Forget the transfer fees and wages for a minute as I’m sure we all know we have money to spend, IF Arsene Wenger wanted to spend it.
When did Arsene Wenger last sign a true world-class player?
I’m still trying to think about that and I started this post yesterday morning. 😉
Don’t get me wrong, Wenger has signed many players who have turned out to be top class, like Pires, Vieira, Henry etc, but when he actually signed them, most were either unhappy or struggling with the club they were at.
Even Dennis Bergkamp was labelled a flop in Milan the season before we signed him and he wasn’t even a Wenger capture.
So why doesn’t he sign the big guys, why doesn’t he want competition within the squad?
We have all said for a long time that we lack depth in our squad, especially if we compare ourselves to the two Manchester sides and the two other London sides but why?
Could it be that Wenger doesn’t want there to be unrest in the club, big egos and strops when he has to put a big name on the bench?
Can you imagine Arsene Wenger dealing with the likes of Tevez or Balotelli?
Go back to Jay Bothroyd, he had a strop and the next thing he knew he was out of the club, and Arshavin, suggestion is he sulked afer not getting playing time – off he went to Zenit on loan. Arshavin clearly had a chip on his shoulder, it showed each time he cam onto the pitch, his head was down and he ‘couldn’t be bothered. Why couldn’t Wenger change that?
We aren’t interested in Vertonghen apparently, we weren’t ever really in the running for Hazard either, why not?
They are just the kind of players we need.
Vertonghen is reportedly not wanting to join us and fight for a starting place but maybe Wenger doesn’t want to deal with a situation like that either?

Why else would he sign the likes of Silvestre, Squillaci, Cygan, Senderos etc – why?
My guess is it’s because they are/were all happy to play a bit part, where as much better players will be chomping at the bit, moaning and having a sulk.
Maybe Arsene Wenger doesn’t know how to handle them or want to have to handle them….
Depth and strength is what we need to be competitive, not just a squad that after the first thirteen or fourteen players, are happy sitting on the bench…..
Come on Arsene, go get us a couple of players that will give bit more to this squad, and with it, but a bit of pressure on those who have it a bit too easy, it could bring out the best in them.
According to the Sunday Mirror, we have joined the race to sign the Crewe’s 18 year old Nick Powell. Manchester United had been favourites to secure his signature but now we and Chelsea are in the running.
That’s it guys and gals, have a great day whatever you are up to…
i think affelay will be a good addition…..after watchin d england game yesterday(i know it is a friendly) but i belive with scott that OX will be better than EGOISTIC HAZARD
we makes stars…we don’t buy them
Morning all…
That is just my point Kc, and when they get really good, we sell them to a club that buys stars…
What if Wenger’s reaction to all the fans criticism is ” **** you I’m going to get back at you by making sure we win nothing” Listen, if looks like a cow, tastes like a cow and behaves like a cow, it is a cow. This team never buys the two or so players who can transform us into winners for a reason. We are always one or two players from our goal, and it’s not money. Work it out.
morning Rico….i agreed with you…..but if we can’t buy them…let hold on our star RVP…hope d Euros don’t shatter d OX coz it seems that hodgson have so much faith in him
Rico,would you rather have Mancini who bends over and cops it from Balotelli and Tevez??
Would you really want Vertonghen after he’s said all along his heart is set on Spuds??
Would you really want Hazard after everyone on here,except me,spent the last few months saying he’s working himself off to every club around?? Even I came around on that one.
I would suggest that most around the world,except Arsenal fans,would list Podolski as a world class striker…his only negative is his time at Bayern,but apart from that,yes,he’s been world class.
My answer to your question then would be about a month ago.
This post oversimplifies the entire issue,and really questions Wengers motives.
. We are always one
or two players from our goal, and it’s
not money. Work it out.
Affelay,giroud,m’villa and Capuoe(sell ong),vertoghen and ex gk
Do tell us truth??
Kc, I know you did 😉
Def need to hang on to RvP and Theo – as we all keep saying, get rid of the likes of Chamakh, Squilli, Djourou and just add 2/3 players who will make a difference…
Other than Fab(went back home to mummy) how many world class player’s have we let go in their prime?
No Scott, I wouldn’t rather have Mancini, but there must be a reason that wenger won’t sign a ready made, quality player, someone to make us all think ‘wow’.
We should have signed Hazard before now, how long has Wenger being watching him?
JV – for sure he is going to say he wants to join spurs, we aren’t even in for him, my question is why not?
vertoghen is good….if he replaces djourou…i will be glad and over the moon…maybe he is saying that he prefers d spurs so that they will pissed off when he wins the ucl in red and white
Tell the truth….crap name based on what we’ve seen so far……if Wenger truly was that upset over fans,why didn’t he take more cash to go elsewhere genius???
Sorry RICO,but I really hate the theme of this article.
It’s inciteful,and will attract the narks like moths to a flame.
