Boxing Day here in the UK and it’s got nothing to do with grown men knocking six bells out of each other!

For many, Boxing Day is about eating all the food that was left over from Christmas Day, making sure it didn’t go to waste but the origin of its name come from employees picking up their ‘gift parcel’ or ‘Christmas box’ on the first working day after the 25th December and this could contain anything from left over food, to money….
On to Arsenal – we don’t have a fixture today as it’s been postponed until tomorrow but when the whistle blows for kick off, the gloves will be off!
We may not have the three minutes rounds and of course, we won’t have the knock-out but anything other than three points tomorrow will feel like one!
As expected, there is little Arsenal news other than a few reports which suggest Robin van Persie could be in line for a rest tomorrow. I’m not sure that would be such a good idea and it’s not about him getting the scoring record, it’s about us needing three points. Hope he starts, we get a few goals and then take him off for a rest if he needs it.
Another story going around is that AVB is being given £150 Million to spend next month to strengthen his Chav team!! Crazy money, not sure our whole squad cost that much did they?
Anyway, enjoy the leftovers, tomorrow the boys are back in business!
Have a good day all……
morning anyone 😉
not the time to be resting robin, we need 3 points tomorrow against a side who are fighting for their lives….
Catch up a little later….
150 million! When is this madness gonna stop? God help us. Morning guys…
Hi Rico & all
RvP must play. Looks like it will be an easy round for the top 4, so we need a full team to stay in touch
Plus I wanna See RvP break that record, AW can’t afford to upset him either
Goonstar, The madness will stop when they remove foreign ownership and foreign players
Hi goonster and alan…
no way should RvP be rested, not until wenger buys a goal scorer in 6/7 days time 🙂
Laters guys and gals, got to go out for lunch….
Good Mid-Morning Gooners.
Enjoy your well-earned lunch Rico.
Hiya Stan & Alan MP.
Everyone out to the Boxing Day sales today?
£150million eh?
Should we be suprised guys?
Abramovitch isn’t going away.
We either compete with him, which means Ursmanov on the Board.
Or we accept where we are…
ah, but Rico, will he buy. Will he by talent if he buys at all?
Good morning Guys and Chicks of the Gunners faith. Hope you enjoyed your day yesterday and are not suffering from a hangover.
150million eh!!!!! Now why doesnt AW offer them Denilson, Bendtner, Chamack, Vela, Squillaci, Arshavin and Diaby. That lot could fetch around 50million easily and it would siut them since they would not have to move house.
😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
because they could buy a lot of talented kids and sell them at a profit. That is their stupid thinking
Morning all,
Rest robin, I don’t think so he played more when he was injured, to rest him when his fit bit double dutch that.
We need to keep the pressure on those teams above us, personally speaking i believe if we had had both our full backs against city we would have won and with that in mind we have to get these so called easy points firmly in the bag.
I agree with Nick, er , i mean Sir Steve.
Yessir, Robin can have a rest when we play Leeds.
He doesn’t have to play the entire 270 mins of our forthcoming 3 EPL games. Some thoughtfull substitutions, when the points are safe, should do the trick.
Hiya DG, and hiya SP.
Gd day AK, Sir Steve, ABMP.
I would not rest RVP. But I would definately rest him if he has broken Sherear’s record. Why??? The reason is simple. He would be fired up for it. And that would surely mean that Wolves would concentrate on him and leave the others to do the business…..if they manage to score that is!!!!!!!
I would luv, LUV IT, if RVP broke Shearers record.
And no doubt he would luv to do it as well.
But i imagine that RVP sees the 9 points as his priority.
And so do i….
If he rests him then were not buying in January. If we were then logically he could get a rest after then.
RvP has that extra incentive to break that record. So he’ll be hungry. He has bugger all time to do it though
Gervinho and chamack can’t be rest … 🙂
Im watching the boxing day. Our sport Tv broadcast 6 games (theree at the some time). For the moment, on the 23th minute, chelsea 0 fulham 0
yes, Chelsea 180 million – euros.
ricom bye bye Cahill…
Hi AK and DG, hope your celebrations went well.
I wouldn’t worry yourselves about Robin staying or going that will happen whether we like it or not, While he’s scoreing keep him playing he will probably be under pressure to break the record and i should inagine he would love to break records even if he can’t pick up a trophy, I would let him play for the simple reason no other bugger looks capable:.
