Yep, that’s how I see it.
Beat Bolton today and mathematically we are still in with a chance of catching Manchester United, lose and it’s pretty much over in my book.
The Chavs won last night so we need to win to keep up with them for second place.
As for the chasing pack, b*****s to them as we should be looking up, not down!
Today is not a day to worry about head to heads, their last game or ours. The good, bad or ugly we have seen in games gone by, today is about winning and getting three points.
If our side can play like we did against the old enemy in the first half, we will blow Bolton away but play any lesser standard than that and it will be another tough old day.
Five games left!
Five games to show you care about the Red and White which is Arsenal!
Five games to show Wenger why you deserve to stay at Arsenal this summer.
Five games to show all Arsenal Fans you care about the club we all love, support and sometimes all fall out over.
Five games to show exactly why you deserve to be paid each month.
But most importantly,
Five games to show everyone who doubts you, that you care about OUR club, it’s history and just why a club like ours should be winning games like today’s……
Are you up for it Arsenal, I bet your bottom dollar Bolton will be!!
As Nike, who’s shirt you wear says:

In other news reported this morning, Keith Edelman, who was managing director at Arsenal between 2000- 2008 believes that David Dein is the missing link in Wenger’s management team.
During the years we were successful there was an alliance of people at the top who made the club successful. That was David Dein, Arsene and myself. I ran the business side and David and Arsene ran the football side. David did a phenomenal job for the club and I think they miss David’s role in encouraging Arsene.
Arsene is naturally cautious and David was always very ambitious for the club. Look at Sol Campbell and how important he was and how expensive he was as an acquisition at a key moment when he won us a lot of trophies. Campbell signed on a free transfer, but his wages and signing-on fees amounted to about £6million a year, at the time an unprecedented commitment. I don’t see that now.
David was also a great networker. Together with Arsene, David would look at players and get into a position where he felt comfortable spending money on them. I used to sit in the boardroom and hear Arsene say, “If you want to win the Premier League, you have to have a world-class goalkeeper”.
Well, if that’s what he believes, has he actually delivered that? David’s importance is probably underestimated as he would make sure we now had a world-class goalkeeper.
The demise of David is probably the reason why Arsenal have not won more trophies, that and the fact that they haven’t made some key signings at some key moments.
That’s all from me for today folks, have a good one….
Happy Easter Everyone
Morning all….
If only Dein were to return to the nest and be in charge of transfers etc then we might get some decent players not the rubbish that we’ve been buying lately, plus Dein might tell Wenger he has to get rid of Denilson, Abu Diaby, Almunia, Squallaci, Rosisky and a few others that in my opinion are dead weight to the team.
Hi Judith,
I thought it was interesting when KE said Wenger was heard to say to be a great side you need a world class goal keeper…
mme, why didn’t he ever buy one i wonder….
Agree with your clearouts, with a few more names added…
Ha ha yeah lets bring back the man the .. who invited outsiders to purchase the club and sold his own shares.
His transfer superpowers would have got us threw hard times. Google is your friend use it.
Morning all.
Board to blame for no trophies, not wenger
Morning Kt..
gg, what makes you say that? Do you also think the board haven’t given him the money over the last few seasons rather than him just not spending?
Morning HH’s.
Great rally cry Rico.
As for the Dein thing, have some of us not being saying for ages that we need someone to remind Wenger to spend?
Hi Will, thanks – hope they all read it 🙂
We have but i’m not sure Dein is the man though but yep, we need someone to give Wenger support and a rollocking when he gets it wrong…
Boo!! Happy Easter, everyone! What are your plans for the day?
I certainly hope we see some money spent in the summer; our results show, without doubt, the need for a few quality signings. I’m not sure DD would be welcomed back, but someone, surely, has to tell AW to buy and buy well.
Thing is, we are so well run, we can’t go broke so let’s reap the benefits.
Dein may have done lots of good for us but he also sold us not sure about him.
