How much does it naff you lot off??
Premier League Champions, Champions League runners-up but still Fergie isn’t happy.
He’s signed a new goal keeper who is reported to be the next best in Spain, he’s nicked Phil Jones from under the nose of Liverpool, he’s in talks with Ashley Young, with a deal reported to be done, rumoured to be after Nasri and Oxlaide-Chamberlain and still he wants more…..
Then look at Dalglish, he has already spent big money wrapping up a deal for Jordan Henderson and he’s not going to stop there either!
Meanwhile, Arsenal – Carling Cup bottlers, League bottlers, Champions League and FA Cup wishful thinkers, are doing what??
Well, what we have done is sign an unproven 19-year-old defender, secured a few of our youth players on new long-term contracts and..
Oh, sorry, that’s it!!
Don’t get me wrong, I am glad that we have tied Chuks Aneke, Benik Afobe and Oguzhan Ozyakup down because they seem to have a really bright football career ahead of them but, what about the here and now?
When will Arsene Wenger and Arsenal Football Club give all of us fans a little bit of hope, that hope of course being that we will be able to not only keep up with our rivals, but to overtake them…
Johan Djourou is one of a few who is not linked with leaving us this summer and he believes that once we break the losing mould, we are in for some really good times….
JD is currently in Senegal, making his second visit to the Kemi Malaika Foundation of which he is an ambassador – he’s not relaxing on a beach somewhere, being photographed while up to no good.
In an interview with Sky Sports he said this about all things Arsenal:
You expect better for Arsenal, of course, but I think that when this long run ends it will just go crazy and we will win everything that is there because this club’s got so much potential.
It has been six years, but I am just waiting for the moment. I wanted to win something so bad to say to those people ‘shh, that’s it, it is finished with and we have won something’.
Unfortunately I can’t say that now because it is not the case, but it is not even to say that people are wrong, it is for us to show that we are good enough because we know in ourselves that we are good enough.
Johan laughs at those who believe Wenger needs to move on away from our club
We are always so close to winning and we were missing a little thing..
People say it is players or people say it is experience, but then who really knows? I think that we have experience because the players have been together for a long time.
What is the real story behind it? I couldn’t really tell you, but what I can say is that I think the way Arsene Wenger builds this team is the right way.
Wenger, please just go and buy that ‘little thing’ – if you need a clue, here it is – both would do for starters….

We are close but unless Arsene Wenger rings the changes, we will never be close enough….
morning all
You still trust that hypcritical snake-oil salesman..: D
Wait for July 1.
Arsenal announced the signings of (fill in the blank)
I strongly suspect that there will be new signings for Arsenal FC to bring ’em on that Asia Tour to sell more shirts.
good morning
I’m still waiting
back to work
It will be a proper kick in the teeth if we lose Nasri to the Mancs and I will blame Wenger!!
Morning all, frustrating being an Arsenal fan these days especially as rival supporters (dippers,Citeh,Mancs)are happy at the prospect of their clubs buying or chasing after quality whist Wenger hangs about the bargain basement or ‘yoof’ academdies. It may be early days but the earlier you make the purchases the better to avoid other clubs nicking the players ‘under his radar’!!
Loosing Nas to the mancs would just abt sum us up as a club at the moment and highlight wengers failure as a manager to keep the better players happy and have quality players around them….! Top post Rico, fergie isn’t sitting around all smug he’s out looking and buying to make the mancs stronger…!.
check this out….
good post……..
wenger kenny daglish alex ferguson
0.02 1 2
jenkinson jordan henderson phil jones
ashley young almost…
liverpool just bid 5 million for clichy……
U guys….its just june let’s give the french goat till july before we start sharpening our pitchforks…….who has chelsea, man shitty and the abomination down the road signed…..let’s be patient or we run the risk of getting our BP’s up……morning rico……..
agree GS, but sooooo frustrating!
are we close to any deal yet….if nasri leaves gooners the world over will never forgive him. He’s just playing hard ball……he knows all about our sensitivities…..he won’t go to man poo. U ll see
I think the problem is Stan, we are clearly not as good as Man Utd yet they are already re-enforcing and we are not doing anything openly. I believe we have already signed our players but who knows.
Yeah lee…..but what can we do.
Will, you still feel confident about our signings?
Will am almost losing it. Manure won the league with a mediocre team…..imagine what they will do with young,nasri and who knows sniejder…….am afraid fort us
Who would u guys prefer samba or cahill… really creaming my pants at the prospect of those two lining up for us….God we will be invisible….
Yes I am Lee, for some reason, I think we have a couple of big names n the bag already.
For real will….do u av any inside info. My hopes are soaring
If we’d of signed anyone they would of announced it……. We need Cahill and Samba Stan not just one…!
Don’t let your hopes soar to high Stan it’s a long way down 🙂
As I said the other day on here, I have positve and negative days re “the signings”….do you think Nasri will go to manure?
WATH……..any news on that shaktar player……is he any good
No inside info, just a feeling.
