It seems the long draw out Cesc Fabregas to Barcelona saga could finally come to an end today as reports suggest we have agreed to accept just under £36 Million for our Spanish midfielder. There are mixed reports about add-ons included in the deal and for the next five years Fabregas will pay Arsenal just under £1Million a year out of his own wages.
I don’t know the exact figure, no doubt we will read ‘undisclosed fee’ when it finally goes through…
Not quite the £40 Million that Arsenal said would Barcelona their man but hey, it’s time he left so surely this has to be a good deal all round. If the deal unfolds today which I’m sure it will, good luck to Cesc Fabregas, I have a feeling he’s going to need it.
He won’t be the first name on the Barcelona team sheet, unlike at Arsenal. He’ll play second fiddle to the greats in their side and will have to start earning his place, he’ll also have to stay fit, something he’s struggled with for the last couple of seasons in England.
No matter how you feel about him, he’s been great for us during his time in the Premier League and now I wish him well.

Anyone want a couple of home shirts with the number 4 on the back, they are going cheap 😉
Now we need to sort out the other one who wants to leave but under totally different circumstances. He’s only been with us for three seasons and I think it’s clear he wants to move for money, he’s not chasing his boyhood club. It’s time to sell him though and move on, in fact we can be a stronger team if Arsene Wenger re-invests the money we get for both along with any other pounds we get from other sales.
Who’s he going to get then?
I’m hoping our much needed defender will be the next signing in the door, will it be £6 Million rated Scott Dann, £12 Million rated Chris Samba or the £17 Million Gary Cahill?
Any one of those three would make us stronger and all three know what playing in the Premier League is all about, they won’t need time to settle, just a bit of time to get used to their team-mates. When we signed Big Sol, he made a difference from the off – signing one of the three mentioned may just have the same impact.
For the first time in a very long time they are not certainties to be in the top four…..
That’s the words of Paul Merson, he was speaking on Sky Sports last night about our chances this season.
If Wenger re-invests from the impending sales, Paul Merson may just have to have a re-think. We are probably three players away from being up there with the best in the Premier League and the impending sales would easily fund those three players.
However, if Arsene Wenger chooses not to re-invest, Merson could very well be right.
All will become clear over the next twenty days………..
Couple of snippets for you:-
Hugo Rodallega of Wigan is again linked with us in the red tops, 25-year-old Cost Rica striker who plays for FC Twente Bryan Ruiz is also making the news and according to some, Scott Danns representatives have been in talks with Arsenal.
I don’t believe any of them either I just thought I’d save you reading the back pages….. 😉
Yesterday got a bit silly here, there were too many insults to fellow bloggers just because peoples opinion differs. Not every fan agrees about what is going on right now, it would be boring if we did but remember, we all support Arsenal!
Insults to a fellow blogger is not welcome here so if that’s what makes your day, don’t bother coming on as that is the reason WordPress have a Spam key….
Other than that – have a good day all….
hello all
There is a better chance of me being signed than anyone with talent
Cheap & useless makes economic sense at Ashburton Grove
We never did have the money did we? The board have known since the end of last season that both Nasri and Cesc would go. Instead of getting replacements in early to strengthen our hand in future dealings with other clubs concerning the two we have been forced to wait until the start of the upcoming season. We play our first premiership game this Saturday and the mother of all hard starts to the season. Now we will hear over the next couple of days how we will reinvest the money from Cesc (our former captain!!)and Nasri on new players when it is clearly too late. And there is not a snowball chance in hell that we will spend it all.
This with board that has two multi millionaires as the two major share holders.
This after the ticket prices were put up again at the start of the summer and where we were promised that we would be very proactive in the market during the summer.
Compare our meanderings with the decisive actions of Fergie and Manchester United at the beginning of the summer. He decisively figured on what areas of the team that needed fixing and bought well and quickly. He now has two excellent centre halves Smalling and Jones that could and should have become Arsenal players again if it wasn’t for our dithering and finacial reticence. On top of being perennial choakers we are now also tight fisted indecisive ditherers. We have sold our soul.
We have become a weak club in every sense of the word.
Morning all…
Hi alan, i can understand why you think that way, history has done that and deep down that is what i expect but i hoping to be wrong, very wrong….
Gervinho, Jenkinson and Chamberlain all have talent, they are good signings, now though all we need is that defender…
Hi cavalry,
I’m not sure re the money, we have already paid out over 25Million for our three signings and of cousre the Barca kids but i’m surprised Wenger has done it the way he has.
I’d have bought the defenders first then look elsewhere within the squad…
And surely, Wegner should get the best defender available, not one thats the best value
Agree Mark and i think that has to be Cahill or Samba, he has to be PL ready, PL proved – we cannot afford another Kos type of signing imho…
Totally agree Rico. Wenger needed to assess his squad and to identify the weaknesses. In effect he has failed to do this for the past six years. You start with a spine and work from there. Look at the players that we have signed during the summer. Central players? Backbone players? I really do believe that he has lost the plot. Gone past his sell by date. To make the same mistakes year after year is just not acceptable. Thanks Wenger for all you have done in the past but time to go before you completely rip the heart out of this wonderful club of ours.
Morning Rico. If, as seems the case, Cesc is sold then it tells us something about the club and Arsene’s stance throughout the summer. It shows us that most of the PR is sheer posturing and is designed to create an impression to outside observers but there is little for the fans to take from it. If Cesc does go and our porky little friend Nasri stays because of some perceived wisdom by Arsene, then that would be madness. Sell him now and spend the money from both deals, plus a bit more if you have to. Show some real ambition and intent in the transfer market. The fans will accept the situation the club finds itself in and we march on to, hopeful, better things. But keep Nasri and loose £20 million plus next year only to have him go through the motions and that will be shockingly bad for team morale and would send out a far worse message. The situation is what it is an no amount of moaning will help now. Top of the agenda is the team and the coming season so let’s forget about any more 16 or 17 year olds. in other words, let’s get stuck into this season and surprise people with our quality and intensity of play.
So we’re nor going to finish in the top four. Hmmmm. Everyone and his dog (including many bloggers and ‘supporters’ were saying that was a certainty last season.
Morning Rico/HH, Gervinho netted last night! Any news on Ramsey?
The Daily Mail report that Nasri could be gone in the next 48 hours, in fact before Fabregas goes…
Rico. Does he need a lift?
calvalry, i’m in the camp that wants wenger to change, rather than him go – i agree he has let things slip badly over the last 4/5 seasons, especially in the defence. The last good and proper central defender we had was Sol, when he left we should have replaced him like for like and we didn’t…
Same can be said about Vieira, Jens and Henry – had those crucial positions been sorted out we wouldn’t be so vulnerable…
wenger might not sign me. I’m too old at 14yrs. He’ll prefer bringing a baby, who will later leave the club.
Hi Adam, I don’t think Nasri will stay, driven by money i think and we’ll take the 22M from Citeh….
