Ever since our move to The Emirates, from the start of the season 2006/2007 we have come to expect the end of season jitters which seem to hit Arsenal from 1st March onwards.
SAF calls it squeaky bum time, I prefer to call it END OF SEASON AFFECTIVE DISORDER.
The time when it seems that our players’ grey matter that lies between their ears goes haywire, looses all the software that has been installed in the previous months and their engines start mixing oil with water and start spluttering.
What once was a finely tuned engine which left everyone stuttering in its wake has suddenly become a car which seems to need all hands on board to push it over the finishing line.
I started this post from the season 06/07. The season in which we started playing at the Emirates. I could have started it earlier, say from the year 2000, however it seems more appropriate that we start off from the moment the first game was played on The Emirates surface.
The first thing which strikes the eye is the playing surface, it is longer and wider then the one at Highbury. The present surface is 105 x 69 metres while the one at Highbury was 100 x 67 metres. The surface at Highbury was narrower than the present one at the Emirates.
Now while I am not blaming the pitch width for our defensive abilities, or lack of, I do happen to think that this might play a bit in the opponents’ favour. At Highbury, opponents often used to comment on how much narrow the pitch was and our mean defence did not leave too many spaces to be exploited either. Nowadays the pitch is wider and our defence seems to be in Christmas mood for presents all year round, seeing that sometimes we go out of our way to give our opponents a warm welcome with some freebies to make their stay an enjoyable one.
Now let us analyze some facts. In the following table one can see how we finished the season from the beginning of March till May, circa the last 11 to 12 games for each season.
Season Pos
06/07 P12 W5 D4 L3 f15 a13 pts19 4th
07/08 P11 W5 D4 L2 f18 a12 pts19 3rd
08/09 P11 W8 D2 L1 f30 a12 pts26 4th
09/10 P10 W5 D2 L3 f17 a10 pts17 3rd
10/11 P11 W2 D6 L3 f14 a16 pts12 4th
11/12 P12 W7 D3 L2 f21 a12 pts24 3rd
Funnily enough this season has not seen the worst ending ever since we have moved to the Emirates. That honour has to go to season 2010/11. Amazingly this season can be classified the 2nd best ending since we moved to the Emirates, having secured more than 20 points in 10-12 games for only the 2nd time in the last 6 seasons.
This season has been one hell of a roller coaster one, our emotions where going up or down more than a heart rate meter. Obviously we could and should have wrapped up 3rd with more than a few matches to spare and some of the injuries did not help either. We could have done with sealing 3rd with around 3 or 4 games left and with nothing to play for Arsene Wenger could have easily played the like of Coquelin, Yennaris, Miguel, Jenkinson etc, safe in the knowledge that whatever happens the league position would not have been influence and in turn, give them precious game time for their future..
Looking at the above, as I said earlier, the table shows that this season has seen the 2nd best season end since our move to the Emirates and while I agree that it is not enough since we have lost or drawn games which we should have won, it is not during the last three months of the season that we lost the league.
It is what we did throughout the year that counts, although a good finish always helps and the league table rarely lies.
It shows how good or bad you have been throughout the season, it does not show how good you were during the first three months or the last three months. It usually reflects your performances during 10 arduous months. There are moments which influence what happens at the end of May, however it is a sum total of all these issues not a singular event.
Last season saw our team concede far more goals to set pieces than goals to open play but this season the trend has been reversed.
While the goals from set pieces have dried up, we have conceded more due to having a more cavalier approach which leaves us more open and vulnerable when attacking. The goals against Wigan, Norwich and WBA come to mind.
The majority of AFC fans usually complain about the end of season blues, however there is enough proof that although the end of season usually gives us jitters the results of the last 6 years are not that much more different then previous years. Some of the media pointed out that Manchester United have imploded in the final part of the race but taking a look at the table below, which takes into consideration the final 12 games of the season we will become aware that this is not the case.
In fact Manchester United fared much better than the champions in the last 12 games, having more points and a better goal difference. Arsenal did not fare badly than the first two being only 2 points behind City and just 4 behind United. Tottenham on the other hand are 5 points behind Arsenal and 9 points behind United.
Mini Table from 1st March.
Manchester United P12 W9 D1 L2 F26 A7 Pts 28
Manchester City P12 W8 D 2 L2 F26 A 9 Pts 26
Arsenal P12 W7 D3 L2 F21 A12 Pts 24
Tottenham P12 W5 D4 L3 F14 A13 Pts 19
Going a little bit further, I compared this season with the Invincibles and the Championship Winning season of 1988/89. If anything, this season this team have fared better than the season 1988/89 and are only 2 points worse off than the team which is rightly dubbed THE INVINCIBLES.
Comparison with previous title winning seasons.
2003/2004 P12 W7 D5 L0 F22 A9 Pts26 Champions
2011/2012 P12 W7 D3 L2 f21 A12 Pts24 3rd
1988/89 P12 W6 D4 L2 F21 A11 Pts22 Champions
So as everyone can see, the end of this season was not all that bad as some may seem to want to point out. It compares favourably to the results obtained by previous Arsenal title winning teams and the current Manchester clubs. We did not fare badly, however, had the team not been careless in certain games we could all have been shouting a different story. Not necessarily a title winning team, but a more enjoyable ride to the final games.
A note to the AKB’s and the AWB’s
I would like to end this article with this point. A side note to the AKB’s and the AWB’s (AW bashers). You all have right to your opinion and we all respect it. However remember that if you are an AKB and you have every right to be, it is not always that Arsene Wenger is right in what he does and if you are an AWB, and you have every right to do so, not what AW does is wrong.
Remember that he, like you and me, is a mortal being and is prone to commit mistakes. What is unacceptable is that you try to shove your opinion down our throat and call us names. In this article I tried to stay impartial without committing myself to one side or the other and I hope that in the future, whatever happens with our club, we all get behind the team and support it.
We all have a whole summer to analyse and criticize and I think that that, is about enough.
Written by Devilgunner
‘SED’ – love it!
Maybe they suffer with ‘SBD’ too 🙂
Morning all
Mighty fine post devil, off to read it again 🙂
hello everyone…………….
mighty fine post coach…btw morning peeps!
heyy..rico…good post devil..some very interesting points…
Arsenal Capital Services Inc. London……more like it!
Well done,Devil.
Evening fellow Gooners.
Another glorious,sunny day down under,but the evenings are getting chillier by the day,
does anyone knw….abt d lewis holby…n suarez..situation…do we hav a pre contact wth thm…..
Morning all. Good post Dev.
RON – I doubt it. That would mean that Gazides would have had to have gotten off his arse and done something to justify his massive salary. Something he rarely does.
Its interesting to see that this seasons ending was not quite as bad as it seemed at the time but,
we still have a major flaw to the defensive side of our game, we could and should have picked up more points in the last couple of months, especially in our home games but we lost all chance of finishing higher at the beginning of the season..
Ron,who knows?
I’ve heard those rumours,and the on Holtby seemed pretty serious,but again,who knows?
You guys seen Yaya is looking to leave Citeh….
Just saying 😉
Rocky,he’s got Podolski in.
Maybe I’m hoping beyond hope,but maybe it’s finally sunk in.
Ron, don’t believe any of them, we have our only summer signing, the two big ones will be getting Diaby and Jack fit 😆
Morning / evening Scott. You have to wonder how much work Gazides would have had to do re Podolski. Wouldn’t surprise me if Podolski and his agent would have just turned up at Arsene’s door! IG hasn’t a clue how to conduct business.
Good Morning Fine Folk of the St Totteringham’s Faith.
Thanks for your comments.
Personally I was amazed when I compared the table. Especially the one with the 88/89 and the Invincibles team. It goes to confirm that what held us back was our terrible start. Players like Benny contributed a lot to our end of season improvement and that is why we need to keep him. He might not be effective for the first 12 matches but he proved his worth at the time which mattered most…the end of the season.
So Rico………I will do another two articles comparing this season with the same tables as above with the same seasons as above. You can use them later on in the summer if you want. What do you think???
good…holtby is a good player…but hope he does nt come in as d 1 2 players buying suggestion by wenger..i thnk hazard would hav been fantastic in d rosicky role..wth dribbling skills n his passing..but looks like he is off to city…need a playr to replce..cesc..do nt thnk wilshere has tht..he his more of a arteta type of player..box to box midfielder..
Spot on rocky, if IG was any good at his job, the RvP & Theo situation wouldn’t be where it is today…
That would be fab devil,
thank you, it’s going to be a long summer ahead, really appreciate all the help you guys give with the posts…
RICO….it thts the oni 2 supposed signings ths summer othr thn poldi…getting injured plyrs back…we r in trouble..man city r going to strengthen….so r man u,chelsea n totts…guess livpool n newcastle too…n we will fall further behind…
I still can’t believe that RvP, Theo and Song’s contracts have all been allowed to run down to 1 year left after what happened last year. My only hope is that AW tried to get them to sign extensions last year but none were willing to at that time. If that’s not the case, then the half-wits in charge are obviously incapable of learning from mistakes. TBH, I’d not be too fussed if Song or Theo left. and if RvP doesn’t want to stay, then get rid. (and in all honesty, I was quite glad when Clichy left). But these situations shouldn’t have come up in the first place.
