Morning all.
Where has all this rain come from? Yesterday afternoon I went from windows open and enjoying the fresh air circulating around my house with sunshine lighting up every room to darkness, rain, and more rain. And boy did it fall!! Not nice, especially when I needed the windows open to help dilute the smell of paint!
Anyway, I won’t get your sympathy, I know you all too well!!
From paintbrushes and rollers, back to football and David Moyes has another job. He’s headed off out to Spain to manage Real Sociedad. Good for him I say and good luck to him. Prior to taking the job, he spoke with our captain and Mikel Arteta has publicly told us what the Spanish club will get:
He’s a coach that likes to tighten the reigns, he’ll do well with the group. He demands a lot and works hard, he’s not what you’d call a ‘typical’ English manager that sits on the bench.
He analyses a lot and he has a clear idea of how he wants his team to play.
Ok, we all know he’s Scottish but I think we know what Mikel is saying, he’s not a typical manager in England and he’s certainly very different to Arsene Wenger…
Tighten the reigns, demands hard work, analyses a lot and has a clear idea of how he wants his team to play. And, he’s not a guy who sits on the bench either…..
A sly dig at Arsene Wenger perhaps as he’s watched us surrender a lead in our last two matches. And yes he was watching as when both collapses unfolded, Mikel was not playing. Bang goes your new contract offer Mikel.. lol
Perhaps Arsene Wenger will take on board the views of his captain actually, not only his captain it would appear as it was reported a few days ago in The Telegraph, that some of the coaching staff are concerned about the way we are playing.
Then again, none of his staff or players have managed at the top level for as long as him so I doubt it……

Of course, it’s quite possible that the story in the Telegraph was just mischief making, that happens sometimes as we all know too well and recently, Alexis Sanchez has been on the back pages with a few journalists suggesting he could leave as soon as January. Well that just isn’t going to happen is it?
We can all see he’s cheesed off when we lose, especially when when the result has been all of our making but that shows he cares, he’s a fighter and he’s a winner. I’d be seriously concerned if he walked of the pitch smiling after our recent performances. Some do though, watch as the final whistle goes.
Alexis has been talking to Guillaume Balague in an exclusive interview with AS magazine and here’s some of that interview :
English football is really tough, really difficult, the most complicated of all the leagues I have played in and it has been a struggle to adapt.
But I love the challenge, even if it’s hard. All the teams are at a similar level, it’s very competitive and everyone can make life hard for you. All the matches are decided on the little things – and I’m really enjoying it, you can’t slack off.
Little by little I am gaining confidence in my team-mates and am gradually learning more. At first I had trouble understanding them, knowing where they ran, their movements, what gestures meant what, but every time I feel more confident.
Ballague then asked how he felt about playing in different positions following the signing of Daniel Welbeck:
I love playing with him. He has a great touch and is a goal-scorer. It was a great signing.
I am starting to memorise the moves of my team-mates and I learn to help them – clearly I need to improve and that is what I say in the dressing room, that I could stay a little less with the ball, play one touch play more often to facilitate counter-attacks, that is vital.
I must learn that because the rapid transitions are key in this league and with this team.
Now that I am here, sometimes I stop to look my team-mates during the training session and I realise that I am surrounded by a lot of quality stars.
I have been impressed by their attitude and their talent. I love how they create spaces, their individual and collective movements.
I tell you seriously: I like what I see so much that I have repeated myself many times, that if we have the required winning mentality, if we are positive and try to win every single game, I know we can win any competition.
I know that with this team we can win many trophies in the coming years. I am convinced. I hope to win everything here. That’s why I came.
Alexis is right, there is a lot of quality at Arsenal, not enough, but there is a lot. If they all had the same winning mentality, the work ethic and desire to improve, then our performances would get better. Alexis is still willing to learn, willing to improve in order to reap rewards from the players around him but we need that from each and every player, not just the odd one or two.
And of course, we need that from the manager. If a player who has won many things in his career wants to change and improve for the greater good, then so can the manager.
Sort it out Arsene!
Have a good day all, only another ten days until we play…..
1st for breakfast……….
Rosicky and Podolski aren’t happy about not playing….
Porridge for mine Devil… 😉
Holy cow…..are you all still asleep today????
Good morning beautiful mermaids and handsome princes.
Did Arteta really say that??? Hats off to him for that comment. Or is he angling for a move back to Spain??
I would love to see him manage Arsenal one day.
Cereal for me it was Rico. With red berries in it.
Rico, that’s a very familiar looking post….by the way my tongue is sticking out…
Morning all,
Sorry to seem moany BT and all in the last couple of weeks, there’s been a lot to moan about lol
Don’t mean to bog your days down.
Off to read the post
Me too Dev. Martinez with perfect hair. Can’t go wrong
🙂 Bt, morning to you, Devil and all…
He did Devil….
Interesting thought , a 1 year option at Arsenal or a return to home with a manager he trusts on probably a longer contract . If I was Arteta I would probably think long and hard about it. Nip off back home to the Basque country ,a land of Cheese and Cidre and a bull run once a year.
I’d go back to Spain if I was him….
Perhaps he wants to win the PL at Arsenal.
Nickie, wasn’t having a go at you, mate.
Who Adam, Arteta or Alexis?
Or both…
Adam, if your talking Atita, he’s no chance, long gone before that….
No chance with him in the side…
BT. Probably true.
1st for lunch……………….
Early lunch Wath….
Beer, white wine, red wine, in that order, and you should be ok…
Afternoon All…
Afternoon Rico. Good post….