Hi Lee, no news on Aaron, did it look bad??
Sad to see Fab go…..but if he leaves and we keep nasty am gonna go gung ho on wenger’s ass…..morning good people.
This whole saga should of been put to bed at the start of the transfer window and a suitable replacement purchased and allowed time to “bed in” during pre-season. We’re now scrabbling around (hopefully) in the transfer market, with the start of the PL on sat and a CL qualifyer on tues
adam, get in the queue, i’m first to escort him 😉
My lift would be a firm kick up the arse,and good riddance!!
Hi Mike, I’m just passing on Merson’s views – but it’s going to be tough with others building their sides but, still time for wenger to shock us yet… 🙂
Morning goonster – it is sad but it’s best for him and for us, we need a comitted captain, his head is no longer with us….
Spot on Lee, spot on….
The Cesc saga is difficult as Barca wouldn’t play ball but if the club knew they would settle for less then maybe we should have told them earlier than now – it’s not the best negotiating arsenal have done…
Nasri, i just don’t understand how its come to this state, surely the alarm bells over his contract should have been ringing in Jan….
Let the pundits & other teams rite us off, they always have throughout our history.
We should be use to the media witch hunt its been going on since the Chapman era.
If they spend the proceeds on, Mata, Benzema, and Cahill who will really want to play us then?
Our foundations are solid and we are building on them, so fuck all the rest we are THE ARSENAL……
To have a succesful team a manager has to sort out the spine of the team first. The backbone must be strong in every sense of the word. You need fighters in there and the terms hard and skillful do not have to be mutually exclusive of each other.
Look at the players we have bought over the past six years. What percentage of them would you consider to be top notch central players.
Our “scouts” are given a template when scouting players to look for two footed, fast and skillful players. Where does determination, soul, heart, good tacker, never say die, good header and mental fortitude come into this?
To be a succesful team you need a blend. We have become a tippy tappy team sadly in the likeness of our manager. Six years he has had to rectify this blind spot. He has utterly failed to do so and therefore reluctantly he has to go and we have got to get our soul back.
Arsene out, the board out, burn the Emirates to the ground.
Will, don’t forget Colney!! 🙂
Oh yes and please burn your Arsenal shirts, all the years of glory and joy they have given you mean nothing as we have won nothing in six whole years.
Burn it all.
All these media pundits can really go and fuck themselves, we should use their negativity to motivate us!
John, those three then we’re cooking…
calvary, quite a few here have suggested we need the new spine, personally speaking, i’d love us to get a bit more english grit in the defence but thats just my own opinion…
Tv, Campbell and maybe Gallas – but for them there is a Cygan, Stepanovos (spelling) Senderos etc….
Like I said earlier, i’m not for AW out, I just want him to make a couple of quality signings to give us a real chance…
One of which is the true organiser and leader, the one with the never say die attitude that will then spread within the camp…
First the good news….Fabregas & Narsi will give Arsene a further £63 mill to spend.
Second the good news..Nasri & Cesc only played top form for about 16 matches last year and them all before Chistmas…so we will not miss them half as much as they will miss AFC. Just remember all the other ‘stars’ who left in the past 10 years and have regretted it!
Third the good news….with the money (at last) hopefully, AW will buy Dann, Courcouf, Mata and hopefully Enrique/Baines. Added to what we already have, I would/will bet on ARSENAL winning the lot !
Fourth, the good news is that my Spanish pal says that the two kids signed from Barca ( and that has been a big block on the Cesc transfer because Barca demanded a £1 mill fee each) are better prospects than Cesc ever was?
Welcome John
I echo Lee’s comment, those three and we’d knock the stuffing out of the others 🙂
Lee, we are easy pickings at the moment, the press love whats going on, just wait for the headlines once Cesc and Nasri go – but i don’t care as most of us realise that by selling those two we could actually be a stronger squad if AW re-invests….
Tha’s the way to get our own back….
Yeah Rico but the stats suggest we ll struggle without him……how many times has bailed us out from a tight corner…remember the villa game two seasons ago? Am really gonna miss him.
There is great hope IF AW spends the money, i really hope and pray he doesn’t stick it in the bank…
Intersting about the two new barca kids – you reckon they will be in the first team squad or go out on loan??
Cesc and Nasri should speak to Hleb about how he feels about leaving.
Can you imagine a front line lead by RVP with Gerv, AOC, & Mata in support, with Theo, Ryo, and Arsh on the bench?
What defence could cope with that pace, power & skill?
Fuck em all their ignorance about our ability is our best weapon.
No Will, we don’t want them talking, i want them both gone….
GP – Will is being sarcastic about the burning…..
But just imagine if Sagna, Cahill, Samba and TV were the defence protecting them John, with a big strong, hard tackling nutcase in the centre of our midfield 😉
Will, sarcastic? No.
We need to be positive and let that posivitivity spread the the Arsenal world and to the players. Time to make them feel like invincible warriors and 10 feet tall.
If we spead negativity and make them nervous and hesitant we will reap what we sow.
I must admit I like the look of Frimpong he is a beast head that will not stop running, we need him to be coached by Stevie Williams add a vicious edge to his game..
Dann, will go to the dippers, right?
Thanks for the comment Patrick but read the last bit of the post before your next comment….
People, if you had someone watching you at work and booing your every mistake, no matter how small and no matter the intent of your work, you would hesitate and think twice.
What we need are fans who know the game and are not just tourists on a jolly or people who have a ticket as a status symbol. We need supporters who know that a player was trying to make “the” pass and it got cut out but you clap and cheer the player’s intent and you make him feel that next time, it will work so it will happen again.
All we do on these blogs are feed shit-house journo’s food to beat us with. You have to know that this piss-sodden hacks trawl the blogs to get a feel of how the fans are and then they return it to us twn fold in flash big words which in turn feeds our anger and paranoia.
So, say it loud and proud.
** Breaking News**
It’s going to be Scott Dann …… Confirmed that we are in preliminary talks…
Will, you cannot force your views and thoughts on others….
It cannot be any better relieve to have Cesc and Nasri go hoping that AW will spend the money to strengthen our team. TWo defenders Cahill and Samba would take us to where we want. Hope AW is listening. Six yrs of suffering and humiliation to gooners is no short period. Thanks buddies for keeping your spirits in the most difficult times. It looks likely finally we gone be there!!
John, I like the look of Frimpong, who would you choose to start on Saturday, him or Song??
ignore my 10:09
If that is the way you see me trying to rally the troops Rico, it says more about you than me.
Why are we setting the bar so low in terms of our centre-back search? Cahill, Samba, Scott Dann, come on! that list should read Sergio Ramos, Chiellini or Subotic, big names in world football for a massive club.
Wenger has made marque signings before and this is a great opportunity to do it at the back. Lets set these forums started with high class player rumours and get the media latched on! force the issue!
personally i think chiellini and Verminator would be great and could tutor our future super defender Miguel.
