Morning all.

So we have a successor to Liam Brady as Dutch youth development expert Andries Jonker was yesterday confirmed as the new head of the Club’s Academy from 1st July.
So just who is our new signing?
Well, he’s 51 years old and is currently the Assistant Manager of VFL Wolfsburg.
Prior to his current position, he spent seven years developing and implementing youth coaching reforms for the KNVB (Dutch FA), in Haarlem and Amsterdam, and two seasons working as a senior coach in the youth setup of the Dutch Federation. This included managing the U15 and U21 national teams.
Jonker also served as Technical Manager for the KNVB for six months before becoming Assistant Coach to Louis van Gaal at FC Barcelona and FC Bayern Munich where he later had a spell as interim Head Coach. He was appointed Assistant Manager at VFL Wolfsburg in 2012.
Arsenal Chief Executive Ivan Gazidis said:
Youth development is a key part of our philosophy at Arsenal and I am delighted that Andries is joining us. He has an outstanding track record in developing and identifying young players and creating systems to bring the best out of them. I know he will build on the tremendous work which has been done by Liam and his team over many years.
Arsenal manager Arsène Wenger added:
I am very pleased that Andries is joining us. He has a big reputation in the game and was a key part of the team which developed the structures which are now producing such strong young players in Holland. I look forward to working with him. I would also like to thank Liam for his work which has been outstanding over many years.
Yes ok, caught red handed, I copied that off of the official website and that’s because I hadn’t heard of our new man before he was mentioned as being Liam Brady’s successor.
Seems to me we have got the best of both worlds for our Academy, a man brought up in Holland who will clearly know all about the way the great Dutch footballers have played and of course, he’s spent a lot of his time around the German clubs which has to be a good thing too. Spending time with Barcelona has to be a plus too so it’s all good.
The Academy will surely only benefit from this appointment, maybe Arsene too will as you can always teach an old dog new tricks….
Hopefully he’ll have enough knowledge about the up and coming young players in Europe and we nab one or two. Along with the young better players across England of course, we don’t want to have too many young, exciting overseas gems do we?
That’s your lot for another day…..
well respected in football and a good signing for us no doubt. Well done team
Sad to see Brady go but with the experience Jonker has, he seems a good addition…
am a arsenal believer
Happy Birthday Rico…
now off to read the post. 😉
Hiya Wath
Thanks Ts…
never knew it was your birthday! Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you and all that…
Happy buffday to you happy buffday to you……
Thanks Lee, not sure I want to hear the rest 😉
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw.
Happy birthday rico and thanks for all the hard work you do on this site x
I’m still young…. 😉
Thanks Ah, it’s a pleasure….
Doing anything nice today or tonight?
Happy Birthday Rico. Have a good one… Cheers!
Just like any other day really Ah, going out tomorrow though during the day so fingers crossed the sun will shine….
Thanks jookz..
Feliz Cumpleanos Rico,
Hiya Wath , TS are we signing a red Indian ?
The diving debate is still rumbling on, but it’s not so much down to the players stopping doing it , that ain’t going to happen. If however referees asked themselves the question as to whether the amount of contact was sufficient to topple a fully grown athletic man and refused to give the free/penalty . Then it would die out naturally.
Morning all.
Once again, happy birthday Rico.
Decent signing?
How much was he hahaha
Or, give ’em 12 months, Potter 🙂
Thanks Potter…
Happy birthday rico, i hope u live to see many more, have a good 1.
Thanks again Scott..
He was free wasn’t he? 😉
Thanks Gdna, so do I 😉
So was Flamini 🙂
Happy birthday Rico and I hope you and HH have many more.
Happy birthday Rico. May the sun shine on your chickens and all your woofa walks be in the dry and bright!
Two things today:
Wonder if DB10 had anything to do with our latest employee?
It was said the other day, of penalties, ‘the player WON a penalty for his team’. What a load of bollox! A player is awarded a penalty when he is fouled in the penalty area. However, the art of cheating has been so refined by all players, our own revered men too, that ‘winning’ a penalty is exactly what they do, not all but most. Suarez is a cheat, mostly. His last penalty award was at best dubious and at worst criminal! He stole a point for his team and thieved 2 points from AV. Shocking!
