Morning all. Hector Bellerin is 20 years old today. Happy birthday to him… You won’t have to scratch your head and search your memory too much to recall the great moments Dennis Bergkamp dished up. Anyone who has read Stillness and Speed will know that as much as Dennis was a world class player, he acknowledged […]
Author Archives: rico
Morning all. So out we went again at the same old stage we like to each Spring. It’d be easy to say ‘just one more goal’ and yes, that’s all we needed last like in order to progress. However, until we either learn to do better in the Group stages and top the league in […]
Morning all. Happy birthday to Pat Rice and Lee Dixon. Pat is 66 years old today, Lee 51 – a mere whipper-snapper…. Last night Reading blew Bradford away with ease and next up for them is Arsenal in the semi-final at Wembley and they’ll want revenge for that 7-5 loss at the Mad Stad a couple […]
Roy of the Rovers did it, but that was in truth, fiction. A boys own comic story. That kind of fairytale just doesn’t happen in the real world. The real world of tough, unforgiving, cynical professional football… Or does it? A callow French youth, of 18 years young, moved to Arsenal permanently, on 1st July 2009, […]
Morning all. Paulo Dybala, who has been strongly linked to Arsenal recently, is set to seal a move to a new club within the next few days. Palermo’s president Maurizio Zamparini says Dybala will seal a move to a new club before the end of March. A team should close the signing of Dybala in […]
Morning all. The ‘sign the thing’ saga has started all over again with Theo Walcott as Arsene Wenger has confirmed contract talks are under away… The first contacts have been established with the embassy! We will see how that progresses politically. Walcott was difficult to convince (last time) and that’s why it took us much […]
Morning all. Young Hector Bellerin has been offered a new contract. Smart move Arsenal, although I doubt him agreeing another four years will prevent Barcelona from sniffing around their old player any time soon. He must be enjoying life in the Arsenal fast lane right now and we can only hope that remains the case […]
Morning all. Earlier in the season, very early in the season, the 22nd of August to be precise, Oliver Giroud suffered a broken left tibia against Everton and was ruled out for a long time. So much so, Arsene Wenger didn’t include him in our pre 2015 Champions League campaign. Apparently, during his time out, […]
Morning all. Still smiling? Yep me too. We have a few more days of milking that wonderful victory yet….. Danny Welbeck has been talking about his winning goal: Manchester United is a club that means so much to me, I’m a fan and it’s hard to knock them out. I was just doing my job. It […]
Morning all. When Michael Oliver booked Hector Bellerin very early in the game, I thought, oh no, here we go again, the officials have it in for us. But to be honest, the tackle was a sign of a young man who was eager to win his war on the right hand side of defence […]
Morning all. This fixture seems to have taken a long time to arrive. It’s a huge game with a trip to Wembley on offer. Arsene Wenger: It’s a big game, and every big win in a big game has an impact subconsciously in the belief of the team. Once you get to the quarter final […]
Morning all. I loved Paul Merson. He was a great player for us and when he left the club, I was pretty sad. Off the pitch he’s been a bit of a plank with alcohol and other naughty substances getting him into all sorts of trouble and I’d say he’s pretty lucky to have such a high […]