Lee 😆
Don’t start today Will, you have your views, not everyone feels as positive as you do…
Scot Dann 6ft 2″ work horse.
Wenger saving the cash he would need for Cahill or Samba,must be going for Mata & Benzema its going to be an interesting few days.
I am sorry Rico but you have changed. I have not told anyone what to do, I am merely saying it is now time to be positive and let that positivity grow.
Maybe I should leave this place because HH has changed as well, it used to be a great place but now it is a morgue and if you DARE say buck up to anyone you are forcing your opinions on someone.
Sorry guys, I tried.
Hi VAN, don’t you think they’d need time to adjust? We can’t afford that time imho…
im with Will (not romantically)
but big up the Arsenal, loud and proud
Rico, with our injuries why not go with both, and Arsh in the middle, we need to lock the back up and use lighting quick counter attacks, as we use to with Wright, Anelka, Henry….
I think Chiellini would maybe need time but his class would quicken that period and he could initially cover for Vermi and Kos
would rather he was our back up than Squillaci, could even offer him in exchange
I’m back to defend the great man 🙂
My thoughts on the Cesc saga:
1) If we had tried to sell him earlier, we would have got a lower price
2) I have genuine concerns about his fitness
3) I’ve enjoyed the memories: solo goal versus Spurs, daisy cutter against Milan, game turning freekick against Villa, etc, etc
4) Those who genuinely believe Wenger is dumb enough not to sign at least somebody to replace him are truly off the charts IQ wise, in the wrong direction
I haven’t changed one bit Will, i just believe in letting everyone have a view without being subjected to abuse or sacasm or be told to go and support another club…
AKB’s loud and proud – the doomers are allowed to come out and trash the place, so why can’t we have our say?
But it was a good post, Rico – very level, well done.
John, what about Jack & Arron? Can’t see Wenger starting with both but it’s nice to know we have two defensive minded midfielders without Densilon 😉
Woops, pressed the wrong button, my last should have been under rico…
I’d ratehr you than Squilli Van and I’ve never seen you play 😉
Rico, you say being subject to abuse – please tell me that AKB’s don’t get abused, and that Wenger doesn’t get abused…
My dad went into the comments section of Le Grove the other day and actually came out feeling sick. Some of the support base at this club is truly abysmal, of the same variety that loot businesses and burn cars.
Will’s just trying to get more positive vibes, Rico. I don’t think he’s trying to indoctrinate people…
Jack & Arron are injured I think?
If not then, Jack & Arron with either Song or “Beast Head” mopping up at the back.
Sorry Rico, that is rubbish, you are allowing the doomers free reign in here and they are foring their unbalanced and incorrect opinions on me. If I dare say, you guys are wrong and we are not that bad, I amforing my opinion on people.
I really don’t understand that.
This is not Le Grove Savage!!
Everyone has an opinion, debate yes, but surely we are all adults aren’t we?? Why do supporters have to be labelled as being in one camp or the other??
It’s all a bit beyond belief really…..
No Rico were are not mere adults we are THE ARSENAL….
Rubbish Will, Read yesterdays post!!
I respect the fact you are positive, just like i do all others but my eyes are open, my head is not in the sand and i can see things are lacking.
Will Wenger buy who he can to make us stronger, I hope so…
That is what all this is about, Arsenal…. and are we all going to agree?? for sure we are not…..
I don’t believe that AKB’s should be insulting doomers, but you must not apply double-standards. If you’re going to allow rubbish to come on here and write trash, don’t you dare play a different game with people deliberately trying to support the club.
And one more thing, since when did Wenger stop being a human being? Since when can people suddenly treat him the way they do?
As you say, it’s all a bit beyond belief really…
Savage, if you don’t like it here, you know where the door is…
If you want to set rules to a blog, go get your own… But is that a bit too much hard work….
You know when TalkSport presenters are talking about the lack of respect for humans these days then there’s something really wrong.
That applies to AKB’s too, but it most definitely applies to doomers.
Honest question – are you knocking the AKB’s?
My head is not in the sand but my message is not getting through.
I will say this again and then head to the gym to work this absolute frustration I have out.
Journo’s read blogs to garner opinions and feelings on teams. They then rework those feelings and magnify them back to us. Now, the Arsenal team is staffed by mainly young boys, do you think the negativity around the club makes them feel secure and open to trying exciting and positive things on the pitch or do you think the chance they will be booed and jeered will make them play the safe 3 yard pass and become invisible.
We need to make these young men feel like invincible warriors who can do anything they want. We need to start making Arsenal a positive world where the players want to perform to their highest ability.
Booing the players and being a “doomer” does one thing and one thing only. Yes, we can say we are misisng player A or B, I have said the same thing but we are two freaking days away from the season, now is the time to get behind the team and cheer your lungs out.
If this is me forcing my opinion on people, I will stand with a megaphone on speakers corner and do it every day.
I believe in free speech without insults!
Guys guys calm down….go get a beer or something….we ll be signing scotty dann pretty soon and maybe who knows my mata and benzema. A guy can dream, can’t he?
Will, I am not booing, i don’t condone booing and i don’t know any blogger here who does….
its too early for me goonster…..
The abuse being hurled at Wenger is truly and utterly unacceptable. That is not something you stay quiet about.
To be honest Rico, it’s not targeted at you, you’re getting the end of the stick, but you are defending it, and that’s a position you really don’t want to be in.
Remember this..
“I believe in free speech without insults!”
… must include Wenger. In all of this he remains a human being like you and me.
Rico I love the blogs it takes me back to the banter & general noise in the East Stand lower tier.(I was priced out of my season ticket with the move to Emirates)
But whilst we argue amongst ourselves the important stuff is hopefully going on at the club we all love so much.
Morning Gooners
Morning Rico, very good post.
Lucky you’ve not got a Nasri shirt…. 😉
Savage,will and Rico you guys are on yellow card one more peep out you lot I kick you out of HH….come on people let it go…we are all Gooners for pete’s sake.
It’s never too early Rico, John’s 10:34, SPOT ON!!
But if fans are frustrated with Wenger that’s not down to me to change Savage, i don’t abuse the man and i don’t think many here do either – yes frstration comes out about how he does his transers and how little money he has spent over the years etc, but i don’t recall to much abuse at him as a person, as a manager maybe a bit but not as a man, not as arsene wenger….
John – spot on again
Ok goonster – hope you’ll do a Webb with me and give me three 🙂
I have to drive later though Lee, otherwise…. 😉
Morning Kev, it wouldn’t get much on ebay, thanks re the post….
Fair enough Rico.
Anyway, we should all be excited as Scott Dann could be on his way, he’ll be a great signing for £6 miilion….
Rico, you are allowing the “doomers” (for wantof a better word) free reign to say Wenger out, we are crap etc etc but if one of us positives comes on and states a differing opinion we are wrong and forcing our opinions.
