Morning all,

So, a bit of action at The Emirates. The pitch is being sorted out for the up and coming season.
Not sure why, but I thought they just had to sweep it during the closed season……
All joking aside, it looks nice. It always does, it just lacks something – two or three top class players maybe?
But until the transfer window opens, we will no doubt hear nothing and yes, it’s annoying but we are not alone, many other clubs are yet to make a move either…
However, that could all change if we are to believe Sky Bet as their Football Trader Chris Spicer said:
Widespread reports suggest that Arsenal are trailing Higuain and our punters seem convinced that Arsene Wenger will break from his stringent approach to transfer dealings and spend big.
Juventus had been as short as 2/9 to secure his services as they look to add a prolific striker to their title winning side but are now considered second favourites in what is considered a two-way battle.

And no, that’s not Arsene Wenger reading the new contract offer presented to him.
But apparently, those talks have started, the club (Kroenke) wants him to stay and that shouldn’t be much of a shock, after all, Ivan Gazidis told us so a few days ago.
Like it or not, it looks like our manager is set to stay for a while longer….
As are both Sagna and Koscielny it seems. The mischief makers in the press who reported they could both be off, have now had to backtrack. Ouch, I bet that hurt.
This morning we are being linked to Defensive Midfielder Asier Illarramendi – he’s a Spanish Under 21 international who currently plays for Real Sociedad.
We’ll see eh….
That’s it for today, have a good one all….
Juventus were never in for Higuain…they have Bendtner 🙂
Morning all.
Not anymore Scott 😉
Morning Lady and Gentlemen.
My heart skipped a beat when I saw your headline Rico.
The grass will surely seem greener for players who are on the other side now.
MG……in our country football is not full-time or professional. But you are expected to have professional coaching qualifications.
loads of chicken manure used on the pitch.
morning campers
Morning Devil, Scott and all…
🙂 re the headline, sorry about that….
bdw…good post Rico.
Stuff mowing that lot by hand…!
There’s certainly been a few s***e players on it Mg 😉
Thanks Devil…
Morning all,Good news all round ,crafty attention grabbing headline there Rico well done
Morning Rico and all.
Excellent post Rico.
Morning Wath, looking forward to us announcing Higuain this week??
Morning all,
Do they really mow the Ems pitch with those little mowers? Thought they would use ones like they do on the golf course.
Me crafty Jay, surely not 😉
Morning Adam, I thought you’d like it 😉
Anyone fancy Nani, I thought we had given up on Rooney,he loves the occasional one
I guess so Bradster, I wouldn’t mind that job…
Bit too expensive for us industrial mowers Bradster
No, not me Jay..
Jay, Nani just comes across as yet another moody foreigner with a crappy attitude….!
No doubt the fella can turn it on when he fancies but thats the problem, when he fancies…!
I’d much rather Tom Ince…!
I’m told they use individual mowers Brad cos they make pretty patterns…!
are you sure that picture is football pitch, if so all we have linked on for addition as afc players are sure to come, including me. I come to london next week just for 2 weeks sleep on the pitch and then i will sign as one of the BIG SUPPORTER of the clud.
And another player who is considered not good enough for the Mancs…
It’s the posh rollers on the back, I want one for my lawn…
Adam wants a roller on his broom 😉
Of course one cannot give much weight to what is read in the papers or written by creative journos, however it seems that Cesar, Williams, Illarramendi,Nani and Higuain are all going to be signed. That is one heck of a spine my friends.And all above 25 (with the exception of Illaramendi) years of age with a lot of experience there.
I will be watching Illarramendi quite closely tonight. The under21 final will be at 17.00hrs (London time).
Looked a good player a couple of years ago though WATH, not sure what has gone wrong with him.He slaughtered us in the C.L game at the Emirates
Dev, The only player missing and the most important for me is Fellaini… We need him and or Capoue..! I’d get both..!
If Illarramendi is coming that means that neither Fellaini nor Capoue are coming.
