Morning all.
Journalists! I know they have a job to do but sometimes they really turn what could be a good story, into something ridiculous.
This weekend just gone by, Arsene Wenger was spotted in a north African country for the famous Marrakech du Rire comedy festival wearing a hideous looking t-shirt. A t-shirt which was all part of the festival’s traditional celebrity match which Wenger was taking part in alongside a whole host of professional players, actors and comedians.
But it was good old Arsene who was mainly photographed and turned into big headlines and that’s despite several French and Moroccan comedians including Florence Foresti, Jamel Debbouze and Gad Elmalehtogether with footballers Karim Benzema, Didier Drogba, Marouane Fellaini, and Samuel Eto’o, all who taking part and wearing the same shirts in order to raise money for the association Al Karam, which was founded in 1997.
Then of course the comments about the ‘zipper’ followed….. Idiots!
Puma seem to have resolved the ‘sticky zip’ and last night the big sports company revealed our 2015/16 football kit.

The players involved in the launch said they liked the new kit, Danny Welbeck said it wasn’t so tight so he’ll be able to breathe a lot better! Last seasons kit really was a bit on the tight side wasn’t it…
Santi Cazorla wants more from this coming campaign:
The most important thing is to improve next year. Of course we can win the Premier League. If we sign some good players, we will be even stronger.
As does Tomas:
I think there is only one aim from us – to win the title, I have to say the squad is really big so the talent is there.
That’s the problem, the squad is very big but in my opinion, some of them aren’t going to make us much stronger next season. Only new and different players will do that. Players who are better than those who depart, perhaps even better than the best we have right now. Ozil and Alexis have set the transfer bar and it’s that calibre of player we need in my opinion if we are to win the league.
PSG are apparently back in the race for Petr Cech as they are prepared to offer him a £150,00 per week five year deal. A staggering £39 million in total. Will Arsenal match that, would they want to? I don’t know but all I hope is that the player really wants to stay in London and pushes through a move to us.
John Cross of The Mirror says:
Petr Cech has set his heart on Arsenal, it’s now just a case of getting the signing over the line.
Cech’s goalkeeping coach at Chelsea, Christophe Lollichon also believes the big guy wants to go to Arsenal:
I think [Cech] still has three or four excellent seasons in him.
His family like England. And a player is happy when his family is happy.
He wants to stay in England, but I don’t know where are the discussions. The Premier League is his primary objective. But it will also depends on the conditions .
The advantage is that Arsenal is a top club, with a philosophy that pleases him and that is at London. It is a base for consideration.
Tomas Rosicky admitted he’s had a chat with Cech about Arsenal too although he gave little away during his interview but he did have a cheeky grin on his face whilst talking about the keeper.
But we all know how Mourinho works, all the positive stuff about this deal could be mind games. Raise our hopes only to pull the plug as and when he chooses so until something is concrete, I’m not getting overly confident Arsenal will get this deal done.
Other transfer gossip:
Karim Benzema tops Arsène Wenger’s list for a new striker at Arsenal. However, any deal depends on RM signing Sergio Aguero. (El Confidencial)
The Jackson Martinez saga continues as he’s reportedly set to decide between us and Milan. Ok, that’ll be Milan then.
Schalke starlet Julian Draxler is interested in a summer move to the Emirates – but would likely cost around £30 million after an injury-hit season in Germany (Sky Sports Germany)
Arsenal are worried that they’re set to lose Morgan Schneiderlin to Manchester United (Telegraph)
Barcelona defender Marc Bartra is being eyed for a cut-price £8.7 million deal – but that’s only until July 1, according to his agent. (Daily Express)
And the best, or perhaps worst is that David Kidd in The Mirror thinks a move to Man City would be the making of Jack Wilshere!
Finally, there’s a good article about how Jack Wilshere was inspired by Gazza to turn on the magic for England. That’s in The Telegraph.
Enough I hear you say… Have a great day guys….
I have a suggest Rico.
I think you should add/comment on the height of any player we are liked with… that always makes my day. 😀
Good read btw
Thanks Ts..
Only in the defence though – I’d love Aguero up front…. lol
I would buy Aubameyang over Benzema. I would buy Leno over Cech but Leno would push out Szcesny which i dont want. Id buy Schniederlien over any one else maybe Vidal is an acception. But hey im not wenger !
The more Germans the better Cunning… 😉
Or Chileans….
Lol Rico.
look at Puyol of FC Barcelona. He is 5 ft 10″ and he could defend against players 6 ft +.
