Morning all.
You just have to love Twitter don’t you?
Last night someone called Los Blancos tweeted that we’d agreed a deal with Real Madrid for Sami Khedira and he will arrive today and Nice Matin, don’t ask as I don’t know, said we’d agreed a deal for David Ospina.
Wow, great news and by the end of today, we should all be that little bit happier.
Hang on, isn’t Khedira meant to be heading to Monaco as part of the James deal? Well, L’Equipe suggest that’s not the case and the player is ‘likely’ to join us this summer….
As for Ospina, that story has been in the newspapers for a while now but the deal still hasn’t been confirmed and maybe that’s because Casilla’s has been in private talks about a move to us… lol
Exhausted, me too. We all know that when Arsenal have a deal done, they will tell us. When all T’s have been crossed and the ‘I’s’ dotted, only then can we be sure that a player has been signed….
It may not be a striker though as Arsene Wenger has ruled out the need of an additional man up front. Of course he could be straying from the truth as he has so often done when talking to the media about transfers but if he’s telling the truth, it’ll be a great shame and another missed opportunity imo.
Anyway, enough of all that stuff, here’s today’s post from Kev.
I’m not sure when it begun and from where it came, but I can sense a ‘special spirit’ developing among this present squad of Arsenal players. I’ve seen it in the past and I had a feeling around last August in particular, that our squad of players were on the cusp of something special.
I remember being at Elland Road in 1997 when it saw Wenger’s first Arsenal team draw 1-1… Yes it was only a draw, but I just sensed a feeling about that team.
Back to the present and the squad we have now and most of them have been with us for a few seasons now. Some have grown into internationals, all have suffered alongside their manager, as those ersatz clubs, Man City and Chelsea, have alongside Man Utd (well Ferguson’s Man Utd) hoovered up all the domestic honours over the past 3 or 4 years.
Snide and derogatory cheap shots from the Press, allied to a Media dominated by bitter ex-Liverpool players and other assorted no-marks, have added to the dreaded monkey on the back syndrome but all that ended last May at Wembley, when Wenger’s latest squad lifted the FA Cup, the last trophy we lifted nine years ago…
Adios monkey.
Anyone who saw that Final could not have missed the mixture of joy and relief among the Arsenal players, supporters and staff, not least Arsene Wenger, who threw off his usual calm urbane self and joined in the fun like everybody else.
Can anyone ever forget Per Mertesaker giving a post-match interview on the pitch and mid-interview just deserting the TV cameras to join in a delighted shouting celebration with Keiran Gibbs and Wenger getting the ‘bumps’ from his players, it was a bit surreal.
Arsenal winning a trophy whilst the Portuguese midget and the man with the ironed face at the Old Bog winning nowt, only increased our satisfaction.
And let’s not forget the entitlement club of Stevie G blowing it at the 11th hour, yep, May was a good month for Arsenal fans.
That spirit of togetherness carried on into the World Cup where Twitter messages went back and forth between Arsenal team mates sending good luck wishes and congratulations after a good result.

One of my favourite images was of the BFG and Laurent Koscielny in a friendly post-match hug, with the respect for their Arsenal team mate obvious as they congratulated/consoled their fellow Gooner.
So despite numerous rumours, most of them of the usual bile were accustomed to from the Press, nobody it seems, wants to leave.
Not Podolski, Cazorla, Arteta or Monreal, and even Vermaelen isn’t kicking up a rumpus. He might go, he might stay, Arsenal will decide to their benefit.
Sanchez and Debuchy looked delighted to have joined this group of players, blimey even Diaby has got himself fit…
And the way Gazidis and Law have been going about business, I quite expect to see two or three more new faces before August 31st…
Written by Allezkev.
Very good read Mr Kev… the old Allezkev is back!
Good to read Akpom is going on the US of A tour.
Morning there, lovely post, summing up the feeling of going through the rumour blender! I agree it would be a mistake not to go for another striker this summer… we were chatting about that last night on HH. If not, I presume we are going 4-4-2 or so when Giroud is injured one day, because I wouldnt think anyone else in the squad can carry off that lone man role up front. Sanchez, Walcott (Campbell?) are best when they have a chance to turn and face the defender, Podolski needs striker support, and Sanogo is, well, not at all ready. Happy Mondays.
Have we bought Carvahlo yet…… Who’s got the keys to the petty cash box…?
As we wait for another midfielder I thought I would do some reminiscing…
Wath, you must have had something to do with that bid? 😉
Great post Kev, keeping the positive stuff going is good and we have a lot to be positive about. Well, the FA Cup, Sanchez and Debuchy.
Team spirit is clearly a an all time high of late and long may that remain.
Love the Per and Kos stuff, they really do respect each other….
Do you reckon there is any truth in the Carvalho story Wath?
Rick. Do you know when Serge will be back?
koeman is apparently a fan and wants him on loan for a year…
Nasty stuff for Andre Santos. He’s been giving a pasting by his own fans.. Poor fella, hope he’s ok…
morning all, or afternoon, whichever applies. there sure is a lot of positivity and goodwill around arsenal. long may it continue.
Morning all, nice one Kev, the spirit certainly appears to be there, and seems to been enhanced by SANCHEZZZ and Debuchy arrival. I hope AW is just playing the sly old fox, when it comes to another striker.
‘Ornstein reporting on twitter that Arsenal no longer pursuing Khedira. Looks like the ship has sailed with that one’.
Morning All,
Nothing to do with me Ts, Any offer from me would of had the and 1 pound added….
No idea Rico, it has legs as we did look at him last year but he def ain’t worth 35million qiud but he could be in a few years…! Potential yes, finished article not by a long way..! If’ we are looking to offer 24million then surely offer it for Schneiderlin..? Think it shows how closely we keeping our interests to our chest and also not putting all the apples in one basket.
Rico, Think the Khedira thing is simple… There is an offer on the table it’s take it or leave it. If he wants to play for us great if he looking for an auction on who will pay the highest wages we won’t be interested and that’s how it should be in my opinion. We want players who want to play for us not who are seeking the biggest pay cheque.
Thanks Wath…
I’d rather the Benders 🙂
Couldn’t agree more re Khedira Wath… Just hope IG has moved on to an alternative rather than hanging on waiting for the player to make up his mind…
Top post, Kev.
Mormon guys.
Bloody mind of It’s own, this IPad!
Morning all, Nice post Kev, I was just saying yesterday we are done with strikers, we won’t get another one we are done, Wenger don’t like looking at the bench to see so many strikers and yes chance for Walcott to top strike now…………I feel it will be another trophyless for the chavs and it will be adios to the short troublesome man
Morning all. Nice post Kev.
You’ve turned mormon Scott….. Holy fuck…………..
Good post Kev … Morning all.
Wath 10:47, definitely agree and LOL! 1 quid to be added to every transfer!
Nice read Kev,
Agreed that we need to forget Khedira. It was a nice thought but we will move on and find someone of equal quality. I’m sick to death of seeing us linked with Bender and Schniederlin that I don’t even want them at Arsenal anymore lol.
Not sure who we could unearth to perform that role next to Ramsey. It will be interested but I think deals for the above 2 I mentioned are void anyway.
I’d probably say go all out for Javi Martinez if we’ve got the coin left over
Morman Scott
Diaby Nickie… 😉
If anyone is interested some other names at the cheap end of the B2B budget (ps not advocating!), this is interesting:
Anyone know much about Derida (Frieburg) or Gutiérrez (Twente) ?
can you guarantee he’ll be fit Rico? Please say he will then we can put all this midfielder mystery behind us 🙂 lol
🙂 Can anyone Nickie? lol
Hope AW doesn’t think he can be…..