Illarramendi is thought to cost around 8 to 10 million. No brainer there who AW will eventually sign.
Fellaini for me too,.tough ,strong with plenty of attitude ,a real big game player.Love to see him knocking seven bales out of the Spuds for us next season
Agreed Jay, maybe all the diving and cheating got to him…?
quick tricky and dangerous but not well in the head… we really don’t need anymore of those do we..? Worth the risk…? would depend on the fee and the salary for me and if we could get rid of the Forehead….!
I’d like those Devil, but not Nani…
That Spanish player is meant to be pretty good, Real are interested in him too…
His wages would be an issue for sure WATH
I have one of those mowers at home but my yard isn’t 100m long. Gentler on the grass.
I hear Joel Campbell could play for Palace this season. I hope it happens, perfect premier league experience for him.
Plus Jay we know Fellaini will proper give it to Shawcross as well 😉
Dev isn’t the spanish kid a defender though…? If he not a midfielder won’t affect us getting Fellaini..!
He is a defensive midfielder WATH.
3 or 4 world class players lyk Higuain, Fellaini, Hummels n Cesar ryt? But if we can fork out 25 million pounds, I’ll prefer it should b spent on Lewandowski or Jackson Martinez instead of Higuain. Thatz bcos J.M n L’dowski r more skillful n better ball jogglers n pacey whereas Higuain’s just a slow n quick-exhausting goal poacher. Don’t mind having him tho. COYG!!!
Nani – no thanks. He looks strange!
And we don’t really need manure, peletted or not on our pitch! *
Higuain I’m not convined about. I think he is good but……… he right for us? Yes he is a marquee signing but will he turn out to be another Arshavin? He was bought because of fan pressure, I believe. Not the right criteria for a major injection of funds and hope! Just have a feeling that large tent signings are not too successful for us!
*see picture above, excellent grass similar in shade to Shrek! No need for any supplement from grannies, nans, ma mars etc. etc.
That would be ideal for Joel Campbell Bradster… And a good manager in Ollie…
Rooney and nanny, he’s had trouble with them before….
🙂 Lee..
Thanx Dev, he still ain’t no Fellaini though and we need a player for the hear and now not in 2 yrs time so for me Fellaini all day long and I’d still take Rooney over Higuain as well despite his baggage..!
Same here Wath..
Joe Kinnear has reportedly said that he can pick the phone up and talk to A.W anytime.Perhaps Arsene should explain to him that basically calling Newcastle fans Stupid is not a great way to start your new career.I bet old Pardew is chuffed to f…k to see that oaf back at the club
That did make me laugh Jay, what a twit he is, and apparently he talked about some of the players and pronounced all their names wrong…
Loved Johann Kebab,what a twit
No matter who we sign, I wanna see our team out there. Getting stuck when need be, scoring goals when need be and making themselves and fans both happy.
This year should be an epic epic one. I hope I survive this one.
Btw, did anyone else hear about Palace wanting Joel on loan this year? That would be magnificent, wouldn’t it?
S2S, i would love to see Campbell go there.
Popping off for an hour, laters
Ha ha Jay. He won’t be there long…
Morning Bradster,
You made me laugh about the pitch rollers. At Spurs they use a giant strimmer because it just skims a little bit off the top!
Just to be ultra nerdy, the Arsenal groundsmen use a range of rollers depending on the need. They do not just use those little mowers, it would take too long. They use the Toro Reelmaster 2000-D ride-on triple mowers because of the speed – they are the ones you see on the Golf courses. How is that for nerdyness!
I listened to an interesting discussion with Paul Burgess about the science involved in creating the pitch. It is quite incredible really, especially when you consider what we used to witness. Remember the state of the old pitches, like the Baseball Ground? Imagine Messi playing on that on a rainy Wednesday night in winter.
Rooney will only sign if he can go home with a Nani every night.
Classic Lewis!!