I am just telling the Arsenal world now is not the time for negativity, it is time to stand together and behind the team. We all know we need two players but if we don’t get them so what? are we going to throw the rattle and stop supporting? No, we will get behind the team and I am sorry but having the tag line “in wenger we rust” is the same as booing and there have been posters on here who condone the booing and also Rico, I like you and none of this is aimed at you on a blogging or a personal level but you do seem to be coming down on one side of the fence and you are going to be lumped in because of that.
Two days from the start of the season and we are acting like Tottenham fans.
Well you Gooners, today is the day when a center-half could be arriving. According to the Lady of Da House.. 😉
I’ll be very happy if it’s Scott Dann.
Will, get down the gym mate… 🙂
You’ll feel better afterwards…
I don’t know much about Scott Dann – can you tell me more?
Will, you’re right, but we mustn’t make the mistake of then hurling abuse ourselves, otherwise we’d be losing the moral high ground we currently hold.
It’s lively on here today…. 😀
Sav, did you see that we’re looking at a 15 year old winger from Luton…
Last player we took from Luton= Jackie Wilshere…..
Nope, didn’t see it. I honestly don’t know what headlines to believe though 🙂
I am already on a yellow card from goonster so i am not going to continute other than to say, i respect you backing for afc and Arsene and so many of your comments make a lot of sense and i enjoy reading them – all i ask is that you don’t suggest to them that they support a different club, thank you…
kev, it’s on SS’s and i think he’d be a good signing for what e are paying if it goes through, now for Cahill aswell 😉
Savage, re Dann, i wrote a bit on him the other day, 6′ 2″ no nonense defendr who was at the heart of the Brum side that got to the CC final, he suffered a bad injury keeping him out of the final..
He’s a Dipper fan, but i think that’s the only downside to him 😉
I hope this deal goes through…
yes, its possibly fair to say we could do better but he’s certainly better than Squilli and he may just be better than JD seems to be at the moment..
Where did you see that one kev??
Sav, it’s on YoungGuns.
Hello everyone. Shitty weather here in DK. How’s the situation in London? Chronicle Live are reporting that Newcastle are on the verge of making a bid for Bendtner. Add that sale to the money we get from Cesc and Nasri and we’ll have plenty of money to replace them.. More than enough for Cahill, M’Vila and a quality attacker 🙂
Rico, it’s typical Wenger. All we’ve heard about is Samba & Cahill.
And in the end we get Dann, hopefully.
Well he’s English, hasn’t won anything, so this is the biggest move of his life.
He’ll be hungry, commited and won’t go missing when the chips are down.
He’ll come in with low expectations, and that should help him, no silly ‘Now we’re gonna win everything’ nonsense.
Success for me, next season is a cup and a top four finish.
More than that and i’ll be walking on the ceiling.. 🙂
ADK, maybe Wenger has a little suprise up his sleeve for us.
Weather here, in Kent, is cloudy and chilly…
But, after all, it is August… 😉
Good to hear that about Nik, but i was sure he’d head off abroad, i don’t think as many clubs want him as his thinks…
YG’s are very reliable, another kid on the books then, at least he’s english 😉
Enrique is having a medical at the dippers… 🙁
CL Cup kev 😉
More mention of Jadson – I see he’s playing for Brazil. Moving from Donetsk would certainly be an upgrade for him.
I’m excited to see what Wenger is going to do now filling the gaps.
According to SSN…
Tottenham vs Everton is off.
Richard Scudamore says he thinks the rest will go ahead….
CL, Rico, i’ll dancing on the roof….. 😀
Offski for a spell. see ya all lata .
Who is Jadson Savage??
just seen that one Kev, that should mean we’ll be above them Sat night 😉
I did wonder about us going back for Willian as well if Nasri goes. I remember some very good things said about him a few months ago.
However, looking at the stories of Eto going to the Russian club for 300k per week, there might be more money in that area than we’ve assumed before.
So will a draw against Newcastle be vaguely acceptable, or is that a disaster?
Willian is the one Denilson raved about isn’t he Savage? He’s heading into his last season with SD…
Good question, we should beat them if AW plays both Nasri and Fabregas but i don’t think he will if they are both on their way…
But, i think sat is as much about the performance as it is the result, i hope we don’t play like we did in the second half against benfica…
Is Barton still there…
I think the South American specialist raved about him as well – Tim whatshisname. They were saying at the time he would be a direct replacement for Nasri. Then again, I’m wondering where the need is bigger – wings or central? Are we going to replace both or just one?
i hope this is not the of Arsenal FC if we(Gunners) stand without Cesc and Nasri as we have lived without great Henry and super Vieira. Am sure this not new neither should it be the last, however, relying on foreigners (super stars) if Bendtner can too show it, is a mess indeed. better buy medium but loyal players than thinking of likes of money boys – Flamini and Nasri, and Cesc (a failed commander of troops at a battle front – claiming that he is home sick), etc
cowards, disloyalities, and selfish players should be avoided by signing British players first to fight back this courage to win trophies at Emirates.
I’d say wings Savage, i’d love us to have a left sided winger with pace to leave most standing… I know Ryo has his permit but we can’t expect too much from him too soon.
I think Ryo and Chamberlain will come off from the bench, pretty good prospect too….
Seriously anyone tipped by denilson….let’s give them a wide berth!! 😉
😛 Lee, someone had to say that…
Hi bob, in fairness though, until they show disloyalty no-one knows how players are going to be…
Personally i don’t think Cesc is being disloyal but Nasri yes, only because he’s only been with us short term and it appears he’s chasing money – but also, Citeh will be title contenders if they keep adding players.
On the flip ide, they can’t all play and they may have a very unhappy camp by christmas… 😛
Who is it that tampers with Wikki, it says Jadson is in talks with us over a move… there are some naughty people out there… 😉
Off for a bit, laters….
Let’s go and edit the Messi page…
Morning all. I think it might be an idea for everyone to take a step back. This is a lively forum and usually good and varied. We really do not want to lose anyone. On todays thread Dann I reckon will be a good addition to our squad and will add the height we need when required. I take on board some of Will’s comments about the press and radio but to be quiet just to stifle their feed would be wrong in my opinion. If it’s there to be said it needs to be mentioned.
Pure and simple. The manager is years past his best and can only command respect from kids and playersxfrom French league. The board are spineless and hide behind him.
And our fans are like an opera crowd so they know they can do what they like.
Fabregas and Nasri money will only go one place.. The club bank account!!!