Song has till 2014 RR07. Only Theo and RVP and Arsh have till 2013. Maybe the Song Scenario shows that they are learning. If he goes Song will not go for less than 25 to 30 million.
I know Ron, we have to hope this time things will be different and the RvP situation forces AW hand to sign players….
It’s really bad management that you have key players all with the same end dates on their contracts, surely they should be staggered? Why don’t we put these ridiculous buy-out clauses in our contracts, ie hulk (who’s log imho) 50m euros or whatever it is??
Just a thought….
Jeez, forgot all about Arshavin! I find that valuation of Song astonishing. what is it…. £6m per decent pass last season?!
Lee. Hulk is shocking. Touch odf a baby elephant (and probably weighs more than one too). And he calls himself Hulk. twat.
In all fairness,when was the right time to extend RVP’s contract?
At the start of the season,we didn’t know if he’d last 2,12 or 32 games,so that wasn’t the time…..
At the halfway point is when his health and fitness was shown to be what we want and need,and his class shone through.
Since that point,he’s been saying he would wait til the end of the season,so nobody else can be lamed for that.
I think stating they’ve not done their job in letting RVP’s contract get to this point are off the mark.
hope so rico….song is a good plyr..but goes missing in his defensive duties…tht is why arteta was so imp..he used to cover his positions..but ramsey was lost..hope he has a good pre season..othrwise send him on loan to get his confidence back….we need a back up gk..cb..dm..am..n a striker….to compete.for d title..
On Theo and Song,well,they are very,very replaceable,so I’d hardly rate their situations on a par with RVP.
Devil – what rude names can we call people who sit on the fence ?
Good point Ron.
How many goals were scored with Arteta playing v without him……it would make for interesting reading.
Lee – ours would all have €10m get out clauses 😉
Steve,seeing both sides of the argument is not siting on the fence.
It’s what separates HH from lowlife groups like Le Grove.
Morning peoples,
Devil congrats on a superb season encompassing post. Puts all our hair pulling in a balanced perspective. Cuz some pretend to lose more fur than a bear dropping it’s winter coat. Proud of you coach.
Rico I applaud you for this open to all concept. It stands and delivers even in a hurricane of emotions while conquering eventful twisters. Hooray Hooray Hooray to our Queen and our seasoned household.
I know what you mean Scott, but when a team clearly has no other strikers that are worth a rub, (and no-one was brought in before the season started) it was a bit of a gamble to not discuss a possible extension at the start. I was wrong in saying Song, as Dev pointed out I got that wrong. But seeing as Wenger has a perpetual hard-on for Walcott, the fact he only has a year left on his contract is exactly the same scenario as RvP. We think Theo is very replacable, but I bet AW doesn’t think so!
Rico,you’d be filthy if we could only get 10 millions for Bendtner lol.
Morning all. I sent you a mail RIco.
It’s a gamble whichever way you go Rocky,and multiplying this by the number of players we have is the reason I laugh at those suggesting they can do a better job than Wenger…….it’s very easy to get things wrong.
scott From Oz…no idea abt d stats..but u could see..song trying to be d playmaker n arteta covering for him..he is playing furthr behind thn he used to play for everton..n guess tht positional sense n covering comes frm experience…whch our midfield lacked..it was shocking to notice tht whn d first goal was scored against us,,in d match vs wbrom..benayoun was d left back..whr was santos..good going forward..but needs someone to cover for him..
Song – I am stunned to, I can’t believe and don’t believe he is worth anywhere near that amount. If AFC paid that much for a player, and he turned out to play in the same way as Song does, I would be really really cheesed off….
Arsenal legend Robert Pires: ‘Going to Highbury development made me cry’
Posted by Ben Davies on May 16, 2012 in: Arsenal|Post Comment
Robert Pires has revealed he cried when he returned to where Arsenal’s old Highbury stadium used to stand – despite owning one of the flats built on the site.
Having enjoyed some of his finest footballing moments at the ground, Pires felt obliged to purchase one of the apartments. But he wasn’t exactly overjoyed when he got the keys to his new pad.
He told OTP: “I bought the flat only for the memory. For Highbury.
“I went one day and I cried after, when I saw the development. Only flats now. Strange. I don’t like it!”
Fortunately, Pires’ glowing testimonial was omitted from property brochures for the complex.
But the Gunners are still prominent in the Frenchman’s thoughts. He was decked out in a full Arsenal tracksuit for our interview, so thoughts automatically turned to his former club:
OTP: Looking good in the Arsenal gear. Does it feel good to be back in it?
Robert Pires: Yes! I’m happy when I put Arsenal clothes on.
OTP: It feels right, to have it on your heart?
RP: Yes. Exactly!
OTP: You’ve got a flat at Highbury haven’t you? It must be amazing to look out on to the place you used to play.
RP: I bought the flat only for the memory. For Highbury. I went one day and I cried after – when I saw the development. Only flats now. Strange. I don’t like it!
OTP: In 2004 you went unbeaten with Arsenal. What did it feel like to be invincible, to be called ‘The Invincibles’?
RP: The season 2003-2004 was amazing. Unbelievable. When you finish unbeaten I think thats a good job, no?
OTP: It’s not bad, yeah.
Steve – Fence Sitters 🙂
Hi DG, you do make me chuckle sometimes 😛
True Scott. And I know his injury record is a shocker… but I just feel that as our only striker, we should have at least tied him into an extension last year. But then again, what’s to say he woudn’t have had another injury breakdown after he signed? As you say… always a gamble especially with injury prone players. I’d still like us to have a crafty bid for Benzema if RvP does leave….
Arteta was named a poor mans Fabregas by plenty when we signed him.
I think he has shown exactly how good a player he is,and lo,how important he was to us.
Panic buy,my arse.
Wish we had him 3 years ago.
Scott – every player is replaceable but its about more than that, selling them sends out the totally wrong message this summer, we need to be building on what we have imho and not selling anyone other than those who we all know are rubbish or not interested, the latter being AA….
Rico – Do you think that’s how Liverpool & city felt after they shelled out all that money on Downing / Milner?!
Thanks Adam, seen it 😉
Rocky,I think most on here agree we’d rather he stay,but if he goes,the money MUST be spent on a bloody good replacement.
Hello there.
Rocky and all, I really think that the fabregas situation opened a can of worms. I know deals are the basis of transfers and always have been but the way we allowed fabregas to sulk about no trophys publicly and winge about going home really turned my stomach. This in my view only fanned the flames of the Nasri situation (if he’s doing it why shouldnt I) and now look. They are all waiting about to see who else goes and stays….so IG and AW need to be firmer from the start and perhaps more candid with the team about really fighting for titles.
Rio,I wasn’t suggesting we sell them.
This was the first season since we moved to the Emirates in which we did not have Cesc with us. And with the exception of season 08/09 we did better off without him than with him in the side. Yes he is a world class player. But was he suited to AFC with the players he had around him??? Remember, the first season in the Emirates he still had players like Henry with him.
Arteta certainly impressed me Scott. Benny too. And reading yesterday’s comments on here about Barton (and I freely admit, before the season started, I was all for signing the little ratboy) I’m glad we didn’t, and got Arteta instead. He;ll be awesome alongside Little Jack next year.
I would be sorry to see the back of Alex Song. I think that , like Clichy at Arsenal, his main problem is lack of concentration. Despite his sometimes lazy appearance he is a player who has improved so much over the years and he has repaid the faith that Wenger showed in him.
When I think of players like Pat Rice or Ray Parlour I think it is important that players can still improve through hard work and can earn a place in our first team.
Song’s role is pivotal and it could not have been easy considering the number of changes in our midfield over the past few seasons, but I think he has earned his place.
Too right rocky, what a waste of money they were… Carroll hasn’t been much better either…
Scott – It’s imperative we do. If we sign a couple of no-marks to play alongside Podolski and expect him to carry the burden the way RvP has this season, we’ll fail miserably, and the fans won’t have it.
Morning Thorny. I agree. It’s a shame more can’t be like Vermaelen, and say fuck it, I love this club, so I’m going to sign a new deal regardless.
Thorny,I said weeks go that RVP should be given a deadline to sign,and if that passes,he should be sold to the highest bidder.
No stuffing around,put the pressure back on him.
The clubs have lost the upper hand to players and their grubby agents,and need to get it back.
hope d mvilla rumour is true n we get him…will help solve d defensive side greatly i thnk…we got good defenders..but no proper application..i thnk he will come in n do his job properly..tht is breaking up ply,distributing,covering…mainly defending..mvilla arteta n hazard would he fantastic..but i guess we will se rosicky or wilshere in thr instd of hazard:)
Love that Sir Bobby peice Lee – wish he was 15 years younger….
