Morning all.

Arsene Wenger has missed a trick during our very unhappy playing days at Old Trafford.
It’s not the referee, the grass or the way the wind blows up there to blame for our dreadful results, it’s the mice! Apparently and according to the Mail Online, the place is riddled with them. They have been spotted on the pitch in numbers, in the offices and a few clubs have complained about their presence for a while. No wonder we haven’t been able to produce our fine passing game up there with those little furry things getting in the way of the ball…
You’d think those cute little creatures would find somewhere nicer to live wouldn’t you..
Talking of that ghastly club, despite not qualifying for the Champions League last season, they still top the list of Premier League richest in football. We are a long way down the table.
United achieved revenues of £433.2m last season, while Real held on to top spot with revenues of £459.5m, followed by United, with Bayern Munich third (£407.7m) and Barcelona fourth (£405.2m).
Manchester City came it at sixth, with an overall revenue of £346.5m, followed by Chelsea (£324.4m), Arsenal (£300.5m) and Liverpool (£255.8m). Not sure where our neighbours are on the list, somewhere near the bottom no doubt.
Eight places off the top, not quite as good as our Premier League fourth spot trophy each season…
Our first January signing was confirmed yesterday and doesn’t he look fit and ready to tear the Premier League apart…
Ok, I’m kidding, I think we can assume he’ll join up with the under 21’s for a season or two before he gets a run out in the Premier League. He’s only just turned 17 years old and right now the best place for him would be in the gym!
He’s meant to be a great player for his age and big things are expected but perhaps that’s a year or two away yet…
Team news ahead of the weekend from Arsene Wenger.
Danny Welbeck is still out, Oxlade-Chamberlain and Bellerin are both doubts but good news is Serge Gnabry has returned to training.
The manager also confirmed Francis Coquelin will be given a new contract and that he’s trying to sign Gabriel Paulista:
With Gabriel Paulista, we are ready to pay the price if we think it is the right price.
Talks are progressing well. Can we find an agreement? There’s a chance.
If we do sign him, then it won’t necessarily be us done in the transfer window.
That suggests to me that the deal is very close as otherwise, he’d say nothing and the hint at further signings is good news. Seems like the Arsenal transfer window is finally opening…..
On that jolly note, I’ll sign off for the day.
Have a good one all…
The price is right Arsene, come on down….. 😉
Old Toilet ? O.K I’ll say it , We must fall into the same old traps everytime we go there.
Boom Boom.
I hope he don’t forget to throw in that extra quid……
ALways thought the home of manure was a bit ‘cheesy’!
I mean just look at the team photos, they all have the look of rodent about them!
However, it may explan why some of Fergy’s transfer action seemed so SHREWd. Boom.boom!
I’ll get me coat.
Morning happy japesters.
Didn’t they have Andy Vole up front?
I’ll get mine too Wavy!
I just knew it… Ha ha… 😉
Giovanni Trapattoni should be their manager not LvG…
I’ll get mine then too….
Only as I’m off out….. Laters.
I believe that they do a very nice ratatouille in the restaurants at Old Bog…
Now where is my coat?
You lot are just sewerage……………
Now we know why they wanted to buy the Verminator.
Alright I don’t know why everyone is getting a coat but heck I don’t want to be left out so here goes am getting my coat too 😀 : morning HH
Stan the man…. how you doing mate!
Am doing fabulous lee….how’s London town this fine morning?
That Paulista fella looks a handful plus he lover a tackle. Been a while we had such a player. Stoke rugby ll think twice when kicking us now.
Afternoon, News i,ve heard today, A story suggesting Diaby may have played, he,s last game for Arsenal, Im am not without sympathy for the player, but as we all know, it was never going to work out for im, considering he,s played just 16 games in 4 seasons. When asked about Diaby,s future, Wenger said “He will not return for the foreseeable future, and is out of contract this “I will have a decision to make about his contract, He has always said that he would like to keep Diaby if he can prove his fitness”. But unfortunately for Abou, time has run out, and finally maybe Wengers loyalty.
Stan, good to see you back…
What was that you was saying about Paulistas tackle?
Stan, it’s a cold, crisp but sunny day in London Town…
Escaped any snow so far…
Afternoon all.
Is this Paulista any good? Why wasn’t he playing in an average defence for Brazil in the World Cup? Hope he’s not another Stepanovs in disguise. Sure is an ugly bastard though, so hopefully he won’t mind sticking his big ugly mug in front of a few shots, for the cause!
Diaby will remain at the club in some capacity, I’m sure. Wenger wouldn’t just cast him out. Maybe he could be an office junior? I can see him sorting paperwork, making teas and watering the plants once a week.
Mooching around from desk to desk, handing out the post
Khazi cleaner?
I can see it…
Funny how SAF left his little cronies running around the ground. Now we know why Moyes failed and LVG is with the same number of points.
Good afternoon moles and voles. Erm…..sorry….not the ideal adjectives atm. 😉
How are you Kev??
We got hail here today.
How’s things Loony Goony??? The little princess ok???
Afternoon Rock..
I thought something about Paulista’s face. thought he was Tevez’ twin brother.
A face only a mother would love!
I think even his mum has disowned him, Lee.
Afternoon Dev. You well?
Paulista…Villareal……Pascal…….Cygan is the Brazilian’s personal trainer. Need I say more??
Brings up the classic line “When he was born, instead of slapping his bum to make him cry, the midwife took one look at him and slapped his mothers face”
Used to feed him with a catapult.
Had to tie a pork chop round his neck to get their pet dog to play with him.
So ugly, he made blind kids cry.
