Merts out, new man in? Easy move for Ozil – you’re having a laugh..

Morning all. The Telegraph report that Arsene Wenger is considering letting Per Mertesacker go in the summer and bringing in a new defender. True, who knows but it would make sense. Unlike Paul Scholes – you know the one, ginger hair and quite a dirty player. He’s also the bitter and twisted one who missed […]

Key man ruled out of tonight’s fixture! History not on our side today…..

Morning all. There’s quite a number of players I dislike for their on-field antics and Joey Barton sits very high on my list.  He’s always been a player who will try and stop teams from playing football and not always fairly  so thank goodness that under tall, dirty little git is banned for our game tonight. In his place will […]

Did injury to Aaron Ramsey help our season? Coquelin will play in a mask…

Morning all. Its hard to believe that there’s just eleven Premier League fixtures left in this seasons campaign and after the first half of the season, it’s perhaps harder to believe that we sit 3rd today. Everton, Leicester, Man City, Utd, Totts, Stoke City, Hull City, Swansea and even the Dippers away from home – […]