Steve says:
May 16, 2012 at 10:12 am
Devil – what rude names can we call people who sit on the fence ?
Steve…you can easily look in the mirror and give a proper adjective to the reflection coming out of it. That would be nice in my opinion.
Scott – It’s not every day I find myself agreeing with your every comment, but you’re on a roll today! If that deadline comes and goes, so does he. We can’t be held to ransom by a player and his gobshite of an agent. This is the problem with having a lot ove good players and only a few world class ones…. the world class ones know they always have the upper hand as we rely on them too much. Look at City… I’m sure the’d just dump anyone who tries to hold the club to ransom as there are more than enough good players to replace them.
Arteta is no poor man’s Cesc. He is a fine player in his own right. He is skillful yet humble enough to work for the team. In my opinion he is rightfully a captain’s material. Because after RVP and TommyV he is the real leader of the team. We missed him a lot when he was injured and it showed. Hopefully he will be fitter and better next year. And who knows……with him and Jack Wilshere in midfield we will be solid once more.
Blimey ! Maybe ‘ sensitive ‘ was the word I was looking for.
ahhhhh Steve. Goody for you mate. you surely hit the nail right on the head.
Thanks for the suggestion. it surely escaped me also.
Now what do you think should we call people who like to sit back, reflect and see things from an impartial perspective irrelevant of opinions formulated through looking at a situation from a one eyed telescope?
Or is that difficult for you to comprehend???
i guess we will nt see d bst of wilshere nxt season bcz of d long lay off…will take him time..to be back to his bst..
Come on Dev, don’t rise to it mate.
RON – Hopefully he’ll get a good pre-season in, but I vaguely remember reading a report that he probably won’t be fit for the start of the season….. Anyone else hear/read that or did I just make that up?!
RR07 😉
I like sparring. you know……….much like a cat likes playing with a door mouse.
Rocky,I hardly ever agree with me either!
Citeh,they’re a different animal.
They kept Tevez,and if ever a player held a club to ransom,and begged to be sold or sacked,it was him.
They’ve made a rod for their own back there.
Just before ripping its head off and leaving the dead carcass on the floor for its owner to discover, you mean Dev?!
hope so rockyrocastle07…..but wenger will also nt rush him back..do nt why diaby is always rushed back..as soon as he is fit..he is back in d squad..i guess wenger thnks he well might get injured in d nxt training session..better get some minutes out of him
Yeah true Scott…. But he certainly justified his inclusions in Balotelli’s absence!
Right chaps and chapesses, I’m off to the gym. Back at about 1ish.
Don’t know why Diaby is even still picking up a wage at Arsenal RON, to be honest!! The woeful lack of cover means they are needed to be rushed back.
I don’t think the club is being totally open about Jacks situation,and if it means he misses the Euros and Olympics,then good on them.
Funny,we all talk about how good he is,yet do we actually underestimate the impact of not having him this Season?
don’t overdo it rocky 😉
Morning Gooners;
Morning Dear Lady Rico;
As for YOU Coach……….
Well that was a stunning Post.
You have taken your postings to a new level habib.
I’m am mightily impressed, and doff my cap to you in humble respect…
He’s a super player Rocky,but he owns Mancini now.
Evening AK.
Off to read the comments.
Diaby…. 😉
he has got loads of talent..in my opinion.he is d .most talented of our midfield players..but his injury record is worst thn heskey’s goal scoring record..
RON says:
May 16, 2012 at 10:47 …..i guess wenger thnks he well might get injured in d nxt training session..better get some minutes out of him
That is crackers mate. 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
Agreed Scott. He will repay him by handing in a trf request at the merest sniff of another club coming in for him!
I’ll try not to Rico….. Weights today though… I always try and outdo myself when doing weights. It’s a bullshit machismo thing!!
Evening Digger, 😉
For Adam, 😛 😀 😯 🙂 🙁 lol
Actually I thought it was a very good post and I thank you for your effort in compiling it.
I’m just sorry you don’t have a sense of humour.
RON says:
May 16, 2012 at 10:53 am
……but his injury record is worst thn heskey’s goal scoring record..
Another cracker mate.
they put a smile to my face.
Thanks Sir AK.
Incidentally…………where is Sir SP??? Havent seen him form some time now????
Morning AK – sunny by the seaside 🙂
rocky, all the more reason to go steady 😉
Devil,maybe it’s a Steve swap.
Our lad is on Le Grove telling them how good Wenger is!
Ron, 9.42;
Catching up here folks, so sorry & all that.
I did read a couple of months ago, about the same time as the Podolski rumours began gathering pace, that Arsenal had a pre-contract agreement with Matias Suarez…
So that story could have some ‘legs’…
SSP has a lot of work on at present 🙁
Hi Steve………..I thought you were one of the usual AW/AFC basher.
did not see the joke mate. Im neither an AKB nor an AWB. That explains my answer. welcome aboard mate. 😉
Interesting statistics. It didn’t seem that we were pulling up any trees, quite the reverse! You can’t argue about the numbers but why is it so many fans feel let down and disappointed with the run in?
There may be an answer, if when we consider our relationship to to AFC, we bare in mind the fact that we have become accustomed to scintillating football played by world class players who are being schooled by one of the best Managers the EPL/AFC has ever had!
Sadly the days of exceptional footballers at AFC is past its best. I think Wenger is trying to get back there, on a shoe string budget.
We spend hours fantasizing about who will sign next, because we can. We wish……!! However, one wish that could come true is that we could re-sign Bergkamp. What a coup that would be. I reckon he could lure almost any player you care to name, in the style of Dein, or perhaps Vieira has at Citeh, not as a negotiator but as a coach, a footballing icon with a brain! He would be the bait, the attraction, the lure ! I don’t think RvP would give a second thought to leaving if he knew he would be coached by our former No 10! as would the rest, as well as any potential signings. Would finishing successfully in front of goal improve? you bet your life it would!
It’s not just the playing staff that need upgrading it’s the behind the scenes staff that need a sprinkling of star dust. Charisma goes a long wat to instilling and improving commitment!
Bring back Bergkamp and watch Arsenal FC rise to the top of the pile! Again!
A footnote. Will Wenger consider this as an option – – – NO! Bergkamp represents too much competition for him!
Steve – we have had a few ‘post bashers’ here recently and comments bashers, not suggesting you are one of them though.
Sometimes we all get defensive of the hard work put into writing posts, we are neither AW bashers nor do we believe he is the best thing since sliced bread all we all want is what is best for the club we love….
What bothered me throughout the season is the Park enigma. How Wenger identified him above options that were available from EPL, some even on a freebie, is beyond me. Or was he soley bought to have a go at the Carling Cup, giving RvP a rest??
Sell shirts you say?? What with PARKED on the back?? Asians like heroism last I heard was they call him Jet Li. As he evaporated from Monaco airport.
Can we leave the swipes at LG alone guys, I wouldn’t like to read anyone there slating us….
You’re right Rico they do write excellent content. It’s their stable that seem like a pig’s house at times.
DG – the signing of Park was really bizzare and i feel sorry for the player, i think he will leave us this summer, and who could blame him.
Was he a Stan signing and not Wengers I wonder…..
Agree there DG about Pedro and Geoff’s posts, same can be said of Yogi on ACLF, each have strong minded fans commenting yet gulfs apart on their views….
devilgunner ….:)….allezkev….do nt knw much abt him…if he comes in hope he replaces park….god knws wht will happen today at vp’s contract negotiations..hope he stys..n arsenal sign some quality players..n get rid of some dross..mind u..a lot of thm r thr….at d club currently
I have to talk about them here,because they banned me or actually defending Wenger…….the hide of me lol.
I will leave them alone for you though Rico.
Outrageously bizarre. Hardly a striker at the bowling center. Think it ruined what could have been a decent career. Character murder you should call it.
Thanks Scott 😉
Morning all,
rico 10.59, he must have one helluva hangover !
Steve, 10.31;
Good points re; Song…
I have to admit, that he is, and never has been a favourite of mine. And tbh i’m still not sure if he is a much better player than i thought. Or that he’s a dozy, lazy git, whose very lucky to play for our club?
😆 Micko…
a likely scene at wengers house currently (hope it is diff)
vp- boss will discuss d ambitions for nxt season n d players we ought to sign…
wenger-we got poldi..n getting 2 new signings back wilshere n diaby….
vp- wilshere good player.but .who d heck is diaby….
wenger-(in shock)…u do nt knw abou diaby..
wenger- he has played wth u mate…in 6 yrs..112 appreances
vp-hw come i hav nt seen him.
wenger-he comes on as a substitute n gets injured n has to be substituted..gets hamstring injuries a lot..bcz does nt play wth d handbrake on..
gazidis chips in- d medical team hv a glowing report abt him..keeps d doctors going always..makes full use of d clubs medical service..