Canavaro was no more than 5’9 either… lol
Blinds father Danny Blind was also 5’8 but world class…
I know none played in the EPL I can hear you say.. 😀
It’s crystal ball time again.
Carzola and monreal both want a striker…benzima will be our new striker but if he is to sign we would have to sell giroud since they are also competing for france
Our favourite time of the year, Adam 🙂
Good Morning Lovelies and Hunkies
read this mates…..
For me….PEA over Benzema any day. He is more faster. Plus Benzema is also a moody lad. Imo from the same cloth as Nasri.
Absolutely Scott. 🙂
One thing for sure is that there will be a GK merry-go-round this transfer window!
Morning House, I do likey the pic rico, its now in my desktop 😉
Is Benzima that much better than Giroud? Hard to know how well Giroud would have done at Real.
Just jesting really Ts, I’m all for giving players chance…
But I do recall just a few years ago when many fans here and around the blogs thought we had a side far too small and lightweight…
Sorry morning all,plus we wont change our formation if we sign benzima.since people talk about hold-up play(lol),i think benzima is best at it,his assists says it all.
Hi Rico, an idea for a piece I would like to read is about HOW transfers are conducted and all the little ins and outs and details that need to be resolved, and how agents/clubs/players do all the negotiation. For example, I dont 100% understand how some negotiations stretch out for months, whereas others seem to happen spontaneosly on deadline day. (Obviously I have a general idea). So while we wait and wonder when Arsenal will sign someone, it would be nice to have an idea of how things are likely going on behind the scenes 🙂 Maybe you or another member has detailed knowledge for such a piece?
I love it Scott… 😉
Andrew – I like it too… lol
Hi Roger, and there was me thinking you were offering…. lol
Andrew the truth is what giroud does benzima makes it better,plus it not about how many goals the striker scores but what opposition he scores against.lewandoski scored less goals last season but it does not mean giroud is better than him
Ha, something I dont know enough about Rico 😛
By the way, have you read this interview with Monreal? I thoroughly enjoyed it, good depth and honesty, and he sounds like a top guy: (sorry its on arseblog)
Ok Rico, Ill tell you what, if no other member says they will write that article idea on behind the transfer scenes, then I will by the end of the week and do some research myself 🙂
Me neither Roger re transfers.. lol
That’s fab, thanks. I’ll look forward to that…
I really like Monreal and can’t see him leaving..
Roger, I’ve said that all along about Nacho…..he’s a guy who can’t have a spell,my hen come back and hut form, and neither is Gibbs.
That’s why they both look terrible, but with a run of games they find form.
People have mentioned before….they could be sensational playing on the left together.
Then come back and hit form it should read.
Stupid Ipad 🙂
Drake, my concern with Giroud is his consistency, some days you think he looks the part, puts himself about, has great touch for a big fellow. Other days …..
scott 😉 hen come back and hut form, nice one!
Benzima,suarez,aguero,rooney,costa(thug) and lewandoski all last season scored less goals that when you compare to giroud you say he is not far off but the truth he is.they are fast,with more assists and big game players.
We don’t need a striker to replace Giroud, we need another striker for certain games, IMO.
Or even better, two up front!
I honestly don’t think we’ll sign a striker this summer…..
Rico theo is our cf next season,maybe no striker signing.a winger may come in draxler maybe
Maybe even that winger from lyon, i just think it will be a big name
Good Morning to The Lady of the House and all fellow Gooners in residence.
Rico – Good summary. As for, “But we all know how Mourinho works, all the positive stuff about this deal could be mind games.” I can understand your caution, especially when that malignant midget is involved. However, although I too am cautious, I take a more positive view.
I think he knows the transfer is probably going to happen and just wants to distance himself from the whole affair, especially if Cech is the difference in a few crucial games this coming season. In the meantime Maureen, being the ‘person’ he is, can’t avoid stirring the pot and fomenting some mischief. We can compare notes come August.
Sorry i mean it not a big name winger
That was my thought too Drake.
Afternoon Cg, I’m slightly optimistic re Cech but…. lol
I hope the stories about the Chelsea board/Roman honouring the players wish to go where he chooses is true…
Scott – And here’s me thinking your chook returned to your mud hut.
Rico – You and me both, but we both know the transfer windows are full of surprises, both good and ill, as well as plenty of disappointments. Fingers crossed.
“Benzima,suarez,aguero,rooney,costa(thug) and lewandoski” I’d take nearly all of these instead of Giroud…..