Afternoon Wath. Don’t know where Grey Goose fits in with the above. 🙂
Read a very interesting article yesterday, it was a fans point of view on SK ownership of his sports concerns in the USA. One big point made by one, was the length KSE went to control, public/fan criticisms about one team in particular.
Morning all.
BT, you got a link mate?
Fellow Housers,
I’d like to thank our mate, Allezkev, who very kindly sent my son a shirt which arrived today.
Old school kit which is never find for a kid and to say Sean was over the moon is an understatement so Kev, I owe you a few pints mate 🙂
Afternoon Kev, thanks – is it raining in the city?
I’d like to read that too Bt..
What kind of shirt Scott…. lol
The only kind, Rico 🙂
Diaby has suffered another injury and another 3 months on the sidelines apparently…
Rico, Kev, the article was on 8th May 2013…
Thanks Bt… I’ll try and find it…
BT. What a memory!
Scott, i’ve a top here (if i can find it).that Sean is more than welcome to, if it fits.
I doubt it’s as ‘old’ as Kev’s…lol
I guessed Scott.. 😉
Ozil out
Adam. Chrome history, is a vital tool, for a
Nickie, smile…
Another two months isn’t it Nickie?
Rico, i can always rely on you….
I try Bt… 😉
Apparently we’re being linked with Jimmy Krankie an attacking midfield sweaty giant!
Should go for the other Krankie, he’s at least a cm taller….
I hear that Peter Dinklage is to be our new DM.
FIFA in the poo again….accused of misrepresentation, inaccuracy and fudging the truth, by the author of the Report! How can an obviously corrupt and bent organisation expect to continue trading? And how on earth did they think they could fudge the whole report when Garcia was insisting it had to be published in full and with total transparency, whilst they, FIFA disregard his view, rewrite and publicise the extracts that show them in a positive light, and, it would seem, they have materially altered the contents of the findings in one of the most flagrant cover ups since the Watergate affair!
I think we, and many other FA’s should seriously consider our and their membership to this international body and seek to set up a new association that not only is clean but is seen to be clean by men who have the highest integrity and genuine love of the game and it’s honest intentions to further the sport at the highest levels openly, incorruptibly and fairly, around the world.
One thing is for sure the body that are presently administering the game internationally are, quite simply not to be trusted!
A bit like our medical staff who reckoned Ozil would only be out for six weeks, he’s done five now, the medics have reassessed him and declared he won’t be ready for at least another seven!
And we all thought the new ‘team’ were an improvement on the old! Well they’re not!
Even more gloomy now.
Sorry, afternoon all.
Nice gesture Kev. Mind you I’m all for a bit of re-cycling!
Charles Hawtrey…. we missed a trick not signing him as our brutal DM!
Well it’s certainly a right old Carry On at Arsenal these days…
Afternoon Wavy…
I’m off to the shops…
Odd job would of been the icing on the cake that window!
I suppose he’ll be getting a new contract soon……….. FFS what is going on with Arsenal F.C?
Gotta love “arsenal career in the balance”………
Humpy Diaby? Poorly again? All the Kings horses all the Kings men, couldn’t put humpty together again? Better get some vinegar and brown paper!
Another Arsenal medical failure, two in one day! That’s more like the Arsenal sick bay we know and love!
Humpty Diaby………iPad error……..ipad errrorrrrrrrrrr………..!
Thank gawd he’s gone in the summer, no-one will buy him in January now….
Evening folks…
Uwe Rosler has been sacked at Wigan, who’d have thought that after last season. There’s a board which don’t accept a bad run of form and results….
The club deny the rumours about Diaby according to the Star….
Perhaps it’s 4 months… 🙂
Well, seeing as there is no one to talk to, I’ll head off for the day….
Night all..
Night Rico.
Good article :-
And another one ;_ … ls-4608129
Gone into moderation ?
Danny Ings got a couple for the under 21’s and Jenkinson the other. What do you think Rico ?
Morning all.
Sorry about that Potter, I think the links can often send comments into moderation…
I didn’t see the under 21’s Potter but it seems Jenks is relishing after his move to West Ham. No great surprise to me really. Danny Ings, well he looked good last season albeit I only caught a few Burnley matches.
Better than Sanogo though I’d say…
Arsene and Arsenal are copping it in the newspapers….
Rico, you’re better than sanogo!
So Grzegorz Krychowiak is the saviour!
Morning all from a very damp old London town!
Morning All…
BT, my shirt had Bastin on the back… 😉
Morning Lee 🙂 You have a point though…
Morning Kev…
Dreadful rain here and it’s still semi-dark. It’s meant to clear though thankfully…
Rico, I would of popped in last Sunday for a cuppa but I was hurtling past Reading at 6.30am on my way home from Bath!
It’s tipping it down in London Town today…
Awful weather.
Great for cabs… 🙂
That’s a shame Lee, I’d have been up.. Next time.. 🙂
My chickens are swimming Kev…. 😉
Rico, are you sure they are not ducks?
Morning all…
Kev, did you get it autographed, personally?
Bad day for wiper blade sales the screens are too clean
Morning Bt, I think they wish they were….
Could do with some on my kitchen window Potter…
Rico, the sun is shining here, for now……
Good Bt, I think it’s set to head this way soon…
Rico, did you ever get out off moderation?
Morning Rico and all. It’s not shining here at all.
Bt, no and I gave up checking in the end… 😉
Morning Adam…
New post up now..