Morning all.
Poor old Hector Bellerin, he’s been under the cosh for a while now. I get it though because his football has dropped a bit but what he does off the pitch is private. How he chooses to style his hair is his choice just as his choice of clothing is too. Personally, I don’t think either flatter his appearance but then he’d probably say the same about me and many other human beings who walk this Earth. Vile stuff posted on Instagram etc is not acceptable, not against him or anyone which is why I believe social media is one of the worst things to have been invented. Great for keeping in touch with friends etc, but its also given the ‘cyber bullies’ a platform. For Hector Bellerin, social media is no more after it all went a bit too far against him. What a sad and cruel world eh?
Bellerin has not only spoken out about some of the ghastly comments he endured but football too and Arsenal:
It feels like a new club,” Bellerin told The Times. We have so many new staff. It’s a shame for those who have gone, and I am grateful to them all. Some had been at the club for many years.
But you can understand why a new person would like to put their own stamp on the club.”

With Arsene, he wanted us to play in the same way regardless of the opponents. The idea was that we could play in our way and beat anyone.
But Emery is very focused on preparing a plan for our next opponents, whoever they may be. It is very detailed and very professional.
I doubt his honesty about the way Arsene Wenger approached a game will come as a shock to many of any of us because it was clear to see each week but knowing Unai Emery is such perfectionist shouldn’t come as a surprise either because so many people in game who know him have spoken out about this since his appointment. For the players, it must have been a huge shock to the system. Not only do they need to adjust to a new style of the game, but before each match there’s adjustments or tweaks to that ‘basic’ style. For Torreira, Lichtsteiner, Guendouzi and Sokratis it might not be as bad as it’s highly unlikely that their previous coaches stuck with one way of playing the game but for the rest, we’ll perhaps that’s why it’s taking time to see the full benefits of Emery on the pitch.
Things have changed that’s for sure and we’ve seen some good stuff being played in all the matches so far, especially in the attacking side of our game. Even during the two defeats to City and then Chelsea, we created some really good openings, openings which really should have been finished off with goals. We can’t live on ifs and buts I know however, the start to our season could have been so different….
There remains a big problem though and that’s the way we defend as a unit and until that’s rectified, we’re always going to be a team every other wants to play because they know they’ll get chances to score and plenty of them. Emery has to find the right balance, the right defensive unit who can work together as one. I don’t think Xhaka fits into that, certainly not as the deep player to protect the defence. He doesn’t read the danger in a way somelike like Gilberto could so his lack of pace is really exposed.
If he has to play and it seems Emery has great faith in him, then perhaps he’d be better off playing further up the pitch where his best asset, possibly his only one, can be of benefit to the team and that’s his passing ability. (Cardiff aside) Also, if he gives away a free kick which he often does, it’s not in a dangerous area and he can press from the front. He’s not shy of taking a shot either. Guendouzi has the better engine, as does Torreira so all the time Emery insists on leaving the latter on the bench, in my opinion, Guendouzi is the better option in the deeper role. That’s not to say Xhaka shouldn’t defend too it just means he’s not the one being relied on to get back at pace.
I’m not trying to suggest I’m right or I know better than Emery or anyone else, I’m just putting an idea out there for discussion. As said, Emery seems to rate the Swiss midfielder and as much as many of us would offer to drive him to the airport and wave him goodbye, he’s here and here to stay according to his contract.
Just as so many are until January at least but at least we know Emery isn’t afraid to change things, drop players or mix it up a bit depending on who we are playing.
Finally, Fenerbahce are interested in Mesut Ozil according to a few reports. Taxi……
Have a good day guys, I’m off for a walk along the Dorset coastline in the wind and probable rain by the time I get out there..
Good morning Rico, enjoy your walk, I’m sure it will be truly bracing. 😀
Morning Rico and all.
Couldn’t agree more about social media.
Morning Cicero, Adam and all.
I detest social media because of what it brings with it.
The closest I get to social media is commenting on Highbury House.
If people want to make buffoons of themselves, Donald Trump for instance, there is no better or easier place to do it than Twitter, Face Book etc.
Just off of Green Lanes, Cicero, just before you reach the lights at the junction of the A406.
It’s a very dull day, a bit Autumnal, a good day to put away your T shirts and get out the sweatshirts, winter is on its way unfortunately.
