What would you do??
It’s Monday morning, you are sat down in your office behind your computer, or on the train heading to your workplace, trekking up the fifth ladder of the day with a pile of bricks maybe, and it’s not even 8.15am.
It’s your first day back after two weeks of being on holiday in the sunshine, having been swimming in the clear warm waters and sampling some wonderful food and wines, or if you prefer the cooler climates, you have been skiing somewhere nice, with a wonderful log fire in the evenings and the bonus is, you have returned with all your limbs intact.
Before you left for your holiday, you hated your job and you dreaded getting out of bed each morning. You didn’t like the people you worked with and you really wanted to find a job which brought happiness and contentment into your working day.
Here you are, back in the place you hate! Already it’s unbearable and you have only been back a few hours…
5pm finally arrives and off you go home, already feeling you need another two weeks holiday. You open the front door and there it is on the doormat! The reply from the company you had an interview with just before you left on a jet plane….
The job seemed perfect and just what you always wanted – it’s in your field of work, just with a different company. It’s one that will look after your needs more, offer a brighter outlook and having met a few of the staff, they seem happier to be around.
The only snag is – the salary is less than what you earn right now and if you are offered the job, do you take it and accept that you need to make a few changes in your life?

Seriously, try them and I bet unless you knew, you wouldn’t know!

Then later in the evening, what about finishing off the day with a cheaper tipple before bed?

All joking aside, my point is that people can make changes if they need to save money and with it, find happiness in their job, after all, it takes up nearly a third of our lives so why settle for something you don’t enjoy?
Which brings me to our deadwood.
Certain players must know by now that their future is anywhere but at Arsenal and each player, according to the media, have clubs interested in signing them, but when it comes to wages, they are frightened off.
I’m not suggesting for one minute that any one of these players would need to start eating value foods but of course they and their families are accustomed to a certain lifestyle having been paid so well with us.
Yes they moan about how much tax they pay here in the UK, so by moving abroad they could also reduce their outlays.
My point??
Why do they opt for sitting on the bench, or not even making the squad when they could be playing week in, week out for a different club?
If they are true lovers of the game and live to play the game, then why don’t they cut their losses and go somewhere where they will play and not just sit on their butts, picking up a huge wage for doing very little?
I know what I would do……
Carlos Vela is close to sealing his switch to Real Sociedad – I hope this deal goes through and I wish him all the best. He’s never been given a proper chance with us, good luck to him.
Miquel is heading off to The Championship on loan with Brighton, the 19 year old will be working under Gus Poyet. Suggestion is that Barcelona are keeping tabs on his situation and are considering making an offer for our man.
Another one they want back!
Have a good day all, it’s Friday so you never know 😉
Rico, I am posting link of my blog here, hope you won’t mind. By now you know I am not that articulate or not that good. A bit amateurism. But hopefully I’d write for HH one day.
Btw, if Barca wants Ignasi back tell them to cough another 35mln. The boy will be a huge CB in coming days. Atleast, I feel that way. He was awesome most games he played. Even Suarez wasn’t able to beat him that easily.
Morning all..
Friday signing day 🙂
No problem Satan, didn’t realise you had a site, go ahead with the link and if ever you want to write something for here, you are welcome, just email me ….
I’ll try mention your site tomorrow in the post (as long as i remember )
If you do let me know. I won’t post it.
I do’t have site. I write once in a while. I always have crazy ideas, just as our crazy manager.
Thanks Rico. I know I need to improve if I wanna write here, but I’d get there. I am more of a Finance and audit guy then Literature.
Good Morning Fine Folk.
Rico!!!!!!!! What were you thinking of?????
…………..being on holiday in the sunshine, having been swimming in the clear warm waters and sampling some wonderful food and wines, or if you prefer the cooler climates, you have been skiing somewhere nice, with a wonderful log fire in the evenings.
That sentence does seem familiar. I do not remember where I have already seen it though. 😉
😆 Satan…
Quiet start to the day today… Must be my crazy idea of a post lol
Good for you Satan. For a first time post you did quite well. Just a small suggestion……….always look to improve it.
