Good Morning….
Finally, the worst kept secret since Chamakh joined was confirmed yesterday by Arsenal FC, yep, Lukas Podolski will indeed be a Gooner next season.
I’m so happy to be joining Arsenal and to play in the Premier League. Arsenal is one of the top clubs in Europe with a huge history.
There are many top quality players at Arsenal and the style of football which the team plays is fantastic. I’m proud to become an Arsenal player and am looking forward to playing my first match at Emirates Stadium and doing my best for all the Arsenal fans.
Great news, nice early signing out the way and one which makes me think there could be a few more to come.
Has Wenger ever acted so quickly ahead of a transfer window?
I don’t think so but I bet there are still a few fans who would rather he’d signed Gotze, there is just no pleasing some eh!
Personally, I’m chuffed, we need a goal scorer and that’s just what we have got! He’s not just any old goal scorer though, he’s a German International and that has to be good.
Wonder what number he’ll get, number ten is taken…..
Nice Arsene, now go and tell Ivan to work hard on signing the next player(s) on your ‘most wanted’ list!
Talking of which, another huge rumour has gathered pace over the last few weeks is Jan Vertonghen. We all know the his current manager, Frank De Boer has confirmed he will be leaving Ajax this summer and we all know that he wants to play for us.
Well whilst we play Norwich at home this weekend, the Dutch League play out their final fixtures the following day.
If, and that is a big if all that we have read in recent weeks is true, we could see Arsenal FC announce another signing early next week.
Let’s hope so….
It looks highly like that Roy Hodgson is going to be given the England job, shame for old Harry eh but talk about a double blow for him, even his club don’t want to enter talks about extending his current managerial deal which runs out next summer.
Just got to feel for the guy eh… 😉
That’s about it for today, hope you all enjoyed the Manchester Derby last night, those two Managers really know how to behave on the touch-line don’t they….
Have a good day all…..
lu lu lu Lukasz Podolski. Watch out EPL, we’re gunning for you next season 🙂
Morning all,
something to smile about on the transfer front, now go on Arsene, more!!
Morning rico. I’m really glad we got Poldi, but my thirst is not quenched yet! I want more big names! more more moreee! 😀
You and me both Adk, Vertonghen and M’Vila next please 😛
Morning all, Welcome Lucas Podolski, although lots of talk beforehand, i never felt he was a dead cert strange when i read the news yesterday. I don’t think we have signed somebody this early before but i know i must be wrong, who else have we got in line as it looks that Wenger has got in early hoping not to be gazzunpt, £11 mill gone so i expect a clear out early. Good post as always Rico and who was the mystery Writer yesterday i must have missed the anouncement. 🙂
Great start, 3/4 more wil make me a happy chappy 😀
wenger out! 😉
Great signing – Defo getting printed on my shirt next season! matia suarez sounds like its still in the pipe line too!
Morning all….. I’m hoping Poldi is the thin end of the wedge, more to follow!! The Dutch league ends this weekend ( I think) so Vertonghen next week???
Morning all.
Good news, a high quality 26 year-old goalscorer is here for next season.
I still think that who we let go (sling out?) will be as big an indicator of our ambitions as who we bring in. Podolski alongside RVP would scare the proverbial out of most defences as long as the service is there. If our wage bill continues to be burdened with too many over- paid under- performers then the chances of bringing in any more decent reinforcements are severely limited.
I’m hoping the stadium’s revolving door gets a lot of use this summer. It could be interesting.
Morning Steve, Romford and Lee
never believe until its on either, but finally they have given us the news we all wanted, first of 3 or 4 i hope….
Ditto Romford 🙂
First sin bin for Lee? 😉 😉
It was me…… now that’s a surprise eh….
Only joking……. 😆
Hi Matty, Billboy
Whats the gossip on Suarez?
Billboy, maybe we are doing things differently at last, sign them up first and that makes it clear to others to go and get themselves a club as they won’t be in our squad…
We knew lee 😉
But I bet there are plenty who will still be saying that today, i know it’s only one signing but it’s showing a bit of intent, something AW hasn’t done in a good few years now…
Do you mean “it was I” or have you misspelt Bertie Mee’s name?
I was answering Steve Billboy 😉
M’Vila, Vertonghen and then one from the following:
Marvin Martin
Having a couple of top quality players in front of you in the pecking order would demonstrate to some of the unwanteds that their chances of a game might be better elsewhere but would they then look for a loan deal to prolong their tenure and high wages (as seems to have happened before(?
Romford, that’d do for me!! And the majority on here, Gourcuff’s name hasn’t been mentioned for a while……..
Also Billboy, these signing(s) will show RVP some intent by the club…..
No shot on target against sity while sity had no shot on target against us….we are more technically superior in the leafue….i will continue to keep the faith,,,,,CoyG
And a keeper Romford 🙂
Billboy, it should tell them they are not wanted, AW can only name 25, if a few realise they are number 30, they have no hope 😉
And with each signing, our bench gets stronger, isn’t that all we have asked for….
Kc – good to hear you are keeping the faith 😉
We create plenty of chances, just need someone other than RvP to be slotting them home…
Yes, definitely a keeper Rico 😉
Gourcuff has completely fallen off the radar, due to injuries and a loss of form. This would be a typical Wenger signing though if he doesn’t want to pay big bucks for those mentioned above.
He’d love nothing more than to return a big player to his former glories.
All good points Rico. Stop it, you’regetting me excited.
Jussi Romford 🙂
Don’t let Wenger fool you supporters,he hasn’t bought Podolski to
partner Van Persie, he’s bought him to replace him,that will please
his shareholders and directors,Podolski bought for £11,000,000
Van Persie sold for app: £30,000,000, = profit £19,000,000,Well done Arsene,we’ll give you a rise,Iwould sooner them give him the sack.”UP THE GUNNERS”.
