My Father was an Arsenal supporter all his life, but like many Arsenal fans both past and present, when the big finals came around he was treated shabbily by both the Football Association and Arsenal Football Club…
He saw his first ‘live’ Arsenal game, ironically at White Hart Lane, when Arsenal played at Tottenham in the Jubilee match of 1938. He was only 11 years old and couldn’t remember much about it.
The War and National Service meant that it wouldn’t be until 1946-47 that he finally made it to Highbury to see his beloved Arsenal. From then on, work and health permitting, he rarely missed a home match.
Then in 1950 the Gunners reached the FA Cup Final and he tried his damnedest to get a ticket but to no avail. That disappointment was replicated two years later. Two Cup Finals and not a sniff of a ticket from Arsenal…
In those days, the appalling Football Association distributed even less tickets to the competing clubs than they do now. But on Cup Final day, you would always see the Rolls Royces, Bentleys and Daimlers parked outside Wembley as the ‘usual suspects’, hangers-on and assorted parasites who made up the Great and the Good, attended the final. Just as they did with all the major sporting events.
The real fans didn’t matter to the F.A. and that seems to remain the case today and you can bet there will be plenty of Greg Dykes friends etc in the best seats on May 17th!
People’s Game…? Yeah, right!!!
Eventually my Father did get to see Arsenal at Wembley and he took me to see both the League Cup Finals of 1968 and 1969…
Ticket touts supplied the tickets, not Arsenal!
In 1965, my family moved to Tottenham and my Dad ran a shop, he actually sold lottery tickets for Tottenham Hotspurs and it was from them that we got one ticket for the FA Cup Final of 1971 and again in 1972..,
Dad let me go in 1971, Charlie George and all that, what a wonderful occasion. Dad went in 1972 which was a terrible game but that was Six Cup Finals and Arsenal hadn’t supplied one bloody ticket for any of them…
1978 was the first time that we got a ticket from Arsenal which came via the vouchers from the programmes and we did the same in 1979…
1980 was the year that the turnstile operators at Highbury really stitched everyone up. We were all queuing with our vouchers to collect our precious Cup Final tickets but missed out because the thieving gits on the turnstiles were selling the tickets to touts which left a very poisonous atmosphere outside the ground for a long time…
The club never really explained what happened that day in 1980. But then they really couldn’t care less…
I actually got a ticket to the Final from my Post Office Sports Association which was another final when Arsenal FC shamefully failed it’s fans.
In 1987 and 1988 I got tickets for me and my Dad from my Uncle who was the Secretary of his Referee’s Association. He called in a few favours and made sure we got them.
Arsenal had failed again…
Between 1990 and 1994, and from 1997 onwards, we had season tickets so we managed to see most of the finals during that time.
The dawning of the new money-spinning Emirates Stadium means that getting a Cup Final ticket is once again more of a lottery. Arsenal will pay lip-service but will basically do bugger all to help the fans…
Meanwhile, the Football Association will prattle on about the ‘Football Family’…
Of course, it must be the football family who are selling Cup Final tickets online for between £500 and £700…
It’s all a total carve up…
The Football Association and Arsenal Football Club should collectively hold their heads in shame.
Somehow though, I doubt very much that they give a toss…
Written by allezkev
Transfer gossip:
The stories about Angel Di Maria started last summer but apparently the player wasn’t ready to move back then. One year on and those same stories have resurfaced and according to many reports in Spain, Real Madrid are looking to offload their £25 million man.
According to The Express, it’s a battle between us and Manchester City in England or PSG/Monaco in France. I’m hoping he wants to see his old mate Mesut again….
Cheikhou Kouyate is another rumour which has resurfaced and according to the same newspaper, his agent has held talks with both us and West Ham about a move this summer. He’s 6 ‘ 4″ and plays for Senegal….
There’s a song in there somewhere……
Have a great day folks, the sun is shining and the temperatures are rising……..
Summer is on it’s way, let’s hope it’s a great one for Arsenal FC……
Arsenal fan Leona Lewis to sing national anthem and Abide With Me at FA Cup final….
Hope she brings us good luck…
Morning all..
That Kev, is a great post!
Never knew all that stuff about Cup Final tickets. The FA and certainly the turnstile staff who sold out to touts should be ashamed….