Nice one Rico. Btw what you think of Ignasi? For me, he’s a stellar. I felt lot more assured with him at the back then most others. He did well when ever he was called up on and did admirable job.
Don’t put yourself down Satan…
devil – it’s your day to day life 🙂
Thanks mate. I do wanna improve. And I’d definitely try to improve. Hopefully talking to you folks here will give me a chance.
P.S. I am trying to prepare my Ph.D proposal, anyone up to help me?
Ahhhhh that’s what it is then. I was getting muddled up. 😆 Preferably I would like the mountains and skiing to swimming in the water. Its much cooler there.
Satan…..you have done well for a first time post. I will be following it now and then when I have time. Good luck mate. Just do not allow the narks to get you down. Wait till you grow on it. It will reach good standards. Just keep chipping away mate.
Thanks. Next time I’d wanna write for you I’d mail you, you can edit it. You won’t mind, would you?
PH. D whaaaaatttttttt???????
Blimey mate. Are you already so up the academical ladder?? On what are you doing it mate???
look if your a player the club with the most exciting future is man city and if you think your one of the best then you will want to compete in that squad. They are promisiing trophies and are starting deliver on their promise
As an arsenal fan im embarrassed of people like you that just promote a culture of vilifying players who want to win trophies.
Just read it Satan, next thoughts you have, email them and i’ll post it here …
I’m surprised re Miquel going on loan, kind of thought he’d be the one stepping up before Bartley but maybe it’s a Bould decision rather than AW…
TAALIB – I don’t really get your comment, who is vilifying players for wanting to win trophies??
The post is questioning players who prefer to do nothing other than get paid…
Thanks mate. I’d try and write. I love chatting up here more than writing up there.
Taalib………..read the post carefully mate. Do not jump to conclusions or put words that she has never said in Rico’s mouth.
Not at all Satan, but I’m no writing expert either, we all do our best and that’s what counts, and we always get bloggers who think they can do better but never actually do…
And as Arsenal fans we are much more embarrassed by people like you who do not respect the opinion of others Taalib.
Thanks. Would surely do that. But tell me do I sound like our crazy manager or do I need to climb a ladder?
@ Devil
Yeah mate. I am trying to do on Behavioral Finance. Though I am stuck between the idea of doing on tax system and that. Idk, in my proposal my articulation becomes a big problem.
Like I said devil, we always get one or two…..
Neither, you sound like you and that’s what counts, it’s your opinion….
So, wonder if we will get any news today, ahead of our first pre-season match tomorrow….
Good luck mate. Behavioural finance is not my piece of cake. Psychology is my area. I specialize in Child Psychology. I use it also for football though. It does come in handy.
Re Rico-Ignasi
Very very true. Ignasi looks in class of his own when ever he steps on. He can be just like Koz. All he lacks is a yard of pace.
Totts have agreed deal for Adebayor
Liverpool have had a bid for Borini accepted
Hoilett is moving to Borussia Munchengladbakkkkk
Morning all.
Wondered where all that was leading but it makes the point very well.
I think if you are struggling to get by evry month then the decision to take another job for less money is very difficult but as you say, how much would the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed really suffer. More a case of the safeguard against the future I suspect.
He’s still young Satan, just hope he has patience…
Morning Billboy
As long as it got there in the end 😉
Tax is a big thing, AA moaned about it when he arrived, I’m not sure what the rates are in other parts of europe but i’m sure it’s not as high as in the uk…
Thanks..I see that in your posts. But I guess if I wanna do on Behavioral Finance, I’d need to study Psychology. I am looking forward to that.
I am still struggling to decide what to do. But I hope to do well.
So Totts have taken another Arsenal player. They look very very strong now. Btw, from where are they getting all these money?
I’m sure you will Satan…
The UK is one of the highest tax countries Rico. Here it is 25%. Spain is one of the lowest at the moment but its going to go up to circa 40%.
Regarding the job situation Rico, my family and I would go to live in Italy like a shot if possible. Even if it means having a lower wage. All I need is a small house with a garage. And not much travelling for work. But as things stand for reasons you already know it is very difficult for me. But one day we will go there dont worry…lower wage or not.
Just got a few things to do, back shortly….
