Morning all,
Arsene Wenger says the club are ready to ‘spend big’ again!!
IF he can find the right quality! We have been linked we goodness knows how many players recently, from Lyon’s Yoann Gourcuff, to West Ham’s Mohamed Diame and then the rumour mill stooped to its lowest yesterday with talk about us re-signing Jeremie Aliadiere.
Even Arsene Wenger wouldn’t do such a thing….. (would he?)

Talking about his plans this month:
My plan is to keep all of the players we have and then to add maybe, if possible, two new players to the squad. We will spend big (again) because we had restricted finances because we had built the stadium and had to pay that back.
You look at any club who has done that, and they have gone down (in performance). We stayed at the top level, yes without winning the Premier League, but we were always at the top level.
Now we have come out in a much stronger position financially again, so we can spend but our way is a bit like Barcelona as well, to produce the core of the team from inside and add from outside the players who give really a plus.
Maybe signing up the British players is a sign of the ‘core’ and now Wenger is ready to add one or two more to compliment what we already have in the way of experience.
Many fans/media believe that Kroenke and Wenger take care of the finance within the club first and foremost and that is all they really care about. The squad takes second place they say and as long as we finish each season in 4th place or above, all is seen to be running well.
But Wenger denies that, he truly believes that we have a good crop of players and that with a bit of leadership in the right direction, the doubters will see things differently.
The biggest challenge so far is to convince people we have a good team, that we have good quality and that we lead the club in the right way, because many people doubt that. I am convinced this team has a fantastic mentality, fantastic quality and with the right level of confidence, if we can create the momentum, we can be a positive surprise until the end of the season.
But Wenger won’t always be the man to lead this side.
Some will feel sad when that day arrives but from reading around the ‘blogosphere’, most will be elated to read that Arsene has admitted his days as manager won’t be for always:
It is (time up), because I am 63 years old and will not work at 100. That, though, is not the most important, what is important is that when you are somewhere, you give your best.
How long will I stay? I have a contract until 2014, and I always respected my contracts.
It is important is that the club goes the right direction – we have a very young team who have fantastic qualities and (it is important) that I help them to get their qualities transformed into positive results.
Let’s not forget that last year we finished third (in the Premier League), as long as that is seen as a disaster, it is not too bad for the future of the club.
That to me is the biggest hint ever that he’s ready to walk away at the end of this contract. He’ll be 65 years old then and unless he truly believes he can hang on and better Fergie, then I really don’t see him accepting a contract renewal offer.
That will be a sad day for me, not because I want him to stay, or think x, y or z but we’ll be saying goodbye to a man who changed our club for the better in so many ways.
He has given us so much, Pires, Vieira, Henry, Petit, Anelka, Overmars, Freddie, Campbell, Lauren, Gilberto, Wiltord, Reyes and so so many more. Jeepers, he’s even given us Squillaci and Cygan.
What more could any fan ask for….?
I hope the current Arsenal players have seen this latest chit-chat from Arsene Wenger and I hope they sit and think about how they have been performing of late. If just one person within the side could grab the rest by the scuff of the neck and get them all to show some balls, we would start to improve. As would the addition of a beast in midfield!
We can blame Wenger, and I am one of very many who do, but sometimes human beings need to take a long hard look in the mirror and ask questions of themselves.
Right now, Wenger, his coaching staff and most of our players need to do just that! (Kroenke needs to stop looking in the mirror and get his cheque book out!)
Come on Arsene, get this lot to work for you, and you start working a lot harder for them……
Make this last eighteen months count, starting with a victory over Swansea tonight.
That’s it folks, have a good one…
I saw Wenger latest “we are a complete team” comment – FFS how deluded is this guy
Wenger out.
Reduce ticket prices.
Morning all 🙂 🙂
Oz, surely you read more than that mate……stop focussing on the negative or you will do your head in 🙂
I see you side stepped Wengers “next Tony Adams” The wonderful fleet footed error proof Senderos 🙂
Morning all….
AW now says he will sign players after TW situation is sorted.
Is he for real??
Please Arsene leave this club. You are lost and deluded. You always say it is hard to find the right players for Arsenal and then buy rubbish. You hummed and ha’d over Mata and Mirallas and others bought them. Were they not good enough? You seem to be paralysed whilst other magagers seem to want to win the league and improve their chances. We won the Premier League with first Viera and Petit and then Viera and Gilberto Silva…..dominant alpha players. Why do you pussyfoot nowdays with weak fragile players? Why not buy both Etienne Capoue and Yan M’Vila? Why not buy Gervinho a Satnav so he knows where he is on the football pitch? Why do you play Ramsey? Why did you buy Chamakh, Santos, Squillaci? You are deluded. Please leave and let a hungry rational manager come and lift our club once agin.
It shows clearly this guy is gone for all money and you know why? He truly believes it – you know he does, jesus he’s says it often enough – I feel sympathy for him, its just plain sad
Morning Rico,
You say often enough, as we all do, that you can’t believe half of what he says, so why believe that?
He confuses everyone, especially on transfers.
Rico – in answer to your question, i have no doubt he is yes
Great start guys.
Bloody hell, this is getting ridiculously dark and morbid.
Lighten up.
I couldn’t include them all Oz, the post would have had to be 3000 words 😉
I do Scott, but so many contradictions. No wonder people are so fed up with the man….
good point on the alpa dominants steve
Sat-Nav for Gerv, that’s made me laugh A-steve
Rico, why choose to believe his comments when it suits your argument, but claim he is playing games or just lying at other times?
Steve, we were never in for for Mirallas, and Chamakh was a free transfer!
Wenger pls we nid new signings @gainst bayer munich
OK Scott here is the good news to lighten your and all Arsenal fan’s day.
Quote “How long will I stay? I have a contract until 2014, and I always respected my contracts” 😀
There it is, straight from the horses mouth, Our beloved Arsene will be here at least until 2014.
Stop all your moaning and groaning you Arsene haters, Le Professeur is going nowhere.
Silent Stan won’t sack him and even if Alisher Usmanov gets his mitts on our club Wenger’s job will be safe for the foreseeable future.
Tra la la la la
Scott – I don’t believe the content of any of his comments, haven’t I told you that before? What I cannot believe is why he feels the need to talk such bollox all the time.
That is why I ask if he’s for real….
All ex and current players love the man, yet plenty feel content and justified to tear his life and career apart based on what we read from scumbag journos and internet “insiders”.
And that’s good news JW??
Please Mr Wenger, You are a legend to us as fans. The best you can do for the club is to leave the club while Pep Guardiola is available. You are to selfish not to accept that your time at Arsenal has come to an end. You are too carefull when signing a player. You should have signed at least 2 players already, yet the other clubs sign players that begs to come to Arsenal and would fit our style of play.
Rico, these things are often said at press conferences, and usually in response to a question.
Should he sit there and say nothing??
Some of his comments are so obviously contradictory that i am gobsmacked people take them seriously.
He says something one day, and exactly the opposite the next and people believe it?
The guy runs a massive club, yet we think we are smarter than him?
This is going the same way it does of late.
Ticket prices will be next.
Unhappy fans.
SOJI will get its run.
Tra la la, alright.
Do you honestly think I don’t know that Scott, and yes, say nothing…!
We have a hectic fixture list, he should be concentrating on that and telling the media that..
Other managers seems to manage to…
And before anyone responds, tell me i am wrong!!
Rico, answer me this.
When was the last time you looked up comments from another manager?
Of course the perception is we hear plenty from Wenger, but that is only because we are listening for it!
YES! Rico it is the good news.
It might just stop the constant griping from so many fans and encourage them to SUPPORT the club, the team AND the manager.
Then some of the negativity surrounding the entire club may be dissipated and so the pressure on the team may be reduced.
THEN maybe, the team will be able to perform better without the fear of being booed of the pitch by their own “loyal” supporters.
Until the club do something to change it, of course it will stay the same. As will the very average performances week in and week out…
Scott.. Your wrong….!
Morning all…
A fine post on a glum day…
I see that most Arsenal blogs are raging like an Aussie bush fire….
I know I am deluded just as much as AW but I can not understand why fans are ‘cheesed off’ by the assessment that we have a good squad. no one can honestly say we have a poor squad, however compared to the other 4 teams we are not strong enough across key positions.
I am not sure what type of world most fans live in where finishing 3rd is seen as a disaster considering what Arsenal have always been.
I know I am making myself very unpopular however, I would be saying the same if fat Sam or Pep were managing us.
Coming back to the latest statement it does not add to or negate anything we all know will/will not happen. The statement does not say we do not need to buy because we are as good as Man U or shitty. The issue is we are underachieving with the squad we have so adding any other ‘John’ will not necessarily improve us unless what we already have improve vastly whether under AW or any other manager we can bring in.
Quite often Scott, and funny enough, I listen to them most days too…
What about yourself??
If that is what you think JW, fine…..
Wonder what/who has made those fans frustrated in the first place…..
Sense at last! Thank you.
That’s a briliant ad DG….
Ts – we have got a ‘good’ squad, but then so have most mid table clubs. But like them, we miss 3/4 players who are better than what we have…
Morning Gooner familia,
Sorry Rico video is being blocked by YouTube. Nothing wrong with the site.
Hi JW, its been awhile!
If the fans of most successful club in the country (arguable) can spend over £80M on average players within a year and still struggle… but their ‘Northern’ fans can still sing their hearts out like they are on top of the world then we can too.
If what is being served is not good enough for some fans taste my suggestion is that they do something about it but don’t bring the negative energy to the stadium and make us worse than they think we already are.
The so called expert pundits say fans can make their team win at least 15 points a season… how many points do our fans help the team win each season?
I mean no disrespect there but if it is deemed so then it is a sad sad world we live in… 😉
Love it Dg… How did he do that 😉
Stop being so negative and support the team
Hiya WATH morning.
Thought its quite appropriate – wink wink NO CUP IS SAFE!!