I have to admit I really like Diaby as a player (as you’ve probably noticed) but him playing even 10 games a season is a myth lol. I like Arteta and Flamini a lot aswell. It’s going to be tough seeing 2/3 of these miserable on the bench all the time if we get another cm in
No nothing about either roger…
I’d sell all 3 and buy both Benders…. If it were possible of course…
no you couldn’t Rico! They love the club
Actually, might keep Arteta in case he wants a coaching role. Good role model for the kids…
Good Morning to The Lady of the House and all fellow Gooners in residence.
Rico – When and where did Arsene say he would not buy another striker?
Kev – Yes! The difference in the the vibrations of the ether are like night and day compared to this time last year. The team are coming together, the club are buying the players we need and the supporters are far more positive. This could be our year.
Morning mormons,
Typical arsenal, can’t afford james rodriguez so make a move for his brother in law instead, come on down david Ospina.
Kev, any update on the monkey.
Scott – Was that an error of your Ipads auto-correct or did you have a visit from the Brethren of the Great Salt Lake this weekend?
Good post AK
Glad about the Khedira situation. We need a proper DMF/Box-box player. That is one of the key ingredient missing in this team at the moment. We’ve got enough box to box players(Ox, Wilshere, Diaby if fit) but slow and weary legs(Arteta, Flamini) in the DMF position which needs replacing.
So real are keeping Khedira and want him to see out the last year of his contract then let him go for free.
Thought we were the only club that done that.
Morning Kev, Micko and Cg..
Cg, will try and find his ‘quote’..
Asked about his transfer plans, he said: “It depends on whether our midfielders get through now until the start of the season without injuries.
“Up front we don’t need any more, maybe I will still bring in one centre-back. I will bring in a goalkeeper for sure and we are still out there to strengthen our squad.
“You do the deals when it is possible, this time we could do it early and I am very happy with what I have done until now.”
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I predict an improvement for Diaby this season, he will play 7 matches and that’s it, I haven’t seen much of schneiderlin he seems very quiet in games, Khedira I am not excited because I neither like him nor hate him, the benders I just feel they might not be what we need……….my fear is that after so many search Wenger might give up and wait till next season………..BTW where has Gundogan disappeared to?
about derida(ask coquelin)lool
Sanogo,giroud,sanchez,walcott,poldi,akpom and campbell!!do we still need another forwad for God’s sake..time we started believing in our own :p
emma, I still think we might get him…
Can’t see Real wanting to do that fred, not when they can get good money for him this summer…
He’s still with Dortmund isn’t he Luznic?
rico – I still think he is not what we need 🙁
I would go big for William Carvalho if I were Arsene. He is 22 can play as CB, DMF and Box-box(multitasking) efficiently.
Rico I know he is still in Dortmund but why is no one bidding for him
As Wath said emma, that’s a lot of money for a youngster….
Oops, sorry Luznic, no idea…
He’s still at Dortmund Luznic and you will find he’s doubled in weight lol. He’s a long way away from fitness. Look at the pictures of him, one too many kebabs over the last 6 months
Yes, I’ve changed.
Well, I did until I found out Mormons were against drinking.
Diaby……he has had his best pre season for years……
??????????????? Arsene will buy a GK and a midfielder..if TV5 leaves that will be 3 more signings and he is done.
Rico – Thank you for the link. Although he didn’t say he wouldn’t sign another striker, but “…Up front we don’t need any more…”. So, we’ll have to wait until the end of August to see what he meant by that.
I still think a lot will depend on how the team look in preseason and the August games of the new season. He may be expecting great things from Campbell and Sanogo. However, if a good striker comes available at a bargain price bargain he may just buy.
As usual it is all supposition and guesswork until it’s posted on the Arsenal FC website.
Origi, Lovren and Remy would take Liverpools spending to £102m
Scott – I didn’t think you’d give up your pint(s), especially after all the love you put into brewing and bottling them. That’s why I had to ask.
Why did we want another striker?Giroud as †̥ђƺ main striker,walcott and alexie can cover †̥ђƺ position and I think Wenger wants to give akpom a chance this year.And campell can also be a striker.Seems we have too much players in a position especially †̥ђƺ midfield.
Nickie – seen recent pic, he has lost a bit of weight since returning to light training
Very true Cg, as you know though, I take what he says about transfers with a pinch of salt. Plus, IG and Dickie are doing it this summer… 😉
CG, I remain ever faithful to the amber nectar.
Daily Star reckons Man Utd have signed Hummels….
It shows lack of discipline for a player to get that big though. What must his mentality be to someone like Theo or Diaby for example. “i’m injured gonna sit back eat some cake and play computer games”….or “not going to let this injury beat me, work on the areas I can and come back stronger”.
He is a good player but not for Arsenal
Nickie, that’s just relaxed muscle !
Micko – If that were true, I’d be a strongman able to stop cannon balls, Arsenal ones of course, with my stomach. I could have a second career with the circus.
Francis Coquelin is on Cardiff City and Norwich City’s radar. #CCFC want the Francis to replace Gary Medel, who is Inter bound. #NCFC
is that what you call it Micko! lol He’d look ripped in our new puma shirts
Quite a few saying we have enough strike force already… can someone tell me who, apart from Giroud, is proven playing as a striker receiving the ball with their BACK to goal. All of our wingers can run at players, but can they do the hold up stuff in the build up to an attack with a quality monster defender trying to eat them as they receive the ball?
Totally agree Nickie, considering how much time those two have spent injured, they don’t ever put on weight or be seen in the wrong places doing the wrong things.
Same with Tomas when he was injured…
Good Gdna, wonder if he needs a lift….
Nickie no this can be Gundogan or is this a Photoshop, potbelly, fat, does injury mean lots of food? Wenger won’t buy another striker he has no reason to and signing 4 players in a tw is enough pain for him already if verm goes that’s 5 and another striker makes it 6, no he wont do that meanwhile all the players Liverpool have brought in are all average in their positions their season will be one they will love to forget
Sukky – You may well be right about the strikers. It will be interesting to see the team sheets and the team structure(s) for the preseason games.
@Luznic: Gündogan is not fit at all. He spend the hole year sidelined and no one really knows what’s wrong with him. He went off in a international friendly with some back problems last year (stupid friendlies..) and since then he never came back. He also gaint some weight as you can see in this picture:
Dortmund extended his contract (I think) just before the end of the season as well. I think it will take at least till december till he will get back on the pitch.
That’s easy Roger, none….
Got to cut the grass, back in a bit….
JC holds it up well, Sanchez has done a good job in the games i’ve seen (and getting fouls too). I do think one more would be overkill
I just hope Sanogo goes out on loan and we include Akpom and JC in the squad. Akpom wouldn’t take up a space as he’s under the age limit but he looks a great player. I find it interesting Wenger picking out Willock for special praise, yes he’s 16 but he didn’t really show anything special. Does Wenger dislike Akpom, it’s obvious from the week, last years tour and for the reserves he’s special
evening all
Sorry Luznic I have no clue what you’ve just said to me
magnetben the picture is shocking can’t believe how much weight he has gained and that’s for a sportman
Nickie – one thing we were or seemed to be United about, was the need for a quality striker in the summer – now we touting a player who’s got 12 goals in THREE years? The press are banging on about Wenger strengthening the team but if Pod leaves is it not one RB out, one in and one midfielder out and one in? Is that strengthening the depth of the squad? Just asking..