That’s just my point devil, if you want things enough, one day they will happen, it kind of makes me question some of our players – do they truly want to play the game, or just get paid..
Football is a short career, they will regret it later in life…
@Rico Devil
The important thing is how much they are paid. I mean I can understand if some from league1 who is paid 500 or 200 pounds a week want to move to better salaries. But when some who earns 3 millions a yr wants to move so that he can earn even more is beyond my understanding. I can understand if someone wants to move due to the atmosphere but not for money. I’d understand if Diaby comes and says he wants to go to some other club, since, he’s having just a terrible nightmare but not some one like Robin.
May be I am thinking Emotionally and not Rationally.
Hilarious article mate, really enjoyed it. Less so the part about Miquel and Barca, but you know… rough and smooth.
Oh, btw yesterday I read somewhere that one of the major reason why Ozzy left was Robin. He asked for Robin’s advice and robin said he should. And he left.
Thanks DSC
JM thinks that Arsenal are in for Gonzo.
Whilst Wath has heard that it’s really Fozzie Bear who we’re in for.
Hi Charlie,
JM suggested we have got M’Vila too, who is Gonzo by the way 😉
Gonzo is N’Zonzi I think.
Ah, that makes sense devil….
Or maybe Ganso…….the brazilian.
Manchester United are closing in on Brazilian teenage forward Lucas Moura after unveiling their first two signings of the summer. While manager Sir Alex Ferguson paraded Shinji Kagawa and Nick Powell at Old Trafford, chief scout Jim Lawlor was in Sao Paulo to tie up a £25m deal for the highly rated playmaker..
Ganso – that’s the one devil….
Morning Gooners.
Morning Rico. Interesting post with an unusual spin. A good read.
Barca sniffing around Miquel eh?
Well that’s it then. He’ll be on his way soon.
Just like Pique at Old Toilet.
Toral & Bellerin will be on their way also in a couple of years!
Waste of time, taking these boys.
Barca just use us as a nursery.
My 15 year old cousin is back from a successful trial at an Italian handball club. They will continue to follow her and will take her during her school holidays throughout next year as she still has got to finish her exams.
Morning all,
Satan, I also heard RvP had a hand in the bad spell of weather we’ve been having lately as well.
Rico, if your on the beans for lunch, think I’ll give you a wide berth.
Hiya habib. Kif int??
Well if Barca are using us as a nursery we are not doing so bad either……..we are using them (and also Shitty) to finance our stadium and team building. So if they care to take him back after he has established himself and cough up big money for him then its better. Henry, Helb, Cesc……..that lot got us around 60 million plus from Barca.
I got battered for suggesting that about our young Spanish signings Charlie lol
But Toral has an english mum doesn’t he and wanted to come to england??
Not today Micko, you are safe….
If ManU are getting Moura……..that’s a top notch player there. He can play RW & AM, but with Kagawa there, he will play RW, which could mean that Nani could be on his way out….
KM, there was a story a while back about Nani offski…
So whilst Miquel, Toral & Bellerin are coached & developed in our Academy, some home-grown kids are shown the door.
Whilst Miquel, Toral & Bellerin are given opportunities and get chances in the 1st team, home-grown kids are held back or prevented from having those chances.
And as soon as Miquel, Toral & Bellrin show any promise, they’re off, back to Espana, because their DNA tells them so.
I agree and disagree with you. Sometimes the scouts see something better in these kids. And even then only Wilshere has been a success recently, whereas Gibbs is not top-notch yet. It will take us many years/decades for us to match the academies of Barca & Ajax
Yeah Coach, I know what you mean, but i’d rather see our Youth coaches working on players’ who’ll hopefully play in our 1st team for a few years rather than buggering off to play in Barca’s 1st team.
I accept that we’ve done will out of the Looniyans, but losing young players to them is a poor policy imho.
This time it seems not so Charlie, Bartley has got the nod ahead of Miquel..
Toral is a different one imho but the other was meant to have mentioned returning to spain one day, and that was on the day we signed him 🙄
Even ManU are now finding it hard to keep their best players. City have rocked the boat bigtime. And with Chelsea spending big again, I can see them being City’s main competitors this season. With ManU going for 3rd and us fighting it out for 4th…..
