Premier League referee Phil Dowd has failed his fitness test, good, and I hope he fails any other re-sit chances he gets, he is one of the worst officials in the game of football, and his level of incompetency rises to another level when he officiates one of our games.
I’m sure that most Arsenal fans will be glad to see the back of him, I know I will!
Talking of people we would all like to see the back of and our ‘recruiting team’ spring to mind.
Have those responsible for transfers at Arsenal repeated their blundering over the signing of Juan Mata and Ricky Alvarez, gone and done it again?
Rumours are that long-term Arsenal target Jan Vertonghen has grown tired of Gazidis & co ‘Moving the Goalposts’ and is now very close to signing for Tottenham.
Vertonghen, at 25 years old, is/was the perfect defensive addition to Arsenal’s less than secure defence in my opinion and at a reported fee in the region of £10.5 million, shouldn’t break the bank account of a ‘Big Club’….
That is of course, if those in charge at Ashburton Grove believe that they are still running a Big Club, as opposed to a ‘Feeder club’….

Actions speak louder than words in my book..
It was thought that Vertonghen had wanted some assurances about where he stood in the pecking order and he stipulated that he wanted to be considered as a first choice for the starting XI.
Whatever the truth, it now seems as if the big Belgian defender/midfielder is set to move elsewhere.
The Yann M’Vila interest has taken a few steps backwards as well recently as another popular signing among many Arsenal fans seems to be slipping away. It is now suggested that he’s highly likely to be heading to Manchester and the Etihad Stadium, why?
With it, all the early optimism and good-will from the fans, post the Podolski signing, is in serious danger of slipping away.
I’m sure that Arsenal are not the only EPL club who, at random, make a dog’s dinner out of a transfer, it just seems that way!
22-year-old midfielder Gylfi Sigurdsson is also attracting some attention. The goalscoring Icelandic midfielder is rated around the £5.3million mark, with Arsenal, one of many suitors for his services…
Sigurdsson could prove better value-for-money than another 22-year-old, Younes Belhanda, who is rated at £7million.
It’s looking as if another Montpellier player, Olivier Giroud, 25, has actually got a buy-out clause in his contract, if reports are to be believed. €13million seems to be the magic number, or as reported around £8.4million.
Again, he is easily within Arsenal’s budget…
So what exactly is our recruiting team doing right now I wonder?
Working on bringing in the players we need, or sitting on their butts waiting to tell us ‘they tried, but’?
Your guess is as good as mine….
Written by Allezkev
Great post, told you Rico Gazidis is a nobhead and is the one who messes up the transfer! guess will have to waiting till next friday when the tranfer window offically opens to find the ins and out of what going on in the gooner world!
Great Post!!
Like a said yesterday its always Gazidis that F’s up the contracts his a nob jockey and needs to go!
Be intresting to find out next friday when the window offically opens to see what is actually going on in the gooner world!
Morning all
Fine post Sir Charlie, aka AK 😉
Matty, doesn’t it open on July 1st??
Really that far back? i thought it was june?
Blimey Rico. Arsene Wenger himself wrote on yesterday’s post.
A fine and good post Sir AK.
I do like Sigurdsson. Him and Hoilett would be fine for me.
I saw you had been playing around devil, your IP address gives you away 😛 😛
Arsene Wenger says:
May 24, 2012 at 9:22 am
Dear Bloggers
I am not of your opinion regarding Kalou. He is tall and very fast and has a football brain.
That Chelsea want to get rid of him does not matter. He wants to play for me and that is enough.
He can give us direction in attack, something which we do lack.
Theo can compliment him. One on the right and one on the left.
He is also a European cup winner. So why do you complain??
Yours sincerily
PS….I do like reading HH. And I find the young fellow from Holland to be quite amazing.
Rico……… 😆
i think july is the official date, but, many deals go through from the moment the season closes, the 1st july is merely a contract start and end date…
Fergie got all his deals done last summer long before july, maye before june too…
Oh i c !
Well then give ivan the idiot the boot and let sign some decent players.
As for Kalou dunno if i would want him in red and white :S
Won’t be sad to see the back of Dowd, thats for sure – still haven’t forgiven him for the 4-0 to 4-4!!
Sigurdsson & Giroud would be good signings though and as AK suggests, both are not going to break the bank.