Lewandowski and Aguero only for me…; Suarez maybe. The rest are shite especially Costa who I rate as a 2 season wonder… 🙂
I hope there’s 2/3 nice surprises for us Cg..
Podolski apparently off to Galatasaray…
Rooney’s the only shit one out of that list!
Ginge – I’ll take a pass on Hannibal the Cannibal! We have to maintain some standards.
I see we are being linked with Lars Bender of Leverkuesen again.
Agree re Rooney. Can’t believe this time last summer I hoped we’d sign him…. 😉
Wouldn’t want Costa though, Pelle’s not bad albeit knocking on a bit now…. lol
Quite like Mane as well….
Lee – But Vain is such a manly performer, just like Woy said after the Slovenia game.
Jack scores two wonder goals, but Vain scores the go-ahead goal after missing some good opportunities and having it laid on the plate for by Theo. Yet, the press have Vain as the match winner. ManUre can keep him, for an Arsenal player requires a modicum of intelligence.
😀 Cg. Hannibal is a true poacher
Its hard to choose between getting reeled- in by all the transfer rumours or the ‘conspiracy’ of the Bilderberg agenda and TTIP… 😉
Afternoon, Rico you might be right about us not bringing in a striker, but i just dont think the strikers we have, can win us the title, Surely even Wenger must see that, just looking at Benzema,s goal stats for Madrid, 87 goals in 6 seasons, your talking on average 14 goals a season. I dont think thats good enough, its just so hard to find a great striker in our price range, they are thin on the ground. but hey , Cech and Vidal for me would be statements of intent.
Ginge – I just feel that Suarez is going to bite one too many players and have his teeth rammed down his throat. He wont change until someone de-fangs him or puts a wooden stake through his heart, if he’s got one that is.
Dublin – I don’t see Arsenal paying the price Real would demand. I think Arsene is more interested in a young striker who can step in if Giroud is injured or needs a break. If he can also play on the wing, so much the better.
Have we signed Bender yet?
Hi Dublin – that’s the problem isn’t it, AW will possibly look at the number of strikers we have and think we have enough but we don’t have a 20+ goal a season kind of player and until we do, we’ll just have to hope others make up the numbers…
Thats true, CG, the only thing is, by Wenger,s own high standards, there,s not many strikers out there that aren,t already taken. He had a chance last season to bring in a good young striker in Alvaro Morata, but Maybe Draxler, although a left winger,can play as a striker, theres rumours starting to circulate about him, again.
Afternoon everybody an’ da top o’ the mar in, to yah all! With a pols to Micko and Dublin! Really sad event in Berkley. Wrong place wrong time…….that’s all it takes. Disaster.
Right, now, I’m off to join ‘’ and see who I’d like to sign up for the Arsenal! Think I’ll start with Messi and then have a dip at Ronnie Rinald! A keeper, yep, Cech mate, he’ll do, for now. DM? Mmm, not sure, Vidal? Sneiderlin? Swinestiger? A bit old, him! Rammyeares? He kicks anything., anybody, any part of any body, he’d do!
Forget it and all of the fantasy stuff. I’ll rely on to inform me of what we’ve got, when we’ve got them/him!
It’s all too Arthur Doolittle for me, “wouldn’t it be luverly”!
Back later to express some more nonsense, all in the Arsenal cause and, in the best possible taste!
Cg- maybe Barca have de-fanged Suarez already…
He went the whole season without biting into human flesh… on TV at least…
Australia 1 lead Kyrgyzstan 0 after the first minute, round one of ur World Cup qualification games.
In all honesty, I didn’t even know Kyrgyzstan had a country, let alone a national football team lol
Podolski off to Galatasary for £1.5 million
Jenks is off to Sunderland on loan..
Soon Kev, and Sven hopefully… 😉
Kyrgyzstan Scott… I was wondering if Australia had a team… 😉
We do, Rico.
Don’t you remember, we beat your lot last time we played….not that it’s any great claim to fame 🙂 🙂
£1.5 million isn’t bad for Pod, as long as we aren’t paying any of his wages Rico…
Very sad news, berkeley, california, A 21st birthday party, you just never know. That was cheap for Podolski, i suppose Arsenal just happy to get him off their books, Maybe Campbell and Yaya next.
Scott – I see you’re taking diplomacy lessons from the U.S. State Department. LOL
The Socceroos must have taken the England team out for a few beers before the game. In the meantime Advance Australia Fair.
Off for the night. Have a great day everyone.
Keep The Faith!
That is sad. I lived in Berkeley for several months many years ago. Fantastic place. Quite exciting too.
🙂 Scott..
