While things are relatively quiet and before the big news were all expecting is announced, I wanted to run this past you to see if this make sense to you all?
I have been thinking quite a lot about our football team and have tried to look at as many angles as I can, hoping to find what will turn us into Champions.
No matter where I look, I keep coming back to the same old question in my mind:
Is Arsene Wenger a genius or has he passed his sell by date with Arsenal?
I can almost hear some of you laugh out loud at that comment as most supporters are giving him just one more year to make it work.
The mood of the fans has definately shifted over the last six years as we have failed to add to our Trophy Cabinet, the last season being the most frustrating having lost out yet again in the last few months of the season.
The youth program that Wenger put into place, is it working?
Without going into all of their activities, has it been a worthwhile system for him to have adopted?
I look at players like Fabregas, Djourou, Wilshere, Ramsey and many more that Wenger has installed and brought them into the first team and in all honesty the players coming through are pretty impressive, so much so I am surprised we are actually in the market for new experienced players.
Most supporters don’t see a good player until his worth is round the twenty million mark, some are calling for four signings, others for more but I have a different view which I will explain later.
My view is that the youth program is working well but it should be producing more players, more often!
Wenger has a knack for finding young talent and bringing them through slowly and in the majority they improve with us, so in my eyes it has worked and I believe it will keep on working.
Our managers job is to find talent, mould them into a winning formula and put titles and trophies in the Arsenal cabinet.
He also needs to know how other teams are getting in our faces, understand how they have found a way to play against us and turn us over and put a stop to it!
He hasn’t and that has freaked us out, to actually realise that this is happening and we have no answer to it , well, no wonder our self-confidence is shot to pieces.
This is a major Wenger failure in my opinion.

Ask most supporters the question, have we got a team that can beat anyone on its day, most would answer yes wouldn’t they?
But, then ask them how many new players we need, and most would say almost half a team, am I right?
So what is wrong that Wenger, what is he struggling to cure?
When you look around at successful teams yes we have to look at Manchester United, a club that is not a million miles better than us, it has to be said.
But why when they sell a player, lets say Ronaldo, they can ask for £80/90 Million? Why when Rooney was holding out from signing his new contract figures of the same amount was being bandied about but when it comes to us, our best players like Cesc and Nasri barely make the £30/40 Million?
Right now we are now getting annoyed with these players because of frustration and many supporters are saying if they want to go let them. I haven’t heard any of them say they want to leave and at that estimated price no way.
Is Torres worth £50 Million, would you say he is a better player than Cesc Robin or Nasri, has he proved he is worth that amount since his move?
Of course not.
Our players are no worse than the others. United we have beaten them, Chelsea, and Barcelona too. We must ask the same prices if buyers come in, if they wont pay they can’t have them, Another mistake by Wenger.
So, we have established that our team is as good as anybody elses but why are we not winning things? What is the problem that Wenger cannot cure right now?
Please don’t tell me we need four or five players because we don’t, what we need is to make what we have into winners and that comes down to the coaching.
The players have the talent, they proved that against Barcelona, they defended as a group and held out very well. Over the two games we played them, we had a win and a loss. They are labelled as the best team in the world but we beat them.
They have great play makers, they play keep ball very well, that’s why every team they play are chasing around but we were leading the tie until the referee gifted them by sending off our main man – regardless, we still held our own and but for Nikki……
Our players are not bad players but because we crumbled at the end of the season and that has to be down to the coaching. When teams like Bolton and Blackburn found a way to beat us, we didn’t do anything about it.
Why? Because we have no defensive coach that’s why!
There is simple cure and why can’t Wenger see it I don’t know, after all, he is the genius, not me!
No coaching drills makes for these mistakes, you will not rectify this without strict disciplined defensive coaching. As a problem comes up it should be corrected immediately coaching is needed constantly, drills practised until you all move like a shoal of fish, a strict strong solid disciplined defence will win you titles make no mistake.
Our forward play stops at the eighteen yard line, then the ball is passed back or sideways until we lose it why, because we have run out of idea’s, coaching instills idea’s confidence and technique, practice makes these moves silky smooth, and ultimately gives results.