I honestly don’t think Bellerin has been as bad as has been suggested, he’s had quite a difficult time in the last 18 months +… I mean playing alongside Mustafi with no support from midfield, hung out to dry by Wenger, expected to patrol the entire right flank on his lonesome and now after months and years of poor defensive coaching he’s under new instructions where the whole team is learning a new way to play, he’s expected to be a wing forward and wid3 midfielder and a defender with only Mkhitarayan able to give him help and Mustafi being Mustafi alongside him. Even Montreal’s level has fallen away under these circumstances, so it’s no surprise that Hector has issues.
It’s been suggested in some quarters that our defending has improved and all our problems stem from our unbalanced midfield and Emery having difficulty in balancing that area of the team after inheriting such a dysfunctional squad from Wenger.
Ozil, Ramsey, Mkhitarayan, how do you fit them into the new way of playing?
Does Ozil really have a long term future at Arsenal, will Ramsey still be an Arsenal player on February 1st?
And then how to fit Xhaka, Guendouzi, Torrieira and even Elneny into the mix, it’s all in flux and our defence is playing by the seat of its pants whilst Cech tries to be a sweeper keeper at a time when many players are in their carpet slippers?!!!
Personally, from what I saw at Cardiff, our defence is a in a world of confusion, but we all knew that change wasn’t going to be painless and the modernisation of our coaching would result in some bumpy periods of play and players looking totally out of sorts.
But we saw this before with first Liverpool and then Man City and that’s the style that Emery seems intent on replicating at the Emirates. So whilst it’s far from satisfactory I always felt that we’d hav3 to suffer some pain before the gain.
Let’s see if Kroenke allows Emery and Mislintat the latitude to make some more changes to the squad in January and then hopefully next summer, the key window for me, when we will hopefully see some really important changes to our playing staff.
I’m with you Kev on Bellerin and our midfield. The latter is really unbalanced which in turn is still leaving the defence exposed. My hope is that Torreira goes a long way towards changing that but ultimately, like you, we need additions. We’ve also got to cut ties with a few players who really aren’t cutting it.
I keep forgetting Elneny, imo, he’d be a better option than Xhaka, certainly for this season and then in the summer, get to work on building a squad which is Emery’s and not Wenger’s.
Cicero, it was bracing, loved it..
Scott, I’m pretty good btw, thanks for asking, I trust that your family are all in rude health down under?
Hi Rico, I hope you’re enjoying your change of scenery.
Agree totally, if I’m being brutally honest I’d not be too surprised to see both Ramsey and Ozil out of the club by next August, we really need to go in a more modern direction as no top club can afford anymore to carry any player, whatever their gifts, we are into an era of the all round player, players who can manage an array of skills at a top level.
Hi Kev, I am thanks.
Again, I have to agree and not just those two. It’s been said before I know but this season was always going to be a write off as Emery makes changes and he had to give a few a chance before ditching them. January isn’t the best window to bring players is as prices are inflated but I guess where we are in terms of progress will dictate what the club does in a few months time.
I wouldn’t miss Ozil or Ramsey…
Good Morning all,
Not a fan of the highly accessible social media like Twitter or Facebook either – too much information and time-consuming.
I could same the same for “The Cloud” which most clever Hackers hell bent on causing chaos seem to be able to access at a whim. If they can get into top secret computer server sites like the Pentagon then what chance do the others have? Nada!
Get a hard drive that, in theory only you have access to.
I like some of the new technology and take the view that email beats writing letters as it’s instantaneous, convenient and, doesn’t require a stamp or visit to the Post Office.
But, be careful what you write.
I was watching the last test match between England and India with some friends the other day (am not THAT keen on watching the game) but, was impressed by their use of available technology to get most of the decisions right.
Football is still in the dark ages when one considers Andy Gray and Richard Keys all those years ago on Sky illustrating offsides, dives and exposing deliberate, nasty tackles where the card should have been red.
Newcastle on Saturday. Could be a tough one?
A third European club competition could be introduced alongside the Champions League and Europa League from 2021, according to the head of the association of Europe’s biggest teams.
European Club Association (ECA) chairman Andrea Agnelli, who is also on Uefa’s executive committee, said the “the green light has been given”.
He did not give any more details on how the tournament would be organised.
“The current model needs modernising,” said Agnelli, 42.
Agnelli, who is also chairman of Italian champions Juventus, said: “A detailed assessment of the existing international match calendar is required prior to presenting a new model post-2024.”
Speaking at the annual general assembly of the ECA in Croatia, he said the third competition would increase the number of clubs involved in European football from 80 to 96.
