Robin talks begin, Phony Arsenal & Podolski isn't enough!

Robin Van Persie is set for talks with Arsenal today/tomorrow about his future and all sorts of financial deals are being reported to be on offer!!

In the meantime, rumours coming out of Italy recently seem to precipitate the beginning of the War of Nerves that those clubs wishing to prey on Arsenal’s players indulge in as we head towards the Summer Transfer Window.

Moratti of Internazionale Milano and Juventus have kicked off the supposed chase for Robin Van Persie by publicly stating an interest in the player, today Manchester City are again reported to be ready to make us an offer and no doubt there will be other suitors not far behind that lot of Tom tugs…

It’s all part of the phony war, rumour, counter-rumour, disinformation, bare-faced lies etc, that we Arsenal fans are in for, for the next 3+ months and Arsenal are not averse to joining into this jamboree of nonsense, it’s a well-known trick to sell season-tickets, utilised by Friar, Edelman and Gazidis.

Well I’m not so sure that this ploy will work anymore.

The arrival of Lukasz Podolski will have whetted the appetite of Arsenal fans, but Podolski alone may not be enough and especially not enough to convince Robin van Persie to stay.

Many Season-Ticket Holders will stall on their renewals until Robin’s contract is resolved and as a Season-Ticket Holder myself, the club can whistle for my money until the very last moment.

We Arsenal fans have grown used to these tactics and are a little wary at how successful they’ve become since 2005 when Patrick Vieira was eventually prized away after years of speculation. He was the beginning of a string of star players departing the club, whilst the Directors in charge lied through their teeth about the clubs ambitions.

Meanwhile hanging the Manager out to dry…

Robin’s future will hopefully change all this, well in the short-term anyway. Gazidis and Arsene Wenger need to get down to brass tacks and persuade Robin to sign a new deal, not least for the message it would send out.

A message that will announce that the fallow years are at an end and that Arsenal are now back in business.

Sadly, money alone may not persuade Robin, player procurement will also be very important to our Captain and that can only be good for us fans…

Written by Allezkev

376 thoughts on “Robin talks begin, Phony Arsenal & Podolski isn't enough!

  1. devilgunner says:

    Good Morning Fine Folk of the St Totteringham worship.

    Another fine day with smiles shining on our faces. Yes we might not have won any pot or tin, but at least we can brag that we are much bigger than the tiny totts.

    Good post Sir AK.

    Hopefyully Moratti will get his head for RVP. Usually he pays over the odds. so around 35million will do.

  2. devilgunner says:

    devilgunner says:
    May 15, 2012 at 9:15 am

    Do you know that according to Deloitte and Touche AFC are worth over 1000 million while the tiny totts are worth 420 million????

    Lee says:
    May 15, 2012 at 9:21 am

    420 for that pile of shit………

    Well I am amazed also. I though that they were worth much less.

    But they are stronger than us………as they have been for the last twenty years since they keep on propping us even though we try to make it easy for them to overtake us.

  3. rico says:

    Morning all..

    Top draw AK, and spot on, quit all the b****x for once Arsenal, get the transfers sorted and RvP and Theo’s contracts…

    Citeh are lurking as they are for Vertonghen, and they have the kind of players that RvP would relish playing alongside….

  4. devilgunner says:

    Hi Rico,

    In my post there is a small mistake. I will be sending an email so that it can be arranged by you if possible. Thanks Lady

  5. rico says:

    Just seen a story on NN, what utter rubbish – it suggests that RvP’s agent has agreed a deal with Juve and RvP will submit a transfer request…..

    Come on Robin, sign on and put us out of our misery….

  6. Scott From Oz says:

    Good post AK.
    RVP will not stay in England if he leaves us…..
    I’d make him one offer,and one only buy make it worth his while.
    I’d also tell him exactly which players we are trying to bring in.
    At least sell him early if indeed we are selling him,so we’ve got the time and money to replace him.

  7. Lee says:

    Q: How important is it you emerge from the window with a stronger and bigger squad?

    Arsene Wenger: I believe for us it is important that the message we give out – for example you see about Fabregas leaving, Nasri leaving – if you give that message out you cannot pretend you are a big club.

    Because a big club first of all holds onto its big players and gives a message out to all the other big clubs that they just cannot come in and take away from you.

    We worked very hard with these players for years to develop them and now it’s a time for us to keep them together.

    And it’s not just about the window because before it closes you have huge games like Man United, Liverpool, Newcastle and the two Champions League games.

    For us it is important that the team settles psychologically as quickly as possible because we have a tough start. We play all the big clubs away in the first half of the season.

  8. rico says:

    Scott – we can’t be sure he won’t stay in England if he leaves, look at what his wife has said recently, they are settled in this country – what happens if the Chavs offer him a bumper deal and they sign great players this summer…

    I was chatting with a chav supporter yesterday, suggestion is they having a mass clear-out this summer and Roman is going to be spending before FFP sets in…

    No doubt we will try for those they sell off 🙁

  9. rico says:


    AW says he worked hard to keep Cesc, I would disagree, he had many years left on his contract, we didn’t have to sell him…

    Re NN, good idea, but it’s got the better of me 😉

    Only really check it in the morning though to make sure the HH post is up, honest 😉

  10. Scott From Oz says:

    And Messi…..Ronaldo……actually,they can afford to buy every player on the planet!

  11. Scott From Oz says:

    Rico,he tried,but knew deep down Fabregas wanted out,so regardless of how long was left on his contract,you can’t keep them if they want out.

  12. rico says:

    Feeder club in my book Lee – but then i think we are seen as that already…

    Scott – No, no way would I want us to see that happen, it sends out the totally wrong message….

  13. rico says:

    Scott – you can, thats why contracts are in place, yes is was the best for all tbh, but Cesc said he would stay if he had too….

    He had something like five years to run on his contract, we could if we really wanted to, kept him….

  14. Lee says:

    Free cheap free cheap free…..blah blah blah, what about moving to the Emirates to enable us to buy world class players???

  15. rico says:

    Nasri – W****r!!

    “People at Arsenal tried to make out that I came here for the money,” Nasri told French TV station TF1. “I hope they are watching me now collecting my Premier League winner’s medal.

    “I believe they have not won a trophy for many seasons now.

    “If all that I was interested in was money, the easiest decision would have been to stay at Arsenal, picking up my money every week and walking into the team.

    “There are many people doing this right now at Arsenal.

    “I made the hard choice to come and fight for my place at a big club, where they never settle for second best, and I have proved it correct.

    “I now hope the Arsenal fans can get on with their lives and forget me, they should celebrate their third-place achievement and I will focus on winning titles.”

  16. John says:

    What’s Citeh’s situation re the 25 players squad rule? Don’t they have to sell before they can start to think about buying van Persie and/or Hazard? Selling players can’t be easy with the salaries they pay them. They can’t just continue to loan out players and subsidise them like they did with Adebayor, FFP and all that.

  17. Adam says:

    One of the major lessons to be learnt from the debacle of last year and years before that is to act quickly in the transfer window. Wenger should identify the players and Gazidis and his band of money-men should take over with Stan’s nod. Be decisive. It sends out the right messages to everyone, including Robin, the fans and the opposition. If you have to pay more than you think the player is worth, but he is the right player, then pay it. Look what a few million quid not spent on a goalkeeper cost us with Almunia. If the fans sense that is happening again it will be unpleasant. In the striker department Wenger got lucky this year. If Robin had been injured just after the January window closed, Arsenal would have been right up shit creek with Chamakh leading the line and Park, whoever he is, as back-up. We would have been mid-table. He gambled and he got away with it. Wisdom or folly? I say the latter and hope that he doesn’t decide to roll the dice in such an irresponsible way again.

  18. rico says:

    Exactly Lee,

    just what does that say about us, price tag comes first, ability second

    Or that is how it seems…

    Had Podolski been valued at £15M, would we have signed him?

    I doubt it…..

  19. Lee says:

    Kalou no thanks!
    Drogba yep but adding his firepower to RVP & Podolski…..the squad’s weaknesses are glaring us in the face, surely they’ll be rectified with quality replacements???? or b)??

  20. rico says:

    Hi John,

    They would have to sell, but they have many players who are probably not on huge salaries…

    They’d prob just let players leave for pittance and then the club they are going to can pay a higher wage maybe…

  21. madgunner says:

    Tell me why should he sign on at a club that lacks so totally in any ambition? When he signs for Man City he will do so with my best wishes and thanks for the memories.