Kev, I think it’s permanent rather than a loan…
Sanogo is a must surely… Campbell too for his own sake..
Night Cg.
One of my favourites is gone. I always like Podolski and his left peg. I wish him luck and will continue to do what i have always done……follow his career and see how he does.
Few know that Podolski is not a flashy footballer who goes for money. He still loves Koln and has more than one football school which he sponsors, especially children who cannot afford to pay fees for football tuition. that is something which I admire.
BDW…..Cazorla also has charity sponsorships in his home town. its good to see players who never forget the background from where they come
Jenks off as well. Maitland Niles off as well.
those three will pay for Cech’s salary
I think that the Draxler rumours carry more legs than the Benzema ones.
Kev you still want a Bender?
I did like Podolksi, his enthusiasm and genuine love for the club, didnt go unnoticed, I wish im the best, but onwards and upwards, There does seem to be a general clear out happening. Exciting times, hopefully
Prince Poldi and Dench
Sad to see Podolski go, very sad. He was, imp, the most clinical finisher in the club, his only problem he was never quite in the the right place at the right time, usually because he was having a chat with the oppositions right back!! A bit lazy and sadly that’s his exit gate! I mean, you can’t have him and Theo in the same side both of whom are excellent spectators!! C’est la vie, as Mr Wenger would say! I hope he enjoys Istanbul it has loads to see and much to do, in between playing football!
Jenkinson to Sunderland is a strange one, long way to go every week for a game of footy, even if he is playing for old Mr Eggnog! Still at least he’ll get picked every week! Word is Arsenal are going to extend his contract before he goes, not sure what that means in relation to Bellerin and Debuchy.
Anyway will reveal all on July 1st, you see if they don’t!
Kev, where were you Friday I searched high and low for your red taxi with white wings and couldnt see it anywhere in old London Town! Still your subs were very accommodating and helpful albeit not too quick. The traffic doesn’t get any thinner in the capital, does it?
Same old names being bandied around again ! The ‘average French bottler’ would have been a fantastic signing for us 5 years ago but it wasn’t to be, I too don’t believe we’ll see a striker come in either this summer.
Wavy…and the rest of the day to yourself !
Podolski, a player who only really showed his true colours when the season ended with a European or World Cup on the horizon, in other words every other season.
Maybe Wenger can work his magic and carryout a similar job on Welbeck as he did with Henry and other strikers.
Lee, if you put Coq and Bender together, then I think you will have an irresistible combination mate…
Wavy, my cab is black mate…
Actually some geezer on roller skates cut me up down the Haymarket on Friday, that wasn’t you Wavy was it???
If it was, then I loved your outfit…
I fell asleep on the sun lounger…. 😉
Sad to see Pod go, but that’s life… He’s not a player who can play the way AW now wants us to play imo…
Podolski’s fee, if true, tells me that the club ( Arsene) wanted him out of the door.
Agree Adam, the price he’s reported to be going for makes that quite obvious.
You would have thought that £5 million would be a more sensible figure but he has probably cost the club £20 mill already so perhaps there is a deeper logic at play.
Think the club are just being sensible, at last….
Pragmatic anyway Rico.
Isn’t that the same when it comes to things like cutting losses for long term gain Adam?
As long as you have a plan that accommodates the action then I would accept that Rico. The improvements the team have shown individually and collectively make this a tricky transfer window. Each of us have a different idea as to what the team needs.
Kev wants a bender…
We still need a spine in my book….
Who you want Adam? Forget Frimpong he’s gone mate….
Brudder. I always want more than makes sense, but your word “Spine” rings bells. Have you come round to Jack a bit more, now that he has matured a bit?
Yes a little Brudder, let’s see how next season pans out. Big season for him in my eyes! Still a bit of a bell but ho hum, I guess that’s one of the by-products that comes with these young millionaires!
Don’t we always Adam? But I do think that perhaps fans look for more than is realistic…
Good Evening Lovelies and Hunkies
Seems that we have an agreement…..
Devil, there’s a story doing the rounds that Morgan has agreed terms with Utd too…..
Yes I saw that as well.
As long as we get Krychowiak….
As long as we get ‘someone’……
…..or Bender
Sven or Lars?
No wonder I couldn’t spot your cab! I reckon every other cab I saw was black! I thought you might wear your support on your cab! Red and white hoops on the wheels would look well too! How about it? I know a man who’d re spray your cab in club colours for not a lot of money!
The roller skates would have been handy when we emerged from the opera house! Didn’t go anywhere near Haymarket, honest.