Nickie just surprised by the picture of Gundogan he overfed himself and I want to think the picture might be photoshop
I hope youre right Nickie, because Campbell was dispossessed 14 times in 5 games in the WC. I should add that he scored 8 goals in 31 games in Greece, 1 in 5 at the WC and 1 in 4 in the CL. I hope he has a magic PL debut season because he’s unproven but the best of the rest if Giroud is injured…
Not sure where the rumours of Pod leaving are coming from. who’s the striker who has 12 goals in 3 years? The team is strengthening isn’t it? Frances number 1 right back replacing Frances number 2. RB is covered by Jenks and Bellerin. Ospina is coming in (Colombias no.1) replacing Fabianski not even Polands no.2. Sanchez in? Arguably one of the WC’s best forward players. We have JC back from loan and Akpom waiting in the wings. The depth is coming, Wenger has said he is not finished. Where else do we need depth other than maybe centre half? I don’t even think another cm is needed if Diaby stays fit.
I may be wrong but i’d give until Jan to make a decision on whether another striker is necessary.
Ha…..Scott the mudhut mormon. 😆
what a big yawn transfers times are. Even if we have a full compliment of players they will still say we are about to sign another player.
Good afternoon great people.
Mick, re: Monkey he was last seen in Regent’s Park…
That’s all I know mate.
Busy day ahead. So, it’s good night from me and good day to you all.
Keep The Faith!
Let’s face it with Campbell, He was surrounded by mediocrity in the world cup. The greek league is not great and he wasn’t surrounded by great players there. With his hold up play and service from Arsenal he will definitely score goals.
People seem to forget that Sanchez is an effective CF. He ripped England a new one and has played amazing for Chile this WC as a cf in games. He’s not big like Giroud but he’s effective in a different way. Saying Sanchez isn’t a CF is like saying Aguero or Suarez isn’t. Same build as those two. We’re just lucky Sanchez is equally as experienced across the whole front line
Devil, we Mormons lead a simple life 🙂
No matter how good it looks on paper, our striker force is inadequate to win the league. Having the numbers wasn’t the problem its the lack of quality. Last year we had 4 CF OG12, Sanogo, Park & NB, this year its OG, Sanogo, JC and CA. The bad news is NB is more talented than all of them. We have too much average players, why not try to make them part of deals is beyond me. Where are going to get playing time for MA, AD, MF, JW & TR if we buy a DM? OG & cash for Cavani would be a good deal knowing PSG trying to get Di Maria and remain compliant with FFp, but i guess buying Alexis closes the gap between AFC, City & CFC.
I think you will find Suarez has a good few inches and pounds on Sanchez
Gunnerdna – I think you further my point mate – we don’t have to wait and see on stuff we already know surely? Campbell No2 in a EPL challenging side… please
Nicki, Sanchez is awesome, no doubt.
Re Campbell, just to follow your own line of reasoning – if you can’t score buckets in the Greek league (only 8/31) while playing for the best team in the competition, do you really think he is what we need to win the PL?
I simply have to laugh.
Reading the papers its like Liverpool have beaten Arsenal to Remy….etc etc
Now I would have like to get him in as he is fast and EPL proven.
But was it a case of Arsenal wanted Remy OR Remy wanted Arsenal???
I feel its more of the latter.
IMO I do not think there were any enquiries by AW on him.
Nickie, you make some good points re the striking situation..
Arsenal have made two signings, 3rd should be shortly. Add a DM and replacement for TV and that’l be five. Including JC, that’s six..
AW to bring in 7 new players in one summer? Highly unlikely… imo of course..
“I think you will find Suarez has a good few inches and pounds on Sanchez” is that your only problem with Sanchez playing CF? lol if so it’s not a good one
Last time….Sanchez can play and is effective as a CF….He is just as good as when he plays wings.
Our strikeforce is……
And suggesting Cavani is a good buy is silly…
Have you not seen his last year for club and country, he couldn’t hit a barn door he’s been atrocious and is no where near worth as much as some are touting. To get rid of a forward that scores and creates plus money for him wouldn’t be good business
Night Cg, Hi oz..
lol I can’t believe people are saying JC is number 2 striker. Sanchez is
Oz, we signed Sanchez and replace our starting RB and suddenly we have enough strikers, its laughable. If we are not getting a CF we need Reus to even start dreaming about anything. When it seems the years of make do is gone its slowly creeping back in.
A goal without a plan is just a wish.
You’re right why isn’t he scoring more goals….
Firstly he’s still young learning his trade
Secondly he wouldn’t have the likes of Ozil, Sancez, Walcott etc laying it on a plate for him
Thirdly he still looks unfit, Arsenal will definitely get him up to speed.
The kid will score goals, He is a good 3rd choice striker.
When we think of 1st and 2nd choice they’re the ones who will be starting games. 3rd choice starts CC games and prem league games in the rare occurrence that you’re all out of options up front
Nickie , I can see where you are coming from on most of your posts but clinging on to Diaby and fitness is just plain folly. I hope the guy does stay fit and I would really like to see him have a great season but he cannot be relied upon. It would be foolish If we don’t improve on Arteta and flamini and then he breaks down again in September once more we would be up sh*t creek without the proverbial paddle.
Potter I agree 100%, I do think we need another CM in for the role next to Ramsey. I know Diaby is just a pipe dream. I mean in an ideal world he would be fit and we wouldn’t have these implications over the CM role.
For me, if we have a fair bit of money left over we should take Martinez from Bayern
Nice stability with Martinez. Ramsey putting in the leg work. Good balance of pace and creativity in the forward areas. Giroud for hold up/link up and a bit of muscle.
I liked Arteta from his time at Everton. I liked Flamini’s all action style. I like Diaby as well.
But we must realise that a club like AFC has to overcome and look beyond who one likes or not. This is the EPL we are talking about. It is three players who are either past their best or injured all the time.
We cannot afford to rely on these three. Granted, Diaby has had his finest pre season. but what if he gets injured after the window closes, as Potter pointed out.
tbh……..even Wilshere falls into this category. This is his make or break season. He must overcome his injuries, his running into blind alleys and his inconsistency. Above all he must overcome his attitude.
This is what I criticize of AW…..he treats the majority of his players as if they were his own sons.
Sorry but SAF treated them as his own children up till the time they did what he wanted. If not, they would have been shown the door.
Nickie, “And suggesting Cavani is a good buy is silly”. Check Cavani stats for Napoli & PSG compared to any of the players you mention as strikers and see which 1 is better. Enner Valencia that signed for WH scored more goals at the WC than Aguero does that make him better than Aguero?
That’s a fair point. I did say in the last season he’s been dreadful. That would discount your Napoli stats. I’m sorry for for 40-60m no thank you
good post Devil – this summer is taking on a very familiar look to me and i am personally quite worried we will end up with little added depth or improvement in critical areas. Wait and see they say… another all to familiar comment
Oh, just for some daydreaming, this from 50 minutes ago – Benzema’s back 😉
we made so many references to how Suarez never delivered against the top sides – how many did Giroud deliver during last years maulings against the top sides?
If we are going on stats..
37 games played 21 goals 3 assists = 40-60m
45 games played 19 goals 10 assists = 12m
This was last season with Cavani in arguably a stronger side than Arsenal against much weaker opposition.
Who actually is the better player?
They look roughly the same based on stats.
This is why I do not want Cavani
Gdna, not sure why you suggest the years of making do are creeping back.
The conversation is taking place purely because AW has intimated that he’s not looking for any more forward options.
Surely from that, people here are just discussing what options we have should the transfer window close and we haven’t signed another striker.
Maybe we should wait and see what really happens before getting to stressed about things. It is after all only the 21st July…
Good point ozgunner, what we all want is strengthening. Replacing Sagna or Verm with like for like is not strengthening. So far we are +1 Sanchez points.
Nickie, stats, arrrrggggg lol
No Cavani for me either, totally waste of an awful lot of money….
Hello everyone…
The issue of CF is one we’ll have to agree to disagree. We have depth in CF area but not required quality. Personally, i think Wenger is right not to go for another at this point in pre-season although that might change by mid August. A lot depends on how Sanchez performs and none of us has any idea including the boss. If he turns out awesome we will have a great season if not then we can go all out next year for genuine quality(not Remy). I’ll rather we fill up the spaces at GK, DM and CB.