    We already bought a replacement in Podolsky and the money that is left in the kitty will be used to up the wages of average players like Walcott and Song, where as we should be going out and buying Hazard and M,Vila who are a true talent.

  22. rico says:


    Wenger has ‘said’ he won’t repeat last summer deadline day fiasco, still believe that had he bought those same players a month earlier we would have started the season much stronger…

    Totally agree re RvP, we got very lucky with him but, you never know, had he been out, others may have stepped up, I doubt it but Chamack did it before 😉

  23. rico says:

    Agree Lee, Drog as an addition to Pod and RvP would be a cracking signing.

    Kalou, never in a million years thanks….

    And yes, I hate to say it but Nasri is right however, next season he’ll be on the bench a lot more than this season imho….

  24. Adam says:

    Lee. I agree. Kalou-less, though better than Chamakh is not really good enough except as a fourth striker perhaps? We have to get Chamakh out of the door ASAP I think. Take whatever you can get for the bloke. Same with Bendtner and Denilson. Sell Arshavin, Vela and I am afraid Diaby, although I do feel sorry for him. Who will buy this motley crue though? Denilson will be a problem to shift perhaps. Keep Squillaci though. He’s brilliant.

  25. Scott From Oz says:

    Is Abramovich sick of spending?
    Word is he is toning down his spending.
    If everyone here is serious about us spending big to get a massive,massive talent,one capable of getting us right to the top,then we would be wishing for Hazard.
    Do we want the absolute best players,because in a year or two,he will be recognised as a top 5 in the world player.

  26. Scott From Oz says:

    Nasri’s right about what?
    He dogged it,couldn’t handle the pressure when we needed him most In the second half of last season,then took the cash.
    Nothing that little grub ever says will change the fact he’s a lying,overrated little shit.
    The reason we didn’t win last seasons title is partly due to his inability to contribute when the pressure was on….good riddance to I’m,and I couldn’t care if I never heard from him again.

  27. Adam says:

    Nasri was wrong in making those comments. It shows what a lack of respect he has for Arsenal, Wenger and fellow professionals. You would think he had a golden season himself. It also says a whole lot about him as an individual. I find him repellent and might go a lot stronger than that if I can find the words.

  28. Lee says:

    Madgunner, spot on! We should be sitting down saying to RVP we’re going to sign players A,B & C (all top drawer players) plus offer you £150k p.w with signing on fee……but unfortunately the P & L is far too important! Sad but true…….

  29. rico says:

    Adam 😆

    You know someone will start to believe that you really want us to keep Squillaci….

    Scott – Roman won’t stop spending imho…

    I don’t think it’s about getting the best or most expensive players, its about getting the right players to fill the huge gaps we have and that doesn’t always mean spending vast amounts of money.

    Spending £35 Million on one player and having to pay him the wage he would demand is all wrong in my opinion…

  30. Scott From Oz says:

    RICO,if we gotnHazard and M’Villa,it wold go a hell of a long way towards winning a title.
    Those two,combined with keeping RVP,add Ox and a few others,you have a world class side.

  31. Adam says:

    Send Squillaci to Las Vegas with Chamakh for a week and he’ll come back more aware of what’s going on behind him Rico and he’ll be a better defender, I can’t see the problem.

  32. rico says:

    madgunner – all the time we have a tight owner, we will never spend the kind of money to get Hazard…. not when City will offer him £250K a week….

  33. rico says:

    I don’t like the fact that Nasri has even bothered to open his mouth and i’m glad he’s gone, he is indeed an arse, but what he says is pretty much right imho….

  34. Lewis says:

    Nasri is a complete C**t. He had a very average season, yes the won the title but it is in no way because of him.

  35. Scott From Oz says:

    Podolski has already proven himself in my eyes.
    He’s shown he’d sign for a side with no guarantee of CL football,and knocked back twice the money to come to a club he WANTS to play for.
    These type of players may be scarce,but they’re out there.
    Everything I read of this bloke,and everything he says shows me a classy,mature individual whose intentions are pure gold.
    M’Villa wants to play for us….get it done.
    Vertonghen……get it done.
    After that,take your pick of another decent striker out there.
    My tip,we will have another signing confirmed by the end of the weekend.

  36. Scott From Oz says:

    Is Steve Nichol the worst,most biased football “expert” in the world?
    He’s just stated that Dalglish must stay because of the style of football Liverpool are playing,and every opposition player is terrified of playing at Anfield!

  37. DutchGooner10 says:

    Fundamentals don’t change. The way we address them does. Therein lies the problem. Arsenal dishes out a travesty of transparency regularly. How can they force solidarity,unity and loyalty upon us while misinterpretation of manipulation is their foremost goal??

  38. The font says:

    First you have to ascertain if a club wants to sell then you have to convince there agent you are the best option and then you have to hope real barca man u.t d (glamour) man city Chelsea psg (money) are not interested IMHO I believe we’re in the next group along with a.c inter bayern competing for young talent and undiscovered talent it will not be easy in the transfer window to attract the proven world class players we all wish for that’s why it is imperative to hold on to Rvp

  39. rico says:

    Lewis –

    agree, but he’s still sat there with a medal, can’t stand the little runt…

    he left for money and got lucky…

  40. madgunner says:

    “If all that I was interested in was money, the easiest decision would have been to stay at Arsenal, picking up my money every week and walking into the team. There are many people doing this right now at Arsenal.I made the hard choice to come and fight for my place at a big club, where they never settle for second best and I have proved it correct. I now hope the Arsenal fans can get on with their lives and forget me, they should celebrate their third place achievement and I will focus on winning titles.”

    This is what Nasri said. And what is wrong with that?

    People picking up their money at Arsenal and walking into the team? Check

    Moving to a bigger setup and winning trophy’s? Check.

    Slate him as much as you want but he made the right decision for him self after it came obvious to him that wanker was not going to change his way’s. can you imagine how hard it is for a talented player of Nasri’s caliber seeing dross players bigged up by the manager? Squidworth Denilson and few others come to mind not to forget Almunia. .

    Instead of moaning about former players comments, even when they are true, we should be going all out to stop the down grating of Arsenal FC , overseen by the “4th is a trophy” brigade.

  41. Scott From Oz says:

    If Vertonghen,or any player for that matter,are interested in going to Citeh,then they simply are not players we want.
    Players wanting to go there are happy to be bit part players,and be paid well to do so.
    We want players who want to play in every game,and want to help improve our club.
    Podolski fulfils these requirements.

  42. rico says:


    ‘First you have to ascertain if a club wants to sell then you have to convince there agent you are the best option’

    All of which should have been done by now, just as it was with Podolski, a player either wants to join us or they don’t, if not, forget him and look elsewhere…

    Our problem seems to have been that they don’t start thinking about who they want to sign until the transfer window is open….

    It has to be different this time around if we are to convince RvP to stay and actually start looking like a club ready to compete…

  43. The font says:

    Mad gunner Liverpool massive club with a massive history they won a trophy maybe we should be like them

  44. Scott From Oz says:

    Mad gunner,he said he didn’t go for money….that’s a bloody lie.
    If we wouldn’t worry about what ex players,stop defending him,and yes,let’s ban is name from HH lol.
    Let’s move on.

  45. rico says:

    Lukas Podolski admits he cannot wait to start his Arsenal career – and insists he will join the Club with bags of confidence.

    The German international striker enjoyed a superb season in the Bundesliga, scoring 18 goals despite FC Cologne’s relegation from the top flight.

    And with Euro 2012 on the horizon, Podolski insists he will be ready to hit the ground running when he moves to the Gunners this summer.

    “Arsenal are a great club, here in Europe and all over the world,” he told Arsenal Player.

    “At the time the transfer negotiations started between the two clubs, the decision was made really quickly. I’m now looking forward to the challenge at my new club and cannot wait to start after Euro 2012.

    “I had a very good season with Cologne, I played well and as a result I’m now going to Euro 2012 with lots of confidence.

    “After that, I will be joining up with my new team-mates at Arsenal and it is my goal just to do my best and be successful there.”

    Podolski enjoyed two separate spells at FC Cologne, as well as three years at Bayern Munich, but says he had no hesitation about making the move to England.