Sav, yeah mention his Arsenal DNA! 🙂
Rico. You run a serious blog here so don’t let anyone sway you. You don’t allow the sort of abuse I was subject to yesterday. Despite the fact that I was readying a similarly unpleasant response I held back because once you step into the gutter it is hard to maintain any dignity or credence to your argument. The problem with the other blog that has been mentioned is a total lack of any constructive criticism. To start at 10 am with a post that accuses Wenger of a really vile criminal offense and then to continue in the same vein for the rest of the day and then for 7 days a week is sick and I think, quite repellent. There are some people on this blog that I ignore, not because I don’t respect them, but because I don’t buy into their particular philosophy about the club. Wenger has been very right about many things but very wrong about many others. This is not just my opinion. It is borne out by the facts. To claim that anyone who dares criticise him should go and support Spurs is idiotic and juvenile. To claim that having a different opinion to Arsene Wenger is somehow disloyal to the club is ridiculous. I remember someone asking Wenger a question about how good a player was many years ago. He said “Ask the fans, they know”. He was right. Those of us who go to the matches and watch football do have a pretty good idea of who is and who is not good enough. I mention one name who we were told for years was a good player, yet we knew he wasn’t. Denilson. Where is he now? Keep up the good work.
morning all…perhaps things are finally coming to a head with cesc…i see some outlets saying the fee will be around 36 million euros and others quoting that amound in pounds…so there is still uncertainty – but at the moment i think it is likely that the end of cesc’s tenure at our club is finally here…
all this bleating, posturing and speculation achieved barca’s aim – they wore down our resolve. the key for them has been cesc’s refusal to consider going anywhere else and our club’s respecting that. that allows barca to play the long game, chip away at us, and ultimately get him at a price which is surely much closer to their valuation than ours. if we stood (or stand, as this transfer is not yet done) firm, barca would simply return to the drip-drip-drip tactics of previous years and try again next summer…
i know there is a lot of frustration with arsene and the board regarding how this is going down, but what are they supposed to do? if we sold him at the beginning of the window (or last summer), the fee would have been less than what is being mooted now and they would be pilloried for rolling over at a knockdown price…hold out for the “line in the sand” valuation and nothing less, there is a good chance that cesc will still be at the ems this season, probably not particularly happy, probably still captain, and possibly shunned by some team-mates who know he is still eyeing the exit door…and arsene gets killed for hanging on to a player that clearly doesn’t want to be here…
the whole situation has been messy and unedifying – for all parties…but at this point, i honestly feel that arsene and the board have made the best of what has been a prolonged bad situation…yes, it is late in the transfer window – but the window is not yet closed…yes, we almost certainly will not get what we want for the player…but – as chamakh has said outright – these (cesc and nas) situations are impacting squad morale…
the only way to realistically resolve this on better terms for arsenal would be to bring another team into the bidding. i think i personally would have – but i will not criticize arsene and the club for showing such goodwill to cesc, even if it significantly hurt the club’s negotiating position…
anyways, my hope is that this transfer will be completed in today or tomorrow, all parties can move on, and then we can get nas moved as well…close the door on this drama, and i think we will see a black cloud lifted from the dressing room – and hopefully the entire club.
whatever we get for cesc and nas, my hope is that most of the funds are invested in quality, experienced replacements, particularly in the defense and dm positions. it will be up to arsene and the board to make that happen – there is still time in the window, and i am confident there are quality players available who will fit within our financial parameters and improve the squad. a squad which will be weakened by these two departures…
ricco, keep up the great work!
Adam, agreed – obviously Wenger makes mistakes, but you’ll know as well as I do that there’s a way to mention his mistakes without basically degrading his humanity. Truth is that a lot of bloggers and posters have a hard time separating the two.
I read today that from a respected blogger that Wenger and the club are a “shambles”. Again that’s overboard, over the top and unnecessary.
Will is also right about the fact that the constant negative vibes affect the players, meaning that the fans can also be responsible for negative performances. I feel truly disturbed about the kind of reception players like OC, Ryo and Gervinho will get – there’s such a weight of awful expectation put on them by the fans that just isn’t right.
Hey guys apparently we are after one jadson fella…….his reps are in london trying to trash out a deal….who has seen this guy play? Is he good? Does this mean we won’t be signing MATA? Awwwww men.
Jadson from Shaktar?
He’s an Brazil international, and plays for shaktar in the Ukrainian premier division. He’s 27 years of age, and can play in midfield or attacking midfield..
don’t know much about him though
There’s a strong likelihood the Mata deal is off – Wenger mentioned recently that deals take agreement from all parties, and it looks like either Valencia are refusing to sell or Mata doesn’t want to move (which he has said several times).
As for Jadson – he plays for the Brazil first team – that’s got to be worth something 🙂
Savage. I agree, up to a point. But I think the point needs to be made that professional sport at this level, in the hardest league in the world is unforgiving. It certainly sorts the men from the boys and a firm spirit, belief and constitution are all pre- requirements for success. This is no league for shrinking violets and if the comments of fans do in fact affect confidence then that player had better toughen up or ship out. It is an undeniable factor in the success or otherwise of many players and is as important, if not more so than pure skill levels. The ability to keep your head up and fight through adversity is something so evident in a player like Bergkamp and yet so obviously absent in someone like Nasri. How many times has he been seen to big-up over the past 3 seasons?
I hope we sign mata…..I ll really be devastated if we don’t…
You’ve got 60,000 people (ignoring the TV) fraught with tension when you touch the ball, the majority booing you, and it’s your fault for not carrying that weight? I’m not sure what kind of super humans you’re talking about?
Stan, we need Mata more importantly you need him for your sanity!! 🙂
Here you go again Savage putting words into my mouth that I haven’t said and trying to turn my posts into unreasonable ravings. Let’s just drop it shall we. You are back on my ignore list and I hope I am on yours. Until you can put forward a reasoned argument without the veiled insults let’s forget it. I am completely uninterested in anything you have to say.
Lee am about to lose it….MATAAAA.. Go get him for me arsene. Please for my sanity.
Haha, Adam – which words did I put into your mouth? Let’s have this conversation – I haven’t called you any names, you haven’t called me any names. We’re men and we can handle it.
What we’re differing about is whether the fans have a role to play in driving their team forward. You’re saying it’s all the job of the players because they’re professionals. I’m saying the fans have a role to play. Or have I incorrectly portrayed this discussion and on what point?
Adam, would you like it if as a young kid, first few years at work, me and a few thousand mates come to your place of work and boo and jeer every tiny mistake when you are trying your best?
There’s a simple conclusion to this matter:
– Why does playing at home give you an advantage?
My take on it is, if you know you will be jeered and chastised for trying something clever or trying a risky but potentially game winning pass but you will stay under the radar if you make a safe, 3 yard sideways pass, what do you think most of the players are going to do.
Also, would you perform at your highest to a bunch of complete ingrates who boo for really no reason?
Am I the only one who thinks that De Gea could be the black mark on United’s campaign? I seriously think the process of changing keeper is going to cost United points this season. I remember how United only finally came right when they signed De Sar.
Only if ref’s allow it Savage 😉
I’m sure I read somewhere that De Gea conceded more goals from outside the area, than any other keeper in La Liga…
Yes Lee but you are forgetting the ref’s have to allow firstly players to get that close to the Man Utd box and then the goal to stand 😉
I don’t doubt he’s a good keeper and a big talent, but there’s got to be a period of stabilising and communication errors. Already he’s being blamed for goals in their one friendly match.