Willian is a pretty good player Stan yes and def better than Denilson 😉 Hope that makes you feel better…… I don’t have positive or negative days Lee just realistic days and I see nothing that makes me think wenger will change his ways. There is noone to kick his arse no one he is accountable too and he is the dictator who rules the roost, pig headed, stubborn and egotistical….! As Will said the other day the mentality is wrong from top to bottom and who is to blame for that, the club and the players are a reflection of the boss.
looks bleak then……until we finish outside the top four?
Cahill Samba Bartley Vermaelen Jenkinson Sagna.
My prediction at the back for next season.
I have a gut feeling
good morning
5 millions for Clichy ? !!!
Corntrão – 30 millions. and he his not best.
Let clichy go…..his crossing is atrocious….won’t miss him one bit
Afternoon Guys and Gals 🙂
hola Rico
Hi Lee
Young’s a done deal then 🙁
Jenkinson has played 8 times for Charltons first tema SP would indicate he’s nowhere near ready for our 1st team…?
JM, Clichy only has the one yr left on his contract thats why on 5million….! Take it and run I would say…!
No one gave Jack a thought till he came in Wath one season probably our best player
WATH, he may not be ready but i bet we see him play, especially if Eboue does leave….
I think plenty of us gave Jack a thought SP just none of us thought wenger would use him…! ppl at Charlton seem to think he has potential but def not ready, sounds like 90% of our squad…! All we doing is adding to youth and not buying what we need as usual, wenger needs to address the problems of the here and now.
I just read we are going to offer Hargreaves a pay as you play deal…..
Bet that will get you all excited….
Jenkinson ‘can play anywhere across the back’ can’t he, even LB?
We have a player with potential Rico who can play anywhere across the back and yes apparently even at LB even though thats not his best position so I read, who exactly do we have to teach this kid to defend properly then…?
I still have time for Miquel too
Gibbs injured again
Sorry Hi Rico
I reckon Wenger has it in hand already Wath
I think he’s known since Christmas
I think the only thing wengers got in hand SP is a glass of vino maybe………. Funny how Adams says GG is a far better coach and gets more out of players and is better organising and wenger is more the physiologist and psychologist…..! Sort of says it all really.
I’m not sure we know where is best position is WATH, sure as heck once wenger finds that out, he won’t play him there 😉
Hi Steve, his foot is in a medical boot isn’t it? He is definately very fragile….
Wenger didn’t show for his commentary on the french game last night, wonder where he was…..
Room service
I bet he was on a plane somewhere…………
🙂 Steve..
Adams wasn’t brought by Wenger he never had him to look up to from the off by the time Wenger took over Adams was a senior, Maybe why Wenger is reluctant to buy older players he likes that hands on aproach
wenger likes yes men SP……….. people that won’t challenge his ideas or god forbid insinuate he might be wrong…!
There is that to it as well
Sporting Lisbon bought half of the pass from player Argentinian international Fabián Rinaudo, 24 years per 500 thousand euros. That is, if you want to buy all the rights of the player, will be about 1 million euros. Peckerman, says he is a player like Mascherano.
Around here, speak up for millions of players side of doubtful value.
Comments in a foreign sports newspaper outside clichy for 5 million:
a)”Proposed low compared to its value, although I do not think that’s worth more than 20 M! ”
b) “Come all crazy, 5.6 Million? this boy is worth about 20/30Milhoes, and leave Arsenal for 5.6 million lost what I call Evra v2;) ”
Arsenal to sign deal of fabregas to barcelona
dont know the price but two papers one marca which is the official paper for madrid says the deal will take place in some time….
hope wenger doesnt spend after both nasri and fabregas go…..
Cahill, just get Cahill…. 🙂
Hi guys, I have just read that Barcelona have offered us bojan and thiago plus 30 million euro for fabregas, and that wenger is strongly considering the offer. anyone believe that?
ADK, i believe nothing mate…………
Guys, a lot of these rumours are comng out of the Sun. They are known Arsenal haters.
Hi ADK, I don’t believe any of that either……
Hi Will,
It’s not The Sun it’s coming from 😉
R u insinuating they talking out their bottoms Rico………
Me WATH – surely not 😉
Were I wenger I do the deal…..fab’s heart is already in catalonia…..he is been plagued by hamstrings…..thiago and bojan plus 30 quid…..go wenger go
back in a bit, off to walk Fido….
I’d sell Cesc stan but for just money, unless they want to throw in Messi 🙂
Sun supoorts Chelsea, Mu and Liverpoll
30 millions… 35 millions… 40 millions I say yes.
Anyway, Bojan didn’t play last year… How much is his price now? Alcantara almost the same.
Two players, not regular players of the team, a team that had playing, maybe, 60 games last year, won the majority of them and how many had each one play?
A player, not just take a sweater or throw a big club. If you have been away from the core team (Bojan) there must be some reason if two players trained in Barcelona, with the mystique of the Barcelona youth, are exempt, will have a prospect of future development? Without competition, a league of his strange and demanding, will be winners?
I think that Alcantara has every chance to succeed; Bojan, I put many questions …
45 or 50 million and only Alcantar, yes.