Gotta thin out the 71……. Yeah Romford, definite AW signing!!
Yes please Rico, either him or Sorensen. Good back-up keepers who’d be happy to play second fiddle but can also provide ample cover when called upon! #winning
Adrian Durham??
Onya Steve.
Thanks for your pisspoor attempt to put a negative on a massive positive.
Luckily though,like you think you see through Wenger,we are through you.
Morning all,except the bloody nark lol.
Great news about Poldolski. Now go get Eriksen/Kagawa and M’Vila Arsene.
Why not have another crack for Schwarzer???
He’s still a terrific keeper.
Scott…i rate him too but i will like to see jussi or sorensen
the stage is now set for vp to clinch that golden boot
Steve, you are a ray of sunshine, i wondered who would be the first one to throw a spanner in the works. YOU CAN PLEASE SOME OF THE PEOPLE SOME OF THE TIME BUT YOU CAN’T PLEASE ALL THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME. I hope you will still be supporting next season 🙂
Hiya SteveP,
We could signe Messi and some would complain lol.
steve, that just isn’t going to happen …
To right there Scott, morning mate.
Rico, i was right about the nice disposition but you are a bit fiesty 🙂
😆 Billboy, i reckon AK is right, finally the penny has dropped and the club are going to do things differently, we’ll soon see but i have hope, much more than i have had for a few seasons now….
Hi Scott…
I will say this though,if RVP does happen to leave,at the very least we do have somebody of great quality to step in.
If ,if,if……..I tip he will stay.
My last was to the other steve – i best call you SP from now on 😉
Me fiesty, i’m a mere puddycat…. 😉
Lee you knuckle head. Hahaha, wenger out huh? That’s the best comment i ve read all year. Morning guys.. Am buzzing fellas,the news around town here is that we ve snapped up jv too. Yipeee…
Morning Rico.
I’ve sent an email to Uncle Jussi,and he’s open to fulfilling your every desire,and wear that Arsenal keepers shirt.
Craig Gordon is in the rumour mill for the keeper 😮
Don’t know which one of those to look forward to most Scott 😉
I hope everyone recalls my proclaimation two weeks back.
I declared Podolski and Vertonghen as certain Gunners,and even offered a friendly wager to one of our,ahem,less positive souls.
Knocked back of course.
I could be making a fortune if these guys would take a punt.
Hi GM, M’Vila is about offering the right money imho, he wants tosign for Wenger, we just need to not muck around with the fee….
Stan, well I though I’d join in with all the doom-mongers! I was only fcking about…..
Jussi the shirt or out of it Rico?????
Dirty bugger.
You can have him,but send me Podolskis girl.
Hurley burley.
Goonster, really from the Dutch media????
Another reason not to bring racism etc onto the blogs….
A man has been arrested in connection with racial abuse allegedly directed towards Rangers player Kyle Bartley.
The football club complained to police on Sunday, claiming the 20-year-old defender, who is on loan from Arsenal, was abused on the social networking site Twitter.
Hi goonster – i like that news in holland
Scott – in the shirt of course, how could you think anything else 😉
As for your prediction, we all thought those two would sign, but right now only one has….. 😉
Seriously,what has race got to do with anything,when every club in the league has black players???
These heroes just pick the easy and obvious target because they’re not smart enough to come up with anything better.
Getting rid of the deadwood is just as important…even knowing diaby, squi, hoyte, djourou, chamakh et al makes you sick, not to mention the 100s of thousands they suck from us week in week out
Yep its all over the press lee. Am creaming me pants guys.
I’m going back to yesterday really Scott, it’s not just racism that can land people in trouble….
Goonster, good, we need him, hope you are not doing a Mata 😉
I agree with Steve, doom doom doom.
Diaby. 😀
Morning ma’am, hopefully he ll be announced soon. Someone mentioned gourcuff. Hmmm looks like a wenger signing. Pires mark 2 anyone?
Morning all. Sorry if I missed it but who wrote yesterday’s post?
Mata? Who’s the Mata you re referring to? I know him not. Morning ak….
Stan, you’d better change your pants…
And calm down….
Kev. Yesterday Stan called me a bastard and threatened me with castration.
Morning Gooners.
A nice post Rico and Good Morning to you…
Jussi without his shirt on, tut tut, i’m agast Rico…
Could be next Monday goonster….
Morning Charlie …
Adam, Stan is just a harmlesss, cuddly blond.
But we all luv him.
Morning Adam, it was me….
Rico,that wasn’t directed at you,it was aimed at thin air really,because the scumbag racists aren’t on HH i hope.
Yeah, unprovoked attack on Adam…..poor man!
Yes Adam and the threat remains if you come ten meters to my lil sis…
Thanks Charlie, always easier to write when it’s good news 🙂
I know Scott 😉
Stan, I think you’ll find that Adam is a married man…..
Cuddly ak? Are you kidding me? Am a hardcase i ll have you know.
I’m still floating over this one.
You should be more worried about John Terry goonster, especially if Chelsea are going on a pre season tour of Holland 😉
Then again, if your sister is single, she should be ok 😉
Boom boom Rico…
J-j-john terry is coming to the Netherlands? Lord in heaven help me. Someone lock up my grand mother!
Thought you’d like that one Lee 😉
Wonder if Linekar did an impression of Fergie and Mancinni last night on MOTD??
Will I be exagerating if I say, as it stands with or without new signing we get atleast a trophy next season…..