But then again I thought Arsenal were going to be 4th/5th last season 😉
The FA need to follow Germany/Spain’s example. Strict refereeing, allow players to play football. Cut out the hard/reckless tackling which is ‘legal’, but leaves players injured for the whole season. Allow EPL teams to have B teams and start them off from the 3rd division or 2nd.
Futsal pitches/tournaments only for U-15’s. Send the coaches off to S.America/Spain to do coaching. Learn different approaches, tactics, systems, styles.
That’s the way to do it imo.
Talking of Fergie, Just read on LG that RvP is heading to Manure…..
KM, very good point mate.
My beef is with the Spanish kids.
I’d focus on Holland, Germany, France, etc, to source the talent you speak of.
I feel with British youngsters, that they, for some reason, take more time to mature mentally.
Eventually the penny drops as it did with Ray Parlour for example. An 18 year old Parlour would be out on his ear these days I believe.
RVP to the Mancs. Can’t see that, but you never know I suppose.
Gotta do some work.
Laters Charlie..
KM, def agree re the standard of refereeing, it’s pretty poor and inconsistent in the PL…
Charlie, if you see JT flagging for a ride to court, pass him by 😉
Interesting post, I think we will see the back of Vela, Bendtner, and probably Park, and Chamakh. Arshavin i am not sure about i quite like the idea of using him in a free role behind the strikers as it would maximise his talents and also his lack of work rate defensively would not be such an issue.
Hi vernat, times are difficult and writing everyday about RvP gets boring 😉
I reckon Park will stay, Chamakh, Nik, AA and Vela to go…
Morning everyone..
I was out for a curry last night (as I am three times a week) and the guy who owns the place I go is a big Man Utd fan… He was adamant that is where RVP is heading…
Hi SYG, I’m thinking he could be right, as long as Berbytoff isn’t included in any deal…
There was something mentioned a couple of weeks ago that M’Vila was seen at Colney. Was there any truth in that?
No idea SYG, JM read somewhere yesterday that we’d got him, but I’m not convinced until we hear from the club… I won’t hold my breath either…
Skybet are running these odds
Players to Arsenal
Stephane Sessegnon 7/4
Victor Moses 5/2
Alan Dzagoev 13/2
Edin Dzeko 6/1
Milos Krasic 6/1
Arjen Robben 8/1
Robert Lewandowski 16/1
Thomas Muller 20/1
Giuseppe Rossi 20/1
Demba Ba 25/1
Xabi Alonso 33/1
I wouldn’t put my money on any of those joining us…
I would like to see more players coming in, however there is an issue as the style of play and what is allowable is very different than in other leagues. That is why I would like to see continuity as two many new players to the league could lead to an acclimatisation period by which point the league will be gone and of the players we an get rid of Arshavin I think fits best with where we need reinforcement.
Adebayor, has completed his transfer to the Spuds, for an undisclosed fee.
Wonder what Levy actually paid..?
SYG, out of that list, if I could take one player, then it would be Thomas Muller.
Vernat, I think that Arshavin is a gonner.
Either thru selling him or loaning him.
Don’t think he features in Wengers plans anymore.
He’ll go to Zenit imho vernat, good luck to him too….
Have they actually agreed on the wages now Charlie? He must have taken a huge cut
Keep telling you guys M’vila will be an arsenal player if wenger can get the price down(22million euros-15million euros)…….if any bookmaker wants to give me odds on that I’ll have some.
Have you noticed when wenger talks about song..he never says
anymore….that song can play c/half
my feeling is that songs not happy defending,I have the feeling he has told wenger that he wants to be a more creative player..What do you think.
Boring as it seems…Rvp has no intentions of playing for another Prem/Team…..Just ask his Dad
Birmingham have opened talks with Arsenal over a loan move for striker Benik Afobe.
England Under-19 starlet Afobe is all but certain to leave the Emirates on loan this summer, as he seeks to rebuild his blossoming reputation, following nine months out with a knee injury last term.
Afobe picked up the problem in pre-season last year, but returned to finish the campaign on loan at Reading, where he featured three times as they cruised to promotion to the Premier League.
