So are we Jenks!! At least the 'next lot' know how to spring a surprise….

Morning all, Poor old Carl Jenkinson, Gooner from head to toe and all things in between is pretty naffed off after the weekend: I’m distraught, to be honest. I know this match’s importance. In history, we’ve always tended to come out on top but it wasn’t our day. We beat them at home and they beat us […]

Gazidis £5m deal a hint that Stan may sell? Finally, someone talks sense & Gibbs returns…

Morning all, Never thought I’d be saying this but that person talking sense is Ian Wright and he’s right: He is known as Silent Stan, but it’s time Stan Kroenke started speaking. How much do we all want that eh. Let him speak, tell us what his plans are, what he wants for our club […]

Wenger puts ego ahead of Arsenal. Taxi for Bendtner & Could relying on FFP to save us be dangerous…..

Morning all….. What an idiot Bendtner is and how he’s still on Arsenal’s books, I’ll never know. Most sensible people, regardless of how much alcohol they have drunk, will usually spend the last pound in their pocket to get a taxi home. Yet over rated, over ego’d and  arrogant twit Nicklas Bendtner obviously earns so […]

Special day for Wenger! Walcott and Wilshere 'trophies' & Champions League Football the motivator tomorrow…

Morning all, Santi Cazorla, Lukas Podolski and Olivier Giroud are all set to feature in their first NLD and boss Arsene Wenger thinks that experience will see them through, oh, and and of course the incentive of playing Champions League football next season…. They are aware of what we want to achieve and where we […]

Agent confirms interest in International Midfielder! Sagna out & Diaby knows how to win on Sunday….

Morning all, So Abou Diaby reckons he knows how to beat Tottenham! We all look forward to these big games because they are not only important to us, but to the club and the fans. It is more than a game.  The atmosphere around the game means we all want to win, so that makes […]

Wenger, let defenders defend!! Defensive midfielder heading our way at last??

Morning all, Arsene is full of praise for his latest defensive signing Nacho Monreal: The first thing you want from your defenders is to defend well, so we cannot reproach him for that. You will see the other aspects of his game more when his confidence has settled.  He is good in the air for […]

Wilshere to quit the club he loves? Henry set for a return to the one he loves??

Morning all, What utter rubbish eh! This kind of headline is how the press sell newspapers, it’s how mischief makers try so hard to destabilise OUR club, how that world out there tries to rip Arsenal to shreds at every opportunity and it stinks doesn’t it? Just a few days ago I read this about […]

Bould's 'spat'! Every picture tells a story! Three points, but didn't we make a meal of it!

Morning all, What a meal we made of that fixture! Why do we do it to ourselves eh, is it nerves, lack of confidence, lack of belief in each other or simply lack of guidance on the training pitch? I don’t know, but whatever it is, it needs to be rid of or rectified. If […]