The rest, Ido not know …
I agree JM, we don’t want kids part of the deal we want decent proper players or just put the money on the table, if you not got the money then sod off….!
Boo, we signed anyone yet….. 🙂
We have as well WATH, haven’t we??
Talk Sport say we have signed Gervinho…
Another site says, Citeh have signed him and another says Newcastle have…..
Blooming heck, he’s going to be a tired player playing for all three clubs…..
Hey, you lots forgotten Botelho..who is supposed to get a Spanish passport in Jan 2011..after 4 long years in Spain?
ANybody got the latest update on this LB cum LW?
Hi Merlin
I think he could be quite good, he’s older than the average one we have coming through too 😉
What a sad state of affairs 🙁
Evening Rico.
But I see a silver lining.
Every teams are in a state of re-structuring and rebuilding their ageing team, including ManU and Chelski.
ManC had a collection of individuals but yet to gell.
But If Wenegr got hsi tactics right, got the correct players and retain teh shape of team, we have a better chance of winning the 2011/12 title than 2010/11 title.
I am thinkiing of writing na article to that aspect somehwere 1st week of July when I will know who are definitely leaving..adn who are we buying beofre start of Aisa Summer Tour.
I am bettign that a sore loser liek Wenger will take drastic measures thsi summer to cull the team.
After all, he needs to deliver results to Kroenke who will give him short shift if Wenger can’t delivered by Decemeber 2011, and proven to be liivng on past glories and is a fraud at Arsenal FC, living beyond his “expiry date”.
Merlin, wenger is well past his sell by date considering who else in a top top job gets six years of failure and doesnt get the sack…?
I have to be honest – I don’t see a silver lining until this current board has gone and taken wenger with them……
Quiet old day today…
We need a signing to cheer us up 🙂
Boo! I’m decidedly more optimistic today, rico. I think we’re getting a few scrumptious signings. I’m trying not to mind the trf activities of other clubs as that will only stress me out no end…
I like JD. He always comes across as smart and well-spoken. Oh and, I am not saying anything about Clicky. 🙂
Boo to you agag,
I don’t share your optimism 🙁
Re JD, he cares, thats something we don’t hear enough of from our lot……
I know, rico. 🙁 To be fair, Clichy and Song always sound enthusiastic about our club. Oh if only that talk showed itself on the pitch.
And so few of ours gave a good account of themselves in the last three months of the season. It’s really been just Robin and Jack, for me.
Clichy may sound as if he loves us but right now its all about money, the same as his french mate – they can both take a hike as far as i am concerned…
Robin, Song, JD, Sagna and a few others from overseas have never flirted with other clubs, we never hear about whether they want to consider other options, they just re-sign and we hear little about it…
They are loyal….
I think i am having a bad AFC day 😉 😉
I’m no longer fussed about Cesc or Nasri, tbh. It would be wonderful to keep them, for sure… but it won’t be the end of the world if they go. We “rebuild” again is the problem; even if it seems like we’ve been “rebuilding” since … I don’t even remember when.
One thing I really hate hearing though, and Theo says this a lot is how the dressing room atmosphere is great and there’s great communication blah blah blah. Cos I really don’t see it on the pitch.
I know just the cure for your AFC blues… Go on a break. 🙂
I get what you are saying agag, if they want out, get the best money we can and use it to fund new players – they don’t need replacing position wise but, we could make other area much stronger…
We have enough in midfiled to be very good and creative, add a big lump who is better than Song, two big lumps in defence and a goal scorer…
Simples 🙂
Our defense really needs to be sorted out. We were embarrassing at times this season. What on earth did we buy Squillaci for, again?? And Chamakh has to be less scared of taking his chances. The number of goals he missed because of that superfluous pass still rankles.
I think Chamakh will show his real self next season, whether that is good or bad, I don’t know but i truly believe he will be better than Nik…
Squilli, that signing will never make sense to me agag, other than, wenger didn’t know TV would get crocked – take that situation away from it, and we would hardly have seen Squilli would we? He’d have been the wise head in the CC games and maybe the FA Cup…
To be fair to him, he and JD formed a good partnership, did they ever lose a game when they played??
So, Monday is supposed to be the day that Cesc fabregas secures his transfer to Barca…….
So cesc goes on Monday, nasri gets his money and stays…..and wenger adds real quality to the squad!!
Or b)??
😆 Lee…
‘B’ for me……
I’m off for the day folks, Friday night and all that 😉
Catch you tomorrow….
Be good and stay safe….
Nighty Night
Tony Adams has stated that he would never work for, or with Arsene Wenger, He stated that had he been asked to coach in way of defence, Wenger would interfere and not allow him to do his job.Adams said he has a tougher job in his present position managing Azerbaijan than he would have here, i say that is fighting talk, Azerbaijan and Adams deserve one another, in my eyes if Wenger’s interference is to tough to fight perhaps Tony is where he deserves to be. Shame.
So Tony would rather manage Azerbaijan’s Gabala rather than be Arsenes No 2, and he also thinks George Graham is a better coach. Sorry Tony you are not the man I thought you were
Morning all
New Post up