However, the 19-year-old is set to be handed another crack at the Championship, with Birmingham lodging a tentative enquiry last month, and now following it up as manager Lee Clark looks to shape his squad ahead of the new season.
Clark is no stranger to Afobe, having signed him for Huddersfield in 2010, where he scored eight goals in 32 matches, during three different spells throughout that season.
A fast, powerful and instinctive striker, Afobe will sort out his future when he returns to London for training next week, after featuring for England at the Under-19 Euros in Estonia.
Arsenal may take up the offer from Barcelona to sign Ibrahim Afellay after losing out to West Brom in the race for Rennes midfielder Tongo Doumbia.
Barcelona are desperate to get rid of a couple of their squad players to free up the necessary funds to sign a new central defender and top of their list of sales is Dutchman Afellay.
Arsene Wenger was previously interested in the versatile winger prior to him joining Barcelona and may be tempted to make an offer again if he is allowed to leave for relatively low fee.
The speculation is that Afellay could be available for as little as €6m, which looks a bargain price for a player with an international pedigree and still has a bright future ahead of him.
Afellay looked to be a big talent of the future at PSV, but his progress has stunted in recent seasons, while his cause at Barcelona was not helped by a knee injury that kept him out for virtually all of the last campaign.
Meanwhile, with Yossi Benayoun returning to Chelsea after a semi-successful loan spell, Afelley could easily fill this void.
Hiya Charlie.
Muller? sound.
When I was a kid it was Barca who had the best Dutch players in Cruyff, Krol and Neeskens and Real Madrid who had the best German’s in Breitner and Netzer…
Three German’s at the Emirates? Arsenal the English Real Madrid ———-
Trivia to young gunners. When Bertie Mee retired in 75/76 the BBC ran a story of Real Madrid’s then manager Miljan Miljanic taking over at Highbury. He had just one La Liga.
wish i was as confident as you fred, re m’vila and rvp – but his wife wants to stay in england, either the chavs or manure in my view…
I’d rather Afobe returned to Reading devil – McDermott is a good manager….
Rico its quicky to get to paris than is to manc-land
🙂 fred, not if you have access to a helicopter…
JT verdict due soon, if anyone is really interested…
He’s the captain of Chelsea.
If he’s found guilty and cops a jail sentence it’ll be of interest to every Arsenal fan, Rico.
Guilty – they’ll set an example
Not guilty – Anton Ferdinand might be charged for a public order offence.
Nice one rico
SYG, maximum he can get for this offence is a fine, up to £2,500 – pittance really..
But i suspect he’ll be another Arry….
£2500 isn’t a pittance if its you or I.
It is if you’re on £100k a week.
Don’t think AF could be charged with anything, he only teased JT about Wayne Bridge…
Spot on re the fine…
I was going to say chopper fred, but thought against it 😉
Rather see a player with experience in the league bought over affelay, last thing we need is yet another stroppy dutchman which they all seem to do (minus St Dennis) after a while. If i had to choose either Felliani or Dempsey please to give us more depth and fight
Rangers will be playing their football in SPL Div 3….
afternoon all
Hi Jm, Rico or anyone there were we linked to the rangers keeper?
I once thought we would sign Afellay to ‘keep’ RvP but now its very different….
Rangers? Div 3 really
We could still get him vernat, especially after them going into div 3, sad day for Scottish football…..
SYG hi mate, Krol & Neeskens could and should have joined Arsenal before they went to the Camp Nou.
Sounds familiar..
Rico, no idea on Adebayor’s wages.
Reckon Shittie took a hit on the fee to get rid
Yes SYG, sad….
You are right, just been on Radio 5 Live. Rangers in third.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer club and no i am not a Celtic fan before anyone asks but the perpetuation of sectarianism embodied by those two clubs make me sick I wish thy had been wound up, ground up and the ashes scattered so they could never again reform.
Feel sorry for the fans …
I reckon so too Charlie, just to offload him and then the swampies could pay a better wage too… oh well, he did quite well there last season, now he’s got his deal, he’ll be rubbish again 😉
I guess is was inevitable though, they are technically a new club so they should start at the bottom.