See Chamberlain is pleading for RvP to stay…. he said he’d be gutted if he didn’t….
It makes you wonder if the messing around with the finalising of the contracts is a ploy by Gazidis.Does he really want to splash money on these players or just appear to be trying just to appease the fans.If the story regarding the attempt to buy Mata was anything to go by he should be appears that he was away sking when Chelsea jumped the que and bought him
appear to be trying springs to mind jay, i think wenger wanted him but those doing the talking failed… imho of course…
Got to pop off now, catch up around lunchtime – have a good morning all…..
What do you guys expect from a bald headed twat like gazidis. The guy is scum. I physically hate him.
Cause of Gazidis his a utter idiot! Take his comment about not qualifying for the Champs league not long ago. What member of a football team who has been in this tournament for 15 years straight comes out with a dumbass comment like that??
IVAN GAZIDIS thats who!!
Oops morning folks…
Just had a thought………..
In 1918 Arsenal only finished in fifth place, but were nevertheless elected to rejoin the First Division at the expense of local rivals Tottenham Hotspur, by reportedly dubious means
In 2012 Chelsea finished 6th and took the remaining CL spot at the expense of local rivals Tottenham Hotspur.
Those who support Tottenham must surely be a sadistic lot. 😆
Morning Gooners, Hi Rico,
sorry i have been away for along, the tupsy thurvy season and work demands have hindered me from blogging but i read the posts via twitter on my phone tho. Great work
take care at the physio Rico.
Morning Goonie.
Matty, I really wanna smash that fugly faced bastard into the ground. Gazidis out now!
Belhanda is much better than Sigurdsson.
Can’t believe we’re letting Vertonghen get away do easily either. Only Arsenal…
Is it me or is this inactivity killing you guys too. Whoooo, men I need a drink.
Has anyone thought that maybe Vertonghen,his agent or his club are the problem??
If its Arsenal,then why hasn’t the deal been done with Spuds,a club he’s always supported,and who desperately want him??
Morning all,from a Gooner down under,frustrated by all the rumours and innuendos being thrown around by us,the fans,who choose to relieve everything the media or blogs spit at us!!
Dg you clown. What bloody young fellow? Wait till I get my hands on ya. How are ya big guy?
Apologies, I’m on my iPhone. Still yet to master touch screen after three years…
its not only you Goonie mate. It is driving us nuts as well. But do not expect anything to happen before July 1st.
Deals can be agreed in principle before July 1st.
I am ok mate.
did you see my 9.47am on the scum???
Cant believe that it has happened again. They are simply a laughing lot.
When do ST’s have to be renewed by??
Your story about Vertonghen is total nonsense, I speak Dutch and have been following his story in the Dutch press and on sites like and His first choice is Tottenham, plain and simple. Surely you can’t be so arrogant to think this is impossible? He wants to play regularly something he is guaranteed at spurs and not at Arsenal. Also, who knows what his relationship with Vermaelen is. Vertonghen was captain at Ajax and was player of the year, maybe he just doesn’t want to play second fiddle to the Verminator. Vertonghen has also gone on record as saying “you can’t say no if AC Milan come calling”. Everything is still possible please don’t make up stories/believe baseless rumours.
You seem to be very eager to slate Arsenal for their transfer dealings but you don’t really know what’s happening behind the scenes and/or what the negotiation tactics are.
Gazidis is the puppet of Kroenke,so we know why he acts the way he does.How we got lumbered with a pratt that wears the worst wig i have ever seen god only knows!
renewal date is 1st june Lee ,expect more possible signings leaking from the club
Nice one Sir AK,
You sound like the pressure of the transer window has started to get to you beore the window is open, that makes me feel you are a true supporter who only wants Arsenal to succeed. I keep reading about who we want and who we need who we will sell and who we keep, but at the end of the day i will wait untill the window closes and assess what our leaders have decided on , I know who i would like but i am not an expert, where Wenger and the board have been doing it for years and years, they have managed to keep us up the top for fifteen years how can you argue with that, they are the experts and they know how much we can afford so best left in their hands, but what i would add is that if you want to watch all these players who are being linked to us then you may have to watch them at another venue to Emirates.
I’m not tring to start anything here,but both John and I have very valid points,I believe.