We know from experience that having a lack of stability between the sticks costs points – have a look at the CC final as a simple example.
VDS was a monster for United, keeping our strikers out game after game. There’s no way they can replace him in one fell swoop.
You’re on fire today!! 🙂
VDS was a monster against us for Fulham as well.
Having said that… what a big season for Chezz!
So boys, new season in 2 days … it’s coming at us like a runaway train!
Which are your three players to watch?
Jack, Rambo and Gerv.
For me: Chesney, Gerv and Theo.
Chesney – this season we’ll find out if he’s the real deal.
Gerv – looks like he’s ready to explode, is it for real?
Theo – showing great signs of life last season, but never built up a head of steam, with competition as well, this is a big one.
Chezz, Gerv , Mata
I think Chesney needs to live up to the hypgives himself otherwise he will look like a new Nik B.
Afternoon, thanks Adam….
In truth, he’s shown way more moments of talent than NB.
Is there something wrong with me for wanting NB to go on and have a good career?
No Savage, I’d rather he did that outside the PL though…. Same with Nasri but, we have to take the money from whichever club offers it i guess….
Our game is on, they all are barr the Tiny Totts v Everton….
Afternoon Gooners
Afternoon Rico
Morning Oliver.. 😉
Do you think that gives Tottenham and Everton a bit of an advantage or it doesn’t really affect anything?
Savage, I am not saying he hasn’t but the guy does love to big himself up like Nik B.
Just reading back..
Afternoon oliver
‘whatever we get for cesc and nas, my hope is that most of the funds are invested in quality, experienced replacements, particularly in the defense and dm positions. it will be up to arsene and the board to make that happen – there is still time in the window, and i am confident there are quality players available who will fit within our financial parameters and improve the squad. a squad which will be weakened by these two departures’…
You and me both, we discussed this a while back – i hope AW does put the money back into the sqaud, sadly i don’t see him getting a DM, although we could do with a hard nutt in there, I see Frimpong as the one to push Song…
Agree too re players available, there are plenty who wouldn’t break our bank but would make us stronger..
And thanks oliver….
Jadson…. hmm, where’s KT..?
If your about KT, give us a run-down on this guy, cheers.
Willian, what happened to him?
Looks like a move for Mata is kaput then Rico?
What a bloody shame.
Hi Kev
We signed that Luton boy yet 😉
Ha Ha, yeah, a years supply of malteasers swung it…
There’s not a lot about Jadson on Wikki either Kev, he’s 27, an attacking midfielder and he plays for the Brazil national side…
Maybe Eduardo will have a word in his ear about life at Arsenal 😉
I thought it was the pampers 😉
Rico, you mean, give teams like Stoke a swerve mate, they can ruin your career 😉
Well, i was a big fan of Edu and Gilberto, so i hope he’s more closer to them in quality, rather than the ‘other herbert’.
But age-wise & experience-wise he sounds a good fit…
At 27, he won’t be looking for his next move, but should give Arsenal 100% for the time he’s at The Grove.
I’m on nurse/chef duties tonight so I catch you all later…
Hopefully a bit of news might break soon…. Wonder if we can do the Dann deal as swift as we did the Chamberlain one….
Have a good afternoon….
I hope we are not on the end of anything like that this season Will…
Must go…
Will/Rico, i really don’t care where Bendtner goes, if he’d been half as good as he thought he was, then Wenger wouldn’t have signed Chamakh or played Nik on the wing..!
I think Nik is a decent championship level player.
AK, howdy mate!
I find it funny that the Rise of the Planet of the Apes movie is being advertised in the banners, while the looting is busy happening.
Lee, how ya been mate. Everything ok? 😉
Good to see Alistair Cook get a ton….
319 for 2…
Where’s Shrek..???? 🙂
Yeah, all cool Kev. My son is off to an Arsenal soccer school this Sunday for 5 days and he’s chuffed to bits!
Fantastic Lee. Will he get to meet any players?
When we lived in Romford my two lads spent most of the summer going to local soccer schools.
No smashing windows for my two, they was brought up proper.
I’m not overly sure AK but he loves The Arsenal and this has made his summer!! Oh to be 10yrs old…
You know Lee, both my lads were Junior Gunners, and i was desperate for them to be picked as a mascot, sadly it never happened. Although i reckon they’d both do it now, even though they are 30 and 27. Actually i think i’d do it and i’m 39.. 😀
morning lee and kev…that is, to say, morning for another ten minutes here…
quiet at the morning…waiting for the inevitable transfer announcement and then to see what happens next…
Hiya Oliver, hopefully we’ll have some more positive transfer news to discuss tomorrow.
Been quite lively on here the last couple of days.
Luckily Rico has kept a lid on it…
Oliver, is there ever any discussions about Arsenal in the media, on your side, whenever Kroenke is brought up?
And if there is, are the comments positive or is there a lack of interest?
Hi all. Just had 2 text messages, one from the guy who told me Sol was intrested in signing in 2001 that a deal is being struck fir a Nasri – Tevez straight swap. With City helping out with wages for 12 months. Surely not.
Only 1 day to go for fantasy football peeps.
I don’t know whether to cheer or laugh Rocky.
But that would be a fantastic deal, even if Tevez was on his toes in two years time, as is his habit…
Wenger at the weekend “expect a super quality signing this week”…. If he’s pulled that off I’d carry Nasri to Manchester.
I hope he didn’t mean Joel Campbell…. 🙂
kev, not really…espn – who run the soccernet site – carry features about all the teams. regional media outlets also cover the prem and euro leagues, but i have seen very little devoted coverage to arsenal…once the cesc transfer is completed, i expect ample coverage over here, but much of that will probably in the context of the implications for barca more than arsenal…
kroenke is based over in the midwest, so he gets little ink over here in the east…during carmelo anthony’s protracted trade from the denver nuggets (kroenke’s team) to the new york knicks back in february, kroenke got a little mention, but only as a peripheral figure…for that deal, at least, he seems to have stayed out of the way and let his executives handle things…
that situation was a little similar to cesc’s, in that carmelo really wanted to go to only one team – his hometown (brooklyn-born, spent part of his childhood there) team in the knicks…yet the knicks owner james dolan (don’t get me started on him) was convinced to basically bid against himself and gave up far too much for carmelo…
much like i think what arsenal will eventually get for cesc will be well short of his actual value…but we can soften that particular blow by using the funds wisely and making the team better. if we can do that, it will not seem so bad in retrospect…
so anyways, not much coverage of arsenal over here…even less of the owner kroenke, at least here in the east coast media…
Alistair Cook has got his 150…
I would take that as a swap.
Interesting Oliver, cheers.
It’s difficult for a European to get our heads around the vast distances you all deal with over there.
Are you a Nicks fan? Bear in mind, that i know as much about US sports as you probably know about cricket.
i don’t think there would be many Arsenal fans who wouldn’t take it Will.
Mind you Spectrum would still moan…. opps sorry Rico 🙂
He would moan if we won the treble and won every game.