Yes, Rico that is what I think.
Do you believe that the team live in a bubble? That they are not aware of the constant moans from the “fans”? Do you believe that the moaning is likely to help attract quality players to the club?
Do you believe that the unending and unedifying criticism does anything to, in anyway, improve the performance of the club, the management or that of the team?
Any ways enjoy your day folks and stay safe…
Remember football is just a game…
I managed to watch it Dg, so I don’t care now 🙂
Wenger Should Sign New Players,we Need Some1 Lik M’villa Or Diame, Central Defender & Sharp Striker,& If I Can Spend,he Should Pls Leave D Club.we’re Nt Movin Forward.
“we will surprise a lot of people this year” uuumm 🙂
Morning Rico. I am afraid the concept of closing my eyes and mind to blindly support Arsenal just doesn’t work for me at all.
I think that doctrine has been pedalled through the ages, most notably in Germany in the middle of the last century. It still goes on in fact.
Hopefully most here are somewhat more enlightened.
Support implies complicit agreement.
I never, ever boo at the games, though I am always shocked and saddened at how many do. Personally I would rather stay at home than do that.
Being an Arsenal supporter these days is a conflicted business and conflict brings discontent.
I am always wrong Wath…..except when i am negative.
Strange that.
it does indeed Adam, it does indeed
you’re not ALWAYS wrong Scott, although… well…. lol
cool day today mate – rained for hours, i will send it your way
I am sure they know how the fans feel JW, you would like to think they’d all try a little harder to reduce that wouldn’t you…
So, M’villa and Remy probably QPR
Capoue probably Everton
Goumis Liverpool? Newcastle?
Debuchy – Newcastle
and so on…
AW had lost the Fench market
I am off guys.
Sorry, but i read all this last night, the night before….
Talk to you all at game time.
Off for a bit, back later.
Wenger should concentrate on matters on the field and not constantly contradicting himself in the media.
to address a problem Rico, you must first accept there is one
Oz, you’ve hit the nail on the head there mate!
You think it’s cool there today?
You should see the view from my window!
Fields and trees covered in five to six inches of snow, Although the sun is shining the temperature is still below freezing.
Off for a swim now, I hope the pool is nice and warm,
Enjoy your day.
Far to often Scott you seem to overlook realism as being negative from some people mate….! You say they are negative yet they merely saying what they see. If fans are at a game and are upset are they likely to be happy..? Must they keep their feelings to themselves? It’s a thin line between showing your not happy yet being told your not supporting your team from people that are either not there or who think if they were there they would be any different having paid lots of money to do so. It seems the millions that don’t go have a problem with the 60 odd thousand that do…! How do you show discontent in a positive way..? Difficult to answer that and probably ten people would all give you a different answer.
Morning Adam, nor does it me. It actually upsets me because I care deeply.
JW – would die for a role in the snow, well for about 2 minutes anyway hahaha
At the games you can hear the crowd getting behind the team. The North Bank supporters start a cheer or a chant and the stadium responds but you can tell that the heart just isn’t there.
Sad really.
If Wenger wants to see what an atmosphere can be generated in the Emirates he needs only to think back to that 2-1 victory against Barcelona which was the most electric I have ever felt the place. It was a privilege to be there and see how much desire the team had to beat that lot.
The fans in the stadium are not stupid. They know what they are watching and are longing to throw their full weight behind the team. One of the problems that Arsenal will face though is that they have alienated the hardcore in search of a few extra quid and in their place are fans who are not as entrenched in the club. They don’t have the historical involvement that brings a deep seated sense of belonging. Oh, and they don’t sing or shout as loud either.
Well I’m going and I’m not happy…but that’s me! 😉
Your only going for your free glass of chardonnay……
good post Adam
I was at that Barca game and the very mention of it has made me smile….absolutely blinding that night!
My view too Lee…
Oz, exactly and from what has been going on and being said, it would appear that AW and those around him believe there isn’t a problem.
Ok, none of us expect him to say this squad is rubbish blah blah, but equally, we don’t expect him to be suggesting it’s perfect either.
It’s not and even the most staunch Wenger lover can see that.
Well, I’d hope they could…..
i have supported Arsenal since the 70’s and honestly can not remember a more frustrating time – frustrating because there is no real excuse and we know it – our focus is so clearly wrong – the whole attitude is wrong – we’re standing dead still watching others catch up and go by while Wenger insists he has the complete side and what’s the other classic one liner, “we’ve learned our lessons” god how long did he live off that one
Morning Gooners.
Morning RIco, interesting post.
Adam, the nervousness at the Grove is all your fault.
Gervinho playing like a headless chicken is all your fault.
Although funny how Jack isn’t inflicted with that problem, or RVP last season.
Could that have something to do with (whisper it) quality???
And of course, even though you was at home watching it on TV, it was still your fault that we capitulated at Valley Parade.
Shame on you Adam, you only spend thousands each summer to watch your team, but that cuts no ice with me. You have no right to voice an opinion, perish the thought…
WATH, I’m on the wagon for Jan…I’m hoping to hook up with Adam and get his drugs surplus!
Wath. I think it is interesting to note the schism that has developed between those who attend and those who sit at home watching. Sometimes ( when we win) I watch the whole game back on Sky and cannot believe what a distorted view the camera gives. It follows the ball and you see a deeply sanitised view of the play. You never get a snapshot of the team’s shape or the off the ball movement and the general viscera of the combat is completely missing.
I’d rather pay for a pint down the local and watch it on the box…!
When they show me some ambition and some passion then I’ll get mine back out the cupboard and start investing in them again with my pocket my time and my love until then we’re officially separated..!
“I’ll ave half” WATH 🙂
Tesco jokes..
Despite the recent news, Tesco says that their beef burger sales remain stable.
Went to the fridge to check my burgers, aaaaannndddd they’re off!!
If you think the Horse Burgers in Tesco are bad, wait until you see their Unicorn on the Cob.
I’ve found it tough lately working on the Tesco meat counter….
I feel like I’m flogging a dead horse.
Had a Tesco beef burger for lunch.
It gave me the trots.
Tesco – Every little helps
Who they trying to foal?
New Tesco burgers: Low in fat, high in Shergar.
Horse meat found in Tesco burgers!
What are the odds on that?
“A Tesco burger, a Tesco burger, my kingdom for a Tesco burger.”
– Richard the Chav.
Quite the big scandal, Tesco are having a bit of a mare.
With the Tesco burgers, it’s not the 29% horse-meat I’m concerned about.
Budget supermarket’s burgers found to contain horse meat
My lidl pony
Just got a batch of 200 Tesco beef burgers cheap, it only cost me a Pony
Funny Adam, i guess its the years of coaching but i tend to always look forward of the play to see the movements, well as much as you can on TV i guess – the stadium is a special place, remember my boys face the first time i took him home – Arsenal vs Leeds at Highbury – jesus going back a bit now. Its such a shame many of my mates are struggling now to foot the bill of watching their life long club
I’m afraid , with Arsene, that it is always somebody else’s fault…
Yet he casually overlooks the easy ride that the vast majority of fans have given him since 2008. Most of us quite rightly blaming the Board whilst overlooking his input.
Well the job of Arsenal manager comes with pressure and expectations attached, that is the nature of the beast…
If he doesn’t like it, then he has options…
Adam, even the crowd is diluted on TV, it sounds empty and dead yet your there and it’s loud also vice versa but when it comes to opinions and voicing discontent how else are you supposed to get it across..? I like you will never boo a red shirt or a player not in my nature, I will slag them off afterwards but never wearing the Arsenal shirt yet some do and that’s their decision and I don’t blame them to be honest.. They feel let down by a performance so they boo… They pay their money so in my view they entitled to do what ever, yes it may not help matters but does silence help any more..? Do players really care…? if they are given a hard time should a player with character not look in the mirror and say yes I was crap today I will put that right or do they shrink and say oh my I got a hard time by the fans just because I was crap and didn’t try… I’ll ask Mr Wenger to bench me cos I am so upset… boo hoo grow some and show us what your made of yet thats why we lack spirit and the will to win… to many shrinking violets. Only Jack has the balls…! Sad that 21 yr old has to carry ten others..!
Wenger is jst after money.he claim 2b de best while he is de least.wy shud he moan ova de spent of de stadium if he is just a manager with a a manager he hs nothin 2do with de financial loses of de club.his job is 2 make a strong team,nd win trophies jst lke of late.but 2day non of a trophy so far.nd he thinks o z wel.i jst wish him a bad luk of losin consecutive 8games so dats he fads up,if dis can only b de solution 4him 2leave..
i don’t boo either, i do laugh my ass off watching Giroud trying to sprint though must be honest hahah
Only a half Oz…………. yeh right… Oh I got ya… half a bottle of vodka….. Nice one..!
WATH – how many time have we seen the WTF shoulder shrugs from Jack already – really worrying to me
Jim Beam guy me WATH since you’re buying mate 🙂
Kev. I knew you’d understand. 🙂
I am suitably chastised.
Morning Ak…
Arry has got Remy and closing in on M’Vila today ….
Exactly Oz, he looks up has no one to pass to passes sideways and shouts as to why no one is making runs for him to pass to, you can see and sense his frustrations..!.
In the second half against Man City you could feel that the crowd were getting behind the team and were encouraged that it seemed to mean something to them.
Deluded thisteamaintgoodenough. Stop living in the past, our best transfer in this window is to sack AW. It’s just funny how people still defend failure.
If my nipples aren’t priming of pride, don’t blame me underachieving at levels of excitement.
Apparently, the interview Arsene gave to al Jazzera was 3 weeks ago.
So the comments attributed to AW regarding 2 big signings is old news.
His desire to sign two players could have lessened since Diaby returned.
As for Walcott, he’ll probably sign on the 31st so the club can claim to have made a signing after all….
AK are you saying AW speaks with forked tongue?
