Morning all. Whilst reading another very popular blog into the late hours a few nights ago, I was quite surprised and rather saddened by the continuing and constant vitriol and poison spouted out by both sides of the ‘AKB’ v’s ‘Arsene Out’ debate. It’s just over a week since Arsenal’s dramatic FA Cup victory. It’s […]
Morning all. Yesterday was all about 1989 and winning the league at Anfield against all odds, oh, and moaning of course. lol ’89 is quite hard to beat but maybe there are other league winning moments which you favour? Wiltords at Old Trafford in 2002 was quite special wasn’t it, especially after all the cocky […]
Morning all. Twenty five years ago today, Michael Thomas was the hero of the night… Off we went to Anfield needing not just a win if we were to win the league, but a win by two clear goals and having just won the FA Cup, Liverpool were high in confidence. We’d been 15 points […]
Morning all… Come on Arsenal, sort this out once and for all. Elvis Presley singing The Wonder of You is hardly the kind of song that will make the hairs on the back of your necks stand up is it? In fact it’s boring, toothless and very very dated…. The Emirates needs something different, something […]
Morning all. I don’t know if any of you realise but our FA Cup triumph was our first trophy for nine years! Honest, it’s true! During that same period of time, our ladies team were flying high and winning most of what was on offer and here’s a list of their achievements during those nine […]
Morning all. That was of course back in the day when the World Cup didn’t get in the way of Arsenal signing footballers. I can remember how the news leaked that Tomas had been allowed to leave the Czech camp and secure his deal with us. Excited? You bet I was. He’s been great for […]
Morning all. Subtle as a brick! It is true that I would be a bit disappointed to stay in Toulouse after a season like this one. I want to try something else. I have never prioritised a club in England as even the promoted clubs are respectable, so I would take the opportunity for the […]
Morning all. Apart from the 6-3 hammering at Manchester City on a day in December when our performance was as bad, if not worse than the officials, we were doing well in the league as far as results go.. Some of our performances left a lot to be desired but we were picking up maximum […]
Morning all. 119 minutes!! Sheffield Wednesday!! See, we didn’t make it easy for ourselves back then did we……. First we have to wait for Sagna – what will he do? And Fabianski. After, we have to bring in two or three players. Unfortunately, there are many teams on the market at the minute. If Arsene […]
Morning all… A perfect ending to our season. The sun was shining, the boys were winning at Wembley and yesterday the celebrations followed….. First up, our two centre-backs together! Onto a sunny day in Islington…… Just how good was it eh? Absolutely awesome and nice to see the official website broadcast it all for […]
Morning all and what a wonderful morning it is too…. No longer is it 3,283 days and counting! No longer is it a nine-year wait which has become unbearable! No longer can Arsene Wenger be mocked as being a ‘specialist in failure’. No, Arsene Wenger and Arsenal FC have finally put to bed all […]
Hull City fans and Arsenal fans are set to join together as one 56 minutes into today’s FA Cup Final at Wembley to remember the victims of the Valley Parade fire. Last weekend marked the 29th anniversary of the disaster, in which 56 people lost their lives after a fire took hold in the main […]