Vernat – The majority of Rangers Fans I have met – and Celtic come to that have been cracking people.. My grandma was from Partick and she was all Rangers ..
Come on Mr Magistrate…
I grew up in Belfast and there supporting one was not a football decision or statement but a cultural one and the other team were defined from that as less than human, I like to think I set my standards higher than that so i have no tears or sympathy for them objective as that view might be
As I said all week Vernat, everyone is entitled to an opinion on any subject
JT found Not Guilty – what a joke!!
Rant over 🙂 I hope miquel does well on loan looks like could be a good player
ferdinand unreliable ….
vernat, you shock me….
Why Rico?
I’m not so sure on that SYG, just a good defence team…
Hey ho, who cares that the law in this land is corrupt 😉
Your 2.10 comment vernat, but, that’s your view and you are entitled it…
Afternoon all. I thought i was shopping at Mark’s till i saw the price’s so it has to be Tesco’s nice one Rico where do you think them up. Seems like a lot of our young talent will be farmed out, but every time we buy a player our youngsters go one pace back
See Darren Fletcher is facing an uphill fight, i hope he wins it and gets back playing, so we can smack them when he is playing
Afternoon Steve, hows things?
😆 re Marks, St Michael as we probably remember more than most 😉
Would make a nice change to beat Fergies lot but it’s going to be a tough battle, he’s hoping for a couple of more signings so they are going to be strong again…
We needed to sign players to keep up with them and the others, right now we are lagging behind a bit….
Rico be of good cheer we still have the squilster to see us through
Looks like Theo is not in any hurry to find a new team then, I know theres a player in there some where and he needs to show us more often than he does, now he could be realy big if he puts his mind to it. Yeh I’m fine Rico went fishing yesterday and lost the first fish i have had on since i started again while the day before a guy just round the lake from me landed a 42lb 12oz mirrow carp he asked me to take the photo’s and i never took one for myself what a mug i am. Missed AK’s post yesterday but read it this morning that guy gets better and better 🙂 oh and Satan your post was good mate.
morning guys…..what’s new? have we signed “ganso” yet?
don’t remind me vernat, but he’ll be gone soon i am sure…
Steve, that Theo I/V could have been done any time, he’s still on hols i think – hopefully though he is staying 🙂
morning stevep…..rico, vernat and all. i had a dream we signed mvilla,gourcuff and matias suarez and we smashed the league and won by a whooping 17 points! God, it was a good dream though.
so what’s happening guys? is robin staying? what about theo?
I never did get fishing Steve, relaxing or frustrating?
Hi goonster – sadly, very little is happening in the world of afc…
Matias Suarez will be on show tomorrow, wonder if we will sign him after this weekend, he’s been heavily linked….
dont think we ll be signing anybody rico. we re done. we ve closed shop for the season. hope am wrong though cause we sure do need an AM and a beast of a DM. come on arsene.
when is RIP due back? would love to give him a piece of my mind.
Phoney war starts
Youngsters involved as pre-season fixtures get underway
Posted by Jeorge Bird on July 13, 2012
Arsenal have been back in training for less than a week but the first match action of pre-season will take place tomorrow when the Gunners participate in the Markus Liebherr Memorial Cup at Southampton’s St Mary’s Stadium.
Arsenal will take on Anderlecht and Southampton in 45-minute matches, with manager Arsene Wenger likely to use the competition as an opportunity to enable some of his established first-team stars to build up their fitness ahead of the new campaign whilst also running the rule over the promising youngsters which will be at his disposal.
Kyle Bartley has already been promoted to the first-team squad, and is likely to travel on the club’s forthcoming tour of Asia, but there will be several others who are hopeful of joining him on the plane to the Far East. Midfielder Conor Henderson, who missed almost the entirety of last season through injury, will also be involved tomorrow and remains highly rated by Arsene Wenger, whilst another midfielder, Henri Lansbury, back from yet another loan spell, will feature as he awaits a concrete decision on his long-term future at the club.
Others seeking to catch the eye include Kyle Ebecilio (pictured), the young Dutchman who has impressed in patches since joining the club from Feyenoord two years ago, and Thomas Eisfeld, who will be hoping for an injury-free campaign during his first full season at the club.