Kev. Say it ain’t so. 🙂
This is the Premier League net transfer spending* of the Big Six split into three phases:
1992-3 to 1996-7 (the early years)
1 Arsenal £27.5M
2 Liverpool £26.4M
3 Chelsea £17.8M
4 Manchester City £10.8M
5 Tottenham £5.5M
6 Manchester United £2.5M
1997-8 to 2002-3 (the United/Arsenal years)
1 Manchester United £87.5M
2 Liverpool £63.3M
3 Tottenham £59.7M
4 Manchester City £55.9
5 Chelsea £50.7M
6 Arsenal £18M
2003-4 to present (the post-Abramovich years)
1 Manchester City £361.6M
2 Chelsea £315.3M
3 Tottenham £119.7M
4 Liverpool £106.8M
5 Manchester United £46M
6 Arsenal -£5.1M
How can you say Wenger is past it when he is keeping above some teams who are spending a fortune on players? How can you say that other teams are winning the league when clearly they are buying it? Look how much Man City and Chelsea have spent on players in the last 10 years and the bigger shock is, they are not makingthat money, IT IS BEING HANDED TO THEM. So let’s not kid ourselves, they are buying titles and bought success is no success.
Answer this, have either Man City or Chelsea changed the way the game is played, not only on the pitch but on the training ground and kitchen? No, all they have done is raised the cost of going to a game(something we are being hammered for) buy paying wages that only they can afford.
So, in closing, stop your pissing and moaning and see what Wenger has really done for our great club.
Lee. What time are you coming round so I can help you fit your Kroenke Memorial Syrup for this evening?
I’ve also got a Tesco Squillster burger defrosting for you.
Be happy…
It’s gonna be worse. If Theo signs, we will hear: Arsenal signed 6 players this window. Still, you lot not happy.
5.30pm Adam for the fitting, if ok?
Since I had a Tesco burger, I can’t stop eating sugar cubes.
I am going to resort to a pre-match Camberwell carrot…that’ll take the edge off it!
Lee. If I hadn’t taken a pledge I would be joining you.
I just might finally get to see Gourcuff at Arsenal!
Buying players is all part and parcel of the game True Gooner… Did we not buy Bergkamp, Henry, Pires, Overmars, Petit, Vieira, Anelka, Wright, Seaman, Ljungberg, Gilberto, Lauren, Campbell and and and… We won the league buying quality players that supplemented the players we had brought trough the ranks…! Lately all we have bought is crap and yet we have a board bragging about hw well run we are and how we have tens of millions in the bank. You’ll find we don’t pay the salaries that the chavs and citeh do but we could… we’d rather pay a huge squad lots of money so one isn’t upset the better players earn more than him…! Realism in your post is sadly lacking i’m afraid…! If you happy going over there paying what you pay and not moaning then your a better man than me and good luck to accepting mediocrity..!
Mediocre is the new good!
Lies and more hot air from AW…
Please, go away now and stop annoying your loyal supporters.
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH… All I hear is “getting our season back on track…”
How about, Don’t leave the tracks in the first place by signing proper players in JULY ????? instead of relying on Diabi, Rosicky, Arshavin and other dead-wood , huh ?
WATH, well done for missing the point.
True Gooner. So, it seems that no club who have spent money to win a trophy have actually won it? They have bought it?
Or is it a matter of the amounts involved?
Good Morning Rico and All. Nice post for this morning and I enjoy reading it. No pandering to the AW’s lovers or haters.
Some say he has “lost the plot” and he doesn’t know what he’s doing. But any manager can win the BPL if you gave them a billion to spent. How can AW succeed when every year he’s forced to sell his best players and replaced them with mediocre. Some are suggesting that scumbag from RM, who cant find his way in Strafford with a map unless he’s an expensive GPS.
Give him a team to coach with the same budget and selling pattern as Arsenal, and we’ll see who is the better man.
True Gooner just for your information there is no trophy for spending less than others and reaching 4th. This 4th trophy is only a myth.
As for your point that our spend was negative it only highlights how criminal the erosion of the club is becoming. Constant sales of talented players who are replaced with dross is not a sign of genius but a deluded, past it, egomaniac that wants to build a team capable of winning everything by spending less than nothing.
We have a squad that is far far worse than the 2008 side who even then was one or two top quality players from kicking off on a winning run.
As for spending big money or not, it is no longer relevant as the tactics, or lack off, will still be the same. That is not defend properly as has been the case for the past seasons. Wenger has proved in the last couple of seasons that he is simply a poor tactician, Ferguson is the same but he delegates responsibility’s. Wenger does not as has been pointed out by some former players.
Oh dear. Adam, there is a huge difference in spending £15m on a player who can make you better, even £25m of own made money than losing (the optimum word) hundreds of millions of sugar daddy money in order to buy a squad in 2 years. You see that right?
Nashua. Unfortunately the league is what it is and anyone who manages Arsenal has to work within those conditions.
Whether we like it or not.
SOJI. Indeed.
TT. would you rather we spend Man City money now and watch Dagenham and Redbridge in 3 seasons when we go bust?
Whats your point then True Gooner enlighten me I’m listening….!
True Gunner. Forget the “oh dear”. It is patronising.
So, you are saying that it is purely a matter of the amounts involved. And if I understand correctly, you seem to suggest that any money spent that hasn’t been earned by a club that operates within the self-sustaining model, immediately invalidates any trophies won.
Is this the thrust of your point?
So where does anyone here advocate spending what we don’t have true gooner..? Spend what we have is all we ask seeing as we been ripped off for years…!
True Gooner we cant go bust by spending the money that is already set aside for player purchases simple as that.
Year on year we have little or no outlet for new players because we either don’t buy or we sell our top stars.
It has been said by the board on few occasions already that the manager has not spent what he was allocated for players.
Look at the 2008 team and look at the dross today. tell me which is better please I’m dying to hear your opinion. If you agree that 2008 team was better then look at the team to day and the money spent on, or NOT spent on players and ask your self ….why!
SAF is not under the same duress and stress of rebuilding a team, and making sure that we make profit. When was the last time we spent 24mil on a single player???? I doubt it.
Let put the blame where it belong… SOJI
Why waste millions of players brought in who have not been good enough to replace the best players that we have sold..?
Hello again all…
Phone rang and doorbell went….
True Gunner. Actually, don’t bother to respond to my last post. I just saw your 12.54 and it tells me all I need I know about where you are coming from.
Nash, the stress is there for SAF mate they have a pay off their debt which is miles bigger than ours.. IF they were not winning like us they to would struggle to get decent commercial deals just like we are now but as it stands companies are falling over themselves to sponsor them…!
It’s always the same old Adam… can’t spend like citeh n chavs or we’ll go broke…..!! Thats such a great argument for our current predicament eh…! So one dimensional thinking but suits the thinking if you can see no wrong.
Wood and trees springs to mind!
Ok guys, we are on totally different sides, I am a true gooner and will support the team no matter what. I understand what is going on in football right now, we can not compete while sugar daddies are spending obscene amounts on their teams. We can not match the cost of buying these players nor their wages.
So, you tell me, we have a pot of £100M. With that pot we have to pay all wages, all playing staff from first team to youth. All backroom staff, ground and training groun upkeep and trasnfer fees.
So, with that remit, Win me the league guys.
Yes true gooner it seems your name insinuates we are all merely part time gooners and know nothing and don’t go and sit here and waste our time all day long talking about a club we couldnt care less about.
The 100million is to buy NEW players NOT to run the club we do that well enough as it is with other funds we generate or did you not know that? Why don’t you mention the rubbish players we have on our books and the fact that the chavs and citeh cannot buy every decent player out there or does that not suit your argument..? You still not answered the questions from before we not saying we can or need to compete with sugar daddies but there are players out there certainly better than quite a few that our esteemed manager has decided to employ.
NOt at all WATH and I am not looking for a Barney. I just don’t understand yours and others like you mentallity and outlook on the club.
WATH, we have a pot, we are a self sustaining club, say 150 million, say 2p and a bag of crisps. Without having to get outside money, pay the wages, pay the bills and bring the world class talent you require. It is easy right?
Sorry True But your not answering the questions are you…. We have an extra 100million to buy players thats got sweet FA to do with paying staff and bills its there to buy new players…! It’s on the accounts it’s not make believe it’s real so why does the manager not spend it… Yes we all know maybe he is not allowed to by the board but thats another argument entirely and we have as yet not got round to the millions wasted by wenger on our deadwood and why we have 71 paid pro’s at our club. Money wasted not managed well so the excuses that it’s all about the chavs n citeh money doesn’t wash…!
SO your happy with watching mediocre are you… When your at the games do those around you think it’s all ok as well or are you in the minority..? Just asking am interested to know what those around you in the ground think!
Lee, you talking to me ‘Pale Face’….
Economic with the truth/facts I would have to say mate…
Afternoon everyone.
We NOW HAVE the core of a good side. 15-16 decent players (again not inc. Jenkinson, Coquelin, Gervais, Santos etc). We now need three world class players, or good players with aggression and bottle.
Prior to this season and the last we had the world class players in Cesc, Nasri, Arshavin & RvP. Unfortunately the overall side was littered with shite.
We have eventually got rid of the shite via sales and loans but also failed to keep hold of our best players.
Diame isn’t the answer, nor is Zaha.
Arsenal supporters who know the game, know exactly what we want.
Pulis just walked past me into the St Pancras Hotel…
one of the players we need
Bergkamp was the catalyst for our 1998-2004 success. This is Bergkamp MkII.
Diame and Zaha? We are Arsenal. We were the ones who broke the transfer records in the past and bought the best.
“We have an extra 100million to buy players”. We How do you know? Also, does that include wages?
I agree we have to many mediorce players in the squad but the absolute and crass Wenger hating is disgusting. This man raised our great club to where it is. I don’t see all these internet warriors moaning about the trophies he has won or the billions he brought in by playing exciting winning football. But I guess we are all now given our opinion by the media.