If Sanchez is anything like Suarez, then expect all around him to raise their game. We saw it with Ozil and our Midfield plus Suarez and Sterling especially. If we gonna have a succesful season then 70 percent of it will be down to what we do on the training ground(insert Boro Primorac).
Sorry I had to go there Rico Gunnerdna made me
Oz, since when was spending 32 million familiar 🙂
Rico – you have been around a while, tell me will Wenger really buy anyone to seriously threaten the rather average Giroud in your opinion? Thought not.
Devil. Agree totally.
he has…Sanchez
Gdna does that to us all sometimes Nickie.. 😉
Apology accepted..
Let’s keep it ‘nice’ guys and gals…. 🙂
I think Sanchez will put Giroud under serious threat Oz and tbh, yes, I think he may just sign a player who will push Giroud all the way..
But I’m not for spending big money on a big name just for the sake of it – had we signed Remy, I think he might even have pushed Giroud.
Nickie, end the debate because i watched Cavani play and its unfair to compare him to OG12. I’m just not 1 of the fan who sees everything good arsenal when its far from the truth.
lol i’m loving the fierce debate….we are all gooners here we are a gooner family! we all want what’s best for Arsenal and will all have opinions that differentiate. I mean no malice, harm or nastiness by my comments 🙂
Just believe that Sanchez will be a CF option when Giroud is out or needs a break. Came from Wenger’s mouth himself
Jeff, I think you have a point there, pre-season will show AW where JC, Sanogo, Afobe and Akpom are at. If none really show any metal, they could all be back out on loan and AW signs another.
When Giroud is out or needs a break – and thereby lies the tale of a man who can’t see what is needed and Giroud ain’t it
I’m not saying Giroud is world class he’s far from it. I just feel Cavani currently isn’t playing his greatest football and isn’t worth the huge sum of money. I’ve also watched Cavani and can’t say i’ve been too impressed when I have. If we were to sign him i’d give him a great welcome and hope that he proves me wrong.
I was referring to Arsene there Nickie not you of course
Gdna, but when one compares the goal to game ratio for both players, they are not that far apart 🙂
Hi all. My biggest concern is the lack of centre-back cover. Miquel couldn’t even get in the Leicester side so no way is he the answer! On a different point. Has anyone had the misfortune to buy the end of season DVD? What a complete shambles! Most of the footage looks like it has been taken off people’s mobile phones in the crowd. Check out the reviews on amazon. Absolute disgrace. A big complaint is on its way.
Because Wenger fancies a Bender,it’s not to say his a bad person…
oz – I think AW does see it, he admitted at the end of the season that he overplayed players and he has learned from it..
Also, i disagree that we’ve not strenghtened the team. Debuchy for Sagna seems about right to me. Ospina for Fab(if it happens) is definitely an upgrade. Sanchez for Lord Bendtner and Park is a massive upgrade.if Verm leaves, we need to find a defender that can partner with Mert and/or Kos which will be another upgrade.
Bj, you and me both.
Not Miquel, not Djourou either. A CB and CDM would be the next two in if I had my way. And the keeper of course.
True Bob,
Even if we keep Verm i’d like to see another CB come in. Joleon Lescott on a free would have been handy.
Remy is going to be on a £100,000p/w wage according to local reports here in liverpool. Rogers is really splashing the cash.
I would like to think that we have a situation arising where Wenger could use his attacking resource not only to rest players but alter the style of attack from opponent to opponent. Giroud as a rough comparison to say Alan Smith whereas Sanchez could be like Wrighty ( please) . Joel Campbell like his namesake Kevin , but where that leaves Sir no goals , possibly Lee Chapman.
Gdna… Sorry mate but i agree with Nickie. I don’t think Cavani is a good enough striker. He’s in the same class with Rooney which is not really a problem but there is nothing in his game which suggests he can still improve. Having said that I believe Giroud is benefitting from Lack of Real Strikers in the Modern Game plus the fact he offers something different. Eight years ago, he might have been playing for a mid table team
Potter- I think Sir-no-goal should be sent out on loan then promote Akpom who is the better player at the moment
I will drink to that Emma , lets help the postman to return to sender
Agree potter, a few differing attack styles really would be refreshing..
“Gdna… Sorry mate but i agree with Nickie. I don’t think Cavani is a good enough striker. He’s in the same class with Rooney which is not really a problem but there is nothing in his game which suggests he can still improve. Having said that I believe Giroud is benefitting from Lack of Real Strikers in the Modern Game plus the fact he offers something different. Eight years ago, he might have been playing for a mid table team” LMFAO
Rico your wish is granted.
If I was Arsene, I wouldn’t buy any other forward. I’d get Ospina(or any other good one), get Khedira (or any other very strong DM), replace TV(if he really goes) and kick off my season!
We just won a cup…all the players couldn’t be bad and we did! A very great player has just been added to same attack and none left. A DM will add to the middle and no one is leaving here. Debuchy has already replaced Sagna!
Campbell, Diaby – all new signings. We can’t mend it in just one summer. Arsenal is not such club…we do things carefully and methodically! Be happy with what we got so far. If we add a great DM, it’s a great summer!
emma, £100k a week, that’s crazy money but I guess when your desperate… 😉
Potter…Agree with your 1:43. Although Sanogo needs to score soon. When Fergie bought Zaha Jan last year, my manc supporting brother said he should have bought Sanogo instead. When Arsene took Sanogo, He said both Clubs should do a swap deal. He insisted that Sanogo would not make it at Arsenal and Zaha would fail at United but each would succeed at the other’s club. So far he’s been proven true.
I am enjoying kicking back reading the comments..
Emma, Nickie, joy etc fighting the points I would normally be accused of relying on stats to dedate… 😀
As I say its always those who bash stats who are the first to use stats to make a point… lol
On the other hand I am missing when and where Sanchez became a prolific striker though?
He will add a whole lot to our game but its a pipe dream atm to expect him to score 20+ goals imho…
Yes he scored nearly 40 odd goals in under 90 games for Barca but lets try to give the boy a chance…
Gdna, everyone is entitled to a view, not be laughed at, you know the rules and you also know what happens when they are broken. Your choice.
how many would you score Ginge?
Obviously if you are given the right conditions!!!!!! 😛
He’s definitely got the players to try alternative attacking methods. Wenger loves a player who can play in more position than one. We have plenty of those upfront, hopefully we see some wonderful attacking football this season
right conditions meaning he gets to wear his socks in sandals
lol! 😉
Rico, sorry if i’m being disrespectful, but its laughable because most of the players people talk about its obvious they never seen them play. Alexis is a striker, lord help me. lol
He has varying player styles available but he is also famous for having a method and keeping to it. Far too frequently his substitutions provide fresh legs but no change in system.
Fred, don’t start on the Bender’s or we’ll have Lee on here getting carried away… 😉
Nevermind about Cavani, the answer has to be Saloman Kalou…
I didn’t say he was our number one striker did I? I said he can be used as a striker. Obviously you do not watch players or games. Sanchez vs England – Striker – Scored. Sanchez as recently as the world cup played striker and scored. Preferably i’d like Alexis on the left wing supporting Giroud. If Giroud is injured i’d have 0 complaints about Alexis playing Striker as i’ve “seen ” him play there. I’m not engaging in that debate anymore. I’ve said my piece on it, let’s let it rest now, silly to let things escalate.
Dev, a FAT naught but 0 is hard to prove in science so… 😉
Kalou, now there’s a player we can all relate to 😉 lol
hi all,
My 2 pence on the striker situation.
