Morning all.
The media are playing games, who can write the biggest story with the most attractive headline because they are after one thing, hits and making money. The rumour mill is already heading towards overdrive as the end of the season approaches, oh, and the Season Tickets soon up for renewal but don’t buy into it, it’s all spin.
The Mail have probably the best headline though, well, the worst one if it’s true as they report Arsene Wenger is set to stay and rebuild this squad to go on and do great things but without both Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil who are set to be sold. I suspect they’ll be right about Ozil and Sanchez, especially the latter as he’s a winner. He came from a club used to winning silverware and when he signed for Arsenal, there’s little doubt he thought such things would continue. Instead he must now feel like he and one or two others have been fighting the good fight alone. And to see a man stand over this group of players, lost and all out of ideas on how to change their mentality must be infuriating. One might be tempted to suggest that if Alexis can bust a gut each match day then why can’t the others? Good question but most of those other players have been listening to Wenger’s ‘ideas’ for too long, unlike Alexis and those ideas haven’t worked yet, and they aren’t going to work any time in the future, of that we can be pretty sure.
The ‘if we aren’t in Europe, he can concentrate on the domestic challenge and really go for the league’ view pops up every now and again which is a nice though. However, I’d say there’s not a hope in hell because all the time we roll up at places like Anfield, West Brom, Southampton, Chelsea, Man City – the list goes on, without a plan it matters not what other competitions we are in because he can’t work out how to beat our domestic rivals in any case. As said before, he doesn’t look at the opposition and have a plan to nullify their strengths, he simply plays the Arsene Wenger way and regardless of who we face. The only time he kind of changes personnel is when we play in the domestic cups, and I won’t even mention playing our number two keeper in the Champions League. What other manager would do such a thing?
And really, what is the point in him staying put and building a new squad when he can’t even manage the one he has right now. Ramsey stuck out wide, Perez seldom plays in the league, Elneny the same yet imo he’s possibly our best midfielder in the absence of Santi, he leaves Alexis out to prove a point and then when Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain drops into central midfield because of injury and does really rather well, he’s out of the team again, albeit I can’t remember who for but I’m sure you get my point.
And who lets a player who said he was injured and couldn’t play, leave for international duty just two days later?
No, please Arsene, don’t even think about it. You can’t build a squad, not any more, you just don’t have it in you…
Just go….
Actually, here’s another typical spin headline…
Funny, but I saw someone post yesterday a quote from Wenger telling us exactly how West Brom play, then the person wrote how, even after knowing their strengths, we failed to counter it.
So does Arsene know his opponents or not?
Does he watch them or not?
We can argue how he often fails to nullify their strengths, but that would be another argument, because the issue on hand Is whether he bother to look at his opponents or not.
Either way, it seems conflicting reports are reality accepted when it can be used against the man.
As for Alexis and Ozil, I say say sell.
If Alexis was such a winner, he’d help players around him instead of abusing the shit out of them.
He’d alo actually pass the ball to them lol.
Sell, I say.
When was the last time the guy extended a contract??
People love to tell us how good Pep is on one hand, then tell us Alexis is our bet and most important player, someone to bound a team around, yet Pep sold him?
You can not build a team around a one man band.
Ozil Is a player who relies on other others, so you actually could build around him.
Assume that Wenger stays on beyond this season, and then Arsenal do well next season-both in the EPL and in Europe (meaning Arsenal finish among top 4 this season)-probably win the EPL and reach the quarter or semi-final of ECL next season. That is, whether with new faces or not in the squad. What will the fans say? Will the protests continue? Will the Wenger Out crusade fade out? Would ‘In Arsenal We Trust’ chants absolutely rule at the Emirates again? Would Wenger, or the Board, be forgiven then? It would be interesting to see what happens in this circumstance. Personally, I need something radical at Arsenal particularly the transfer policy and the type of players we sign. I would like to see a more aggressive approach, with steel and character. The kind of fighting spirit that has eluded Arsenal for many years now-whether it’s Wenger or not. Whatever happens, we must not sacrifice our tradition. We must keep our spectacular play-the entertainment aspect of our game, the flair and beauty that is akin to Arsenal. The beautiful passes, killer-passes, the build-up. The possession football and the team work. All of this, I believe, made Arsenal liked across the world and won her millions of fans, including me. Like Barcelona, we must not derail, we must remain Arsenal, Wenger or no Wenger.