I’m not questioning AW’s motives, I’m questioning his ability to coach/deal with big named players…
Hazard wanted one more year in France and that is common knowledge…..that was back when we could actually afford him.
rico…i will leave theo only if wenger will play him like he did againt d scum(2nd half) if not….replace him
Big named players…He seemed to handle Vieira,Bergkamp,Adams,Seaman,Henry,Overmars,Pires……The list goes on and on and on and on……
Scott – why don’t you like the theme, it’s just something that niggles about why we so often sign younger players over ‘better’ ones and then have to wait several seasons for them to to be good enough or not..
You will say The Ox, he is the exception of late…
a pre-contract agreement with hazard maybe would had helped if we (truly) want him…i reckon wenger rate Gotze more and so do I
frednerk – Pires, Henry, Gilberto, and maybe even Reyes…
How many world class player’s have we let go in their prime other than fab(home to mummy).
Affelay,giroud,m’villa and Capuoe,vertoghen these player’s are all gamble’s the premier league find’s player’s out during the season,newcastle died at the death after everyone was bumming them up for the champion’s league place.
He definitely wanted Gotze more,without question.
Hazard would’ve added to our list of wingers,where Gotze would be a lovely replacement for Cesc.
RICO,we all know the answer….money.
He inherited the famous back five Scott, and when we bought those like Henry etc, they weren’t at the top of their game, they improved under Wenger – but they weren’t young players
we just don’t seem to sign too many like them these days, thats all i’m saying….
wilshere,Ox,Ramsey,Coquelin,Szcnezy,lansbury,frimpong,myiachi,jenko,miguel,Afobe,Ozykakup,aneke,Gnabry,campbell……..these are d ones i think will take us to d greatest height….jus a little experienced head to mentor these talented and underated kids…i always keep the faith
Do you honestly believe its down to money Scott?
I’m not sure…. BUT i am not questioning Wengers integrity as manager, i just don’t believe he wants to sign big players who are already ‘set in their ways’….
maybe he did not bought them as world class…but he was able to manage them when they became world class…he can definitely manage world class players…that’s my opinion
isnt it ironic that AW, our most successful manager, who helped revolutionize the club and instilled a brand of beautiful attacking football when he first arrived may very well end up leading us into oblivion?
you ask some very interesting questions in your article and I wish we had some answers to them. Is AW just a puppet for the board taking all the flack? Or has he a very stingy, narrow minded man who has completely lost it?
Personally i think it is a bit of both.
Oh and i think we should hold on to Walcott, lets give him a bit more time.
kc – fair comment on theo…
also, we always seem to be listing a group of young players who will be ‘the future’ but as the seasons go by, the ones we once listed are sold off, deemed not good enough….
i wonder what a buzz the players,fans will experience to wake up and see sneidjer as an arsenal player…we realy need big name signings
I dont agree with you AW as bought players who will have a sell on value , who do think paid for the Emirates not some rich oil shiek or Russian who throw their?? money about like confetti. AW is trying to buy M’Vila now you can not say he is not a star player, also as a history of problems so he is not taking the easy line there.
After watching last nights match I thought Hazard & Vertonghen were Ok but nothing special I think it may take them a while to get up to speed with English football can you see them on a dark /cold January night playing a cup match at say Huddersfield???
Rico,you asked could he handle big name players.
Do you honestly expect us to accept that Podolski is not a big name player?????
kc, that’s all i am asking, what are fans views on why we don’t sign big players, not for one minute am i suggesting i am right, it’s just my view….
rico…you can see that i selected those ones…i will definitely sell the others and send some of the aforementioned kids on loan
Wenger will lead us into oblivion…shit,I have now officially heard it all!!!
That is the single most ridiculous comment I have ever read on a forum.
I’m off for the night,because,as I said,this article will attract narks and morons alike.
Night all.
podolski is a big player,,,maybe on the same level with mertesacker…..but not on d same level with sneidger type of signing……as Rico pointed out sometime ago…why did he came so cheap without a bidding war?????????????????
Welcome LSG – it could be a bit of both, and i say that because of the ‘what would you do if you were given £100 Million’ question.
But I still believe his belief is in project youth, last summer hinted that that could be about to change, this transfer window will tell us a lot..
i will NEVER NEVER up theo wage even if he score 50000 goals in the Euro
I said “may very well”
perhaps I am a “doomer” but I also like to think of myself as a realist. now more than ever before with the emergance of the scum and City, it is much harder to win the title.
when i look at our squad, i honestly cannot see us winning anything but the mickey mouse cup and the fa cup and it ends there.
we are still a few good signings away from getting the leauge,
Pires, Henry, Gilberto,
Yer in hindsight we could have kept them for another season,but at the time Pires alway’s looked knackerd (stopped chasing back) Henry was walking round the pitch waving his arm’s all the over the place and moaning and Gilberto lost his will to win,
you have to remember when you buy foreign player’s at some point their will want to try another culture that why we got them in first place.
I think wenger has relized experienced premier player’s give you a bit more throughout the season,well I hope so.
Scott – sorry that you feel offended by this article, but not everything is rosy and i can’t sit and pretend otherwise….