Arsenal FC, a club who all so often maintains it does things the ‘right way’ need to take a long hard look in the mirror too!!
I’d love to know how the percentage of home fans who got tickets for this weekend compares to that of the Arsenal away fans…
Reports suggest that Vermaelen and Oxlade-Chamberlain are out for Saturday….
Morning all… I didn’t think you were that old Kev! Good post mate!!
Great post, Kev, and lovely sentiment attached.
So it’s always been that way?
That is disappointing, but not surprising.
Morning everyone.
And I thought you were twins 😉
u cant complaing abt greg dyke and his friends and then say u got one of your tickets through connections, guess what that is how greg got his friends some tickets as well. just that your connections weren’t that powerful you missed out, dont moan abt it.
Morning Scott, Lee.
The Aurier story gathers pace again today.
Also, you seen the ‘Arsene wants 2 in before WC’
Toilet or Rio??
morning everyone. Will this really be the year that we end our trophy draught? I know that Hull are the underdogs and that the pressure is on us, but we simply have to put 3-4 goals past them. No awaiting, no nonesense, just attack from the beginning!
Oh, and Lescott has been released, anyone?
Rico, Aurier is a beast. Would love him at the club+
Why am I in moderation?
Hi Rico,
Let’s hope Arsene gets fired up!!
Morning Adk, sorry about the moderation, not sure what happened there…
Wath mentioned Lescott the other day too, maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea, gives time for that young CB to come through to and he’s meant to be the mutts…
Scott, something says he may just…. Maybe I’m getting too optimistic but everything is in place now, surely it’s his time to spend, if he’s staying….
Posts not going through today
Di Maria. I know it’s all speculation and if we really are interested, I can also see why it’s easy to assume that if Man City want him we’ll lose out.
But why, after all, we paid big for Ozil, we may just go big again for another top player…
r.iris where did that pearl of wisdom come from ?
None are in moderation potter…
Rico, I know that Lescott isn’t world class. But he’s strong, and has good PL experience, if not a regular starter, then for the width.
Heard that Bayern are after Benatia, he’s pure class
r.iris, not really sure what you are talking about there!
He’d certainly bring experience with him Adk and give us depth, just something about rejects from Manchester…
Reminds me too much of Sylvestre I guess…
Jackson Martinez is rumoured to be leaving Porto….
Just saying 😉
4 Times today it tells me that I am posting too fast and then I have to close it down and start again.
Sorry potter, there’s nothing I can do, wordpress are clearly having problems…
Good Morning to The Lady of the House and all fellow Gooners in residence except Scott who, if I`ve done my sums correctly, merits a good evening.
Kev – Great article with the personal touch that we overseas fans don`t usually connect with.
Morning Cg…
We seem to being linked to some good/great players. Some of these links even seem to be credible for a change.
It would be nice if we could actually sign one or two players before the WC kicks off. Fortunately the WC will provide some distraction from the transfer window, but it is a poor substitute from watching our beloved Arsenal.
I think it’s always been hard to get FA tickets nothing has changed, it should be overhauled the system in which they are distributed but who’s going to do that
Good Morning Lady, Sir, Gentlemen and Ladies.
Did I hear that post somewhere in the past Kev? I have that sort of feeling mate. 😉
I knew it was you from the first paragraph. 🙂
Good post. A blast from the past which keeps one feet and opinion on the ground. Its not all bliss at AFC when it comes to how they treat supporters.
Hiya Ginge, Scott et al. Missed you all. I will sing again in summer now when this work load eases up. However, I do love my work so I complain only at the amount of work I have to do this year. I look forward every day to go.
I would love to see Aurier at AFC. He is mainly a RB, but can play at LB and CB. Three defenders rolled into one.
Then again I would like to see Jenkinson given a chance….starting at Wembley next Saturday.
Trouble is C.G that there are many of us here that have again dipped out despite having followed the club over many miles and years . I won’t pay a tout or a club Wembley member excessive amounts for a ticket . I hope they get stuck with them , but I know the Cup final is on the social calender like Wimbledon and the Lords test match. It’s not about the game but mainly about being there. Where I sit ? at the Emirates there are 17 season ticket holders that we have grown to know over the years. only 2 got tickets in the ballot , however a further 6 have bought tickets on the black market , over £400 each they say , but then they are all merchant Bankers in the City and can afford it. That’s why it’s wrong.