What do the law enforcers do? Not a thing! Inertia equals tacit approval and so the cheating continues.
Time somebody got a grip, I think.
Nipping off out with the woofa now..
Catch up later…
Thanks Wavy and Rick….
Hi Rico,
You hand’t heard of Jonkers? You must be bonkers!
No, I hadn’t heard of him either!! 🙂 Must be bonkers too. 🙂
Potter, you can’t say red Indian any more. I think the term is something to do with indigenous population. Any more of this scurrilous ethnic terminology will render you liable for a charge from the FA, assuming they can read their own rule book!
Wavy, you said red indian too…guilty as charged.
Shit, i am gone as well 🙂
🙂 Potter, Wavy… well the FA and EPL’s grammar police is headed by Merson so I have heard… 😛
I agree with you, Wavy, the way the pundits talk about ‘winning’ penalties is obscene because it reduces cheating to the level of a fairground prize for hitting a coconut. 🙁
It will never change as long as we have idiot ex-players saying ‘he got a touch – not enough to bring him down – but that does not matter’ — what utter tripe. It is either a foul or it is not.
Falling over because someone kissed Suarez on the arse might be foul, but it is not ‘a foul’.
Whatha load of rubbish Wavy , my wife comes from that part of the world they called her 4 horses , Nag , nag , nag, nag.
Shearer called the keeper stupid.
I hope the keeper meets him face to face.
All the comments about the North American indigenous poulation were made with some “reservation”, surely?
Potter, is she a “one trick pony”? Piebald, perhaps?
Hb just seen your remark about Suarez bottom, surely in his case he would expect to be bitten! Ivanovich has first dibs!
Hello again all…
We signed anyone yet?? 😉
Yeh! A new youth coach! You knew that, didn’t you?
Darn, I forgot him….
And there is the new head of physical science stuff 😉
1980 semi final. 3rd replay.
Happy Birthday Rico. Have a great day and make sure that you get spoilt rotten, you deserve it.
Anyone heard how Pat Rice is getting on with regards his treatment?
Kenny Sansom is in the naughty corner again, having been charged for Abh…
Hi Syg.
Thanks Marinello 🙂
Not heard/read anything about Pat…
Rico..gave me of a scare scrolling down your post,
when I caught site of Jonkeys barnet….thought we had signed
Donald Trump.
🙂 fred, he reminds me of Glen Roeder (spelling) I reckon Stan is in for a bit of competition 😉
That’s a syrup, if I’ve seen one!
I think so too Lee, has to be a Kroenke signing…
2 for 1 at syrups are us….
Arsenal striker Nicklas Bendtner has been targeted for a surprise loan switch to Serie A side Lazio, according to reports in Italy.
Source Tutto Mercato Web claims that the Danish forward is highly-regarded by the Rome outfit, who want to seal a six-month deal before the end of the January transfer window with a view to a permanent move.
Paul Ince has been sacked…
I hope that’s true, would surely mean we have a striker deal planned if he goes…
Napoli want Vermaelen too…
Exactly Rico. Out for dinner tonight?
Not tonight Lee, out for lunch tomorrow instead and then taking the woofa for a long walk to work off the calories 😉
All the local places don’t offer much veggie selection and who wants to drive, not me 😉
Liam Brady said a few months ago the arsenal have given him the job of ambassador,which he says he will love.
I didn’t know that fred, so he’s not going too far. I thought they’d been a bust up somewhere and he just wanted out…
Lets hope/pray… Jonker just looks like Roeder..rico
Yer Liam will be a partner of
The Arsenal Foundation…rico
Can’t help but laugh everytime I click on rico
Jonkers barnet……
Can’t wait to see him when wind the wind picks up
Boo! Maligayang bati, rico. 🙂 I hope you’re having a smashing (ahem, cava) time. 😛
Ince sacked at Blackpool
GUV1 ain’t one no more!
Laugh I nearly wet myself!
Some of us never forget an a**ehole when we see one!
No tears here I’m afraid.
I hope so fred, don’t need another Glen 😉
Good job he wasn’t here recently fred, those winds were mighty strong 😉
Boo to you agag, and thank you.. How have you been??
£35m for Mata, should we stick or……. go for it??