If Terry comes to Oz,we will lock up the bloody sheep.
My posts stopped appearing yesterday Rico, but the humanity of the piece said it was you and I wrote that ( crawl). So, Goonster- are you in Arnhem? And the good time you promise me? Will that involve seeing the birthplace of William Of Orange and the Tulip Fields? I am a Bible- reading teetotal man who likes nothing more than a nice cup of Earl Gey and doing a jigsaw puzzle of the Nativity. So, no coffe houses or alcohol please.
Great news about Podolski and Linekergate rumbles on in the press. Which is nice.
Stan, Lineker is the one you want to be worried about….
Adam just get your butt onto the next train. I ll be waiting for ya.
Lee lineker is a spud. And what do you do to potatoes? You mashed ’em!
I will be in Hilversulm soon Stan. Can you make it there?
Spuds? You fry them and eat them with mayonnaise in Holland.
When Adam? How soon?
goonster, if the Mancs tour Holland you should be worried about your Grandma, Rooney likes the older woman 😉
You know us Adam you know us.
Adam, i am not sure why comments go missing, it seems to be posters are using ipads pods, whatever they are, or mobile phones – i have contacted wordpress, will do so again….
I thought you would all guess it was me 😉
One good thing about last nights result is Citeh now have to beat Newcastle, and we need them to …..
You don’t say Rico…he likes them old! God help us.
I am using an iPad Rico and it normally happens during the afternoons. Goonster. I will post when I know some dates. Are you in Arnhem?
Stan, your GrandMother will be fine.
Now if ManUre were touring the Nederlands that’s another matter.
Shrek does have previous ya know… 🙂
Kev. Are you in the west end tomorrow?
Comments going missing I wish negative bloggers would………
I never have a problem losing comments.
its obvious….Rico never deletes mine lol!!!!!
Ah just read Rico, too quick off the draw Madam.
Yep Adam. In arnhem. Waiting for you my man. Ak that’s a worrying development.
I’m all over Adam, why mate?
Lee. Thinking of going to your recommended curry establishment tonight. Just off Whitechapel Road.
Kev. I have business in Soho for an hour and then a walk up to Selfridges. Thought I could buy you a coffee but probably too difficult to arrange as your schedule isn’t fixed.
I gotta do some work.
Thanks adam, i will see if i can find out what is going on with WP…
Great minds Charlie
That can be arranged Lee 😉
Scott, nor mine 😉
I have an hour’s business in Soho Kev. Thought I could buy you a coffee but probably difficult to arrange, given the looseness of your schedule.
The magpies ll be up for it tonight. I see a high scoring game tonight. But i think the chavs ll shave it.
Morning All,
Podolski, isn’t he all left foot, could be a wrongun.
Adam, not that it would effect you, but those of us that drink, you have to take your own booze…. 😉
and a tube of toothpaste.
Morning micko….sorry mate but podolski is so left footed. I think he’s even more ‘left footed’ than robin.
I would only ever drink a beer with curry Lee or a mineral water perhaps. I am not strict teetotal as I do love a good bottle of wine. It is a bit of a hobby of mine.
Goonster. So you must know the Tulip Hotel in Velp where I stayed and the tall World Trade Centre building, overlooking the train station in Arnhem? That’s where we did the interview part of the trip.
Micko,you reckon with a right foot he’d have 86 goals for Germany instead of a meagre 43?
goonster, but Citeh will batter them when they play 😉
I see a draw between the chavs and newcastle, that would be good for us too….
Bolton home win tomorrow to save their PL status would do nicely too 😉
Just read your post again micko.. Sorry mate.
Rico. Posts are OK on iMac but not on iPhone or iPad.
Morning Micko,
Rumour has it that Podolski’s right foot is better than Gervinho’s 😉
That might be because it’s raining Adam …
Ok, shall i leave now 😉
But he cannot match Gervinho in the forehead department. Few can.
Hiya preachers of Goonerdom,
Dutch press confirms Arsenal representatives are shoving scribblings over the table at Ajax, moment of speaking. They estimate 10 ml is close to the mark. So bare some delay with our penny pinching starting at 5 raising a pound each session. 😛
Read a good larf about Kenny D. You gotta love the entertainment journos produce. He said: Kenny will be dusting off Pool’s checkbook this summer! Errrrr,WTF. Last time I checked it was down to the last sheet. Which says: order your new check book, call now!
Have we signed anyone yet??? 😀 😀
I hope your day has not been laborious, rico! Hello, goonie. Been behaving, I hope! Charlie, how are ya, shopping buddy? Hiya, Scott and Lee and Adam!
Scott – did you email me some photo’s?? Just found them in the old email account… Nice by the way….
Who can Adam…. Oh, maybe Chumuck ..
Howdy agag, its a good day 🙂
Hi DG, you bring us good news too …. hoorah..
Hi Agag. I think you need some more shoes.
Scott, suddenly penalty shoot-outs don’t seem as scary anymore.
Haha rico, very good.
Stan, don’t go making any promises to Adam without checking with the probation officer first.
Hi, Dutch. Howdy? I like your news. rico, are you free to use both hands now? 😉
Adam, don’t you go giving me ideas. 😛 😛
Micko.-Who told you of my probation period? It is nearly finished and I have kept my nose clean.
Good fun today guys and gals. I have an afternoon of wallpaper stripping to look forward to and then perhaps a trip to Lee’s recommended Curry House. Speak later. Love to all Gooners.
Hi, Micko. 🙂
I can agag but no heavy lifting from the ground – not that i was planning doing any 😉
Just got to be careful and not overdo anything for a couple more months…..