I am guessing he was trolling yesterday.
kev – i was born and raised in new york city (queens, washington heights (uptown manhattan) and then the bronx (where my mom still lives)), so i traditionally follow the ny teams i grew up with: mets (baseball), giants (nfl football), rangers (ice hockey) and knicks (nba basketball)…i try to follow them all as best as i can – the way the sports are set up at least one of these teams is in season 365 days a year.
Very interesting Oliver, you get to hear about these places on TV and at the Pictures [Movies].
Do you know, that before the Civil War, that the National Sport of the US was…………… cricket.
There used to be a New York Cricket Club… 😀
It was very popular in the Southern States where it was considered gentlemanly!
Will, he’s on another well know site, repeating his mantra.
I have been to NY, loved it there.
Kev, doesn’t surprise me. I think if we see him again I will be the adult and just ignore him.
i am only a six hour drive from ny, but i have not been back in over a year. and when i drove up there last summer, that was only my second visit there in almost a decade…i do need to get back up there more…
Will, i think has to be the best way.
I don’t agree with everyone on here and i’m damned sure many don’t agree with me. But he is an extremist.
I’d love to visit the Big Apple, Oliver, but i can’t handle flying.
It’s a shame, as my wife has a cousin over your side.
Her Mum’s sister married a US airman.
Must have been the nylons… 🙂
I can’t wait for the first kick off.
Evening all,
I see you kids have been throwing you toys out of the pram again, shame, You know if anybody from outside ever came on these websites and read how supporters are up in arms, they would love it, they can’t stand us, we know that, and reading you lot bickering about things we have no control of is bloody stupid, I know you all have a fail safe plan on what you would do to put us top of the league i know you would all go out and buy youR Benzimas and the like you would be hailed as a hero even a legend, but try doing it on two bob, Wenger may not in your eyes be the best manager out there, and i am sure you have a replacement in your minds eye, but be careful of what you wish for. At the moment Wenger is not going anywhere you can moan about him all you like but he will stay untill his contract is up thats the type of man he is, he won’t walk out on Arsenal as soon as an England job comes up, he wont head of to a club that have money to burn, No he will stay here and continue to do his best with what money he is given which doesn’t sound alot and he will continue to try his best and get us in the champions league he will try his best to make us contenders for the league, and above all he will remain Arsenal through and through , get used to it because he’s staying, and from what i see of the players he’s brought they can play a bit, We are not a Manchester united, they have been the best team about for quite some time, and by a street but Wenger has kept us on their shirtails and we will be there again this year, give the man a break, SUPPORT ARSENE SUPPORT ARSENAL
dot com is quoting arsene as saying he expects cesc’s future to be decided “very quickly”…should not be long now at all…
talking about nas, he termed that situation as “stable”, but said “ideally” things would be sorted before the season starts…
from arsene, it is no longer “i want him to stay” (cesc) and “he is staying” (nas)…i personally think both players will be gone by saturday kickoff…
AK, just picking up my ruby!! 🙂
i wont be wishing him well,why should I ?,,,,,let him go back to spain were he belongs,,,he fucked us around for 2 seasons acting like a disrespecting little prick ,,,shit performances and shit hamstrings,,,,were getting good money for a crock and i really cant wait for nasri to fuck off aswell,,,,these players are poison and dont deserve to play for us,,,,give RVP the armband and jack the no 4,,,,and burn all of nasri snoods,fat prick
Lee, i’m having mine on saturday, celebrating 3 points! 😀
Don’t stand on the fence Irish….. 😉
putting cesc and nas off to one side at the moment, i am concerned about who may be absent for saturday’s match…there are already questions over robin, jack, and kos fitness…ramsey took a knock yesterday…i guess we’ll find out who will be available tomorrow…i would hate to open the season with an already severe injury crisis, but…
You and me irish….I hate that snood wearing jack ass…I will wish cesc luck though but never that fat ponce.
once cesc’s departure is confirmed, arsene can announce this season’s captains/vices…i am sure he has already decided…i am going to take a stab at it and say that robin will be captain, tv first vice and rosicky second vice…
two of those players are notoriously injury prone – and the third is returning from a virtually-season long injury…so if a third vice is designated, i would choose sagna…
Is there a press conference tomorrow?
I agree with you there Oliver although Robin is the new Mr Arsenal.
RVP capt and TV vice….
I am guessing there is Lee as there is usually a Press conference on the Friday before the game.
We will win on Saturday…
Evening Guys..
I’m in the fantasy League now, hurry up and join…..
Will. They’ve called it at 9 am which is highly unusual. Apparently.
Rico co co co co….! Superb!
That’s what I’d heard Rocky…..but wasn’t sure!
Rocastle, i kept logging onto the wrong page and it wouldn’t let me in, i told you i was thick 😉
Guy on the train home tonight said it was twitter….
On twitter even….
hi ricco…i would never be able to devote the time it requires to a fantasy team…
I am top of the league say I am top of the league. …. In my iPhone app anyway!!!
Hi oliver, oh go on, it took me 5 mins, you cant change players until the next transfer window 🙂
Just a bit of fun and i’ll think of a prize for the winner 😉
9am? Intrigue.
Rocastle, is tomorrow the last day to join??
We are $crewed!
Press conference at 9am, maybe i should delay the morning post 😉
No doubt that will be the Cesc news….
Wenger has just said we aren’t signing a new CB…:(
Aw and Gazidis have been busy all summer rico…:D.tomorrow they display their results:£60mil into the blackhole known as the self sustaining model.
You’re joking KT, right?
Hi Kt,
He has to be bloomin kidding!!
no, lee…it seems he did actually say that…i think it was comments given to kicker magazine. he said we have four cb now and that is enough…
personally, i hope it is a smokescreen…it’s at odds with other reports that we have opened discussions with birmingham city over dann…
does anyone else think there may now be a split between arsene and the board regarding player sales and purchases?
Maybe we have already signed one….. dann??
If they bank the money if we sell cesc and nasri, i’ll be gutted…. but not surprised….
I don’t buy into any of the oxidising shite but surely we’re getting an experienced CB? We’ve needed one for moons……
Good question oliver, i think IG wants signings….
I don’t see why you couldn’t add one after the deadline. I guess you’d just lose out on the points.
Not that you’ll gain any with that team Rico!! 😀
ricco, i am starting to feel there is a definite difference of opinion…nothing concrete, but there is certainly unrest amongst the supporters base – how large is open for debate – but it is certainly present…it is possible that our chief executive and board members have more time for that point of view than the manager…
I’m outta here guys/gals, sleep tight!
Many moons Lee…..
I think IG’s comments about the fans deciding AW’s future said a lot oliver…..