Same can be said about our attacking free kicks, every one we take is identical to the last and nearly always the same result, in the stand! Either that of we just pass it to a player five yards away and gain nothing…
It’s a plain fact that Champion Boxers do not win titles on talent alone, coaching shows them how to win. Even in horse racing, the horses need coaching maybe slightly different but it’s up to the coach to prepare the horse so it can win. Cricketers, tennis players in fact every sportsman or woman needs a great coach to cure their vulnerabilities and help them become winners.
A good manager, even a genius cannot do everything and Wenger needs to understand this. Everybody learns something new every day and untill Wenger takes heed we will struggle.
Buying new players may be a quick fix but without the much-needed coaching, we will continue in the same old way – the sideways passing, the over passing and the lack of shooting on sight. We will no doubt also continue to give away silly goals from set pieces and the like….
Arsene Wenger wants to do it all but a true genius would know that you need others to help out with new ideas and different approaches to the game, maybe then we will start to overcome our current frailties and finally become winners again…
Newcastle is our first fixture next season, followed by Liverpool at home then the Mancs at Old Trafford – August could be the month to show we have rectified all that has been wrong and get off to a great start in the league….
Written by Steve Palmer
Morning All
Great read Steve, I don’t agree re needing experience, I don’t see it a a quick fix, for me 3/4 experienced players are essential – let the youth learn from these players experience and not rush their progress.. They will get there if/when they are ready.
Definately agree re Wenger, he needs help, and has done for a while now. He burst into the PL with his tactics and changed the way football is being played but sides have worked out how to play and beat us.
Now we need to change our ways, not much, just a bit – stop all the ponchy passing, move the ball forward and not sideways, the latter gives the oppo the chance to get back and snuff us out….
I have to say, we need experience. When Vieira was brought through, he had the back 4 to back him up and advise him. Now when a kid comes through, they have a 23 year old.
Also, as you said, teams get in our faces and I believe they do that because we are so young and easily bullied. Add a bit of experienced steel in there and bang, that “in their faces” football stops.
I would also like to say on a side note, Ii see FA Utd get their usual first game bye.
Side note from me too re the fixtures, the mancs always start slow, good time to go to OT, better than after Christmas…
You could be right Rico.
We could still be top of the league come the end of August Will 😉
I hope so and who knows, we could have a team full of superstars by then…
The reason that kids like Ramsey, Oxlade-Chamberlain and Hazard are talking about going to work under Wenger is because of his reputation as a coach rather than as a manager. He does know how to develop players, and his brand of football is highly regarded and is down to coaching.
Perhaps you should be reversing your heading: great coach, bad manager?
Personally I think you’ll end up with: great manager, great coach. It’s my opinion of course.
great post steve,
morning everyone,
we have got a tough start dont we?
Hi Savage,
I think the young ones want to join as they know wenger plays the young players, the french, because wenger is french.. 😉
morning arsena fan, tough start but we have to play them all sometime…
AF, we seems to always get a tough start.
I don’t mind a tough start, except between those games we have the CL qualifiers, now coming 4th will test us…
Does anyone think that teh FA really hate us?
Morning all,
I see that as a great start, i would also have liked City and Chelsea in a line.
I have explained what i would like to see our club do, and i have no doubts Wenger will not do it, having said that he will buy and while the momentum is with us i would like to get the first game with al these over as soon as possible. Draws should be avoided wins must be our aim, we need a big big lead going into the second half of the season, and losses are a no no.
Wenger is no better than many other managers at developing young players -otherwise all of this older top talent(* and too pricey for Arsene) wouldn’t be playing everywhere in the game. What wenger has done is to make the development of young players his priority,and refused to buy older experienced ones in case they ‘stand in the way ‘ of ones like Denilson and co. He didn’t find Fabregas he was a Barcelona academy player and would have become a top star there … or anywhere. I think myself that Wenger plays these young players too much too soon,I don’t why Wenger has signed this kid from Southampton either,after all Arsene has still not managed to coach Walcott into realizing his potential yet .
Tactically Wenger has always been suspect,he had great players and goal keepers though in the past who could overcome this, he has not got them now and more ex-French league players will probably be signed and we will finish outside of the top 4 next season if Liverpool under Dalglish get their act together. Realistically I can’t see United ,Chelsea and City failing to get into the top 4, only a blind member of the AKB could fail to see the decline that has set in under Wenger’s policies,and there is no sign of anything changing with him.