Adam just click INSERT NEW WALLPAPER. No need to pretend blood, swear and tears. 😉
Howdy butterfly. I’m good.
That sound fun Adam, enjoy it….. 😉
Micko, 😆 re Stanley, he’s behaving these days isn’t he….
Don’t wanna risk dropping your purse on your foot rico.
How do Agag, hows the high life.
steve. says:
May 1, 2012 at 10:04 am
Don’t let Wenger fool you supporters,he hasn’t bought Podolski to
partner Van Persie, he’s bought him to replace him,that will please
his shareholders and directors,Podolski bought for £11,000,000
BINGO! lol
Let’s hope it’s not the case but probably is.
Good call Micko.
I reckon he’s an even better signing than we think.
He’s just a weapon.
Yes Rico,I didn’t think they’d gone through!!!!
Months, rico??? Oh dear. Adam would like that, Dutch. 😉
Come on AW, Torres is next on the shopping list!
Stan is forever trying to behave (and failing) 😀
Fair dinkum Al,you’d boooo Santa Claus lol.
Anyone know if Pods is a free kick specialist or are the majority of his goals from open play?
alan, don’t you go bursting other people’s bubble now. 😉 But you can go link us to your twangy music. I like those previous links. 😀
The high heel life is giving me the cramps, Micko. 😀
That won’t cause too much damage Micko, it’s empty….
See The Metro have picked up on Vertonghen, added a bit and published it 🙂
Billbou,his left foot is an absolute cannon,so why not?
I don’t check that email account very often Scott, sorry – the yahoo address is the best one, the other was sending/creating too much spam..
Reports that Vertonghen has signed coming out from the same source who said Poldoski had signed month’s ago.
Any really starting to look forward to the new season already 🙂
Agag I already patented digital wallpaper. Gonna be huge. In about 20 years. Want to marry a millionaire?? 😛
Hi Scott and agag
Well done to AW. Credit where due. Steve makes a valid point though
Agag do you like Jamiriquai
Surely not Mr Arsenal, the podolski ones strated in germany 😉
Reports also that M’villa was arrested last night over an alleged assault.Wonder if we will still go for him if we have signed the ajax captain??
Adam, ask Rico to give you my mobile number.
Then when you’ve finished in Soho, give me a text [as i might be driving]…
And we can try and hook up.
Can never be sure where i am at any given time.
But that sounds good to me buddy.
Tea for me btw…. 🙂
Just when i though it was all happy and jolly, along comes alan 😉
If that turns out to be the case, then we’ll worry but right now RvP is a gooner 🙂
OK then, who’s next on the list after Verts?
I promise you rico “Agent_ITK” was the first guy to break the story and it came true and now he say’s it’s a done deal to Arsenal.
interesting news, but RVP will stay with us?
Cheeky, are we, Dutch?? Come on AFC, please announce another deal soon.
Afternoon, good news on podolski now lets sign Sigurdson from hoffenheim (on loan at swansea) and sell them Bendy. In fact they can have squillaci as well buy one get two free?
Mr A – is that real about M’Vila?
Charlie, i don’t know your mobile number 🙁
M’Vila, Nzonzi or Fellaini Billboy….
Rico, I am like Priam’s daughter, Cassandra. Compelled by the God’s to tell the truth
JM that’s the only thing worrying me,because there have been report’s that we are also looking to sign giroud to replace him.I really don’t want that to happen and any signing’s are to strengthen and not replace players.
Howdy Imelda!! Jimmy Choo galoshes need here… 🙁
Dutch are we stopping at Vertonghen or is Eriksen on the radar?
JM, of course he will 🙂
By the 17th May we will all know that for sure
Hi, JM. I don’t see why RvP won’t. 😉
I’m ambivalent on Jamiroquai, alan. I like Aimee Mann. Not very celebratory though. 😀
Hi Agag.
Oh the trials and tribulations of shopping eh?
Got the shoes. Now i have to get a nice pair of trousers to go with them.
It’s a struggle Agag, but we just have to soldier on eh? 😀
Dead out on the streets today.
Has everyone buggered off for the Bank Holiday already. :<
Well I hope Special Agent_ITK is right again Mr A….
more ” twangy ” stuff then? 😀
Reports are he has been arrested and bailed.He’s however denying all of it thou.
Okay Agag I will give you a rain check on the ring. We can start by looking for a villa under your name. I know foreigners can’t own exclusive properties in the Philippines.
or just your opinion alan… 😉
So do i Rico 😆
It’s starting to be more widely reported now.
Another signing (maybe most important) is who will replace Pat Rice. personally i would like to see Mad Jens there, i can picture him on the sideline at old trafford marking his territory by taking a quick whizz on the pitch.
Hi vernat – he the ex Reading player isn’t he, been linked to us over the last few weeks??
mind you, which player hasn’t….
Rico, i will e~mail it to you….
Rico, Robin is getting on, he may suspect he’ll not win a trophy and move on. It may also be prudent to sell him while he’s worth so much and in good form
I can’t see Podolski playing second fiddle to anyone, and no 442
Knowing AW, logic suggests this is the scenario, although we hope not
I think it will be either keown,bould or adam’s.
Any of those i would be happy with.
Thanks Charlie, I’ll email it to Adam…
Time will tell alan…
Charlie, the hard life, eh?? Be careful the missus doesn’t confiscate your credit cards. 😛
vernat, Mad Jens would alienate everyone.
Dutch, you’re right our constitution prohibits alien citizens from owning land. Bali has the best villas, I swear.
alan, yes, the twangy stuff is preferable. Jamiroquai’s dance are more than mildly discomfiting. Ahaha.