I hope we do too Cg, just what we all need. Set us up for a good summer hopefully..
Morning Devil. At least with TV out (off more like) Jenks will at least get on the subs bench on Saturday…
Hi CG.
Devil, good to have you back.
Sagna is the better choice Aurier would be a great acquisition
I see the noisy neighbours down the road have shown their usual class of leaking details of their search for a new manager while they still have one under contract. Not for the first time I may add.
I`m no fan of Tim Sherwood, he was a dirty player, but no one should be treated so shabbily.
hello all – night in bed for me tonight…. excellent. Great post mate. I remember well the comments about Charlie lying on the floor ha! Brilliant
Personally I do not believe that TommyV is injured. I think it is more that AW has learnt his lesson and does not pick those who are intent on leaving.
Although I would like to see Flappy in goal I feel that if he does not commit it will be the younger Pole in goal. Same with Sagna.
I feel it will be the following back four……
Jenks, Per, Kos, Gibbs.
400 quid a ticket! Holy s**t
CG, Tim had the best win percentage of any Spuds manager in the PL, and gets sacked?
They are their own worst enemy lol.
Devil – Nice to have you back. How are things in Cyprus(?)?
r.iris have you got a day pass today?
Aurier – i like this lad
Cyprus? where the hell is that mate? 😆 I dont live in Cyprus.
Hi All,
I think it’s the same situation United are in for the spuds. Need to get a manager in early as the team needs changes. Sherwood will struggle to get quality in been unable to promise CL football and has no reputation that players want to play under.
very dangerous job the Spuds position Scott – real short term role now days
ganged up on him it seems Brad (the players)
Devil – I get your point about only picking players who are committed to the club, but if Sagna hasn`t made up his mind, it might be the final insult that convinces him to leave.
Despite what the press say, i`m not sure there are many clubs who would be willing to meet his terms. Not when most, if not all, of their current defenders are on significantly less money. Maybe that is why he wants to leave it till after the WC.
Like martinez as well Rico but think Remy is the one somehow
mazedgooner, very good question and it certainly won’t be the FA, they are the ones making all the money…
I agree devil.
Their goodbyes were last week and the week before that. I sentimentally would like Sagna and Fab to play and earn their medals but I understand Wenger’s stance.
Hi Oz, think you could be right….
pretty sure Sagna will start
Well, what would you expect from that club Oz, that is awful that the players pushed him out and not the board.
Devil – That`s why the extra question mark re Cyprus. Sorry.
Not at all sure Wenger has this right either… “Nobody will do anything before the World Cup starts,” he replied, in an interview with James Olley
Oz – “very dangerous job the Spuds position Scott – real short term role now days” That is true for almost all BPL managers these days. An article earlier this season stated that Arsene, at that point in time, had been in his job longer than the sum of all other BPL mangers had been with their current clubs.
Got to nip off for an hour…
CG – amazing – talk about results now or else
CG, it’s becoming like Chelski!
That shower down the road – They r the gift that keeps on giving….
Lol Wath, and they love making us feel good about ourselves.
off to dinner
If they actually had a chairman with an ounce of integrity he’d fuck off and they may become a half decent side so the longer he there the better as he just blames everyone but himself… Love it…! Middlesex inbreds…!
Angel di maria is a great player,just what will need.Theo on the left,maria on the right.What a sweet thinking but it won’t happen.Trust me on this,Grab a laptop and close it unless you wanna have a stressful summer.
When they are hurt they revert to type and blame The Arsenal. According to their forums this morning they are glad Sherwood’s gone because his father is a gooner season ticket holder. Find the lowest common denominator and out pops a Spurs fan.
Potter, It’s not just his Dad, Tim is also an Arsenal fan… he has an Arsenal tattoo….
The vermin will jump on any bandwagon to justify trying to close the gap to us and will fall for all that Levy will prattle and then the year will end in 1 and and and…. delusional sheeny mugs…!
That is why they will never have Moyes as manager. He is red headed. His hair will go white with worry. So a manager with red and white hair will never be on at the spuddies. 😛
Devil, that rules out most managers, as they all turn white very quickly 🙂
yeah I know Scott. but the problem with Moyes at the spuddies is that his hair is red. so having a manager sporting the colours of the hated rivals on his head will tantamount to a revolt.