The fixtures are done by a computer 😉
Hi Steve
I see where you are coming from, get the best and beat them early, also the TW will still be open he need s more new signings…
Savage , young players come to Wenger because he runs a finishing school . He takes promising youngsters and plays them en bloc. When they have reached their potential they run out their contracts and go to another team which is more balanced in the attempt to win the titles they did not with us. We are experiencing what used to be the case at Ajax , until we add to the style by bringing in a different attitude to the basics of the game we will continue to beat teams that put the ball down and play and get bullied by the ones that take the physical route.
Rico, computers are programmed by people.
Good one mate! How about bringing in Viera into backroom staff to fill the defensive void.
^Very good point Will!
Also this was a good read, nice post.
We just need three players who can drag teh team through tough games.
hi jeff
i kind of agree with you there but like i suggested earlier, his tactics when he firsrt arrived were spo to and shook the PL, the others have worked out how to play us, Wenger seems to lack a plan b….
The new players he buys will hopefully change that, although i dont hold my breath…
Will, they only switch them on, but comment though was tongue in cheek… 😉
Hi shazhell, i’d rather Keown…
morning potter
I heard Viera had a medical with us yesterday has anybody else heard that
I still think the basics of how we play will win games, as I have said, we just need 3 players who can graft and get into the trenches when the battle starts.
I would love to see, after our players have been kicked around while the ref watches, one of our players to kick their’s into the air and when the ref calls him over (because we all know we are not held to the same standard as others) points to all the players that have kicked ours and ask, what about them ref.
Stop idiots…useless talks…..Arsenal wouldnt be a great team like today without Wenger. He is our backbone…..Stop criticizing wenger….
Morning Rico, Why not bring them both in , create a kind of boot room atmosphere , surround the kids with winners with character that they have to look up to. We have all heard reports of young players walking away from ex playing winners and ignoring their advice. Wenger is too close to his prodigies. Time to change tack and get Wenger doing what he does best , coaching winning teams and let the wet nursing be done by someone else.
Morning Will,
I see your point Will, it does seem at times the odds are stacked against us, but with have to handle those situations and overcome them. officials do favour certain teams or that’s how i perceive it but something that is hard to prove. The only way to combat situations like this is a strong disciplined squad that can take situations like this in their stride, We have taken to do the same as the others and race to the officials, we should be above that expect nothing from the officials and be a well organised team. The first thing we need to do when the whistle is blown against us is to reorganise as fast as possible and always be ready when the kick takes place. We should expect biassed decisions and be more wary inside the box,if you are always aware less chance of bad decisions, very seldom will an official change his mind.
Good points Potter blinding idea’s
A few good stories before they go out
I hope the Paddy medical rumour is not true…..
Shiv – thanks for your comment, we don’t all love the man and he does’t always get everything right you know …
potter, good idea re getting both…
I can remember some of my playing days when someone had played against the same centre half that i was up against and he said how he was flattened time and time again and the bloke was an animal, i was determined that wasn’t going to happen to me and had the game of my life the centre half came up to me after the game and said well done mate but i’ll have you next time we always had battles but on the whole that story gave me what i needed to have it over him on most occasions
Vieira back as a player would be a mistake , as a trainee coach however he could be invaluable.
If the story is true, he may just be getting life insurance
Good one Steve… few stories like that for our lot for when we face Stoke….
potter, agree, Paddy’s playing days a long gone but, Coq, Pingpong and Song could learn a lot from him, in fact everyone could….
we have released randall,cruise and deacon……
AF, they did that a few weeks ago now 😉
A truly dreadfull article I struggled to find a line that was either accurate or factually correct ,the very fact that it has been praised by so many just shows how easy it is to brainwash some people.
I totally lost it, after the statement ‘other clubs get £80Mill for Ronaldo’,while our best players like Cesc and Nasri and RvP barely make the £30/40 Million?
Last time I looked they were all still Arsenal players and until they are sold no one knows how much they will make!!!
Perhaps inserting a little truth into the fiction may make some articles more enlightening.
Hi Philbet,
Are you happy then watching us pass pass pass pass with no end result, happy to see all our free kicks land in row z and happy to concede sill goals after shocking defending?