We agree to disagree a lot here on HH. But there’s always somebody that asks not to turn it into a chin raising contest. Here we act play Shakespeare-ish with rubber knives. On other forums they actually want to draw blood just for the taste of it. Form over substance.
Rico……..for heaven’s sake put a section entitled JOKES on HH and leave Ron to administer it. 😉
Dozy lazy git i say AK 😉
This is what we once were………….
………and to where we will go again.
no way…devilgunner…i m too young for it..:):)
Scott’s been on the red meat again i see, grrrrrrr 🙂
Arsenal’s Jack Wilshere has responded dismissively to Samir Nasri’s broadside at his old club, aiming to “rub his face in it next year”.
Nasri had followed winning the Premier League with Manchester City by telling fans at his old club to “celebrate their third-place achievement and I will focus on winning titles”.
The French midfielder was accused by many Arsenal fans of leaving for money last summer, when he swapped the Emirates for the Etihad in a £24m deal which doubled his wages to around £170,000 a week.
Wilshere, speaking to Talksport, said: “Fair play to him, he’s won a trophy but over the next couple of years that’s our goal – to win a trophy. I can really see Arsenal winning a trophy, so maybe he spoke too soon and we can rub it in his face next year.”
Listen Ron, mate. kindly collect all those humorous bits and forward them to Rico. She can make them into a post. They are top level mate. Especially the one about RVP and AW and Diaby. You are good mate. believe me.
Now Kev. You are pointing out my Smiley fail tendencies again. You are going to give me a complex. 😀
Still in shock after hearing Scott got a ban !
Ron 11.30, comedy gold.
To be, or not to be, that is the question Dutch.
Now i’m off to the gym, in a forlorn effort to combat the ageing process. 🙁
Adam… 😥 😎
devilgunner….sure…:):)….many people expecting mvilla to join us after d french ligue is over..if it happens..good signing..stp in d right direction..
😆 Ron, i’d love to be a fly on the wall in their meeting today…
I struggle to keep up with the main page devil 😉
rico….do u thnk…mvila rumours r true..??..if true i guess song.must be leaving…thn
Morning, good post perhaps we should offer Sir Bobby a coaching post with the youngsters?
just read tht…jack wilshere may be just fit for d strt of d pre- season…good news..
Rico, hopefully RvP’s agent won’t be sticking his oar in or better still hasn’t been invited.
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars. 🙂
I don’t know Ron, I hope so but…..
If anyone has Sky Sports with the ESPN added for £9 a month, if you contact Sky they will give you the next three months ESPN for free….
Is that Dein jnr Micko? He’ll shaft us if it is….
Micko,and it was the first day on there……….
I only eat red meat AK……raw.
Goodnight guys.
Season ticket renewal by email just popped up. Oh Joy.
Night Scott
Don’t do it Adam 😉
night night scott….
Just going to the Arsenal blood bank Rico. Might have to sell an organ too. Did you get the piece?
Haven’t checked Adam, bit busy around the home at the mo…
I would say relax, but I know you can’t.
You are right there Adam… 😉
My wife tells me that where relaxing and doing nothing is concerned, I am World-class. I regard that as a compliment as most of my work is done laying on the couch.
Nasri is a bellend! The end!
I’d like to think I could make the British Olympic Team at doing sweet f.a…..
The art is to make it look like you’re busy……
😆 Adam & Lee….
What has Nasri said now?
England squad announced shortly if anyone is interested, rumour is Rio Ferdinand is finished….
West Ham are looking………
He made an oink Rico. Someone threw him a bucket of swill, he got his snout in and no more was heard, though he did emit copious amounts of methane from somewhere back there. It was all very unattractive and rather embarrassing behaviour by the porcine North African.
Ox is in england squad…. =) … i mean seniors
What, at Rio??
No Rico. Someone had given him a large bucket of swill but then a swarthy looking chap came along and offered a bigger bucket so he went for the that one.
No any geriatric footballers… 😆 Sharpen up Rico….
…Ox is in England squad for euro2012
Is Gerry Francis’s mullet going?
Nasri or Rio Adam 😉
Nasri or Rio what Rico? I missed something.
What a bizzare squad for England – theo and Ox are in..
Barry, Lampard, Milner and Downing all in 😮
Lee & Adam – I am all over the place today 😉
I can see why he’s taking Downing after such a free-scoring season.
Negotiations with RvP
Wenger playing at home should have advantage over RvP who is playing on an unfamiliar surface.
Referee Dein not as impartial a referee as perhaps he should be!
Half time approaching still 0-0. could go either way after the Euros. Just depends whether RvP has already been tapped up or not. The lure of mammon and the chance of medals, bronze this year!
I should love to have my ear to the wall!
Douglas Bader looks like another option up front…..glad he got the call….. 😉
Rico, have you been on my funny cigarettes??
Bet their are a few players from the mid/bottom of the league who will be stunned not be called up over him… And Barry & Milner…
Wubbish selections……..
😆 Wavy…
More like I need to be Lee… 😉
The Norwich keeper Ruddy is in, how many did they concede last season?
A Wotten squad…..
And no Micah Richards – now that is cwazy….
Still. On standby is Jordan Henderson so we should be ok. He’s about as convincing a midfielder as Jason Statham is an actor.
Afternoon all.
Is Sturridge injured?
wemawkable… downing gets in and no Adam Johnson!
How the fuck is Gerrard still getting a gig with England? That squad has “group stages only” written all over it!
Stuwwidge just didn’t make it…
Just seen on Sky Sturridge is only on standby…. Seriously. Defoe taken over him? Is that the same Defoe that can’t get in the Spurs team? It is? Oh that’s ok then…. Is Bent not even on standby?
I’d take sturridge over welbeck any day. and over defoe. All Defoe can do is root roughneck women these days.
Rocky. Gwoop stages only? Weerly?
Wocky. That’s iwational.
Weely Adam. Be lucky to get anything against Fwance or Ukwaine.
Wocky. We’ll woast wumania.
I feare wussia will be wuthless against us. it’ll be welentless
The squad is wubbish. It is made up fow dwinking Lowenbwau beew and its wwitten all ovew it. These boys, with the exeption of some simply do not have tactical nous and technical awaweness to compete against the likes of Gewmany, Fwance and Spain. Hell even the Ukwaine has a better squad.
Hope it pwoves us wwong.
Wocky, I think you are wight. What does Weeco think?
I hope that the Nethewlands get dwawn against Engewland if they manage to go thwough the gwoup stages.
Weeko, what do you weckon?
Weeko thinks it’s wotten!
I thought the FA were trying to move forward with a younger looking sqwad?
This one is full of old has beens….
Roy has obviously followed someones instructions….
No wonder harry didn’t get the job….
Oh well, if neither Theo or Ox are in the team, I won’t be watching them….
any one see that Kagawa has been talking to united, surprised we have not talked to him as well?
Unfortunately though Rico, Cole is still up there with the best in the world in his position. The others on your list all suck arse.
I’d have gone with baines rocky, and can’t believe that Walker isn’t in the squad, even though he’s a spud 😉
Richards is the biggest shock for me though, he has been immense for Citeh…
vernat, we might be….
no wio, no wichards plus wooney misses the first few games….weally wowwying!
Rocky. Don’t sit on the fence mate.
Anyone think we’ll hear anything about RvP today?
Haha! Not one for getting splinters mate! No point pretending to happy with thiose douchebags!
Wighto. Off to twaining Fine Folk.
CU latew.
I have to leave you guys to your fun too 😉
Back in an hour or so…..
I really struggle to have any interest in an England team with Tewwy,Wooney,Gewawd & Cole in it……
Excuse me rico but all those so called old beans are younger than me.
wooney and cole still annoying the best players in the country in their position though. Gutting as that is.
Me too micko. Again, that’s VERY annoying.
Annoying indeed rocky, it’s not as if we’re homophobic we just hate Ashley Cole.
Haha!! I’ve got nothing against mobole phones in pants or anything… Just don’t like the guy!
Lovely fella…
lovely fella indeed. Not smarmy… has a great attitude… his tiny little teeth aren’t strange at all…..
Still got to park up Cheryl Cole though.
Yep, he took her up the aisle.
sweetcorn toothed schlagg!
She’s got previous….Kieran Dyer I think
Jesus, that’s one ugly motherfucker.
sweetcorn teeth!! Great description!
well wistening to woy on the wadio I weally think he’s wong not taking wichards!!
Wonder how wobbinn and wenger are getting on today.
Who Dirk Kuyt??
Weally intense discussions, i hear Thowny! How’s the suwf??
Di Mateo speech in the presence of Abramo before the CL final.
Friends, Romans, countrymen lend me thy ears.
There’s method in madness. A lean and hungry look. Strain ruthlessness not.
Cowards die many times before their death. Be not afraid of greatness. Plague their comfort, clothe thou naked villany.
You’re a poor lot. So have no patience. Cast away thy improbable fiction. Blinking idiots.