Maybe the Spanish kid was Wenger’s target all along, he just allowed the Fellaini rumours to rumble and may have instigated talks to make the usual PetroDollar suspects think that the Everton man was his primary target…
After all, what is the point of Arsenal activating Fellaini’s buy-out clause only for the Cnut Mourinho to offer £50k more a week and the Arabs to do likewise.
Frustrating as it is, Wenger cannot move too early for his targets, as those Oiler clubs will always outbid ha on wages…
You are spot on; what a way to get the players and fans on your side. First he calls Cabaye, Kebab and then he claims the fans are not as intelligent as him. Seriously, what a plank. This could become hilarious.
You have to feel for the Geordies. Bad enough that they have to put up with that embarrassing chav Cheryl Cole and that shirt lifting singer (alleged) Joe McElderry. They also had a similar problem with the old Directors, Shepherd and Hall, didn’t they insult the Geordie women and Alan Shearer? They didn’t last long.
isnt joe kinnear wengers next door neighbour,,
sorry if this had been mentioned,
Kev, very good point.
Not just that but the rumours are that his buy out clause is £24 million.
Australia have just defeated Iraq 1-0 and are going to Brazil!!
Bloody ripper!!!!
Sod the expense Scott, crack open the crate of Castlemaine xxxx !
Micko, i could not drink that xxxx lol
Scott, they used to do some great adverts for it over here years ago, seems to have died a death.
KKJ, the way things are going they might have to get the goats back in at Shite Hart Lane.
Micko, they lose Gareth Bale and you could be right!
Glad to see Australia switching groups has worked out well for Tahiti!
Is it just me but I can’t see the point of Arsenal going after Nani he just feels like a Manu reject to me.
Stop blowing Scott kisses Micko.. 😉
Afternoon all…
It’s just more ridiculous made up rubbish by the press, don’t worry.
I hope so but so many fans seem to think it’s a good idea why I don’t know.
Some thing else that’s getting on my wick is Arsenal fans listing first team players they would liked to be sold before the start of the season.
I have one of those lists Gjoe 😉
Off for a quick walk with Fido…
All I wanna know, is if Adam is playing ‘In the Hole’, will he be using his plectrum (spelling?)
Good to see KT back yesterday.
But Rocky has gone back into hibernation… 🙁
Maybe Mick should blow ‘him’ a kiss?!!!
KJ, we are all victims of media lies, lies which the club itself, perpetuate as it covers up their real intentions.
But Wenger tries to be a little too smart and therefore loses out on his rivals.
Mata, Gotze possibly, Hazard probably, were all targets we lost out on by being too tight and leaving bids far too late.
Remember, the selling club often needs a replacement.
Why should the selling club drop itself into the shit, because Arsene left it until August 31st to put in a sensible bid?
It all a matter of judgement and Wenger is far too cautious far too often. This is where he misses Dein…
Anyone who wants Nani must be living in cloud cuckoo land! I find it hard enough to stomach the possibility of that ugly, snarling chav named Rooney wearing our shirt but at least he has some ability unlike Nani.
Kj it’s good to know I am not the only one you thinks that Nani would be a waste of space. All you’d have to do is ask Manu fans how’d they feel if we got Nani.
As you know I dislike the media with a passion. Most of what is written or aired, is either a complete fabrication or a cleverly spun story. Sadly, many fans still react to this nonsense and that is frustrating because it feeds the hacks who have achieved what they wanted.
The same with all the rumour and hearsay from fans. I think it is fairly obvious that a lot is being repeated and promoted as fact, when it is nothing more than an assumption.
I heard a rumour that Joe Kinnear was joining a band.
Thats what you call a trumpet player.
Still very little movement in the transfer market ,the merry go round will start once the new managers bed in ,and players come back from international duty.just hope that we are on the ride when the fun starts.
We thought we had something to moan about Fred,I think the rope would have come out if we had taken a pratt like Kinnear on board.
I am fondling my plectrum right now Kev.