There will be some more experienced faces on show, with the likes of Thomas Vermaelen, Mikel Arteta, Kieran Gibbs, Andre Santos and Abou Diaby all set to be involved, and the tournament is likely to prove an entertaining affair with both of Arsenal’s opponents containing some dangerous players.
The Belgian champions Anderlecht, for example, can call upon the highly rated Lucas Biglia and Matias Suarez, whilst newly-promoted Southampton have made some smart signings already this summer, including striker Jay Rodriguez.
As far as Arsenal are concerned, these matches will be their final domestic-based fixtures prior to the commencement of the new Premier League season in five week’s time. The bulk of the players involved in Euro 2012 will return on Monday and, from then onwards, there will be a more senior feel to the Arsenal set-up. Tomorrow’s fixtures, therefore, represent a fantastic opportunity for the clutch of youngsters involved to make a lasting impression on proceedings.
It is not exactly clear how Wenger will approach the two games, but the likelihood is that the Frenchman will name a 22-man squad, with two completely different line-ups featuring in the respective matches.
Possible teams:
Others possibly involved: Martinez, Shea, Eisfeld, Angha, Boateng, Meade, Niang.
So what’s the preview for tomorrow’s game? Anyone betting on Diaby to start?
I think that all are back on Monday goonster…
have you listen anything about Schneijder?
Celtic is the pride of Scotland! 🙂
Tbh, I’m more interested in who travels to Asia than this weekend, that will tell us more…
Would be intersting to see with Gerv the Swerve on the right and Santos on the left i also think that Coquelin and Arteta will be a good combination as they both seem intelligent players.
Got to op off for an hour, laters…
hopefully he will……i rate diaby and cant wait to have him to his pre “dan smith” form. the same form that caught maureen’s eye. am praying for you abou.
Rico what’s the preview of the game? Same old same old? Arsenal to blaze through? I am looking forward to see Diaby-Lansbury in the middle. Last I saw Lansbury playing for us was against Benefica in friendly and tbh I hated his attitude. He was always looking for spectacular and jogged most times, he was on the pitch. And you could very well see why he was sent on loan.
You think we will keep the same shape or might we see a different formation ?
Arsene unrepentant and as flexible as ever
““I totally agree with Cruyff, and I won’t change. I could have left 10 times to join another club but I didn’t because I have worked with the same vision and philosophy at Arsenal for the last 16 years, and that won’t change.
“The only sad thing is that sometimes your work is destroyed by others. You want to see a player in his prime doing it for your club. But it does not work like that all the time.
“I am a victim of that. I lost Samir Nasri, Gael Clichy and Cesc Fabregas at an age when they should have been playing their best football for Arsenal. But I never left the club when I could have.
“Besides, money was never a motivation for me. And, in a similar way, people like Cruyff don’t put all their energy in building football teams with young players just for money.
“We all do this because we want to give something back to football.”
Ticket price changes and ticket transfer is tweaked
Rico, The Standard says the Spuds paid £6million for Adebayor!
Adebayor proof that you really an pile S#’t that high, good player on his day, but as despicable and reprehensible as the things sang at him by so called fans of our club, he really is classless in his behaviour
wow AK that cheap! next stop they ll be signing samir for 3 mil and then clichy and RIP for a combined fee of 8 mil. hahahahaha, they just love our ex players dont they?
Evening guys and gals….
Satan – Lansbury is one of my favs, I really hope he stays, afc blood in his veins just like jack and we need a bit more of that in our squad….
£6M for Lardy – and Citeh lose £17M as if i dropped a penny down the drain, what a joke….
tell me about it……how many games did he play for them? what a total waste!
No doubt he’s good but I am talking about last time and there were issues with him. He was in last yr of his contract and wasn’t sure where he was going and all.
But when he played Benefica, he was absolutely waste. That is why I hope to see Diaby-Lansbury in MF two.
Btw I guess we’d be scouting Matias Suarez. He’s classy. If Robin is anywhere near to leave, I hope we bring that lad in.
We have been linked to Biglia as well perhaps we will be scouting him?