Breathe one’s last you will, if you don’t hand me my robe and put on my crown. It is cruel to be kind. Ohh happy dagger. Sharper than a serpent’s tooth.
Yes, laugh you numbnuts, laugh yourself a few stitches. Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more. The next patient must minister to himself. Let every eye negotiate for itself.
To be-all and end-all? That’s the question. Beside me (holds both hands up in bunny ears) “A Roman” noblest of them all. Worthy general, fine caviar, rules a hedonist heaven. As seniors and captain have proved, each by their own inches, he’s fit a whore Lord. Ehhh…… war Lord. Sorry,typo.
Either way what’s done is done. Past is prologue.
Now, don’t throw yourselfs at the expense of absence spirit into a waste of shame. Put money in thy purse. Bring me the ‘Big Ears’. (No John, not Prince Charles)
Claim thy chairs at the table of Gods, Aphrodite will be there with her muses to pick from. Such stuff dreams make morning woodies.
Fail and others will breath life on your stone. And place rotten fruit and vegetables at the feet of your entire family tree…
Forget tactics, I want scene after scene of abject cruelty and senseless brutality.
Fair play are only trafficlight puppets on your sleeves. Pleasing the mind of sandal wearing vegans and tree hugging pacifists.
*Knock, knock* ….. Who’s there? The ref!! Ref who?? Ref Pierluigi Collina!!
Lee – Speaking of Thorny (Hi Thorny by the way) that David Thorne email this morning was great! That guy kills me! His “Lost Cat Poster” one is a personal fave!
Thorny – Did I read it right the other day that you were in Cornwall? How is it down there? Hope the RvP thing today is going well… Hopefully Mrs. W is keeping the tea and Jammie Dodgers flowing to keep everyone happy!
wuverly day here lee. surf is about thweee foot and nice bweeze.
wenger needs to pwomise wobbin more weddies and pwayers.
Afternoon Gooners.
I’ll have to get myself one of those mobole phones. 😉
Thowny I’ll get Wico to forward you a funny email….
a true story:At age 8 he was autistic …
At 13, a dwarf who saw the world to 1.10 meters above the ground …
Some years later, based on hormonal treatment and 59 inches taller, the boy born in Rosario in Argentina on June 24, 1987, began to climb to the top of the football world.
His name? Lionel Andrés Messi.
Messi began his saga in abanderado Grandoli club near his home in the neighborhood of Las Heras.
He played his first game for four years to be called by the coach of the children just to complete the team …
And was completed.
At 7 years old, joined in the smaller categories of Newell’s Old Boys, but at 11, his family discovered that Messi suffered from a hormonal disorder that slowed bone growth and therefore growth.
The predictions of the doctors were overwhelming: without effective treatment, Messi is doomed to dwarfism.
The treatment consisted of alternating injections on each leg every night and the cost was 900 dollars per month …
For a year and a half, the foundation on which Jorge Messi, Messi’s father worked defrayed little treatment, but for lack of resources, the aid was suspended.
Without money to continue the medication, Jorge Messi sought the direction of the Newells Old Boys club in the 10 years since the little Messi fintava boys twice his height and marked goal and more goals, to help him in the treatment of his son …
The request was denied and then Messi was offered to the River Plate …
Faced with the prospect of losing the young lad, Newell’s Old Boys offered $ 200 by way help to defray the cost of the injections, but the money was insufficient and Messi again be offered to the River Plate, but this he found that the investment pay and was told no.
No option but determined to fight for the health of the child and confident in the talent of the boy, Jorge Messi came in contact with a cousin of his mother who lived in Lerida in Catalonia and after receiving the green light, what little he had sold, collected meager savings and embarked with his family to Spain.
Nestled in the house of a cousin of his mother with his family, Jorge Messi took his son to a soccer field where a scout for Barcelona panned young talent …
Immediately, the scout said Messi for testing in Barcelona.
On reaching the capital of Catalonia, Josep Maria Messi delighted Minquella, the same man who had brought Maradona to Barcelona, but lacked convincing President Joan Gaspart and sporting director, Carlos Rexach …
The reason for the doubt Gaspart and Rexach was whether it would be worth accepting a proposal from Jorge Messi: the boy pay for treatment and pay a definite change of Mesi to Spain.
Josep Maria Minguella then hatched a plan to convince Rexach and scored a friendly between Barcelona Child B against Child A. ..
He did not need to do more …
Faced with boys two years older and physically much stronger, shone the little Messi and without flinching, Rexach decided to invest in the future …
“I hired him in 30 seconds! He caught my attention. In my 40 years of football, had never seen anything like this. In five cases the goal, converted four. And it has an exceptional ability. It reminded me of the best Maradona. His first I signed the contract, symbolically, on a napkin. I wanted to hire him as soon as possible. I could not let him escape, “said Rexach time later.
During 42 months, Messi received daily injections of somatropin, a drug given in the table of products prohibited by WADA, and only permetida for therapeutic purposes.
At the end of treatment in 2003, little Messi, had become a “big boy” of 1.69 meters.
His first-team debut for Barcelona took place on November 16, 2003 in front of Porto in Portugal, at the inauguration of the Estadio do Dragao.
Messi was then 16 years.
Well, since then, everyone knows what happened.
However, his stay in Barcelona came to take risks …
Upon receiving the request from the Barcelona’s Messi documentation, Newell’s Old Boys fussed and refused to submit.
Argentine leaders, surprised, and wanted to hold negotiations Melar Messi …
It took Joan Gaspart asked the intervention of FIFA, which eventually release Messi.
But the Catalan club had to face yet another competitor …
This time stronger and more robust …
Arsene Wenger, Arsenal London to seek young and famous and the unknown values polish, Messi invited to transfer to England, along with Cesc Fabregas …
Messi was at Barcelona, and nobody was sorry to call it a conversation, increase your salary and extend his contract.Anular edições
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As sported by all the gentry in Herts AK…… 😉
You leave us Herts folk alone Lee! I know that was a dig at me!!
Beware The Ides of March, Dutch…
Euros, pah, as long as our players come back fit, that’s my major concern…
Not suprised that Roy went for the safe option…
No Baines is a bit of a shock…
Downing in squad is laughable. Is Carroll in the squad?
JM… He has a massive arse though…..
@ Wocky, 😆
To Dutchgooner 10:
‘And all the rest is silence’
At least it is from the house of Wenger (not Capulet)
I thought the stuff they were injecting into Messi was a pig hormone (or is that what somatropin is? (Can’t be bothered to Wiki it)
Wavy 😉
AK sweak no wore 🙂
Rooney does old pig injecting….
rico, Real Madrid (or Mourinho) wants Yaya. However, his wage in M. City is higher then C.Ronaldo wage.
Wooney butters up spare ribs.
Lee, that thought’s actually made me feel a bit ill!
Time for some cold coffee…. 😆
Alas dear Woywick, i knew him well…. 😀
Nevermind Woy, what about Mick?
@Wocky re He has a massive ars though…..
Na$ri’s can hold a quartet of Guinness must been on bull steroids.
looks like he’s shitting standing up….
AK Mickey Mouse
Only very brave mouses make nests in a cat’s ear.
Dutch, bet you didn’t know God created Guinness to stop the Irish conquering the world.
Lee at the raising of his eye fur you can tell he’s sneaking one out. Looking: who me??
Speaking of mice, I’ve got one running about in my house……
Micko. Thank God for that than. Or we all would be speaking in tongues.
AK – I have that video of Mick with a caption which fits perfectly as he looks such a deviant… I’ll mail it on to you when I find it!
I can actually imagine him saying it in that brash northern accent!
Dutch – Le Tissier beats them all in Arse top trumps though! (pardon the pun…)
Although AA23 comes mighty close
Kenny’s gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Micko I got a chance to see your wonderful Irish scenery. Someone offered me a passenger seat on his truck for a 2 week journey. Picking up sea food at the coast delivering it in London. Request is pending with his boss.
Afternoon fine folk..
King Kenny is no longer then….
Long live the king…..
🙂 Lee, wonder if they will try and get Martinez??
Kennys gone? Kenny who? Dalglish?
Just got out the sea and logged on so missed out.
Any RVP news or owt yet?
Shame about Kenny….
Wonder how that coffee and a chat is going at the club…
Yes thorny, Dalglish… 🙂
It is rocky, he was turning Liverpool into a really good Championship side 😉
I personally hope I never have to see Kenny on TV ever again…the guys just the worst at everything and just got lucky with shearer and sutton at B burn. awefull!
A horse, a horse, my kingdom, for a horse.
Yep King Kenny off……..
The whole suarez racialism thing, backed by Kenny, tee shirts etc………..fuck the scousers!
Agreed Lee. Plus the horriffic amount he spent on no-marks! Hopefully Steve Keen is lined up as his replacement! Then again, Souness isn’t doing much these days apart from annoying Jamie “how tight are my trousres” Redknapp on Sky!