What’s the cheque for Cech?
There’s an Arsenal fan that goes to all the home games in a 1970’s red Rolls Royce covered in flags,scarves etc….think he’s from Sudbury.
Must be Stan Lee….. Kroenke, not goonie… Lol
Stan would have red and cream pants on his car…. Lol
Howdy guys cech deal close huh? I ll rather have chezzer. Want nothing from thst poison dwarf. He ll sooner turn him against us. What a want.
tbh honest I want both Lars and Sven. One can play DM the other at CB.
Here I come on only to hear you guys talking about me! What are the odds??
Talk about the devil and then he appears… Lol hi goonie..
Devil, if we signed both, that would spell the end of a few of our midfield players…
Afternoon rico 😀
Goonie would love to own a classic Volkswagen. Why???
He will design the front mudguards into boobs, the rear mudguards into a female ass and the sides into lovely nude models
howdy Goonie
Lee. I have seen that motor up and down the country. It has a plate that is something like ARS 1 doesn’t it?
Rixo we ll only sign one player and if we get cech that’s it. We won’t be getting a striker a beastly dm or a defender. Our new striker is theo new midfielder is wilshere and we already have Gabriel and chambers so I see no reason we ll be looking for a new defender. Dev stop creaming ya pants you old twit. Lars and sven isn’t coming 😀
Hey Lee 😀 adaaaaaaam the man after my heart 😀
Goonie, I reckon Cech and a DM – then a younger/unheard of winger…. Lol
Rico the OX can barely get a game. We still have gnabs and even welbeck can play on the wings. I doubt we ll see any signing. I could be wrong but am seldom wrong 😀 I don’t want cech something about him reeks. Plus I ll rather keep faith with chezzer. You don’t go from class to shit overnight!
I am of the same though Rico.
It would be Cech, Krychowiak (imo), a young defender (Gomez) and an unheard of winger.
I think the unheard of winger will be German or Spanish. And its someone under the radar.
Keep dreaming dev…never gonna happen. I for one won’t begrudge him if we get no new player. Just keep everyone fit and rotate from time to time then watch us smash the league. Come on you gunners 😀
OC and Welbeck have been injured Goonie. You don’t want Cech? Gawd… Lol
I’m just going to be patient and see what happens and hope it’s good for Arsenal…
Rico I want nothing from shitford bridge. That’s me though. Am a weird 😀
Maybe Devil, maybe not. Adam could tell us but he won’t…. 😉
Rico. 🙂
Hey adam bows the missus??
You are Gooonie. Imo, if we get Cech it will mean a lot more than just signing a really good keeper….
Rico cech has regressed over the past few seasons. Granted he ll improve us but sheesh he’s not de gea!!! Am not overly excited about his imminent acquisition. Am so over cech 😀 chezzer for me all the way.
How has he regressed Goonie?
Well he’s behind coutois 😀 if that’s not regression then I don’t know what it is 😀 lol
Exactly, that’s hardly a fair judgement… I’m not saying he’s the best keeper out there but I sure as heck believe he’s better than the two we have… And he’d be great for Martinez…..
Stan. She is well and out tonight with her mates chomping through dinner I reckon. I am laying on the couch. I hope you and Brianna are well.
My day is done here, night all….
Night night rico….adam I could use a bit of chomping right now. Man am starved.
Night mates.
Falcao going to Chelski?
Costa has fitness issues?
Mourinho could be going into next season with two sicknotes?
Oh and Charlie Austin, maybe?
My first car was a 1934 Austin 10 but I never felt a ‘charlie’ when I drove it!! Some of the early taxis were Austins, too . The 12/4 do you remember them Kev??
Mine a side valve Ford Prefect ,as well as my mother’s Austin A 40 Farina which I drove when it was raining . ( the vacuum wipers were not the best ).
Someone else who will be changing their car soon morning all.
Mine a green 1966 mini… sliding front windows!
Brudder, yep that’s the roller, it comes from the Sudbury area, you would of definitely seen it on the M11 or near the stadium!
Brudder. I used to park next to the bloke when I had a permit to leave my motor in Highbury County school during the least years of Highbury, but I have seen him on the M1 on the way back from the Old Khazi and I think on the way to Cardiff too.
Must be a nightmare to maintain an old Roller. About 8-10 mpg too. You’d need the income of a cabbie to manage that. 🙂
Morning All
Morning Adam 😀
Brudder, Kev’s a Bent(ley) man apparently….
Next seasons fixtures out Liverpool 3rd game at home
Morning all..
New post up now..