Happy Boxing Day people,
I have a whistle that is only audible to south american fruitbats, I pulled it out of a christmas cracker yesterday lunchtime, its free to any good home if anyone wants it.
We tried resting our goal machine a few weeks back in the league and it nearly back fired on us, he came off the bench in the 2nd half to come up with the goods, for me he must start tomorrow.
Rico, are you having lunch at the palace today ? Don’t forget to take your garibaldi’s with you.
A whisle Mick.
I only got a bag of marbles out of my cracker.
Fancy a swap…?
Hi all.happy holidays to you all.
Marbles, thats gots to be better than a deformed red indian, but sorry kev, no deal.
Hi KT, you all turkeyed up.
JM, how are the chav’s getting on ? I can only get Judge Judy on the television.
Chav’s 1.1 still playing
16 mins to go
Nice one Steve.
Afternoon, Rico, and all you happy HHers! :P:
There may not be any quality CFs available in the January transfer window, so I would be v. happy to see us get Titti on loan.
He cannot be the same as he was at his peak, but psychologically it will give the team and squad a big lift.
Hi AGAG, sorry to miss you yesterday, Hope you had a great Christmas break! :D:
See you all in the New Year! 😀
according to Phil McNulty
Plenty of white Luis Suarez t-shirts similar to those worn by Liverpool’s players before the game at Wigan dotted around Anfield today.
Chelsea Fulham 1.1 draw 🙂 result
lol 1-1 for Chelsea
ok, four matches broadcasting at the same time. My preferable attention to WBA-Mcity.
Another player link to Arsenal:Abdel Barrada, 22 years old, Getafe (Spain), midfield. Others clubs interesting un him: Barcelona, Real Madrid, Sevilha, Vila Real and Liverpool
Good old Fulham.
I did hear that AFC were looking at taking Zamora on loan!
I wouldn’t be adverse to that.
SSP, our celebrations went very well mate.
A good time was had by all.
The only downside was the marbles in my cracker …. 😀
At least you’ve got your marbles AK!!
Managed to get a ticket for tomorrw’s game and miss out on going to mother-in-laws!! Double result!!! 🙂
Good point Red Arse re; TH14.
Alan MP, gotta say that i think all these t-shirts could re-bound on the Scousers.
Maybe a case of them protesting too much?
Wow, here he is….. hiya Lee.
So the escape plan came off?
I might make the QPR hahahaha, game… 🙂
I read the other day, how many goals you thought TH would score and I kinda agree with you AK!!
Wigan are letting us down…
Come on the Throstles [spelling?]….
Been a real fucker emptying the dirt out trousers but the tunnels nearly ready!!
Lee, i know a bit of the pace must be gone.
But the technique is still there.
Give him a chance and he’ll put it in the onion basket…
Just don’t try leaping over barbed wire on a motorbike…
He’s a natural and we’ll tee him up!
I dunno about bridge last time I saw him play we ripped him apart! JV would be my choice…
That’s right mate.
He doesn’t need to charge around, our midfield will put them on a plate for him.
He can do a lot of damage in only 15 or 20 minutes at the end of games…
Hope you guys had a not in a holiday mood because my closest aunt passed away and we buried her just a few days ago and thats why i’ve not been in no merry mood 🙁 🙁
yeah Lee, i have to say that i’d rather have Verm at left-back for now.
Vert would be great, but we might have to wait until the summer.
What about Alex on loan?
ah, that’s bollox KT, sorry to hear about that buddy.
Sorry to hear that mate! My mum’s in bloody hospital, happy fucking Christmas! 🙁
Becoming a chavs old boy club!
Losing any family members this close to Christmas is cruel.
But you’ll always get a sympathetic ear on Rico’s home KT.
Don’t be a stranger mate.
To be honest Kev I liked the look of Alex when he was playing in holland…..
That’s right Lee, but if their as good as Benny, i’ll take that.
Mum in good form i trust?
Ditto Lee, he had a couple of great games against us in the CL.
Scored if i recall.
Seems as if AVB is going for a big clear-out…
A couple of seasons in transition i hope.
As well as can be expected mate, thanks!
He’s an upgrade on Squil so why not…
I was reading about gotze and he’s stated he’d prefer Spain as his next move.. 🙁
I’ll survive guys.all i want is 9 points and rvp to break shearer’s record.