Sad if Wenger goes this way, because he’s such a cult figure at Arsenal that his departure as Manager should be celebrated in fond memory of what he achieved for the club rather than celebrate because we’ve got rid of the villain.
He spoke before the game about WBA and their set-pieces. Bearing that in mind, would it not have been an ideal match for our captain?? A bit more height and organisation at the back?
It happened at Upton Park last season, but he never learns…
Rico, in my comment, I said him actually succeeding or failing to nullify their strength is another topic.
The point is we hear he doesn’t look at opponents one day, yet the day prior people ridiculed him for openly admitting he knew their strengths but failing to deal with them.
He failed in his duty whether he knew what their strength was or not, but I believe my point stands.
Whatever way you spin it, its total crap. To destroy supporters hopes because of one mans vanity?
Being aware of the opposition’s strengths and actually preparing for them are two different things.I believe the football term for preparation is “coaching”. A job which seems to conflict with our manager’s high minded principles.
Adam, or another mans greed.
Scott. It’s more embarrassing for him to admit he knows an oppositions strength and then still does nothing about it. It’s pathetic..
optimist hablia – the scenario you paint is indeed extremely positive, yet highly unlikely. In fact I’d say there’s absolutely no chance that could happen. If it could, why hasn’t such things been achieved in the last ten years?
Especially the season when Chelsea, Utd and City were struggling and Leicester won the league…
But I like your dreams…
Agreed Steve.
Spot on Steve. I believe Wenger is always aware of his opponents (well besides the upton park debacle. He didn’t know Carroll would play lol) but he never tweaks. Always thinks our ‘technical superiority’ will have other teams rolling over.
Against West Brom, I saw players who had no life in them, they didn’t want to be there.
Rico, that really is irrelevant to my point, isn’t it?
I mean, how many times can I say he failed in his job during that game?
People will take anything written against him as gospel, knowing full well it totally contradicts what they agreed with yesterday.
There is enough ammo around without resorting to that.
In which case Scott, I’ve no idea what you are trying t say…
Re Alexis, I simply disagree… But I’ve said that before…
As for people contradicting what they said yesterday, I think that is harsh! Fans on here, are very consistent with their views.
Love the optimists positivity, love it! It ain’t going to happen though, quote the reverse. Looking at our remaining fixtures I can only see one win, 3 more points, perhaps the odd draw. We are playing like turds. There’s no plan, no pattern apart from crab football. There’s no involvement and no engagement of either the players or the crowd. If Ozil and Sanchez leave the only future and objective we will have is prevent falling into the championship.
The current situation has all the hallmarks of Brian Clough’s fall from grace and Forest’s subsequent demise. Look at them now, odds on favourites to fall into League 1. The Board need sacking, the owner needs shooting, the manager needs his P45. And we need our club back! The whole ‘franchise’ needs a complete overhaul plus the total removal of all present incumbents.
What the fcuk is going on in and around the old marble halls? And how come nobody is rattling the tree from inside the club?
This really is becoming a very sorry state of affairs. A very sorry state indeed.
Start with the manager though eh Wavy, and then see what happens. My hunch is some serious money will be spent by a new manager….
Any manager with great credentials would surely never take the job at Arsenal without the promise of serious money to spend on new players.
Wavy, spot on.
More changes are required than the obvious one.
That’s good Scott, we agree re consistency on here…
I wouldn’t have thought so Dick, but I reckon they’ll get plenty…
Rico, the inconsistency is remarkably consistent lol
Dick, let’s hope he gets it.
That might apply your facebook page fans Scott, but not here.
hen I am told by DD that AW is leaving and he is 99% sure and that was months ago when we were playing reasonably well, not dire like now, it was obviously a red herring so apologies all round, yet I wish it was true.
Now all the useless players are coming out of the woodwork pleading AW stays but what they really mean is that they want their wages every week playing or not.
sorry When not hen 😉
Really, Rico?