Afternoon all…
Now this is me Wenger , spending the £75Mil
Higuain = £25Mil
Williams = £9Mil
Cesar = £5Mil
Illarramendi = £10Mil
Nani = £8Mil
Total £57Mil
£18Mil for Sanga’s,Rosicky & Artetha’s Salary increase
Grand Total = £75Mil
Hi Adam, who is Tuesday Thursday??
No SD, not Nani please…….
And I wouldn’t be giving any of those three a salary increase, not at their age….
Please someone put rico out of her misery !
Tuesday Thursday is a player we have been interested in for some time Rico. Out of Africa.
Since last Wednesday anyway.
Friday I thought….Crusoe’s his agent apparently!
If we have the money let’s spend it on 3 25-30m players and leave the current team as is no sales.
I am none the wiser Adam…
Thank you Micko, I wish someone would….
Lee That so funny,Rico I cant imagine yelling come on tuesday at the Emirates please tell me its a wind up Adam
Jay, those naughty toads are teasing us I think….
I got to nip to the supermarket…
Actually Tuesday has a brother whos called Thursday, a well known boxing champion in Africa.He lost both feet in a accident . After prosthetic surgery to replace them,he has returned to the ring and had 8 fights without defeet
Lee. No wind up.
It is funny how people mention that we should buy £25 to £30mil players without mentioning the players themselves.
They might be mostly expensive to be quality but they are not always expensive to be quality.
Santi Carzola for example quality and not expensive.
We should be buying quality players and not necessarily expensive players.
Higuain is expensive true but he is quality so is Julio Cesear (we should have signed a pre- contract with him before the confederations cup)
Buy qulaity Wenger and not price tag.
Okay Rico no Nani 😉
Looks like I am not to get my answer 🙁
Phew SD…..
spains level of talent is astonishing…
Will we ever see another player of this quality at the Arsenal??
Ridiculous aren’t they KTR7
How’s the guy we are linked to been playing Kt??
They are lewis.majority of those players out there would probably be in the english senior side now if they were english.
he is playing well.very similar to busquets in terms of playing style.
That’s good then…
Probably the whole team KT.
You can see what guardiola was on about wen he said Barca had loads of youngsters as good as wilshere.
it won’t be long before isco starts contending for the balon d’or.
damn tello is quick
I bet Adam is pleased to see Carol Vordeman in the newspapers today….
I can see spain retaining the WC next year…
Italy are getting pounded here…4-1 down and chasing shadows.
Carroll moves to West Ham for £15 million…
So Liverpool lose £20 million… Fools….
Good Evening Lady and Gentlemen…………….
Malaga are keen to recruit Arsenal flop Nicklas Bendtner, according to reports in Denmark.
The Danish international spent an injury-ravaged season on loan at Juventus last term, and barely made an impression on the Italian side’s Serie ‘A’ winning campaign.
He’s out of contract at the end of next season, but Danish newspaper BT claims Malaga are willing to pay Arsenal €5m this summer to take him off their hands.
Bendtner missed the majority of the last campaign with two serious injuries – one to his wrist and the other to his left thigh.
The 25-year-old failed to find the target during his nine league appearances for the Serie ‘A’ champions, and he’s thought to be surplus to requirements at the Emirates Stadium.
…………..bite their hand I say. AND QUICK
spain are beautiful to watch.
If AFC are going to get Illarredamenti they are going to get a bargain if he costs only 10 million.
As KT said…..Spain are beautiful to watch. I saw the whole game and I was impressed a lot. Many Italian moves break down due to Illarredamenti who then starts Spanish moves. He is a cross between a young Gilberto and a young Petit.
Illaramendi looks very promising devil.l’d compate him to busquets.his positioning is excellent and he has lovely feetbto escape from challenges.he was alsi excellent for sociedad this past la liga welcome him.
watching isco/thiago play makes you wonder how far jack would be in terms of development since they seem to be quite ahead of him especially in the final 3rd.