I am not sure he will come back,for the way he was sacked by Hill-Wood.If he does come,he must first of all,brainwash wenger,because his brain is rusted who only listen to himself or get rid of him,because the way wenger is running the club,he will bring nothing for the next ten years.Remember all of you faithful gooners,wenger once said give him five years,oh dear it is six years already,now what he will say.
Boo agag, HE to you too…
Dog walking and football, that’s my plans 🙂
IG, what he says matters not now, what he DOES in the summer is the most important….
Did Dein sell us out or did he follow his heart for what he thought Arsenal needed to compete with Man Utd and Chelsea?
My only snipe at Dein was he wanted us to rent Wembley and the great Danny F said no, we get the Emirates.
Work, rico. Was up until 6 am finishing some stuff. 🙁 Then I’ll make dinner. So there; even more work. 😉
I’m kind of with Kt on Dein, Would hate for us to have rented Wembley and why did he try and get Stan in, then sell to the russian..
Will he sold us out.
I think you are looking at it in a simplistic way.
Remember, we were at Highbury, limited in the cash we could generate, Man Utd had not been bought out by then and we spending £30m on players regularly and Chelsea had just been bought out and were spending £100m a summer. Dein did what he thought was needed to allow us to compete.
If Dein hadd got Stan in and Stan was a Roman and started buying the Messi’s of this world, would your memory of him be the same as it is now?
No Will, as if I had a choice, neither Stan or Usamanov would be ownders of our club…
Agreed but you are a director of Arsenal, you see two teams pulling away and so far ahead of us iin the financial stakes, what do you do?
agag, that is not the way to be spending Easter 🙁
Id rather neither will.
Probably not invite Stan on board Will, I’m not sure he has the financial ability to compete with the likes of Roman Abromavic
Imagine us at Wembley…eeew!
Kroenke is poor in comparison to the likes of Abramovich and Usmanov.
That’s what I believe too Kt, I’m not saying it’s going to be doom and gloom with Stan, we have to give the man a chance first but I can’t see us changing the way we buy players money wise.
Then again, I don’t think that is a bad thing as long as the players have what it takes to play for OUR club.
That means, no Squilli’s, Denilson, Silvestre etc etc kind of signings thank you 😉
Dein was not perfect. Fans often talk about what a great deal maker he was. But he is the one who agreed to sell Upson to B’ham for £100k less than we paid for him and agreed on instalments. B’ham then went out 2 weeks late and bought a striker from Brentford for £2m cash up front. After agreeing a fee of £5.5m for Cristiano Ronaldo he then stalled on the talks allowing Manc Scum to sign him for an inflated £12m. Would bringing him back reel in Wengers ego, I don’t think so.
Erick is fit and well, he hopes to be around here later 🙂
He did a lot of good, there is no doubting that but for me, forwards, not backwards…
Back in a bit all, walkies time 🙂
the board were always going to sell out
PHW the chairman sold his shares years ago and still kept his place..
the reason fiszmann sold is because his kids didnt want anything to do with running arsenal and im pretty sure danny knew this before he became ill, that sort of business decision isnt made on your death bed…
the whole move to the new stadium was part of a long term plan to raise the profile of the club as well as the shares before they sold it off and retired…
dein knew as much as anyone what they were going to do, he was a part of it but he didnt agree with it..he wasnt prepared to see arsenal struggle financially for years upon years and not win anything while they used a youth policy instead of a transfer market just so they could line their pockets at the end of it all…
dien just sped up the inevitable and found a buyer there and then but the shares where worth less then so the baord blocked it and made dien the fall guy…but kronke already had shares in arsenal before any of this happened, he bought a 9% stake from ITV and dein tried to join with him but the board blocked it at the time..
enter usmanov…dein wanted back in so the baord joined forces with the man dein was joining forces with in the first place and seeing as though kroenke was the first choice all along, i dont see why dein gets blamed…
manutd got ronaldo cos sporting were their feeder club..
they got nani from them also remember
we almost had ronaldo in the bag but utd had first option on any player from that club and they nabbed him after watching him tear them apart in a pre season friendly..