AK you plum why didn’t you get his autograph…………. 😉
SYG, it’s a shame that the fans seem to see what we need but our manager who is far cleverer than us doesn’t or it doesn’t fit in with his ego to admit what we need as it proves he been wrong for a few seasons and the square pegs round holes doesn’t work.
Your right mate we have managed to get rid of some of the shit but nowhere near enough and all due to them being overpaid.
Sneijder – History always repeats itself?
Bergkamp – Dutch, Schemer (false nine), Late twenties, Played for and was unhappy at Inter Milan… One of the best players in the world, uses either foot – a fcking winning mentality…..
If we are willing to chuck millions at Walcott, why not Sneijder?
True… It’s in the club acocunts the money thats in the Bank !! It would mean transfer fee and first years salary although with selling others am sure they can pay 2/3 playes good salaries when it comes to getting rid of 5 average players on 50/60k a week.
I think you’ll find your on the wrong blog if you think people on here insult and are rude about wenger… They not… You can generalise about other blogs but when wenger is moaned about on here it’s not with hate or venom it’s with a view to being constructive and how best suits our club. He is paid a huge sum to be our manager and we pay huge money to watch our club so he is there to be complimented and knocked complained about if he cocks up.
The exciting winning football unfortunately though is history True and the longer you live in the past the more you go backwards. The real world is you need to change and he isn’t changing and nor are the board…! Both a big problem in my view rightly or wrongly.
Cos Sneijder wants 200k a week SYG…. ain’t he a prima donna as well…? Not sure we need anymore of those we’ve had enough over the years. I’d settle for a coupe of proper grafters at the moment…!
Ok, change my mind but, do we get that £100m every year or is it a result of prudent spending?
Swansea are not to be underestimated, tonight is a very dangerous game for us.
Arsenal will be favourites and Swansea can sit back and pick us off if we don’t play with a certain degree of caution.
I’ve seen Swansea in the flesh twice this season and for long periods Arsenal have been 2nd best…
Strangely enough I thought that Arsenal looked better at their place where the responsibility to take the game to us, didn’t suit them so well.
I would have to say that we probably had a better chance of beating them away, than we do at home…
True Gooner I admire your belief in the policies of the club and manager.
I hope you have the last laugh, but I fear you will not…
True it’s from us paying through the nose for our tickets and it’s all the money from selling our best players for the last few years. It’s also new sponsor money as well and it’s what we have currently, we have a further 30million coming in from Queensland road development and also from next season the big increase in TV revenue but if we not top four will quality players still want to come to us..? Will the board relasie they need to speculate to accumulate..? Does Wenger think this lot can get third or fourth, does her truly…? When he has made the teams he has and managed the players he has surely he can see this lot are not a patch on the players we need to compete.
Hi Ak, I see extra time and penalties tonight….
Does ‘prudent spending’ mean the same as what we do have we waste on average signings too often?
Or paying average players vast wages?
Just asking….
True Gooner says:
January 16, 2013 at 1:40 pm
Hiya TG – I don’t hate Wenger. I find the man frustrating, as do most fans. I find him a stubborn know-your-place I know best type of person. And according to people around him, I am not wrong.
He raised our game in the late nineties and brought a lot of what is great about the club, of that there is no doubt. But some of the shite he has saddled us with he HAS to be held accountable for.
We challenged for honours without a proper goalkeeper and he has constantly integrated his mediocre pet players into what could have been a great team.
Fabregas, RvP and Nasri in the same team as Almunia, Denilson, Song, Silvestre and Eboue in it?
A bit like having Baluga Caviar with fcking mushy peas.
I bet you like mushy peas SY 😀
hiya WATH
Sneijder okayed £115k pw at galatasaray.
no bigger prima donna than henry in his pomp.
Qpr confirm Remy…..
Lee, would you like me to add a quiff to your syrup or will you go bareback do you think? I am just teasing the final strands in place in anticipation of your arrival. Mrs Adam is warming the griddle for your Chevalburger.
Rico, I use that too if I’ve got a dodgey stomach…
W.A.T.H says:
January 16, 2013 at 2:06 pm
I can eat ’em. I wouldn’t say I like them.
I see your point on some of the rubbbish we have signed butwe went through a period we had to have a scatter gun approach in hope of discovering a gem. We don’t have the joy of having someone who will pay the excessive wages the players want and then write off the debts. We have to pay what we make.
SY, I thought he was going to PSG………. I like him as a player but is he not similar to what we got plau another to fit in with the dwarfs club…!
Big strong commanding central midfielder for me first up…!
Your going to look spiffing tonight Lee… Least it will keep your bonce warm…!
Tell Mrs Adam to get some of the Tesco “Finest” Gourmet burgers….they’re marinated in Red Rum!
Hi again,
I have been lucky to be offered the chance to watch the Swansea match tonight or the chavs match with my neighbour who is a season ticket holder…
Difficult choice to make there as I have not seen Arsenal at the Emirates since the U-19 match in September but I can not stand the Emirates especially during bad times like this.
true gooner your views are like the ‘the last of a dying breed’ unfortunately’…
Followers of true football not just of arsenal are aware that football got divided in the late 80’s between what fans expect and what the owners want.
In that time only 2 or 3 managers in football have stuck to a principle and in all cases that principle has gotten them sacked.
The managers are AW and Cruyff and to a lesser extent Houllier.
In AW and Cruyff’s cases they were both sacked by Monaco and Barca respectively after raising the fans expectations.
Both clubs faced serious problems after the sackings due to the board and owners of those clubs succumbed to fans pressure.
In Barca’s case they spent an equivalent of over £400M without any success over 7 years until Frank Rijkaard came to rescue them. Strangely enough Frank is a disciple of Johan and to a lesser extent AW’s principle.The same can be said by Pep who was on the verge of being dropped by Barca as a Youth before ‘Mr.Playing Players In wrong Position’ converted Pep into a DM/CM.
Pep also claims to take his inspirations from both footballing giants.
Even though Johan Cruyff was offered the freedom of Barcelona for putting Barcelona where they are now, during those turbulent times he was victimised for not buying but relying on youth.
In AW’s case he is still considered the best Monaco manager ever even though he was sacked by them over 20 years ago for relying on youth and selling players such as Oppong Weah.
AW will go very soon one day and I hope history does not repeat itself as with both clubs…
On club finances as of October 2012, cash and bank balances” stood at £153.6m, slightly down from a year ago, with net debt stable at £98.9m, most of which is tied in with the long-term mortgage following the club’s move to the Emirates Stadium.
I’d take Sneijder in 16m, just the big name boost the fans need. Would also like to see M’vila come in for 8m, Baines in for 15m and Gourcuff for 3m. And finally Reina for 7m.
My first choice 11 would be:
How would that fair?
Total spent in Jan about 50m.
I like mushy peas Wath!
Lee. Consider it done mate. 🙂
ESp. Not a lot of pace up front there.
😆 Lee…
I thought it was Brandy, what do I know eh….
Nerves,Nerves, I can see everywhere, reason i think we have a lot of new contributors today.
I woke up this morning and had a starnnge feeling and my mind was taken back to the 2011 Carling Cup final, the day Wenger’s project crashed.
Fabregas’ body language was terrible – He left for Barcelona
Clichy Left
Nasri Left
We had opportunity to build but Wenger depended on Charmach who deceived a little but we eventually saw his class.
That project has ended.
Fast forward to today and it could be another transiting moment , it is either the end of Arsenal and Arsene as we know it or the beginning of a new thing.
If we lose, Walcott might not sign, other star players might not be motivated again for the rest of the season and that means , chances of us qualifying for the Champion’s league becomes closer to zero.
Fans very angry and frustrated and footballers not happy, it will all spiral negatively down and Wenger might resign, the end?
But if we win then there is hope because i kid you not as much as i hate Wenger and his buddy board members I dont see any manager doing a similar or better job right now.
Dont mention Guadiola because that is not going to happen.
So again i hope and pray we win.
I knew u would Rico…………..
Horrible green slop…! How to ruin a good chip stick that rubbish on them…!
That’s an awesome looking side Paul. That is exactly what we want.
And you’re actually using Carzorla in his proper position !
I am contemplating having a Kroenke-weave on a permanent basis. I’ll trial the one Adam has purchased me, with a view to going the whole hog!
Thats why Theo and Alex are on the bench to come on when defenders are tired!
Or Walcott could start ahead of Grioud when needs be!
SYG, that won’t catch on playing players in their correct positions!
Read all about it..Read all about it
Wenger Latest:
“It has become more difficult [to buy players in January] for one simple reason: we have a good squad.
Arsene…as I love you…I’am going to give you a tip.
They’re hardly a set of cart horses Adam…..
ESP. Personally I would play Squillaci at the heart of the defence.
Ginge, am I hearing you right???
Given the choice of a ticket to Arsenal or a ticket to Chelsea, you are seriously considering Chelsea over Arsenal…..
Adam I was saving him as a wildcard, Say we’re 2 down second half, stick him on the wing and watch the magic happen.
Proof…Real Supporters
Afc Wimbledon..Check them out
WATH. I completely agree with you on the deadwoods. But as I said a while ago, let put the blame where it belongs… the man at the top. Who authorized RVP, Nasri and Feb sales???? For every good player(s) that comes through the rank,he has to be slack-off for profit and the money then put away for safekeeping. Or are we barking on the wrong tree here???
RVP said the same thing everyone here has been saying then when he left we start calling him names.
ESP. I knew you had a trick up your sleeve. With the Squillster grazing the touch line you always have a chance. As SYG says, “They’re hardly a set of cart horses”. Seb Squill defies that statement to some extent.
:d Kev you are taking me too serious there…
If I was caught between the two, I would definitely not be putting that on here… lol even as a staunch AW fan…
Wood and trees springs to mind!
I was thinking brains and dynamite.