Yes Rico ex Reading and on loan at Swansea at the moment
Mad Jens alienate everyone, surely a man of his diplomatic skills could get along with everyone 🙂 If not Jens then who should it be Bould doesn’t want it and i am not convinced Tony Adams has what it takes
ok Agag
Alan i have also been questioning Rvp.It was on the bbc that he want’s to wait until after the euro’s if he want’s to stay??
Robin know’s if he does wait that all summer,it will be rvp’s leaving rumour’s.No disrespect to Robin but if he dose not want to sign then he can go.I’m sick of every year that one of our players want to go.
We have stuck by robin through he’s worse times and showed him more love than any other club will do.
I really hope he does the right thing and stay’s.
Dont want Jens personally, Keown, Bould or Adams would be good….
Wenger wants RvP sorted before he heads off to Euros, that might be why we are making an early move on players….
I 2nd that rico.Keown is searching for any job at Arsenal and Adam’s said in a interview that he will be back at Arsenal one day.
I would defo bring jen’s back to coach our keeper’s thou 😉
FA are set to announce Roy Hodgson as the new england manager at 4pm today….
Hi Mr A
Yes, you are right I think. No use keeping a player not happy staying. Hopefully he will stay
I seem like the only englishman happy that Woy will be given the job.I think because everyone’s expectations are so low anyway and that woy is the wrong choice,that it could work in england’s favour.
Only time will tell.
Rico it really look’s like lesson’s have been learnt after last summer and are sticking the ball in Rvp’s court and are not being bullied by players this time.Arsenal are starting to act the big club that they are.
I’m not unhappy about Roy, just hope it doesn’t take it’s toll on his health….
I suppose the question is if the new second in command is brought in to help coach and train or is brought in to take over after Arsene’s contract is up. Would need a different man for each of those scenarios and I cant see Tony fitting either as i don’t think he has the necessary intellect or coaching expertise.
He seem’s like a real decent bloke.I reckon it could be he’s last job??
Alan we can only frame our own colouring. My brush paints this picture. RvP won’t transfer as captain, he knows that. Bringing back Arsenal to top 3 been nothing less than exponential growth and rewarding to him. With his eyes on a personal triple this season, he will imagine a step beyond is team glory. Will he opt for an we-buy-trophies club which seem magnetic to unstable characters and constantly move the needle on the Richter scale? Or choose to pave his own path? I reckon the latter is closer to his personality.
Just my view.
He did go to another country and earn a hard day’s graft.One thing’s for sure tony would make them players understand just who they represent.I would love him to come back home to be honest.
Dg i really hope your right mate.I just can’t see Rvp playing for anyone else.
I;m convinced RvP knows whether he’s staying or going already, same with Theo….
Chelsea wants Fellaini.
What’s the future of Chamack, Bendtner,Park…?
Much better, alan.Thank you, sir. 🙂 🙂 vernat, I won’t put it past Mad Jens to takenon-performing players by the scruff of their necks and knock their heads together though. Maybe we do need that.
RvP and his fam seem well-settled in London though. And he doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to go. That can only be promising.
I must admit RvP strikes me as the loyal type. A good quality
Brian McDermott has had much to celebrate taking Reading back to the Premier League but his personal horizons stretch far beyond the Berkshire club. A child of Irish immigrants, who grew up in an area of Slough that was a mini-Ireland, you can almost feel the regret in his voice as he recalls playing for England at youth level.
“I feel very Irish and I never played for Ireland. One day it would be an ambition of mine to manage Ireland. But not for now. I’ve got so much to do in club football and at Reading.”
We’re sitting in his office at the training ground. McDermott is telling me how, having been rejected by Queens Park Rangers and Millwall, he joined Arsenal as an apprentice in 1977 and went on to make his debut under Terry Neill two years later. He did not enjoy the experience.
“The dressing room was a tough environment,” he says. “There were fantastic players: Tony Woodcock, Charlie Nicholas, Pat Jennings, Graham Rix, David O’Leary, Liam Brady. But I didn’t really have enough confidence to play with them. I never played the amount of games I should have (72 in five years). I have this confidence now and I look back and wish I could put this brain into that 19-year-old boy. It is never easy coming out of the youth team in a massive club like Arsenal.
“I’d have loved to have played under Arsene Wenger. The club are run the right way, they play really good football. I’ve got the utmost respect for Wenger and the Arsenal crowd.”
Mr Arsenal if he comes back and gets the job great i would love him to prove me wrong, and he has overcome a lot in his life with honesty and courage so maybe he can do the job, however his career as a manager so far is not great?
With Arsenal JM, they don’t have one 😉
Who would want RVP that can afford him……that’s my question.
Citeh…nah,they’ve kissed AMD made up with Tevez,Balotelli is a protected species,Dzeko and Aguero…..they’re sweet.
Barca……nope,they’ve got,well we all know who.
Real are the same.
No way he’d go to Italy…..who wants to stand up front talki.g to the centre back for 90 minutes…booooring.
Who guys?
Is there any reason Wenger ISN’T looking at Podolski up front with RVP as a true 10??????
Imagine Podolski knocking in 20 odd goals with RVP adding to that.
Total on Theos 10-12, TV5,Arteta and the rest………looks pretty good.
Mancini would buy him Scott, in a flash, he wouldn’t care if he had too many strikers…
Alan, “Does your chewing gum lose it’s flavour on the bedpost overnight” by Lonnie Donegan never got the credit it deserved, that’s quite twangy.
No Scott there isn’t and until RvP says he is leaving, he is staying in my book…
Same with Theo, and i reckon they will both be announced soon….
One comment from Van Persie always gives me confidence he will stay.