Has anyone actually heard anybody representing Arsenal say we want M’Villa or Vertonghen??
Yes,we buggered up he Mata deal,without question,but there have been plenty of others gone wrong and lamed on the club when we really don’t even know we wanted the guy in question.
I have told you that I agree with you regarding Vertonghen, Scott. Around two days ago to be exact. AW has never came out and said that he wants Vertonghen. Its the media which keep stirring it up.
Does anyone know how serious the bit going around about Bendtner to Dortmund and or the Kagawa deal? Le Prof speaking Japanese could be a factor, no?
BG1727…….we are like you……….in the dark.
We can speculate and put forward our wishes but we can only speculate.
just read Heard united has just made a bid for Kagawa!
Hmmmm that dude sure is lippy. Morning scott,sp
This time of year is both exciting and frustrating.
I truly enjoy the speculation on which players may be coming to the club and who might be leaving,but don’t enjoy people playing the blame game.
Steve said it…..might be best to wait until the transfer seasons closes and then assess our squad.
It may not be a fun way to do things,but it’d be a better way to maintain our sanity.
Ok….rants over……how is everyone today??
Chelsea are after Hazard and Lucas from Sao Paolo…..both amazing players………..they’r spending like there’s no tomorrow. FFP seems like a joke…………how can they even break even?
Morning Gooners, Rico Woooooo
Dg what do you reckon? Are we still in for mvilla? Looks like that one’s gone cold but hey you ll never know with arsenal. Keep your fingers crossed.
Boomer,I’ve just read Utd have offered 13 millions for Kagawa…..who bloody knows what’s happening?
Here’s the Happy Chappy. 😉
We had AW here on HH Goonie. You should have asked him. After all he said he likes you. 😉
KM,hey won’t get oth…it wll be one or the other.
He latest rumour on Hazard is hat Citeh are sick of the games,so are looking elsewhere.
Hang on,another ones in…Arsenal are offering the 30 million they had aside for Gotze to buy Hazard.
Hang on,hot off the press….Hazard has signed for Stoke.
Like i said yesterday if we end up signing kalou…am gonna have a fit. That guy has “two left feet”. Surely not arsenal material besides we already have a freak show in gervinho, surely we can’t have two. Send him to the swampies!
Tell i said “fuck off” dg
I do remember you saying that about Vertonghen,Devil.
It’s just really doing my head in.
I think its better 4 arsenal 2 get rid of gazidis coz when he came in he promised of signings but nwadays he is quiet n acts he is arsene.u never knew may be he has started 2 get percents on club’s profits
Yes even mine mate.
How come that if he is that good Shitty, Manure, PSG, RM, Barca are not in for him???
AW never mentioned him.
Personally I would like to see Song sold and Capoue and M’Vila bought in. However that does not make them automatic signings for AFC. Unlike some in the gutter press who do anything to sell newspapers.
Oh ffs, Shitty are offering 20million+Aguero for Chamack. 😆
The way Hazard is pimping himself…’s obvious he’l go to Chelsea/City……clubs with no class whatsoever
Gotta run guys duty calls. See ya in the evening. Dg stop horsing around,you muppet! Bye scott.
KM,I’ve constantly defended Hazard over he last few months,but even I concede he’s a greedy prick now.
He funny thing is this……he may just have pissed off every club interested in I’m enough to give us a realistic chance of signing him.
He wants it all….big wage,first team football and to be the big name,the centre of attention.
Apart from the wage,we fit the bill.
Apart from the wage,the other clubs offer nothing.
I’m not suggesting we should get him,but I think there’s a chance,a small one.
If he did come,and kept his ego in check,he’d be an absolute superstar.
Later Goonster.
I dnt think Song is a poor player.
I think he’s excellent when he plays strictly as DM and has Arteta and Rosicky infront of him. However when we can’t get an opening because of our poor creativity, he is forced to go upfield and he’s given a number of assists to Robin, which Ramsey couldn’t even dream of.
Morning Gooners.
Morning Rico.
Great sub~edit. Forgot about that one!
Charlie, you keep your eyes on the road not the short skirts!!!
