Category Archives: Match review

City boring, Fabianski bored! There will be days like this I guess….

So the grueling run of matches continues.  No excuses, we knew this was coming and it is up to Arsene and the players to adjust. A primary concern remains rotating the squad enough to sustain a winning run, while still giving key players the opportunity for rest, and others the opportunity for much-needed match action. It […]

Birmingham still ugly, we score three, what more can you ask for?

Better finishing? Check. Better awareness and organization defending set pieces? Obviously. The European Cup? Of course. But…On the heels of this afternoon’s performance and result, I consider harping on the aforementioned a little churlish of myself. We all know there are things we can do better and we all know precisely what they are. However, […]

Cesc who?? We go top as the skipper looks on…..

Before anyone takes me to task over the title, it’s tongue-in-cheek, ok? Cesc is our captain, and remains a hugely important player to our side. Nasri has sparkled this season and may well take Cesc’s mantle in the long-term, but that will not happen until Cesc himself departs. Considering our Captain’s intermittent availability this season, […]