He said “we will sit down at the end of the season,have a coffee and discuss my contract” or words to that effect.
This tells me one very important thing.
He doesn’t simply send out his agent to find the best deal for him.
Rico,I doubt he’d go to Citeh.
We simply need to pay him what he’s worth and show we want to win things….signing Podolski is a good indicator of part 2.
Cheers Alan / Mr A.
Agag If I’m not mistaken RvP bought a new house in London last year. He either never unpacked the boxes or his wife is an addictive decoratonista. 😉
I don’t think RvP would go to Citeh, but Citeh would love him to go there…
Ayway, he’s staying put…. 😉
Dutch,that was when people were going crazy about RVP leaving us…after all,his house was on the market.
He must sit back and laugh at all the conjecture.
Morning Rico,
Would not like to spoil your fine forum with my replies to that beach bum
from a social welfarism banana republic who can’t distinguish the difference between “social welfare” and “social welfarism”.. :mr green: 😆
I am leaving this fine forum with regrets where all are my Arsenal friends, including Scott.
Goodbye and nice knowing you Rico, Steve, Micko, Adam, Alan, agag, et al returning back to my “home” Arsenal forum.
😆 DG – I think he’s setlled in his nice new home, his wife and children love london….
Thanks Scott nice additional views. RvP will be aware that some clubs buy just to take the sting away from their rivals. To slingshot their own marching plans. Na$ri anyone??
Jesus Merlin,grow a pair.
Merlin, you don’t get off that easily without letting me know the score on Sunday, you’ve been pretty much bang on the money lately.
Dutch,that’s what I’m thinking….RVP loves playing the game,and playing it the right way.
Nasri will shout to us all that he left for greener pastures.
Or should that be bluer pastures?
What colour is the bench at Citeh?????
Merlin???? I wish you all the best mate nonetheless. Be sure you will not become a stranger to this house. Do a regular shout-in on us will ya.
If he tells you a nil all draw,go for goals Micko…..its a dead certainty lol.
Merlin, I am very saddened by your decision 🙁
I too wish you all the best Merlin, I also hope you change your mind… Take care…
Can I have Saturday’s winning lottery numbers before you go? 😉
Don’t do it Merlin…
Come on Merlin. This is the place where it is ok to disagree. You and I might not be as one when it comes to Arsenal but we are civil to each other and can share a laugh on occasion.
Alas poor Merlin…… I knew him well.
Scott your comment: Is there any reason Wenger ISN’T looking at Podolski up front with RVP as a true 10?????? Did it for me. Both are skilled enough to switch roles during the match to enhance confusion among park-bus teams.
Wallpaper stripping is horrible. Not in the same way that John Terry, Joey Barton or Stoke supporters are horrible. But more in a kind of gooey way. The Wickes steamer makes the job easier but leaves a horrible sticky residue which plays havoc with the softness of ones hands. It is therefore still horrible, but in the way that Stan Collymore is horrible to windscreens.
Let’s hope I’m right Dutch.
Adam, can’t you just get the servants to do it.
Merlin don’t do Mata on HH. We do our best to disarm rough discourses. Bring it back to a storm in a glass of water.
Micko. Well, if you’re free.
come back Merlin
Too busy painting gnomes, sorry.
MIcko. You tease.
Alan,youre fighting alone mate,as I said last night.
Squeaky bum times hit them lol.
Micko,leave Modric alone.
Adam, just tune your radio in to 1089MW at around 4.00pm and the hot air that comes out…….hey presto!
GNOME & JULIET remake Micko??
Two from Germany and one from France they said. Wonder who the other one from Germany is and as for France either M@Vila or Gerond.
MG,how about a Japanese AM from Borussia Dortmund……..
Lee. I have been psychologically programmed not to listen to that stuff. I know that one of these days I will be on a North Sea Ferry in a wild storm where all the passengers are inside. I will be braving the elements and one man will be standing next to me alongside the Inadequately designed guard rail. I will see his pallid face and his ginger hair blowing in the wind and he will say, “my name is Adrain Durham”.
Oi Adam Di Caprio now you stained my brain with a steamy car scene. 😛
I didn’t say you had to listen to the waste of internal organs mate! Just thinking of what to put in his pockets just before your knee crashes into his lower spine…..?
Lee. It is written and I will receive the Queens Award For Services To Broadcasting for the act.
madgunner, two from germany? where does belhanda ply his trade?
DG. Glad you got the imagery.
Oops – France 😉
I’ll be honest the picture you painted keeps flashing through my mind…….not nice! Be even better if Durham were giving Pulis a piggy back at the time… there’s a brace of HH banned words!!
Dutch, I know you were joking earlier re our negotiating skills around the table but that is where we need to improve, close the deals much quicker, other clubs smell blood and start circling, we need to be more bish, bash, bosh this time around.
Lee. I think we should all strive to make the world a better place.
Sounds like a Michael Jackson song….
Micko,we’ve got the bish right on Podolski,let’s hope the bash and bosh follow.
I agree with Michael’s message Lee. I think he hated Durham too.
😆 Lee…
If Arsene can’t find the creative midfielder we all want him to sign might it make sense to play Arshavin there? His lack of tracking back would not be such an issue and with only one year left on his contract the amount we would get for him would be in real terms fairly irrelevant if he comes off in that position.
“Never trust a rust”…..never truer words said!
Adam not so much with the Durham bloke dragging his hand down through the moisture in extacy. 🙁
Micko agree.
Lee. Can you illuminate? I have never heard that saying.
Your not wrong scott, hopefully Gazidaz won’t be standing around with his finger up his bum all summer, get them done early.