Good morning Highbury house, I seem to be getting plenty of abuse as far as transfers are concerned, Now i appreciate that we have not come up to your expectations, and you hold me responsible for not negotiating better. We try to buy who we consider to be beneficial to the club Arsene tells me who he believes could fit in with our set up, and myself and the members of my team set the ball in motion, as far as Juan Mata i would like to clear up any misunderstanding we did enquire with Mata’s representatives but his expectations differed from Arsenes and the Boards so we elected to leave it there. Arsene has again explained where he wants to strengthen and has put forward names of players he cosiders would contribute to our strengths, we will endeavor to enquire and we will report any new signings in our normal manner. We hope for good news as we have new coaches joining this year and Arsene is excited that the club is heading in the right direction. Although our Debts are managable we still expect to invest in a brand new merchandising shop here at the Emirates, you can be sure that any names we secure for next season will be printed on our new strips before the coming season starts. Please be patient as these transfer negotiations can be quite involved, but as i said we will announce from our normal sources. Ivan Gazedes.
John actually makes a fair point.
But the info i had on Vertonghen, came from a Dutch source.
The lack of ambition by the club, in the transfer market John, is not a new thing.
If you have supported the club as long as me, then that is something you would know.
Maybe my comments were a tad OTT.
But they are borne out of cynicism and the past experience from this time of the year.
That is the clubs desire to sell it’s season tickets.
Surely you can see the connection?!
Careful Charlie……… are giving your age away!!!! 😉
How are you habib???
good game by Ryo yesterday…………
I just thought of something…..I can see Ryo in WC qualifiers for years to come as Japan are in Australia’s group.
Closest thing I will get to seeing Arsenal in Oz lol.
Watch Huntelaar and Narsingh score vs Bayern.
Will you see him standing on your head Scott??? 😉 😆
He looked sharp Devil.
If I have to mate!!
Morning, what about the rumour that we have offered Chamakh and 8 million for Giroud?
Where did you read that Vernat???? I have not seen it today!!!!
It was Gazidis and Kroenke who shipped 48 last year was it. What numbers where they wearing again?
It’s down to strategy and tactics, not these players.
Saw it on ACLF Quote “Jamie Sanderson is saying we’ve offered Montpellier 8m plus Chamack for Giroud which might suggest that RVP is off.”
Giroud is good. But I prefer Lewandowski. He plays the same game as RVP and is only 23 years old
It’s a funny situation.
By bidding for a classy player like Giroud,after bringing in another in Podolski,we can take it as buying players to show RVP the club has ambition,or we can just be replacing him.
See what I mean about it all doing my head in :)?
Devil,I read yesterday that we ae absolutely no chane of getting Lewandowski…yes,another rumour.
Doesn’t look like one of our signings to be fair, listed as 6″3 but apparently he has a release clause in his contract, so maybe our negotiating team couldn’t mess this one up?
Let’s talk about something else, this transfer shite is doing my head in….FFS the window isn’t even open!!!
But that is the way it should go mate. For a club to renew itself, the worst thing to do is to keep hanging on to RVP like there is no other. Ideally we should have great players for every position, but that is the way it is at AFC. RVP is a great player……….but there are others who can be great ones as well.
Italian clubs such as Juventus used to keep with the philosophy of 2 in 2 out every season. Thus it gives the squad fresh players, fresh ideas and most importantly no player can hold the club to ransom.
How about a team that plays in front of 60000 people getting 0 penalties all season, but of course referees are no biased and are fair in our league and it evens its self out
Hi Coach. I am good habib.
Young at heart mate… 🙂
It’s Maltese weather in London at present.
Too hot for me.
Hi Lee. Short skirts. Short everything.
How i’ve not shunted a bus yet is a miracle.
Haaaaa Charlie. Maybe that is why you keep seeing short everything now, because you heard that AW is after Allen who is 5ft 6ins TALLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆
I am off now fine folk.
Hopefully will see you later on today…….with some better news regading a signing or two (I WIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH)
Devil, 5ft 6ins SHHHHHORT you mean!
I was being honest Lee. the word Tall is shorter than Short. 😆
Off now mates.
Bye Devil.
I see the Metro are running the Giroud rumour
what day of the week is it today???
Something else that’s bugging me…am I REALLY supposed to believe we bid 30-some-odd million for Gotze last year? I read up on it then and now it’s resurfaced. With all this nonsense about not changing our wage structure for Robin and scoffing at Hazard’s demands, what kind of packet woul the little German have received??? Makes no sense to me but maybe ‘they’ like it that way…
spin spin!!