nothing to do with dein..more to the fact utd had first option and they offered 6 million more..
dein wasnt perfect but the club hasnt been exactly run perfect since he was dismissed..
not every transfer deal works..sometimes you get donkeys and sometimes you get superstars but the youth policy has gave us more donkeys than what got when we made transfers…
Hi jj 😉
Exausted after the b’day bash 😉
hi rico
bloody knackerd…ive got her for a few hours today as well seeing as though its easter 😉
That’s lovely jj, will give her time to get over her hangover 😉 Hope you had the same weather we did…
we going to win today then??
No way D Dein encouraged AW. He’s a mate, or was then. Not worth two bob
Hi amband, you don’t want him back then 😉
No. In fact the whole board, especially that Russian/Uzbeki charlaton & oligarch can launder his dirty money elsewhere as far as I’m concerned
Who do you want to replace them all then??
yes, but it is not a not for profit sporting club where the members can just boot them out at the AGM. These people own the business
Not easy to get rid of
Absolutely amband, only stan can do that now….
Rico, I think when AW opens his opinionated gob about what he will do, Kroenke should quietly tell him he, Kroenke, did not become a billionaire listening to lightweights, and that he, AW, should STFU lest he is removed immediately, and Rice too
Kroenke has most of the shares and as such should start using his muscle
Stan might amband, we don’t know how things will pan out, PR is rumoured to be retiring…
Nothing will change untile the end of the season, right now three points are what we need…
Szczesny, Sagna, Djourou, Koscielny, Clichy, Song, Fabregas, Wilshere, Walcott, Nasri, Van Persie.
Subs: Lehmann, Ramsey, Squillaci, Arshavin, Eboue, Gibbs, Chamakh.
Good Easter day to everyone!
yes, Ronaldo and Nani are the first option from sporting, but I think, is not a contract clause. However, Carvalho. Meireles, Andersson,Paulo Ferreira, David Luis, etc are not the first option; it’s a question of negotiations and interesting. For instance: Patrício, goalkeeper from sporting maybe move on to MU this year. I’t´s not the 1st option; it’s a question of interesting.
Waiting for the kick off.
Comme on Gooners!!
Hi JM, another tough one i think….
Let’s hope so, and let’s hope the absolute balderdash in the Mirror about Marinho wanting to return to England is true. For all his faults as a loudmouthed gobshite, he is a talented coach, although he would need the board’s backing
Maybe he will wait till SAF retires from manure, who knows. Guus Hiddinck would be good
I think we should stop attacking keepers and concentrate on attacking defensive players for letting the ball through so often, and just get good English players as defenders, and we need strikers & midfielders who can finish
Just an opinion anyway
To pass Chelsea we need 6 goals and a clean sheet. Ahead on goal differences. Won’t happen
Manure need 6 points, to win the comp. We’re fucked!
Afternoon Gooners. Everyone up for ‘Mission Impossible’?
Had a great day so far, now can those Glorious Gunners Keep up the good vibrations?
Grear post Rico, as usual. Fido ok?
That was a clear penalty on Theo….
Hi kev, thanks re the post 🙂
How did davies not get at least a yellow??
Fido is wacked out 😉
What you been up to kev, hope this lot don’t ruin it for you … 🙁
What does Davies have to do to get booked, attack someone with an axe?
Been in the garage/garden, doing some bits, you know watering, weeding, planting seeds, cutting grass. Been chilled all day, that is until 4pm……. We should be 2-0, ho hum.
I’ve kinda got this old familiar ‘Dodgy Ref’ feeling. Someone, tell me i’m mistaken……
Pass after pointless pass… I don’t want to sound needlessly negative but…
Hello, AK. You sound busy. 😉
Stupid, stupid, stupid…
Here we go.
There goes another…. should be 3-0 & instead we almost concede. And now we do. Ah bollocks to these tossers.
Well, that was coming wasn’t it….
Anyone still doubting Cahill by the way??