Adam, I never knew, that toads knew, how to use a plectrum…
Dear me, you learn something new every day on HH….
Spain are world,european,U-21,U-19 champions…
hi AK..
How are ya doing KT….
You back for good mate, or are you still busy?
am back for good.
Talking of busy, I have to do a bit more…
KT, don’t be a stranger….
Adam, careful with your fuzz box???
A man and his plectrum are never parted. Funny you should say that Kev, I have had my effects box up and running today trying to get the right sound for your Robin Trower song.
Is Carol Vorderman moving to West Ham then?
Evening Devil – good news I say too..
Hi Ak, and bye 🙁
Hi Rico.Had a lovely evening today. Watched the game, had some soup and after got presented with a lovely couple of pieces of cake (done by the missus) and some ice cream. Then washed down by some pineapple mixed with white campari. Delicious Lady.
That all was washed down with a beautiful display of football. I did not want the ref to whistle for full time. I wanted the game to go on.
Hi Devil, was it really that good? I missed it rather annoyingly…
Nice to see Pearce has not been given a new England contract…
Wonder which club will snap him up now….
It was a good exhibition of football. Spain relied on technical skills and are already on the way to becoming pass masters while Italy relied heavily on tactics and good defensive organisation.
4-2 is a fair reflection of the football displayed.
A name which might have slipped under the radar before this summer’s UEFA European U21 Championship was Asier Illarramendi of Real Sociedad. The 23-year-old is more of an understated talent due to his deployment on the field, he won’t be grabbing headlines like the similarly talented Isco or Thiago, but as a reliable midfield force he’s probably the best in the tournament. After picking up two Spaniards over the last two seasons, Mikel Arteta in 2011 followed by Santi Cazorla in 2012, both of whom were revelations, it may be of little surprise to Arsenal fans to now be linked with Illarramendi too. His performances over the season aided Real Sociedad to a Champions League spot in La Liga, and since joining up with La Rojita, the midfielder has showcased everything he’s capable of, to the point where Arsenal would be considered very lucky to pick up such a bright talent.
As shown throughout his performances for Spain in the U21 Euros, Illarramendi is certainly capable of retaining possession and keeping things ticking over. Throughout his domestic season, the central midfielder posted a pass completion of 81%, reinforcing the fact that the Spaniard isn’t one to give the ball away too often. This would compliment the likes of Arteta and Cazorla nicely, as the former in particular was instrumental in terms of distribution. What Illarramendi also brings to the table, is the ability for Cazorla to be consistently played further forward without sacrificing quality in the middle of the park, as the former Malaga star has shown this season how he can contribute goals to the Gunners’ league campaign. Illarramendi would certainly allow for his compatriot to do this, as he is content to sit back and allow play to develop ahead of him.
Although La Rojita’s European exploits may have highlighted Illarramendi’s technical attributes, in terms of being comfortable on the ball and technically gifted, there is also a possible tenacity to his play too. As can be expected when playing for Real Sociedad, who are less likely to dominate games than Spain at international level, there is also a degree of midfield steel required of Illarramendi in domestic football. His 97 successful tackles last season shows that he can also break up play and perform well off the ball. However, the Spaniard picked up a worrying 11 yellow cards last term for Sociedad, which could be cause for concern in a long Premier League season.
It has been clear for all to see over the course of Spain’s conquest of the U21 Euros that there are many outstanding talents, of which Asier Illarramendi is one. Comfortable on the ball, armed with a good range of passing and the ability to break up play when required, Illarramendi could be argued to be among the brightest defensive midfield prospects currently in European football. Though he may be 23, no youngster in terms of U21 football, there is certainly room to believe that the Real Sociedad midfielder could turn into yet another revelation for Arsene Wenger’s side. He may now merit a large fee to move, with Sociedad on the brink of Champions League football, and many more clubs watching his progress as a result of his performance for Spain, but Arsenal fans should be extremely pleased if their club can prise such a talent from the Basque region this summer.