    “For me it doesn’t really matter when you take such a step in your career, whether it is now or a few years earlier,” he said.

    “It’s difficult to say when the time is right. But I’m now 26, and nearly 27, so this step in my career might just be the right time to do it.”

  46. The font says:

    rico all due respect we are taking a chance on poldy it did not work out for him at bayern he is a great signing for us and these are the type of players we have to sign great quality but with a slight risk attached

  47. Wavy says:

    The reason Nasri is now so outspoken is that from Xmas 2010 when he was ‘tapped up’ by Citeh his performances fell away. He lied and was lazy as he had lost interest in Arsenal in fact he was counting the days until he could leave. Wenger did well to delay him as long as he did. Next season he will probably find himself a second half substitue fo Eden Hazard, if he gets on at all! Consolation prize big bucks in the bank every week. Didn’t move for money ‘my arse’!

  48. madgunner says:

    “Mad gunner,he said he didn’t go for money….that’s a bloody lie.”

    And you know that for a fact Scott? You have an inside track on this?

    font its challenging for the title we should be doing, if utd can do that with out spending anywhere near what Man City have done in the recent years then so could we. Albeit with a manager that is not stuck in the past and flogging a long dead youth policy.

  49. devilgunner says:

    MadGunner…..I just wish I could throttle you for saying that.

    Unfortunately I have to agree with what you said.

    Yes we might hate him because of his forked tongue. Yes we he is a slimy toad. However he is a skillful player. and he went there and won a medal.

    But if I were in his place I still would not have said anything. In 19 years as a coach I have changed clubs, more than once, and though as Sir AK knows due to having to read my rants through letters and phone text messages that some of them I had to move out of due to their carelessness and negligence I never spoke a bad word about any club pulicly even though their carelessness and negligence were public knowledge. One of the clubs was even stopped from buying players for 3 years due to having to do a lot of backpayments. I was still receiving payments after 13 months from that club while coaching at another club. Yet I never spoke one single word against them. Today that club is doing along fine, they are up to date with the payments to coaches and players and more importantly….we are still friends. Whenever I go there only the red carpet treatment is lacking because I still feel at home with them.

  50. madgunner says:

    devilgunner he may or may not have been better off staying silent but the fact is that the truth hurts….

  51. allezkev says:

    Morning Gooners.
    Thanks for positive vibes.
    Great sub-edit Rico, your a genius :).
    And Good Morning your Ladyship…
    Off to read comments…
    Morning Adam btw 😀 😉

  52. rico says:

    Scott – you mean everything written in the papers suggests M’Vila wants to join us 😉

    On paper Podolski does, but let’s watch him in red and white first… But, he is the kind of signing we need more of…

  53. devilgunner says:

    On Le Grove this morning they asked a question……If the manager is a fluent speaker of German, how the hell dont we have more Germans in the team??

    I agree with that and find it disturbing. Can anyone say why or shed more light into this????

    Its not as if there are not many good German players around. From here I can put out a good number of German players who can improve us without us having to break the bank. So why not AW???

  54. rico says:

    The font – isn’t every overseas player signing a risk??

    No-one knows how they will fit into the PL, its very different than any other league….

  55. The font says:

    Man city will strengthen with 3 £35 million players we just can not compete at that level it’s nothing to do with the manager it’s all to do with the oil wells

  56. rico says:

    devil – i shouldn’t give it any thought, AW can speak about twenty different languages can’t he…. 😉

  57. Thorny says:


    What a difference a year makes….this time last year I was telling a couple of mates how good RVP is and they were just shrugging their shoulders. on that note try to picture this time next year;
    I will put money on the fact that by this time next year Nasri is on his way to spurs after having a season not unlike adam johnson.

  58. devilgunner says:

    MadGunner……..yes I know the truth hurts. but He does it in a venomous way. he does it out of spite. He wants to stick the knife in. And that makes him lowlife

  59. Lee says:

    Who’s going to tell Wenger to stop rewarding mediocre (shit) players with bumper contracts? Get shot of the under achievers that we are long of and replace them with some proper proven players!! Manure are pissed off they came second and we’re happy at coming third………that’s SAD! 🙁 (for you Adam)

  60. allezkev says:

    Just a thought here, to see whay you Gooners think…

    Imagine if Nasri and Cesc had stayed/

    And Arsenal hadn’t signed Arteta in particular & Benny.
    Do you all think AFC would have finished 3rd…???
    Or maybe higher or lower???

  61. devilgunner says:

    Thorny……….that is my feeling also. I think that eventually Nasri will be sold by shitty. Or stay on as abit part player.

  62. rico says:

    Font – we don’t need 3 £35 Million players….

    We need

    1 Freebie

    2 x £12M players

    1 x £17M player

  63. Lee says:

    plus revenue generated from the sale of NB,Vela,Den,Arsh,JD,Squid,Waiter,Diaby,Chamug,Park et al
    Hardly rocket science…..

  64. devilgunner says:

    I dont agree Rico………we need 4 players with their hearts and mind in the right places and with the right attitude.

    Jenks is no Cesc. Yet whenever he lost the ball he went back for it like a tiger. Eventually he even fouled the player who took the ball away from him. BECAUSE HE CARED.

  65. Scott From Oz says:

    Devil,how many Dutch players do Flham have,or Ialians at Citeh?
    I wouldn’t read too much not the language thing.
    Madgunner,we offered Nasri 90k a week,he asked for 120…….you’re right,it has nothing to do with money lol.
    Citeh have sold its arse for success,and I don’t want us to do the same.
    As I said last night,there are Citeh “fans” popping up everywhere all of a sudden.
    Of course,they’ve ALWAYS been supporters,they just forgot for the decades I’ve known them.
    I have no time for any club who believe in success no matter the price.

  66. allezkev says:

    Rico, 10.00;

    What Nasri’s comments tell me boss, is that the criticsm from the AFC fans and in the Media stung him…
    If he think he had it bad this season, see how he is greeted and abused next season.

    His comments and obsession with AFC just show what a pathetic little tosser he actually is!

  67. Scott From Oz says:

    AK,we’d have finished well lower than 3rd if those two stayed.
    Cesc wanted out,and Nasri is only good for 3 months out of every 3 seasons.

  68. The font says:

    Rico what I am trying to say is arsenal football club are in for every top player that becomes available but for one reason or another they do not want to come to arsenal we have never been a club who buys world class players at there peak we bought Henry bergkamp Viera when they were not playing for there clubs over mars knee problems anelka fabregas Rvp nasri youth petit Freddie and few others none were world class infact I cannot think of a player outside of Alan ball who we have signed who was world class you have also got to understand we cannot compete financially anymore and unless the Russian gets control we never will

  69. rico says:

    devil – maybe you will agree 😉

    Freebie – Jussi

    £12M – Dempsey
    £12M – Vertonghen

    £17M – M’Vila


  70. rico says:

    Good point AK, tbh, i’m glad the little runt has gone…

    he’ll soon be back in France or somewhere else spouting those words ‘ i should have stayed at arsenal’ – just like so many before him….

  71. Scott From Oz says:

    Font,Podolski is pretty good,but I know what it mean.
    If he brings us his best,he will turn out an absolute bargain.

  72. Thorny says:

    If City buy who they say they are going to buy that is the end of Nasri’s bit part. If FF play comes in and Spains ecconomy gets worse and their TV rights issue blows up Arsenal FC will be the ONLY club worth being at. (thats the basis of the meeting today no doubt)
    AK we would’ve been in the same spot. We were a way behind the leaders.

  73. rico says:

    devil – but like you – i always believe that afc need players with heart and passion and who want to play in red and white, and those don’t always have to come with a big price tag….

  74. devilgunner says:

    Yes I agree Rico. Provided that their heart is in it.

    Mind you he can still get Kalou and/or Hoillet for a freebie.

  75. Scott From Oz says:

    Who would you tip to run over the top of the other under pressure….Nasri or Lansbury?
    Skills aside,I know which one I’d want to be in the trenches with.
    We know how often those skills came to the fore….not often enough.
    That’s it,no more on Nasri,I promise.

  76. devilgunner says:

    Imagine this scenario………RVP is sold. Theo is sold.

    Hoillet + Kalou on a free
    Podolski signed

    That might be a likely scenario this summer.