You happy watching try and score the perfect goal when a shot on sight may actually get the end result?
If so, then good for you….. Most of us aren’t….
Cesc is our best player, a wonderful player yet he’s valued at 35M by Barca, i think the author is asking why, when other players are valued higher??
Opinions are opinions, we all have them, as do you….
Oh, and why not try writing an artiucle yourself and sending it it for debate??
Philbet, thanks for your comments, that’s what were here for to discuss what we think is best for our club, by your comments you seem to be dissatisfied by what you have read, you obviously don’t think a lot of mine so i would be interested in knowing some of yours, were not here to argue with you, just to debate and try and understand how we can get The Arsenal back where we consider it should be. Are you happy with how things are or have you ides’s that the rest of us hav’nt thought of, please let us in i am open to most idea’s and if i agree with you, would welcome the input.
Village looking? 😉
Hi Lee 😆
Steve – i think you raise a good point about player valuation…
Cecs is meant to be one of the hottest properties in football yet how come Barca say they wouldn’t pay anymore than €35 million for him..
Doesn’t make sense to me….
The Catalans are still sore about him leaving them. They feel that they should not have to pay top dollar for a player that they believe they developed. As we take more players from La Masia the problem will come again should they develop they way that Cesc has.
That’s just hard luck for Barca potter 😉
If they want him, they should pay the right price….
I wonder at times if all this talk about Cesc is manufactured by both clubs, Wenger could if he wanted squash all transfer talk from Barca if he wanted, just by complaining to the powers at be, he doesn’t bother, so i can only assume that while talk is about Cesc it deflects some of the interests we have elsewhere. at the end of the day Cesc is not for sale he is in contract, Cesc has not asked for a move and Arsene has commented that he wants his Captain to stay. This season has seen some very high fees being paid out, and had Fabregas been on the market and he was wanted by other clubs then the usual value could then be discussed, Cesc Fabregas is considered one of the best in the world so his value would of course be frightening.
good mornin all!
Interesting article
He never does anything like that Steve, how many players of ours have faced stuff like this every summer – wenger just says about their contracts etc etc and thats it….
If I was him I would tell all that if any club wants Cesc, they must offer 70 Million or more…. 🙂
Hi JM, any news where you are??
Shopping for me, i’ll see if i can get us a defender 😉
Back in a bit….
Back from the gym.
Steve, wouldn’t you just once want to see one of our who is being booked, point at the opposition and say “what about that tackle and that one and that one and that one, why were they not booked”?
Start pointing out Dowd’s mistakes and apart from taking all afternoon it would guarantee a red card next time you drew breath.
But Potter, it would make the press have to talk about it. We are too old school and stiff upper lip. We need to start promoting these disgraceful decisions that we continually have to deal with.
Great post SP – right on the money! – not sure if I’ll have time to read the comments but if we spent more time learning how to take corners & free kicks, shoot & as you’ve said defend as a unit we could have won at a canter. The pass, pass, pass method might be good for ball control & quick thinking but the players lose power, confidence (in shooting) & by not preparing for their opponents often lose matches as a result!
Thanks for your comments Pat 7,
Everybody seems to be calling for new players, and they are probably right, but players like Denilson Diaby Eboe, and a few others have in the past played some pretty good stuff but now not so good, they are still young men and i don’t understand how they have gone down hill , i put it down to the coaching but perhaps they have just lost it, but if it is down to coaching what will happen to our new recruits.
It is down to having to many inexperienced players in one team.
Hello Rico
Yesterday I gave the news of Denilson and Schacktar
Arsenal is finalizing the hiring of Gervinho, advanced Lille who will sign a contract valid for four seasons with the London club.
According to the Daily Mirror, the operation should be closed in the next 48 hours, with the gunners to shell out 12 million euros for the Ivorian international
I still think though Steve that it’s fair to say that those players you have listed and a few others despite being individually good players,have in racing parlance not trained on. That’s the problem with youngsters : they all start at a level , some improve and others don’t , you can’t expect them all to make it and if you put your trust in the fact that they will. You will eventually be disappointed.
According to a BOsnian news site I just read, we should announce the signing of gervinho today..