Wath – (Change of spelling?) “…the gift that keeps on giving|” That is a classic. The Spuds do have this unerring habit of shooting themselves in the foot. Hopefully that is their shooting foot. Not that it would make much difference based on their recent buys.
It seems most, if not all, of us in the house today are comedy writers. Although, some like r.iris, didn`t intend to be.
There is enough good material here for a good 5 – 10 min. stand-up routine. Obviously you`d have to pick your audience carefully as most Spuds fans lack a sense of humour.
If we are comedy writers mate…..then the spuddies make good comedy actors.
The act of comedy is itself that lot from down the rd CG…. they are hilarious yet they think……………. enuf said..!
Long may it continue….. I love them so……………. lol 😀
Devil – Maybe, but I like to think they are the biggest joke!
On a more serious note, Citroen have extended their sponsirship deal;
I`m off to bed before the night is gone. It`s been a good laugh or two today. Have a great day fellow Gooners.
Keep The Faith!
Cheers CG…. chat soon…!
I Couldn`t resist popping back to post this video with $amir Na$ti;
Join me in shedding a bucket load of crocedile tears.
One of the reasons the clubs don’t get all the tickets for the Fa Cup Final is that the Fa consider this a day when a chance should be given to 1000’s of clubs,footballers,Ref’s and all manor people connected to these clubs,that pay into the Fa coffer’s week in week out.
Thats why a lot of tickets end up with the touts,semi Pro and all other affilliated clubs who pay into the Fa can apply and if lucky get 2 tickets,a lot of clubs raffle them to get as much as they can.
Not only that if your on the ball you can apply to The London Fa and the Essex Fa and get 2 lots yer 4.
This has been going on for years.
Afternoon all….
You guys seen the story suggesting we have activated the ‘buy back’ clause for Carlos Vela?
It would make sense , the stories coming out of Spain suggest that it is possible.
It would potter and I’d welcome him back, and his team-mate….
Only costing 4 million euros , now he’s grown and with a good track record in La Liga even if it doesn’t work out , he will be worth more than that . It makes a perfect Gazidis type deal.
The 25-year-old striker has been a sensation in La Liga this season, scoring 15 goals and grabbing 12 assists in 34 starting appearances.
Couldn’t agree more again potter, he was too young before and was like a fish out of water. I think he said similar recently and felt he didn’t belong.
This squad we have now are very different and has no egos – well, once Nik has gone.
Fingers crossed it happens….
Forever in our shadow! THE END!
Good finisher Vela….
The lob specialist 😉
RIP Stephen Sutton, a remarkable young man. Remarkable……
Afternoon Rico, Lee, Potter, Dev and all…
Dev, where have you been? Are you taking over the sperds job? 😀
A very good read Mr Kev…
What is happening today? Lee is pleased about a potential £5m signing? 🙂
Afternoon Ts.
Vela is just £3 million. 20 goals in La Liga is not to be sniffed at I guess….
Neither is 13 assists….
lol… Rico you know me I am easy to please so..
Either way he is more mature as you and Potter have mentioned before…
He is less of a gamble than Greizman imo…
Very sad news about young Stephen Sutton. His plight touched me when I read about it recently. So young and yet he remained unbelievably positive, trying to do good things for others right until the end. Mrs Adam and I shared a tear for him. May he rest in peace.
Always thought Vela was a natural finisher… some of his goals were top top class… Just maybe to young and immature for the move to us originally..? who knows… for the money he’s 20 X better than Bendy and So nogo…! Yes harsh on Sanogo as he still a baby but still… football ain’t about sentiment it’s about winning or giving yourself the best chance to win.
I’m saying nothing Ts 😉
Very very sad Adam…..
Totally agree Wath, Vela the ‘man’ could be a very different kind of player. Hope the story has legs…
I have watched Vela quite a few times this season.
All positive Adam?
Adam……………………. and….!! what you think… grown up and matured..?
Yes, definitely. Thicker of body and thigh with a tougher edge. He has looked much more of a handful. I do wonder that this, if true, might be a bargaining chip to get Griezman though. But Vela would be positive as long as it doesn’t stop at him. I believe his (Vela) buy-out clause to other clubs is about £20 odd million so I could see it both ways. Seems eminently sensible.