There’s a cheap shot lol
I’m glad you didn’t have a smiley on the end else I may have mistaken it for humour 🙂
Still, my page is administered the same way it always has been, no matter what I think of people’s opinions and that’s consistency.
Kelsey, I’m backing your call to be correct.
Kelsey. If DD had told me Wenger was leaving, I wouldn’t be typing it on the internet..
Scott. Not quite as cheap as your first one…
Oh, I’ve seen it by the way so prob best not to play the high and mighty about being perfect. We all make errors and I know I’ve made a few on here which I held my hands up to…
Yes Rico, manager first and then all the rest during the course of the same day!
Wenger will stay another year at least, next year is certain because he wouldn’t allow Alegri or even Jardim to ‘take over’ his club and improve it at every level, perhaps adding a little silverware to the Board room cabinet. Oh no, he’s not going to allow anybody else in to usurp his life’s project! Even more so if it is to be a ‘winner’ of a manager/coach! Wenger has turned into a selfish, megalomaniac of a human being. In truth I cannot see him ever leaving voluntarily. We should order his wooden overcoat now, because that’s the only way he’ll ever leave our club! And we’ll be expected to foot the funeral expenses as reflected in the increase in ticket prices, post mortum!
‘Kin hell i’m fed up of writing this negative stuff. I need something to praise and applaud, but I just can’t find anything good to say about the current Arsenal FC.
A new manager should be given a year or two imo, then see how the board/owner back him in the transfer window and results. But he’ll need time…
Next time I make an error, show me.
Still, I could deliver every post the same way I do know, but if they all ripped into Arsene, We’d never have a cross word.
Wavy, if that were the case, surely he’d have left in 2014, on a high.
I really don’t have the time to waste on such pettiness.
Not really sure what you mean by the ‘post the same way’ comment…
Pettiness has gone both ways, Rico, so I’m happy to agree to disagree.
I will bite my tongue, for the last time Scott….
Sorry, Rico, but I’ve said nothing more disrespectful than you have to me, but as it’s your blog, you choose to wave that in my face?
Remove me if you see fit because I’m a little tired of walking on eggshells due to you taking offence to every post I make over the last few months.
Respect goes both ways.
If he renews his contract and for fucks sake i hope not,he will be in a world of hurt if he fail to lift the team,he will not last beyond october 2017 such ferocity will be hurled at him.
As said Scott, I really can’t be bothered with the pettiness, which all stemmed from your accusation that fans on here are inconsistent in their views.
You have your own website, why not concentrate on that instead of feeling the need to walk on eggshells on here if it’s all so tough for you…
I can’t see how he can suddenly find his mojo if he stays, it’s been gone for too long now..
Rico, my 10.13 explains things and is a perfect example of inconsistency, so I’m not sure how or why you chose to take offence to it.
Of course, if what I wrote was wrong, I’ll gladly concede.
I have a FB page, not a website, as you well know.
Afternoon Rico and All
Scott it was me who posted about
Arsene’s awareness of WBA.
My point was the player’s are not
listening to him,it’s commen knowledge how
WBA would play on set’s.
Even the Syrup and Josh would know that mate.
Hi Fred, That wasn’t a criticism of you or your post at all, so I hope you did not take it that way.
I also never defended Wenger on the issue as either way, he failed in his duty and thats common place.
Ps, I agree the players aren’t listening to him as he’s obviously lost them, which makes their constant support of him ridiculous.
If they cared so much, they’d show it on the pitch.
Tried looking for something positive about Arsene but… Another increasing record of failure.
Wenger cannot ‘let go’. He, “built this club”, theEmirates is built to his ‘design’, the team’s he has built have been solely his! The financial ‘model’ the self sustaining project, his! He probably even persuaded Lady Nina to sell her controlling shares to the syrup, if truth be told!
He lives, breathes, eats even shits the Arsenal. It is all HIS!
He is not subject to retirement, or the sack except on HIS OWN terms. The Board are complicit in all he does, these days all the things he doesn’t do!
A mortician and a wooden overcoat is the only way he’ll ever ‘ieave the building’.