Chelsea update: Chelsea laying off staff on news Drogba leaving so club taking opportunity to downsize: They released 4 medical staff, 2 stretcher-bearers and a drama teacher..
LOL Lee funny, good article here
good afternoon
Hulk will be in the League next year- chelsea, M.City. M. United or spurs
Real Madrid – new sponsor – Fly Emirates – 130 millions Euros for 5 years.
PSG – Wants a new stadium in the same place of the “Parc des Princes” (Paris) and increase for 60.000 persons. Was refuse by “la mairie”. (Fly Emirates sponsor too)
vernat, good article mate, let’s hope some prospective buyers have a look at it!!!! 😉
Lee, do you think a big pink bow and a really nice box of choccies and a nice card would help shift each?
buy one get one free?????
Afternoon guys and gals,
Sorry to those held in moderation, you are free to blog away now.
Hi didee, long time no see …
I was thinking more, Squilliaci sold “all because the chairman loved milk tray”
vern, you know we don’t have to break the bank with the signings.Just do some simple housekeeping by trimming the squad of non performers and add 2/3 quality players….you know my take on rvp’s future changes on a daily basis, as long as we re-invest his fee in a top-drawer striker I’ll be happy! Knowing us though we wont…. 🙁
meanwhile, at Stanford Bridge
Who suggested Roman has cut back on his spending, that list doesn’t suggest he has…..
truth of the matter is Gazidis knows what he is doing. Monfrel he is
Would Giroud be the top quality striker? Add benayoun to the squad a keeper and a centre back, move Vermalen to DM, and maybe Hoilett as a useful squad player
should that be mongrel alan 😉
vernat – i’d rather we signed a beast of a DM, rather than move TV…
Don’t know too much about Giroud, tbh.
How was the physio Rico??
Hi Rico. Yes, some shopping list
Same here, stats are 33 goals in 71 games for montpellier and overall 190 appearances and 79 goals so far, listed as 6″3, and is 25
Fab Lee thanks, haven’t got to go anymore unless I have any setbacks, really pleased… 🙂
But I have tennis elbow now can you believe 🙁
we’d probably play him on the wing…..
Do you guys read caughtoffside?
I obviously heal a lot quicker than Diaby and I’m twice his age 😉
Just a short pop.
Rico…..take a look at your inbox if possible.
Missing out on Jan Verthonen might be Wenger’s biggest blonder yet. I have seen him play and I think he is better than Vermonater. Considering how many games both Koscielny and Vermailen missed this season due to injuries, it should not be difficult to promise Verthonen sufficient playing time. Verthonen going to the Spurs is going to come back to bite us, considering they finished one point below Arsenal. In my opinion Verthonen will become one of the best defenders in the Premiership , he is a complete article .
Have seen it devil, but not read it yet… cluck cluck… 😉
Rico, I’d rather gently saute my own testicles than read that pile of shite!!
Glad it’s not just me then Lee 😉
I don’t mean your testies by the way 😉
I kinda gathered that… 😆
Welcome Tom, most here agree with you there but if he chooses the Yids over us, then he must lack ambition 😉
Mind you, Chelsea and Man City are interested in JV too, he could still go anywhere. He wants first team football….
Lee – phew 😉
When do the PL fixtures normally get released, any ideas? I want to see when we play Reading…
Ah, the life of a 22-year-old footballer: Money, fame, women and rib-splitting inside jokes.
Loyal Set Piece readers will forgive us if we’re a bit heavy on the Wojciech Szczesny coverage today. It’s just that this piece of odd news is way too good to pass up.
Szczesny and his Arsenal teammates, you see, have apparently taken to using John Terry’s name as a code word during their nights out.
So, you ask, in what clever way have they been using their famous opponent’s name as a code word?
British tabloid Metro reports:
The 22-year-old shot-stopper, who was giving an interview to the Polish version of Playboy, admitted the Blues skipper’s name acts as a code word when one of his team-mates wants to escape from an awkward situation with the opposite sex.
‘At Arsenal it [the name John Terry] is another word for an ugly girl,’ said Szczesny.
‘If there’s a girl around that we don’t really like, we use it as a smokescreen, as in: “Have you seen John Terry recently? He’s terrible. I recommend this, it really works.”’