Bielik, could be Diaby,s replacement, tall gangly,(is that even a word). Great touch, Plays same position. I think we could see Bielik before people think, I,ve watched a few Youtube videos, I know those videos would make Robbie Savage look good, but he looks a real talent, Can spot a pass, Dribble and can carry the ball. looks an exciting prospect. On the Paulista signing, if it goes ahead, Im disappointed, I don,t care how good or bad he is, it,s a real typical Wenger signing, buy a lesser known and spend 2 or 3 seasons trying to turn him into world class player, When the money is clearly there to buy a ready made world class defender.
Physiotherapy has to be Diaby’s future…
I can just see him running onto the pitch, bucket in one hand, bag in the other, and doing his anterior cruciate…
Bet he’d find a limp excuse for is accident when carrying the bucket, too!
Hiya Coach…
Sitting by the London Eye..,
And off we go, Paddington.
He’s so ugly, when he walks into the bank they turn off the cameras.
He’s so ugly, that when he goes to the beach, the tide won’t come in…
He’s so ugly he made Stevie Wonder flinch
Paulista has been promised a coaching job with the ladies.
Their physical strength and aerobic endurance will double after he begins running after them. Soon we will have a ladies super team.
Does Paulista = Kos a slow burner, now very close to being the best CB in the PL? Not that there’s much compertation at the moment.
He makes onions cry.
Two geezer on the rampage with machetes near Liverpool St….. sweet!
Apparently they’d robbed a jewellers earlier….
lovely stuff. Get out there and go after them Lee!
Fuck that… I’m a lover not a fighter!
Afternoon all..
I’d rather we signed Winston Reid…..
Maybe we will get both 😉
Freddie Krueger will begin having nightmares himself on Elm street when he sees Paulista.
I don’t know not being a fighter Lee.
I seen you have a right ‘tear-up’ with a shish kebab…
No chance Joe… lol
Ruby tonight……… really looking forward to it!
Chinese for me
Martin Ødagaard 16 years old £ 80000 a week if so has the world gone mad ( yes)
Juice for me. Great. Fucking starving
Joe – and that’s just to sit on the bench! Ridiculous amount of money.
Helping the little one study, for me this evening.
Rocky to sit on the bench that’s true and for how long before he actually plays for them.
Don’t worry Rocky…
It’s doing you the world of good mate… 😉
£80k per week.
At 16?!!!
How on earth do you keep them motivated?
It better be Kev. £100 a week for fruit and veg WANTS to be doing me good! I’m getting sick and tired of raw beetroot bulbs though…
Just making a Gino D’Acampo pizza for us.. 🙂
Kneading that dough was tough…
Spicey noodles for me tonight Rico…
Adam got me onto them, delicious.
Rocky, what about a vegetable curry, is that off-limits?
Adam made me a fabulous vegetable pasta dish, with pesto, it was fantastic…
He ain’t bad at rustling up something to nosh…
Has any one heard this story that man city won’t get back from Abi Dhabi till Saturday morning and they are playing Middlesbrough on Saturday afternoon.
Bloody hell
Totally off limits Kev. Juice only.
Adam – When are you making me these delicacies?!
Love spicy noodles Kev, you enjoy them…
Hoping to sample some of Adam’s culinary delights this Spring/Summer…
Is he having a garden party Rico?!
Not heard that, Joe. Would be a great shame if they were delayed…
That’s would be just great 🙂
That, iPads
Fish and spicy wedges with veg’s tonight.
I think so Rocky, I have to take a broom with me….
That could be painful Joe… Lol
All quiet here so I’ll bid you all a very goodnight…
Catch up tomorrow…..
Nite Rico walked off dinner now I have frost bite 😉
Wenger wanted Lansbury to stay at Arsenal it was him that decided it was time to leave.
Looks like somebody owes our manager an apology 🙂 maybe not which ever keeps me alive. 😉
interveiw in the Independent
Never seen or heard of this Gabriel Paulista fella, but it’s worth remembering Martin Keown wasn’t exactly an oil painting ! If he does half as well as the barbed wire octopus that’s good enough for me, who cares if he has a face like a second hand dart board !
Joe, don’t believe everything you read in the papers as a wise man from Wicklow once said to me !
Kev mate, those spicey pot noodles can play havoc with your cholesterol, everything in moderation I suppose !
Adam, looks like my invite got lost in the post !
My culinary skills are at your disposal.
rico, there are some things in life you’d love to ask but daren’t……..come on Arsene are you a man or a mouse !!!
Adam, what we really want to know is do you have any free range egg cups, don’t shoot the messenger, rico just called in a favour.
Nite folks, all going well we’re all be in for a gaily weekend !!! stan, you never know your luck in a small town !
Hoisted by my own petard 🙂
Hoisted by my own petard
In my defense it’s an interview :$
Add Di Maria to the long list of who we could of signed……zzzzzzzzzz!
Joe , if I am being presumptuous I will apologise , however It is easy to say to an employee “” I want you to stay , but I can’t offer you anything. “” It’s an old hobby horse of mine but football in it’s greed has cut out a level of development . We all know of players that have been on the edge of the next step but found the gap too big . They need an adult competitive league to grow into playing against experienced men . If you want a direct comparison , they are peaking in the South East Counties league but there is no Football Combination to bridge that gap.
At least that wasn’t down to money Lee… 😉
Morning to you, potter and all…
I still can’t believe how much Real are paying Martin Odegaard…… fucking crazy!
How much?
Only £80k p.w…
Ridiculous! No wonder he chose them….
Lee. Could you live on that little?
You wouldn’t get out of bed for that would you?
Brudder. I haven’t got out of bed for a lot less than that. 🙂
Ask Mrs Adam.
New post up now…
Hahahahaha adam you tit 😀 : morning HH. Great to be alive guys