Do we practice shooting? That is all I want to know.
I still doubt Cahill, rico. 🙂 There’s no way we’re coughing up Bolton’s 25 mil valuation…
You would think that our players would at least try to look interested…
Hi agag, yeah it’s been a really nice day, that is until i started watching our title ‘imposters’.
Got any GG, this cider just ain’t doing it.
Your right agag. Those tossers are already thinking…..beach.
Will, what does it say about our team that it’s Cesc who tries to keep on going for goal?? Come on, Robim, you can do better. You, too, Theo.
What…..can you say?????
We’ll see what they are truly made of now, has wenger got a h/t talk, has cesc got him in to lift them, have the players got it in them???
I’m not so sure….
They have no business thinking about sun sky sand sea until they finish the season with a bang, AK. Grrr… This is definitely GG viewing. Lots and lots of it. 😛 Cider? Whazzat??
How many of the shots work the keeper?
agag, won’t be that much if we offer them vela… 😉
my roof has a hole in it..
but i dont need new slates..
i will keep the slates ive got..
even though the roof has been leaking for the passed 6 years and my family are sick of getting wet, i believe in my roof, it is a young roof with plenty of potential, plenty of heart and mental strength and it will prove everyone wrong one day…
i blame it on the rain..its all the rains fault if it didnt rain it wouldnt leak its not the roofs fault..
One, WIll. 😀 A fingertip save from a cesc shot that might have possibly crept in…
5 mins in, stone wall penalty and we should have been 1-0 up and on a roll, same old same old…..
When i’m watching these idiots in Arsenal shirts agag, i need a drink, and definately NOT tea…
They are a fcuking disgrace, But why should they care, they’ll be in Monte Carlo/Barbados/Goa in a few weeks time. Around the same time the club will be asking me for my season ticket money.
Bollox jj, get the roofer in and get it done properly…
right answer???
Still want to know why the ref has not sent off Davies and Muamba.
damn right rico
get shot of the shit slates, buy some new ones, and get somebody in who knows how to fit them…
Anyone surprised?
see you at f/t…..
Davies, not booked, why ?
Booma must have the second yelloww! But not booked..
Portuguese newspaper said Man goal was off-side
Poor Vela, so unloved. 😛 Lol, JJ. How dare the rain fall, eh?? I suspect the North Ari atoll in Maldives, too, AK. 🙁
Fuck me, ANOTHER dived pen against us.
Come on, boys!!! Get angry. Get those goals!!!
Great finish RVP. If only we’d had him all season.
chesny you fucking legend
I see it is back to the old kick Arsenal with impunity.
‘2nd is a success’…well Wenger if we don’t win this we are scraping for 4th.
That’s it Wenger you plank, go two up front.
Come on Chamakaka…
AK, you sound uncharacteristically angry… Drink up. 🙂
Nasri, what a miss…
Excuse me for a second
Arsha’s looking lively…
58% possession, 9 attempts on target, and fail 7 attempts off target, fail
same old story, more possession, a lot more, an bugger all to show for “beautiful football”
The draw specialists,,,,,
Chamakh is dreadful……
Amband, at this point, all we really are is pretty pathetic…
Agag, resigned to the inevitable. Cheers me dear, another can hits the road…
2-1 Bolton. That’s it till next year. Fucked now!
Why do I do this to myself?
pardon my French and I don’t mean Wenger
Well, Bloody, Well………………
Tha’s it for another season then, I think we can safely say we are done, its now all about making sure we finish in the top four………..
Oh to have a player to deliver a perfect cross, oh to have a player who can get his head on it…….
Djourou….. no excuse, piss poor.
I really feel for our away fans… Waste of time, effort, money.
Arsene is throwing water bottles around in frustration again.
What I would do for a Rory Delap long throw and a tall player or two for corners. AW hates set pieces though
Very angry, now. And AW only has himself to blame.