Go on, you know you want to laugh.
I am wary about ” caughtoffside” Rarely do they appear to be right re transfers
What’s all that i’ve been reading about Rico’s toasties.
Or something like that… 😀
Afternoon you happy Gooners.
I’m gradually melting.
Giroud for Chamuck.
Yes please Ivan.
AK, keep your minces on the road!!!!! 😉
😆 – good old Ches…
They sure do alan…..
You leave my toasties out of it Charlie 😉
Giroud for Chamakh – thats a yes from me too 🙂
I like melted cheese on mine.
Hi Lee. 😀
Rico for Chamakh!!!!
cheese & onion AK or cheese & marmite!!
Rico, i think the fixtures are out 1st or 2nd week in June.
Rico for Giroud thank you 😉
Or cheese and english mustard 🙂
Not long to wait then Charlie….
What about cheese & curry Lee.
We all need a signing completed – even if it’s just Theo’s extension 🙂
back in two shakes, chickens need attention 😉
If Diaby can get fit would be LANS
Gazides has got some big deals pending.
He might be able to spin his way out of transfers.
But everyone will see if he really is worth his bloated salery when the new deals for shirt manufacturer, shirt sponsor & stadium sponsor are sorted out?
If Champions League is so important to secure high profile signings, why is there not a queue outside our doorsas there is only 4 teams in the premier league that fills this criterior, and why are we bothered by a player that wants to join that mob down the road its obvious that he lacks the ambition that we need.
Why sign a player who needs to have a guarantee he will play? Come in and prove you are number one and take the place.
My sentiments exactly Vern
I hope hazard goes to city and drops in behind the forwards. Nasri wont get a game and he’l be off to spurs in jan
When are those deals due AK, 2014 ?
Agree there Steve and Vernat…
Thorny, Hazard is joining us 😉
Giroud is a interesting player
Very JM, will we be signing him though 😉
How mobile is Giroud any pace ? or is he just a target man good in the air?
Olivier Giroud (born 30 September 1986 in Chambéry) is a French footballer who plays for French club Montpellier in Ligue 1. He plays as a striker and is known for his size, physical style of play, and heading ability.[1] After starring for several clubs in the lower divisions, Giroud secured a move to his current club in August 2010. His performances over two seasons with the club culminated into a call-up to the senior national team.
Martinez is in talks with Liverpool….
Well then he would be stuffed with us as we have no one who can cross and beat the first man.
I like martinez but they are mental if they go with a Keepemup over somebody with european and league success. HA!!
haha vernat, and we are not known fore our ‘playing a big striker’ tactics….
Thorny, if he gets a big transfer budget, he’ll get them into europe….
Evening all,
It’s Statler and Waldorf all over again !
Maybe if we sign him Rico we can get some towel practice and long throws and batter stoke with them?
Evening Micko 🙂
M-nu-mu-nu 🙂
Good Evening Fine Folk.
This could well be Pulis’ next signing for Stoke Rugby Football Club….
Our doctor is Brian O’Driscoll’s cousin maybe we should pick BOD for that game and show them what a real rugby player is like
Fine Folks……….forget about defending. Attacking is here to stay…….
Steve Bould believes Arsenal are obliged to play an attractive brand of football and will continue to do so following his promotion to assistant manager alongside Arsene Wenger.
Bould stepped into the job vacated by Pat Rice after 44 years with the club, and the former Arsenal defender says he is committed to helping Arsenal maintain their stylish brand of play, despite his connections to the defence-first George Graham era of the club.
“There is a brand and philosophy that we have to play,” he told Arsenal Player. “That is No 1 whether it is youth players, reserve players or first-team players.
vernat 😛
Deep joy devil, and we thought he would sort the defence 🙁
On that note, i am off to get dinner and stuff… Laters
Sounds like plan B to me say one thing do something else
Morning all.
Hi Scott
Steve, shame we don’t have a different plan b….
It appears Vertonghen will settle or us if Spuds can’t make a deal.
Doesn’t that fill us all with joy??
where did you read that Scott ?
Looks like everyone is busy so i’m heading off…..
Nighty all, have a good day/night and catch up tomorrow….
Sorry Rico,drifted back off to sleep.
It was on the net,and appeared to be a genuine quote from Vertonghen.