If Wenger stays and does an ‘overhaul’ that shows how delusional he is and can’t take blame and accept that things went wrong because of him, instead it was the players he will axe. How this man can see no wrong in him is what has brought us to this situation.
He knows f*ck all!
It begs the question, who’s DD……..David Dein or Daffy Duck !
Couple of quotes from Chris Sutton:
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger is like “an uncle who doesn’t want to leave the party
“It’s a dictatorship and he surrounds himself with yes men,” Sutton added.
Cant argue with any of that?
Afternoon Fred, all.
Can’t stand Sutton, but he has a point.
Hi Rico and HH.
Hi Andrew, I heard a bit of Chris Sutton on 5 Live.
Apart from being made to look half-decent alongside Alan Shearer in Blackburn’s title-winning year, he is a ex journeyman footballer, who after flopping big time at Chelsea (pre Abramovich),
ended up finishing his playing days in Scotland. He’s a failed manager too, but he’s currently paid to be controversial, so the Beeb are getting full value.
This is truly shocking if true – Copyright Le Grove.
Arsenal’s wage bill –
£13m less than Chelsea
£35m more than Liverpool
£60m MORE than Tottenham
£5m off being DOUBLE Everton.
Net Transfer Spend last 5 years –
£402m City
£352m United
£186m Chelsea
£121m Liverpool
£67m Everton
£1m Tottenham.
And a plethora of people wonder why Arsenal fans are upset.
The figures speak for themselves.
Afternoon Herb..
Tots just spent a net of £1m, that’s incredible.
And we have spent more than Chelsea, Liverpool and Everton and yet…… dear oh dear..
Hi Herb, beggars belief!
Hi Rico
Tott’s is largely due to the money they got for Bale, who Wenger didn’t need having already spotted Theo…
Safe to say Wenger is given boundless support by the board with transfer and contract funds.
We were told only Messi and Ronaldo we can’t afford!
We were Marshall..
We were also told by Wenger that he’d give £100m back if given it for transfers so funny how the headlines this afternoon suggest he’s ready to spend that same amount this summer…
Ha ha Herb…
Hi all,
Probably get more than 100mil for Sanchez, Ozil Sczezny and Perez. Let alone anyone else in the youth set up and hopefully Dabuchy too.
Good point there Brad. I forgot the selling side of things but even if he generated that kind of money, or more as he could so easily, would you or anyone else trust him to rebuild the squad?
I wouldn’t, nor would I expect him to be able to do anything and different with his squad than he’s done for the last few years…
I see Alexis is training fine with Chile…..
Afternoon all and thanks Rico.
Still nothing on Ornstein`s twitter !
Arsenal Supporters Trust are dismayed at the rumour of Wenger signing a new deal !
Arsene Supporters Trust are delighted at the rumour of Wenger signing a new deal !
I made the second one up, but surely there must be an Arsene Supporters Trust !………………..I mean, someone has to look after him when he retires, the state pension aint that much ! hahaha
I can just imagine a retired Arsene sitting on the porch of Kroenke`s Ranch in Texas and stroking Stan`s syrup like Blofeld in the Bond movies !
don’t worry about Ozil and Sanchez looking fine. They will return from Internationals after playing 90 mins injured.
“No Mr Bould !…….I dont expect you to talk !…………………I expect you to get the training cones !”
Can’t be many in the second trust Lc.
Dont know about that Rico…………………………………………I know quite a few deluded Arsene stalkers….sorry…..supporters !…………………….HH needs to do a black ops and infiltrate them !………..could anyone on here become gullible, naive, delusional and wear an Arsene sticker ? hahaha
Time to work this body ! hahaha
No offence taken Scott.
It would be an ideal time for the club to
let us and the player’s know what Arsene is doing.
We are a listed company …..Aint We
Fred, the club and Arsene have little or no PR skills.
Some of the things Arsene says has us all shaking our heads, but often, what the club does not say is just as bad.
I’m hanging on in hope that a rumour I heard is right, and that Wenger is in fact leaving, and an announcement will be made after the FA Cup semi final.
I won’t even try to say it’s definitely happening, but fwiw, I know the source wouldn’t make it up, so let’s hope his own source is reliable.