A referral to the honesty of those with Durham coloured hair…..a poor guy on our desk is one of them, and gets lambasted regularly!!
Ah, I see Lee. I shall mention that saying to my wife who is a natural brick-top.
vernat – i think AA’s days are over with us….
Thought you meant Spectrum Lee….. 😉
Lee tiny Totts have got in on that phrase. Off course Redknapp doesn’t help either.
Rico. I agree re Arshavin. Wenger showed superhuman faith in him but he was unable to repay that in performances. You pay big money for great players because you hope they will win you games because of their brilliance. It all started off so well then went downhill and apart from the occasional glimpse, the spark slowly dimmed.
Adam, it’s strictly a male related saying….(he says back pedaling like mad!!) so need to share the expression with your good wife!!! 😆
Redknapp was a redhead in his playing days but the pigment in his hair these days comes courtesy of Elizabeth Schwarzkopf.
Keep digging lee.
Lee. I know. But like to gently rib her about being a redhead. Bruce Forsyth’s syrup looks curiously red under the studio lights so when her hairdresser comes round the house to trim her barnet I say she should sell the cuts to Brucie’s syrup-maker.
Micko, I feel like I’m metal-detecting with steel toe cap boots on……..
Hodgson confirmed as new England Manager.
I’ll be stripping wallpaper at this rate…
Goodnight all.
Lee you sure?? Prince Andrew just tweeted me: Sarah Ferguson.
Night Scott. Try not to owl, you can safely leave HH both eyes closed.
Good Afternoon Guys and Chicks of the Gunners’ Faith.
Hope you all are ok.
Today we have a public holiday and being the 1st May that means a game between us coaches. Unfortunately my team lost 2-3. Our fantastic Number 17 was zipping in crosses from the left and the right, yet that dratted centreforward was putting them into orbit. Bah. That’s life.
Good to see that everyone was free from GAMBONITIS today. Seems as if that virus has been cured.
I am over the moon on Poldi. Hope he is successful for us.
Laters scott.
Playing him out of position didn’t help AA either Adam, but he had a pretty lazy attitude, he’s better off staying with Zenit…
See you Scott, sleep well….
GAMBONITIS *giggles in hand*
Poor old Arry Micko 😉
devil, gambon was very positive yesterday after we announced the pod signing….
So he must have been here when I was off then.
Poow Awwy Wedknapp. Now even the spuws dont want to give him a contwact.
Lee. Love your 3.26…
we got rockstars in our team!
Did you check out our boy Frimpong rapping with Lethal Bizzle!!!
And he puts the boot in on Spurs!
Leave it Yeah!
Adam, I’ll be seeing Scott at this rate…….. 😆
I am off again mates. Will be back later on…….around 3 more hours.
Shut up dg. Leave poor twitchy alone. Afternoon guys, reports here in holland is that we ve agreed a deal with ajax for jv. Rico, we ve got your man. Whoopieeee,men row on next season. Can’t wait.
Gambon,love him or loath him, makes a lot of valid points. I for one am nowhere near convinced that there has been a sea change at Arsenal regarding how they handle transfers, how much they spend and the quality of the signings. Last year we signed Gervhino and Ox pretty early and then we all know what happened. If we have two more big signings secured before the EC starts I would be very happy and far more optimistic about the future. But don’t forget our biggest signing of the window has not been done yet…RvP and there is the possibility,slight maybe, but still possible that Podolsky will be used to replace our captain. Negative thinking you may say but going by the past not impossible.
not yet goonster, wait til its on….
Arsenal target M’Vila released after being arrested for assault
The 21-year-old France international did not feature in his club’s clash with Ajaccio for “personal reasons” and it has now emerged that he has been accused of assault.
“Yann has acknowledged that it was an inappropriate response but provoked by the betrayal of the trust he gave to this young man,” M’Vila’s lawyer, Thierry Fillion, told L’Equipe.
“As it stands, no decision has been taken yet by the Rennes prosecutor on this case but the file will be forwarded to him within eight to 10 days.”
M’Vila was arrested on Monday and spent the night in police custody before being released at 12:00BST the following morning.
The 21-year-old Amiens native is a regular in Laurent Blanc’s Les Bleus side and is expected to join one of Europe’s top clubs this summer.
Goonster, don’t say anything as you’ve got the “Shidas Touch” relating to signings!!
Cheers Goonie. Why should I leave twitchy alone????
Good to see you happy.
Is it true about JV??? If yes then yabbba dabbbbbbaaa dooooooo
off for sure now mates……….. 😉
Lee I ll eat my head this time if i get it all wromg. Rico, wait for it. We ve got jvvvvvvvvv! Yeaah.
That is all we can hope for madgunner, but signing quality like Pod is different to Gerv…
Its not always what is said in life, it’s how it’s said….
I haven’t been for a while Adam but drawer food…….
I’m only pulling your leg Stan, fingers crossed.It’ll be lovely and extremely un-Arsenal to have all our transfer business done & dusted early doors!!
you said that about mata, ricky and who else 😉
Yeah rico but what do I know? I don’t live in spain or argentina do I? But holland is my territory and I can state without any fear of contradiction guys, we ve got him. Where’s agag you girls need to do a naked dance to odin…as a thanksgiving offering that is.
I sure hope you are spot on re this one goonster….
Damn skippy! He ll be announced pretty soon. Wait for it. With podo and jv in the bag who would ¥φυ want next maam?
By the law of averages he’ll be right soon…. 😆
😆 Lee, I guess so…
goonster, M’Vila or similar and then a keeper….
Apart from mvilla.
Mike Bassett
Bertie Bassett….