CORRECTION!!!!! Great manager, Great coach. Big the Arsenal – best team in the premiership.
We signed Gervinho???
Will, you could be right, maybe our signings will eventually tell us the answer. Potter, at the moment i am inclined to agree.
Its started rico, I bet your smiling.
What has started Steve?
Newcastle have bagged themselves a really good player in Ba, good replacement for Carroll….
I am getting fed up with SSN constantly saying we blew the lead against Newcastle. We were robbed and had a player sent off for being continually kicked.
God I wish I owned Arsenal, I would be at Soho house every freaking Monday.
You must not let those SS idiots wind you up so much, the best thing AFC can do is shut them up by winning…
You know they hate us, they always will, regardless – but just wait until our kids start being the heart of heart of the England side….
You know what, if all the u-21’s make the top team we could have:
And I am sure I have forgotten a couple/.
Hate to say this Will but I don’t think Gibbs will make it, I think his body is too fragile….
Also, I have a horrid feeling Lansbury is going to be sold….
I truly hope I am wrong about both players…
I think Gibbs will have a growth spurt and I am not sure Lansbury will be sold by the way Wenger talks about him but, he does have a lot of talent in front of him.
Saw a lot of Lansbury last season at Norwich , he has got everything he needs to go on. I really hope we give him some of the time afforded to Denilson . I am sure that his enthusiasm alone will carry him further than the hapless Brazillian.
From young guns
Emmanuel Frimpong admits his future at Arsenal ‘won’t look good’ if he isn’t part of Arsenal’s first-team squad this summer. The Ghanian also confirmed interest from both Cardiff City and Charlton Athletic over a loan move.
Frimpong will return to pre-season training next month, almost a year after suffering cruciate knee ligament damage which forced him to miss the majority of the campaign. However, after a handful of matches with the Reserves and an intensive summer gym schedule, the 19-year-old is approaching peak fitness.
However, it’s not yet clear whether Arsène Wenger will include Emmanuel in his squad during the summer, and the powerful midfielder is already thinking about options elsewhere.
“It was a difficult season for me with the injury and the comeback, but I think I will need to look elsewhere if the current situation continues. There have been talks about Cardiff and Charlton Athletic, but I know I can be a regular for Arsenal if I stay clear of injury.”
“If Mr Wenger comes to me this pre-season and says ‘Emmanuel I want to give you another opportunity’ then I have to show him I can do what I did this season, but if he doesn’t, then obviously my time at Arsenal doesn’t look good.”
His push for inclusion is aided by Francis Coquelin’s international commitments, which will see him miss pre-season due to the Under 20 World Cup.
It remains to be seen whether Frimpong will get another first-team chance, but having missed almost a year out of the game, a loan spell in the Championship looks a solid option.
I would be gutted if Lansbury goes and that takes us back to what Steve is saying in the post – I think everyone will agree we need at least one big strong defender, two really but that is because we are lacking in that department, but, surely Lansbury is the ideal man to take Denilsons place. He is older and wiser than both Coq and Frimpong….
In fact, I think Lansbury could one day soon be better than Song is now…..
Well there you go Will, Steve’s post is spot on…
If we buy in midfield, we lose one potentially great player….
potter, totally agree, he is the nearest to Ray Parlour we will ever see again…..
Lansbury has better control , more accurate passing , short and long and has a better engine than Song . What he lacks is experience and sometimes goes too far away from where he should be. Interesting to note however that when he is on the pitch for the U21’s England’s possession football improves and the forwards appear to be more comfortable making runs off the ball.
I really hope that he comes through as his attitude at Norwich was really appreciated by the locals that were extremely sceptical following their experience with David Bentley.
I agree with you, if the DD’s get their chance, the kids coming through deserve the same.
potter – spoton on….
And Lansbury will go to the end and i doubt we would see lazy fouls giving free kicks in dangerours areas….
and thats from a Song fan, me 😉
I think we could have an all British midfield soon.
Depending on who goes , it might be quicker than you think.
I want to keep both Cesc and Nasri but imagine having the likes of Lansbury on the bench rather than Denilson. Someone who can actually change the game.
Will, I agree with potter – if they all go, we are left with Jack as our Brit….
