Van Persie deal done? Signings on the way – could Stan Kroenke influence one of them?

Ivan Gazidis has finally spoken about the situtaion surrounding our captains future: Robin sat down with us at the end of the season and we had a good discussion. What we agreed at that meeting was that we would keep all the discussions we had over the summer to ourselves and make announcements when it […]

Enough overseas players, haven't we got a few of our own who deserve a chance? ….

Morning Gooners, Whilst all the talk is about transfers this summer and how much we believe Wenger has to spend, I thought I would give you just a little food for thought. Rumours are spreading that we’re after this player and have missed out on another, here are a few we are linked to: Jan […]

No big name signings, no competition for places, could it be that Arsene Wenger can't handle the 'big boys'?

Forget the transfer fees and wages for a minute as I’m sure we all know we have money to spend, IF Arsene Wenger wanted to spend it. When did Arsene Wenger last sign a true world-class player? I’m still trying to think about that and I started this post yesterday morning.  😉 Don’t get me […]

A Diamond Gooner! Usmanov ready to sail in & Gazidis plotting his spin ahead of next week?

Morning all The richest businessman according to Forbes, has treated himself to a new yacht which he will be naming after his Mother Dilbar. Of course I am referring to Alisher Usmanov, our second major shareholder and this spanking new toy has set him back a mere $100 Million. The little boat includes a swimming […]

RvP to follow Vermaelen? Dempsey wants in & Djourou wants out! Changing the Manager & Spending is all it takes!!

Few pre-post bit’s to give you: Vice Captain Thomas Vermaelen has been talking about the best club in the land: I will stay at Arsenal forever, There will be no transfer for me. I love London. I’ve got a house there, I’m happy there and I don’t see any reason to ever leave the club. […]

Don't blame the players, blame Wenger! De Jong on his way in?

We are a club full of Marmite players aren’t we? Just a few that spring to mind are Ramsey, Song, Walcott, Gervinho, Mertsacker, Djourou, Arshavin, Bendtner, Denilson and even Arteta to an extent. The reason I include Arteta is because a few Arsenal fans seem to like to label him as the ‘cheap man’s Cesc’ […]