  77. rico says:

    Lee – that much 😉

    Scott, i can’t, everyone here knows i don’t know how to work posh gadgets 😉

  78. Scott From Oz says:

    Who is to say a player like Kalou wouldn’t find his best at Arsenal?
    On a free,it’s not a bad chance to take.
    Grab the little diver as well……I know RICO,Wenger will knock it out of him!

  79. Scott From Oz says:

    Devil,if RVP goes because he wants to,I will be pissed right off with I’m.
    If the club makes the decision,and based on everything they’ve said,that’s not happening,then they should be crucified.
    Yes,I believe they had good intentions in selling Nasri and Cesc,but there is no way known we should let Robin go unless he wants out.

  80. madgunner says:


    Madgunner,we offered Nasri 90k a week,he asked for 120…….you’re right,it has nothing to do with money lol.

    yea we offered him 90 k a week and a 4th place trophy or even….gosh a 3 place trophy!!!

    Where Man City offered him a bit more and realistic chance of winning the title.

    It is sad how downsized some Arsenal fans expectations have become.

  81. allezkev says:

    Mad 10.50;

    If Nasri didn’t go for money, then why didn’t he join ManUre???

    Surely, as Champions, they were the obvious choice???

    It was about money with Nasri, always has been always will be…

  82. rico says:

    get those caps off on my name Scott 😉

    Good devil, i hope he is… He has red and white in his veins, and that matters more than most things….

  83. alanbstardmp says:

    devilgunner says:
    May 15, 2012 at 11:16 am

    Imagine this scenario………RVP is sold. Theo is sold.

    Hoillet + Kalou on a free
    Podolski signed

    That might be a likely scenario this summer.

    Maybe Devilgunner. We know the buggers like freebees. kalou can play quite well, don’t know about Hoilet

  84. Thorny says:

    With the lists of desirables being posted. M’v, Vertog, Dempsey etc + a couple more and if we keep RVP and Walcot will we be challenging next year?

  85. rico says:

    Hi alan

    AK, Manure wouldn’t meet the asking price, Citeh only paid up becuase they tapped him up, it was either them or stay for another year…

    Anyway, we are best rid of the little weasle….

  86. rico says:

    Hi Thorny – i think we would if we sign who we really need, we have a good basis, we just need to build and not sell anyone…

    Other than those who Lee listed 😉

    Got to pop off for a bit, see you in an hour or two….

  87. alanbstardmp says:

    Thorny, that list of ” desirables will read like the dead sea scrolls before season’s start, and bugger all if any will happen if history repeats

    However, Podolski is a good start, and possible finish 😀

  88. madgunner says:

    allezkev says:
    May 15, 2012 at 11:25 am

    If Nasri didn’t go for money, then why didn’t he join ManUre???

    Surely, as Champions, they were the obvious choice???

    It was about money with Nasri, always has been always will be…

    Again have you any prove of this?

    or is it the fact that Nasri, how ever despicable he may be, has come out and said it like he sees it?

  89. Thorny says:

    Man u = spending
    Man city = spending alot
    Chelsea = clearout and spending alot, new manager perhaps.
    Spurs= doest matter.

    Its going to take alot to beat this lot. We’l need another super coach to see off our ever present nerves.

    We’l do it but boy it goes to show that we need some talent and strength brought in.

  90. devilgunner says:

    Rico……… not downgrade the weasels please. they are above Nasri. Hell even toads are better company.

  91. The font says:

    Scott I agree I think poldy is a great player but my point is we do not sign world class players and the ones we do sign who turn out to be world class were not risk free I also agree with you on your post about dembele I think he could turnout to be special

  92. Ryan L says:

    Great post Kev, AFC will be waiting for my ST money aswell, until they show the practise what they are preaching when asking for my money in the first place.

  93. Scott From Oz says:

    Madgunner,you’ve just kept up the 100% strike rate of Arsenal narks.
    Eventually,you all come up with those who disagree with you being delusional,unintelligent or just sad.
    You’re all the same…….

  94. alanbstardmp says:

    they will always go for the money. Their agents advise them to. It’s in the agents financial interests too

  95. allezkev says:

    Thorny, 11.13;

    Not sure we would’ve been in the same position with Cesc as skipper tbh…

    And Nasri instead of Arteta.

    The dynamics in the dressing room would not been as good as they are under Robin imho…

  96. madgunner says:

    Eventually,you all come up with those who disagree with you being delusional,unintelligent or just sad.

    If asking for a prove when people throw around statements like “he only did it for the money” then indeed I am one of the narks…..

  97. Scott From Oz says:

    Madgunner,you said we have Bought RVP’s replacement in Podolski…..the implication is youre saying RVP is definitely going… you have proof of this?…
    Show me yours and I’ll show you mine!!!

  98. devilgunner says:

    The dynamics in the dressing room regarding Morale are different nowaday than they were in the Nasri/Cesc days. The latter expected the team to work for them. The other two expect to work for the team.

    that is the difference. The NC combo fostered disquiet, rumours etc. But the Arteta/RVP combo foster togetherness and work ethic.

  99. allezkev says:

    Mad, 11.25;

    Do you have proof to back up your comments, or are they just a hunch based opinion like everyone else on here…

    Asking people for proof on a football blog is daft, so try engaging in a discussion as your argument is going nowhere…

    I’m enjoying the chat all the same… 😉

  100. devilgunner says:

    Just a question MadGunner. What do you expect to achieve by moaning, calling us names and using negative comments???

  101. Lee says:

    AK, maybe moan moan moan but this summer has got all the makings of the last few! We’re not asking for messi but some simple housekeeping and 3/4 proper players….

  102. madgunner says:

    My “prove” is no more than my experience of player departures in the recent years and I am quite happy to accept that i have no inside track on RvP’s intentions. He may well decide to stay but I honestly don’t see him doing that.

    There you have it! and your inside knowledge of Nasri’s alleged money over every thing else is…..?

  103. allezkev says:

    Mad, are you enjoying your day-off from LeGrove?

    Are you all taking turns in coming over to The Light…
    Welcome, hope it has a positive effect on ya…

  104. allezkev says:

    My ‘Inside knowledge’ comes from what Nasri says and ther past utterances of other recent departures from Arsenal.
    Surely Mad, you can recall that most of them regret leaving arsenal.
    Nasri will also have regrets, maybe not today, but in a couple of years…

    You are fighting your corner well Mad, keep it up. 🙂

  105. alanbstardmp says:

    look at foreign players first. They have not an English background, never mind a history with the local club. No allegiance whatsoever. They don;t care. They are internationalists and part of a travelling freak show

    English players. Well, they are English, but don’t necessarily have a history with another club. Everton were proud of their boy Rooney until he pissed off to manure, another club with a culture unknown to him. However he is from the same country, that is something

    English players would also leave their club with a good offer, but not as quickly as foreigners, they are not as mercenary. They have roots and a greater sense of loyalty, I generalize on that point. English players for Liverpool may appreciate the history of Arsenal and respect it, and vice versa

    A greater understanding and loyalty comes with it, and that is why I like English players. They are also better in the trenches

  106. Scott From Oz says:

    Mad,you lose.
    Led with your chin their mate lol.
    Anyway,offer up something positive about our club,or be on your way.

  107. Scott From Oz says:

    Every player has their price,no doubt.
    I have no problem with this.Equally,if Nasri had simply said I want the cash,I’d have a lot less contempt for him than I do now.
    Salary cap would be brilliant.

  108. Lee says:

    Lighten up on Mad….nasri is a complete wanker BUT he made some valid points,that is what Mad is driving at…. I think anyways!!

  109. Scott From Oz says:

    Alan,the reason the PL is renowned as the best in the world is not due to the massive influx of English players though,is it?

  110. alanbstardmp says:

    Hi devilgunner

    Poor ol Cashley. If he ran on in an Arsenal shirt again he’d be buried in abuse. However, he can play a fair game if he wants

  111. allezkev says:

    Trouble is Lee, that Mad upset Scott, and Scott is like HH’s pitbull, once he gets his teeth in, he won’t let go.

    Go get ’em Scott…. 😛

  112. madgunner says:

    Then you inside knowledge is no more than your opinion. I have never come across any utterance by Nasri that he left because of money. Just live with it and accept that he left because the club currently lacks all ambition and the manager has loaded the team with some mediocre players in recent years that will never win us anything. Chamack., Squidworth,Gervinho are but a few.