No side! that’s it
I’ll tell ya, we’ll be finishing 4th at this rate.
choke choke choke..
you can see why chamakh was free lol
and jd was fucking useless today..
go on arsene admit it…
cant wait for the post match
‘eeeer, we had great mental strength but the sun was too bright today’
Am not even gutted as i kind of expected this.
agirlgunner, AW always has these hissy fits. I can’t wait to hear the excuses now
He will say anything to justify what he does, HE is a stubborn proud man and he will look after himself first
He’s gotta go
We always make things difficult for ourselves.nasri could’ve won it when we were dominating and now we’ve paid the price.
Come on guys and gals, Arsene is god, arsenal are on a twenty year youth project, lets all be patient etc etc…
Bollox – We are about as good as a chocolate fireguard….
‘at least we don’t have a losing mentality…’.i wonder what he’ll say today.
Why we not shot outside area? Always the some! Not agressiv in the area, not move, and cross for the high ddefenders!
Easy again play versus Arsenal: just win corners, free kicks and so on, and shot to the penalty area. The chanches are very high to reach the goal!
Guess Arsene will say it was too sunny to play…..
The crowd will be up for the Mancs, but can you imagine, at this rate, the atmosphere at the Villa game??? Don’t think i’m gonna enjoy it.
Your spot on agag. Those away fans pay a fortune to follow them. Value for money?
kev, i’m looking forward to the Villa game, its the end of the season….
What is surprising is that the same 11 beat barca and blew away chelsea…
I feel sorry for the away fans too, but i feel sorry for all afc fans right now, OUR club is cheating us…
Mind you, there are some out there who will see no wrong, they will say wenger is building for the future, they will say we are all wrong to blame wenger for not buying players and they will call us rotten…
They are few thankfully and may they sit at home tonight feeling happy, raising their glass to yet another display with showed where we seriously lack strength…
Thank goodness i/we here see it for what it really is, ijust hope AFC do to…..
I’d like to hear AW complain about the pitch. Looked pretty good to me. Too many individual errors, and no collective mentality to try to atone for such solo mistakes. Very frustrating.
Amband, I don’t think Wenger out is the answer, but surely, surely, surely, after that performance so lacking in incisiveness and inspiration, he has to sort it out.
The fans deserve better.
Actually Rico, my lad may get me a ticket for Fulham! Glutton for punishment me.
Agag/Rico, this lot mentally lost it after the Liverpool game. They’re just treading water until the end of the season.
We look a totally different team from the one that played against Barcelona and won, KT. That seems a lifetime ago. 🙁
rico, so true, what you say about the AKB. I’m a largely optimistic person, but fudge, there really isn’t much to celebrate about being an Arsenal fan these days!! Fh wait, we’re not in debt! And money’s available. Fat lot of good that money will do us, if there are no good buys.
Why are we such a disaster at set pieces????
agag, he has nothing to complain about other than our lack of abilty to finish our attacking with a goal, we had plenty of chances in the second half…
Until we get the board sorted, wenger will stay.. what we need is wenegr to sort wenger out….
kev, good luck on that day 😉 😉
Ahaha, AK. Good luck with Fulham; we’ll probably lead 3-0 at half time then end the game losing 3-4. 😉
the party’s poor performance in terms of results in recent games and points badly missing in many games, two truths at once: a) this team, whenever he had the opportunity to get to a place or before an important game, failed b) This height, one can say that losing in the League Cup marked the future of this team.
A special word of appreciation for all the fans in the Reebook Stadium and all others around the world (and assures you, that are thousands) in time of this new disappointment
kev, i think we lost it after the CC final, they are still sucking their thumbs over that loss….
We lost to a team that got battered by stoke 5 nil last week…
we wont get top 4 at this rate
utd will hammer us and we wont win another game..
the season needs to end now
KT, he’s all out of excuses. As for our players… Grrr. Grow up. Grow some… 😡
JM, too many chokers.
If Wenger still can’t see we need changes he needs to go.
Two months and still nursing that CC hangover? Well-done, boys.