Nighty Night Lee…
arsene’s comments today, wanting a “quick resolution” carry a hint that events may now be out of his hands and that he just wants it over and done with…
Rocastle, you been peeping 😉
Just look at my back four 😉
You reckon Gazidis and Stan are dealing with this Cesc saga now oliver and just telling Wenger to get on with it?
ricco, i don’t know if it went down exactly like that, but i would not be surprised if arsene finds himself isolated on this issue (wanting to keep both at all costs) and is simply resigned to the inevitable…
You get my point though oliver 😉
Maybe Stan is starting to have an impact then, most of us wondered how a club so ‘sensible/tight’ with money would/could afford to lose out 20+ million on Nasri…
If we sign jadson as cesc’s replacement i’ll be disappointed.he is an average player and it will just prove how cheap we are.
Kt, we don’t need a replacement for Cesc, we got Ramsey 🙂
If that happens, Wenger would walk.
i don’t think that would a bad thing. organizations normally run better with clear lines of authority and strategic decisions emanating from the top down…as stan is the majority shareholder, it is not unreasonable for him to have a say in decisions such as this. and if there is an impasse, it is reasonable for him to cast the deciding vote…
i have to battle beltway traffic now…i’ll try and be on tomorrow so we can all talk about player sales and who will be injured for our opening few matches…
Ramsey isn’t ready rico.he doesn’t look dangerous enough.
I think that has been our downfall oliver, since DD left, who has AW actually answered to? I think he has been doing everything prior to IG coming in and has he really ever done a lot, or more to the point, has AW allowed him to do a lot…
Maybe if Stan is going to ‘control’ things, Wenger can stick to being a manager….
I’m not sure Kt, i think he’ll have a great season… but, time will tell…
Why Will?
I can’t see the teams on the app rico, interesting you’ve gone defensive though *cough mourinho cough*
Wenger is just begging to be sacked.if we get £60mil we must spend it all but i doubt it will happen.$tan must be proud.
20 days to go…
I haven’t read the Kicker interview.
Where has this story come from?
Why will Wenger walk? He has previously stated that if his running of the team is interfered with, he will walk. It is why he never went to Real, he doesn’t want to be just a coach, he enjoys the fact that in England, the manager is the top dog.
Rico, have you seen any of the Test..?
232 lead with 7 wickets in hand.
a lead of 400+ i reckon.
No.1 Test team in the world by the 4th day, weather permitting….
😆 Rocastle, but i’ve RvP in there 😉
Will, if Cesc and Nasri are sold, he won’t walk.
He won’t walk away after all this time. He’s invested too much time in building this squad, whatever we may feel about it’s quality.
If we are right, which i don’t know and Stan and IG are making sure we don’t lose money on Nasri and they are allowing Cesc to go, then surely that has to be a good thing Will??
Neither player wants to be at AFC anymore, I don’t see they are interfering as such, maybe more like doing what is right for the good of the club…
And thats what we all suppot, the club not any one person who gets paid by them….
I sure have Kev, every ball I can and we are going great guns – evryone of the players are giving it everything…
Just hope the weather doesn’t intervene, this test could be over be Arsenal KO the new season 🙂
Kev, agree with that, he won’t walk, surely he knew deep down that this would be the summer that Cesc goes…..
nasri, well he may have believed his fellow countryman would be a bit more loyal, but he should have learned after flamini stitched him up….
RICO, all, night x
You know, I think Arsene Wenger has gone ‘downhill’ since he had to think about all things other than managing his players….
The club mucked up by not getting a replacement for DD soner and once Wenger took on the other roles he became to ‘involved’ with other stuff.
he’s a manger, he should tell the board who he wants and they got all out to get the players…. if the board then let him down, he can stand back and blame them instead of always being in the media labelled as being tight….
Night Rocastle….:P
Rico, I am not saying it isn’t. I think hoping Nasri either plays a blinder of a season and brings us the league or, has a change of heart is stupid and DD would never of allowed it. This is where I am against Wenger, he allows far to many players to walk on a free so if that stops, fantastic.
I just have a feeling that if either IG or Stan start to dictate team affairs or interfere, Wenger will walk.
I think we should bite the bullet and bring DD back as head of transfers.
Let IG be the CEO in total control but let Wenger and DD do the transfers like days of yore. DD would have no real control but we would have his smoozing and contacts back and his drive of making Arsenal number 1 again.
Also, you can make DD report to Wenger.
The Board have not faced up to ‘their’ responsibilities, following the sacking of Dein.
I’m glad they are being proactive over the sales of Nasri & Cesc, if that’s what is happening.
What you say about Wenger, Rico, could be closer the truth than we all think.
Does Ferguson do it all at Old Trafford?
Does he even take any coaching??
He has David Gill to help him.
And with that, I am off to bed. Have a great night Rico and fellow HH’ers.
Goodnight Will.
Apparantly this Jadson is only 5′ 6″…… Another midget…!
Not really what i had in mind.
exactly Kev, they are making sure we don’t lose money and we don’t have two bad apples in the camp this coming season…
look at when Henry left, we all worried but what happened is the players had a huge weight lifted off their shoulders, no longer did they feel they HAD to pass to him…
We have got that way with Cesc…
We need to be a team, and a team doesn’t need players who want to move for money…..
Night Will… I won’t reply now as you have gone….
Kev – i don’t think we need him either and to be fair, it’s all media chat and you said yesterday that we shouldn’t believe it 😉 😉 😉
Exactly Rico.
Maybe Wenger is ‘too’ close to his players…?
Point taken boss….. 😉
You see, all the transfer chat still gets to me, even though i should know better… 🙂
But i want The Directors to do ‘their’ job, and show a bit of leadership…
Maybe Wenger will react positively to the fact that the new owner doesn’t think he walks on water [maybe?]…
Oliver sumed it up well at 9.52… before he left to join a traffic jam, hope your enjoying the ride home Oliver… 😀
He is Kev, he protects them far too much….
Just teasing kev 😉
You are so right, right now wenger thinks he is AFC, he is not and that’s why fans get so ‘angry’ – he needs a boss, someone to put him back on the straight and narrow…
If he can’t take all that then he isn’t the man some think he is….
That’s probably why he takes too long to get shot of players who aren’t up to standard, even when everyone else can see it.
We all used to laugh at Ferguson when he signed Kleberson and Djemba-Djemba.
But Fergie soon got rid of them, what was it 2 years?
How long have we suffered some of ours???
I have just noticed the time, i should have been asleep hours ago 🙁
Nighty night Kev and you oliver if you are still reading and anyone else who knows us 😉 😉
Catch you tomorrow….
Too long Kev, far too long…
Now you go to bed… and sleep well 😉
I’m gone…..
Wenger’s not an idiot…
Stubborn yes, but not stupid.
He’ll read the writing on the wall, just as he did last season when he took the Carling Cup more seriously.
And he’ll sense a change in direction at the top if Stan starts to exert more control.
At the end of the day, he wants to win with this team.
Even if it’s to say ‘I told you so’… He won’t walk….
Sleep well Rico, you have a day off tomorrow… 😉 😉 😉
Goodnight Gooners….
Good Evening Oliver.
So, any news on the press conference?
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