Lee says:
January 16, 2013 at 2:34 pm
I remember an article wrote by Pedro at Le-Grove calling Wenger a “One Trick Pony” with reference to playing players out of position… …. He did it with Henry and now he thinks he can do it with both Walcott and Gervais …..
Ts, I am stunned…..
What we’re reading this week in sports newspapers: a) The just defeat Arsenal with m.City b) the pursuit of Nasri c) Wenger and their comments, which have a great team, the players are good and just buy the best that has d) that no one is taking seriously AW, or AW “crystallized” e) signs of other clubs.
Don’t forget Ramsey Syg….
The Squilster was going to go down the athletics route as a youngster, I’ll have you know Adam.
Potter 😆
That is just my screwed up sense of humour Ak… I guess i had to to be able to be a OC of a Gurka squadron…
As I have mentioned on here before i have a neighbour in his late 60’s who has a 31 y.o Philippine wife. A crazy cockney man who says as a young man he use to fight Black men for fun growing up in Camberwell but loves me…
He reckons I have no choice but to follow him because otherwise he may get into a fight with the Rafa haters down the bridge…
Well I’m glad you cleared that one up Ginge.
Even if you was serious, I certainly wouldn’t advertise the fact mate.
Talking of the Youths, I do hope the club play some youth & reserve games at the Grove, sometime this season. Not everyone wants to slap it up to Barnet…
Think about the next generation of fans ffs.
Nash, the problem is that selling the best players isn’t offset by bringing in poor ones all of whom put together as a collective would mean he could of bought 2/3 quality players and paid them decent wages but he chose to do otherwise….! We know the pressure is on to sell but again my argument is he is complicit in this by accepting 7million a year to act on their behalf so who’s the hypocrite..?
Thats what I would want more Paul. Snjider is to old IMO and to similar to what we have in many ways. Fellaini has winning mentality and the power we need in the midfield.
Capue is miles ahead of M’vilaa nd at a reasonable price and with out the baggage. Total spend around 50 million.
TS. What is an OC? And are the Gurkhas as fearsome as their reputation suggests?
Guka’s eh Ginge, where were you stationed?
When do they ever think of the fans AK……………………..
Not very often Wath tbh…
I hear what you are saying TT, I find Fellaini although a great player, is more of a defensive player, and with either Capue or M’vila in the line up I feel that duty has been fulfilled! Snjider I picked because I feel Cazorla needs to have some of the creative burden taken off his shoulder, and secondly just because he is a big name and would give the fans a lift!!
Re Wenger playing players out of position, didn’t he try to put Bendtner on the wing a few times?!
Schneider is a lovely thought, a bit of a dream as he is a great player.
But Arsenal never buy marquee players anymore…
I’m sure if the money had been good enough, that Barca would have sold David Villa.
They’re the type of players who’ll get the fans buzzing again…
The the odd ‘cherry on the cake’ to remind us of what we used to be…
Ok that cuppa was delicious.
Now I have to return to the fray, dodging psychopathic cyclists, white van man and the odd helicopter…
Nuneaton and York. I also did a short post with 18 Signals before I got discharged…
Kev the atmosphere during the OM and Blackburn games were special. it rivaled the night AA23 scored the winning goal against Barca 2 years ago…
I was not infantry so…
All i know my friends is that they are very under-estimated. every year some 50 or so tigers do a 100km run from across the UK. very fit and also very humble…
You were a Gurkha, Ginge? If so, I am impressed.
A Nepalese warrior.
I remember them going to the Falklands. My dad (he was in the KOYLI’s) said at the time that they were a cracking regiment.
Esp… fellani a defensive player? Not in the last 2 years… even for the Belgians he plays as an AM…
tsgh HOW CAN YOU 🙁
What really surprises me is all his good work over the years has been undone by a selfish, money grabbing Board and a Majority Shareholder, and yet still he has resign in protest.
Mourinho and Pep, please give me a break…
Paul yes he played Benthner on the wing a few times. Re Fellaini he is more of a box to box player to day than he was before. Look at his assists and goals this season and you will see what I mean. Capue is a beast. Everything we need in front of defense.
Try replacing Wilshere with Podolsky and Arteta with Whilshere and you now have even a more creative setup.
Ts, Luke Shaw has said he too prefers Chelsea, you are not him in disguise are you 😉
ESP, think Fellaini isn’t as defensive as you say, Imagine him playing in front of Capoue… The spine all of a sudden has more height more bite and much more solidity to it, add to that you have the ball players and thats a team once a gain… Hardly spending billions either all do able buys and the other thing I would tinker with is just going 442 or 4411 we would have quality players on the bench and be able to rotate one or two at a time to keep most fresh and still they all get plenty game time no sulking players..!
Ok Ginge, I thought the Gurkas HQ was Hythe in Kent….
My home is straddled by Hythe and Lydd, so lots of soldiers in my neighbourhood.
Love the Gurkas, a bit crazy but loyal allies of the Brits
SYG… I am not a Nepalese… my parents are Ghanaians… grew up near Old street Hackney in a rough estate… was just lucky to be commissioned with the Best forces in the world arguably after the IDF…
I guess that is why I am easy to impress especially since I had to buy my own kit to fight for my country…
hasn’t resign in protest.
Yeah thinking about it Fellaini in front of a good DM would be a rock solid midfield, and I do realise he has player a more advanced role for Everton of late, plus he would bring more height to the team which is sorely needed! I hear rumor he could be chelsea bound though, and they don’t wait around for last minute deals.
Sneijder would just be a morale booster for everyone I think! Plus he is a decent player still, but I don’t ever see Arsenal buying a player of his stature.
As I said Kev i was not loyal to the crown to be an infantry man… a coward I was… 😉 You are talking about the The Royal Gurkha Rifles (RGR) …
I was in the signals and then the OPINT for a short will and then got seconded to SW8 … 😉
short while…
My spelling is embarrassing… relying on auto correction
TS. I know Old Street well. I assume you came from the Shoreditch end, not Hackney, near the Law Courts. That was where I received my first lengthy custodial sentence.
So you must do a lot of Gurka curry’s kev or you are not a fun of hot stuff…
pitfield Street, Shoreditch… just behind Hoxton…
IDF ? Is that West Ham’s firm?
“Rise of the Foot Soldier”
If you’re ever up in South Yorkshire Ginge – Give us a shout.
Err tsGH
My lad a royal marine
and believe me I sh-t myself every time the phone go’s
No problems SYG… I use to come to York 2 Signals to do a charity run but my knee so gave it up last year…
Adam says:
January 16, 2013 at 3:18 pm
I can’t imagine you doing time at Her Majesty’s Pleasure, Adam. Mrs. Adam would be surely wringing her hands…..
Ts. I drove through Pitfield Street by the market just the other day. Know it well. In fact it is almost on my route from home to Arsenal.
SYG. Afraid so. I have spent over half my life locked up. I am an old lag. Kev and Lee will tell you.
I am going to Sheffield soon, is that in your neck of the woods? It’s always cold up there when I go.
One of my best mates was a Corporal in the Marines….. One of the best lads you can ever meet …. Wound up like a spring, but would follow you into hell ….
That’s the last thing that would bother me Adam…
We are to the east of Doncaster but just 30mins up the M18.
What are you doing up there?
Talking about Pep , can he run arsenal the Wenger did on a shoe string budget ?
He will grow old fast and run back to New York.
I dont care what anybody says ;
I am Pep , just give me Messi, Xavi and Ineasta, I am Pep anytime.
SYG. I have some friends up there that I visit with a friend on the odd occassion. About once a year or so. Sometimes they come down here too.
I also love tripe and Sheffield has the best I think. I like to slurp it raw myself as I can’t get enough of that slimy consistency.
HMV and now Blockbuster in bother …..
SD, you don’t want Pep then?
Former Arsenal vice-chairman David Dein has spoken out in support of Gunners manager Arsene Wenger in an interview with Talksport.
Dein had a close relationship with the manager during his time at the club, but has seen his former colleague endure the wrath of some Arsenal fans for a lack of silverware in nearly eight years.
However, he stood up for Wenger, insisting the early work the Frenchman did with Arsenal has transformed the club in the long run.
“One should never, ever forget what he has done for the club. He has absolutely transformed the club. The fact there is a magnificent state of the art training ground, the fact the stadium is virtually paid for. He has got a good squad. Obviously it has to be a squad that is capable of winning trophies, and that is something he is going to be working on, I know, but it is not easy. He has done a phenomenal job for the club. He is not going to be a difficult act to follow, he is going to be an impossible act to follow.”
Perhaps working under Dein again could bring back some of the success that that partnership brought?
Tripe? Yeah – right Adam.
Whereabouts in Sheffield – it’s quite a big place
Me and me mates used to go in the Green Man(Hoxton Market) after the game..Great Pub
SYG. Near Bramall Lane is about as accurate as I can be. My friend always drives. He went to University up there.
Are you not a tripe lover then?
Pep has been confirmed as the new manager of Bayern Munich from July…..
Guardiola hired by Bayern……….
Lee – I agree with all that.
However, it is without doubt time for a shift in philosophy.
TS. I have been banned from all pubs in the London area, but I think I know it as I have a friend who lives opposite the museum. It is so dodgy round there he has turns his flat into a fortress with iron bars everywhere and a small machine gun placement near the front door to cover any full-frontal assaults that may come. The garden is mined of course.
Beat me to it….
Adam – Bramall Lane is in the London Road / Heeley Bridge area. My accountant is down there. Are you up on the train?
Lee/Rico. Good move by Bayern Munich.
He will be a hard act to follow and impossible act to follow… Does DD know something we dont…?
Only just Lee ….
Lee , forget David D , he is not coming back.
Very good move Syg, wonder if he’ll sign Messi …..
Yep I know SD…
SD, we don’t need DD back, what we need is someone of his ilk though, a proper football man who has a passion and a love for the club, someone who has Arsenal in his heart like we do to drive the club forward. Someone who has been around and knows the coup but can get the best from a board that has a vision and has a plan that is ambitious… Is that to much to wish for…? Get AU in and look at the bloke from Vodacom who in an Arsenal fan, someone who can make things happen. The Olympics fella is an Arsenal fan people like that are who we need on the board.