  113. Scott From Oz says:

    Lee,he kept spouting off about proof,yet makes his own,unfounded claims……a tad hypocritical.
    He was fine until the “just sad” comment……he’s the latest in a long line.
    It was solid debate until then.

  114. alanbstardmp says:

    Scott, you are looking at individuals. A great All Black coach said ” A champion team will beat a team of champions ”

    There is plenty of English talent that is not seen. If no foreigners came we would see the next G Best or B Moore or C George

  115. Scott From Oz says:

    Mad,again,I never questioned your claim on RVP leaving,as I was taking it as your opinion.
    Why the hell wouldn’t you just do the same thing?

  116. devilgunner says:

    devilgunner says:
    May 15, 2012 at 11:43 am

    Just a question MadGunner. What do you expect to achieve by moaning, calling us names and using negative comments???

    You still haven’t answered my question mate.

  117. Scott From Oz says:

    You’re right Alan.
    We have the foundations of a champion team,we just need one or two more champions to top us off.

  118. allezkev says:

    But Mad, give it time my friend, give it time.

    Nasri will eventually admit to regretting leaving Arsenal.
    As i said, not today, but in a year or two…
    And yes, i have no more knowledge than you Mad, just an opinion, like you Mad.
    But it’s good to blog, isn’t it..? 😉

  119. Lee says:

    AK, “C” tikka chili massala….mmm luberly!!
    Look on the bright side we could of pissed £20m down the drain on downing…..36 games, 0 goals 0 asists!! What a jem!!

  120. allezkev says:

    Scott, when i listen [read] to you sometimes, i just close my eyes, and imagine that your wearing a ‘Baggy Green’ and standing at 1st or 2nd slip. 😀

  121. madgunner says:

    Devil Where did I call you names?

    Scott From Oz says:
    You’re right Alan.
    We have the foundations of a champion team,we just need one or two more champions to top us off.


  122. alanbstardmp says:

    it could be Madgunner has a point. Nasri saw no ambition from Arsenal, and once someone gave him an offer he couldn’t refuse, off he went

  123. alanbstardmp says:

    lol yes MG. I reckon a couple of solid performers who speak the same language and preferably English will do it

  124. Scott From Oz says:

    That’s a classic AK.
    Alan,why did he ask for 120 a week if ambition is what he wanted though?
    Mad,small things,hey?

  125. Scott From Oz says:

    Has anyone actually seen Mad and Gambon in the same room,at the same time…..,conspiracy theory!

  126. Micko says:

    Afternoon all,
    Players wanna win trophies, money is important but when they eventually call it a day they want to have a few medals in the home cabinet to show for it.
    Nasri, Clichy, even bloody Eboue all left us last season and have won league medals, Fabregas a couple of cup medals with another cup final to come.
    If RvP does leave this summer it will be a sad indictment on AFC, how are we supposed to portray ourselves as an ambitious club if we keep letting our best players go, what message are we sending out to the rest of Europe.
    Personally I think Gazidas has a lot to answer for over the way he has / hasn’t conducted contract negotiations over the last couple of years, I think he’s made a right balls up in some cases, some on here are still bitter at Nasri, I think Gazidas fell asleep at the wheel when he should have been ensuring he was putting pen to paper on a new two year extension for us, anyway thats water under the brigde now.

    Whens our next game and who are we playing ?

  127. vernat1066 says:

    Afternoon, we finished third with 70 points this year if (its a big if) we want to challenge and make it a three way fight for the title or even four way with Chelsea we need to find a swing of about 20 – 25 goals from this year.

    That is less goals conceded lets say 12 less and more goals scored say 13 more. If we do that then we could win six more games which would give us 88 points. Question is how do we achieve this and can we do it with players not starting the season due to playing in the Euro’s and our best right back out as well.

  128. Lee says:

    Go to citeh paid handsomely & win stuff go to Arsenal paid averagely & not win anything…..BUT this can be rectified with proper signings & departures!!!!

  129. allezkev says:

    Good points Mick.

    But would you want to change places with Liverpool?

    They’re not a feeder club and they won a trophy…

    And they have King Kenny in charge….

    Lucky Scousers eh???

  130. Scott From Oz says:

    I agree with you there Micko,except I genuinely couldn’t care less about Nasri…..
    Next game…..too far away.

  131. allezkev says:

    Well that’s my order put in for that brilliant Stewart Downing DVD.
    Thanks for the tip Lee. 😉

  132. Micko says:

    Kev, you already know the answer to that ! we’re miles ahead of the scousers.
    I would however swap places with Chelsea, out of europe right now as things stand, the FA Cup in the bag and the chance to be European Champions in a weeks time and in so doing knocking the holy be jebus out of tottenham.

  133. allezkev says:

    Jamie Sanderson‏@YoungGunsBlog

    #SAFC confirm Nicklas Bendtner missed last weekends game as he missed team bus. Poor. Club unlikely to make loan permanent.

    [In his own tiny mind, the man is a football genius.]

  134. allezkev says:

    HaHa, yes Mick, on the surface that looks a delicious prospect…

    But i have a feeling that the Jerries will win.
    That’s just me. 😉

    But if that is the case, an FACup and Thursday night footie doesn’t look so great.

    Again, and it’s just a hunch, i think Munich could be this Chelsea team’s last hurrah.
    They remind me of Liverpool, circa 1990, when all of a sudden a team of great players all got old together…

  135. devilgunner says:

    Vernat……….this year we dropped a whole lot of points to carelessness in games we should have won or kept as draw. The following games are a case in point………….

    Blackburn (A)…3pts
    Scum (A)……….1pt
    Fulham (H)…….2pts
    Swansea (A)….3pts
    Manure (H)…….1pt
    Bolton (A) ……..2pts
    QPR (A)………..3pts
    Wigan (H)………3pts
    SToke (A)………2pts
    Norwich (H)…….2pts.

    That is a total of 22 points which were thrown carelessly because we were unable to defend properly. The games against Blackburn, Scum, Fulham, Swansea, Manure, QPR, Wigan and Norwich were all games in which we lost points to mediocre defending. Sagna, Kozzer, TommyV, Merts, Gibbs are all quality defenders. Song is in front of them. He is an international.

    Its not the quality mate. Its the strength in depth and the defensive coaching which needs to be given a makeover.

  136. Scott From Oz says:

    AK,it’s disappointing that a guy with great ability has absolutely no brains at all.
    One day he will wake up and realised he pissed his career against a wall,literally!!!

  137. devilgunner says:

    Vernat………..22 points are the difference between where we finished and 1st place. WE WOULD HAVE BEEN CHAMPIONS if we were careful and not take everything for granted.

  138. Lee says:

    Devil, all great individual defenders but don’t defend well as a unit…….song goes off on his meandering runs and we’re left too exposed!

  139. Scott From Oz says:

    The difference in any league is teams that play bad yet still win over teams that drop points on an off day.

  140. allezkev says:

    Great comment there Coach….

    And yes, work on the defence and the covering m/f in front of the back-four and bingo…
    We have a good squad. With a couple or three additions and some work on the training ground [ Banfield/Uncle Bouldy] we may be serious contenders next season.

    Anything to stop Lee moaning… 🙂

    Chick Massala eh, hmmmm….

  141. Scott From Oz says:

    Lee,should we cut him loose or try him higher up the pitch?
    RVP loves him……it’s a factor.

  142. vernat1066 says:

    Hi Devil, I agree that the defensive coaching needs work and a change in attitude from the whole team who buy into it however i also think that we are missing goals as well, maybe gerv will score more next season but we scored 76 this year not enough to win or challenge we need to be scoring 90 or more and conceding less than 30 ideally.

    I read an article on 7 am kick-off and it said that when he was at the game Pat Rice was up and shouting at players to get back and they ignored him, apparently this was not an unusual occurrence, this is why we need a change in attitude as well as in personnel. Perhaps we need to look at playing Vermalen in midfield and buying another centre half or giving Bartley or Miquel a go and with Sagna’s second broken leg cover at full back is looking like it could be important unless we play coquelin there instead?

    With the Euro’s we are unlikely to see RVP, Podolski and Rosicky play at the start of the season which leaves the squad looking a bit on the thin side.