I knew it. I wouldn’t buy another dm, I ll get a central mid fielder instead. Jack the lad might have a “ramsey-esque” season for us next season and tr7 might not be trusted to give us a full season. Song and the coqpong combo should be enough and if the freak from nigeria isn’t signing anytime soon ship him out says I, we need committed players not pre madonnas! Micko, how do ¥φυ sleep @ night?
With Roy Hodgson getting the England manager’s job this means that Harry Redknapp is back in line for the Chelsea job!
When interviewed on the possibility Redknapp said “well, I ain’t ‘eard nuffink abaht it meself but you’d ‘ave to be interested wouldn’t cha? I mean, they’ve got some ‘T’riffic players there ain’t they? The Drogbas, the Lampards, the Terry’s. Triffic players, T’riffic ground,T’riffic owner. E’s got a few quid ain’t he, that Oblomovitch. T’riffic geezer, wiv a lot ‘o money I hear. E ain’t going into administration is e? mind you, I’ve got a T’riffic job ‘ere at Spurs and we’re still in the mix for the Chapions League ain’t we. T’riffic competition the CL, just like my chairman Mr Levy. E’s a T’riffic geezer too. Not as much down as Oblomovich but still T’riffic. Before I got’ere they only ‘ad 6 points from 10 games. But my record speaks for itself. I’m a T’riffic manager, T’riffic tactician too, at a T’riffic club. We’ve won 2 of our last 10 games. We’ve turned a T’riffic corner and you tell that Wenger that we’re coming for them. But, as for Chelsea? Well, they’re a T’riffic club ain’t they? You can’t rule anyfink out in football can ya?
i differ to you goonster, i hope we sign a big strong proper DM who does his job properly, JV and a keeper….
Chelsea would be better off giving the job to Di Matteo than Harry imho Adam…..
Guys, got to love and leave you, off out for dinner…
Back later….
Adam you are a legend! That was hilarious. Does he really talk like that? Poor old twitchy. Hahahahahaha, first it was dg now adam. Who’s next? Micko I presume!
Goonster. Do you know The Water Wheel or Bronckhorsts restaurants out there in Arnhem? Or is it the Water Mill?
Adam, the big question is who’s gonna help Arry write his letter of resignation, spurs are stuck with him.
Sorry maam, a creative mid fielder for me.
Micko. I could help him with that letter. In truth I live about one mile from the Spurs training ground. It is by the side of a rubbish tip and I often use it to dump household trash we don’t need any more.
Adam, do I? I ve been kicked out of that place twice. Great service by the way. Did you lodge there back then?
Which place are we talking about? The Tulip? Or the restaurants?
The tulip adam. Bear with me am having internet problems.
Adam, the smell must be awful, add the rubbish dump to that as well and it must be a complete nightmare……laters.
Goonster. Yes, I stayed at the Tulip in Velp and noticed that, on the second evening, they had a wild crowd in the bar. Could have been you? But I ate at the restaurants I mentioned and as I said earlier, conduced some business at The World Trade Centre in Arnhem.
Micko. You are right. It is hard to tell the two establishments apart.
HARRY REDKNAPP could be left in contract limbo by Spurs
The Tottenham boss, snubbed by England, has suffered a second blow with the news the club are no longer in a rush for him to sign a new deal.
Redknapp has one year left on his current contract and talks are on hold until the summer at the earliest.
White Hart Lane chairman Daniel Levy had been keen to fend off England in February by sealing a new contract.
But Redknapp stalled because he was hot favourite to land the Three Lions job.
Now Roy Hodgson is set to take the England hotseat.
The FA are confident they will name their man today after holding four hours of talks with Hodgson in London yesterday.
It means Redknapp could go into the final year of his contract surrounded by uncertainty.
With Spurs fighting to remain in a Champions League place Levy is no longer hurrying to offer new terms.
Now that is a very big LARF
Goonster great to have you back in blistering form. You’re like a new signing. Joking glad to see you working around whatever shackles held you from blogging. Sincere appraisal. Don’t mock it,you funky monkey. 🙂 😉
Funky blondie monkeeeeee!!!!! that should be the name of the new signing DG10 😉
Devil a big lawf. You should read Adam at 5:14 Hilawious.
Off to eat. Devil if you’re not here when I return. Night.
I will be on and off DG10. Yes I read Adam. Excwuciatingly hilawious and wipping with laughtew.
Nighty mate if we do not cross each others path again.
😛 Devil
You know what a blonde postcard says………..?? Having a fantastic time!!! Where am I?
Blimey……….the FA had decided on Roy around a month ago. They had asked WBA when would it be appropriate to announce it and the club told them that only when two games are left.
Poow ol’ Awwy!!!!! 🙁
The yids used to train in Cheshunt a few yrs back….
We’ve got some seriously funny fuckers on here!!
Me and my two sons are watching some world record programme on tv… Some Japanese dude putting as many rubber bands on his head in one minute, my 10 yr old says “dad Gervinho would be good at that….” 😆
I am off now mates. see you Lee.
Off to dream that tomorrow Bolton will be hammering the spuds with Ryo deciding to pepper Friedel with long range shots each of which hits a spuddy before entering the net which results the scum scoring 7 own goals to set up a Guinness record.
Sweet dreams Dev!!
Evening …..
Lee, 😆 re gervinho, your lad has your sense of humour ….
Night devil and all those who have gone for the day….
Liverpool are headed for another loss at home.
Morning all.
Hi Scott – good, can’t stand them 😉
I’m offski now, its getting late here 😉
hav a good day Scott and all from overseas…
nighty nighty…..
Night Rico.
Late shift will be here soon…..AK,Wath…..evening lads.
Morning all
New Post up….