Sleep well….
wenger just like d players need REAL presure,,,,both are TOO complacent
Good morning all. Do I sense the frustration ramping up with each day that passes that brings no movement in the transfer market? Imagine how it will be when August rolls round.
Welcome Bob – we shouldn’t be looking at a players sell on value when we sign them, we should be thinking about the squad, not money.
M’Vila – we all want him signed because he appears to be the perfect soloution to our weak defensive midfiled, just hope we get him and he and Podolski hit the ground running…..
Wenger is over the hill, the players know it, the fans know it, the Board know it, even Wenger knows it. But as long as its good enough for third or fourth, he keeps his job. This aint a squad of snarling tigers, desperate to win, its one littered with mediocre, wimpering kittens. Top players who have a grinding will to win will not come to Arsenal, firstly, we dont pay enough. Secondly, Arsenal have now acquired a reputation of cuddly losers.
frednerk, maybe they were all as frustrated as we were back then and are now 😉
reyes departure still irks…..
I’ve always maintained that Wenger can not handle big egos in the dressing room, big players have big egos. Someone also made the point a while back that he is no longer interested in competing anymore, which makes sense, he has not made any daring moves to actually progress the club along, I feel he is happy with mediocrity and so too are the board, as long as there is a profit to be made. Don’t get me wrong, Wenger has a great track record of bringing in players who either no one has heard of or have not reached their potential and making something of them, but Arsenal do not have time for that anymore.
We lack any cutting edge in the transfer market, possibly not Wenger’s fault, When Dien was in charge we would know about a signing when we saw him holding an Arsenal shirt, now a days they are long drawn out affairs, where everyone knows Arsenal’s deals before they are done. Doesn’t seem as professional as it should be.
Personally I would like to see Usmanov buy the club, Dein reinstated, Wenger moves up (under Dien) and someone like Pep coming in to manage the club.
Morning Adam – wish i’d never written the bloomin thing now 😉
Cheers rico.
i have been frequenting the site for a few weeks and i see you lot have got a quaint little niche here for everything arsenal. I’d like to be a part of it.
If we want to compete it is clear that some drastic changes need to be made at the club. not just players but the inner workings. youve got to change with the times if you want to be relevant. I admire AW’s reluctance to descend into obscene spending which now seems to be the trend but that may very well guarantee us no silverware of importance.
I can’t wait to see Gazidiz get roasted and hear what hes got to say
Yes Rico. You are always stirring things up. It’s human nature to put 2 and 2 together, look at it through the prism of your own particular prejudices and come up with something entirely arbitrary.
And with those long drawn out transfer saga comes time, time for other clubs to nip in and steal the deal…
I’m not against AU coming in and bringing back Dein either, althought should that happen, I’d love to see what Wenger does before casting him aside.
That would finally prove who is behind the lack of spending… Maybe then, I’d have to eat humble pie for this post 😉
I sort of agree with Paul
I dont only want to only blame AW though. The board’s complacency is just as frustrating. This summer and the following season i think will definitely be a make or brake season for us. How much more failure are the supporters willing to put up with before things really come to a head? We are slowly but surely coming up to decade of no trophies and thats unacceptable.
I agree I would give Wenger another transfer window under Usmanov, our squad is awful, the worst under Wenger, it is so frustrating, would any of these players get into the Unbeatables team?!
We could easily get rid of 10 players and not have weakened the team anymore than it is already! Did Wenger say he would have all his transfers none before the Euros? If so… scary..
Harsh Adam, very harsh 😉
LSG – agree – the entire board play their part, they all sit and watch and do little to change anything, whilst being paid rarther well….
He said they would be done early Esp, and we must give him a chance i suppose, the TW has officially opened yet…
Euros start in less than a week.
My fear is that we will not be signing any player who is playing in that competition. Knowing how reluctant we are to spend and how players values sky rocket after the tournament.
The trend of signing youngsters or obscure french players from ligue 1 expecting them to conquer all is not working.
thats my worry too, unless wengers targets aren’t in the euros which could be highly likely.
If M’Vila recovers and has a great tournament, his price will certainly rocket – only hope that the rumours about a deal nearly being done are true….
Did anyone else think Theo did pretty well last night?
Apologies for getting hot under the collar Rico.
I do know that you’re not attempting to do anything to undermine the club,so I am sorry.
LSG – for some reason your earlier comment went ito spam, bloomin wordpress….
Not sure Gazidis will be roasted though, he has all the questions and no doubt will come up with glowing replies 😉
LSG – re your 10.21, welcome aboard 😛
Scott, no need to apologise, but accepted anyway 🙂
I didnt watch the England v Belgium match but I will say that I am not the biggest Walcott fan. I feel as if he is not the sort of footballer for our style of play.
Henry was a very fast player, but he also had a high level of technical ability and great off the ball movement. You can only go so far relying on pace, when age catches up to you what will you do?