Apparently Squillaci is going to be his first signing….
Afternoon all,
I’m so hungry I could eat a horse………… a burger !
SYG. No, we will very likely drive up.
Strong words from DD, he and AW are still great buddies, maybe his does know something we all don’t…
@WATH, your 4:13, 100% with you mate. Until then, it’s a revolving door.
WATH, your 4:30 just described DD again. If AU buys the club, DD will be the main man and AU will just come once in a while and just give DD money.
Now thats a dream i will dream before kick off tonight.
Wath – spot on re the chap (a gooner) from Vodafone.
Being my usual pompous self – I’d like it known that I did say that at the time….
Arsenal are 66/1 to buy Wesley Sneijder
Sky have us at 12/1 for Kaka (other bookies have us at 14/1)
Stan James have us at 4/1 favourites for David Villa
Bet Victor have us at 8/1 for Maroune Fellani
Skybet aren’t taking bets on M’Vila – Bet Victor have him going to QPR at 1/6
Dear Mr Usmanov,
If you are reading, will you hurry up and make Kroenke an offer that he can not refuse…..
And make it snappy!!
Arry spoke earlier about M’Vila Syg, he said the deal is pretty much done….
David Villa and Capoue would be my choice. £10m for Capoue is bargain….
Hi rico, either that or get Bob Geldof in asap, he’s sorted out a famine or two in his time.
I hope he’s reading Rico, and better hurry up before we suffocate.
SD, I reckon AU would make DD chairman don’t forget DD now 67/68 he is not there to drive the club forward just there to circulate in the right circles with people on the board in their late 40’s early 50’s who are Arsenal men with drive and passion for the club..!
Need to get rid of the old farts brigade and bring in people with ambition and a plan !!
Rico the fact was AW said no to the vodacom fella…. Did he not want to be questioned then or held accountable..? begs the question eh..!
SD, AU goes tonearly every home game mate he will not turn up once in a while to shove some money in, he will want the club run properly but I reckon would employ the right people to do so…!
I was pulled away…
So the Bavarian could not get cruyff and then tried for 16 years to get AW and finally settled on Pep… Lets see if he can get the best out of Martinez at Bayern…
All the TS presenters will be weeping in their pints of beer tonight after hearing Pep is not coming yet…
Adam, how’s the cold turkey going…???
I’ve got some ‘speed’ if your interested…
Hoxton Market for pie n’ mash, with lashing’s of liqueur.
Popping off for a bit, back in time for ko I hope…..
😆 Micko. I like that…
I think he’ll make his move one day NG, and not to far away….
What the hell was it to do with AW anyway Wath, since when does an employee choose his boss. You are prob right though, too frightened….
For those going tonight, wrap up warm and hope it’s a great game and a hefty home victory…..
Most people within football are liars! Maybe it is to do with their bank balance looking like an international phone number…
Didn’t Pep state 2 days ago during the FA anniversary via video that he would love to coach the PL next season?
I’d take Fellaini and Capoue.. now thats showing a bit of ambition and intent, with what we have I’d be thinking top 3/4 would then be possible…!
I thought he just said in the future Ts….. Lets be honest no way are Bayern gonna pay him anywhere near as much as whats the rumours were that the chavs were offering him…! Least maybe he has gone to Bayern not for money, would be nice for a change that someone made a decision based on footballing reasons.
Too many Arsenal players are talking ‘before’ tonight’s game.
Not a good sign….
Just shut-up and talk about the game ‘after’ you’ve won it…
Well that’s one off the Wenger haters list, Guardiola, who is your next choice?
To many of our lot talk a good game Kev…..!!
Robert Mugabe???
Pol Pot…?
@JW, some say Mourinho…
Castro will whip em into shape as well AK…….
Boris Karloff?
I reckon Maureenyo would get more out of this current team than Wenger does Nash but for me he not a long term option.
allezkev says:
January 16, 2013 at 3:03 pm
Schneider is a lovely thought, a bit of a dream as he is a great player.
But Arsenal never buy marquee players anymore…
Who were the “,marquee players”?
I see Arsenal missed out on another brilliant candidate for manager, Gordon Strachan has been snapped up by Scotland.
You Wenger haters are fast running out of credible options. Just as well then that there is no chance that Kroenke will sack him and even less chance that Wenger will renege on his contract.
Galling! Isn’t it?
How about Ahmadinajad? He seems like a very balanced and fair man.
JW whats with the wenger haters crap… really very daft to be honest…! Are you maybe on the wrong site…?
The only wenger hater on here is gunnerdna when he around the rest seems to speak their mind simple as that.
JW. Did Guardiola go to Man Utd? You told me that was where he was going some time ago when I had the temerity and gall to suggest him for Arsenal. You are normally right about these things.
Only marquee player I would say is Bergy…!
Toure- a marquee player?
Can still remember the day it was all over skysportsnews that we were signing The Dennis Bergkamp… almost surreal..!
Wath. Would Arsene have made that signing?
Must admit even though he had injury problems I was also well chuffed when we got Overmars…! Another signing that gave me a buzz and the last one was Campbell just because of the obvious and plus he was a top top player..!
True Gooner, I will give you Bergkamp, but he was pre-Wenger…
All the others were not marquee when Arsenal signed them.
He might not be able to color coordinate the bogs and changing rooms with pastel colours but at least he’d make every fcuker accountable and no one would be able to hide….
Bergkamp was but he was also seen as a failure in Italy so we were taking a risk. My point is, Wenger has never really bought “marquee players”.
Henry, seen as a failure and shot aged 20
Vieira an unheard of sitting on the bench in Italy
Pires – seen as a huge gamble
Freddie – who?
Toure – who?
Overmars – Seen as damaged goods due to injury
Maybe he would Adam, Bergy although a household name had been through a nightmare time in Italy so possibly a Wenger buy…! Dein made that happen though big time..! Can’t see Gazidis or Law making something like that happen now but you just never know… Never say never…!
TG. I see your point. When you add Senderos, Gervinho, Santos, Stepanovs and even the divine Squillster to that list it does become a telling picture.
Alan Ball, Malcolm MacDonald, Dennis Bergkamp & David Platt…
Those are marquee players.
The ‘finished article’…..
Exactly SYG hence he’d improve what we have but still don’t think he a long term option although maybe he sick of trying to manage a team of pampered ego’s at Rm and wants a group of players with skill and heart…? who know’s all very hypothetical as we won’t go for him in any case. Whats the odds he goes back to the chavs lol
AK wash your mouth out… you forgot King Kenny… Charlie Nic as well….!
Maybe Wenger haters is a little strong, for the sensitive souls who persist in calling for his replacement.
Let’s accept, instead, that you all secretly love him and are only following the trend to denigrate the man in the hope that he will read your out pourings and walk away from the club that he has done so much for.
That transfer window when Campbell was signed was brilliant.
“Marquee players” under Wenger I believe would be Andrei Arshavin and Sol Campbell.
I can feel your blinkered love for him JW but it’s fine your also entitled to your opinion…!
SYG, the presser live on sky when Sol wasked out with AW.. you just knew the juden were choking on their hatred watching the tv… was brilliant as you say !!
Maybe Reyes also….
He’d generate a 100% improvement WATH.
allezkev says:
January 16, 2013 at 5:42 pm
Alan Ball, Malcolm MacDonald, Dennis Bergkamp & David Platt…
Those are marquee players.
The ‘finished article’…..
Wow, Wenger out.
Yep good one ESP, the hype around Reyes was huge 2b honest…! remember Seville fans going mental when they sold him….! then the 2 goals v the chave in the cup… proper…! thought we had bought a proper star in him, shame he was such a mummies boy…!
He’d sort the men out from the boys SY and for sure get them playing and fighting for each other.
Just off to the game, dressed in full Arctic survival kit. Even the gloves are out tonight.
Best to all you Wenger haters, especially you Wath and here’s hoping for a result.
Cheers Adam stay warm mate I’ll be off down the boozer in an hour to watch in the warm and spend my hard earned over the bar 😉
Lets hope we turn up…!
Wasn’t Jeffers a big deal also when he arrived? not a marquee player, but a big buy non the less!
Ah Joey Tony King, Last name I had on the back of a jersey, will never put another name on the back as I feel I may some how be cursed.. He was an excellent player though, would no doubt walk into todays team.
Arshavin single-handedly saved our season… Wenger ruined him by poor man-management
Reyes was a great player until he got hoodwinked with the Real Madrid radio thing … we actually “swapped” him for that useless twat Baptista – The guy Wenger who stated had an awesome physique ….?? Very gay if you ask me.
Campbell was a great coup for the club and just what we needed at the time….
Jeffers… Big let down ESP… lol
Van Bronkhorst also was a good buy that others wanted but came to us…! good layer just didn’t click… As for Jeffers no idea what went wrong with him…!
Hope wee win today.
WATH, didnt know AU goes that regularly, thanks for the info, love this blog.
Bye guys.
Hope to see Rico’s happy article tomorrow. 🙂
When you look how good Arshavin was SY you wonder how we have fucked up such a great player…!
I think Henry also stuffed up Reyes SY, there was no love lost there…!
Cheers SD.. take it easy fella…!
Jeffrers and Richard Wright – future England Goalkeeper and Centre-Forward…. wright helped us get to the FA Cup Final …..
Jeffers, he was England’s most prolific centre-forward ever ….. And like Malcolm MacDonald before him, every goal he ever scored for England was a header
You blaming our wingers for shit crosses for Jeffers failure SY lol
Does anyone recall the return of Campbell in his latter years, he was by far the most dedicated player on the pitch when he came back, just such a blast from the past when players gave it their all instead of jogging about the pitch which seems to be more than prevalent at the moment.