  143. devilgunner says:

    So we have…………

    MoaningLee (moaningly)
    AmazingLee (amazingly)
    LoveLee (Lovely)
    SexyLee (sexily)
    SurprisingLee (surprisingly)

    I ran out of adjectives regarding Lee. 😉 😆

  144. devilgunner says:

    Vernat……I read an article on 7 am kick-off and it said that when he was at the game Pat Rice was up and shouting at players to get back and they ignored him, apparently this was not an unusual occurrence,

    They did what????? And AW did nothing????

    Do that to Clough, or SAF, or hell even to Walrus and you would not be able to sit for a few days.

  145. Micko says:

    RvP and Podolski up top next season, how could anyone not get excited about that.
    Gazidas and your cronies it’s over to you, don’t fook it up.

  146. allezkev says:

    Vernat, i was banging the drum for Verm in m/f awhile back, not least that it allows BFG to team up with Kozzer again.
    Scott also has made the same point recently and Coach.
    At least with Verm in front of the back-four, you would have a guy whose habits to defend would aid that area of the team so lacking since Flamini/Gilberto left.
    Verm also has an eye for goal and the intelligence to join the attack responsibly.

  147. allezkev says:

    Mind you Vernat, Vertonghen in front of the back-four is even more appealing to me.

    Sadly it doesn’t look as if that is gonna happen…

  148. DutchGooner10 says:

    We wouldn’t be dog fighting money bags if there was creative content to relish as a counterweight. Dortmund was in financial tatters just a year ago, now they can hold onto prized assets and attract the right ‘talent’.

    If a club can generate expectations by intelligence many players would orderly cue up to have a knock on our door by their own motivation. It begins with sharpening higher common denominators. Creating implicit believe that can challenge conventions, cuz we are in a position of margins. We are in between top shelf and plankton. Traditional methods are inadequate for the kind of innovation we are dying need for. Either make the leap or clutch on to the edge of a cliff.

  149. alanbstardmp says:

    Scott From Oz says:
    May 15, 2012 at 12:09 pm

    That’s a classic AK.
    Alan,why did he ask for 120 a week if ambition is what he wanted though?

    I did not say he had ambition alone

  150. Scott From Oz says:

    He has plenty of options and takes them….straight to an opponent.
    In one game,I counted five passes direct to the feet of an opposition player.
    None were outrageous attempts at through balls,just ordinary,basic errors.
    He shows little signs of brilliance,but they’re overshadowed by the errors.

  151. Thorny says:

    You know Chelsea havent really recovered since getting rid of Ray Wilkins. I’m a massive believer in this sort of thing and reckon with out David platt M shitty would not have got over the line. Its the Winning mentality. Bergkamp please.

  152. Scott From Oz says:

    You never know though Vernat,playing forward gives a player a different mindset,and with it,anything can happen.
    Might be worth a try,but I’d love to see Vermaelen given a chance.

  153. vernat1066 says:

    Yes Scott i would like to see him play there as well as he has a burst of pace which none of our other midfielders have. Perhaps as well in a change of formation away from home at least to offer more defensive cover and discipline and stop the times where a single ball over the top undoes us

  154. Scott From Oz says:

    Nice one Micko
    ,if he has to miss a few games,it’s not that big a deal,is it.
    I don’t see a problem.

  155. rico says:

    Afternoon guys and gals…

    Welcome Ryan, sorry for the delay in letting you on, all first comments go into moderation

  156. vernat1066 says:

    Interesting article on Hoilett on bleacher report, seems to be more comfortable playing centrally rather than on the wing, not sure about him but might be worth a look?

  157. Thorny says:

    apparently so rico…….must have been hanging about since sunday with nothing else to do. Probably sticking about to see RVP sign a new deal whilst demanding wenger to shore up the deffence so we dont keep leaking the goals he scores.

  158. Micko says:

    Scott, imagine the respect he would command, if he was to go knocking at a players door asking them to come and play in the red and white there wouldn’t be many who would turn their noses up, still a few years away but I would like to think it’s a possibility.

  159. rico says:

    Ha ha Thorny, wish AW would get in there and get him signed up… I was so sure he was coming our way 🙁

  160. rico says:

    Bergkamp alongside Bould/Keown when Wenger goes would be pretty special….

    In fact, can’t that happen by the end of the week??

  161. vernat1066 says:

    Put Dennis in charge of the reserves so he can give their talent and application the final direction it needs, doesn’t have to fly or do a lot of media work which he doesn’t really like doing and can help make sure players coming up into the first team are ready and know what is expected and demanded

  162. Scott From Oz says:

    My favourite Gunner of all time is DB10.
    The guy would have players tripping over themselves to join our club,and Gooners the world over old begin to see some light at the end of the tunnel.

  163. Thorny says:

    Wenger, Bould, Bergkamp…. there you go RVP..theres your incentive.

    Does anyone know if RVP has ever expressed an interest in coaching later on? I know its early days x 10!!

  164. Thorny says:

    Mine too Scott. Thats my lucky shirt aswell. RVP kicks ass when I ware my DB10 shirt to matches.

    Its going to happen for sure…..just wish they’d hurry up.

  165. allezkev says:

    James Olley

    15 May 2012

    Arsene Wenger has at times this season felt the burden of expectation weigh heavy on his shoulders and a reminder of past glories came today when Arsenal’s ‘Invincibles’ side were named the Premier League Team of all time.

    They went through the 2003-04 League season unbeaten to become only the second club to do so after Preston achieved the feat in 1889.

    Thierry Henry scored 30 goals in an historic feat recognised today as the finest achievement by a single side during the 20 Premier League seasons, as voted for by a panel of 11 experts, commentators and administrators.

    Arsenal finished the season in third place after recovering from a turbulent summer and their worst start in 58 years to secure Champions League football for a remarkable 15th consecutive year.

    And Wenger believes his team have a chance of emulating their much-vaunted predecessors by challenging for the title again next season.

    “I am proud of being unbeaten in a season and very happy because I told the players at the time that we will have achieved something special once we were champions and invincible,” he said. “They did it but at the time they didn’t realise what it could mean in the future. I’m very proud of that achievement.

    “But my target is to get back to that level. I feel personally that we are not far from coming back to fight for the championship and let’s hope that we can see that next season.”

  166. allezkev says:

    I see that Ryan Giggs won the Premier League player of the Universe, or whatever nonsense it was!
    Football did exist before 1992-93… 🙄

    Wonder if ‘Giggsy’ is up for The Brother-In-Law of the Decade award?

  167. Lee says:

    A mate of mine, reckons we had the deal virtually done & dusted at the start of May, then AFC moved the goal posts & JV said fuck it, I’m joing a shit team in north london! Don’t know the validity of the story but……if IG is involved, anything is possible!!

  168. Goonster says:

    Nothing like that over here. Its all speculation. Calm down lee(like ak ll say) hey where’s ak by the way? I miss that miserable old goat and wath too.

  169. Lee says:

    TBH, I’ve been fucking grumpy/negative & half empty all day….and that old goat even called me WATH!!!! 😉

  170. rico says:

    Black clouds, hail stones, thunder and lightening…

    Ahhhh, summer is truly on its way …..

  171. rico says:

    AK – re your 2.30, he won’t if he sells RvP and doesn’t add a few better players, we have no bloody chance…

  172. rico says:

    Lee – i reckon there is some truth in that, De Boer said he was decided and a deal had been done….

    IG should be out the bloomin door, how many deals can that man muck up?

  173. Merlin96 says:

    Good afternoon People.

    For Micko informaiton, I predicted WBA 2 Arsenal 4 in AT Prediction League :mrgreen:

    My prediction for 2012/13 season:

    WHy did ManU declined so spectacularly this season?
    ‘cos Glazer Family will not allow Ferguson to buy a 30+ mil player every season.
    And Rooney is a dsiruptive figure and simply lost that edge and that hunger to succeed after signing a mega-buck deal.
    I wouldn’t be surprised that if another mega-buck of 60-mil to 80-mil comes along, Ferguson will sell Rooney to rebuild thsi team again.

    Ferguson was clutching at straws to try to rescue this season by playing Scholes and Giggs…..and did not have the courage to throw the youngsters into the what Wenger did with Szczesny, Jenkinson, Gibbs, Coquelin, Miquel, Ramsey, OX, Yennaris, et al.