Theo says he prefers playing as a striker but I dont think that is the solution. Teams these days, particularly small ones like to defend deep against us, what will Theo do when he doesnt have loads of space to run in behind the back four? We’ve already seen that against teams like this when he is on the flanks, he basically turns into a nonentity when they defend deep.
Playing down the middle in this kind of situation will be even more difficult since he will be required to hold up the ball and make more clever passes.
I think either we change our formation to accomodate him, providing Robin stays we play a with both of them up front with robin slightly behind him or we hope theo ups the more technical side of his game.
Just seen this on LG:
Giroud told France 2 ( french tv) about Arsenal :”It’s an amazing club with a french coach, and there’s my bro Lolo playing there”
cheers rico.
iv been frequenting the site for a few months now and i saw how you lot had a very quaint niche here to discuss everything arsenal.
expect to see more of me 🙂
No doubt you will have seen that i defend Theo, reckon he’s a late developer – he’ll be really good in the next couple of years and i just hope its with us.
RvP wants us to show ambition and my view is selling Theo would naff him off big time….
Thats good news LSG, we kind of sit between the extreme views here 🙂
Good time to say that if you ever feel the desire to write you views/thoughts down, feel free to write a post 😛 (cheeky yes)
Will do rico.
I just sometimes get quite passionate about all this.
But if i ever do write a post, I will try not to ruffle too many peoples feathers.
Thanks LSG
I think we all passionate, and frustrated when we see players get signed up by others when we know they tick every box for our needs…
Last summer i really hoped we signed Ashley Young, a gooner who was nicked by Fergie, in fact i’m still annoyed about Cashley going and us getting Gallas 🙄
And don’t get me started on missing out on Cahill….
Every player we are linked with these days ends up somewhere else.It makes one really wonder what is going on behind the scenes.
Young, Mata, Cahill, Hazard etc the list goes on.
Last summer i was really hoping that we would snatch Nuri Sahin. He was only 10m euros and Real ended up getting him. story of our life
Still, we signed Park eh 😉
No doubt Podolski will be the profile player signed this summer, really hope we get Afellay as he ticks the right boxes, especially being RvP’s buddy…
Rico. It is all down to money. We don’t have as much as the oil sheikhs. To buy a world class player would cost us a signing on fee of at least 25mill plus a weekly wage of 150k per week. If on a three year contract, over a season, this equates to 25/3 +0.15×52 = 16m. A younger player would generally cost a signing on fee of say 12m plus a weekly wage of say 60k. This equates to a season cost of 12/3 +0.06×52 = 7m. The difference if 9m a season. I would say to overcome the likes of Man City, we would need say 5 new world class players, which is a difference in cost of 5 x 9 = 45m per season. We just don’t have that money every season.
Also, for anyone who thinks its easy to sign up prima donna players, I think you have a very simplistic approach. It takes two to sign (and break) a contract. If one party doesn’t want to accept you cannot force it. You can try offering even higher wages and signing on fees, but again we cannot afford it.
Ha Park!
I actually had high hopes for him. Its not often le Boss gets his signings that far off the mark. Park has “panic buy” written all over him.
Affelay would be a good addition. But i wont hold my breath.
Iv got to get some sleep now, nearly 6.30am here on the east coast so im off!
Catch you later LSG, sleep well….
welcome slugboy – we can sign that kind of player, not 3 or 4 a season but…
i just believe the club would rather spend that kind of money on cheaper options and hope that AW can work his magic….
West Ham have made a bid for Grant Holt…
Offski for a bit – catch up later……
Agree with the frustrated view rico.
my point is that it is not just the initial cost. 5-6 world class players would cost at least 45m every season! Unless we get a sugar daddy, we cannot afford it. Our average profit is about 30m per year over the last 5 years. Also remember that we have offloaded our stars most years to make this 30m per year. So the net effect of buying and keeping the stars is a double effect, arguably in the ball park of negative 70-80m.
Theres also the ‘he gets paid more than me effect’. If we pay a superstar 150k a year, all the rest will want it. So wages will increase generally.
I think the board know what they are doing. Its just when we don’t win trophies, people get upset. We have challenged for a lot of trophies over the past 7 years…. just not been successfull. Its no coincidence that our trophy drought coincides with the first oil baron coming on the scene. That same baron is now 1bn worse off! The second oil baron is heading for 1bn too.
Rico I agree with you up to a point , but if for example you were going to buy a car not only would you want itto go well and not break down but you would consider the resale value as well. Any way AW is trying to cover all bases if RVP leaves he has somebody in place
PS For what its worth I dont think RVP will leave as he is not a money grabber , and AW will purchase players to satisfy is need starting with RVP personal mate from Barca
Any i time read arsenal news, i feel sick.
All we do is to scout certain players and then some other club takes them.
Why scout a player if we cant afford him?
We’ve become a scout centre for city,chelsea,man u and even spurs.
These teams know we are good scouts and wont hesitate to purchase simply because we delay in making signings.
Why cant we sign mvilla and have to wait after da euros??
It wouldnt be a suprise if Some other team end up signing him.