Afobe to be sold
Joel Campbell to be used as a sub sparingly
Akpom to get a prem club loan
Sano-goal to go on loan on the continent
It will be OG12 middle, Sanchez left Walcott right in a 4-3-3
JC will be OG’s sub, Poldi Sanchez’s and Gnabry TW14’s.
Its a shame we wont give the youth a chance, and had in the past persidted with donkeys like NB52…Remember other strikers we had that did not get a look in?
Jay Simpson anyone? he scored at every loan…
Lansbury is one pof the main men at soon to come up forest.
I wouldnt be too upset if we didnt sign another striker. Podolski has to up his game imo.
People are merely suggesting that Sanchez will bring us goals Dgna… An I suspect some people laugh at some of the stuff you write but are far to polite to tell you…
Ts, Those you mention were merely talking goals, assists etc, not how far a player has run, how many tackles he’s made or how his heat map shows the player is top class…
Agree re Pod.
Where do you see Ox playing this season then? He’d pip RW cover instead of Gnabry for me. I really hope Akpom has a chance to shine
In this league you need a focal point/spearhead. That is the reason why Torres did well with Crouch but has struggled on his own..
We need a striker but Aw has other ideas so lets hope he stays fit..
But looking at our history, our performances after major tournaments have not been good.
Chile have the continental cup next season and AS will be doing a lot of Vela imho…
Lets not put pressure on Sanchez….
Apart from Rico I have always defended Theo too as a big game player but to me he is just that…
Since he signed his contract how many goals has he scored?
Even last season his goals in this league came against 3 teams only… plus 1 against OM in the UCL.
We cant rely on him as a striker imho…
From the AFC Website
Alexis Sanchez Profile
Born December 19, 1988
Tocopilla, Chile
Position: Striker
Squad Number: 17
Previous Club(s) Cobreloa, Colo-Colo, River Plate, Udinese, Barcelona
So, we can all await apologies from a few!
Rico, so how will you measure a DM’s performance?
did Barca not have him listed as a foward winger??
Hi George…
The AFC Website never lies! lol 🙂
Hi George… Hope al is well…
Gnabry will play in CM mates.
Mark my words. He is earmarked for that spot.
Even the Ox will play there.
Walcott, Sanchez, Cazorla, Podolski will be the main players on the flanks.
Giroud, Campbell and Akpom (maybe Afobe as well) will be used through the middle.
Forget about Gnabry being used on the wing.
imo…..a GK, CB and a holding midfielder to come. only those three.
the rest is mere speculation.
Rico, that up to them, that’s fine with me.
I am with you Dev;
I still think Ox needs a coupleof years on the wings though.
Why will someone think about offering †̥ђƺ best hold up play striker in Europe(probably in †̥ђƺ world),with cash for cavani?That’s pathetic.Well we are entitled to our own opinion but I would take any idea or opinion from someone who think arteta wears †̥ђƺ number 0 jersey for arsenal.Lol
If I am daft to defend a defender or DM by referring to his tackles or interceptions or distance run in a game then well it is what it is …
Personally, i don’t and will never rate a player on the number of goals a player has scored or assists because if that was the case then Lampard is better than Iniesta, Schweinsteiger or Xavi…
Kohler scored loads of goals but was still shite.
As someone who collects official stats etc I have always been against referring to stats or chances created…
If Cesc passes to Yaya Sir No Goal, 7 out of 10 times he will miss whilst Denilson might pass the ball 10 times to CR07 or Inzaghi and he will most likely score 7 out of 10 times…
I may not have played the game professionally but I trust my judgement and have talked about players before they have been known or rated…
That was why I always rated Ramsey ahead of JW and even got ridiculed on here several times but hey…
lol Sukky
Ryo Miyaichi also listed as striker on the AFC Website???
Hi Rico, Ginge and all.
Nickie, like JW , the ox will play centrally and the pressure is on both englishmen to raise their game.I think HRD @2:21 is with me on this ..
Rico, Dubai is really changing my fortunes for the better. Its nice…any of the HH crew who come out here can email me and we can go for a munch and a few bevvies.
I will be more than happy if AS gives us the same return as OG12 . those extra 15 goals (PARK NB52 and Poldi did not manage , irrespective of game time) may make all the difference.
Goalie position and a class CB for the likely departure of TV5 is top priority. The youngsters we have can cover the other positions except CB and goalie.
Makes the decision to let Doorman Mannone all the more strange now as he is miles better than Martinez , and just as good as flappers last season. Wonder how he is gonna like being sunderlands no2 after a good season with kak defenders infront of him..
I will return the compliment Ginge and this time I am with you. I have always rated Ramsey as better than JW (imo he is a tad over rated) seeing that the former’s brain is on his shoulders while the latter’s brain is covered by his pants.
Eyes Ts…
Well, not on here Gdna eh…
Ryo Miyachi’s Arsenal career is over, he’s irrelevant.
I’m not sure if I like Ox cm. I love his wing play, it will certainly be interesting to see how he evolves as a cm though
its fair to say ryo hasnt quite developed the way we were expecting…id be very surprised if he was still with us come end of august. Sneaky feeling is he will sign for feyernoord where he had a good loan. They have had a few high profile departures and it wuld appease their fans and earn us a few quid hopefully
Right now Ramsey is way ahead of Jack and that will remain the case unless Jack get’s his game sorted out – but they are two different styles of player imo…
I think another move to Eredivisie will be good for Ryo. George…
Rico, everyone is a different style of player….even those who play in the same position. The problem lies between the ears. Its the attitude which makes the difference. There is no physical difference between what Jack and Aaron can achieve. But the brains and attitude are what makes them different. And that is where Aaron is way ahead of Jack.
Both are footballers. But one is a mature one while the other is still not there.
let’s not kid ourselves Afobe will never play for AFC he will be released eventually, imo we don’t need a striker, Giroud 1st season 12goals, 2nd season 22 goals what do you think about the third season? you don’t want AW to buy players because we need numbers, JC is a very good striker, won’t talk about TW and AS because I believe you know how great they are, like I always say we don’t always rate our Arsenal players, I will take Grioud over Benzema 10 times out of 10 and stop rating Akpom he is still learning talk about him next season
Agree Devil, which is why I wouldn’t compare the way they play but yes, Ramsey’s football brain is way ahead…
Really hope Jack can make great strides this season…
Nickie- at a point I thought Ramsey’s arsenal career was over, I even read a post on a blogging site making jest of his interview about playing alongside a fit JW so never say never about Ryo also he’s still young
Jack needs an extra 30-40% fitness. He sticks out like a sore thumb when we’re chasing the game or are not in possession. This will raise his game immediatly. Secondly he needs some serious tactical briefing on how to play his position (someone mentioned on here previously this was happening but the results aren’t showing. Keep teaching Jack so his position is ingrained into his brain) He also needs to start by doing the simple things great ie shorter passing. When he’s gained all of this he can begin his runs with the ball with confidence and build from there.
you are 100% right Luznic. I always said that we need a good back up though because if OG gets injured we will be up shit creek as we do not have a natural ball holding striker like him at the club who has got raw strength and physical power. The thing is we need four, yes FOUR, fast forwards in the Theo/Sanchez mould who will play on the flanks. Back ups we have Podolski and Cazorla, who are not so fast as the other two.
Imo there should be times when Cazorla plays in the hole, Ozil on the right flank and Podolski on the left with either Theo and Sanchez up front so that we can change the style a bit.
Ryo obviously has talent , as has sanogo and afobe…but realistically they are not up to the standard. Joel campbell and Chuba Akpom are the youngsters showing more at the moment.
Nickie, the ox can play anywhere centrally.