His only weakness?????
He only won 49% of headed duels.
Guess the Italian defending wasn’t that good if they conceded 4 goals 😉
England Under-21s are looking for a new manager after Stuart Pearce was informed he will not be kept on. In his six years at the helm, the former international full-back led the Young Lions to four successive European Championship finals.
Pearce’s side finished runners-up to Germany in the 2009 edition but things have regressed since and they left this summer’s tournament in Israel without a point to their name. That, coupled with England’s group exit two years ago, led to the FA’s confirmation today that Pearce will leave when his contract expires at the end of the month.
“I’d like to thank Stuart Pearce for his hard work,” chairman David Bernstein said. “Nobody can doubt his commitment to the job throughout his time as under-21 coach. He has done extremely well in qualifying for finals tournaments, but after the disappointment of the past two tournaments, we believe it is time to change coach..
Now let’s see where can he go? Hmmmmm. If one is to see it as Birds of a feather flock together, or he will marry his own ilk then the only options for him are West Ham (allardyce), Stoke (hughes) and maybe the spuddies???? 😉
Believe me Rico………if the Italians had played a 2-4-4-0 (two sweepers behind a back 4) the Spanish would still have won. They were that good.
this spain side would probably make the WC quarters…the level of talent in spain is more than a generation…more like a dynasty.
Dg, sod the football – white campari? I love campari and soda a fabulous aperitif but in all m travels and supermarket tours I have never seen or tasted white campari. Is it only sold abroad or can we buy it here?
Inevitably Spain won they have the best players and some of the Italians are not far behind. Well done Espana. And a real shame about Pearce, psycho, enough said no wonder we came last.
rico they played the sort of footy we played in 07/08 season.they were brilliant in every way.Italy had no chance.
evening guys and dolls!!
Tbh Devil, I’d rather Fellaini, he’s a PL pedigree and no waiting required.
But the Spanish market is there to be raided and I strongly suspect that is just what AW will do, and other clubs will do too…
Hopefully, as the 1st July draws close, we will get some news
Well 07/08 got us nowhere Kt. Might have looked pretty but….
I guess Spain took it that one bit further and won….
In Italy you can find it. Here in the middle of the mediterrenean you can find it also. But I forgot to add one part of it. Sorry. Its Campari White WINE. 🙂
evening rico i was out doing a bit of work tosay(yes sometimes i do).
i was talking to a manc and he goes quite a bit.
he thinks there is something to these rooney rumours.,
would we dare to but both the hig and wooney.
and could these podolski rumours be true.
i am ot bs you there is quite a few man pu fans over here they even have there own supporters club.
we were almost there rico.squad depth was the reason we failed.when hleb/cesc/flamini/rosicky played we were dead cert to win.we lost our 1st pl game in december.even milan who were defending european champions could not live with us in their own backyard.
Ah! Thanks Dg. I’ll have look around the web, see what I can find. Salut.
Wavy….I like experimenting with alcoholic drinks and fruit juices. Especially pineapple, peach and forest fruits. I do one unit of any alcholic beverages and add fruit juices to it. Depends if its summer or winter.
If its sour or non drinkable I throw it away. If it is delicious to taste then I drink it again.
Depends on the taste…………..AND MOOD!!!! 😉
🙂 Devil..
Hi Mg, I too think there is something to the Rooney rumours but….
Nani, well i hope he buggers off to PSG for a big pay cheque…
go to google and write down Campari White wine.
devil its an aperitif.
it is not drank like a wine
i do not have to google it as i am half itailian and i have been drinking it for over 30 years
Campari with pineapple
Campari with orange
Blue Curacao with pineapple
Vodka with peach
Vodka with pineapple
Vodka with melon
Tia Maria with Coke
Bitterol with pineapple
Bitterol with Orange juice
Bitterol with forest fruits
etc etc etc
i have just googled it and it is an aperitif
I know MG. Even I have Italian blood mate.