Rico/agag, no, you see, this is the thing. I fully expect Arsenal to give Fulham a good pasting. No pressure, they’ll just enjoy the day AND have a few pots at goal. I reckon 4-0 to the Arse. Villa will be 2-1. We’ll lose the rest, sorry….
agag, that just it, we have money, now we must spend it… but if wenegr is smart he could get rid of the dross and that would get him a tidy sum back too…
Defending set pieces or scoring from them agag 😉
Stoke will beat us easily as they’ll just launch balls in the air.we’ll dominate both the mancs and villa,waste chances only to concede on the break.Fulham will eat us alive…
We are shit!We are shit!We are shit!We are shit!We are shit!We are shit!…
KT, steady mate.
AK, you just want them to win the matches you’ll be watching live 😀 rico, lol. But too true. KT, i wish I could disagree with your 6:37.
KT, i’ve seen a few season’s like this where the pressure is too much for our players, i think they’ll get 6 points from the last two games, we might just hang onto 3rd.
Haha agag. Look i was at the Spurs game, they owe me. Cheers, another can of cider, oh arr…
I’m going to ACLF to do some stirring
Wenger out!Wenger out!Wenger out!Wenger out!Wenger out!Wenger out!Wenger out!Wenger out!Wenger out!Wenger out!…
Good news;
I went to consult a seer, and assured me that Arsenal would still be champion!
Do not tell me how, but assured me!!
Steady Kt, we aren’t s**t, we just not what OUR club should be….
What is the point of Wenger out IF the real blame is with the Board??
amband, whatever floats your boat…..
kev, i think we will get at least six but funny enough, i think we will beat the mancs…
stoke will be looking to the FA Cup so anything could happen in that game, right now CL football is what we have to make sure we achieve, then get the summer here and see what Stan does…
City are 8 points behind with 2 games in hand…even 3rd is looking like a long shot now…
Rico, no leadership at the top. An allconsuming obsession with paying off the debt whilst cowardly hiding behind Wenger’s Project Youth.
Rico whisper it,don’t say it out loud or Aw will hear it and start denilson.i have the same feeling by the way.
that’s what i think kev, i am still not convinced its wenger who won’t spend, i think the ageing old board have wanted to clear all our debt asap so they can sell up and sit back on their big fat arses with what they got for their shares….
no proof other than wenger is too clever, why else would he go from being a manager who bought the players he did in the first years to what he does now??
and don’t get me wrong, i am not an arsene lover – i’m just not convinced he is all to blame…
Sorry Rico, i’m afraid the Mancs will gobble us up, although i’d love to be wrong, and Stoke will scare our little boys sh*tless.
KT Man City may drop points as well, they have the Scummers to play.
i don’t think denilson will play another game, nor eboue Kt…
Well, not unless drastic measures are required….
😆 kev, bet you 50p re the mancs 😉
that’s why, to me, this summer is the acid test. If Wenger doesn’t spend this summer, then i’m gonna become a monk….
Evening all,
I have to say that I have not read any of your comments as I have been swinging a club all day. This is the first game of the season I have not watched, I had made my mind up that to quote the old Jeff Hurst cliché that its all over now, before this game was played. As I have not watched the game I cannot say either way, whether we was robbed or unlucky, but I have made my mind up that the answer is that we are not good enough, nor is our Manager. Bolton for fucks sake. All you hardened Wenger supporters do me a favour this Prat has got to go, i don’t care if they get a manager off of the local park to replace him, I for one have had enough of all his shit , he has got to go he is an absolute Wanker and should be sacked, and if that board of wankers dont sack him they are as bad as him. Being an Arsenal supporter this year has been an embarrassment, and this is from an ardent supporter of six decade. Arsenal football club have been brought down to the lowest level I wish to remember. In my eyes this man has got to go, he has humiliated Arsenal football Club with all his quotes and little sayings, mental strength bollocks, he has done my fucking head in.
your on Rico, 50p is my limit, haha.
If we finish 4th we’ll probably get Bayern in the qualifiers and we’ll be out.
Good night, all. I shall be an Absolute Grouch tomorrow, to be sure.