The timing kind of makes sense……..if we lose that game, then all hope of any Trophy is officially over, but if we win, fans will hopefully gather to give the man a send off.
We live in hope.
LC, I do know a few staunch Arsene fans.
They still believe he’s the best man for the job.
Knowing them, I’m surprised but I also accept and respect their opinions as they’re decent and intelligent people.
I’m not sure what’s behind them refusing to accept others manager are out there, but who is anyone to say they’re wrong and shouldn’t think that way?
Can’t help what we believe, can we, so it’s hard to argue with them.
The biggest fan is busy counting cattle, I mean cash lol
Has AW changed tactics, made any adjustments or changed his man management style since the first 5-1 blow out at BM; why are people buying this con job about he needs a year to rebuild? He hasn’t made one good adjustment in 8 games, and it’s getting worse. Can we please stop the charade.
Buying players means nothing when you have no tactics, plays favorites, coach out of players the qualities that made them good. Compare Xhaka, Gabriel, Elnery, Mustafi and Perez now prior to their arrival, and please people don’t give me no crap about they are not good enoug. I have watched many of these players for 5 or more years, Elnery since he was a youth. All national team players with leadership qualities – and Perez should be on the national team. All of them just didn’t forget how to play.
AW is done; please go already, it is unbelievably annoying. And Stan’ s only fault here is his loyalty. He does that with all his coaches in all His franchises Karl, Vermeil, Hartley, Fisher etc……
Well said Obi.
People voted for Brexit-plenty told them they were fools.
People voted for Trump-same thing.
How can we presume to tell people what to think?
I really don’t know why these guys still want Wenger, even after they offer their reasons I don’t get it, but so be it.
It’d be a boring old place if we all agreed on everything.
I don’t agree that Stan is loyal-loyalty is something that remains even when the profits start drying up and I doubt that Stan would remain loyal if that happened.
It’s turning into panto all this stuff
coming out about the future re-invented Arsene.
Our club is now Rode/Run by Cowboy’s in blue suit’s,
the only way this is going to change is through
our fans Protesting Home and Away,other than that
it’s a Boycott of the ground or more Plane’s.
Arsene is about to go into Stubbon Street for all the
world to see…Only he can’t see it….
…………..Ho Yes He Can……….
Sensational Fred hahahahaha
The greatest shame is what’s happening amongst fans and the club can and should take steps to sort that.
Communicating would help.
About to Fred, he’s been up stubborn street for yonks…
He wouldn’t look outta place on Sesame Street rico.
Ha ha Micko. At least the viewers might believe what he tells them.
We all know Rico what his like.
but we now have all the teams fans
Begging him to stay.
Has that ever happened.
Cheeky Spud White Van Driver…Said to me to-day.
I feel sorry for Arsenal fans..That Wenger’s is Senile.
And he was serious.
He ain’t senile, just as stubborn as all hell and too set in his ways to change.
It’s embarrassing Fred, especially when it’s the West Brom fans….
It’s certainly lost a few marbles imo….
Jim LaheyMarch 21, 2017
Okay look, there isn’t a poster here that is not in agreement that all three parties are to blame.
Owner: Doesn’t care about the performances on the field, and why would he, he isn’t a fan. Arsenal is a money maker for him, nothing more. And as long as we continue making money for him he will be around.
Board: Gutless figureheads. Relinquished any power they had to Wenger 10-15 years ago. People ask why and can’t seem to fathom the reasons behind it… its simple, if someone came to you at work and offered to do your job for the next 10-15 years but you still get paid wouldn’t you agree?
Manager: What more can be said, we all know his shortcomings. But there is a point I would like to make here.. Its on the argument has Wenger been given enough money to succeed at the club… Yes he has, sure we all know he has not been given the sums that United, Chelsea and City have spent over the years but he has had more than enough to compete and he has not done that!! Is there another “elite” club in the world that is humiliated as regularly as Arsenal are? I mean we are good for 4-5 heavy defeats a year and countless more embarrassing ones. What other “elite” club is laughed at when drawn against us in a major tournament? He has been given more than enough to be competitive and we’re not, even worse we have become a laughing stock, and that rests solely on Wenger’s shoulders.