But …….De gustibus non disputandum.
E lo so MG. Ma i gusti non si discutano. Punto e basta!!!! 😉
Ma grazie a lei lo stesso. Anche se lo sapevo gia vi ringrazio con tutto l’cuore.
any way you were wrong.
i wanted to ask you about the coaching badges.
i know i can google it but i have never spoken to any 1 that has done it..
i was wondering could you do a post on it for any 1 thats interested.
maybe you have already done 1??
when ever you have the time,
very interesting!
Googled it, got it, will try it next time I get the bottle out. A cocktail based with Campari plus whatever I choose to put with it. Mm, sounds tasty! Ta!
You are full of surprises Mg.
I never realised English was abbreviated as a much as it is before you joined HH 😉
that is why you can mix it MG. If you drink it as a wine in the proper sense you should never mix it. But seeing that it is an aperitif which goes under the name of WINE you can do all the mixing you want. Try doing it with Peach juice mate.
Regarding coaching badges simply go to the Scottish (where I did mine), Wlesh, English and Irish FA’s and go to courses. You have from A Uefar (which I did) down to grassroots training seminars.
Southampton home 1st game of the season
Have the fixtures been leaked Bj, and do you have the full list by chance please??
Nice opener if that’s right….
theres no need for that sort of language on here.
there could be italian young future posters that will think your prat,,ha
i was brought up with no italian mate.
my dad seemed to want to cut all ties to italy b4 the 2nd world war started.
my dads side ended up in ireland through political asylum.
but 1 tradition we did keep up was the drinking,,ha
im an archway boy born and bread.
yeah sory rico,,i got so use to making statement on other sites,i never use to read there reply’s, i use to say what i wanted and then got banned for a week,,ha
but im learning,,ha
But I thanked you in Italian. Nothing wrong in that MG. I just translated what I said in English before.
Hmmmmmmm. il maialino si e’ frittato nel suo olio
That reads just like a google translate Mg….
Well HH is different Mg, you should know that by now….
you should get over to wexford and have a look at wexford youths.
they have quite a good set up.the owner mick wallace is an mp,,and has ties in italy,,did a lot of major building work over there..
did you say you did a bit of spotting?
I am off now Lady and Gentlemen.
Its been a long day and tomorrow is another one.
Buona notte e sogni d’oro!!!
Me too Devil, I can’t cope either… 😉
Nighty to you and all….
sorry nite
I wonder if Wenger has his eyes fixed on anymore of those other Spanish U21’s..?
Isco @ a reported £30m seems quite an insane amount, but ManCity fit the bill when it comes to insanity.
They make Chavski look, almost, a well run, financially prudent club, which they most certainly are not….
I know it’s a very long shot, and unlikely to happen, but for the long-term health of English football, it would be hugely beneficial, if Arsenal were to actually win the EPL this coming season.
Most of us would quite enjoy it as well… 😉
I bet the Malaga fans must be beside themselves with excitement, at the prospect of the impending arrival of Nicklaus Bendtner!!!
They gave us Carzorla and Monreal, we give them Nick.
Fair exchange is no robbery, as the saying goes…
Bored eh? No time for that, we’re Going to Rio 😎
NB52 to Malaga, blimey theres a player who should be picking bananas 😆
Good Morning Lady and Gentlemen.
I know that Ginge and I have often discussed it, but I have a feeling that this year AW might go for the occasional 3-5-2 formation. There is also the possibility of 4-4-2 with all possible permutations up front. It might even be a 4-3-2-1 or 4-3-1-2.
Obviously depending on who is bought and sold.
Hi GG, have a fab time….
Devon for me 😉
Morning Devil and all….
That would mean changing his ways – you sure AW knows how to do that? 😉
tbh it is more of a wish than a feeling. But you never know.
PSG have got Capello for a one year contract. What happens after?
We had better watch this space.