They’l probably go for another legend from the pitch……keegan, Ian rush, maybe Souness, although I think that secretly G souness and Annie lennox are the same person.
Dutch, if you get the chance grab it with both hands, you’ll have a great time travelling up and down the coast, much better than going to the Capital and if the sun comes out it’s a real bonus, you’ll wanna come back for more.
Thorny – Rushie has been shown at a lot of matches lately….. WHo knows! Maybe they can bring the other perpetual failure Keegan back?!
Never trust lorry drivers Dutch…. You could end up rolled up in a carpet on the side of a motorway if you’re not careful! (Sorry, I’ve been reading Viz for far too long!!)
Yeah rocky….Jamie rednapp and his hampsters mouthfull.
You remember Keegan getting a good hiding years ago in a lay-by? Bloke here maintains it’s because Keegan was a kiddie fiddler……
Is ian rush a chuckle brother?
My vote…..AVB,
back room. A mc leish, and steve kean,
Mascott…..Sammy lee the Rat.
from me to you….
… That’s right Barry…..!
Was it on here I heard the rumour about Redknapp and Georgie Thompson or was it from a mate? Injunctions in place and all that….
Keegan a Charlie Chester? Hmmm… not sure about that one.
immagine ian rush and jimmy hill carrying a ladder about lee.
probably while he was giving her a lift home…..
He’s fat, he’s round, his arse is on the ground, sammy lee, sammy lee ! the old ones are the best.
I will Micko. Looking forward to it.
Liverpool might go Italian. Guissepe Hiddink.
Villas Boas in the road to Liverpool…
😆 Micko
JM, serious?? Good, he’ll take them down even futher….
AVB and his croaky voice…. He’ll not make them much better if that happens. Although I fear for Adam, Henderson, Downing, Shelvey et al, as they will be dumped ASAP!
outstanding. He’d know exactly what to do with shelvy, henderson, spearing and so on………just be rude.
As opposed to kenny,(who I can not stand!!) I really miss AVB’s nonsense on telly
this is so hillarious. Pleeeease AVB!!!
Spearing Thorny… That’s the one I couldn’t remember!! Cheers! the Dog-Boy.
What it also does is let any one who comes into the club know the standards they expect and the consequences of not reaching them. Smart move as they must have looked and thought that the potential disruption and bad feeling would be better now as Kenny was not going to take them where they want to go
Have fear guys, if AVB gets rid of a few dippers, you know who will be looking for a cheap purchase 😉
I’d take Kuyt if he’s going cheap!
Carragher’s days are surely numbered now too
he’s a bit like a sammy lee….but a different sort of rodent. Cappybarra?
Actualy nasri makes a good cappybarra
I was thinking shrew…. especially in Nasri’s case.
Although no-one beats Modric when it comes to looking like a shrew!
Cappybarra bit exotic Thorny, French Pineapple Beaver??
or just a C***?
Kuyt 51 goals in 207 appearances being played out of position and with one year left on his contract might be a better bet than Dempsey.
Dick kite rocky?
what about Enrique too?
Kuyt never stops running either and gets assists. I’d love him at Arsenal.
Not sure about Enrique. Not been that great this season.
right gang, I’m off home. Catch you soon.
Scores big goals in important games as well (cliché ridden phrase) 24 goals in 85 caps for Holland. Point to prove as well, could be like when overmars, Kanu, and Henry came all wanting to show they were still good enough.
early one rocky, about time 😉
safe journey….
Had to look up shrew. Modric indeed.
Kuijt recently declared he wanted to go mainland again, preferably back to Feyenoord. You might get 2 year tops outa him. Being he always stretches his engine. Think that takes a toll some day sooner than later.
Bye Rock. Happy snoozing on the tube.
Hiya Fine Folks of the St Totteringham’s Faith. I am back.
Tired and knackered since today we did testing and believe me it was really difficult since I had to show all the coaches the testing that needed to be done. I had to do them myself first. And one of the coaches was taking the piss by timing me and showing the others my times. Good thing I still train. He then had the temerity to compare them to the players…………..if I did worse they took the piss, if I did better they told me that I was not training the boys well. Pah…..you never win.
For those who love music…………..try this group mates. Its awesome.
Woofa training again for Fido tonight, so I’ll catch up a bit later….
Evening all,
Fine piece of penmanship Devil,I know you kept impartial and admire you for it, but i must admit your stats make impressive reading, when is a team considered successfull is it only when trophies are in cabinets, as although we do tend to have a disappointing end of seasons we still end up in the top 4. 15 years is either a very lucky Manager or a very good one.
Kenny Dalgleis has been sacked today after winning a cup, His bosses obviously never thought one trophy was enough, after all he did spend a few quid at the start. Now they are looking for another man to lead them to glory but what exactly does that consist of, when does a manager job become safe one trophy and CL or just Champions League, i just want to know what people consider succesfull as i believe that top 4 for 15 years has to be close doesn’t it 🙂
Dutchio, Dutchio, where for art thou Dutchio?
Hope Martinez stays at Wigan….
Hope Lambert stays at Norwich…
Hope Rodgers stays at Swansea….
How about McCarthy for Anfield….?
Evening Gooners and
Evening Sir Steven.
I heard that you’ve been busy?!
Makes me feel envious as i relax on the setee… 😉
Hi S, AK dont worry mate iv’e had my feet up when you have been grafting, but you still get on the site takes my phone an age to get through and then i fcuk it all up 🙂
I am very upset with Adebayor. He said he holds Spurs closer to his heart than Arsenal. I hear Liverpool want Redknapp who said tonight that he has always been a scouser at heart. Ever since his son bought his first pair of skin-tight trousers up there.
I’ll tell ya what SP, KK’s sacking puts a new spin on all that guff we get about AW not winning anything for 7 years.
It also vindicates Wenger’s insistance that a top-four finish is like a trophy…
Hodgson says he picked Alex Oxlade Chamberlain because he is “a very exciting player who has only one R in his name”. Saw him against AC Milan and thought he was twemendous.
SSP, 😆
Yeah i hate the bloody things…
I wouldn’t bother, but i need my daily fix… 🙂
Hiya Adam,
Adebayor of the Slum…..
Has a nice ring to it.
But can they afford his wages & transfer fee???
Hiya Kev. You at your real home or your London pad?
Reading between the lines, seems like all those successful City players just can’t get away quick enough, do you reckon they have to take a wage cut.
London pad…? 😀
That has a great ring to it, but i’m down by the seaside till Friday, then 10 days sitting in traffic.
How’s things with you?
I’m looking forward to reading your debut on here….
The first of many i hope… 😉
Steve, how on earth can those idiots move any surplus players on, if we can’t get shot of our dross due to their excessive wages..?
FFP could be a bit of a timebomb.
Or maybe not!
perhaps they can’t wait to spend some more money, just to stop any other bugger getting them. I don’t know what they will do when Wenger finally hangs his boots up, who else will show them who to buy
Podolski i/v
Yes Kev, your bachelor den in the Barbican.
Things are upside down here as the plasterers are in and I hate the upheaval as I am OCD about mess, though my wife would not agree and would point out that my middle name is in fact Mess. I did send off a piece I slashed together but not sure that Rico will think it suitable for HH. If I am doing an interest piece I am very much in the moment and might not agree with it myself a few hours later. I really wanted to hook up for a cuppa with you a couple of weeks back but I got caught up with a ghastly publisher from whom I was trying to extort some money as an advance on a book of short stories. It’s a hateful little collection of tales of sex, drugs and general debauchery, set in 70’s London. Largely autobiographical I should add.
Quite a clever ploy by them i think buy in all the good players keep them for a couple of years and then sell them abroad or give them away just to stop the rest of us, as we can’t afford what there getting, they may come unstuck in the Champions league though, they may have to play some of their cast offs
Adam, Rico has got my Mobile Number, if your about give us a bell and we can have a cuppa.
The book sound great… Adam Robbins.. ? 🙂
Hiya Sir SP. Many thanks for your comment.
IMO AW is a good manager who sometimes does go off the rails a bit, but on the whole has been very good for AFC during difficult times. And one thing I did not mention in the article was that AFC went to Highbury Stadium in 1913 but won their first honour in 1930. Taking away the 6 years of war till 1919 it means that it took AFC 11 years to win something. Now while I am not saying that it will take us 11 years (hopefully) after moving to the Emirates, I do happen to think that these are difficult years after the move. So AW was right for AFC during these moments. And when he has to leave, and leave he shall, I hope it will be to the sound of ‘the roar of the Emirates’ when a cup is lifted.
I like the sound of that Adam. but just as an observer 🙂 you understand
I’ll tell ya what Steve, just like, with the Chavs, Shittie’s short-termism will all end in tears.
I think we’re witnessing the gradual break-up of the Chavs, and whoever is manager, they won’t be able to replace all those players like Drogba, Lampard, Essien, Makelele, Terry et al, as they slowly grow old.
They had a great squad, butnothing is forever mate.