From LG….
Can’t argue with any of that from the lg poster….
Would another manager of done a better job……100% yes for me!
And me. Perhaps not all though, but certainly plenty…
Night guys…
The right manager, yes !………………….but for every right manager you name, I`ll name a wrong one !……………………………..I`ll even start !……………………….any Spud manager before Pochetino ! hahaha
Those other clubs Jim Lahey mentioned have all won titles, but also missed top 4 at some point in the last 6-8 years.
Yes, to consider Wenger successful in that time, he’s have to have a title to his name in that period, and that’s fair enough.
Jim does make plenty of sense on the owner and the board yet all the critics will focus only on the comments he made about Wenger.
Jim seems a very reasonable guy who shares the blame around, so I’m pleasantly surprised he’s found on LG lol
I’ll post a comment from Untold in response soon bahahahaha
LC, i think plenty of fans believe any new manager will be an improvement.
Just a click of the fingers and we will be winning trophies, apparently.
Scott @7:16 PM, what make you think that the profits will dry up? There is a model in place that is self-sustaining even when we spend 100m on players. The TV is in place, sponsorship deal are nothing to brag about given how much other teams are getting, the stadium fills itself even with the bad product AW is putting out there. He himself just said that CL is not that important anymore. So tell me, what other reason is there for AW to stay?
Obi, where did I suggest the profits will dry up???
You’re reading something that’s not there.
Yeah, Scott !………………………there`s a few managers who could make us worse !………………could dig up the tosser Billy Wright and make a new tv show called ..The Wanking Dead ! hahaha
This is where Arsene shots himself in the foot constantly, though, Obi-CL has always been a priority and something he has always prided himself on, and now it appears highly likely we will miss out, it’s not that important?
The man needs a bloody speech writer lol
The only thing that can be said about his comments is at least he offers them, because no other person at the club bothers.
Kronke, so I was told years ago bought into Arsenal because he knew that there would be massive revenue steams from broadcasting deals. I think at the time that was to do with the expansion of the Internet not to rights. Sky and their ilk skewed the end game but increased the rewards exponentially. And that I think more than any other reason is why we will never be free of Kronke or his successors. He has bought himself a self sustaining massive cash cow.
He could give a shit about the fans the team even the Board so long as the TVs money keeps rolling along so will the good ol’ boy!
Sweet dreams everybody every where.
LC, i would make us worse bahahahahaha
Wavy, I hate the fact we are stuck with him, but fear you are right.
Even Arsenes most ardent supporters must hope and prey that a new manager makes all the difference at the club, because if it doesn’t, we are right royally screwed for a hell of a long time.
Scott @ 10:10, I didn’t say u said it, your 7:16 asked if Stan will be loyal if the profits run out? Am merely saying it won’t and the next manager would be even better given the things a pointed out.
Fair enough, Obi-its a hypothetical the club won’t face, that’s for sure.
“Olivier Giroud: Arsenal players want Arsène Wenger to stay on”
Probably the only way he’ll get game time next season.
If Ozil doesn’t play for the rest of the season we are probably better off. But in Sanchez we finally have 20+ goal / season striker. Barca did let him go but only because Suarez was transferred in and our Alexis loves playing.
On a positive note though, i’m keen to watch the remaining games of the season just see Ox in midfield.
Apocalypse Now 1979
Colonel G. Lucas: Your mission is to proceed up the Nung River in a Navy patrol boat. Pick up Colonel Kurtz’s path at Nu Mung Ba, follow it, and learn what you can along the way. When you find the Colonel, infiltrate his team by whatever means available and terminate the Colonel’s command.
Captain Benjamin L. Willard: Terminate the Colonel?
General Corman: He’s out there operating without any decent restraint, totally beyond the pale of any acceptable human conduct. And he is still in the field commanding troops.
That’s how they dealt with deluded fools back in the day 🙂
Seems to be more Scottys in Oz now than Bruces!
“Those other clubs Jim Lahey mentioned have all won titles, but also missed top 4 at some point in the last 6-8 years.”