The Champions League features 32 teams in the group stage and the second-tier Europa League has 48.
The Cup Winners’ Cup – for domestic cup champions – was scrapped in 1999.
In a statement, Uefa said it is “constantly reviewing the format of its competitions and is looking at a variety of options”.
Andorra, I read the other day that VAR is being trialed in the premier league this season albeit behind the scenes so it’s getting closer I’d have thought. Has to be a good thing as it works in most other sports without any major issues..
Deep joy Kev, very soon they’ll just be Europe fixtures for every club. Nothing like clogging up the domestic season eh? Although at least all clubs will be equal then as far as fixture numbers go I guess.
Don’t suppose money for television rights comes into at all. No, didn’t think so… 😜
“The current model needs modernising” is code for ‘we’re looking at another revenue stream’…
Yep Rico, TV and money is the definite driver, but only 16 teams….?!
Maybe the Cup Winners Cup will return, in another guise possibly, but I’d like to see the old Trophy reintroduced and with the winner guaranteed a place in the Champions League?
There’ll certainly need a big fish dangled at the end of any new competition Kev…
Tonights game is dangerous for us .No Kane means Danny might get a run against Lichsteiner and Xhaka ,so injury possibilities there.
As for new competitions eufa will not stop until they control everything,kind of like the E.U.
As it’s a relatively quiet day hereYour Yearly Dementia Test ! (only 4 questions this year)
Yep, it’s that time of year again for us to take our annual senior citizen test.
Exercise of the brain is as important as exercise of the muscles.
As we grow older, it’s important to keep mentally alert.
If you don’t use it, you will lose it !!!
Here is a very private way to gauge how your memory compares to your last test.
Some may think it is too easy, but the ones with memory problems may have difficulty.
Take this test to determine if you’re losing it or not.
The spaces below are so you don’t see the answers until you’ve answered.
OK, RELAX, clear your mind and begin.
#1. What do you put in a toaster?
Answer: ‘bread.’ If you said ‘toast’, just give up now and go do something else.
And, try not to hurt yourself. If you said, bread, go to Question #2.
#2. Say ‘silk’ ten times. Now spell ‘silk.’ What do cows drink?
Answer: Cows drink water. If you said ‘milk,’ don’t attempt the next question.
Your brain is already over-stressed and may even overheat.
Content yourself with reading more appropriate literature such as
Women’s Weekly or Auto World.
However, if you did say ‘water’, proceed to Question #3.
#3. If a red house is made from red bricks and a blue house is made from
blue bricks and a pink house is made from pink bricks and a black house
is made from black bricks, what is a green house made from?
Answer: Greenhouses are made from glass.
If you said ‘green bricks’, why are you still reading this??? PLEASE, go lie down !
But, if you said ‘glass,’ go on to Question #4.
#4. Please do not use a calculator for this for it would be cheating:
You are driving a bus from New York City to Philadelphia.
In Staten Island, 17 people got on the bus.
In New Brunswick, 6 people get off the bus and 9 people get on.
In Windsor, 2 people get off and 4 get on.
In Trenton, 11 people get off and 16 people get on.
In Bristol, 3 people get off and 5 people get on.
And, in Camden, 6 people get off and 3 get on.
You then arrive at Philadelphia Station.
Without going back to review, how old is the bus driver?
Answer: Oh, for crying out loud!
Don’t you remember your own age?!?! It was YOU driving the bus!
If you pass this along to your friends, pray they do better than you.
PS: 95% of people fail most of the questions!
Sorry for all the spaces. You’d be tempted to cheat otherwise.
If you had fun with this, send it on; I did.
Sorry about the lack of spaces, they were in the comment….I think
Surely they wouldn’t go in hard on their teammates Potter? It’s only a friendly after all.
Nice one Cicero although I’ve done it before. Didn’t stop me saying milk though… lol
Evening all and thanks Rico.
What ever you do Rico……….. dont stand still near the Dorset coast………………………there`s fossil hunters about !
Tonights matches !……………..apart from injury concerns I couldn`t give a toss, it`s tomorrows match which count…………………The Checkatrade Trophy…..woop woop !……………………hope to find a footie stream somewhere for that.
Don’t take the bait rico, Le Coq makes a living from cracking open fossils, where do you think he gets all his jokes from !
Morning all.
If the midfield is imbalanced and we haven’t had a decent DM for years-both points I’d suggest we all agree upon-doesn’t this lend weight to giving some of our defenders over the past few years some leniency?