Shittie will go the same way.. Eventually.
I would like that Kev. I have your number and we will meet up, probably in the West End as I know that cabbies can always find somewhere to park. Where is a good tea house that you use? As for the stories? Harold Robbins is tame in comparison. Mine are aimed at the lowest common denominator, just above the beast and not for those of a tender disposition, like Rico. I imagine she would find them as sickening as I do.
Steve. If you like the idea, then perhaps you might be interested in advancing me a few shekels so that I can continue bathing in virgin’s urine.
My pad is at Camberwell, Adam.
Barbican, no mate, it’s full of City types, you know, like Lee…. 😉
I’m sure your best efforts on here will be memorable mate.
No pressure like… 😛
Kev. Do you throw Toga Parties in Camberwell then?
Hiya Coach.
My comments were well merited mate, it was a top effort.
Adam, that sounds great mate.
Cabbies, we park anywhere mate, after all, we do own the road. 😀
Togo parties???
Adebayor does i think Adam?! 🙂
Btw Adam, and this is just between you and me 😉 , but Rico was very impressed with your journalistic efforts.
So i think you’ve got the gig… 😀
That’s a shame Kev. I was looking forward to meeting Chamakh at one so we could smoke a hookah together. OK, just off to eat a Golden Syrup Sponge. See you all later.
Cheers Kev. I am all a tremble.
The mind boggles…. 😯
See ya Adam.
Take that toga off Adam…. 😛
I can’t Kev. I’ve just spilled Golden Syrup on it. And from the strong came forth sweetness.
Poor ole King Kenny, he had to fly all the way to Boston and back in one day to get the bullet, you gotta larf.
Coach, despite the best efforts of Talkshite, Motd and the Press, to rubbish Arsene Wenger, and yes he isn’t perfect by any stretch of the immagination, but things keep happening at other clubs that tend to enforce my faith in Wenger’s policies…
Even a money-making enterprise like ManUre are struggling to compete with the enormous amounts that Shittie can squander.
Adam 😆
Devil, I must admit its tough to win things nowadays, if your a club like ours that have a feeble transfer kitty you take your chances like the rest of them, Football today is big money, the owners like to see something for their money, trophies do bring money to the table but not like champions league money, when you consider the £3, million every home game you can understand that top 4 would be considered prety good returns they must love the home and away legs as it all adds up to the kitty.
Adam, your talking to the wrong one there mate I’m just a working class skivy but if i win the lotto i’ll think of you 🙂
So Mick, when are we all coming over to your gaff on the Emerald Isle..?
Dutch can pick a dozen or so of us, up on the way…
Sounds great eh..?
Hodgson on Chamberlain:
“He is a very, very exciting player. He has given one or two performances that have left quite an impression on me, not least of all when Arsenal played Milan at the Emirates and I was there live and saw how well he dealt with Pirlo and Ambrosini in the centre of midfield.”
Given that Pirlo joined Juventus nine months before Oxlade-Chamberlain’s wonder show against Milan in February, and Massimo Ambrosini was suspended for the match in question, it suggests that the pressure of naming a squad 48 hours after shuffling into the hot seat full-time had affected Hodgson’s thinking.
Evening fine folk….
Any news??
Verthongen sign for spuds
Yes Lady…….the other coaches were taking the piss today. And I was dumb enough to fall for it.
Hi Rico.
Adam is organising a toga party.
And Mick has invited about 20 of us over to his mansion in Ireland for a holiday.
Other than that, no, nothing really.. 🙂
“The last hour has been fun Rico”, he said as the Golden Syrup trickled down his chin.
JM, do you think there’s any chance that you can bring us some good news for a change… 🙁
Vertonghen to that Shithole…..
Now i am really pissed off…
allez, the world is not covered by good news. That’s the life!
perhaps he mentioned them Devil cause he could pronounce their names 🙂
Vertonghen has always wanted to play in front of 26,000 in the Europa League. Says that those Albanian teams are an unknown quantity on a cold Thursday night.
No JM, that cannot be true 🙁
devil, surely not 😉
I have read you have all been having a fun time….
never mind he’s got two left feet any way Tosser
Vertonghen was bowled by over by how triffic ‘Arry woz!!!!
yes Lady….see my 5.45pm
I wonder if that could mean, I want the big Russian to buy out Stan….
De Boer rated him higher than TV…..
If we didn’t buy him Rico it will be solely because Wenger, for whatever reason, didn’t want him. I’ll have a wild stab here and say that money had something to do with it. Just a feeling really.
JM, don’t take it personally, but try bringing us some good news occassionally eh??? 😉
Be pissed off if we fucked this up….
Adam, i did read somewhere that his wage demands were a bit excessive.
Morning all.
I have a feeling that that England squad was not picked by Hodgson….but by a memeber of the FA who knew that Roy does not pronounce the r properly. Infact out of the first squad and the stand by there are 17 players who have r in their names against 11 who do not. 😆
JM is the Iberian “Grim reaper!!!”
Maybe that bloke I know was right……?
Lee, your Dutch pal was correct then?
It’s all Stan’s fault…..
6 billion that would buy a few Burgers
Roberto di Matteo to go to Lazio if not kept by the chavs.
He said the deal was done on 3rd may, all but some finer points and we moved the goalposts……Veronghen told us to poke and I’m yid bound!!!! 🙁
Stop you guys. I’m worried about my oxygen levels. Can’t stop larfing. Devil funny as hell that Hodgson storwy.
Togo party by Adebarndoor. Cracking me up.
Adam bathing in virgin’s urine. Richard Brandson must be renting out flight attendants that are leaking in the aisle.
I am off now mates. Cu tomorrow.
Have a good night fine folk.
€10m would’ve got him…..
See ya Coach
Buenos noches coach!
Devil,don’t leave me to put up with this lot,please????
Stan said fuck facebook neve use it 🙂
Lee,they reckon it’s between 10 and 15 million.
Spuds wanted to pay 10,Ajax wanted 15.
Scott, I’ll get Tampon on for you…. 🙂
Night sir coach
Natures gentleman,Lee!
Spurs deal for Vertonghen hits snag
EXCLUSIVE: Tottenham have agreed terms with the player but are only offering £8.1m for his services, and are growing frustrated with Ajax over their £13m asking price
I suppose we’ve got JD & squid…..
Where’s he been?
I haven’t had anyone quote my IQ level for a week now,starting to feel as if nobody truly cares.
Hi ya Scott just woke up
Come on Gazides, last chance to gazzump the scummers.
Get your chequebook out you tight git!
😆 devil and night to you
Can’t believe we cannot prise JV away from that lot, AW can’t be interested…. 🙁
And he is better than TV, we have seriously missed a trick….
Yeah Steve…..nearly ten to six…..off to work in a minute.
Night coach. Stars are formations too. Guess you never stop working do ya.
Ten million for Vertonghen,and throw in the other three to oiss off our know who.
Sounds fair to me.
We won’t go for him….
Who;s this Tampon bloke Scott is he a stopper
There must be a reason Lee.
This where we get frustrated.
If Wenger has his doubts,wouldn’t it be nice to know what they are.
Is there somebody else he’s looking at???????
How much is our surplus worth?
Wages Adam, I suspect you are right but haven’t we agreed Pod on £100K a week, would JV not be offered similar….
Gutted I am….
Lee, i reckon your mate is right too….
Steve – 😆 re Stan and facebook…
Steve,that’s one of a thousand words I could use to describe him,and probably the most complimentary!
Tell you what I reckon, Yaya will leave Citeh and they will replace him with Vertonghen…..
James Olley
16 May 2012
Jack Wilshere today hit back at Samir Nasri’s jibe at Arsenal’s lack of silverware by claiming the club will “rub his nose in it” when they next win a trophy.
Nasri collected his first winners’ medal since leaving the Gunners last summer for £24million as Manchester City won the League title for the first time in 44 years.
The Frenchman claimed his former club should “forget him” and “celebrate their third place achievement and I will focus on winning titles”.
But Wilshere said: “I don’t know what goes on his head. Fair play to him, he has won a trophy but over the next couple of years that’s our goal and I can see Arsenal winning a trophy. Maybe he spoke too soon and we can rub it in his face next year.”
Arsenal’s squad return for pre-season training on July 9 and Wilshere believes he is on track to join his team-mates after missing the whole season through injury.
“It has been a frustrating year,” he told talkSPORT. “I am glad it is over and I can concentrate on getting fit for pre-season and starting again. My ankle is fine now. I was training before the end of the season and looking forward to the Euros but I had a couple of niggles and basically just ran out of time.
“I am in every day from 9am to 3pm trying to get fit for pre-season and that’s the aim. On the 9th of July, I want to be training for the team.”
Kev, life is so laid back over here, most of the locals have to open an eye to wink, couldn’t be more further away from the rat race, my door is always open, you won’t go thirsty.
