Author Archives: rico

Where Are the Biggest Gaps in This Current Arsenal Squad?

Morning all. On Saturday, Arsenal are off Wembley where they’ll take on Chelsea in the Emirates FA Cup final. After a relatively disappointing and all-too familiar campaign, the Gunners will seek solace by claiming their third FA Cup win in four years and 13th overall. For Arsene Wenger’s staunchest critics, even this will not be […]

We got what we deserved. Arsene Wenger accepts full responsibility for a bad season…

Morning all. Thank goodness that league season is over. It’s been frustrating, if not painful at times. Too many times. The football has often been dreadful with a few players performances being poor, lacklustre and darn right pathetic. The approach to the game from the manager has been equally as bad, if not worse but […]

It’s not going to happen! This summer could be the best in a long time…

Morning all. No, I’m not referring to Alisher Usmanov and his so far failed attempt to buy Stan Kroenke shares, I’m talking about Liverpool beating Boro. Saying that, if they put up the kind of fight they did when they turned up at The Emirates early this season, they might just sneak a draw and […]

Wenger accepts he could do with some help. From Russia With Love, And money, lots of money…

Morning all. Arsene Wenger has changed his tune about the prospect of working with a DoF. A couple of weeks ago it was a flat no, no way. Yesterday, it was a why not? Wenger was asked on Friday whether he would work with a ‘director of football’ and stressed that his problem would be with […]

Tolisso & Lemar to Arsenal? Adams talks coaching. Ollie and Ospina off & £24K for a dinner with Arsene.

Morning all. We’re nearly there. Just Sunday’s match against Everton and next Saturday’s FA Cup Final against Chelsea to go and then we can all walk away from domestic football for a couple of months and boy do we Arsenal fans need a break. Some sunshine with a bit of luck and sand between our […]

The perfect replacement for Giroud heading to Arsenal? Arsene Wenger wants him!

Morning all. Kevin Oghenetega Tamaraebi Bakumo-Abraham – better known in England as Tammy Abraham which is a good thing if anyone wants to buy a shirt with his name on the back. Not that we Arsenal fans would want to of course as right now he’s a Chelsea player but a Chelsea player who’s eyeing […]

Just how has it come to this? Arsene Wenger back tracks on ‘Top Four Trophy.’

Morning all. Just how has Arsene Wenger, Stan Kroenke and the board allowed our club to come to this? A move to The Emirates came with promises. Better players, more fans, better times and certainly more competitive. We were ready, ready to challenge the best and the rest in Europe and on the domestic front. […]

Arsene Wenger’s credibility damaged? Handing him a huge kitty is a really dodgy move.

Morning all. So that’s pretty much that isn’t it? Europa and Thursday/Sunday football here we come and who apart from Arsene Wenger, Stan Kroenke, the board and players will really care? Of course there could yet be a twist this week as Man City could lose and again on Sunday as the final fixtures play […]

What to do with Aaron Ramsey? Did Arsenal make a bad decision back in the summer of 2013?

Morning all. Cast your mind back, back to the spring/summer of 2013, what did the Arsenal squad really need at that time? A midfielder, defender or a striker? Our attack consisted of Giroud, Podolski, Walcott, Sanogo and Miyaichi, so it isn’t much of a stretch to think that we probably needed an upgrade in that […]