As for youngsters who will go the way steve sidwell went:
Ryo, Afobe, Aneke(already gone), miguel. THey will make careers but not at Arsenal. Its a shame as at one pointy Afobe was wanted by the spanish giants, such was his promise before injury
Four strikers in the mould of TW and AS you say? won’t that be flooding the team with the same type of players but for me I believe we are stocked enough to begin the new season in that department
OG12 made the most % of defensive clearances for us after Kosser..
yesterday i posted a video of Morgan vs Arsenal and in that game only he won/made 2 goal bound headers… that could have been the difference between 2-2 or 3-2 i.e £25M or £30m.
Imho he does more for the team than can ever be quantified…
you raise a good point in OG12’s defensive shift for the team Ginge…where our back for miss the header OG wins it
George – Sir-no-goal will surprise you, if AW persists with a player just give him time……..its evident with Ramsey, the only reason I won’t talk much about the Ryo issue is because he has not played enough for the Arsenal but he has talent, the problem I believe he has is fitness…..
Luznic…..I should have explained it better…….Cazorla should be understudy to Ozil, Podolski (though I love him a lot) should either be OG’s reserve or sold, while we need two other flank players in the mould and speed of TW14 and AS17.
Exactly George. something we have needed for awhile especially against bottom of the half teams on the wrong side of Christmas…
Luznic. OG12 has AFC DNa now and is unfortunately due an injury… 😉
We can’t rely on him alone…
Personally, I am not too bothered about pace… before OG12 we ahd pace in abundance but lacked grit. We now have a good mix.
What we need is variety to our game… a Wiltord or Reyes on for Kanu or DB10 type of change when we need goals.
At the moment we bring off Poldi and ask SC19 to do what Poldi failed to do.
There are plenty of times Wenger’s persistence has failed.
Just a couple of examples
Agree mate, there is a greater balance to this team. The best balance in years
Personally I believe SC19 and Poldi have it in them but they always fail to apply themselves..
Is it not funny how both started to track back and run more than 7km per game when they realised their national team managers were finalising the squad for the world cup…
My biggest concern for Prince Poldi is that he may accept he cant make the squad for the next Euros and just coast along… Reus can’t have another such hard luck.
Ox is very god but tactically I am not sure he ready for a CM role on a permanent bases especially without someone like Ramsey to do the donkey work for him…
Ox has played CM 4 times for us… the first time was with Song against Milan; the second time against NUFC on match day 38 in the 2012-2013 season whenArteta came off and he ended up playing CM with Ramsey… Ramsey did all the donkey work.
Last season he played 2 times in that role and we lost on all occasions and should have been sent off instead of gibbs against Chelsea….
In the 2 games we lost there was no Ramsey to both cover him tactically and do the donkey work as well…
Dev, also re Boy Wonder vs Jack the boy… one was gifted a no.10 shirt when he was not ready whilst the other had to work hard to be spotted from cardiff.. lol
Ts, re Morgan. He also looks good when watching.. lol
Glenda hoddle said it best a few weeks back…
If football was merely about skills and talent then the south Americans and Africans will always win the world cup…
But as we see both continents develop their players to just play the game i.e playground; An example is David Luiz.. a very good player but he is not a professional footballer on the pitch…
Whilst the Europeans like Germans and Italians are thought from a very young age to understand the game…
If it wasn’t so a player like Bastian Schweinsteiger wont have moved from a right footed left winger 5 seasons ago to be dubbed the best or one of the best in the DM role for 3 seasons in a role…
Can you imagine Theo or Joe cole being asked to play CM? lol
Eboue had more skills and Athleticism than Lahm but one has brains and the other is on Syg’s wanted list.. 🙂
🙂 Rico
I don’t look at him that way 😉
You know what I mean Ts – as a footballer… 😉
Rico……he looks at Morgana that way. 😉
Nipping off for an hour or so, catch up later….
🙂 Devil…
Coach, I have to disagree with you mio amigo.
I think that Akpom and Gnabry will stay out wide, as will AOC, for the time being.
In time, you will be almost certainly proved right.
I’m just looking at the situatikn as it is now.
I suppose what we have in these players, is versatility, players thay can inter-change positions and still look comfortable.
We saw it in spells last season.
A kind of Total Football, a la Holland, from the 70’s 80’s.
But with a modern twist…
If that makes sense habib.
luznic…i admire sanogoals effort and application, he can bully defenders…he badly needs one to go in, instead of hitting the post all the time.
of course it does make sense habib.
That is my expertise on future footballers taking over. hehe.
what you said is right.
But I feel that there will be games where Gnabry will play in the centre this season.
regarding the versatility always remember this…..hyrbrid forward thinking footballers and hybrid defensive minded footballers. That is what AW wants.
To me it seems as if Arsene is always trying assemble the minimum squad required. Trying to make do with inferior squad quality-wise so as not to upset anybody. We will be competing twice or sometimes three times a week in four competitions and with travelling, suspensions and injuries, we will still come up short. Personally I would try a touch of overload where I could and see which players rise within that meritocracy. Those that don’t should be sold. Unless Wenger buys another couple of world class players we will still be sailing close to the wind and hoping for the best.
No way should TV be sold to Man Utd. No way.
Hi Adam,
Im with you on TV5 . Let him see out his year, rather than aid an oppnent.If he really wants it, he could start for us.
Hi George. 🙂
LMFAO……there goes the lamp post of the golden generation (sic)
That makes sense Coach.
Hi Adam, totally agree re: Verm, as you know.
In 12 months time, ManUre’s priorities will be elsewhere as they will have sourced a c/h from elsewhere.
Retain Vermaelen and offer him a new contract.
Well I just sourced a delicious toasted cheese sandwich.
Lets show some balls for a change… even BVB held onto Lewandowski for a season when there was no chance for him to re-sign…
Kev. Hi mate. I imagine Wenger will want Smalling. As long as it’s not Ashley Young. Don’t tell Rico I said that though. 🙂
Rico, if the Khedira signing is not announced for some odd reason, probably due to shortage of special ink in AFC HQ would you mind a post sprinkled with some dubious stats from non other than moi? 🙂
Kev, would TV5 take a new contract off us , knowing per and Kos are the preferred CB pairing?
afternoon all, so no striker i.e (centre forward) brought in again,a farce again. look on sanchez wiki page, He,s a right winger. who can play as a striker. wenger is simply buyin to replace players that are leaving, debuchy for sagna, goalie for fabianski and a centre back if vermaelan goes. Have to depend on giroud for another 50 games. I think people have got excited to soon about this season.we,ll see.
George. Can Per have another season as good as the last? Or has Alan Hansen delivered the Jock Kiss Of Death by constantly highlighting his lack of pace? 🙂
Cant agree more with Tai @ 1: 53pm spoke,my mind.
Afternoon Rico and the House.
Within the last hour Arsene was asked ” What position do you see J/W playing in the future”?
Without hesitation he replied Deep laying M/F sitting in front of the defenders. He added Jack cannot play with his back to the opponents he neads the ball in front of him. Will we be seeing him rotating with M/A next seasn?
Rick I feel that position is Jack’s best by far. He is not Aaron in the sense of B2B midfielder. His lack of pace will be exposed if he plays as a B2B.
However to play there he needs to release the ball quicker and be careful where to foul opponents, otherwise we will have another Song in front of the defence.
Adam, alan hasen as good as a player is a ding dong end as a commentator lol, per will be buzzing (he has the world cup on CV) i am expecting a much fitter and faster squad this year (we signed that johnny big 1’s as a fitness coach) -hell, we might even see jack stay on his feet , get a run from poldi and half a season out of diaby!
Hi Rick.
AW was merely saying what had been said on HH for years now.. 🙂
You are spot on Dev but I think that is something Bould will sort out.
Kev another very good post. I started to have that feeling in March of last year when every one was calling for Arsene to be sacked.