About £25 – £30 Million I reckon Lee
Nik – £5
Denilson – £4
Vela – £6
AA – £5M
Squllli – £5.00
Fabianski – £2M
Chamakh £5 M
Park £4 M
Rico, i did read that Vertonghen has agreed a salery of £60k pw with the Scum…
So there must be another reason…
Well, other than Gazides is fcuking useless…
Where are you Micko?
Mick, i’m on my way…. 🙂
Denilson £3.99 don’t take the piss!!! 😆
RICO,I think you’ve overestimated Squillacis value.
Shrimpers 0-2 Crewe
Hi Ricolicious, hows the shoulder now, you in full swing again, or have you bulked up on omelettes
Someone was waffling today that the dippers hit the woodwork 46 times this season…..
Is that all AK, what a crap club we are at times, it must be down to not being assured of playing time, how the heck can that be, he’s be far better than Song i’m sure…
Gazidis is feckin useless…..
Catch you all later…off to work.
The versatility of him, I really thought AW would definitely go for him……..
Sorry Scott 😉
Hey Steve – its still annoying me, especially at night 🙁 But i’m getting there thanks…
Loving the eggs but have to take it easy now, got an ‘Eggs for sale’ sign outside 😉
Rico that comes close by a toe nail. Only Squidlaci won’t fetch 5. At 2 we already should be biting fingers off.
Vertonghen just have to grin and bear it.
Micko re open their eyes to wink. 😛 Hilarious phrase.
Wtf do I know??
Laters Scott
Laters Scott….
You would have thought so and I reckon we did Lee, we just naffed the deal up….
Vertonghen has made his mind up and his move to Spurs could all be agreed within the next few days,” a source told Goal.com.
It will come as a blow to Arsenal, who have been tracking the Belgian centre-back for two years and had earmarked him as one of their primary defensive targets this summer.
But Vertonghen has settled on Spurs because he believes he will be able to play more regularly in his favourite centre-back position for a Champions League calibre club.
The 25-year-old is often pushed out to left-back or central midfield when he plays for the Belgium national team because of the presence of Vincent Kompany and, his friend and former Ajax team-mate, Thomas Vermaelen.
See ya lata Digger…
1-2 shrimpers
Ok, I would like to appologise for over pricing Squilli 🙂
AK 🙁 🙁
But goal.com are not know for reporting the truth….
It’s all speculation at this point Rico…
Where did JM get his info from?
Off to shut the chickens up, back in a bit….
BFG Kos TV JV that’s an awesome four CBs!!!
She’s gone AK, no colonel sanders jokes! 😆
Have nice day nugget seeker.
Jamie Sanderson@YoungGunsBlog
Arsenal continuing investment in US talent. Club looking into signing 14-year-old Raheem Taylor-Parkes after a trial
Jenks sagna
Santos Gibbs
Jamie Sanderson@YoungGunsBlog
Taylor-Parkes an exciting young forward, noted for pace and power. Arsenal want him now, but not eligible to sign until 16.
Add M’Vila to steady the ship, and we’d be smoking….
Nederland won European sub-17
Jamie Sanderson@YoungGunsBlog
The excellent @JREskilson has more info on Arsenal’s hunt for Taylor-Parkes. Arsenal keen to invest in more US prospects.
Not really what we are after right now though…
Kuwait 0 Real Madrid 2 (Ronaldo and Di Maria)
Here he comes Lee.
The End of the World is Nigh… 😛
KFC, hmmmmmmmmm
Buenas tardes JM
Didn’t know there was a youth tournament. By the way nice story on Messy. Thanks.
Yeah Lee, i know.
Tbh honest mate, i am well fed up…
Really think we’ve missed a trick, if the rumours are true…
Right I’m outta here, night all you Gooners!
shows that Champions league is not a must for a lot of players doesn’t it. perhaps we could get Ledley on a free
I know its only talk but it feels like it’s got legs….. See ya!
He’d fit in well, as he would only need to play once a month more players lining up for treatment than playing
Dutch, Nederland 1 Germany 1 . Nederland won in penalties.
Bale prefers Real Madrid then Barcelona
Night Lee…
nte all, be careful out there. 🙂
It’s hard to hit balls with curly slippers. So no surprise Real leading the Falconers.
Nighty Lee….
Bale to Madrid, now that’s the ticket JM…
That’s me feel a lot better. 🙂
Any rumours re: Falcao leaving Atletico over there?
Night SSP…
Take it easy buddy…
I’ll get Lee for that comment tomorrow 😉
AK, not sure where JM got his info from…
Nite Sir SP. Lee.
We will get stick over the JV deal. I hate to lose a diamond to the yiddos.
Night Steve, don’t work too hard tomorrow, we miss you ….
Its not done yet DG…. is it 🙁
Right, this is the latest rumours on Twitter:
RVP has agreed a contract extension.
M’Vila deal is back on and looks positive.
Kagawa bid accepted by Dortmund….
Don’t shot the messenger… 😉
No Rico but on the info dripping in JV already has one leg in the bag.
As Lee AK SSP mentioned Gazidis can feck things up even if the bag only has to be tied by a ribbon.
Kagawa, what, us AK or the mancs?
I like those three rumours….
I know DG, but not long ago, it was being said about us, keep fingers crossed its all down to saturday and Chelsea win the CL…..
rumours… Chelsea change Torres for Falcao and give 15 million to Atletic
That wouldn’t surprise me JM, i bet Torres would love to leave England and go back to Spain….
Getting late for me, so i will bid you all a very good night…
Til tomorrow….
Stay safe all……
That’s all the rumours on Twitter Rico…
Dortmund have accepted AFC bid, it’s now up to the player… So the rumour goes.
M’Vila will be announced after final Ligue Un fixtures this weekend…. So the rumour goes.
RVP has signed a 3 year deal… So the rumour goes.
Well the only way for JV to have a tour plus medical at our place without fanning flames of a riot. Would be in the trunk of a rental car.
Thanks JM always nice to beat Germany in a penalty series.
Goodnight Rico….
Lets hope i haven’t done a Stan, and put a bok on all those deals… 🙄
french league finish next weekend.
Montpelier is on the top, 3 points ahead PSG (:-)) and play at Auxerre (the last one)
Fútbol de Europa@Futbol_Europa
M’Vila (Rennes) llega a un acuerdo con el Arsenal próximo fichaje del club ingles
Night lady of the mansion. Sleep well. Don’t go punching air in your sleep especially with the injury not fully recovered.
bye bye
catch you tomorrow
AK,I heard the same things about M’Villa….waiting til seasons end before making annoimcement…..and Kagawa…..fee agreed,but awaiting players decision.
I’ve read enough about M’Villa to believe he will go wsell here,but do war know/think about Kagawa?
Night JM.
Some good news tomorrow, please…. 🙂
Scott, if Robin has signed again, then we can only assume that he’s been given some assurances about new additions and maybe an inside track on the business being done…
Well, lets hope so…
Buenos Noches Amigo. 🙂
Kagawa, Scott, i don’t know mate.
But players out of the Bundesliga are usually very good technically.
Would be good to get one over Red Nose after he nicked Smalling and Jones off of us…
Scott, Dutch, i’m offski for the night….
Take it easy boys…
Scott my access to live matches is very limited. So I done some YouTube. Tell you mate it doesn’t help. Just snaps from stuff at the right moment. Then again ManU is after him as well, so this Samurai must have some deadly skills or he looks like Tom Cruise, which I doubt.
Sir AK I greet you. Snooze tight.
Scott, I snuck out for a swift half, I’m in Kerry, we got a tiny little airport with flights into Luton, only an hour in the air, really handy for the home games.
You got any plans to visit the WengerDome anytime in the near future ?
ROBIN VAN PERSIE’S Arsenal future hangs in the balance after showdown talks with boss Arsene Wenger.
Pod eyes trophy haul with Arsenal
LUKAS PODOLSKI has vowed to end the Gunners’ seven-year long silverware drought
Arsenal in Robin wrangle
The Gunners had hoped to persuade their captain to agree a lucrative new three-year deal worth £130,000 a week that would see off interest from champions Manchester City and keep him at the Emirates.
But yesterday’s talks, which have been described as tense and tetchy, broke down with no agreement.
Fears are now mounting that Van Persie could be tempted by a move from Arsenal to the Etihad, with City desperate to land the Premier League’s top star.
As revealed in SunSport yesterday, Arsenal are willing to play hard ball if 28-year-old Van Persie does not sign — and will make him see out the last year of his current deal.
The Dutchman hit 37 goals for the Gunners this season and was named both PFA and Football Writers’ Player of the Year.
As expected.
Rico, if you and anybody going to that Meet-the-Gazidis session, why don’t you ask him point-blank as to whetehr he will refuse to sell Van persie at any price?
Goodnight all!
The Aim is to come over next year,with most of our time being spent in various parts of Ireland.
My wife has relatives all over the country,and that is part of the reason we are coming over…….an Arsenal home game is the other!!!!!!
New Post going up