Morning all. Well that was much better wasn’t it? About time too I’d say, although a big part of me believes it won’t be long before we revert to type. That’s not me being negative, it’s just being a realist. We’ve seen the odd smart performance play out before but seldom can this Arsenal side […]
Category Archives: Daily Bits and Bobs
Morning all. Our record against Chelsea in recent years has been nothing short of pathetic. Embarrassing actually. Once Roman arrived and employed that under tall Portuguese man, Arsene Wenger simply couldn’t match anything the West London club had to offer. Drogba destroyed Senderos, Mourinho destroyed Wenger and beating Chelsea away from home has been a […]
Morning all. Remember when Alexis Sanchez joined? Of course you do. Many over us were thrilled to bits to see such a talented footballer choose Arsenal and he did. Liverpool and Mourinho wanted him but despite the offer of a bigger salary, north London was his new home. It wasn’t long before we could all […]
Morning all. Having not taken part in European football for as long as they have, you’d have thought the FC Koln fans would have looked forward to last nights fixture and enjoyed themselves. Instead though, the fixture brought 20000 plus German fans to London, most determined to ruin the occasion and they nearly succeeded. The […]
Morning all. Arsenal embark on their Europa League campaign against FC Koln tomorrow evening with a point to prove after missing out on the Champions League for the first time in 20 years. Liverpool and Manchester City’s final day victories in the Premier League last season consigned the Gunners to the calmer waters of Europe’s less […]
Morning all. Who really cares that it was Welbeck’s shoulder which scored our opener? I certainly don’t. A goal is a goal and boy we needed an early one, if only to settle the fans. By all accounts though, that goal settled the team too and from there onwards, the victory was a walk in […]
Morning all. Time to fight back but does this group of Arsenal players have the fight in them under Arsene Wenger, a man who seems to conjure up more and more excuses for his failings each time he opens his mouth? But I don’t expect him to need excuses after today’s match because the odds […]
Morning all. I’ve just read Arsene Wenger’s press conference bits and bobs and little of it made much sense to me. A player ‘half in, half out?’ What on earth is he on about… Not really sure why I bothered as little he says is much different to what we’ve heard before. Mind you, yesterday […]
Morning all. The international break is now over and our boys should be back in London some time today, if they’re not back already. Just what frame of mind they’ll be in is anyone’s guess, especially those who were desperate to leave this sinking ship during the transfer window. Despite many of them doing well […]
Morning all. No doubt everyone has now seen the report from David Ornstein which included an email Ivan Gazidis supposedly sent to all the players soon after the transfer window closed. There’s other stuff too which has found its way onto the back pages. It’s destructive if it’s true and there’s no reason to believe […]
Morning all. So the sly old fox could have done us all a favour in the summer. Psg made contact with him, they wanted him but a bit like Arsene Wenger during a transfer window, the French club didn’t try hard enough to get their man. Wenger considered leaving but in the end, decided against […]
Morning all. Wayne Rooney really is a dick isn’t he? Perhaps that’s not the best description of him having been caught out with another women and whilst his wife is expecting their fourth child. But worse is driving whilst having had a few beverages. The bloke has more money than I could dream of having […]