I can pinpoint a couple of games when I first noticed it.(latta).
Ginge I just cannot understand what is going on with Serge.
As far as I know there is no info of what his injury is how it happened and how long he is out for.
BUT he has stated he is in the squad for New York which I am told will anouncd today.
Thanks Rick.I knew you would come up with the info… hope you are well btw?
Yes JW to me is a traditional no.6 who does not know it.. he is made for it… he just needs to forget he is meant to be an English Footballing Messiah…
That was why I have always said on here we need a Morgan-type who can cover a lot of ground or someone to rotate with Ramsey next to Arteta and JW…
Then again we have a media will dribble over Pirlo but failed to appreciate Carrick. How is JW might to restrain himself when he will only make the back pages if he scores or assists…
As I always say until us fans stop measuring a players ability on how many goals he scores we will be destroying out better players before they have matured enough to resist the vile that the press print…
Lothar Matthias hardly ever scored but is a world’s great; the same as Schweinsteiger etc
Yes re the post Ts, please. Just not one full of stats and stats alone, otherwise HH will crash! lol
Adam, here was me thinking you knew I didn’t really want Young… 😉
Evening all, i see we had a bit of a debate today.
Evening Bt, it was in the main, quite healthy… 😉
Evening Bt62.
Mates, Jack’s lack of pace and tactical maturity will mean that he will need time to develop. Imo that means that he will have to be used in the right matches and rested every now and then. That also means that we will not see the best of JW as a holding midfielder till he is 27 years old. Hence that is why AFC’s enquify for people like Khedira. He can play as a B2B but not stifle JW10’s growth. And (if I am not mistaken) Ginge was right. JW should not have been given the number 10. That should have gone to someone like Cazorla or Ozil, or better still Aaron.
I compare JW to a young Xavi. We did not see the best of him till he was 27/28. Then he became a monster in that role.
The problem with JW is that he holds on to the ball too much. Remember Sebastian Perez who came on trial for us last season but was refused a work permit? Imo he is more suited to the holding role (presently) than JW is atm. Why you may ask? For the simple reason that SP used to have at most three touches…..he knew where to pass the ball before he received it. And was already there for the return and the pass forward or diagonally. He kept things simple and efficient. And he used to get stuck in as well.
JW takes more than three touches….sometimes going on a dribble. Granted….this puts people on the edge of their seat. But at what cost? Dispossession in dangerous areas. Fouled in the wrong areas. And both dangerous for us.
Even near the opponents penalty area I see certain dribbles as quite unnecessary and unhealthy. JW is different than TR07 in this regard. I prefer the ball at TR’s feet in a dribble than JW. Why? For the simple reason that JW feet (in the physiological sense) different than TR. TR can control the ball like Hleb used to. Jack cannot. Look at TR and AH’s feet. Small feet which could have been on a ballet dancer. Jack’s feet are bigger. So he cannot do the same dribble as the other two.
Plus TR has an inbuilt mechanism in his brain which tells him when to release the ball. Jack does not. Yet.
Ospina,A done deal!
Evening all
I think we’d look defensively frail with Jack/Aaron. Jack isn’t a very good tackler/winner of possession. I feel he’d need to sit next to a more defensively minded player if he is to prosper in that role
Sure sucks being an Arsenal supporter this summer Bt62 !
tsgh, neither compare to the great johnny jensen.
That is why I said that JW will be ready for that role when he is 27 Nickie. So he should be used sparingly in that role and with certain teams only. Or in rubber duck matches. SAy for example the team has 12 pts in the CL, qualified in 1st place and two matches remain. Then he should play there. Not before in the big matches.
Dev, that’s what is one of my biggest frustrations about Jack. His inability to release the ball at the right time, which usually ends in him losing possession or going down in a heap
yeah sorry dev my page loaded up funny, only saw the second half of your post.
I still think we need a proper greedy pacey out and out goal scorer…..
Didn’t jack win goal of the season last year, a real team effort.
Dev, didn’t know we even tried for permit, from what i saw of him, (which wasn’t much) he looked all right. Kept it simple,moved the ball at the right time,move about for the return,tackled and was aware of other players around him.Seemed to know his position and how to play it, as you say “efficient” shame really, looked promising on his brief appearance.
If we don’t get a DM kind of player this summer, nothing will change.
And I’m with Lee, we still need a pacey striker who knows where the goal is but not Cavani 😉
of course we need a greedy goal poacher Rico. INZAGHI anytime. sadly he has retired. Or Di Natale. SAdly he is 36 years old.
Lee, as a mate of mine would say “one greedy bustard”.
He did Micko, more of the same this season from him is needed…
Devil, I wouldn’t be unhappy if we got Hernandez off of the Mancs, IF TV is to go there.
Although like Adam, I wouldn’t sell that lot a flu bug!
Dinner calls, back shortly
night all…good debate..bon appetit Rico
All about scratching under the surface, I knew he must have done something right last season rico !!!
I would not like to do any deals with the lot at the manure dump however I would give them TommyV plus 5 million if Smalling and Hernandez came the other way. An English EPL defender and a goal poacher for one CB.
Sadly it will never come to fruition.
Night George and thanks..
How far did you scratch Micko?
It won’t devil, but it should. Saying that, it’s IG and Dickie doing the dealings, maybe they’ll be a lot more ruthless…
Ditto- Dev
Micko, I heard Aeroflot are after you for you comments last night 🙂
Rico, its hard for me to take out all the heat maps.. 😉
Agree Devil on age regarding Jack,centre mid,
when you put young lads in against mature players,your can throw away the stats no matter how much talent,
in a one off game,experience nearly always wins.
Liverpool are really spending big and Brenda still wants more….
Oh dear then Ts…. lol
Remind you of anyone local rico.
Not at Arsenal Fred, no, but there’s a club which the sun never shines over that has done something similar…
But now they are looking at Reus, Pogba and Isco apparently… Ouch!
Really??? Reus, Pogba and Isco??? Do you know how much that lot will cost Rico???
like in our situation…..all bollox imo.
Journos need to sell the papers.
Rico your inbox please…
As Micko will say don’t shoot the messenger… lol
Dev, are the bin dippers buying all 3 of those players?
Brenda has been playing a lot of FM14 with his son I guess… lol
That’s the rumour mill Devil, ok they won’t get all but as they sign players they are building a deep squad….
Rico, apparently WC is also owned by a third party.
Steve G retiring from Int football must mean a public holiday in Liverpool
Not even one imo. Isco??? not when RM did all the tricks to get him. Reus…..better fish and bigger ponds for him. Pogba??? Not when RM, Manure, etc are after him. they have already spent over 100mill. And where will they put all those players??? would they risk unrest???
then again….they might be mad.
Negredo is injured… Mancity back on market for striker…
😀 Dev
Have replied Ts, thank you.
Carvalho Ts? if so, no chance Arsenal will get involved surely..
Negredo will be back by the end of August apparently…
just replied..
Yep Carvalho.. reason even Yanited walked apparently…
So soon re Negredo
According to reports Ts – yes, however, I somehow doubt it. Just two fixtures Sky said he’d miss….
Ts, you would think clubs, would’ve known this before making an approach.
Morning all.
we are going to sleep now Scott. 😉
how is winter over there?
morning dinkum
Bt, you would.
I’m off guys, night all….
Devil, it’s pretty cold in the mornings but once the sun pops up it’s ok.
Stark contrast to your part of the world ATM 🙂
Bondex, thanks…
You see, I just started making comments on HH. I like the forum, even though Rico told me, and bluntly at that, a link to my blog I begged her to read wasn’t worth her time.
I’m beginning to get worried. One of the reasons I love Arsenal is doing things the Arsenal way. We believe in giving youths from our ranks a chance. Marquee signings have never been Arsenal’s way…even though times change and we have to tag along with the times…hence Ozil and now Sanchez.