Get afalley,mvilla and another keeper capable of challenging szecsney.
RVP will go and it will be front line of Chamak & Podolski. Wenger will claim they can win the title before season long battle for top 4 and no trophies. Ahh the Arsenal way !!
Afternoon Gooners.
Afternoon Rico.
Sobering comments from Slugboy
As Slugboy points out, and as we all must realise, it’s a simple case of finance.
CFC & MCFC can throw millions and millions at their pet past time.
Arsenal cannot.
I hate it as much as the rest of you, but it is, what it is….
We don’t have the money to spend on big players. Thats the answer lots of you are unwilling to face. Which world class player did chelsea or mc signed before striking the lottery? Teams like Blacburn, Leeds who sign world class players and spending above their means, where are they now? Real were able to do so thru bailouts by the local govt, now their govt are in deep trouble.
So get real. Forget world class players etc etc, we cannot afford it, maybe soon with the revenue from the stadium.
Afternoon guys and gals….
welcome sorry to those held in moderation, you are free now 😉
Rico, the rumours linking AFC to Giroud seem to be very strong.
Maybe once an agreement is in place to move on Chamakh, then we’ll hopefully see Giroud brought in to replace him?
Afobe did really well for the England U19’s, so he must be in Wenger’s thoughts for next season.
Hi Charlie – hope those rumours come true too….
Afobe poss depends on what happens with Park and Campbell, maybe an early loan for a couple of months, but, saying that, players like him should be in the Capital One Cup 😉
Not sure what Wenger is gonna do with Park?
Just move him on and re~coup the transfer fee???!
Then replace him with Campbell.
Park is a mystery, could very well be that next season he will play more, but paying what we did then him not getting a sniff of a game, just beggars belief, especially with Chamakh being so poor….
Would any club pay what we did for him, not sure we’d even get half that amount…
I feel for Park, joined us as captain of korea, now he’s been dropped from the team, he must feel quite bitter….
Capital One Cup…..
Yes, that does a kind of a ring about it… 🙂
Maybe Arsene should focus on the Capital One Cup next season???
And with that shattering thought in mind, i’m off back to work.
Enjoy the boats Rico… :-D. :-D. 😀
Is it buzzing in the city today Charlie
FA Cup and PL Charlie 🙂
Ok, laters – hope its busy 😉
Liverpools Dick Kite has joined Fenerbache….
Gary Cahill out of Euros
Roads are very quiet Rico.
For me, that’s perfect.
But it’s a typical Sunday otherwise.
Kelly called up to replace Cahill…
No Rio…???!
Lata boss. 🙂
Is that right about Cahill, bugger!
Rio won’t be called upon, not all the time Tosser Terry is in the squad….
Martin Kelly, why the heck him??
Rico, i think Kelly got the nod because Micah Richards refused to go on the standby list.
Smart move by Micah eh???
That’s just who should have been called up Charlie, Ricahrds, centre back/right back – Mr defensive utility…
He doesn’t get into mancins team these days, wish we’d get him….
Bent, Wilshere, Lampard, Cahill, Rodwell, plus a few others.
England have definately caught the Arsenal injury desease.
i mean, he didn’t during the last few games of the season 😉
Definately – not good for englands chances….
Reckon we could get a signing this week – before the euros kick off…
Who do you reckon we’ll get then Rico???
that’s a good question – m’vila maybe…
do you reckon we could make a move for robert green, now he’s up on a freebie?
The problem with signing Shittie players, is their wages.
That’s why i could never see us buying a player from Arabia.
Not least the fact that Mancini wouldn’t want to sell to one of his rivals…
Afternoon all,
Reading some of the comments i see that there are those among us that have somehoe got the hump that we haven’t brought more players that we a supposedly after. I would just like to point out to all of you that those stories that you are reading about M’vila Vertonghen Hazard or even Messi is all newspaper or other peoples stories they call it propaganda. why don’t you listen to what is important and that is the actual Manager. He Stated that he has not made any contact with any other club about buying their players. he said i have no players in mind i have made no offers for now or the imidiate future. I think that means that he doesn’t intend to buy M’Vila Vertonghen or Messi so why i you getting yourselves wound up by saying we have missed out, you don’t win the lotto if you don’t buy a ticket, so wait and see and who knows he may supprise us Oh and nice one Rico 🙂
M’Vila would be a great signing.
Perfect timing to sell season tickets… 😀
good afternoon…
Not sure Richards is one of those on huge wages Charlie…
But yes, mancini wouldn’t sell to us, he’d rather just buy from us – horrible little man….
See ya lata boss…
Afternoon Steve – you old kiljoy, when has wenger ever told the truth when it comes to transfers….
😆 Charlie, just why i reckon we could see a newbie arrive…..
Laters AK…
🙂 don’t get your hopes up too much Gooners, It would be nice but let the window open first.
Charlie your stiring them up 🙂
Scott from Oz, “Apologies for getting hot under the coller Rico.” On behalf of Rico your apologies is accepted. But please don’t be calling others morons.
deals can be done earlier Steve, if the selling and buying clubs are all willing, hence the Pod deal…
just all contracts start on the 1st july….