‘Ere Steve P, you must remember Sheff Utd at home around 1974-75, that was a fairly low point.
AK Goodluck in a monestary…
Cheer up agag, have a GG.
Kt, it’ll probably be full of Mancs/Spuds knowing my luck.
Haha, AK. Just did. Everbody should have some GG, too. We all seem to need it.
I bet you we buy a 16 year old called kaponga from Gabon and that will be it.even if i was Bill Gates and gave Wenger 50mil from my pocket for him to spend am sure he wouldn’t.
I have just read again what I just wrote, and would like to apologise for my language To all you ladies I’m sorry.
SP, did you go to the Leeds game when they got around 4,700 crowd?
If i remember that Sheff Utd game had around 13,000 odd, that’s the lowest i’ve been in. Ah great memories eh?
nighty agag….
agag i’m on another cider, just go with the flow, it’ll be alright in the morning. haha, it’s all bollocks
Deal kev
Hi Steve, don’t worry, there is only one word we ladies don’t like so you are safe 😉
When is the open-top bus passing through Islington to showcase the quadruple…oh wait…
4th here we come
I must admit Kev we have had a few low points, but from a quad to F all when we could so easily have been superb with only a couple of signings. were not talking fortunes.
the open top bus was always going to be for second..
oh wait..
From his looks you wouldn’t say the man is a millionaire.when he first came he looked classy,calm and cool but now he is best known for kicking water bottles.
I’m going to leave you guys to it, been a long day….
I won’t say enjoy your evening because if you feel like I do you won’t – off for a strong cup of tea and my first peice of chocolate for 40 days….
Nighty night all……
SP, i make you right mate, but at the same time we’ve seen some dire stuff before Wenger. Who could forget Terry Mancini, Ian Ure, Geoff Barnett. I could go on, and on and on. That’s why i maintain that to me THIS is the summer. If he fails to do his duty then i’m off to the monastry with KT.
Night Rico, enjoy that chocolate…
I can see us going 10 years without a trophy.i bet you pool fans didn’t see their club going over 2 decades without a trophy.
Night rico, I’m coming with you Kev.
WTF happened to Wenger?
SP, your very welcome mate, at least i’ll have a larf.
And KT can tell us about La Liga & Serie A
Ak, now your taking the piss……… Fuck all wrong with Terry Mancini…..!
Kev, Ian Ure you just got me thinking he was an absolute W—-r that bloke its just made me laugh cheers mate.
KT, just saw Wengers post-match interview, he looked totally deflated and, of course took all the blame. But he keeps telling us how intelligent his players are… I can’t see it myself, they’re pretty dumb to me!
Hey Wath, well thanks to you, i can now remember Cliff Bastin…it seems, lol
AK, least TM showed some bollox…………. 😉
On the other hand szczesny is looking very promising.
SP, want some more, how about David Jenkins, oh and do you remember Nutt & Tiddy, i never saw them, but they’re legends of uselessness…
WATH you’re welcome to join us at the monestary and maybe later we can go sailing in your boat…
Yeah Wath, old Henry, i remember going up to Wolves with him at centre-half in the FA Cup. Great days eh? Lost 3-0…
That’s it KT, now your getting in the swing mate, we’ll have to rope in Lee as well, start a 5-a-side team.
You guys have got some memories that’s all I can say, but you are right we have had a few mingers, i wonder how many from this mob we will ever remember. i’m trying to forget them all ready
HAha SP, the question is, will you remerber Stepanovs?
I’m fine KT i seen ten times worse shit than this mate I just ain’t been ripped off to watch it or told they were world beaters thats the simple matter of the truth. I can handle crap and a shit team I just ask for one thing, honesty and 100% thats all. I think it’s funny…! I’m beyond caring about the team, the club will never change its my club and players and managers will come and go and I’ll still be Arsenal, don’t mean I have to enjoy the players in my team or worry anymore when I am more passionate than they are so bottom line is fuck em I am not upsetting myself and now i find it funny listening to the manager and watching players that don’t deserve the shirt or my support.