I curse Chelsea for letting a talent like Josh McChacrean disappear…in my rating, that’s a boy in same class with Wilshere…Lukaku was thrown out in place of Eto’O… David Puazon is in same class with Ramsey…. but Chelsea’s policy since Abramovich of buying trophies may have prematurely ended the careers of these youngsters.
From most comments here, it is very clear that a lot would urge us to go the Chelsea way if we truly had the cash. Then why accuse Chelsea, Man City of buying trophies?
Football is a business…investors must make profit….we can’t push our dear club into excessive spending like those with sugar daddies. Clubs must break even or this beautiful game eventually gets phased out.
If we buy James Lodriguez, Khedira, Verane…I’d take a second look at still supporting Arsenal…success is not when you achieve a feat with maximum investment … it’s achieving so much with minimum investment. To me, the best team of last season’s UCL is Athletico Madrid, not the Real Madrid that won the trophy.
Football is a trophy and winners game. We’re not exactly following Chelsea and City. The money we’re spending is money we’ve made. We haven’t had some oil rich Billionaire give us money to splash. We have done it the classy and proper way so I have no problem in spending money after years of paying off a huge stadium. I’m not sure all Arsenal fans are concerned with the amount of money spent but the quality of the players we bring in. I for one am proud that we are now buying players of world class quality and we have done it with a self sustaining business model.
Teo, I don’t believe Rico, meant it, in the way you have interpreted it.
I also don’t think we’re paying over the odds when you look at Luiz for £50m, Shaw 27-30m, Felliani 27m, Herrera 30m. It’s just market value now, Wenger has done well to capture sanchez for 30m. You have a point about youth, we still do give youth chances more than other teams in the top 4 bar Liverpool i’d say. Again we should be proud of that
Good point you made. I quite agree but …
Buying a player just doesn’t end with transfer fees…wages take a larger chunk…having made our funds to spend doesn’t mean you jump into the pool with both feet. Imho, we’ve done well thus far…just a solid DM, a reserve keeper and we’re good to go…
Bt, there’s no other way to interpret Rico’s response to my humble request. I mean, I support this team from over 3000 km away in my country, Nigeria…I spend time and resources to follow, read everything posted in her blog…and just glance at mine once and she bluntly told me off. It was a subtle way of telling me I wasn’t actually welcome here. But I love Arsenal more than personal scorn.
Wages are all taken into consideration when the deal is put in place. If it doesn’t fit Arsenal Football Club’s business model they certainly wouldn’t go through with the deal a la Khedira. Decent footballers aren’t cheap anymore and if we can do it we definitely should.
I agree we need a DM and GK(Ospina). I still believe we would be light of CB cover even if Verm doesn’t leave.
Night all, happy dreams
Nickie, night mate,catch you later.
Ivan Gazidas 10.14, our business plan is better than yours, sensible, prudent, financial management, that’s all us fans want ! And a couple more world class signings before setember 1st please, you it makes sense Nickie !
Teo, i still think you have the wrong end of the stick,Rico and others, run a fair and pretty tolerant house. By all accounts Rico is a feisty person, i’m sure if you were not welcome, you would’ve been told by now.
Micko, deck chairs at the ready.
There’s only one way to settle this……a blink off !
Are you a Rory fan Bt62 ? Nice to see a golfer come along who can actually keep his balls on the green for a change !
Not really Micko, but have noticed, when he keeps his balls out of the rough, it’s certainly more profitable.
And his clubs in the bag for that matter, that’s enough of my wittering, nite all.
Was having a sly dig at tiger Bt62, catch ya tomorrow.
I know Micko, i was having sly dig at Rory. later mate.
I have it on good authority that the Ospina deal has collapsed because Arsene thinks the player`s valuation is too high, and he wants staggered payments!
Good job the manager doesn`t read the comments re Diaby, we would hate to give him any ideas. As I`ve said before, you have to feel sorry for Diaby, but to consider him in any way as a meaningful member if the squad is crazy.
I don`t like the current inaction on the transfer front. It`s as if we have several irons in the fire, but now Arsene has done the big deal, he`s looking to pay peanuts for any other players he brings in.
I`ve just read about Wellington Silva`s new loan to La Liga side Almeria (I must admit I thought it was Almeira, but that must be another club). Good luck mate, and (don`t) keep taking the pizzas.
Funny thing, when Arsene was in Brazil, Arsenal were doing some great business.
Arsene is back, and everything is stalling again…
Can’t Kroenke send him on holiday for a fortnight?
Night Rico, All and Mick.
Morning Lee
Mormon Scott.
Morning Kev and all…..hopefully whilsts Wenger and the team are in the U.S of A more transfers will start to flow!!
Tai. I didn’t say your blog wasn’t worth my time, I merely said that right now, I have a lot on my plate….
Morning Kev, Lee and all….
Hope IG is staying in London whilst AW is in the US
Totts have made an offer for Griezmann according to the Mirror
Good Morning lovely skirt wearers and shorts lovers.
Morning Lady.
Seems the rumour mill is going into super over drive. Now its either one of Smalling/Jones+cash for TommyV. Imo why not get them both???
Makes it worse that you are repeating it, Rico.
Good morning.
morning Rico, Tai, Kev, Dev et al
Douglas Costa, Fred, Dentinho, Teixiera, Ismaily and Ferreyra refuse to return to Shaktar Donetsk after MH17…
Micko send your Gulf stream in for them… and stop taking slight digs at poor old Tiger… 😉
Morning Rico, Lee, Dev and all. I bet Griezman can’t wait to wade through the excrement to get to the fried chicken shops on Tottenham High Road. It’s one of London’s gastronomic centres for excellence.
Morning Devil..
Tai, only because you brought the subject up earlier. I had no intention of offending you.
Morning Tai and Ts…
Morning Adam – I bet he can’t but he needs to bulk up… 😉
Morning all 🙂
Rico. 🙂
Morning Nickie.
Is that Argentinian forward any good Ts? Ferreyra
· This made me laugh….
Busby MUFC @BusbyMUFC · 13h
Tyson Fury is pure comedy! I mean how can you take a boxer who’s punched himself in the face seriously?!
Hi Nickie, dont know any thin about him mate…
I know a few Shakhtar players but he is new to me…
Is he good?
On FM14 he’s good lol
ha ha ha…
Douglas Costa 23 years. AM R,L,C. We have better
Fred……no comments.
Dentinho 25 years. AM/F Teeth match those of Suarez, hence the nickname Dentinho (the tooth). We have better
Teixiera 23 years AMR.L.C. We have better
Ismaily Kaputt. better not.
So not that much good at all.
lol Dev…
I think the Shakhtar squad has dropped in quality as compared to 2 or 3 years ago. Maybe Akhmetov is keeping an eye on his billions… 😉
It seems done…..we wait for his medical though…..
Imo Peruzzi (if true) is a better option to have than Maquillo. The Argie is a tough tackler and a better defender than going forward.
If you have Fred as CF Ginge…..the quality will surely drop.
ha ha ha Dev.. fred was very good for Lyon under Gerald Houlier but that was ages ago… lol
Even I was very good……..ages ago. Before injury took over.
Thanks Dev
Öh Santi Cazorlaaaa @GoonerJenkoo ·
Wow just met Balotelli as he stormed out of the Milan training ground, he muttered the words ‘Forza Arsenal’ #AFC
Good old twitter…
Facundo Ferreira is still young. 23 years old. He has a good scoring ratio. However he is not first choice. Last season he played in 11 games and scored 6. The season before, he played 22 for Velez and scored 16.
Dont know much about him.
New post is up now…
Morning all.
Who have we signed?