When you look at the other clubs and there are not that many doing much business yet, the Euro’s are holding things up a bit. after that chocks away 🙂
Apparently we are in talks for Brek Shea – forgot him, he was on loan with us in Jan…
international sport press:
Arsenal want to attack the eastern market and is ready to try the advanced CSKA Moscow, Seydou Doumbia and Yevhen Konoplyanka, the Dnipro of Ukraine.
The Gunners have already spoken with the Russian club and got to know that the military ask for 18.5 million euros for the Ivorian of 24 years, who scored 38 goals last season, but has a termination clause of 32 million.
Yet the amount requested by the Russians may be higher, with 18.5 million a few more such clauses which may, in total, bringing the price up to 26 million Doumbia.
In the case of the Ukrainian average of 22 years, this will be seen in Euro 2012 and could be hired as a replacement for Arshavin.
this week will see a bit of action imho Steve, before players value increse after the euros but, as i said earlier, wenger could very well be after players who are not involved in the competition….
Afternoon JM, rumours eh, love them 😛
NashuaGunners – anything useful to add??
Funny thing is Rico reading back through some of the comments i see some supporters believe we cannot compete with wages and the £20mill transfers, but what we have to understand is that there are only really a handfull of clubs that can afford to pay those kind of prices but that does’nt mean that no other clubs have quality players, I look at some of the wealthy clubs players and i wouldnt say they are all superstars but their on superstar wages but what we have to remember is that those clubs cannot buy everyone once their squads are full. they are out of the equasion.
Steve – I am sure that if Wenger wanted to sign a £20 Million player and demanded the money from the board to do that, they would sanction it….
But, Wenger, and mostly I would say he is right, wouldn’t do that because that same amount would get him two players.
However, sometimes there is an odd one or two players, like Gotze maybe, who is worth taking that chance….
Offski for bit, early dinner …..
For the past years Arsenal fans have been calling for big name signing and if we are to get big name from other clubs we should ready to dish out $20m or more. How do we expect players like Mata Hazard Yaya Toure Kaka, to name a few, to come to our beloved club without spending the cash? Can we sell our top players for cheap? I’m just asking.
Hi Nash, Maybe your right mate, but in fifteen years the highest Wengers gone is £15 mill don’t expect to much.
Just goes to show that you can buy cheap and still sell dear, and what can you say when your team have been in the top four for all those years, Look at some of the others below us and look how much they have spent and they are not setting the world alight are they.
Brek Shea…!
Underwhelmed by that news.
Christ, can’t we do better than him???
Rico, if there is any truth in that Brek Shea rumour, then it must signal the departures of Squillaci & Djourou…
Still not impressed tbh…
May as well give Miquel a chance..!
Hi SteveP, yes you’re right, the top four but is that good enough? AW has done fantastic job with the club and he has made people have falling in love all over again with soccer.That something you cannot take away from the man. He’s good at what he does but, yet still we fans don’t know who to blame for the big names that have sliped away. How can we compete when we sell our best and then replace them with below Par? Look at the AC Milan return match, if we had players at the bench we could have eliminate them from uefa. So, for now he is on the drive seat and he is the one calling the shot on the pitch, we have to blame him.
Nashua, it’s not always rational, that’s why we keep renewing our season tickets each year, a lot of us on here have been following Arsenal since the good old Division One days, it’s all about supporting your club through thick and thin, keep the faith, the good days will be back.
For the past few months that I have been reading from HH I know some people don’t really like others to criticize AW but he does make some mistakes because he is human. He sees the players everyday in training and he select the team for every game. He knows those that are not up to the challenge and where we are lacking but when blame people take offence. That does not mean we don’t love him, we all do but we have to be realistic.
Charlie, Shea is a forward/winger isn’t he? he must have impressed on loan 😉
Evening all……
Nash – we here are often critical of Wenger, what the site doesn’t condone though is vile abuse, or personal abuse of him, he is as you say a human, and one who has in the past done so much good for our club….
Agreed rico, didn’t he build the emirates with his own bare hands, what more proof do you need.
😆 Micko – well now he seems to be removing the bricks, one by one…..
Micko, you’re right we have to keep the faith. Some of us started supporting Arsenal during the mid 90s, so we are still learning the Arsenal way from people like you and others. We’re not criticising the club but we just want the club to compete just like the late 90s. Micko, if you have guests over for supper, you go to the market first thing in the morning and pick out the best vegs,fresh fish and meat. You don’t wait at the end of the day when the market is closing and everydody has got there supply. It make no sense. If you don’t have the means that something completely different. But Arsenal is a top class club and the best in my eyes.
Nash – i think Micko was being ironic 😉
Hi Rico, i understood but just trying to emphasize my point. I just don’t understand when people used the word Wenger’s haters. For me personal I love the man and I’ve defended him in several occasions. He made me fall in love with this club, Arsenal.