Transfer window seems to be moving a bit now… Well, not in our case of course…
Qpr have just stuck Cesar in the shop window.
I’ve been sick then well then sick again, rico. 😛 Ick. I hope you asked to be exempted from cooking duties today. 😉
Sorry to hear that agag, hope you are feeling much better now?
I love to cook though 😉
Much better, thanks. rico, no veg today. Ask someone to fry you some chicken. 😀
Where is this striker of ours, btw??
You think we’re buying a striker??
Happy Birthday rico…Hawaii + 1 ? Have a fab day won’t ya.
Nice to see Marinello stick his nut in the door earlier, long time no hear.
Howdy agag, are you Diaby in disguise.
Oi Oi agag 😉 Glad you are better now…
Thanks Micko, it sure is 🙂
We better had be Lee…
That’s me done for the day, off to have a shandy or two 😉
Night all……
Hi Micko,
Hows things?
I haven’t been on lately, sister is poorly, added to work being busy blah blah…
Had to turn down a ticket to the Fulham game as I had a trapped nerve that started in the “rump area’ and travelled to the thigh etc…
Sounds like that song, “The toe bone’s connected to the…..”
Talk about pain.
Evening, seems i’ve missed everybody but didn’t want the Ladys birthday to go unoticed, Many happy returns of the day although you will see this when its all over. Loved the little caption under our new coaches picture, and straight away thought of your modern views and hope you enjoy the going Dutch night. 🙂
Happy Birthday Rico.
Keep up the Super work.
Enjoy your evening.
God Bless
Come On You REDS……….
Happy Birthday Rico 🙂 hope all is well..
Best Regards Tom
Evening Rico and All.
Happy B-Day Rico… Best wishes…
Happy Birthday Rico…
29 again…!!!
I don’t know how you do it… 😀
Hi Ng
Gervinho with a super finish against Juve; fine play from Pjanic… lol
What going on T’s? DC19 didn’t score the other day. And the game was kindda slow.
Gervinho is the best!
happy birthday rico!
No he didn’t!
Imho he is an ok striker but does not warrant his release clause ..
And my other reservation is that he hasn’t played as a lone striker in the last 2 and a bit years I have watched him…
Morning all.
Morning Scott…
Apparently we’ve bid £20m + podolski for Draxler…… morning benders, btw!
Only CR07 (39) and Ibrahimovic (35) have scored more goals than Negredo (27) this season in all comps in European…
what a miss by AW imo…
Morning peeps
Jermaine needs a geography lesson it seems…
Defoe gets confused at first presser!
Check in to Swansea City vs Tottenham Hotspur
Jermain Defoe’s first press conference for Canadian club Toronto could have gone better. “I’m happy to be in the USA”
I like Draxler and wanted him this summer and all but I can’t understand the media’s obsession with JD10. 4 goals and 5 assists is not sensational for a player plying on the lhs of the front 3 imo…
Still a big fan of Benteke or even Kostas Mitroglou who imho will suit us better than someone like Costa.
ha ha re Jermaine… i guess he can wiggle out by saying he is playing in the MLS…
Morning Lee.
Canadians won’t be impressed, not a good start. Podolski swop ? not sure , I think we still have the best of him to come. If the rumours that Wenger sees Draxler as a potential RVP then let’s have them both. If we need a stop gap for the rest of this season let’s see a punt on Klose , it might just appeal at the end of a career.
Morning Brudder.
Draxler,was he a baddie in a James Bond film?
Hi guys.
The little piece if input Podolski had v Fulham said it all….give him a little space 20 yards out and he will hit the target.
We have yet to use him consistently the right way.
If he has a fluffy white cat , perhaps we should sell him to one of our rivals.
I am surprised Defoe even knew what continent he was on… thick twat…!
Morning all, thanks for the b’day wishes yesterday evening…
Suppose I best sort todays post out 😉
Stop talking about it Rico and get it up…. Lazy wench…!
Post birthday laziness has set in it seems….!
I’m with Potter, Klose would be a really good short term fix, can’t tell me that bloke won’t score goals for us…! a proper goalscorer even at his age..! I’d rather him than no one…!
Cheeky Wath… 🙂
New post is up actually!!..