If we are gonna loan/buy anyone I hope they pull their fingers out and get it all done early doors!!!
Gotze eh?
He’s a great player mate, but we missed our chance last summer.
Another ‘Gazides special’ no doubt.
Ditto Hazard & M’Vila…
But then it is AFC we’re talking about…
What made it worse was that she had been ill for a while but she was getting better.i decided to visit her when she was scheduled to be released.imagine my shock horror on arrival at the hospital? 🙁 🙁
I make you right KT.
9 points and i’ll be very very happy mio amigo.
Gotta feeling that AW will want his business done shapish Lee.
But will Gazides have the same urgency?
None of those names will be playing in red & white!! 😉
Think text messages AK!!
Fcuk me KT, that is terrible mate….
That brings back some shit memories to me KT…
Don’t dwell buddy, it’ll mess with your head….
Unfortunately Lee i make you 200% correct.
No chance at all.. 😉 😉
No chance RVP scoring the goals he needs either Lee…. 😀
He deserves it but he’s not got a chance!! 😉
West Brom hit the post…
Newcastle 2-0 at Bolton
WBA still holding shitty?
4-0 mancs!!
Micky Mousers 1 all
Squeeky bum time for Mancini…
5-0 mancs!!
Kev………………….When you sit in row z and the ball hits your head, that’s zamora !!!
How do Lee.
😆 Mick.
But he did ok under Hodgeson?
Fergie turning the screw Lee.
Mind games in the offing methinks… 🙂
Yeah ok Mick, a cunning plan has fallen into place where by I avoid going to the mother-in-law’s tomorrow and go to the Emirates!!!
No Zamora for me….TH all day long in front of him!!!
FT, well done WBA!!!
Lee, its all sex, drugs and spot the ball ! sounds like a cunning plan to me.
Roberto on the bog….. 😀
I carved the potato to stamp the necessary paperwork….
3points for us tomorrow and Delia’s boys beat the shite…..perfect!
Mancini has had too much turkey me thinks, a bit constipated……
I hope you consulted the escape commitee?
Afternoon guys and gals..
Kt, really sorry to hear your sad news….
Lee – you are so naughty, but, definately a double dose of good fortune 😉
How was lunch Rico.?
We’re off out soon…
No washing-up for me… 🙂
Hi AK, it was ok thanks but would have a lot better had i been able to taste it 🙁
You off for a Ruby? 😉
Good to see the Chavs and Dippers drop points today, makes our result really important tomorrow….
No ruby Rico.
Pub grub.. 😀
Tut,tut Kev, now that hands can do dishes can feel as soft as your face with mild cream fairy liquid, no excuses…..
Any gossip from the queen rico ?
Ok, i’m offski.
See ya lata Rico.
see ya Lee, mick, KT
That’s nice AK, you enoy 🙂
Julian Clarey was out when I called him Micko, so was Elton 😉
I’m off to watch brum v hamsters guys & gals…. speak later!
Calm down Stan!
47 not too much strong European lager! 🙂
Oh bugger !
Night Lee, enjoy the footie and have a fab time tomorrow if i don’t catch you before….
Micko 😆 😆
Hmmmmmm so the chavs and northern chavs dropped points today. Yet they say we are out of the running for the title by December! Evening guys…
Hi goonster, shame old toilet didn’t drop points, but good old Dowd naffed up again by sending a Wigan player off… twit that he is!!
Evening one and all, hope your all having a great Xmas and not over indulging too much……..!
Now for us to make sure we win 2moro and thats a few more points gained on those in front and just behind get a little further behind and lets hope the carrot crunchers stuff the yids 2moro as well…!
I’m off, time to watch even more rubbish on television 😛
Night all, tomorrow the boys are back in town….
See ya all….
Yeah mama bear bloody old git. God I hate manure. Evening Rico
Hi Wath, didn’t see you pop in, hope you had a good day yesterday??
Ok, i’m offski – til tomorrow folks….
Nite Rico yep all was mighty fine yesterday thanx hope you also had a good one…!
Nothing less than 3 points tomorrow! Plus as you’ve said WATH Delia’s boys to stuff the swampies!!
Better result than I expected. Except man U of course. It’s now for the Gunners to ruin this opportunity to jump above Chelsea
If only Totts will now lose
Morning Rico
Morning AK 🙂
New Post up….