Hiya pals….spent the last few days in the hospital. Cassie is back on chemotherapy again. This is heart breaking. I need your prayers y’all.
Stan.. I am so sorry to hear this. I am thinking of you mate and always here for you. You know that.
Hey Stan….. Be strong fella…..! You gotta be positive for Cassie…. She needs to feed off your good vibes…! Your in my thoughts mate.
Thanks adam…I ve been really torn. Stressed out with her in the hospital and Brian na crying all the time. Am not cut out for this adam. It’s so hard. So so hard.
Flipping heck Goonie…
My prayers are with you mate…
Maybe Wenger fancies them both Adam… Vela and Griezmann..? Do they play well together..?
Thanks WATH she’s been through so much already. I wish I can take all her pain away.
Hi goonster, so so sad to hear your news. Stay strong for Cassie, and you of course….
Vela and Griezmann would be very very good.
An already strong partnership…
Wath’s right Stan. You have to be strong for your family though I know it must be hard. If you need a chat just get my email address from Rico or we could Skype. You’ve got mates here Stan.
You can’t take the pain away matey but you can make sure you there for her and you being positive is what she needs mate… Don’t let her see you stressing… she will need smiles and lots of good vibes… Very hard to be strong mate but you can do it….!
Thanks guys…really appreciate your prayers and goodwill. God bless you all.
Wath. Yes they do. They seem to start wide left and then take it from there with Vela moving inside when I have seen them. I doubt RS would welcome losing them both though.
And may the big fella look over you and yours Goonie… x
Gracias maam…means a lot coming from you.
Goonie, as Adam said, you have friends here, just mail me if you want a chat with any of us. I’ll pass things on or put you in touch….
Hows RS finances Adam… do they need the dosh…?
In the pics i have seen of Vela he does look more chunky and if he’s filled out more…! Doesn’t look a baby any more..!
Bringing vela back won’t change a thing if arsene reverts to form by chucking him out on the wings. La Liga is not the epl. He ll struggle here.
Not sure he would now Stan, he’s bigger and stronger and a lot more grown up……
Could he play the lone forward role? No idea as I haven’t seen him, but as Wath said earlier, he certainly knows how to finish a good move….
Thanks maam will really love to see what WATH ginge adam lee kev micko you and Gee AGAG look like.:grin:
There lies the problem Stan, hopefully Wenger has learnt that he needs to PLay Vela off someone like Giroud…!?!? We’ll see soon enough…
Seems we’ve offered for Aurier… another piss take of a fee offered if stories are true… 8.5million….! How to makes friends and piss off selling clubs with insulting offers….!
Oh I bet you wouldn’t really Stan…. 😉
How much is Aurier valued at Wath?
If we play a classic 442 against mid table teams him and OG ll rip it. But on a 4231 formation I don’t think he ll thrive.
Wath. Dunno about their finances.
WATH we won’t get aurier. Arsene is already grooming bellerin and the corporal to replace him. We won’t be signing a right back. You heard it here first.
Rico, think about it, we paid 8mil for Sagna what 7 years ago…!
Most saying Aureir best RB in France currently so our offer is pretty crap as usual…. compare to the 27mil Mancs offering for Shaw…! says it all.
Exactly WATH shaw and aurier??? Come on now.
Stan, I to don’t think we will buy a right back BUT maybe he see’s Bellerin more of a right sided midfielder… he used to play right wing…!
Also he may be thinking Jenks isn’t good enough which would really piss me off…!
One thing for sure we ain’t buying Vela, Griezmann and Di Maria lol
WATH we both watched jenko play some high profile games 2 seasons back. He kept Silva quiet at the eastlands. Went over to the allianz arena and held his own against fuck face robben. If arsene sells him that’s it am don’t being a gooner. We need players like him. Players that can run through a brick wall for the team. With more games under his belt jenko ll be a beast.
Some things never change then Wath, although perhaps though we are just testing the water to see what his club wants to get a deal done. Not much point in going in with an offer which is way over the top..
Just a thought 😉
Agree Stan, Jenks gets better and better when he plays consecutive games..! He’s a gooner so as you say will run through a brick wall for the shirt and we need more of that.
That Wath is true. So just Vela and Di Maria it is then..