Of course,anything can be made up,but there was no “apparently” or ” it’s been reported”,it was a direct quite from the guy. was the website,Rico.
It translates basically to Vertonghen will come to us,but only if Spuds can’t make it happen,as that club gives him the best feel….not sure what Harry did for that to happen.
Would it be worth ten million to just to piss the Spuds off??
Pissing Spurs off Priceless !!!! Scott
It looks as though Utd only want Kagawa if they miss out on Hazard.
To me,this shows they still rate Kagawa very,very highly.
Hopefully,our guys offer a decent fee straight up for the Japanese midfielder,an offer to good for Borussia Dortmund to refuse…..a bird in the hand!!!
Who knows how long Hazard will take to decide.
Damn Vernat,finally somebody is on to chat to,and I’m off to work.
I will catch up periodically.
10 million… would do them some more damage,that’s for sure,as hey seem to have their heart set on the guy.
Hazard goes to Chelsea or one of the Mancs teams
If Hazard goes to M.City, Kagawa goes to M.United
We are linking to Giroud.
Verthogen? I’m quite sure there are nothing with us
Rico, 5.18;
Not sure to be exact, but i believe that you could be right as far as the shirt sponsor/manufacturer is concerned in it being 2014.
We moved into the Grove in 2006, so i reckon 2016 for the stadium sponsor..?!
Vertonghen talking up Arsenal again eh Scott???
Sounds like an agent getting worried about missing out on his excessive commission to me!
Giroud is an interesting one.
Wenger had Kanu at one time to give him a plan B.
Maybe he intends to revisit those tatics?
I got a text from my lad earlier this evening.
A heartfelt plea from AKjnr.
I quote;
“We better not sign Kalou”…
Yes son, i don’t want to see Arsenal signing anymore Chav ‘cast~offs’…
Arsenal. Big club?!
Well bloody start acting like a big club…
G’day AK.
Vertonghen is proving to be another hazard on the way to a classy,happy squad.
do we want/need to sign this geezer???
JAN VERTONGHEN last night warned Tottenham to hurry up and sign him – or he will join Arsenal instead.
The Ajax captain claims he has already been shown around White Hart Lane and chairman Daniel Levy visited him in Amsterdam on Monday.
But the Belgian defender fears the deal will collapse following Spurs’ failure to win a Champions League place next season – with Ajax demanding £12.5m.
Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger also wants Holland’s player of the season, who’ll skipper Belgium against Montenegro tonight.
“I’ve said repeatedly that Tottenham are my first choice, but the talks haven’t progressed,” said centre-back Vertonghen, 25.
“They have shown me around, I have met all their key people and their chairman came to meet me on Monday. But Arsenal want me too. They remain a possibility if my Spurs move falls through, as Ajax are asking €15m for me.
Morning all,
Jan Vertonghen would be a very good signing for us, reading the above comment by Lee makes me want to say let him go,but if he is playing one against the other then it is no diferent to any other player who may have more than one club interested in him, what we have to remember is that these players are signing a binding contract for 3 or 4 years and that they will be trying to get the best deal they can, Just like us when we put a price in which sound derisery. If we do manage to get him to sign for us we would have a very sound player i only hope this story is true and he decides the right way.
morning Steve, there’s only one way!!!! 😉
Morning all…
Lee – Yes 🙂
There she is.. morning Rico!
I smelt the Vertonghen word Lee, and a good morning to you… 🙂
Last summer it was Cahill, this summer it’s Vertonghen
Fair doo’s Lee 🙂 morning Rico
Morning Steve 🙂
I have a feeling in my bones that we are to get some news today…
Either that or the physio overdid it yesterday 😉
Going to price a job up catch you later 🙂
Sting them Steve 😉
see you sp!
sky sports1 Rico now..
Thanks Lee, its on and recording 🙂
AW is very confident about RvP Lee…
Interesting about Tomas too
New Post is up by the way…
It was on an overhead tv in our office but we don’t have the sound on…. 🙁
Wenger said about how he found the comments about Tomas funny, ‘he’s playing for a new contract’ etc etc – he said he had already signed a new contract, and a while before the club announced it…
Also, he said he is very very confident that RvP will be playing in the EPL next season, and he will be playing in red and white…
And, he was smiling all the way through….