Good morning all,
All the formations suggest that AW will employ ‘tactics”‘ somehow I find this a rather far fetched notion. The only consistent tactics that are employed at Arsenal are, no tactics!
That’s interesting – especially if AW doesn’t sign a new contract but I strongly suspect he will….
I think he has tactics Wavy, just seems he plays the same ones each game regardless of who we face.
Also, I don’t think we have the right balance in the side… yet.
If we get a strong spine the balance will come. We need one player who will stand up for the whole team. Like PV did to Gary uglymug neville. Get that and we will not be pushovers anymore
Morning all,
When is the fixture list released?
home to villa first game….
spuds at home on 31/8
Now Lewis 🙂
Agree Devil and we have needed that spine for many a season…
17/08/2013 15:00 Aston Villa (h)
24/08/2013 15:00 Fulham (a)
31/08/2013 15:00 Tottenham Hotspur (h)
14/09/2013 15:00 Sunderland (a)
21/09/2013 15:00 Stoke City (h)
28/09/2013 15:00 Swansea City (a)
05/10/2013 15:00 West Bromwich Albion (a)
19/10/2013 15:00 Norwich City (h)
26/10/2013 15:00 Crystal Palace (a)
02/11/2013 15:00 Liverpool (h)
09/11/2013 15:00 Manchester United (a)
23/11/2013 15:00 Southampton (h)
30/11/2013 15:00 Cardiff City (a)
03/12/2013 19:45 Hull City (h)
07/12/2013 15:00 Everton (h)
14/12/2013 15:00 Manchester City (a)
21/12/2013 15:00 Chelsea (h)
26/12/2013 15:00 West Ham United (a)
28/12/2013 15:00 Newcastle United (a)
01/01/2014 15:00 Cardiff City (h)
11/01/2014 15:00 Aston Villa (a)
18/01/2014 15:00 Fulham (h)
28/01/2014 19:45 Southampton (a)
01/02/2014 15:00 Crystal Palace (h)
08/02/2014 15:00 Liverpool (a)
11/02/2014 19:45 Manchester United (h)
22/02/2014 15:00 Sunderland (h)
01/03/2014 15:00 Stoke City (a)
08/03/2014 15:00 Swansea City (h)
15/03/2014 15:00 Tottenham Hotspur (a)
22/03/2014 15:00 Chelsea (a)
29/03/2014 15:00 Manchester City (h)
05/04/2014 15:00 Everton (a)
12/04/2014 15:00 West Ham United (h)
19/04/2014 15:00 Hull City (a)
26/04/2014 15:00 Newcastle United (h)
03/05/2014 15:00 West Bromwich Albion (h)
11/05/2014 15:00 Norwich City (a)
Morning Rico and all. When was the last time we finished the season with a home game?
Rico can you kindly delete the last paragraph of my last post? It kind of jars with the environment and lessens the decor.
I was going to make the same remark Adam, my friend. That means we have to win the EPL at home to NUFC
Devil. I can smell victory even now. 🙂
Now go and buy Rooney!
I know this is really tempting providence but, looking at the fixtures we don’t seem to have any really testing games until November and December. If Aw prepares the team well and assuming we continuue from where we left off at the end of last season we should be near the top all the way through August and September and may e even November? Skipping the middle bit…….we also seem to have a relatively easy run in at the end of the season.
Fourth then? Or might we finish higher than that? Or will AW’s tactics be found wanting?
Aston Villa as an opener could be a real good indicator of how our season is going to pan out
Morning Adam, years and years ago…
I reckon, by looking at those fixtures we’ll finish in the top four…………………..ha fucking ha!
New Post going up now
We will buy Tuesday Wednesday and Wilfried Umbongo they’ll be useful additions………..
Not if we don’t sign a few quality players Lee…
Fool me once, no wahala.Fool me twice I must hv my head examined. How many times hv we heard the board sing there id money to spend at the end we sale our best players? Blessed are the hopeless for they shall not be disappointed. Expect nothing frm the IG and AW short n simple