Jeffers was a huge let down, but will for ever live on at my household due to one of our dog’s toy foxes being christened Franny Jeffers 😉
I remember Baptista bagging 4 against Liverpool and even missed a penalty that night!
But I’m with you there SYG, I feel Arshavin has been destroyed, when he came first he was unstoppable. Now I’m not gonna point fingers at Wenger, it could have been that Arshavin’s attitude is the fault, but I would have like to see him go on loan to see who is to blame!
Vela is another I had such high hopes for!
Doesn’t Jeffers still hold the U-21 goalscoring record?!
wenger out……………
WATH agreed with 5:25, just a temporary fix. Look at some of the big stick with Mourinho:
Di Maria
To name a few, yet still he (Mourinho) struggles. How many of those names would it takes to change our “no ambition” critics?
WATH – Arshavin – We are currently crying out for a false-nine. Carzorla is out of position. Wenger is to blame. Poor man management.
that 3-6 against Liverpool was a right result – the man of the match wasn’t Baptista but Aliadiere – he ripped Liverpool apart that night…
Arsenal team: Szczesny, Sagna, Mertesacker, Vermaelen, Gibbs, Coquelin, Wilshere, Diaby, Cazorla, Walcott, Giroud
Arsenal subs: Mannone, Jenkinson, Santos, Ramsey, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Arshavin, Podolsk
Nash, I’d take one or two of those especially the ones who get stuck in and graft for their team and team mates.
Arshavin, lazy but a match winner and sheer class…! Such a waste.
Right am off to the pub may see you lot on my phone if not enjoy the game and lets hope we turn up put in a shift and win.
Til later…..
Coquelin and Diaby?
Didn’t see that one Rico.
Interesting to see how Diaby stands up to three games in quick succession…
Good team selection I will say. I am guessing Cazorla on the left wing, Wilshere as the CAM, Diaby as Box-box, and Coq as the DM. Chance for Coq to prove himself
I don’t want to see TW14 near the free kicks plzzzzzzz
Evening guys and gals….
Just in the nick of time…..
Diaby and Coq – interesting Ak
Ha ha – neither do i emma. Podolski or Jack for me…
Morning all.
You put up a great fight True Gooner, and i award you a points decision, though i am usually wrong.
A little positivity overnight, but from the usual suspects.
Still, let us see how the game goes, and maybe everyone will have something to be happy about.
Finally we see Cazorla moved out wide….
H/T folks…
Come on boys, socks up and give everything…..
Higuain is this hours “target”, by the way.
Are we actually closing down on their defence a bit quicker, good…
Wenger is having zipper problems again.
My first time seeing SC19 in the flesh.Very bad position sense.Good atmosphere thus far.Only if JW can put a pass together in the first half of a game.Coygss
That bloody zip, throw the darn coat in the bin!!!
It’s his lucky coar!
Watching the game, does anyone else think we don’t seem to get the fouls other teams get?
Now that is tripping over your own feet lol.
That was our first decent free kick in a few weeks as well.
The lovely old puffer!
TrueG….i always think that!
Be careful making excuses though 🙂
Stop taking bloody freekicks!!
No excuses, just an observation. We are very weak though, we keep getting knocked off the ball.
Yes Scott, it was silly by Walcott.
TG – we don’t always get what we should, but every now and again we get some we shouldn’t too…
Would you like a wooden spoon Scott?
Great run by Jack. Shame those around him are so so static….
Tg, it’s an ongoing thing of Scott’s on here – you will come to understand it all if you stick around……
Swansea are just getting into this game now 🙁
I get quite concerned to see Vermaelen so far up front…..
Also, please, can we have neutral commentators?
Totally agree there Tg, Espn really do my head in. Is it Craig Burley?
They hate us!
Anyone watching ESPN? The co-commentator is shocking.
True Gooner – where do you normally ‘blog’?
Hmmmm.. Same problem, not direct or quick enough!
we re so crap am cringing…….. SOJI!
TrueG, i am with you mate.
Just anything said remotely sounding like an excuse will be ripped apart by some.
Rico, some of you think we are headed for the wooden spoon 🙂
Who is that Scotsman…Craig something…he is a tosser.
Vermaelen should have nailed that chance.
Anyway, we look ok…not great, just ok…one goal will get the job done.
Rico, isn’t it obvious TrueG is a Le Grove regular lol
And our passing is always behind or level with the intended player Esp… frustrating…
Is Rosicky injured again or is he on the bench? Would like to have seen Arshavin play tonight!
I’m sure TG has his/her own mind Scott and doesn’t need your little jibes…..
Rosicky is on the ‘for sale’ imho Esp. AA is on the bench..
Those commentators on Espn are doing my head in. I had to mute it to enjoy the game. A commentator is suppose to be neutral but whoever is commentating for espn is egghead.
The number 10 is meant for Wilshere. We have more drive in the CAM area than when Cazorla plays there. Whenever wilshere holds the ball you feel something is going to happen
Bring on the AA batteries! Would like to see him play in the number 10 role for a bit.
Emma, if one or two of our guys can make the right run for a change, Jack will have them one on one with the keeper.
He is looking very good there, that’s for sure.
Hi all,
Just got home from work. Bit I caught at the end it looked like Wilshere and Coq are playing well
A mate just asked who this Soji guy is….is he a new signing……
Said that he saw a banner in the crowd.
Theos touch there pushed him wide if goal, but still should have scored.
Theo should have gone over then. Just shows that staying on your feet gets nothing….
Mind you, his finish was still awful…
Three things he said in the first half that annoyed me.
1) Walcott tripped over his own feet when clearly the defender stuck his hand out and tripped him.
2) Even though Arsenal have been pedestrian, Swansea have organised well. I am sorry, we had several clear cut chances after ripping Swansea apart and Swansea have hit the bar from a set piece.
3) That was a goal kick, the the replay shows Bartley kicked out it and the co-commentator grudgingly says “that probably came off the defender.
And just in case you guys don’t know these closely guarded secrets.
1) Arsenal have not won anything for seven years
2) The ground is not full.
The commentators have kindly reminded us every 3.5 minutes.
Hi Brad – we are still very pedestrian at times though. Had a few good chances but wasted them….
Trueg, Theo got a touch, but took a full two strides before going over,imo.
Commentators…well, there are not may worth listening to. That is for certain.
Wow, Gibbs can dribble well
Tg – are you not used to all that by now, Espn are just Match of the Day in disguise….
They are boring….
Hallo gunners i just sat to watch the game. How was our performance in the first half? We look lively in the second..
Get Chamakh on 😆
Saga left back. That’s different
Hi gunnernet, average 1st half imho…….
good job Brad 😉
Haha Rico.. and Djiurou as an injury – time change as well.
Shoot Jack, bloody shoot!!!
That was great footie all round……
wtf! The ball doesn’t go in..
😆 gunnernet, have we got time to fly him back from Germany ….
Do we EVER get a decision like that?
Again, quick footie at last yet no finish. Or rather, no-one who can finish…
There is always time and money for a “quality” signing Rico..
We should be 3 up by now.
I thought that was arm Tg, not 100% sure though….
Great to see Coq wants the ball and goes forward
brilliant atmosphere.loving it.100k p/w having a laugh
We need more than one g’net….
The empty seats speak volumes….. Must be less that 50,000 there tonight..
Changes please AW…
The replay from behind shows it was 100% arm.
I see Wlcott playing poorly again.. Maybe the contract talk has gone into his mind.
Doesn’t sound that good on the TV coverage Ts….
I can’t believe we are not getting freekicks.
Just seen that too Tg….
Theo Theo Theo, you should have had three goals tonight…..
Turg and Rico, i saw the front on angle, and it was nowhere near his arm.
It was all chest, without question.
I did see the rear angle, and yes, it did appear to be arm on that, but it wasn’t.
Wilshere at his best, however, frustrated for another game.. Swansea look quite poor today. Isn’t this their strong side?
Wilshere is the best CAM in that position
Wilshere is an absolute freak.
He is so good, it is scary.
Is Diaby missing Arteta??
Scott – so your word is gospel 😆 😆
Rico, i will say nothing more except look at the front on angle….
Jack wants this victory, if only a few more had his determination…..
Diaby is missing a football brain and fitness!!
Arshavin on….worth a try??
You do make me chuckle Scott……..
Is that why you keep me hanging around Rico 🙂
Does wenger know he hasn’t made any changes
We are doing everything but score.
Yes Scott, just to make me laugh.. 🙂
Emma, his zipper problems threw his concentration off!!
Probably emma.
Just why we need a goal scorer Scott….
We couldn’t score even if this game was fixed for us
One touch on your forehead TW and that was a goal….
This Scottish twat is hurting my brain. We are battering Swansea and he can’t say one thing positive about us.
Total airswing from Theo.
It really was harder to miss that than score.
That was actually shocking from TW
Tg, and mine!!
Rico, agreed.
DM for sure, and yes, though i never hought it was such a problem, a top striker!
We really are a 4-5 goal better side than Swansea.
Theo should have put it in bed by now.. So annoying. He is clearly not ready for CF position. He almost completely misheaded the ball. It’s getting on my nerves now!
I wouldn’t pass to Theo, no matter what he tries, he can’t score…..
And he’s trying….
What do we have to do to score…..
Rico, who knows?
Thats the way to do it…….
Jackie Boy 🙂 🙂 🙂
Jack is our new striker, and Giroud our CAM
GET THE F@CK IN!! At last..
Let’s see if we can keep hold of it.
Seriously it will be a disgrace if Walcott is paid more than Jack..
Time for Johan to come on Rico? 🙂
I Know Jack just got a pay rise…i would double it and give him the captaincy.
The guy is just immense!!
Shit i am late for work.
Bloody injury time!!
Panic at the back again…….
That was cack by Santi….
Job done.
See ya guys.
Great result!!
The best thing Theo did correct the whole evening was gaining that corner.