Simples 🙂
I know many won’t agree, but I think Jenks will become good enough, more than good enough…..
Rico, testing the water with such a low offer just gets peoples backs up when they know we have so much cash in the bank… talk about piss the selling club off…!
Rico, If we got Di Maria I would be a very happy chappie… we need more than him of course BUT if he was our star buy I’d be well chuffed..!
There is that side of it of course Wath, but are they far off with valuation?
Shaw is valued so high because he’s English and PL clubs need English players.
Aurier won’t be sold for even half the price of Shaw imo….
As would I Wath, and Mesut may just turn out to be key…
IF of course, the stories are true….
Maybe Jenks could be used as the right sided of a midfield three if he is not good enough to be a RB right now he seems almost more of a wing back type player i think, God knows at least he would track back and provide some cover or is that Square Peg in a round hole?
Surely get the selling club to at least bite a little… 10mil opening bid would at least get their interest surely..?
Vernat, think he defends well but needs the games under his belt… similar to what I said about Bellerin… what if we played Bellerin in front of Jenks…. then again thats being pragmatic… Wenger doesnt do that lol
I ll go with jenko and another rb I don’t think hector is ready for the big leagues yet.
V10 -not really sure that would be such a ‘square peg’ to be honest, he has a great engine and whips in a great cross.
He may lack finesse to play there though and ball skills etc….
Wath – that’s why I asked about his valuation, his club may only value him at £10m…
Without knowing, surely we know if the reported bid can be deemed as an insult…?
Wath, can Lescott play right back??
Yeah i was thinking of him playing in homage to the football stylings of the Romford Pele, his drive and energy there might make up for a lot especially against the lower teams?
Bellerin reminds me of a right footed alba. That boy is a wonder. Kinda worried about his dna though. Lol
Always swings n roundabouts Rico and a selling club normally wants as much as possible… our buying power is to offer cash ALL up front but when a club sees Shaw at 27mil surely they will laugh at 8.5..?
Hahahahhaahahahahahahahahhahah lescott on right back? Now I ve heard everything.
v10 – Jenks is exactly that….
Steven Caulker i know he is an ex Spurs player but he is at the right age (22) has two years EPL experience and would be in the right price range as well … worth a punt ?
But the two can’t be compared Wath. One is English and alreay in the PL, the other, well, he’s the other… 😉
Just asking Goonie as I don’t know…
Lescott RB… not sure Rico, not really watched him enough to know… I reckon he would be decent CB back up and free lol
Rico, one English and had a very good season and the same could be said of Aurier but he’s had 2 good seasons…. Again horses for courses but if you really want a player make sure the selling club is tempted at least with the first offer surely…?
No way no ex spud reject on my team. We need to be looking ahead not behind.
Fair enough i can see why people would not fancy him in the squad
Lescott Wath, or would Richards be a better option? Both are free aren’t they?
Right have to go meet someone and drink some wine and eat some glorious meat…. Chat later you lot… Stay strong Stan…. thinking of ya matey and of course Cassie..!
Transfermarkt.com are valuing Aurier at 6.5 million Euros so a £7 million offer might be seen as generous especially by Gazidis and Wenger.
Agree re the offer though Wath, make it decent and not embarrassing…
Enjoy Wath. I’m sure you will.. 😉
Thanks potter, that’s interesting…. As you say, if the valuation is deemed true, then all is not so much of an insult…
I’m off to the kitchen, later folks…
Nom nom….
Good read kev, don’t think the club would be especially interested in your family history though, whether your a 2nd, 3rd generation hardcore season ticket holder or watched us in the old first division.
Run it by them, ring them up and they’ll tell you their records only go back to 2006, the year WengerDome was built, everything before that has been binned.
In their defense they will thank you for your support this season and ask ya if your interested in upgrading to a Club level ticket so contrary to what you say maybe your being a bit harsh on the club saying they don’t give a toss, hold your head in shame.
You old cynic Micko 😉
Hi rico, how’s you.
Howdy Stan, had no idea, hope everything works out for you and your family.
kev, your ole man having to go to the lane in 1938, that’s tough on anyone mate.
During WWII arsenal lost 9 players to the war, more than any other club, real heroes.
Hi Micko, sat like a nodding dog but otherwise, all good thanks. How about you?