I like the idea of a stronger bench, but back to the post i hope that the coaching they get allows them to blend in well
See Steve, that is where i think you are spot on – we need to address what is going wrong and unless Wenger is prepared to listen or change, things will not improve….
I dont know how tall Lansbury and Frimpong are but i would like to see tall guys behind Cesc and Nas people that when they jump actually try and head it instead of trying to put the attackers off
The one thing i don’t want to see this year is what i saw a lot last year with Denny and Eastmond Rosiski and Arshaven Diaby frightened to tackle pulling out of tackles slow tracking back and many more things than i dont like to think of. when i think of some of those things i could quite easily sack them all
They are both 6 foot tall but Frimpong is much heavier built, Lansbury is more lean and athletic ,
I agree with you about the lazy tracking back Steve.
Good chat today lads. I am off out now so maybe see you tomorrow.
Thats what killed our season off in my opinion Will, lazy defending and often the same up front. Jacks inclusion was a big plus for me, commitment in the tackle and his awareness at all times but his forward bursts and shooting need a lot of work. Thanks Potter the right height with the same commitment and no giving up could be just up my street. I would put Theo up front and would tell him i dont want him back past the half way line, i can see a lot of goals coming from him used right
That up and under ball that killed us last season could be just what Theo could use
We must use that pace and finishing skill before he losses it
Lazy defending, over confidence, lazy attitude, lethargic display but too many and a defence that was all over the place…
And, for me, imho a goal keeper who everyone expected too much of…
Only 3 players in my opinion threw all they had into every game in the last month or two, and that was Sagna, Robin and Jack…..
I would tell Theo, shoulder of the last man son and look for the through ball.
Will, you might like tomorrows post then… 😉 😉
Me and you Will, have got a lot of the same idea’s
Rico bang on there, i said when Czezsney came in he wasn’t ready and i still think he’s a blinding No2 but i would like to see a really good No 1
I would have tried to lure Van D Sar for a hands on roll for a season i would see that as money well spent all Czez needs is another season in my opinion
Steve, I thought Chesney was the answer to all our problems but then someone made me open my eyes – I think he will be a great keeper one day but it’s all too soon for him
We need an old boy that has two season left in at the the top, let him work with Ches, let Ches be the CC and FA Cup keeper and don’t rush him..
He makes errors, errors that had they been made by Fabianski or Almunia, would have been slated big time…
I think that is why Wenger wanted Mark Schwarzer – to do just what you suggest that EvDS could do…
The worst mistake we made was taking back Leyman, he played one game and floored two players then low and behold the next game Czez plays did exactly the same.
Granted bad defending heaped pressure on Czez but that told us he wasn’t ready
I’m with you on that Steve, big heap of emotion that signing was…
You reckon Fabianski might start as No1 again if his injury recovers properly?
Paddy wants to get his badges, so does Jens…
Would you want them back or Keown and Spunky??
I don’t think Wenger will buy a keeper, so i think he will try both keepers out on tour and he’s No1 will be sorted out from that if of course Fab is fit by then, personally what i had seen of Fab in his spell this season he wasn’t that bad.The coaching, no to Jens Paddy will need time, keown yes
I also thought Fab had improved so much, all he needs in front of him is a big defender to get to the crosses that he fluffs…
I’d love Buffon but, no way will Wenger get any keeper…
Unless fab is finished through injury
I’m off for a cuppa and then nighty nights..
Catch you all tomorrow…
Nighty Night….
I thought the same about Theo but his shoulder seems ok now, Fab showed the enthusiasm i like to see, he has slowed up when he gets the ball now he had started to take his time before he releases the ball, he still needs a lot of work on crosses and when he should come and when he should leave, but definitely a better package from the season before, i would like him a bit taller but you can’t have everything
Thanks again for today Steve…….
Me too rico giving the vodka a hiding but nighty night
Your welcome
But for a keeper Steve it’s not s easy…
The pre- season will tell all about the keeper situation i guess.. neither are what a club like ours deserve, Ches will be i am sure but right now we need a keeper that will win us games…
we don’t have that 🙁
Good on you, I just has a little tipple too…
Night Steve 😉
New Post up…
if arsenal wants a premier league trophy next season,they should manhandle every team whether newly promoted or not, you cant beat man united and loose to Bolton wanderers that makes no sense