    Definitely, three teams with ageing players are in decline, i.e. Liverpool, Chelski and now ManU.

    If Wenger cannot manage to beat these 3 teams next season, then he is not the manager that AKB thought he was.

    Wenger knew it and smelled blood and he is quietly confident that next season, our most serious competitor is now Abu DHabi CIty; certainly not ManU, Liverpool CHelski and other mid-table mediocre teams.

    Like 1998/99, Wenger will open the wallet and spend all those transfer kitty that he had accummulated over all these years.

    In fact since 2007/08, 2012/13 is perhaps the best chance we have to win the title.

    Provided Wenger cna keep this squad intact, refused to sell Van Persie at any price, plus buying 2 or 3 more experienced players needed to address those weak links that costed us dear last season.

  174. vernat1066 says:

    Thought our deals were done through Richard (Dick) Law not gazidis ? Think we will go for a double raid on Blackburn Rico for Hoilett and Nzonzi?

  175. Goonster says:

    Afternoon Rico, how are ya? The de boer interview was back in march they ve been other developments. Jv hasn’t decided on anything yet. He might not come to us cause like gambon rightly states”wenger hates competition” but jv will definitely not go to shit hart lane. Calm down sheesh. Wonder where people get these stories from?

  176. Goonster says:

    I am lee. I believe we ll see the pre emirates wenger. The 97/98 wenger. Wait for it….and am not an akb.

  177. allezkev says:

    Hi Stan,
    The Mrs is great, a clean bill of health.
    She loved it at West Brom.
    Think she’s got the away-game bug… 🙂

  178. thorny says:

    Merlin. thats some possitive thinking and agree on Liv and Man u but Chelsea will be all over it this transfer window. They’l come back strong. New manager aswell? No champs league to worry about maybe?
    I like the bit about Wenger opening his wallet…….can you imagine if you saw him at a shop or a restaurant opening his wallet….the heckling would be insane!

  179. rico says:

    Hi goonster

    But competition is just what we need and players like JV, i bet he joins the swampies or chavs….

  180. Lee says:

    Wenger doesn’t believe in competition…there lies the problem! Too much comfort zone for his molly coddled babies…..FFS!

  181. Thorny says:

    Even better if it was wenger, hill wood, IG, and stan arguing over who pays, all staring at open wallets frowning.

  182. Lee says:

    …should read…..
    No competition put them all on bumper contracts, no wonder there’s no fire in the bellys!

  183. Micko says:

    How do Merlin, knew you’d be back for your fix.
    Kev, you sure know how to show a girl a good time.
    Thorny, that’s why you’ll never catch Arsene surfing, if he fell off the board his money belt would drown him !

  184. allezkev says:

    That’s me Mick, nevermind flowers and chocolates, it’s a seat in the Smethwick End for my gal… 😉

  185. rico says:

    Exactly Lee, every player knows he is going to be on the team sheet regardless, it’s bollox imho….

  186. rico says:

    Just seen some big wig from the Mancs talking on SS’s – he says Fergie has been looking at players all season and hope to add to their squad very very soon…..

    he doesn’t hang around does he, and I bet he’s got Hazard!

  187. rico says:

    Apparently we are favs to get him Lee, i think we will buy a defender, but not someone we all know or have heard of….

  188. Merlin96 says:

    Hey people, let’s start buying British.
    I wouldn’t mind Victor Moses and Scott Sinclair, plus Holliet and N’zonzi with premiership experience.

    At least they are hungry and not a non-commital Walcott jogging around to protect his hamstrings for Euro2012..and not pulling his legs in harm way for Arsenal FC.. @#$%%@

    We need hungry and committed players and not Cowardly Lion like Walcott, skipping out of every 50:50 balls.

    Sell Walcott and buys Victor Moses and/or Scott Sinclair.

  189. rico says:

    Thorny – that is bad 😉

    merlin, last summer i mentioned Scott Sinclair, you are in for a tough time with that one 😉

    tell you what though, if wenger sold walcott tommorrow, i think rvp would be very very disappointed…..

  190. Micko says:

    Lee, I remember Barton coming out and saying Wenger wanted to sign him last summer and only that the Gervinho incident put pay to that, what a numpy, probably Gerv’s biggest contribution all season.

  191. Thorny says:

    so now its 5pm odd….. are we expecting anything to come out of talks with RVP anytime soon? I was sure he said wednesday but theres alot saying today. What d’you lot think? I guess any leaked news will have to be taken with a cellar full of salt as its such a big subject. Here in cornwall I have no reliable sources. you guys are my link to the Arsenal mainframe.

  192. vernat1066 says:

    Hoilett, Drogba and Nzonzi and a Goal keeper who can still perform no more Mark Poom’s please

  193. rico says:

    Thorny – i don’t think talks begin until tomorrow either and i strongly suspect that if he’s staying, we’ll hear by the end of the day…

    He knows already – thats my view…

  194. rico says:

    No chance on Drog vernat, he’ll be after a huge final contract, PSG or Russia i think, or maybe he will join Anelka….

    Nzonzi is a real possibility, especially as BB have been relegated….

  195. vernat1066 says:

    Think you are right Rico shame as RVP, Podolski and Drogba would certainly cause teams problems, and give us the elusive plan B as well with Drogbas aerial ability

  196. rico says:

    Trouble is vernat, AW doesn’t believe in playing a big centre forward, we signed Nik and he played him left wing – why?

    I sure don’t know the answer….

  197. devilgunner says:

    Merlin’s Beard. YOU ARE BACK!!!!! 🙂

    Leave this blog one more time and if I catch you I will rattle and shake your head till it drops. 😉

    Good to see you back.

    Good evening Fine Folk of the St Totteringham’s Worship.

    Merlin96 says:
    May 15, 2012 at 4:39 pm

    Hey people, let’s start buying British.
    I wouldn’t mind Victor Moses and Scott Sinclair, plus Holliet and N’zonzi with premiership experience.

    That is something I will approve of. Get those four and sell Theo I would say.

  198. rico says:

    Why not AK 😉 😉 Seriously, I thank you and all who help out, makes my life a whole lot easier…..

  199. rico says:

    See you in a bit Ak….

    devil – we cannot sell Theo, he is a fav or Robin, and selling him would send out the wrong message imho….

  200. devilgunner says:

    I agree lady. But if RVP leaves and Theo starts throwing toys out of the pram than I say sell him and get those four…..maybe Kalou on a freebie also.

  201. vernat1066 says:

    We not only need to buy players we need to be more flexible in our tactics, if that means using an long ball to a big centre forward then fine as shankly said its not long ball or short ball its the right ball. Lets compete not only financially this summer but tactically as well.

  202. Micko says:

    I dunno rico, you never seem to get my emails and when I ring ya the phone is always engaged.

  203. Tlailaxu says:

    …this makes my day,I work in PizzaEast Portobello and Tommy Vermaelen is now downstairs with some chick having dinner…=)…yepyyyyyyy…=DDD

  204. vernat1066 says:

    Micko just tried to remember the last experienced goal keeper we signed as a back up and up popped Mr Poom.

  205. rico says:

    but also devil, if theo goes first, rvp will see that as a negative move – keep him i say and

    NO to Malouda… 😉

    Micko, you are such a hoot 😉 😉

  206. Adam says:

    I can’t believe we are going through all this transfer angst again and the season only finished a couple of days ago. I keep seeing all these websites cashing in on the RVP story, if it is in fact, a story. Blogs and and articles written by people with names like Ahmed Knoboff or Srabjo Umbaloogu seem to know exactly what Man City or Real Madrid are going to offer or that his mind is made up. Vertoghen has been seen in Tottenham High Road accepting or giving Twitchy a brown bag. Arsenal are going to be finished if Robin goes just like they were finished when Ian Wright left because who would score the goals? Or that they would be finished when Bergkamp left, then Vieira and then Henry, because he is their only World class player isn’t he? Nor finished yet? Oh well, they will be when Fabregas leaves. In fact they will be lucky to avoid relegation. Oh Yes, Tottenham Hotspur, that most English of clubs with the greater tradition, they are ready for the seismic power shift in North London. Yes, good old Harry. We all love him don’t we? He’ll show that idiot Wenger how it’s done. After all, look at what he’s won. He is a shoe-in for he England manager’s job isn’t he?, he has taken his last three clubs into administration with his prudent spending and in 30 years of management he won one FA cup with a team now entering financial meltdown for the second time. plus of course he has been on trial for tax avoidance and his defence was that he is a complete idiot. He can’t send an e-mail, read a book, turn on a computer. Gives all his money away and can’t even remember where his bank is. But he’s at Spurs now and he’ll show Wenger how it’s done alright. He’ll make the Frenchie relive the battle of Waterloo on the pitch every week. Give him a bit of good old English steel ’cause they don’t like it up ’em those Frenchies do they? And he’ll certainly never throw away a 12 point lead. It’ll probably end up as a 30 point lead. In fact Spurs will probably buy Van Persie themselves.