But I can understand why he hesitated, the poor guy didn’t know if he was wanted or not – once AW told him he was in his plans, he signed….
I guess so. We always gets players from the club we play friendly against.
But I still would love M’Villa. He really looked classy at times.
goonster – and i bet wenger still rubs his hands together to this day, lardy will be cack for the swampies next season, he’s good but he lacks the ability to stay settled and play well for sustained periods….
Hope we don’t get Biglia….
I guess its his last chance to show that he’s up for it. And I guess Bould will have big say in that.
I still feel Bartley getting nod over Ignasi is more of Bould’s decision then AW’s.
Re Adebayor 6mln: I am sure that would be official amount of negotiation and rest of unofficial amount will go from Spurs’ sugar daddy’s offshore account to Sheikh’s offshore account and both party will be happy with that.
ricoooooo! what do you mean? jeez, biglia is classy. can pass, shot and men can he tacle. his work rate is phenomenal too. hope we get him plus he’s cheaper!
Ditto re Bartley and Bould and good suggestion re Henri too Satan…
Not for me goonster, he’s a tiddler, we need a big strong DM….
Satan, enjoyed your post on your new blog. Why the hate for Biglia Rico from all accounts he is a pretty good player, hes captain of the team the right age as well.
Event Rico and all. Anything happening?
I meant evening of course.
Dont agree Rico we need a clever DM who doesn’t get suspended all the time and South American DM’s know how to make clever fouls and get away with it, plus by all accounts the boy can pass and take a free kick, i like the sound of him and at 5’10 he is not that small
size is overated. how big is djorou? lucas biglia is a terrier and fearless. he ll shore that mid field pronto. i hope we get him.
Looking forward to tomorrow and few players. I guess we’d be scouting 3 players
Suarez: I like any player who could shoot out side of the shoe and he can do that so he excites me a lot
Biligia: One of the rare ball playing DMs
Luke Saw: Up and coming LB.
And I guess we’d have our own in Ryo.
No hate vernat, would just prefer Capoue or M’Vila, that’s all….
Evening Adam, nothing 😉
Thanks mate. Any suggestions would be welcome.
I mailed you Rico.
Suarez and Shaw – how pleased would we be if we tied up both deals this weekend 😉
Of course, I know we won’t….
I will take a peep Adam…
I think at 26 there is more upside to Biglia than the other two we need experienced players and he is that, we need leader well he captained Argentina U20 and is current captain of Anderlecht. If in three years he moves on we still get good money for him as well. We have enough good young players what we need are guys who are past that stage and know their games
That would be perfect. I really thought we’d bring in Suarez and I still think he might still come in. All we are waiting for is to offload some of the players. If we get some players of our books and bring in some cash to spend I think we’d get him.
Saw on the other hand, I doubt it. But I’d still wanna see him.
You know we all got to thank Redknapp to have taken Saints down else, they may have had the deadliest strike force of all. Bale-Theo-Ox to lead the line.
But he’s 5′ 10″ vernat, haven’t we enough tiddlers in the camp??
Listed at 5’10 on Anderlechts site and on Wikipedia as well
We shouldn’t be waiting Satan, not if AW really does intend to sign more players. Get them in regardless…. They can work on the selling at the same time…
I really doubt that is a possibility. Look at what we have with new additions: Robin(I really hope he stays for his last year and wins a trophy with his last kick since all other strikers we have, have no experience in the league), Giroud, Poldi, Bendy(sell him quick), Vela, Park, Chamakh, Theo, Ger, Ryo, Ox, Afobe. There are just so many. If we bring in some one before selling the negotiation power we have will decrease comparatively.
I think we’ll keep Robin at least till the other lot gets accustomed to PL.
Plus any purchase now would happen only if we sell since all money raised from Cesc, Nasri, Clichy et al sale is wiped of now. So now to buy we’d have to sell first.
vernat, my miss-type 😉
A few of those could go though Satan, and they will free up squad places.
Ok, need to go and cook dinner, back in a bit…..
Popping back for a short while, then having an early one…
All quiet so i’m offski
Nighty all, stay safe, footie back tomorrow.
Hey…….. Guess what???
That’s right….
It’s raining…!!!
Good Night All.
New Post up