Wilshere destroyed Britton, chico and whoever was put in front of him
Have a good day Scott…
TW wasn’t quite that bad g’net. he did a few good things, but he made a real hash of a few more simple things…
Wilshere was being wasted as a box-box. CAM is is best position. Like I have always said Cazorla does his thing on the wing
One world JackWilshere
I hope he finds his form Rico, because he had a great spell and he seems to be past it unfortunately. Irrelative. Torres looks very average across Ba. An absolute steal for Chelsea. Night gunners! Cup shoulb our top priority this year!!
He was good emma… very good,…..
Well done afc, the effort was there. Congrats…
Rico send you an email. It’s the match captured in a visual story. Enjoy. Hope it helps out.
Ditto g’nert, he’ll get back once talks are over… one way or another, he needs it sorted, more importantly, so does Arsenal….
Dg – you my friend are my hero, thank you so so much….
I have just viewed that Dg, I take my kind words back 😉
It’s horrid viewing……
Rico I intend to do a few more visual suggestions in the future. Use if see fit.
Awsome isn’t it. Tells the FA Cup evening in a gripping manner. 😛
Hi gdna – yep, best attitude for a while from the boys…..
Read the subscriptions beneath the pics, madam. It will make you smile and feel satisfied with the outcome.
Rico, how did you know Jack was going to score you have his picture all over the blog brilliant 🙂 Just as well he was playing no other bugger was going to score.
I couldn’t quite warm to it Dg…. 😉
It’s the visual Dg 🙁
Hi Sp, he was pretty good wasn’t he….
Breaking News
Pep Guardiola signs for Bayern Munich, 3 year deal worth 10mln per season.
😆 Dg, we broke that news about 3 hours ago….
He went forward like Rosiski does 🙂
Ah, Rosicky, now where is he??
I’m off folks, good result, Brighton up next in this Cup.
Now back to the training ground and think about Chelsea….
Night all.
Sleep well…..
Rico its only a bit of banter. Not a massacre. 🙂
But I am a tender lady Dg 😉 😉 😉
Gone now…..
Night madam. Sleep well.
Diaby absolutely brilliant.Its amazing how he filled into the gaps in midfield allowing JW10 to shine.Sagna a beast.was he born in London?He never stopped…
tsGH – Diaby was the unsong hero. he gives us balance in the midfield. Wish we could have a backup(Capoue/sissoko/diame) to compliment him
Just back from the game. It was minus 3.5 degrees and the smallest crowd I have seen at The Emirates. Average first half after a bright start but the second half showed that the team do have something about them. Diaby was rusty in technique but gave the defence the chance to hold a better shape. Cazorla looked productive from the left and Gibbs was very good. Jack stole the show and was quite brilliant.
We should have won by more really but I hope tonight will give them belief. In the second half Arsenal began to look like a team again and the crowd really responded which was lovely to feel. Credit to them.
Your lucky Adam ,turned back when we couldn’t get out of Norfolk. First home match I have missed for about 7 seasons . Had to watch it on a Russian feed as all the pubs were of course showing the mancs and I won’t have ESPN.
Great to see the Norfolk gene pool at work.
The effort was evident from the first whistle and we dominated the game. The ball just wouldnt go into the net. Diaby brought a visible difference to the midfield. I thought Le Coq represented himself well. he just needs to fine tune his passing. Weplayed with purpose and everyone wanted the ball. Giroud is a great target man and Wilshere gave em hell. I enjoyed watching that.
Potter. Sorry to hear that. Do you travel from Norfolk for every home game? That is commendable. Admirable commitment.
i’d rather see an empty stadium with everyone supporting the team, than a packed stadium with people booing.
Well said Will, but in all fairness, the second half v Citeh and this game has seen a rise in the level of commitment and effort from the team as a whole, so the kads gave the crowd something to cheer about.
Hats off to anyone going to the game in that weather…..
Jack…well he is simply out of this world.
If the refs give him some protection..mothing extra, just what any player is entitled, he will go on to have a long and fantastic career.
He is a Gooner, and i reckon will be a one club player.
I thought i was watching Messi with some his tight area control and dribbling.
Phenomenal performance, and what a finish.
Credit to Giroud.
He had his chances to core, but played well and did manage to set Jack up.
Theo had some horrible moments, but did get himself into plenty of scoring positions, so credit there.
I won’t go through each player, but we really were a 4-5 goal better side on the night, and that is encouraging.
Keep the spirit up lads and we can win the cup.
Morning Wenger Haters. Now that was cold at the Emirates last night, biggest cheer when the Swans female physio came on! That’s more like it Arsenal. Theo didn’t look like a £100k pw player on last night’s performance…
Soo according to we are about to break our transfer record to bring in a player?!?!
you have wonder how Wenger can watch the type of impact Diaby (even a half fit oner) has on the team and can sit on his money the way he does. Truly amazing. Good game all round and the largely second string Swansea (6 changes i think they said) fought hard. The story for us was much of the same, lots of possession no goals. Nothing new there. Hard to believe Walcott could get anywhere near a 100k a week, as the striker he wants to be, he was dreadful again. Jack was very good and one day might well be a world class player for Arsenal if he stays.
hiya Lee, snap on Walcott haha. Rumour is the lazio lad, big name if true. Believe it when i see it.
hats off to the Saints last night as well – fighting effort and a fine result – with Pep now gone whats the Russians next move then?
He is world class Oz 🙂
Morning guys.
Afternoon here.
Agreed that as good as Diaby is, we need someone else for obvious reasons.
Keep him…he can have a massive impact if utilised the right way.
Theo…..what do i keep saying?
He never scores in tight games…never.
He gets goals in clumps when we put plenty past a side.
Still, he was getting nto plenty of scoring positions, so i can be a little lenient.
Imagine being a Chelski fan today hahahaha
Morning Oz, Walcott was woeful in front of goal last night and his control really does let him down. I totally agree re Diaby, when he plays well we play well as a team. So surely AW can see that?!?! If so buy a fit Diaby-eque player…this Capoue seems to tick a lot of boxes
Who at Lazio, Oz?
We are being linked with plenty of big names.
Disregard them, until Arsenal FC announces it else you will be frustrated!
Theo gets goals against lesser teams (if there’s such a thing these days!) or teams down to ten men….
This rumour has some weight to it Scott….
Lazio has financial concerns much like Malaga so who knows – if you wanted a striker why the hell would Wenger not have brought Ba though? He was open about wanting a move to us. Will be surprised if we see a strikers brought in
Scott i think the Chelsea fans might point you to the table mate, what are we, 8 points and goal difference behind their stuttering team?
Oz, Ba’s got dodgey knees and with all his advisors etc the fee would of been loads more than £7m…apparently.
chelsea got him at 9m and 90k where do you buy quality like him for that money? The knee thing is over played, just look at minutes played in the EPL by the lad, makes a mockery of that excuse mate
I suppose a bit like the perma-crock RvP… 😉
Morning all…
My first visit to Emirates this season to watch the first team…
I would have been cheesed off if I had paid for it because for some reason I was expected the seats to be heated… It was freezing… I have lost my voice today…
Its amazing how a positive crowd can lift a supposedly ‘headless and spineless’ team. Again Diaby was super good. His positioning is beyond crazy… He may have appeared to do doing little but he acted as a pivot for our midfielders and attack minded wingbacks to operate around…
Finally AW has listened to his 2nd staunchest supporter and played SC19 on the wing. I have been saying that since August even when most pundits and fans thought he was a world class no.10…
Scott you have to take the 3rd staunchest supporter slot. 😉
Every single player who has played with Diaby from Gnarby to the French national team players say Diaby is the best player both at Arsenal and for the cockerels…
Sagna really impressed me too… For someone allegedly about to leave he never stopped running…
Oz Poo-list the Rugby coach said Ba’s knee’s were an accident waiting to happen just over a year ago..
According to medical science/doctors his knee is fecked but it is rumoured that he went to see the same alternative doctor in Africa Essien went to see.. I am being serious
I thought the crowd were extremely voiciferous last night, even though there were plenty of empty seats!
thanks for the report tsGH – bloody inconsiderate if you ask me… no heating in the seat ffs haha – So the witch Doctor has fixed the stricken, well happens on PS3 games all the time 🙂
i am bias though if i am truthful, i so wanted him instead of Giroud but then i wanted Torres for 4 years so what do i know haha
Morning all…
Chilly night then Lee, worth it though? 😉
So you really did go Ts, I thought you were at the Bridge….
It was very cold Rico, BUT there was a young lady with cosmetically enhanced boobs sitting near us… doesn’t take a lot to please me theses days! 😆
😆 Lee.
Adam will be envious when he reads that. Maybe it was his 3rd wife you are talking about?
Hi Rico… no way was I going to Stamford Bridge on a week night unless it was a CL match when we had been knocked out… I was joking truthfully…
Plus it was free 😉
But when I say they were enhanced…think two footballs! Seriously!!
My word, that’s large!
I was in the Tesco Cafe and the waitress asked if i wanted anything on my burger …. I said a fiver each way ….
Ridiculous is the word, I tried to get photographic evidence but she was with a knuckle dragger that made BFG look small….
I believe you Ts ….
Lee, how was Daves first steps in the snow, I meant to ask you the other day…
😆 re Tesco, someone posted that on F/B earlier…
BFG look small, wouldn’t want to have been sat behind him then.
Morning Rico, Lee and all. Lee, I believe that might have been my second wife. She was an enormously enhanced woman who wore reinforced undergarments. When she left me she moved in with a very tall man from Hungary called Bela The Strangler. As I recall, he was an Arsenal ST as well.
I’m trying to teach him not to eat yellow snow! He really doesn’t like the cold or rain! I know the feeling after last night…
Morning Adam,
How did I know you would breeze in with something similar…. 😆
New Post is now up…..
Sounds like Fido Lee, she doesn’t do rain/cold… She is partial to sniffing yellow snow though 😉
Rico. I know you knew but then you knew that.
I do and I did Adam 🙂