I read somewhere, Monaco wants Squillacci !
I’m not joking! 🙂
Faith will run out though Nash… With many its already has….
Hoorah JM, I’m off to find him and drive him there myself…. 😛
Rico, i thought Shea was a centre~half….
I’ll get me coat…. 😀
I would get that Giroud and one brutal DM.
😆 Charlie 😉
He is Mr Utility really:
Dane Brekken “Brek” Shea (born February 28, 1990) is an American soccer player who plays as a midfielder for FC Dallas in Major League Soccer and the United States national team. A versatile attacking player known for his size and strength, Shea has been deployed in a variety of defensive, midfield and attacking roles, before settling as a wide-midfielder.
M’Vila or Fellaini Will
Nashua, I was hoping Wenger was going to stand down at the end of this season but it ain’t gonna happen now, what’s he got left on his contract, 12 months ? Might be his last chance to go out with a bang, hope he does, given us some great times but I would’ve liked to have seen a new man come in, shake the team up and instill that winning mentality again, something we have lost over the last few seasons.
Rico, before you know it kev will be telling us Chamakh’s a striker, wait and see.
Evening all. Anything happening, apart from the cold and rain?
Ha ha Micko – he’s a left back isn’t he… preferably in the changing rooms…..
Evening Adam – no, just the cold and rain….
Give me M’Vlle and Dembele, there will be no DM and CH that Arsenal cannot penetrate.
Rico. The weather is awful here. I think I have caught something. I went all shivery last night and couldn’t sleep. Today I have felt really odd and just sat around all day. I could do with a top signing to boost me and my immune system. What are the chances? None?
Adam, slim and none and slim just left town !
Dembele didn’t convince me last night against England….
Sounds like you have a cold coming Adam, not even a signing will help that….
I wouldn’t bet against something happening before Friday, when Poland kick off the Euros….
Too all of you who want Wenger gone, name a manager we could replace him with. Either of those Rico and I want Giroud.
Thank you Dr Rico. I shall keep warm, take the appropriate medication and perhaps have an early night.
I imagine Gazidis will be in for a rough ride when he gives his annual ” trust us” speech this week.
There are a few out there Will, Wenger isn’t the bee all and end all of AFC….
Sorry to break that news Adam 😉
I’m not so sure re IG, his answered will be all planned, same old cock and bull i think…
I’m beginning to think that Walcott is going to be a gonner….
Will, been there bought the t-shirt washed and ironed it, my top two would have been Ancelotti and Guardiola, but Wengers job is safe for another season so it’s all hear say.
Laters guys.
Night Micko…. i reckon he’ll sign a new contract, who else will save the board money….
How much would either of those two cost to get including transfers?
Nash,if what everybody has ever told me is right, that your only as good as your last game then most of our players would have been sold by now, not just the players but the Manager as well, West Brom away, a must win game for us this year and we won it not a great game i watched every painful of that game and i must admit it wasn’t a classic. I looked at those players at the end and felt that most of them must go and those was the players who got us to 3rd when you look at players like Squilly Djurou Mertsacker Arshavin velor Denilson Diaby Chamakh and a few more who are not first choices you start to see that the first choice players are not so much the problem its the hangers on that need to be whittled down before any business can be done.
Which two Will?
Steve – kind of have to agree with your last, and what about the games we lost in the last few fixtures, all ones which on paper we should have walked – and had we, the Wba game would have been a relaxed game and no doubt we would have played so much better …..
Too many average players in our squad, thats for sure….
Ancelotti and Guardiola,
I would think that neither one would expect to be paid £7 Million a year Will, an amount which is more than Fergie, the most successful manager in the PL…..
Rico, we have our hands tied as far as buying, our wage bill has to come down before we can enter into new signings, this window will be like last years as wenger knows and hopes that some of the ones involved in the Euro’s may bring there price up a bit, but a clear out is imperative to our form next year. Buying in players without shifting some is suicide and i think he knows it. but the sad thing is is contracts are binding
Evening Will, never going to happen mate both of those guys would want a nest egg to start with, their wage is not important but they would want a slush fund without doubt.
The on;ly good thing though Steve is that many want out and will do all they can to get a move…
They have all said they don’t want to stay….
Steve – i have to disagree, neither of those two men would want or demand what AW earns, but, they will want transfer funds, and they would get rid of the dross in the squad, very quickly i suspect…
Thats what i thought i wote Rico, perhaps i worded it wrong
😆 Sorry Steve – i really need to read properly, new specs maybe ….
very quiet on here tonight and i’m about to make it quieter nte nte rico and if your still about Will nte to you as well 🙂
RICO listen to your man Scott from oz if you want a successful site you wont get it by writing garbage like this we’re three days into the window you have not got a clue who wenger will sign he was the first one in with poldy and there will be more you will attract the wrong sorts onto a normally balanced site to have a view is good but to suggest mr wenger can not handle so called superstars is tantamount to mutiny
I’m following you Steve, nighty to you, Will and all,
Catch you all tomorrow ….