Just waiting for EastEnders…
Evening Rico and Micko.
Evening Adam, beautiful one too isn’t it….
I’ve got a bit of door work this evening, only an hour or so for the local boxing club, not as dangerous as it sounds, it’s boxercise for the under 10’s, lots of little rooneys running around !!!
Enjoy EE, over and out.
Keep your hands up and head down Micko…
Nighty to you…
Hi adam, bye adam.
It is Rico. Lovely here. I have just eaten, then I watered the pot plants. I will probably watch the Europa Cup final. It could be good and Reyes is playing.
Micko. My friend I used to visit lived in Tralee. Is that near you?
Oops, he’s gone again.
Me too Adam, had a lovely LM burger in a home baked roll with naughty stuff….
I doubt i’ll watch football though….
Must go and check on our feathered ones, one is poorly…
If you go before I return, night Adam and enjoy the footie…
Won’t be long though….
I had some broccoli, carrots and shredded Savoy cabbage cooked with garlic, ginger and chilli with some rice and Soy and sweet chilli dip. It was pretty good.
If I am gone then, until tomorrow Rico. 🙂
I’m back now…. 😉
Sounds nice Adam….
Black socks with a white kit looks awful…
Night all…
Hi there!
The coach I said for replacing AW is the new coach of Monaco…
Benfica’s pens were worse than Englands…..!!
Wath, only caught the penalties, you have to feel for the benfica fans, that’s their 8th european final defeat in a row going back 52 years, they’ve a worse record than us !!
Adam, tralee is only half an hour away from me, tbh, it’s not the sort of place you’d wanna be going out for an evening after dark !
Time for my bunk, nite Gooners.
Night Micko….. Agreed 8 finals is dire and not nice to go through.
A bit late, but thanks all for the positive vibe…
Fred, thanks for that, and yes, I can see the family resemblence… Wonder where he got most of his tickets from???
When I was a postman, I used to know the postie who delivered to a Council flat close to King’s Cross, where Stan Flashman used as an office Fred.
He used to see quite a few First Division players visiting that flat around cup final time in the 1970’s and 1980’s…
Fred, that tout has been a regular around the Arsenal tube and Avenell Road for what must be over 25 years…
Because of the likeness to our ex-player, we always noticed him and commented on it…
Stranger than fiction eh???
Karim Benzema has been the flavour of the day today I see.
Wonder how long Arsenal will be linked with him before he ends up at ManUre?
Morning all….
Morning peeps…. what about Khedira?
Jack had a straightener with Scholes then?
Morning Lee, just been reading that about Jack, seems Scholes has taught him a thing or two…
I like Scholes…but never trust a rust!
Napoli want Morgan….
If we spending big on a player from RM i’d want Di Maria the most..!
Oh and morning you lot….
Khedira too……
So Vela and Remy…….
Lee, I’ll be well happy with Di Maria and Schneiderlin… Always liked Khedira but Morgan premier league proven and experienced..! does make a difference…!
Wonder if we’ll up the offer for Aurier to 8.75mil today…?
15/20 goals each from Vela and Remy would be good….
As much as that Wath?? 😉
Morning to you….
Morning Rico and all.
Morning Adam…..
Think Benfica took penalty lessons from Ozil….!
Morning Adam…
Rico, get the bacon sarnies on plz…. starving…………
I couldn’t believe the ref let some of those penalties stand. The Sevilla goalkeeper was about 6 foot of his line as the ball was struck. Still, I was pleased they won.
Get your own Wath!
And do my porridge whilst you are in the kitchen….. 😉
Quorn sarnies you mean Wath?
Now I’d happily cook those…..
Bloody cheeky wench……………… 😛
True Adam, whats the point of all those official when they let the keeper go on a walk about in the 6yd box… joke…!
I’d rather eat wall paper paste Lee……
You are saved Wath, had Cheerios instead 😉
Morning All,
Kev,He nearly always stood by the barbers shop,plus another thing,the family owned quiet a few of the houses round by the west stand.
Great comments on jenks………..hope his reading.
Adam on one of those pens the keeper nearly got to the ball first.
Morning Fred…
So we’ve bid £30m for Eczema…?
Apparently so…
Morning Fred. I know. It did seem a little ‘odd’.
New post up now….