Ah the old top four trophy. Haha
We’ve been pathetic in the PL in the last 12yrs and appalling in CL for longer…… all before Stan.
Lee, they’re not perfect for all the cash they’ve spent, and have all had changes of managers so it kind of suggests merely changing the manager soewnr guarantee a thing, no matter how much you think it does.
“Doesn’t” guarantee a thing….
GG, Rico would have a heart attack if there were another me-I wouldnt wouldn’t blame her, just quietly lol
Morning Rico, all.
Read another article, and later confirmed that in the 20 years prior to Wenger coming we’ve won 7 major trophies and 9 with 20 years of Wenger at the helm. He may have won lots of trophies in the first 10 years which was terrific but in the long run arsenal is still the same competition wise. He’s just had the luxury of staying longer.
Mind you the others might have won trophies with way lesser budget and technical players. Still he’s the best!
I’ve never known/watched arsenal under another manager but even I am bored to death.
Another manager won’t guarantee success but will bring and end to this tedious predictability of us losing games in November and our title hopes ending in March every other damn season.
Morning Marshall. Hope springs eternal or so the saying goes. But you brush on an important point. Ask those who attend the games whether they feel any tinge of excitement these days. Any real hopes that they are going to witness a great performance by our team followed by a victory. It’s all rather turgid white knuckle stuff lately because what you will see will be predictable for the most part and mind-numbingly dour. Wenger needs to go for the very simple reason that he isn’t a great manager any more and our club certainly needs one of those-badly.
Marshall, yeah I’m fed up with this tedious, crab-like, tippy-tappy no end product shit that Wenger’s been serving up for ages! The same pathetic defensive mistakes, the annual drubbings by good sides and our appalling record against the top four sides!
New manager please!
Marshall, back then, EVERY club had a smaller budget lol
Weak in defence, toothless in attack-it describes us perfectly.
We have very, very little to offer when 25 yards out.
Morning Marshall and all.
Ghastly one weather wise….
Oh, and Arsenal wise. Has he left yet?
No Rico, I’m still here 🙂
Adam, I feel for the fans who attend the games. As Lee point out the tippy tappy sideway passing is boring having to be pegged down by teams like Burnley at home ’till the last minute shows we are piss poor. My uncle is seriously contemplating giving up the ST as Arsenal has not been good even for his health. Football is supposed to be a joy to watch and Wenger had made an art of it. Even when we weren’t winning, it was brilliant to watch, now it’s a nightmare at the Ems!
Going to the Ems should be recreational, but now it’s like a trip to the dentist.
Scott, of course the budgets were smaller. But the revenue/expenditure ratio was much favourable back then
I know, Marshall, but it’s impossible to compare, really.
Scott, I bet the budget was more stringent back then. Anyway I pointed lot’s of stuff.
It’s not impossible to compare as Wenger’s achievements are also compared with the past. While it’s definitely a different level playing field.
Rico, he built this team! As was pointed, no way is he leaving.
Scary reports saying he’s staying!
I wasn’t saying we can’t compare Wengers achievements to previous managers, just saying that budgets of that era to now are pretty irrelevant.
Money has ruined the game, or certainly done a lot of damage.
Bugger Scott!
*wasn’t favourable.
Morning Rico. Marshall. Call me an optimist, but I still think he’s going.
Marshall, so did every manager before they left… lol
Joking aside, he may have built it, but just like any other manager, he’s bought it. But in his case, he hasn’t a clue what to do with it….
New post is up now guys…
Morning all.
If he stays, I say lets embrace it !…………..do yoga every day and become buddhist monks and think that Arsene is like caterpillar who is about to reinvent himself as a beautiful butterfly !………………our mental strength is within……………………….omm………….omm……………………….omm
True Scott. Money has ruined the game, and those who respect the value of it are not popular.
My issue with arsenal and money is they are stuck in the old business model. Treating the stadium like a walmart and the fans are the target, where they are milked dry. *see the pun is did there 😉 *
If Arsenal cared for the fans, they’d have better sponsorship deals (which I believe we are capable of) and lower ticket prices. With the TV money coming in, that’d balance the books. But what do I know.