I say most as plenty were simply terrible!!
I’ve said for years they look worse than they are because they’re u see constant pressure, and no matter how good a back 4 is, they’ll crumble if given little or no protection and our guys have had very little of that for the best part of a decade.
I rate Kozzer higher than most and this is exactly why-he’s had little to no protection, but also very little assistance at times from his fellow CB.
I still say he’s been absolutely superb for us and if he were playing in a different era, would be a club legend but that’s just my opinion.
Throw any individual defender from our best eras in to a recent side and they’d look ordinary as well, imo.
Not sure what you’re trying to tell me Lc… 😆
Micko, darn, I thought a few boxes of 70’s Christmas Crackers had turned up in Cornwall…
Morning guys..
Hi Scott, a weak midfield certainly doesn’t help but neither does being caught out of position, giving away cheap penalties, turning your back on a shot, not bothering to track a player etc etc. Yep, when the ball keeps getting through the middle of the pitch or either wing, it must be a nightmare but some of the stuff our defenders have done in ‘ordinary’ situations has been woeful, schoolboy..
I just hope Koscielny comes back with a bit more fire in his belly than he had during Wenger’s last two or three years..
He is our captain after all…
Morning all. 😎
Hope tonights Checkatrade Trophy game is as exciting as this……………………………….
Hi Rico,
Kozzer has had more non penalties given against him than any player I’ve ever seen.
I reckon he’s been thrown under the bus too often and I can’t wait to have him back.
Mustafi has disappointed.
He looked good early and was sensational in the Final v Chelski but overall, not great.
Hopefully, the young guys step up and I reckon we have a ripper coming through the ranks in Ballard.
That’s incredible, LC!!!!!!
Hats off to Alistair Cook on a superb career.
He’s always been one very classy individual and always carries himself beautifully, no matter the situation.
One of my very, very favourite cricketers, no question.
Jimmy Anderson has done bloody well at the same time, and to play for so long at the highest level is an absolute tribute to the man himself.
Consistency and endurance is the sign of a proper professional and he epitomises that.
Complimenting poms is a tough gig 🙂
That’s brilliant Lc…
Ha ha Scott, of all his failings, you pick up the penalties. Seriously though, I know we’ve had our share of bad decisions but I wasn’t really singling out Kos with my criticism but our defending in general. He’s not the only one wh has been awful during the last few years and much of that I put down to them ‘learning’ bad defending over the last regime but Kos has really looked off his game before he got injured.
As said, new ideas now, new training and hopefully new fire in his belly as we need the old Kos back.
I read that Xhaka played rather well last night..
G`day Scott……………here you can learn some pommie Arsenal songs ! 🙂
The last ball of the day yesterday was my favourite. Middle stump gone and Anderson became the best ever seam bowler in the game. Brilliant as he’s one of my favourites ever, just behind Sir I T.
I voluteer Wavy to be sent to Coventry tonight to watch and report on our U21`s in the Checkatrade Trophy as he is probably the nearest !……………… as a “Senior” he cant get in for a Tenner !…………………I`ve even put a route on for him ! 🙂,+Mansfield/Ricoh+Arena,+Judds+Ln,+Coventry+CV6+6GE/@52.8334,-1.9039063,9z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x4879bb521a31d177:0xb78644adda10aa35!2m2!1d-1.0860901!2d53.205875!1m5!1m1!1s0x48774c11f933ce39:0x8fb271b1f551b956!2m2!1d-1.4966347!2d52.4483481!3e0
See it says 1 hour 36 mins !…………………….will you be travelling by horse ?
Now, now, highest wicket taker doesn’t mean he’s the best 🙂
There’s only one Glenn McGrath.
On Kozzer, he’s have been at the WC if fit so if he’s good enough for France…….I’ll take the lad.
Bellerin and a few others are young enough to potentially have a decent stint under Emery so let’s hope they flourish from here on in.
LC, that’s nearly as bad as some of those Spud tossers tunes.
I said nearly 🙂
New post up now
Hormone all
Lcoq. I’m on my way. The horse has been fed and watered and the cart is fully loaded for the epic trip to the silent town of Coventry. (They’ve all been sent there!)
I’d make this a much longer comment but I keep losing the connection, as well as the plot!
Hope the Arsenal hopefuls give the light blues a good seeing to, we need a bit of success from somewhere and the U23’s is as good as anywhere.
Suns out here. I just hope it remains out for the whole journey and its return, must remember to put the acetylene lights on the cart!