Stepanovs will always be remembered…6-1 loss is a shocker for a big club like ours.
Hear hear Wath. You gonna put your wish-list on Rico’s Transfer section [carefull not to use any numbers here]
Ak, think my wish list is beyond the realms of sensible so whats the point…?
Who I want and what I want don’t matter and don’t count mate…! Just wishful thinking and dreaming like SP the other day with his post…! We don’t matter anymore mate !!
Against w.brom and bolton we have conceded goals from two players who had gone a combined 5 years without scoring.what are the odds we concede to the mancs with o’shea/evra/anderson scoring?
NO no mate, you go for it, i want to see it and discuss it. Nevermind Wenger, you’ve probably got a better hook on who we should buy anyway.
I’m with you there Wath give me a match between Ray Reardon And Fred Davies Probably more entertaining than watching this lot at the moment.
You to KT, now if you can’t suggest some exotic signings, then i don’t know.
‘Judge me in May…’
we a such a set of choke artists..
its a good job we are used to it aint it..
after 5 years of getting laughed at by your mates you become used to it..
KT, agree re: Szczesny, that’s one position i ‘now’ feel relaxed about. Now a good finisher would be welcome, over to you Arsene…
and a winger
Miyaichi JJ, 2 more goals for Feyenoord midweek. Yes i know it’s the Eredivisie, but that kid looks a good ‘un.
I swear i’ll become bi-polar at this rate.the contrast in emotions between seeing AA score the winner against Barca and losing to Bolton is enough to make you go mental…
Miyaichi isn’t ready for the PL.he is lightweight at the moment from what i’ve seen.he is still very raw at the moment.
id love myachi to come back
but even with myachi hes 12 or something
eden hazard..hes been tearing the french ligue to pieces for two years and voted french player of the year and young french player of the year..
id also take scotty parker from west ham when they go down
For me JJ/KT, i’d go for Benzema, Gameiro and one from Cahill, Vertonghen, Sakho. Hazard looks a really good player, maybe if AW unloads Arshavin he’ll go for him. But i did read that the Chavs were in for him as well [Feb].
theres also a lad called iker muniain
he plays in spain hes been dubbed the next robben…
Van Pierse broke the record today by scoring six times in a row in games outside the league (it was him and Drogba). He scored seven
id want benzema all day long but will we pay his fee and will we pay his wages..
i dont think cesc or nasri will be here next season
JJ, they got around wages [Campbell] with a big signing-on fee, and yeah, i know we haven’t got Dein around to grease the wheels, but it’s do-able, if those c**ts on the Board are willing. Maybe Stan will kick arse?
Don’t say that JJ, Nasri will be with us. Cesc? Could depend on the business Wenger does, gotta say he does look pissed off.
im hoping stan will kick arse mate..
if you havent watched wengers interview on bbc i recommend you do..
the man looks broken..he admitted its his fault..
Let’s wait until the end of the season. The times are not easy for everyone (spain include. The price of the players, business value, etc. will have to change. The season is a lot of contention, an economic and financial situation very worrying in general
Guiseppe Rossi (Vila Real) is an extraordinary player
Yeah JJ, i have seen it. I can see him walking out in 12 months time.
JM, i’m watching a game, not sure if it’s Portugese or Brazillian? Portugese[i think], Port or Brazil?
me too kev
hes gonna walk
im off to get drunk..thank fuck i aint gotta work tomorrow
Rossi? Italian I think. He is not Portuguese sure.
JJ, good game eh? Sao Paulo 2-0 Portuguesa. Those boys know how to tackle. Have one for me JJ, at least you’ve got decent beer up there.
No JM, i was watching a game on a link, it was in Brazil. Rossi, wasn’t he with Man Utd? About game, i wasn’t sure, just knew commentator was talking Port.
Maybe link to Mu. Portuguesa loose again? :-(((
Portuguesa dos Desportos, a Lusa de S. Paulo.
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