rico,
Diaby looks like he is in the squad tonight, would not like to see him feature in this one unless we pick up an injury. Wenger seems to have belief in him still, so i think he will feature very soon. The Manchester sides struggled last night so i believe the Champions league will be very competitive this year,hopefully we will stick with the same team we had out against Norwich, a winning mentality is needed tonight and Diaby needs to be fed back in slowly, lets get through first and Hopefully Diaby can help out later.
Morning Steve
New Postie is up….