Nashua,I don’t remember calling you a moron,so stick that right up our arse.
My apology was directed at RICO,accepted by RICO,so who the hell are ou to accept it on her behalf??
To the rest of you,top of the morning.
The font – this site has been going for nearly two years, it’s fine as it is thanks – the amount of comments support that. Just bcause this particular post isn’t up your street – doesn’t mean everyone feels the same….
scott was a gent, he came back and realsied it wasn’t a mission to slander wenger, it was a wuestion posed to others for their views…
By ‘wrong sorts’ you must mean bloggers who don’t agree with you – well, its a free world and everyone is entitled to their opinion….
That’s timing for you,hey Font lol??
Anyway,I’m off to work,so have a great day or night,depending on where in the world you are.
See you Scott, have a good day….
RICO,I think Font meant the guys jumping on for five minutes,posting their doom and gloom,then taking off.
Anyway,it’s done and dusted,so best be left alone guys.
Til next time…
Evening Font, just caught your comment and felt i needed to answer it.Britain is a free speach society and we all have different views, obviously yours is pro Wenger that is your perogative, i have usually agreed with all Wengers dicisions but he has made many errors and having deadwood building up in the background is killing any transfers we could be making, you probably dissagree with me and again this is your perogative but if you don’t like what you read i feel that actually calling somebody out that writes every day is a little below the belt but again you have your opinions and that is what rico has started this site for to get supporters discussing, she is as passionate about the Arsenal a i am sure you are but please respect peoples views you may not like them but discuss the subject without getting someones back up thank you
RICO as I said different views are good but you disrespected a man who was offered the real Madrid job after being told they were going to give him an open cheque book and thought he was capable of handling the galicticos including ronaldo but hey who are real Madrid when it comes to the great RICO
and why shouldn’t they, if thats how they feel…
thanks steve….
font – disrespected wenger, get real, that is rubbish! maybe its time you found some other place to post if you can’t take posts/comments that don’t suck up to wenger….
oh and maybe he turned down madrid because he knew he couldn’t handle the likes of ronaldo….
Stevepalmer I respect your views on here because you also like Scott have a balanced view but when something is so far off I need to say somthing. Now whether your pro or anti wenger it would be hard to dissagree he could walk into nearly any job out there so to speake about someone who is globally admired in such away is not acceptable
its only far off in your opinion font…
Everybody wants Asenal sitting at the top of the tree i am no different what we say on these blogs will probably never get to the people we would like to read them but if we have ideas or views its certainly better to get them off your chest. were all gooners and we fight against everybody lets not fight against ourselves. 🙂
RICO you just made it personal by actually saying that if I do not agree with you I should go elsewhere well my friend that’s exactly what I will do
font – what is wrote was
‘maybe its time you found some other place to post if you can’t take posts/comments that don’t suck up to wenger….’
What part of that suggests you have to agree with me?
It doesn’t, just don’t start telling me what to do with HH, its fine as it is!
As i said before Font, everybody is under scrutiny when the fans are used to trophys you no doubt have said a few nasty things about some of the players when you have watched a match i know i have Wenger is not above criticism in fact with a bit more he may come back as we want him i am just keeping my fingers crossed.
Anyway – enough of all that, i’m offski now….
You two might argue all night but i hope you agree in the end nte nte to both of you 🙂
Steve – i want to see the old wenger, i want him to leave on a high when he finally does – but then you know that….
Night Steve….
ehTfor last few months, every time Senor JM pipes up, it’s usually bad news.
I was beginning to think that he was some kind of subversive Spud, sent here to punish us.
But JM, you lovely old Port you, all is forgiven with your 7.44, & the wonderfull news that Monaco are after Squillaci.
Just don’t tell Adam…
Not sure that he can handle the shock….. 🙂
Blimey, just catching up.
Looks as if i missed a right old barney…
Font has stormed off in a huff. Never to return.
Lee will be devestated….
I blame Mick. He’s just a trouble~maker…
Btw that Chamakh!!!
What a great goalkeeper. 😀
Everything started so well, that is until Scott started whinging.
I bet Sean doesn’t whinge like his ‘Old Man’…?
Scott, you’ve been coming on here too long.
Your turning into a whinging Pom… 😀
You Pommie Basket… :-D. :-D. :-D. :-D. 😀
See ya later Digger. Nite Gooners.
You bastards are rubbing off on me AK lol.
Morning all…..
New Post up
I am equally frustrated with our loss of players in the transfer market why are always losing out to other clubs do we want another trophyless season we need those old so called board members to go. I want the Russian man in as well Dein coming back
Arsenal will not even reach third place nxt season if we dont spend cash and bring quality in where looking like a laughing stock and then we will have a exodus of players.
I wil also like to add that i have faith in Wenger if h went then i feel that the ex barcelona manager to step in
We are one of the richest clubs in the world who cannot sign players. Chelsea etc havestarted steps much later than us and have secured players. Are we holding out for rejects?
fhg – we are on a new post, press the home tab and join us…