  207. devilgunner says:

    ALEX FERGUSON has come up with the most bizarre reason yet for Manchester United’s title defeat — City were allowed to finish after his side.

    The Red Devils thought they had retained the crown after winning at Sunderland.

    But 13 seconds later news filtered through that City had beaten QPR in injury time.

    Fergie said: “The Premier League needs to look into it.

    “No team should be finishing after the other. We thought we’d done it.”

    Is he for Real???? lol

  208. Adam says:

    I think Fergie is teetering on the else of sanity these days. My doctor friend told me the level of mental weirdness is directly in inverse proportion the the number of broken blood vessels in the nose and the precise shade of red that it exhibits under TV lights.

  209. Lee says:

    I’m ok Adam, just been to the gym….tucking into liver & bacon. Didn’t feel overly positive today as far as AFC are concerned….. ho hum, I’m sure I’ll get over it….

  210. Micko says:

    Adam, hard day at the office ? Its always good to vent your spleen, no better place than here.

  211. Adam says:

    Yummie. Liver and bacon. Haven’t had that for ages. I used to get it in nice place in Camden Town that isn’t there any more. I just ate some Chinese, (made at home) and now I am listening to music (working), while my wife is crashing about upstairs. If you read the blogs, it’s easy to get down about our club so I know what you mean. Bon apetit.

  212. Adam says:

    Hi Micko. No, the office is in my head as I work from home. I just remember the general horrible-ness of last close season’s nonsense and don’t want to go down that bummer route again.

  213. thorny says:

    adam 7.23

    Yes adam……you see thats cutting through the crap just how its supposed to be cut through. By getting real. Its unfortunate that most of the bloggers and whoevers typing away hour after hour are doing the easy bit…..creating the crap and throwing it about like my nan plastering my ceilings!! Always good to step back and take a good look at the big picture

  214. Lee says:

    Tbh Adam, I really try and disregard Newsnow etc and just lurk about here. I was driving home from the station and I committed the cardinal sin, that oxygen thieving waste of internal organs was on the radio. Against my better judgement I listened to the prick, saying that he thought it was a joke “The Invincibles” we’re voted the best PL team ever….. Chelsea were a far better team as they got 95 points (5 more than us) the very next season! I screamed Rico’s favourite word at the radio then calmly put five live on…..rant over!!!!!

  215. devilgunner says:

    I am off now mates.

    Rico…have you made the correction in my post by any chance??? I sent an email to you earlier today.

  216. Lee says:

    Evening Rico…..when I type your name on the iPad it comes out in capital letters….. thought I’d share that with you.

  217. rico says:

    Of course devil, and the post will go up in the morning, unless we hear important news… 😉

    Night you, rest well….

  218. Joaquim Moreira says:

    international news:
    Manchester City are very close to ensure the hiring of striker Arsenal’s Robin van Persie for 25 million pounds (more than 31.2 million euros), advances on Tuesday the British newspaper “Daily Mirror”.
    According to the report, the Citizens have also prepared a contract for the Dutchman to more than triple the salary that he receives currently in the London club.
    Such values ​​may convince Van Persie to become the fifth player to swap Arsenal for Manchester City in a short time after Gael Clichy, Kolo Toure, Emmanuel Adebayor and Samir Nasri have also played millionaire transfers.
    The Gunners still trying to renew the contract with the top scorer in the Premier League season 2011/12, having put on the table a proposal by 2015 (this relationship ends in 2013) and provides a premium subscription of 5 million pounds (more than 6.2 million euros).

  219. devilgunner says:

    Thanks Lady. Good night to you.

    Night Lee. Hope you will soon be DreamingLee after you feel SleepingLee . 😆

    CU all mates.

  220. rico says:

    I’m done for the day guys, last night’s eastenders needs a viewing…

    Nighty all and stay safe…

    Tomorrow is another day….. 😉

  221. Adam says:

    From tomorrow’s Daily Star:
    A Port sodden Peter Hill Wood stared out from his office across the luxuriant grass carpet that is the Emirates’ pitch and through a fog of smoke from his £10,000 Havana cigar said “I think we could certainly find room for the corpse of that ginger piece of excrement Durham somewhere”.

  222. Scott From Oz says:

    Morning all,even you Merlin…my old sparring partner,it’s good to see you back.
    Some of the gooses blogging must read the leaves to come with their scoops,they’re so unreal.

  223. Scott From Oz says:

    Just read comments from Nasri,made in 2010.
    Basically,he says people were over critical of Arsenals lack of silverware as they were the one club actually trying to build towards success,not simply throw money around to buy it.
    He said young players go to to Arsenal to play a certain style of football,and that is most important.
    Onya Samir,deadest genius.

  224. allezkev says:

    Tbh Adam, your 7.23 should have been the basis of a Post….
    It was ‘that’ good buddy…

  225. allezkev says:

    Scott, what Samir Nasri says about Arsenal, has about as much relevance as Adrian Durham…
    Both are pathetic, ugly, wastes of space.

  226. allezkev says:

    This is a bit of a suprise!

    A swap for Dempsey maybe?

    Jamie Sanderson‏@YoungGunsBlog

    Interesting stuff from @DommNorris: Fulham linked with Andrey Arshavin in Russian media. Could work. He’s settled in London

  227. thorny says:

    not sure what I think of demba ba… he that good or just had a purple patch. anyone keen to grab him over our other links?

  228. thorny says:

    Ba or Torres??

    the particular site that yabbered on about this claim chelski want rid of torres and concidering replacing with ba.

  229. allezkev says:

    Nevermind about Van Persie’s and Walcott’s contracts, don’t you all realise that Squillaci’s deal also runs out in 2013… 😯

    Yea God’s, get him signed up Ivan… 😀

    Goodnight Gooners…

    Your welcome Adam…

  230. Merlin96 says:

    Scott From Oz says:

    May 15, 2012 at 8:58 pm

    Morning all,even you Merlin…my old sparring partner,it’s good to see you back.
    Some of the gooses blogging must read the leaves to come with their scoops,they’re so unreal.


    CHeers mate.

    Just that I started a new job on April 2 and still on 3-month probation.
    Can’t do much blogging during company time 😆

    A dull summer without both of us going at each other hammer and tong :mrgreen:

  231. rico says:

    Morning all

    See RvP is going to be told he’s staying regardless then, wonder if IG will stick by his word….

  232. Lee says:

    Morning Rico, surely it can’t be that hard to broker this deal….give him a morecombe and add some quality to the squad, that’s been lacking for years!! 😉

  233. devilgunner says:

    Good Morning Fine Guys and Chicks of the St Totteringham’s Faith.

    Morning Lady……..of course he might stay. Then again he might not. Whether or not Gazidis has the balls to make him do is another story.

  234. rico says:

    Hi devil –

    we have heard the ‘we will keep him’ line all too often, if RvP decides that the club can’t meet his ambitions then there is no way Stan will let £25Million go ….

  235. devilgunner says:

    That is my feeling too Lady. And I would not let 25million go either.

    With me its either you sign or else you will be sold.

  236. Lee says:

    Morning coach, very sharp Rico! I just think it sends out terrible vibes from Arsenal if we sell RVP….surely we can show him enough intent in the transfer mkt and in his salary rise?!?!?
    Obviously his salary is a big factor but he wants AFC to be competitive, like all of us Gooners do!!!

  237. alanbstardmp says:

    Scott From Oz says:
    May 15, 2012 at 9:53 am

    Would we take Kalou and Drogba,plus 20 million for RVP.

    yes I’d take that. You got those two, Robin may stay

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